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通讯专业知识(5.17)通讯专业知识(5.17) 站长专用~~ 目录 目录 一、 基础知识部分 一、 基础知识部分 二、 各品牌介绍部分 二、 各品牌介绍部分 三、 手机卡部分,天津为例, 三、 手机卡部分,天津为例, n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shutt...

通讯专业知识(5.17) 站长专用~~ 目录 目录 一、 基础知识部分 一、 基础知识部分 二、 各品牌介绍部分 二、 各品牌介绍部分 三、 手机卡部分,天津为例, 三、 手机卡部分,天津为例, n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 第一节、 基础知识 一、GSM: 目前世界上大概有75,的手机使用的 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 是GSM。GSM是Global System for Mobile Communications的缩写,意为全球移动通信系统,是世界上主要的蜂窝系统之一。GSM是基于窄带TDMA制式,允许在一个射频同时进行8组通话。GSM80年代兴起于欧洲,1991年投入使用。到1997年底,已经在100多个国家运营,成为欧洲和亚洲实际上的标准,到了2001年,在全世界的162个国家已经建设了400个GSM通信网络。但GSM系统的容量是有限的,在网络用户过载时,就不得不构建更多的网络设施。值得欣慰的是GSM在其他方面性能优异,它除了提供标准化的列表和信令系统外,还开放了一些比较智能的业务如国际漫游等。GSM手机的方便之处在于它提供了一个智能卡,人们称之为SIM卡,并且机卡可以分离,这样用户更换手机并且定制个人信息这方面都十分便利了。GSM手机还允许用户接收160字长度的短信息。 二、关于GPRS: 1、GPRS入门指南 GPRS即“通用分组无线业务”(General Packet Radio Service的英文简称),是在现有GSM网络上开通的一种新型的分组数据传输技术。相对于原来GSM以拨号接入的电路交换数据传送方式,GPRS是分组交换技术,具有“永远在线”、“自如切换”、“高速传输”等优点,它能全面提升移动数据通信服务,使“移动梦网”服务更丰富、功能更强大,给您的生活和工作带来更多便捷与实惠。 以GPRS为技术支撑,可为您实现诸如:电子邮件、电子商务、移动办公、网上聊天、基于WAP的信息浏览、互动游戏、FLASH画画、多和弦铃声、PDA终端接入、综合定位技术等,从而带您进入一个动感而彩色的移动世界,引领您尽快迈向3G时代。 2、GPRS的业务优势 1)永远在线--方便:只要激活GPRS应用后,将一直保持在线,类似于无线专线网络服务。 2)按量计费--实惠:GPRS服务虽然保持一直在线,但您不必担心费用问题,因为只有产生通信流量时才计费。 3)自如切换--灵活:话音和数据业务可以切换、交替使用。 4)高速传输--快捷:目前GPRS可支持53.6Kbps的峰值传输速率,理论峰值传输可达100余kbps。(注:与手机支持情况和网络情况有关) 3、GPRS设置全攻略 1)、APM的含义APN(Access Point Name),即“接入点名称”,用来标识GPRS的业务种类,目前分为两n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 销售实战手册(手机部分) 大类;CMWAP(通过GPRS访问WAP业务)、CMNET(除了WAP以外的服务目前都用CMNET,比如连接因特网等)。 2)、连接配置选择GPRS方式连接:连接1:APN为CMNET,用户名、密码空--用于访问因特网连接2:APN为CMWAP,用户名、密码空--用于访问WAP 3)、其他通用配置在手机或PC中的进行其他参数配置,如:对于连接因特网需要在PC端配置、电子邮件要配置自己的POP和SMTP、WAP配置与其他WAP手机的配置一样。 4、轻松玩转GPRS 1)通过GPRS使用手机WAP服务(如移动梦网:wap.monternet.com):GPRS可大大提升原有WAP服务的品质,访问速度大大提升,费用更加经济,可实现新闻浏览、随身理财、移动办公、更可支持多种彩色、动感图片、游戏等服务(需要手机支持)。 2)GPRS+PC访问因特网:GPRS手机与PC的串口、USB、红外等端口相连,通过GPRS访问因特网;目前已可支持50多Kbps的峰值传输速率。GPRS让您享受随时在线、自如切换、高速传输等类似专线接入般的无线上网新体验。 3)一些GPRS手机内置的服务: ?通过GPRS收发电子邮件。 用手机通过GPRS直接与因特网进行聊天、会议等即时信息沟通。 ? ?通过GPRS轻松下载图片、图书、游戏、动画等全新娱乐服务。 4)企业应用和行业应用: ?专线接入GPRS网络,实现高服务质量等级的专有服务。 ?遥感、监测、定位等信息通过GPRS,方便的进行无线接入和传输。 5、GPRS试商用资费GPRS按照流量进行计费,为您提供个性化的资费套餐选择 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 ,其费用体现在话费账单的“新业务费”科目:( 说明 关于失联党员情况说明岗位说明总经理岗位说明书会计岗位说明书行政主管岗位说明书 如下) ?不收取GPRS业务的国内漫游费。 ?每日23:00至次日凌晨7:00半价优惠。 ?可以随时定制适合自己的资费方案。更改或取消“套餐” 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 ,均从下一个计费月开始执行,当月的“套餐”计划不能更改或取消。 6、使用条件及业务办理 1)、使用条件: ?手机支持GPRS功能。 ?全球通客户的手机号码申请开通GPRS功能。 ?处在GPRS网络覆盖范围内。注:目前GPRS已实现北京全市覆盖,另支持国内31省200多个市的漫游服务,并即将实现国际漫游。 第n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electr 3 页 共 96 页 ical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 2)、业务办理:全球通移动电话客户可以持有效身份证到北京移动各营业厅及合作厅办理申请、变更、取消GPRS业务。 三、CDMA: CDMA手机是指在CDMA网络中使用的移动通信终端。CDMA是Code-Division Multiple Access的缩写,全称为码分多址,是一种比较先进的数字接口技术,其特点是频率利用率高,手机功耗低,通话语音质量好。 CDMA可以在有限的频谱范围内支持更多的用户,同时具备良好的抗干扰性及抗衰耗性。与其他两种2G数字移动通信标准相比,CDMA在技术上有着诸多优势。首先,CDMA手机的平均发射功率不及GSM手机平均发射功率的60分之一,甚至低于电视屏幕所产生的辐射功率;其次,CDMA手机有着媲美固定电话的语音质量,即使在噪音比较大的情况下也能清晰通话;第三,CDMA本身的技术优势允许采用尺寸更小、重量更轻、功能更强的机芯。从而使CDMA手机可以做到更加小巧轻便、更具个性化和时代气息;第四,CDMA具有投入少、容量大等特点。据专家称,CDMA单位覆盖面积所需基站数量只有GSM的四分之一,频谱利用率是GSM的5(5倍,且网络设计施工和扩容更为简便。这些都意味着运营商可以大大降低网络建设与运营成本,从而带来更具吸引力的价格优势。第五,CDMA手机基本上不存在盗号、断话的可能。 与GSM手机相比,CDMA手机具有以下优点: 、发射功率极小,所以不仅通话中幅射少,而且手机的电池寿命更长。 1 2、采用先进的软切换技术使手机没有GSM手机的掉线现象。 3、通话质量更佳,打电话时几乎没有杂音,在背景噪声较大的情况下,也可以得到较好的通话质量。 4、接通率高。由于CDMA源于军用抗干扰系统,且信号占用整个频段,几乎是普通窄带调制效率的7倍,因此对于相同的带宽,CDMA系统是GSM系统容量的4,5倍,其网塞程度大大下降,所以接通率有很大增高。 四、名词解释 1、WAP WAP(无线通讯协议)是在数字移动电话、因特网或其他个人数字助理机(PDA)、计算机应用之间进行通讯的开放全球标准。WAP 手机是集移动电话与移动电脑于一身的新型通讯工具,它不仅具有普通手机的功能,而且还有收发电子邮件、传真、浏览新闻、查看股市行情等功能。 WAP手机和一般的手机不同之处在于它内置有微型浏览器(MiniBrowser)、缓存(CACHE)和内存,并支持客户端COOKIES 和SESSION。正如电脑上网要用 IE 浏览器 或 NETSCAPE 浏览器,WAP手机上网要用微型浏览器。同样,WAP手机上网也要进行一系列的设置。WAP手机上网和普通的电脑上网有很大的差别。由于WAP手机内存不大、屏幕小及无线频带窄,目前WAP手机所显示的网页内容主要是文字,也有一些较小的图片,但仅有黑、白和灰色三种颜色。业界专家指出,能够让手机和手持电脑成为上网工具的WAP技术将是互联网技术的下一个热点。不过,手机上网真要流行开,还有两个前提,那就是一来WAP必须解决n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 销售实战手册(手机部分) 好目前还不便于操作的问题,二者需要网络运营商加紧WAP网的基本建设,使WAP手机有用武之地。 2、MMS MMS的全称为“Multimedia Message Service”,直译为“多媒体短信服务”,俗称“彩信”。它是继SMS(文本短信服务)、EMS(增强型短信服务)之后的“第三代短信服务”。SMS只能收发文本信息,EMS可以在文本短信中加入铃声、简单的图形和简单的动画,MMS大大扩展了可收发的媒介类型,文本、简单图片和铃声自然不在话下,复杂的图片如照片、大型的图表以及音乐片段、视频剪辑才是MMS的用武之地。 