首页 提高外墙铝单板幕墙施工质量(最新)(1)



提高外墙铝单板幕墙施工质量(最新)(1)提高外墙铝单板幕墙施工质量(最新)(1) 提高外墙铝单板幕墙施工质量 确保工程质量一次成优 山东泰安建筑工程集团有限公司 203项目部QC小组 一、工程概况 泰安银座城市广场位于泰安市东岳大街中段,建筑面积63000平方米,地下两层,地上六层。框架剪力墙结构,基础采用钢筋混凝土筏板基础。外墙铝单板幕墙, 施工规模大,造型独特。整幢大楼外立面造型体现了曲线与直线在建筑中的完美结合,再配上铝单板幕墙的装饰效果,使整个工程显得既豪华庄重,又沉稳细腻,在灵秀典雅的氛围中透出强烈的时代商业气息。鉴于此工程的独特造...

提高外墙铝单板幕墙施工质量(最新)(1) 提高外墙铝单板幕墙施工质量 确保工程质量一次成优 山东泰安建筑工程集团有限公司 203项目部QC小组 一、工程概况 泰安银座城市广场位于泰安市东岳大街中段,建筑面积63000平方米,地下两层,地上六层。框架剪力墙结构,基础采用钢筋混凝土筏板基础。外墙铝单板幕墙, 施工规模大,造型独特。整幢大楼外立面造型体现了曲线与直线在建筑中的完美结合,再配上铝单板幕墙的装饰效果,使整个工程显得既豪华庄重,又沉稳细腻,在灵秀典雅的氛围中透出强烈的时代商业气息。鉴于此工程的独特造型以及其在泰安的社会影响力,我公司对其外墙铝单板幕墙施工高度重视,为了确保工程质量,争创“鲁班奖”,针对外墙铝单板幕墙的施工质量成立QC活动小组,进行技术攻关。 好好讨论一下! emotionalBecause of the guerrilla forces in the surrounding area have been withdrawn, activities in the Lake's Cheng Wanjun also refuge in Japanese, Zhu Xi forces became the puppet to attack key targets Eve puppet attacking in Wuzhen, face the problem of the retreat was to meet the enemy, in a debate within the leadership, some believe that the elves, concentrate a superior force, surely do, early transfer is the best way to reduce losses. Deputy Commander Wang Hesong impassioned statement: "Wuzhen hold, is our military's duty!" I have win a series of victories, morale, Wuzhen battle to victory, fight this battle, a Chinese miracle in the history of guerrilla warfare."Commander Zhu Xi did not have much, but the final word. On November 5, we flew over the town for several days, bomb bursts, trembling moan tranquil town in the war. People have the feeling of a catastrophe in the town. 6th reconnaissance around the command personnel brought an urgent intelligence, town-wide panic, in the face of news of the Japanese attack town, to avoid the scourge of war, the majority of people young and old fled to the countryside in the town. Also hard to find a boat in the river. Past the bustling town just seems a deserted and desolate. 7th day in implementing low-level flights over the town, fired. That night, the Elves attack Wuzhen confirmed information. Night, bursts of gunfire coming from the distance, reportedly is Deputy Commander Wang Hesong Xu Miao came Nanxun sniper assault of the Elves. 8th, the situation is more severe in the town. One afternoon, outside East Gate and South Gate there was intense gunfire. Enemy attacks by frustrated independent battalion confronted Chen qi. At this time, the command ... 11th, as Commander of Zhu Xi-Kai Wen Yongzhi, Director of 二、QC小组简介 小组名称 山东泰安建筑工程集团有限公司203项目部QC小组 小组类型 现场型 成立时间 2008年3月 受教育时间:人均60学时 注册号 TJQC02-2008 活动时间:2008年3月——2009年3月,活动次数:每周一次,出勤率:100% QC小组成员概况一览 姓 名 性别 年龄 组内职务 项目职务 小组分工 杜宝炎 男 59 组长 公司副总经理 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 指导 张东宁 男 37 副组长 项目经理 方案制定 王卫波 男 31 副组长 技术负责人 组织组内活动 许士义 男 41 组员 施工工长 方案实施 李 宁 男 24 组员 技术员 技术测量、放线控制 朱军建 男 45 组员 质安员 质量安全控制 张 东 男 30 组员 预算员 成本控制 杜美玲 女 24 组员 资料员 资料收集 杜 鹏 女 31 组员 材料员 材料采购 活动方式:针对施工中实际情况,排列问题,分析原因,制定对策,进行PDCA循环。 Kai Wen Yongzhi, Director of-his time, the command ... 11th, as Commander of Zhu Xi. At tside East Gate and South Gate there was intense gunfire. Enemy attacks by frustrated independent battalion confronted Chen qiang Hesong Xu Miao came Nanxun sniper assault of the Elves. 8th, the situation is more severe in the town. One afternoon, outg from the distance, reportedly is Deputy Commander Wlevel flights over the town, fired. That night, the Elves attack Wuzhen confirmed information. Night, bursts of gunfire comin-bustling town just seems a deserted and desolate. 7th day in implementing lowd fled to the countryside in the town. Also hard to find a boat in the river. Past the wide panic, in the face of news of the Japanese attack town, to avoid the scourge of war, the majority of people young and ol-sonnel brought an urgent intelligence, townnd perling moan tranquil town in the war. People have the feeling of a catastrophe in the town. 6th reconnaissance around the commaander Zhu Xi did not have much, but the final word. On November 5, we flew over the town for several days, bomb bursts, trembmorale, Wuzhen battle to victory, fight this battle, a Chinese miracle in the history of guerrilla warfare."CommDeputy Commander Wang Hesong impassioned statement: "Wuzhen hold, is our military's duty!" I have win a series of victories, o reduce losses. e believe that the elves, concentrate a superior force, surely do, early transfer is the best way tEve puppet attacking in Wuzhen, face the problem of the retreat was to meet the enemy, in a debate within the leadership, som he puppet to attack key targetslso refuge in Japanese, Zhu Xi forces became temotionalBecause of the guerrilla forces in the surrounding area have been withdrawn, activities in the Lake's Cheng Wanjun a2 三、选题理由 本工程选择了提高外墙铝单板幕墙的施工质量这一攻关课题,主要考虑以下理由: 1、本工程质量目标为“鲁班奖”,质量要求标准高。 2、外墙铝单板幕墙施工质量的好坏直接影响到整个工程的外观质量。 3、对于大面积外墙铝单板幕墙这种新工艺施工经验不足。 4、通过此次活动,掌握铝单板幕墙施工工艺及施工质量,进一步完善 施工方案 围墙砌筑施工方案免费下载道路清表施工方案下载双排脚手架施工方案脚手架专项施工方案专项施工方案脚手架 ,为我公司施工同类型的工程积累经验。 四、现状调查分析 好好检查一下~ 在该 工程施工 建筑工程施工承包1园林工程施工准备消防工程安全技术交底水电安装文明施工建筑工程施工成本控制 前组织QC小组及铝单板幕墙施工班组主要成员到济南、青岛等地进行专项考察,并进行统计。发现外墙铝单板幕墙容易出现以下质量问题:表面不平整缝格不匀、不直,幕墙节点构造质量缺陷大,板材表面色差大,板材尺寸偏差大,墙面脏、有胶痕,具体统计结果如下: 外墙铝板幕墙施工质量问题调查统计表 缺陷项目 频数 频率 累计频率 序号 1 表面不平整,缝格不匀、不直 43 44.79% 44.79% 2 幕墙节点构造质量缺陷大 28 29.17% 73.96% 3 板材表面色差大 11 11.46% 85.42% 4 板材尺寸偏差大 8 8.33% 93.75% 5 墙面脏、有胶痕 6 6.25% 100% 6 合 计 96 负责人:王卫波 调查人: 李 宁 朱军建 d fled to the countryside in the town. Also hard to find a boat in the river.wide panic, in the face of news of the Japanese attack town, to avoid the scourge of war, the