现在MMS所能提供的服务有:文本、图片、声音、定位、商业、视频、游戏 3、蓝牙技术 蓝牙无线技术是一种专门为小型移动设备而设计的。蓝牙无线技术是一种技术 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 。它专门为小范围内的移动设备通讯而设计的。从功能上来说,蓝牙就和一个电缆差不多。关键不同的是,蓝牙使用无线信号将各个设备联系在一起,而不是电缆。从这种意义上来说,蓝牙是一种“使能”技术,而不是一种应用。 今天的一些手机具有红外传输端口,可以用之和其他装有红外传输端口的设备通信。但是使用红外传输遇到的最大的问题是两个端口必须以直线方向对齐,这样才可以传输数据(想象一下PalmPilot间这样传送信息)。蓝芽技术的先进之处是允许两个设备在视线不及之处就能无线传送。实际上,因为蓝芽是基于无线电波技术(在2.4GHz频率范围内),所以传送波能够穿过墙壁、口袋和公文包。此外,蓝芽传送数据要比红外端口快。 第一种蓝芽外设将是头戴式无线耳机。你将能给你的手机配上一副小小的蓝芽耳机,你可以把它戴在你的耳朵上,你设置好以后,就可以把电话放在你的口袋里进行免提通话了,甚至按动你耳机上的一个按钮就可以回复打来的电话了。另一方面,因为蓝芽头戴式无线耳机发射功率要远远小于手机的发射功率,这样耳机制造厂家就可以吹捧其产品对于健康的好处了。 4、合弦 不同于单调的简单电子铃声,它由多种音乐所构成,有四、八、十六等多种,最高可以达到40种音阶。 5、DTMA 即多音多频。手机会将音频传输到网络。可用来查询答录机、传真代码等。 6、主网络和主网域 主网络是指您所申请的网络。 主网域是指您的主网络范围内的一个特定区域。如果您的主网络提供此功能,屏幕上会出现主网域符号,显示您目前正在主网域内。 7、多线通话 同时进行两个通话,一个处于通话状态,另一个则处于保持状态。 8、PIN码 私人识别码,即SIM卡的密码。 第n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electr 5 页 共 96 页 ical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 9、PIN2码 可供您使用某些依赖SIM卡支持的功能的密码。 10、公用电话簿 一个可供您将拨号范围限制至所选号码的功能。 11、PUK/PUK2码 可在您或他人三次输入错误的PIN/PIN2码后,用来解开SIM卡锁的密码。 12、SIM卡 用户识别卡,该卡可供您利用您的GSM手机拨打电话并访问您的网络运营商提供的服务。 五、常见的几种手机新功能介绍 1、声控菜单:通过语音控制,可对手机的某些功能实现操作,而无须翻阅菜单键,目前有此功能的手机有:摩托罗拉L2000,可实现语音拨号,阅读编辑中文短信息,播放语音,记事,查阅呼入号码,启动红外连接等九项声控菜单操作。 2、语音拨号:您能以对着手机讲话的方式进行拨号。只需在手机中储存一个号码,然后训练手机将该号与所说出的一个词(或语音标签)联系起来。在待机状态下,并至少有一个语音标签指定给出标签中的一个号码(屏幕底部将会显示“语音标签”),使用此功能时按相关键,如侧面向上音量键,手机提示你说话,说出你要求的电话号码相应的语音标签(如人名)。如果话机可以识别此语音标签,它就会重复一次,然后拨出相应的号码。继续如平时一样说话。目前有此功能的手机有:飞利蒲828C,898,爱立信T18SC,摩托罗拉L2000等。 3、语音接听:通过语音控制来电的接听或挂断,启动此功能后,设置接听或挂断的两种语音标签,来电后根据需要,可接听或挂断电话。目前有此功能的手机有:爱立信T18SC(需配合免提耳机使用才有效) 4、EFR:增强合速率语音编码,采用消噪技术,使话音质量更清晰。目前有此功能的手机有很多:如摩托罗拉,诺基亚,NEC等。 5、STK:智能化服务功能,可通过手机查询财经信息、股市行情、天气、新闻、交通等信息,还能通过手机完成股票交易、银行转帐、订购机票等诸多事务。 n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 销售实战手册(手机部分) 【规格参数】 网络类型:GPRS,GSM900/1800MHz 诺基亚 7650 重量:154 克 尺寸/体积:114×56×26mm/138cc 附件:两锂电池(830mAh)、充 电器、耳机、皮套 通话时间:240分钟 * 待机时间:150小时 * 上市时间:2002年10月 * 视当地网络状况,使用状况及SIM卡情况而定。 【主要功能】 世界上首部2.5G Symbian OS 操作系统的移动电话 GSM制式, 支持HSCSD高速传输和GPRS三频技术 高速资料传输:在HSCSD网路每秒43.2 KB; 在GPRS网络上每秒40.2KB 高速度数据[43.2 kb/s] 操作系统:支持MIDP JavaTM,3 的Symbian5操作系统 彩色屏幕:采用反射式TFT屏幕[176x208像素,VGA彩色,屏幕大小 35×41mm, 可显示4,096种颜色 图像阵列有640x480 象素 支持WAV, AMR 和MIDI铃声,WAV,MIDI文件可通过红外或蓝牙接收,AMR文件由录音功能录制 连接方式 红外和蓝牙 :内置蓝牙晶片和红外线传输,图片、游戏、其它软件可以无线与PC连接交换数据 中文短信息收发:结合合图片、文字和音效,透过MMS或是email传送给手机、PDA或是PC 透过GSM、HSCSD和GPRS收收发电子邮件 电子邮件支持:SMTP、POP3、IMAP4 数码相机[内置] VGA(640 x 480)分辨率以及1670万色(24位) 拍摄模式有三种,Standard,Portrait和Night 内建相片簿 图片支持格式:支持JPG、 BMP、GIF等格式的图片 第n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electr 7 页 共 96 页 ical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 图象质量有三级设置,分别是High,Normal,Basic 4MB记忆体可储存图片、游戏等 内置镜头[可拍摄24bit数码相片] 声音:支持MIDI,WAV 和 AMR格式的声音文件和免提通话功能 存储空间:3.5兆动态用户存储空间 自动双频 WAP 1.2.1 中文输入 中文短信息收发 MMS多媒体短消息 日期时钟 内置振动 翻盖[推盖式] 语音拨号[25个] 录音:每段录音1分钟 可选铃声 和弦铃声[24和弦] 自编铃声 无线下载功能[下载铃声、图片、游戏等] 五种情景模式,分别是General(普通),Silent(宁静),Meeting(会议),Outdoor(户外)和Pager(传呼机) 待机图案和快捷键、显示屏的对比度、颜色方案、屏保时间和模式可调 含有光线探测器 话机电话簿可存储电话 内置游戏[4种]:贪食蛇、纸牌、Mix Pix、Ergonomic game controls 闹钟 计算器 日历(三种视图模式:日,周,月) 待办事项(三级紧急程度) 货币换算 换算器(汇率,面积,能量,长度,体积,压力,温度,时间等) 待机图案和快捷键、显示屏的对比度、颜色方案、屏保时间和模式可调,含有光线探测器 两种时钟格式,一是传统械表格式,一种是电子表格式 可配置蓝耳机 来电图片显示、特定铃声 【规格参数】 网络类型:GSM 900/1800/1900MHz + GPRS 重量:77 克 尺寸/体积:102×45×13mm/63cc 通话时间:150-360分钟 * 待机时间:150-250小时 * 诺基亚 6100 上市时间:2002年12月 可选颜色:矿石灰、宝石蓝 n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 附件:锂电池(720mA),充电器 销售实战手册(手机部分) * 视当地网络状况,使用状况及SIM卡情况而定。 【主要功能】 专为移动专业人士设计,拥有流线型的小巧外形和强大的功能,是目前为止最小的诺基亚手机 2002年底前在亚洲、欧洲和非洲正式上市 符合人体工程学、方便文本输入的键盘设计 通过其Pop-Port(tm)接口,诺基亚6100支持诺基亚相机耳机,使用户能够拍摄数字图像并发送多媒体信息(MMS) 基于MIDP 1.0的诺基亚6100支持Java2微型版本(J2ME(),应用开发商可以在此基础上为移动设备开发创新应用。诺基亚6100预装的Java应用包括一个转换器(用于货币、温度、重量和其它计量单位)、一个世界时钟和Java游戏;用户可以根据自己的爱好安装其它应用,使手机更具个性。用户还可以使用PC套件更新诺基亚6100和兼容PC机的通讯录、日历和待办事项 诺基亚6100还集成了电子钱包应用,使用户能够通过WAP进行便捷可靠的在线交易。通过安全模块--无线识别模块(WIM),用户可以数字化签署他们的交易。该手机还支持无线公共核心设施(WPKI) 合成音铃声和内置免提扬声器为诺基亚6100的用户带来了高质量的音效体验。用户可通过WAP功能从诺基亚俱乐部下载Java应用、合成音铃声和图片。