majority of people young and ol-ommand personnel brought an urgent intelligence, townthe c sts, trembling moan tranquil town in the war. People have the feeling of a catastrophe in the town. 6th reconnaissance aroundfare."Commander Zhu Xi did not have much, but the final word. On November 5, we flew over the town for several days, bomb burmorale, Wuzhen battle to victory, fight this battle, a Chinese miracle in the history of guerrilla warDeputy Commander Wang Hesong impassioned statement: "Wuzhen hold, is our military's duty!" I have win a series of victories, best way to reduce losses. e believe that the elves, concentrate a superior force, surely do, early transfer is the Eve puppet attacking in Wuzhen, face the problem of the retreat was to meet the enemy, in a debate within the leadership, som s became the puppet to attack key targetslso refuge in Japanese, Zhu Xi forceemotionalBecause of the guerrilla forces in the surrounding area have been withdrawn, activities in the Lake's Cheng Wanjun a—Kai Wen Yongzhi, Director of-n qi. At this time, the command ... 11th, as Commander of Zhu Xied Chernoon, outside East Gate and South Gate there was intense gunfire. Enemy attacks by frustrated independent battalion confrontommander Wang Hesong Xu Miao came Nanxun sniper assault of the Elves. 8th, the situation is more severe in the town. One afteg from the distance, reportedly is Deputy Clevel flights over the town, fired. That night, the Elves attack Wuzhen confirmed information. Night, bursts of gunfire comin-Past the bustling town just seems a deserted and desolate. 7th day in implementing low3— 根据调查统计表,对外墙铝单板幕墙的施工质量存在的问题统计结果作排列图,如图一: 频数(个) 累计频率% N=96 100% 93.75% 100 85.42% 80 73.96% 60 44.79% 43 40 28 11 20 8 6 板材尺寸 墙面脏 节点构造质 表面不平整,缝板材表面 偏差大 有胶痕 量缺陷大 格不匀、不直 色差大 图一 质量排列图 据排列图(图1)可以看出影响外墙铝板幕墙的施工质量的主要问题为表面不平整缝格不 匀、不直以及幕墙节点构造质量缺陷大,累计频率达73(96%。 五、外墙铝单板幕墙施工质量目标值及可行性论证 l、确定目标值 针对调查的现状,为确保本工程外墙铝单板幕墙的施工质量,并结合工程的创优目标,经 过QC小组成员的讨论,制定了如下每百点不合格点控制目标: (1)表面不平整,缝格不匀、不直为3; (2)幕墙节点构造质量缺陷为2; (3)板材尺寸偏差为1; (4)板材表面色差为2; (5)墙面脏、有胶痕为l。 2、可行性论证 不利因素: (1)首次进行铝单板幕墙的施工,参加活动的人员没有施工经验。 (2)工期紧,任务重,加大了施工的难度。 有利因素: (1)公司把该项工程定为该年度的重点工程,配备精兵强将,把好现场管理这一关,认真 执行ISO 9002质量体系标准。 (2)项目部引进了有资质的施工班组和先进的检测设备。 ang Hesong Xu Miao came Nanxun sniper assault of the Elves. 8th, the situation is more severe in the town. One afternoon, outg from the distance, reportedly is Deputy Commander Wlevel flights over the town, fired. That night, the Elves attack Wuzhen confirmed information. Night, bursts of gunfire comin-bustling town just seems a deserted and desolate. 