此外,用户还可以在诺基亚俱乐部的照片世界设置个人图片专区,在此存储图片,并在该网站上以多媒体信息的形式发送图片 自动双频 GPRS 内置天线 显示屏幕:128*128pixels 彩色屏幕:高解析度4096色 WAP 中文输入[预想式输入法] 中文短信息收发 MMS多媒体短消息:可将文字、声音和影像结合于一条短讯内容中 日期时钟 内置振动 可选铃声[60种] 和弦铃声[4和弦] 自编铃声[5种] 录制铃声[20种] 无线下载功能[下载铃声、图片、游戏等] 情景模式 通话时间提示 话机电话簿可存储[300组]电话 一个人可以拥有5个记录:电话、email、网页、邮箱地址、文字附注 通话记录[10个]已接、[10个]未接、[10个]已拨电话 免提通话 动画屏保 内置游戏 红外线接口,USB接口 EFR、STK服务 20个闹钟,支持关机闹钟 日历 第n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electr 9 页 共 96 页 ical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 计算器 秒表 记事本 自动开关机 自动键盘锁 世界时钟 货币换算 内置蓝牙 收发E-Mail Java支持 电子钱包 数码相机[外接]:外接挂绳式摄像头 【规格参数】 网络类型:GSM900/1800/1900MHz,GPRS 重量:84 克 尺寸/体积:106×45×17.5mm/71cc -300分钟 * 通话时间:120 待机时间:150-300小时 * 上市时间:2002年11月 视当地网络状况,使用状况及SIM卡情况而定。 * 诺基亚 6610 【主要功能】 可选颜色:黑色、银白色 附件:锂电池、充电器、光盘、收自动三频 音机耳塞 GPRS 内置天线 可更换外壳[外壳] 六种颜色彩壳:黑、红、粉、灰绿、深褐、黄 彩色屏幕:可显示4,096种颜色 超大彩色屏幕:128×128像素 WAP 1.2.1 4方向的滚动键 中文输入[T9] 中文短信息收发 话机SMS短信存储(最多75个文字短信或25个图片短信,图片预置10个,最多可保存35个平均大小为10K 的图片) MMS多媒体短消息存储(最多12个最大30K的MMS短信) 日期时钟 内置振动 内置免提扬声器 MIDI(合成音)铃声(预置31个,用户自选空间20个) 可选铃声[31种] n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 销售实战手册(手机部分) 全新合成音铃声可通过MMS接收,通过WAP或使用Nokia PC套件 5.0通过互联网从Club Nokia**下载 无线下载功能[下载铃声、图片、游戏等] 情景模式 话机电话簿可存储[300个]电话 通话时间提示 通话记录 免提通话 动画屏保(时钟式) 图形菜单 内置游戏:可下载互动游戏 红外线接口 内置Modem EFR、STK服务 闹钟 定时器 日历(最多可设250条备忘) 计算器 秒表 记事本(最多30条记录) 自动键盘锁 世界时钟 货币换算 内置立体声调频收音机 收音机采用环绕立体声 转换器(汇率、气温、重量和其他度量衡) 协议管理器(监测股票和其他证券) Java游戏 支持专为小型消费电子产品设计的J2ME技术(Java 2 微型版本)(预置3个应用软件,最多可有6个大小 为64K的应用软件) 收发E-Mail 6610的各种声响都是由其机器内部所配备的免提扩音器向外播放出来的,这也就意味着从来电铃声到短信息 提示声、以及游戏音效,声音的质量都实在令人无可挑剔,可以不戴耳机收听 FM 广播 HSCSD(这种HSCSD功能可以保证大家使用43.2kbps的极快速度浏览互联网) 现在版本为V3.09 【规格参数】 网络类型:GSM900MHz/DCS1800MHz 重量:81 克 尺寸/体积:102.5×45×19mm/69cc 通话时间:120-200分钟 * 诺基亚 8250 待机时间:50-150小时 * 上市时间:2001年1月 可选颜色:金、银、深绿、深蓝、艳红 第n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electr 11 页 共 96 页 ical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 附件:锂电池(750mAh)、充电器、外壳、耳机 * 视当地网络状况,使用状况及SIM卡情况而定。 【主要功能】 可更换外壳[前后壳] 自动双频 内置天线 中文输入[拼音、笔划或注音键盘输入方式] 中文电话簿 中文短信息收发:可发送或接收图片信息 日期时钟 内置振动 语音拨号[8个] 可选铃声[35种] 自编铃声[6种]:1种按键输入、5种下载或红外传输情景模式 话机电话簿可存储[250条]电话:并可存储50项日历记事 通话记录[10个已接、10个未接、10个已拨电话号码] SMS短讯聊天室 蓝色屏幕背光 内置游戏[4种]:贪食蛇、记忆力、逻辑猜图和旋转排序 红外线接口 STK服务 EFR、 支持关机闹铃 自动重拨 呼叫等待、呼叫转移、呼叫限制 日历 计算器 备忘录:配有提示器 机身顶端可扣手机绳 蝴蝶形主功能键按钮 机背有镭射流线型花纹 【规格参数】 网络类型:GSM900/1800MHZ及EGSM 重量:155 克 尺寸/体积:134×58×28mm 通话时间:150-270分钟 * 待机时间:55-260小时 * 诺基亚 5510 上市时间:2002年1月 可选颜色:怡情蓝 * 视当地网络状况,使用状况及SIM卡情况而定。 附件:锂电池(950mAh),旅行充电 器,通话&音乐立体声耳机 【主要功能】 n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 销售实战手册(手机部分) 自动双频 、QWERTY型双手键盘 Navi TM快捷键 多任务操作 日历标签:220个 64MB内存 可作即插即用移动硬盘 可存储2小时的音乐 中文输入[拼音与笔划输入法] 中文短信息收发 聊天室功能 群组短信 支持发送和接收长信息,最长可达201个字符 日期时钟 内置振动 动画屏保 话机电话簿可存储[100个]电话 内置数码music player 内置游戏[5个]:贪吃蛇2、弹珠台、空间大战、记忆力游戏2、捡金豆 通过诺基亚俱乐部可下载更高水平的游戏 可选铃声[35种] 下载铃声[7种] 下载铃声、图片、游戏等] 无线下载功能[ 快速拨号,可设置9个名字(按键1通常用于语音拨号) 语音拨号[8个] 可直接重拨最后一个电话号码 自动重拨(最多10个) 自动应答 情景模式 紧急呼叫112不使用SIM卡、按键锁定 呼叫等待、呼叫限制、呼叫转移、呼叫计时 自动手动网络选择 固定拨号号码、仅用于预置号码 数码音乐播放器:可播放AAC和MP3格式文件 数码音乐录制器:可从调频立体声广播录制,也可通过电缆连接录制外部音乐 调频立体声广播 数码音乐播放:长达10小时 调频立体声广播:长达13.3小时 内置立体声调频收音机可以保存10个调频广播频道 使用诺基亚音频管理2.1PC软件下载和管理数码音乐文件 WAP无线上网 动画屏保 EFR、STK服务 时钟和闹铃 闹钟(支持关机闹铃) 计算器 模式转换 秒表 第n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electr 13 页 共 96 页 ical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 倒计时功能 语言种类 简体中文、繁体中文、English、自动 附件: 锂电池(950mA),旅行充电器,手机套,USB数据线,ADA,2适配线,ADE,2音频线、立体声耳机+话筒线、 光盘. 【规格参数】 网络类型:GSM900/1800/1900MHz,GPRS 重量:83 克 尺寸/体积:106×45×17.5mm/68cc 通话时间:120-300分钟 * 待机时间:150-300小时 * 上市时间:2002年10月 * 视当地网络状况,使用状况及SIM卡情况而定。 诺基亚 7210 【主要功能】 可选颜色:绿色、橙色、褐色 附件:锂电池(720mA),充电器 自动双频 支持GPRS 2+2, 1+3 内置天线 可更换外壳[换彩壳]6种彩壳颜色:黑、红、粉、灰绿、深褐、黄 显示屏幕:128×128像素 彩色屏幕:高解析度4096色 WAP 1.2.1 4方向滚动键 机身背面采用雕花设计,全新键盘设计,将花边结全到按键中 中文输入 中文短信息收发 MMS多媒体短消息.可将文字、声音和影像结合于一条短讯内容中 日期时钟 内置振动 可选铃声 和弦铃声[4和弦] 全新合成音铃声可通过MMS接收,通过WAP或使用Nokia PC套件 5.0通过互联网从Club Nokia**下载 和弦铃声(MIDI)和传统铃声可设定为来电铃声和简讯提示音 支持Java应用程序下载,如图形游戏商业应用软体 Java支持:J2ME技术(Java 2 Micro Edition) Pop-Port用户界面连接器包括:数字配件识别,立体声,数据连接和配件能量来源 支持扩充式多和弦(SP-MIDI),具有播放可扩充MIDI和弦内容的能力 数字时钟屏幕保护 无线下载功能[下载铃声、图片、游戏等] 情景模式 通话时间提示 n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 销售实战手册(手机部分) 话机电话簿可存储电话 通话记录[10个]已接、[10个]未接、[10个]已拨电话 免提通话 内置免提扬声器,使收听广播时无需佩戴耳机并可实现电话会议 增强型日历 墙纸 图形菜单 内置Java游戏[2个]:Triple Pop, Bounce 红外线接口 内置Modem PC 套件5.0 EFR、STK服务 计算器(支持货币换算) 秒表 定时器 闹钟 待办事项 带收音机:内置立体声FM Radio 【规格参数】 网络类型:EGSM900/GSM1800/HSCSD 重量:110 克 尺寸/体积:103-140.5×46×20mm/83cc 通话时间:120-240分钟 * 待机时间:100-300小时 * 上市时间:2002年6月 * 视当地网络状况,使用状况及SIM卡情况而定。 