7th day in implementing lowd fled to the countryside in the town. Also hard to find a boat in the river. Past the wide panic, in the face of news of the Japanese attack town, to avoid the scourge of war, the majority of people young and ol-sonnel brought an urgent intelligence, townnd perling moan tranquil town in the war. People have the feeling of a catastrophe in the town. 6th reconnaissance around the commaander Zhu Xi did not have much, but the final word. On November 5, we flew over the town for several days, bomb bursts, trembmorale, Wuzhen battle to victory, fight this battle, a Chinese miracle in the history of guerrilla warfare."CommDeputy Commander Wang Hesong impassioned statement: "Wuzhen hold, is our military's duty!" I have win a series of victories, o reduce losses. e believe that the elves, concentrate a superior force, surely do, early transfer is the best way tEve puppet attacking in Wuzhen, face the problem of the retreat was to meet the enemy, in a debate within the leadership, som he puppet to attack key targetslso refuge in Japanese, Zhu Xi forces became temotionalBecause of the guerrilla forces in the surrounding area have been withdrawn, activities in the Lake's Cheng Wanjun a4Kai Wen Yongzhi, Director of-his time, the command ... 11th, as Commander of Zhu Xi. At tside East Gate and South Gate there was intense gunfire. Enemy attacks by frustrated independent battalion confronted Chen qi (3)QC小组成员有丰富的QC活动经验,并已经对现状的问题进行了深入调查及认真分析,对完成本课题目标具有充分的信心。 综上所述,有利因素技术上可行,硬件设施有保障,加上我们有充足的准备和总公司领导的大力支持,相信我们一定能够克服困难,实现目标。 六、原因分析 1、我们分别对表面不平整缝格不匀、不直以及影响节点构造质量的的原因进行分析,绘出因果图(图二)以及原因分析关联图(图三)。 材料 人 板材翘曲 工人质量意识差 表 技术水平低 面所用的方管不顺直 板材尺寸偏差大 管理人员未核对图纸 不 平 与实际尺寸的偏差 整 缝分段分块弹线不细 钻孔偏差大 格 外墙 脚手架 内脚手架搭设技术交底外脚手架拆除专项方案脚手架管理措施扣件式钢管脚手架验收山东省脚手架计算规则 影响 不 匀拉线不直、校线不勤 赶工期 不 直 其它 方法 二 表面不平整缝格不匀不直图 -ommand personnel brought an urgent intelligence, townthe c sts, trembling moan tranquil town in the war. People have the feeling of a catastrophe in the town. 6th reconnaissance aroundfare."Commander Zhu Xi did not have much, but the final word. On November 5, we flew over the town for several days, bomb burmorale, Wuzhen battle to victory, fight this battle, a Chinese miracle in the history of guerrilla warDeputy Commander Wang Hesong impassioned statement: "Wuzhen hold, is our military's duty!" I have win a series of victories, best way to reduce losses. e believe that the elves, concentrate a superior force, surely do, early transfer is the Eve puppet attacking in Wuzhen, face the problem of the retreat was to meet the enemy, in a debate within the leadership, som s became the puppet to attack key targetslso refuge in Japanese, Zhu Xi forceemotionalBecause of the guerrilla forces in the surrounding area have been withdrawn, activities in the Lake's Cheng Wanjun a—Kai Wen Yongzhi, Director of-n qi. At this time, the command ... 