诺基亚 8910 【主要功能】 可选颜色:钛金属原色,深黑色[夜色] 钛金属外壳是Nokia 8910最显著的特色之一 附件:锂电池(830mAh),充电器 钛金属一向以重量轻、质感佳著称 流畅设计同时也反应在其创新的握钮,只要轻轻一按便可使外壳高雅地自动滑开,展现光亮的镀铬按键 高分辨率灰阶屏幕在精致的白色背光灯衬托下也更为清晰 自动双频 内置天线 翻盖[滑盖式] GPRS网络和蓝牙 用户可以通过WAP浏览更为先进的HSCSD网络,享受更为迅速方便地使用移动服务 蓝牙技术也有助于与电脑的互连,实现更为快捷、方便的同步资料共享 中文输入[预想拼音输入法+笔划输入法] 中文短信息收发 日期时钟:时尚的指针式和数字式时钟全屏屏保选择 第n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electr 15 页 共 96 页 ical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 内置振动 录音[180秒] 语音拨号 支持最大6方通话 可选铃声 情景模式 通话时间提示 电话 话机电话簿可存储[500个] 型动态内存,能记录多达500个电话簿资料,每个联系人下可存多个项目和电话号码 通话记录[20个]已接、[10个]未接、[10个]已拨电话 个性化提示音可使来电区分更加方便 个人来电识别铃声 动画屏保:可节约手机耗电的屏幕保护 内置游戏 红外线接口 内置Modem EFR、STK服务 闹钟 日历 计算器 记事本 通过应用广泛的手机计算机编辑软件,轻松地更新电话簿、记事历、与待办事项,或从个人计算机上管理情 境操作模式、电话簿与简讯 【规格参数】 网络类型:GSM900/1800/GPRS 重量:97 克 尺寸/体积:109×46×23mm/82cc 通话时间:90-360分钟 * 待机时间:60-260小时 * 上市时间:2002年7月 西门子 3118 n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 可选颜色:蓝色 橙色 附件:锂电池(650mAh)、充电器 销售实战手册(手机部分) * 视当地网络状况,使用状况及SIM卡情况而定。 【主要功能】 自动双频 支持网络频率手动设置 (GSM900/1800/自动配置) 支持JAVA GPRS 勿忘我智能提醒 + 重要记事 最多50条 便笺 最多10条 内置天线 蓝色屏幕灯,橙色键盘灯 WAP 1.2.1 显示屏幕:101×64pixels 可以更换外壳 228K动态内存 中文输入[T9拼音、T9笔划、联想功能] 中文短信息收发 支持群发短信息 增强型简讯功能 (EMS),支持文字,动画,图片,音乐相结合的"电子贺卡"式短消息发送 支持长短信:760字(英文)/330字(中文) 日期时钟 内置振动 可选铃声[20种] 下载铃声[4种] 无线下载功能[图片,铃声,游戏] 内置Java游戏2个:1、搬运小子2 2、流板(类似于冲浪) 使用者将可以自由下载各类无线应用软体和游戏,并且拥有即时讯息对谈 (Instant messaging) 8种情景模式(6种已设定,2种自设定) 通话时间提示(每二、三、四秒更新一次,动态更新) 话机电话簿可存储[50个]电话(可配合SIM卡容量使用) 电话本名称最多可以显示五个汉字,保存可以多达13个汉字,或者28个字母 4组电话分组(分组可改名,但不能增减) 支持来电图片识别50个,可以自己制作照片头像(电脑制作后通过数据线下载到手机里) 通话记录[10个]已接、[10个]未接、[10个]已拨电话 己接电话和未接电话有来电日期时间 电话簿群组管理 保姆功能(设置呼叫只接通一个号码) 图片浏览器(浏览下载和内置的图片) 商务助理 3个动画屏保 屏保分为:模拟时钟、个性图片(自设)、动画屏保(三个内置) 来电过滤功能 支持最大屏保图片:101*49像素;最大待机图片:101*29像素;最大来电头像图片:67*36像素 图形菜单 EFR、STK服务 第n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electr 17 页 共 96 页 ical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 闹钟(支持关机闹铃) 记事本(便笺) 自动关机 自动键盘锁 世界时钟 支持网络频率手动设置 音调管理器(管理、播放下载和内置的铃声) 可选大小两种字体 【规格参数】 网络类型:GSM900/1800MHz,GPRS 重量:80 克 尺寸/体积:101×44×21mm 通话时间:90-300分钟 * 待机时间:60-260小时 * 上市时间:2002年10月 * 视当地网络状况,使用状况及SIM卡情况而定。 【主要功能】 西门子 2128 自动双频 可选颜色:火热蜜桃、冰蓝之吻、GPRS 甜蜜焦糖 WAP1.2.1 附件:锂电池(700mAh )、充376k动态内存 电器 蓝色背景灯,橙色键盘灯 内置天线 可更换外壳[前后彩壳] 夜光外壳 屏幕大小为101 x 64 象素 支持最大屏保图片:101*49像素;最大待机图片:101*29像素;最大来电头像图片:67*36像素 5行文字显示 支持五方通话 “勿忘我”智能提醒功能 话机电话簿可存储[50个]电话 50个来电头像 8个分组 群发短消息 2128 支援比 EFR 更强的 AMR Codec 中文输入[T9键盘输入方式] 中文短信息收发 内置即时通讯软件 移动qq 增强型简讯功能 (EMS) 具有群体呼叫功能(类似群发信息) n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 销售实战手册(手机部分) 日期时钟 内置振动 来电过滤 语音拨号[20个] 通过语音控制手机功能(30个) 自录铃声 可选铃声[41首] 和弦铃声[16和弦] 无线Java技术 可以下载新游戏 无线下载功能[下载铃声,游戏] 内置游戏,两个,:银河英雄,波丝王子 支持多音轨midi下载(和弦铃声) 可透过HTTP直接下载www上资源丰富的midi音乐 配合闪光振动分好几种:直升飞机,蚊子,火车,悠浮,震撼, 键盘锁 来电铃声区分 通话时间提示 通话记录[10个]已接、[10个]未接、[10个]已拨电话 内置Modem STK服务 闹钟:支持关机闹钟 备忘录 日历 计算器 货币换算 车内使用 耳机自动应答 自动键盘锁 任意键接听 支持电子书 支持软件版本升级,目前软件最高版12 【规格参数】 网络类型:GSM900/1800MHz 重量:73 克 尺寸/体积:73×39×22mm/58cc 通话时间:90-270分钟 * 待机时间:60-220小时 * 上市时间:2002年8月 * 视当地网络状况,使用状况及SIM卡情况而定。 西门子 8008 【主要功能】 可选颜色:飘雪银、柔沙金、珍珠白 附件:两锂电池(600mAh)、充电器(旅 充+座充)、耳机 第n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electr 19 页 共 96 页 ical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of Siemens为亚洲市场追求时尚潮流的女性所量身定做的手机 首款翻盖折叠式手机 双萤幕设计 8008采用圆边型的设计 显示屏使用了蓝色的LED,而键盘照明依旧保持了SIEMENS的所特有的琥珀色的LED 自动双频 显示屏幕:屏幕显示有4级灰度 外显示屏112×16象素 显示4行文字 外置屏幕可以显示信号,日期,时间,电池电量等基本图标 WAP 1.2.1 中文输入[T9输入法] 中文短信息收发 支持EMS 丰富的内建短讯息 每条短信息可发送文字的字数可达到380个汉字 日期时钟 内置振动 可选铃声 4和弦 自编铃声 下载铃声、图片] 无线下载功能[ 情景模式 通话时间提示 话机电话簿可存储[100个]电话 通讯录每个可以输入9项内容,每条通讯录的内容包括姓名,电话,公司电话,移动电话,记事,日期,时间,群组 及音调. 通话记录[10个]已接、[10个]未接、[10个]已拨电话 个人化的来电铃声和图像显示 有5种不同的群组可供选择,群组的名称可以随意更改. 提供待机画面,随机包含了六种图案,可以供你选择.支持下载 内置游戏[3个]:乐翻天,打地鼠和跳舞机 EFR、STK服务 "勿忘我”智能提醒功能 自定义快速键 支持中国城市区号查询 计算器 闹钟功能 支持群组功能 显示两个不同城市的时钟、日期 货币换算 【规格参数】 n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 西门子 6686i 销售实战手册(手机部分) 网络类型:GSM900MHz/DCS1800MHz 重量:88 克 尺寸/体积:105×42×17mm 通话时间:60-240分钟 * 待机时间:60-200小时 * 上市时间:2001年8月 * 视当地网络状况,使用状况及SIM卡情况而定。 【主要功能】 自动双频 WAP 1.1上网 中文输入[T9键盘输入方式] 中文短信息收发 日期时钟 内置振动 录音[18000秒]:配合多媒体卡数码录音 声控菜单[9个] 语音拨号[20个] 可选铃声[35种] ] 自编铃声[1种 情景模式 通话时间提示 话机电话簿可存储[500条]电话:包括姓名、公司、电邮、电话、公司电话、手机、传真、街道、邮编、城 市、国家、网址和分类群组等内容 通话记录[10个已接、10个未接、10个已拨电话号码并带时间] 内置游戏[8种]:猜数字、搬箱子、数字排列、打地鼠、全垒打、黑白棋、四子棋、小精灵 红外线接口 内置Modem 数据传输速度为:9.6kbps EFR、STK服务 闹钟 日历 计算器 秒表 记事本 货币换算 内置MP3播放器,存储17,20分钟的mp3音乐,播放3。5,4。