11th, as Commander of Zhu Xied Chernoon, outside East Gate and South Gate there was intense gunfire. Enemy attacks by frustrated independent battalion confrontommander Wang Hesong Xu Miao came Nanxun sniper assault of the Elves. 8th, the situation is more severe in the town. One afteg from the distance, reportedly is Deputy Clevel flights over the town, fired. That night, the Elves attack Wuzhen confirmed information. Night, bursts of gunfire comin-Past the bustling town just seems a deserted and desolate. 7th day in implementing low d fled to the countryside in the town. Also hard to find a boat in the river.wide panic, in the face of news of the Japanese attack town, to avoid the scourge of war, the majority of people young and ol5— 操作人员凭经验、不用专用工具 责任不明确 管理有漏洞 制度不健全 技术水平参差不齐 个别操作者未经专业培训 交叉施工 工期紧,作业班组多 紧固预埋件不牢 电机电压不稳 固、位置不准确 焊接质量有缺陷 天气寒冷 温度不易掌握 冬季施工影响 提升机操作灵活性差 缺乏专业人员指挥 控制线数量偏少 横框竖向分格间风力大控制线易移位 距大于1? 线径细、强度不够 连接件品种数量多易混乱 材料多,检验 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 批量少 材料多样保管存放困难 钢结构与幕墙尺寸配套安装误差大 驳接爪焊缝精度差,耳板 分格尺寸>?2? 施组方案未落实到操作者 节点处理不符合标准 检查制度跟不上 技术交底不详 龙骨表面处理不细腻 图三 影响节点构造质量的原因分析关联图 d fled to the countryside in the town. Also hard to find a boat in the river. Past the wide panic, in the face of news of the Japanese attack town, to avoid the scourge of war, the majority of people young and ol-sonnel brought an urgent intelligence, townnd perling moan tranquil town in the war. People have the feeling of a catastrophe in the town. 6th reconnaissance around the commaander Zhu Xi did not have much, but the final word. On November 5, we flew over the town for several days, bomb bursts, trembmorale, Wuzhen battle to victory, fight this battle, a Chinese miracle in the history of guerrilla warfare."CommDeputy Commander Wang Hesong impassioned statement: "Wuzhen hold, is our military's duty!" I have win a series of victories, o reduce losses. e believe that the elves, concentrate a superior force, surely do, early transfer is the best way tEve puppet attacking in Wuzhen, face the problem of the retreat was to meet the enemy, in a debate within the leadership, som he puppet to attack key targetslso refuge in Japanese, Zhu Xi forces became temotionalBecause of the guerrilla forces in the surrounding area have been withdrawn, activities in the Lake's Cheng Wanjun a6Kai Wen Yongzhi, Director of-his time, the command ... 11th, as Commander of Zhu Xi. At tside East Gate and South Gate there was intense gunfire. Enemy attacks by frustrated independent battalion confronted Chen qiang Hesong Xu Miao came Nanxun sniper assault of the Elves. 8th, the situation is more severe in the town. One afternoon, outg from the distance, reportedly is Deputy Commander Wlevel flights over the town, fired. That night, the Elves attack Wuzhen confirmed information. Night, bursts of gunfire comin-bustling town just seems a deserted and desolate. 