5小时, 数码录音器,可记录2.5小时的语音,视多媒体卡的剩余容量而定, 琥珀色屏幕背光 PDA功能[文字、图像、音频处理、档案管理] 随机内置16M可换多媒体卡 第n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electr 21 页 共 96 页 ical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 【规格参数】 网络类型:支持GSM900/1800/1900 重量:59 克 尺寸/体积:92×41×18.5mm 通话时间:90-300分钟 * 待机时间:50-100小时 * 上市时间:2002年2月 * 视当地网络状况,使用状况及SIM卡情况而定。 爱立信 T66 【主要功能】 可选颜色:星灰流银、玫瑰幻彩 三频切换 附件:锂电池(570mAh ),充电器 内置天线 WAP1.2.1浏览器 WTLS安全系统 显示屏大小:30 mm×20.1mm n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 销售实战手册(手机部分) 显示屏分辨率101×64像素 中文输入[预想式T9智能输入法] 中文短信息收发 EMS画音短信[兼容NOKIA手机的EMS格式铃声和图片] 移动聊天功能 内置90多种新颖生动的图片和15段响铃音乐 可自由加插于短消息中,同时可自创多达30副图片和8种个性音乐,或储存通过EMS接收的图片和音乐(能 兼容诺基亚的EMS格式铃声和图片) 日期时钟 内置振动 可选铃声[15种] 自编铃声[8种] 通话时间提示 话机电话簿可存储[250个]电话 通话记录[10个]已接、[10个]未接、[10个]已拨电话 设定图片为待机画面 可以设十个单人的特定铃声并可以使用通配符 内置游戏 EFR、STK服务 闹钟[支持关机闹钟] 日历 计算器 秒表 记事本 有来电防火墙和速写板 【规格参数】 网络类型:GSM900/1800/1900、GPRS 重量:86 克 尺寸/体积:96×50×18mm 通话时间:150-660分钟 * 待机时间:150-300小时 * 上市时间:2001年8月 * 视当地网络状况,使用状况及SIM卡情况而定。 爱立信 T39mc 【主要功能】 可选颜色:银河白,星月蓝,夜空蓝 附件:锂聚合物电池(600mAh)、旅充、GSM900、1800、1900三频自动切换 皮套、耳机 内置蓝牙(Bluetooth)无线技术功能 内置蓝牙芯片 不用接驳器就可以用到 Bluetooth 耳筒 支持高速资料传输(HSCSD) 5行高清晰灰度显示屏、中文显示3行 第n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electr 23 页 共 96 页 ical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 开/关式功能翻盖 支持GPRS3+1 40.2Kbps的传送速度,CLASS4 WAP1.2.1浏览器 收发 POP3 /SMTP E-mail了 中文输入[预想式T9智能输入法(T39M)] 中文短信息收发 群发中文短消息 支持长短信息(Long Messages) 支持EMS,可直接接受网上发送的铃声及图片功能(T39M) 日期时钟 内置振动 录音[36或92秒]:分为高保真32秒和普通90秒 语音拨号[10个] 语音接听 免提通话装置(需另外购买) MP3免提通话装置(需另外购买) FM调频收音机通话装置(需另外购买) 车内免提通话装置(需另外购买) 可选铃声[14种] 自编铃声[8种] 情景模式 通话时间提示 话机电话簿可存储[510个]电话 多记忆的电话簿 个人资料管理 PIM能与电脑笔记本电脑或PDA进行同步资料化 通话记录[10个]已接、[10个]未接、[10个]已拨电话 背景杂音过滤设置,令输出话音更清晰 可设置为屏幕休眠,更省电 内置游戏[3个]:Erix撞砖及、Tennis打网球及贪食蛇(隐藏游戏) 红外线接口 内置Modem EFR、STK服务 闹钟:关机仍可使用 可设置周期性关机闹钟 日历 计算器 秒表 记事本 世界时钟 [Background Pictures]功能:6个内置图案,一个自编图案 书签 (URL记忆库) 接通线路识别显示(COLP) 屏幕灯 电子邮件记忆内存 外部天线连接器 计时器 n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 销售实战手册(手机部分) SyncML 数据更新标准 与电脑同步(最低配置: Win?98,NT4.0,2000或WinME) 用户组群通话 3级WTLS 增强全速率/全速率与半速率语音编码 注:T39分为T39M和T39MC两种型号。 T39M支持EMS、T9输入法(国外型号) 、T9输入法(国内地区销售型号) T39MC则不支持EMS 最新软件版本R4A008 【规格参数】 网络类型:GSM,GPRS 重量:85 克 尺寸/体积:98×47×21mm/77cc 通话时间:120-300分钟 * 待机时间:100-300小时 * 上市时间:2002年2月 飞利浦 820 * 视当地网络状况,使用状况及SIM卡情况而定。 可选颜色:宝石红、钻石金、 水晶兰 【主要功能】 附件:锂电池(620mAh),充电 器 彩色屏幕,大幅色彩艳丽的图片显示,将强烈冲击您的视觉 内置天线 自动双频 四向导航键结合在数字键里,2、4、6、8分别是上、下、左、右键;而5就是确认键 屏幕显示:256 颜色,9行显示,120×120个图素 支持GPRS、Bluetooth(蓝牙),无线高速数据传送,使您体验最新超前科技带来的无穷乐趣 数据传送时间最长达2小时(WAP over GPRS)* 可以存储三个电子邮件用帐户 (使用POP3 和 SMTP 标准) 提供约500KB的记忆空间,供储存电邮、铃声或图象用 无线传输通讯协定,WAP 1.2.1 第n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electr 25 页 共 96 页 ical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 中文输入[T9文字输入法] 中文短信息收发 日期时钟 内置振动 录音[30秒] 语音拨号[40个] 语音接听 声控指令 可选铃声[19种] 私人铃声[4种] 通话时间提示 话机电话簿可存储[300个]电话 每个电话簿可以存5个号码和1个电子邮件地址)最大可达1800条目 内置500kB可调整的动态记忆配置的随机存取储存器内存 通话记录[10个]已接、[10个]未接、[10个]已拨电话 Carusel 菜单 AMR语音提升技术(比EFR更)及5个声频设定 万用串列总线(USB)或直接使用bluetoth(蓝牙)技术与计算机同步相连 存储下载的JPEG格式图片 手机图片簿内置7种图片 STN技术彩屏,112*112像素(9行) 独特十字导航键 情景模式包括自设状态、无音状态、省电状态、耳机状态、乘车状态、室外状态、会议 音频均衡器 个性化自编动画屏保,使用下载的数码照片,创建只属于您的空间 内置Modem EFR、STK服务 关机状态下闹钟唤醒功能 快速拨号 记事本(包括假期、会议、备忘录) 计算器 农历节日 键盘上锁 安全号码 可改手机昵称(即写自己的姓名或其它) 内置277kB可调整的动态记忆配置的随机存取储存器内存 【规格参数】 网络类型:GSM900/1800MHz 重量:95 克 尺寸/体积:109×40×22mm 通话时间:139-345分钟 * n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 飞利浦 969+ 销售实战手册(手机部分) 待机时间:200-450小时 * 上市时间:2002年1月 * 视当地网络状况,使用状况及SIM卡情况而定。 【主要功能】 内置天线 防误触式造型翻盖 超大LCD/字形显示(水蓝液晶显示)5行文字 透明胶质手机电池防滑垫 自动双频 中文输入[T9文字输入法] 中文短信息收发:可发送或接收50个传心传意图标 日期时钟 内置振动 录音[20秒] 语音拨号[10个] 声控指示 声控驱动豪华耳机 声控菜单 语音接听 留声应答 可选铃声[19种] 自编铃声[1种] 情景模式 通话时间提示 电话簿只支持存储在SIM卡上、最多250条电话 通话记录[30个已接、未接、已拨电话号码]且带时间 图形菜单 4种语言选择 精彩回旋菜单用户界面 引导键,10组热键8组可供编辑 内置游戏[1个]:拆墙游戏 内置Modem:数据传输 传输速率增加 EFR、STK服务 关机状态下闹钟唤醒功能 快速拨号 记事本 计算器 键盘上锁 安全号码 第n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electr 27 页 共 96 页 ical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 【规格参数】 网络类型:GSM 900/1800MHz/GPRS 重量:77 克 尺寸/体积:98×42×21mm/72cc 通话时间:120-180分钟 * 待机时间:90-150小时 * 上市时间:2002年10月 阿尔卡特 OT525 * 视当地网络状况,使用状况及SIM卡情况而定。 