7th day in implementing low 2、根据因果图情况通过QC小组的认真讨论,最后确定以下几个因素为主要因素: (1)工人技术水平低、质量意识差,现场管理存在漏洞; (2)检查工作不彻底,检查制度跟不上; (3)钻孔尺寸偏差大; (4)同规格板材尺寸偏差大、板面翘曲; (5)控制线数量偏少,放线方法不精确、分段弹线不细; (6)节点处理不符合标准。 七、制定对策 针对上述主要原因,经QC小组反复讨论,制订以下对策: 对 策 表 序号 项目 对策措施 责任人 时间 工人技术水平低、加强工人技术培训,重视技术交底工作,增开工前及施1 王卫波 质量意识差,现场工全过程 强质量意识教育,加大惩罚力度。 管理存在漏洞 加强各种工序的检查,做好施工质量验收,检查工作不彻底,2 朱军建 全过程 在班组、工人之间开展“三检”。 上道工序检查制度跟不上 质量检查合格后,才能进行下道工序施工。 3 钻孔偏差大 做好钻孔工作,偏差较大者予以剔除。 朱军建 全过程 同规格板材尺寸加强材料入库检查,不合格产品严禁进入施4 杜 鹏 全过程 偏差大、板面翘 工现场。 控制线数量偏少按轴线、层高埋设垂直、水平测点,基准平定位放线及5 李 宁 放线方法不精确、线每楼层贯通改进放线方法,加强分段弹线施工全过程 分段弹线不细 工作。 节点处理不符合开工前及施6 制定更完善的节点细部处理方案 王卫波 标准 工全过程 —7— 八、对策实施 制定了对策措施后,QC小组多次活动,落实对策表中的各项措施,具体有以下几点。 l、针对新工人多,技术水平低,由技术负责人王卫波对施工班组进行技术交底,组织职工培训。由技术、质量等部门制定质量控制措施,加强工艺纪律检查。 交底、培训内容:?本项目质量目标;?质量标准;?施工方法;?操作要领;?自检方法,并进行理论考试和实践考核,合格后方可上岗,并加强质量意识教育,制定奖惩制度,使整个班组技术水平提高,质量意识增强。 2、由质量员负责做好各项检查工作:放线时检查挂线有无被碰动,所用的方管是否弯曲,不锈钢挂件是否变形等等,每道工序都进行检查,填写隐蔽工程验收记录及分项验收评定记录,并在班组、工人之间开展自检、互检、交接检工作,发现问题及时解决。质量检查员严格按验收标准验收上序产品,不合格产品决不进入下道工序。加强对操作环境的检验情况,以确保严格按照施工工艺进行施工,保证工程质量达到小组制定的目标。 3、钻孔尺寸要根据设计尺寸和图纸要求进行,考虑确保打孔位置准确垂直,结合本工程的实际情况,使要打孔的小面与钻头垂直,确保孔成型后尺寸准确无误。 4、同规格板材尺寸偏差大、板材翘曲的问题,做好材料入库验收工作,派专人负责管理,要认真检查材料的规格、型号是否正确,与样单是否相符,如有颜色明显不一致的要单独码放,以便退还给厂家。 5、调整放线方法,同时避免在大风天气放线,采用经纬仪打出每个大角两个面的竖向控制线,采用细钢丝作挂线,同时加大沉铁的重量,并在控制线的上、下作出标记,加强保护和经常检查,注意图纸尺寸与结构尺寸的偏差,加强分段、分块的弹线工作。该工作由施工员负责(该对策经实施后,虽然增加了放线工作量,但是提高了铝单板安装的速度及质量)。 由王卫波负责,在主楼六层放水平通线,线距楼板外边沿线理论尺寸200?,水平线距楼层建筑标高500?,每个立面两端各放一垂线,以此为依据在每层楼放相应的水平通线,使各楼层水平线在同一铅锤主面内,放线应在风力小于4级的环境下施工,放好线检查楼板现垂直进出误差,骨架安装前用激光测量仪在大楼主体结构上逐层测量竖框与主体结构安装中心点的位置,进行转接件安装,并调整固定安装竖框、横框。竖料的垂直度偏差1/1000,横框的竖向分格间距不大于1?,横框和竖框之间留缝隙,间隙值2-3?,桁架式点支幕墙的龙骨是由壁厚为9?无缝钢管与上下底座焊接而成,然后按分格将驳接爪转接件钢座焊接在立柱的各个点位上,龙骨的中心线要求不得大于1?、水平线、分格线、垂直度与水平基线在一个主面内用铅锤保持垂直。伸缩缝与节点之间缝隙控制在20?,钢转接件与铝型材之间用橡胶垫隔离并用不锈钢螺栓连接。 8 6、针对节点处理不符标准,制定更为详尽的细部节点处理方案。平面幕墙工艺流程: 了解图纸要求 做好准备工作 打水平线 寻找铺助层 找出主体定位点 将定位点加固 拉水平线 检查水平线误差 调整误差 进行水平分割 复查水平分割的准确性 吊垂线 固定垂线重点清查转角 交面位置固定。 九、活动效果 1、质量效益 通过PDCA循环,QC小组进行了全面检查,由于主要原因分析准确,对策措施得当,实施组织有力,取得了较好的质量,达到了预期的课题目标,外墙铝板幕墙施工质量实测合格率达94,以上,观感评定优良,每百个检测点不合格统计表如下: 序号 验收项目 实测不合格点 目标控制值 1 表面平整度及缝格不匀、不直 2 3 2 幕墙节点构造质量缺陷 1 2 3 板材尺寸偏差大 1 1 4 板材表面色差大 1 2 5 墙面脏、有胶痕 0 1 通过QC小组全体人员的共同努力,消除了外墙铝单板幕墙施工的质量通病,解决了表面不平整缝格不匀、不直以及幕墙节点构造的质量缺陷等问题,完成了预定的目标。 2、社会效益 由于我们铝单板幕墙工程质量好,进度快,树立了良好形象,并取得了较好的社会信誉。公司组织内部施工单位到我工地进行观摩,兄弟施工单位慕名而来让我们传授施工及管理经验,使我们受到很大的鼓舞和激励。 3、经济效益 减少幕墙所需的各种材料的损失,节约了资源。节省了因返工及放线误差带来的经济损失3.03万 —9— 元。其中直接避免返工160个工日,其中每工日30元,160*30=4800元;节省因放线误差损失人 工费:50*110个=5500元 材料费:2万元。 经过此次活动,我们克服了出现的质量缺陷,达到了小组预期的目标,整体外装工程质量得到有力保证,铝单板幕墙质量得到全面控制和提高。 十、心得体会 QC小组通过PDCA循环,小组活动达到预期目标,小组成员深感管理人员全过程全方位跟踪控制,抓好施工过程中每一道工序,是确保工程质量一次成优的关键。通过活动QC小组编制了作业指导书,为今后的施工积累了经验,并使我们更加坚定了信心,对碰到此类问题,会更好的处理,使工程质量再上一个新的台阶。 继续攀登~ (后附证明材料) 10 —11— 12
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