可选颜色:深海蓝、冰果红、枫【主要功能】 叶红、镭射银 附件:锂电池(600mAh)、充电自动双频 器 GPRS class 4(3+1) 内置天线 可更换外壳:可换彩色面版 显示屏幕:屏幕96 x 65 分辨率; 屏幕可反白显示 淡蓝色显示屏幕;支持“反白”菜单显示 WAP 1.2.1 中文输入[ZI 拼音、笔画中文联想输入] 中文短信息收发 EMS短信 短消息可群删 机身不可存短消息 日期时钟 n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 销售实战手册(手机部分) 内置振动 录音[180秒] 可录制铃声 语音拨号[50个] 可选铃声[30种] 和弦铃声 自编铃声[2首],每首40音符 下载铃声、图片] 无线下载功能[ 通话时间提示 话机电话簿可存储[250个]电话 一人名下储存三个号码,可设需要的来电图片和铃声,支持准确的字符串电话簿查找 通话记录[10个]已接、[10个]未接、[10个]已拨电话 免提通话 内置游戏[3个];掏金者、四子棋、沙罗曼蛇,可通过SMS传送游戏分数 内置Modem EFR、STK服务 闹钟(支持关机闹钟) 计算器 自动键盘锁 货币换算 具有国内城市区号和国际区号查询功能 可直接用手机将信息发至对方电子邮箱 【规格参数】 网络类型:GSM900/1800MHz,GPRS 重量:88 克 尺寸/体积:116×43×20mm 通话时间:390分钟 * 待机时间:250小时 * 上市时间:2002年7月 * 视当地网络状况,使用状况及SIM卡情况而定。 阿尔卡特 OT715 【主要功能】 可选颜色:睿智灰 自动双频 附件:锂电池(730mAh),充电器、 显示屏幕超大:100*150象素 短信键盘、数据线、光盘 7行中文显示(横向视角的时候,5行) 中文显示的字数为7*6或5*10 4灰度级液晶屏幕(淡蓝色背景),支持横向视角 内置天线 GPRS 支持WAP 1.2.1 第n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electr 29 页 共 96 页 ical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 中文输入[eZiText输入法] 中文短信息收发 短消息模块 :可以群体发送,可以自定义预设短信息,可群体删除短信息 音画e指通(EMS 4.0版),可以传送图片和音乐 日期时钟 内置振动 内置免提通话 录音[60秒] 声控指令[10个] 语音拨号[20个] 可选铃声[47种] 自编铃声[4个],每个100音符,可选择多种乐器 数位音效功能:多音轨合成的铃声音效 无线下载功能[下载铃声、图片、游戏等] 录制铃声 通话时间提示 个人信息管理 话机电话簿可存储[800个]电话 并支持最多15个分组(已内置工作电话簿和私人电话簿) 分类功能,可以设定分类铃声 日程安排(最多可达1000条约会) 待办事项(最多可达60项) 支持准确的字符串电话簿查找 来话小图标提示(即可以区分从同一个人的哪一个电话打来的)以及来电个性化图片显示 图标及屏保创作 通话记录[30个]包括已接、已拨电话和未接电话 时间提示[600个时间点] 备忘录[60个] 计算器 汇率计算 世界时钟(集成世界地图) 开关机可选动画,可选待机画面 内置游戏,3个,支持2人网络对战 电脑同步 红外线接口 内置Modem 与PALM及Win CE设备兼容 EFR、STK服务 快捷键:OT键可快速进入电话簿、短消息;长按[*@]按键进入Wap(二级以上菜单延长背景灯);支持自动 键盘锁定;支持自定义数字快捷键和个人按键(数字3、5、9固化不可更改) 注意:无关闭背景灯功能 个人设置 闹钟和倒计时器 支持关机闹钟 计算器 货币换算 世界时钟:世界双时区时钟,带世界地图 n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 销售实战手册(手机部分) 记事本 自定义英文字库 【规格参数】 网络类型:GSM900/1800MHz 重量:92 克 尺寸/体积:113×44.4×21.5mm 通话时间:150-540分钟 * -200小时 * 待机时间:60 上市时间:2002年4月 * 视当地网络状况,使用状况及SIM卡情况而定。 索尼 J70c 【主要功能】 可选颜色:灰 附件:锂电池(800mAh)、充电器、耳机 自动双频 内置天线 显示屏幕:96×92四级灰度, 使用JOG DIAL控制旋钮,操作方便快捷 3D动态操作界面 显示屏显示六行中文文本 中文输入[中文联想及T9英文输入法] 中文短信息收发(16个短信提示音可选择) 中文短信息收发及结果报告,并可直接将短信发至对方手机屏幕 信息中可以加入图像和声音(只限于同类型手机互发) 短消息摸板及上一短消息无限粘贴功能 日期时钟 内置振动 免提通话 可选铃声[20种] 自录铃声,3个,:各10秒 电子合成铃声 情景模式快速切换 通话时间提示:每分钟提示 第n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electr 31 页 共 96 页 ical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 话机电话簿可存储[500个]电话 每个记录含3个号码、2条信息 电话薄可分为30组,并可设置组铃声 通话记录[10个]已接、[10个]未接、[10个]已拨电话 内置图片11幅 背景图片2幅 内置游戏[4个]:香蕉大战、猜数字、智力拼图、沙艺 可自录事件提示音(5个,各两秒) EFR 闹钟 日历及事件提醒 世界时钟 定时器 计算器 货币换算 变幻背景图 黄绿色背光,可关闭背光省电 键盘锁功能 可选择将短消息发送至对方手机的屏幕、sim卡或手机 可设置任意键接听 【规格参数】 网络类型:GSM900/1800MHz 重量:82 克 尺寸/体积:88.1×47.6×18.0mm/80cc 通话时间:90-220分钟 * 待机时间:30-150小时 * 上市时间:2001年8月 * 视当地网络状况,使用状况及SIM卡情况而定。 索尼 CMD-Z28 【主要功能】 可选颜色:亮银色,香槟金色 附件:两锂电(620mAh)、两充电 全新五维操作的Advanced Jog Dial 器 圆弧机身线条,简洁而优雅 琥珀色屏幕背景灯光 四层灰阶解像度(96x72 像素) 亮银色机身,风采出众 独特按键设计,输入方便自如 自动双频 开关摺合式翻盖,独有UV保护层 中文输入[T9英文、中文拼音及笔划输入法] 中文短信息收发 n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 销售实战手册(手机部分) 日期时钟 内置振动 录音[10*20秒秒] 留言应答:内置留言信箱储存40秒提示信息及10 个留言信息 可选铃声[31种] 自编铃声[3种] 来电识别:可编定多达10 个组别,并个别设有图标及铃声 通话时间提示 简单快捷拨打电话 一转一点,迅速实现所需操作,沟通世界快人一步 静音礼貌模式选择 话机电话簿可存储[500个]电话 同一记录还可储存3个号码、2条个人讯息 查询方便,更可针对记录进行分组整理,随时查知所需讯息 通话记录[10个]已接、[10个]未接、[10个]已拨电话 内置游戏[4个]:尔夫、打地鼠、打飞碟和21点 EFR服务 闹钟 日历及日程表功能,提示重要约会和日子 计算器 记事本 世界时钟(包括 IDD国家区号)功能 货币换算 可以接收小区广播 具有接收电子邮件并传真到用户的传真机上的功能 n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electr第 33 页 共 96 页 ical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 【规格参数】 网络类型:GSM,GPRS 三频 重量:85 克 尺寸/体积:105×48×22mm 通话时间:180-780分钟 * 待机时间:140-220小时 * 上市时间:2002年10月 * 视当地网络状况,使用状况及SIM卡情况而定。 索尼爱立信 T202 【主要功能】 可选颜色:檀木黑、冰银蓝 附件:一锂电,一充电器 三频手机 内置天线 显示屏幕 :屏幕背景灯光(蓝色) 可以通过GPRS网络和WAP1.2.1浏览器快速连接移动互联网 高速数据传输(HSCSD, 高达28,8 kbps) 一按蓝键直驳上网 中文输入[拼音,笔划输入法] 数码相机[外接]:可外接数字相机 CommuniCam MCA-10,可将照片做为电子邮件的附件文件传送给亲朋好友, 或上传至线上相簿网站加影像与个性化特色的 Picture Phonebook。 中文短信息收发:EMS 简讯图片与铃声 移动聊天功能 个性化来电设置:能够将不同的来电者以图形显示,并储存于电话簿之中。无论接听来电或拨号出去时,此 图形与姓名会自动显示于屏幕之中 日期时钟 内置振动 语音接听 可选铃声 自编铃声 无线下载功能[下载铃声、图片、游戏等] 情景模式 通话时间提示 图片电话簿 话机电话簿可存储电话 指定用户组群 n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 销售实战手册(手机部分) 免提通话 动画屏保 图形菜单 内置游戏[5个]:Ballpop,Q,Path,Pulldown和网球 内置Modem EFR、STK服务 闹钟 计时器 日程表 运行秒表 内置日历功能可记录会议、纪念日、或其它不可忘记的事项 快速上网键 提供用于附挂腕带或吊饰的吊环 自动键盘锁:键盘锁 【规格参数】 网络类型:GSM900/1800/1900MHz,GPRS 85 克 重量: 尺寸/体积:100×48×20mm 通话时间:720分钟 * 待机时间:390小时 * 市时间:2002年9月 上 索尼爱立信 T68ie * 视当地网络状况,使用状况及SIM卡情况而定。 可选颜色:冰银蓝、Stellar Grey 【主要功能】 附件:锂电池(700mAh),旅行充电器, 软件光盘 自动三频 GPRS无线高速上网,最高可达64200bps(class 4, 3+1 timeslot) 支持GPRS[附带软件可使电脑通过GPRS高速接入Internet] 内置天线 显示屏幕:屏幕大小34×28mm,解析度为101×80 pixels 彩色屏幕: 256色高对比清晰度LCD显示屏 内置天线 WAP 版本: 2.0、支持HSCSD、支持MMS WTLS class 1/2/3和signText security 支持SMS,EMS及MMS POP3、IMAP4、和 SMTP 电子邮件用户端 中文输入[拼音、笔划输入] 中文短信息收发 MMS多媒体短消息发送可传图片及声音 MMS 模板 画音短信(EMS):用于发送和接收图片及铃声信号 第n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electr 35 页 共 96 页 ical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 移动聊天功能 日期时钟 内置振动 可选铃声 情景模式 通话时间提示 话机电话簿可存储[510个]电话(+SIM卡) 图片电话簿 图片库 通话记录[10个]已接、[10个]未接、[10个]已拨电话 动画屏保,55款, 内置游戏[9个] 红外线接口 内置Modem EFR、STK服务 闹钟 日历:预设行程事务, 可按日、周、月显示日程编排, 同时备有提示功能 计算器 秒表 记事本 备忘录 个人相簿,电子名片 通过RS232传输线可同步和电脑做资料更新 支持XHTML语言 支持MPEG-4格式的动态影像 支持WBMP、GIF、JPEG等图片格式 导航控制杆,图像桌布 无线传送属安全协定等级三 WTLS Class 3 内置蓝牙 收发E-Mail Sony Ericsson CommuniCam™ MCA20: 尺寸:46.5×48×25mm 重量:22克 影像格式:JPEG 色彩浓度:24图点 影像尺寸: QQQVGA (80×60像素)、QQVGA (160×120像素)、QVGA(320×240像素)、VGA (640×480像素) 最大可以保存14张640x480像素的图片,或是200张80x60像素的图片 【规格参数】 网络类型:GSM 900/1800MHz 重量:75 克 尺寸/体积:99×43.5×17.7mm 通话时间:270分钟 * 索尼爱立信 T102 n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 可选颜色:冰蓝、柔金和纯白 销售实战手册(手机部分) 待机时间:200小时 * 上市时间:2002年11月 * 视当地网络状况,使用状况及SIM卡情况而定。 【主要功能】 自动双频 内置天线 显示屏幕:蓝色屏幕 WAP 中文输入 中文短信息收发 EMS短信可以携带图片,声音和动画信息 日期时钟 内置振动 自带30幅图片,15个动画和10种声音可供挑选,并有10个常用SMS短信 它还自带图片编辑功能 可选铃声[10种] 自编铃声[5种] 无线下载功能[下载铃声、图片、游戏等] 情景模式 通话时间提示 话机电话簿可存储[100个]电话 通话记录 动画屏保 图形菜单 EFR、STK服务 闹钟 日历 计算器 n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electr第 37 页 共 96 页 ical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 【规格参数】 网络类型:GSM 900/1800 重量:65 克 体积:77×43×16.9mm/51cc 尺寸/ 通话时间:96-474分钟 * 待机时间:78-230小时 * 上市时间:2002年10月 * 视当地网络状况,使用状况及SIM卡情况而定。 松下 GD55 【主要功能】 可选颜色:太空银、正红、粉红 附件:锂电池(700mAh)、充电自动双频 器、耳机 WAP 1.2.1 显示屏幕:蓝色背景灯112 × 64像素高解析度屏幕 墙纸 中文输入,T9输入,:T9拼音、T9笔划、T9英文 中文短信息收发 EMS 增强型短信功能 日期时钟 内置振动 ] 可选铃声[30种 和弦铃声[4和弦] 自编铃声[5种] 话机电话簿可存储[250个]电话 通话记录[10个]已接、[10个]未接、[10个]已拨电话 待机图片,25种, 免提通话 图形菜单 内置游戏[1个]:打地鼠 EFR、STK服务 闹钟 日历 计算器 日程表 备忘录 自动开关机:自动关机 货币 n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 销售实战手册(手机部分) 【规格参数】 网络类型:GSM 900/1800/1900Mhz,GPRS 重量:103 克 尺寸/体积:97.5×49×23mm/89cc 通话时间:96-420分钟 * 待机时间:75-220小时 * 上市时间:2002年10月 * 视当地网络状况,使用状况及SIM卡情况而定。 松下 GD88 【主要功能】 可选颜色:银色,珍珠白 三频网络GSM 900/1800/1900Mhz 附件:锂电池(720mAh)、充电器、耳机身外壳采用了淡金色金属妆底 机,数据线光盘 双屏显示 支持GPRS Class 8网络体系 翻盖[时尚折叠式] 3色外显示屏 显示屏幕:分辨率为132×176像素 字符数: 最多8字符×7行 536颜色, 彩色屏幕:TFT液晶显示屏65, WAP 1.2.1版本 WAP 2.0版本Provisioning 中文输入[T9?智能中文输入] 中文短信息收发 SMS分组发送 SMS聊天 MMS多媒体短消息 日期时钟 内置振动 数码相机[内置];11万像素 可定时拍照 CMOS传感器 5勒克司灵敏度 自拍定时器功能 图像编辑 支持将图片存成待机屏幕画面 通话录音 电子邮件收发 可选铃声[20种, 和弦铃声[16和弦] 自编铃声 预设了周杰伦的3首歌曲 无线下载功能[下载铃声、图片] 情景模式 第n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electr 39 页 共 96 页 ical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 通话时间提示 话机电话簿可存储[200个]电话 图形电话簿 支持对电话号码进行铃声分组 通话记录[10个]已接、[10个]未接、[10个]已拨电话 免提功能 内置游戏 红外线接口、J2ME技术以及SyncML数据传输协议等 手机可以与PC或PDA通过SyncML连接,实现数据同步更新 内置Modem EFR、STK服务 世界时钟 闹钟 日历 日程备忘提醒 计算器 货币换算器 SIM工具包 C-PHS 【规格参数】 n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 三星 SGH-N288 销售实战手册(手机部分) 网络类型:GSM900/1800MHz 重量:75 克 尺寸/体积:100×40×14.9mm 通话时间:150-300分钟 * 待机时间:50-95小时 * 上市时间:2001年7月 * 视当地网络状况,使用状况及SIM卡情况而定。 【主要功能】 自动双频 支持翻盖功能 支持WAP功能,语音指令无线上网 数据传输速率达14.4kps# 先进的WAP浏览器(phone.com 4.1) 个人资讯管理及全能 两种方式进入功能表(滚动方式和快捷方式) 中文输入[T9文本输入,拼音,笔划] 中文短信息收发 可以预设5个最常用的信息清单,并可编辑修改 5款荧幕保护图案 来电分组铃声 日期时钟 内置振动 录音[175秒] 语音拨号[20个] 语音指令[20个] 语音记录或电话留言(35x3秒) 语音控制优先,翻盖即可启动语音功能 可设置开机问候语 可关闭背景灯和服务指示灯 留言应答,可以录制自己的应答留言 录制留言最长可达35秒 可选铃声[30种] 自编铃声[3种] 通话时间提示 话机电话簿可存储[200个]电话 分组铃声,识别不同来电 通话记录[10个]已接、[10个]未接、[10个]已拨电话 动画屏保[5种] 内置游戏[8个] 数据传送速度:14.4kbps EFR、STK服务 3种闹钟方式(日闹钟、周闹钟、仅闹一次) 日历(可看到1900-2099的日历) 第n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electr 41 页 共 96 页 ical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 计算器 记事本,允许您用优先级别和截止日期来记录工作表 4种日程表(提醒、电话、约会、生日) 世界时钟 【规格参数】 网络类型:GSM900/1800MHz 重量:87 克 尺寸/体积:81×42×22mm 通话时间:150-240分钟 * 待机时间:50-80小时 * 上市时间:2001年2月 * 视当地网络状况,使用状况及SIM卡情况而定。 三星 SGH-A308 【主要功能】 可选颜色:珍珠白、香槟金、银白 自动双频 附件:锂电池(570mAh),充电器 折叠式] 翻盖[ 双屏幕显示 话盖上镀铬边框的圆形绿色冷光液晶显示屏幕 浅蓝色冷光液晶的主屏幕 尺寸为 80×48 像素 128×128 像素的高分辨率 可以同时显示六行文字及一行图标 MMI 四向功能领导键 振动模式显示(外屏) 独立热键方便接入因特网 WAP1.1版本 中文输入[T9智能中英文/繁简体/拼音笔画输入] 中文短信息收发 日期时钟 内置振动 可选铃声[34种] 自编铃声[2种] 5级音量调节 通话时间提示 翻盖应答 话机电话簿可存储[99个]电话 五组的来电铃声与图形分组 通话记录[10个]已接、[10个]未接、[10个]已拨电话 内置游戏[4个] 传真/数据收发功能 n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 销售实战手册(手机部分) 中文小区广播 振动功能 呼叫转移/限制/等待/保持 自动重拨 红外线接口 EFR、STK服务 记事本 日历 计算器 多种闹钟设置 日程安排 世界时钟 【规格参数】 网络类型:GSM900/DCS1800MHz 重量:77 克 尺寸/体积:79×38×23mm 通话时间:120分钟 * 待机时间:110小时 * 上市时间:2000年5月 * 视当地网络状况,使用状况及SIM卡情况而定。 三星 SGH-A288 【主要功能】 可选颜色:香槟金,珍珠白,银及灰 双液晶荧幕显示 附件:两锂电(550mA和800mA),两充支持翻盖功能 电器,机绳,耳机 自动双频 支持WAP1.1 中文输入[T9、拼音键盘输入方式] 中文短信息 小区广播功能 日期时钟 内置振动 录音[105秒],共3条,35秒/条 语音拨号[20个] 语音指令[20个] 可选铃声[30种] 自编铃声[3种] 来电铃声分组[5个] 通话时间提示 话机电话簿可存储[200个]电话 每一组可储存6个电话码行事历 第n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electr 43 页 共 96 页 ical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 通话记录[10个]已接、[10个]未接、[10个]已拨电话 图形菜单 内置游戏[11种]:娱乐埸,赌城,二十一点,赛车,射击,贪食蛇,捉鸡仔,奥赛罗,方块,拼图I及维多利亚 内置Modem EFR、STK服务 闹钟 日历 日程表 计算器 世界时钟 电话留言 透过资料传输线传输资料到电脑中 话盖上的液晶萤幕在待机时会出现日期/时间、待机状况、电池用量 【规格参数】 网络类型:GSM900/1800MHz 重量:94 克 尺寸/体积:88×50×21.9mm 通话时间:190分钟 * 待机时间:110小时 * 上市时间:2002年5月 视当地网络状况,使用状况及SIM卡情况而定。 * 【主要功能】 全新三星SGH-T108+,特备崭新的无线极速 三星 SGH-T108 下载功能,让您随时随地下载创新炫酷的内容, 配合精彩TFT-LCD特大彩色屏幕,全情投入色彩真体验 可选颜色:银 自动双频 附件:锂电池(700mAh),充电器 彩色屏幕:双液晶彩色萤幕显示 4096色TFT LCD 萤幕尺寸: 外:96×64 pixels 蓝色冷光 内:128×160 pixels、4096 色彩色 TFT采用炫目的蓝色背景灯 键盘中间有一个特别的十字导航键 拥有高分辨率大屏幕 九行文字 Screensaver、Wallpaper 3种色动画及卷动字幕图象 WAP1.1 翻盖 中文输入[T9智能输入]支持电话薄、短讯、及用户自编铃声名称 中文短信息收发 n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 销售实战手册(手机部分) 手机聊天室 图象讯息 支援Smart Messaging? (ver.3.0) (图像短讯)及网络铃声下载(单声) 内置软件数据机埠 日期时钟 内置振动 录音,105秒,:可以录下语音并进行播放三次(每次35秒) 语音拨号[20个] 语音指令[20个]及语音讯息记录 可选铃声[42种]:其中30个固定及12个可通过下载更改 和弦铃声[16和弦] 自编铃声[2种] 电脑下载铃声[3种] WAP下载[3种] 无线下载功能[下载铃声、图片] 通话时间提示 话机电话簿可存储[500个]电话 通话记录[10个]已接、[10个]未接、[10个]已拨电话 6LED指示灯:当手机能被提供相应的服务时闪烁:绿、桔黄、红、紫、蓝和天蓝 动画屏保 可变换显示屏幕上的墙纸 还可以变换菜单的背景 6种自带/8种可下载(可以从CD-ROM中下载) 待机状态时,8个墙纸自动循环演示 内置游戏[3个]:全新振动并结合 16 和弦声效果的彩色游戏(X-战机、空间大战及我的宠物) EFR、STK服务 日记功能 计算器 日历 记事本 多种闹钟设置 世界时钟 【规格参数】 网络类型:GSM 900/1800MHz 重量:104 克 尺寸/体积:88.5×46.5×22.8mm 通话时间:120-200分钟 * 待机时间:60-100小时 * 上市时间:2002年10月 三星 SGH-T208 * 视当地网络状况,使用状况及SIM卡情况而定。 可选颜色:科幻银 第n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electr 45 页 共 96 页 ical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 附件:两锂电(700/900mAh),两充 电器,挂绳式耳机 【主要功能】 大开眼界的色彩领域,一按自动打开 一按机侧按钮,机盖瞬即自动开合,释放精彩影像 三星Anycall SGH-T208独有65,000色真彩屏幕,绽放夺目光彩,令人眼前一亮 在手机二侧设计了自动开盖按键,轻轻一压,手机便会以油压的方式掀盖,可防止过度开关所造成的损害 自动双频 双液晶彩色萤幕显示 显示屏幕: 2.1英寸超大屏幕 内屏:128x160像素,65,000色 外屏:96 x 64 像素,蓝光背景 最大显示9行文本和56个汉语字符 彩色屏幕:三星首创的Ultra-Fine&Bright 科技 提升影像清晰鲜明度 65,000色非一般色彩屏幕可比 UFB采用炫目的蓝色背景灯 键盘中间有一个特别的十字导航键 拥有高分辨率大屏幕 可以显示16行文字 Screensaver、Wallpaper 3种色动画及卷动字幕图象 WAP1.2 自动开盖按键 翻盖,折叠式, 可选择是否翻盖接听 中文输入[T9智能输入] 支持电话薄、短讯、及用户自编铃声名称 中文短信息收发 图象讯息 支援Smart Messaging? (ver.3.0) (图像短讯)及网络铃声下载(单声) 内置软件数据机埠 文字短信功能及数据无线传输及编辑效能 日期时钟 内置振动 (支持短消息震动) 语音拨号[20个] 语音指令[20个]及语音讯息记录 可选铃声,45首, 和弦铃声[16和弦] 话机背面外置扬声器 自编铃声[2种] 电脑下载铃声[12种] WAP下载[3种] 通话时间提示 话机电话簿可存储[500个]电话 通话记录[10个]已接、[10个]未接、[10个]已拨电话 10组分组铃声及图示 动画屏保 n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 销售实战手册(手机部分) 内置游戏[3个]:全新振动并结合 16 和弦声效果的彩色游戏(X-战机、空间大战及我的宠物) EFR、STK服务 红外线接口 内置600K存储空间 接收动画,铃声及图片 作为来电铃声或屏幕保护画面 日记功能 计算器 日历 日程表 记事本 多种闹钟设置 世界时钟 货币换算 【规格参数】 网络类型:CDMA 800MHz, IS-95A, R-UIM 63 克 重量: 尺寸/体积:80×39×19.5mm 通话时间:120分钟 * 待机时间:130小时 * 上市时间:2002年9月 三星 SCH-A599 * 视当地网络状况,使用状况及SIM卡情况而定。 可选颜色:酒红、珍珠白、金 属银、香槟金和海洋蓝 【主要功能】 附件:锂电池(550/770mAh)、 充电器 WAP 浏览器 (WAP1.1 , UP 4.1) 豪华 & 简约设计 用户友好界面 翻盖[折叠式] 显示屏幕:LCD内显示屏 : 128x128 像素, 4 4 灰阶度 (蓝色 LED 背景灯) 外显示屏 : 96x16像素, 黑白 (蓝色 LED 背景灯) 中文输入[T9输入法] 中文短信息收发 日期时钟 内置振动 录音[600秒] 语音拨号[20个] 可选铃声[30种] 和弦铃声[16和弦](CMX) - 包括中国著名歌曲 第n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electr 47 页 共 96 页 ical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 无线下载功能[下载铃声、图片] 情景模式 通话时间提示 话机电话簿可存储[999个]电话 话机999 个+ UIM 卡200个(*依赖 UIM卡的储存量) 通话记录[10个]已接、[10个]未接、[10个]已拨电话 动画屏保 内置游戏,4种, 闹钟 日 历 计算器 记事本 世界时钟 电话拒绝功能 4 方向导航键 友好的人机界面和显示 多重窗口 &Animation Driven UI 4级灰图像和动画画面 用户设定傻瓜模式 (画面 & 时钟) 可改变的开关机动画 富有竞争力的特征 多重电话薄 友好用户界面 多种语言 : Chinese, English 一键操作功能 【规格参数】 网络类型:GSM900/1800MHz 重量:83 克 尺寸/体积:100×43×19.5mm 通话时间:140分钟 * 待机时间:90小时 * 上市时间:2002年1月 三星 SGH-N628 * 视当地网络状况,使用状况及SIM卡情况而定。 可选颜色:珍珠白、深蓝色、【主要功能】 银灰色 附件:锂电池,充电器 自动双频 屏幕显示 屏幕:128×64 像素 共可显示四行汉字(包括一行功能提示) 蓝色屏幕 四级灰度 特别细致全荧幕动画图像显示 n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 销售实战手册(手机部分) 图像信息跨网互传 六种信号灯指示 WAP浏览器 中文输入[T9智能中英文输入法] 繁简体/拼音笔划输入 (支援电话薄、短信、及用户输入铃声名称) 中文短信息收发 短讯信息发送报告 短讯图片功能 异种手机图片短信互发(限Nokia手机) 日期时钟 内置振动 先震后响 语音拨号 声控指令 话音备忘 电话答录机 可选铃声[30种] 自编铃声[2种] 下载铃声[2种] 和弦铃声[16和弦] 通话时间提示 电话 话机电话簿可存储[500个] 分组铃声,辨别不同来电 通话记录[10个]已接、[10个]未接、[10个]已拨电话 动画屏保 内置游戏[3个]:堆积目、射击、推物体 EFR、STK服务 多种闹铃(仅闹一次,日?钟,周闹钟) 日程表 日历 计算器 世界时钟 简易国际电话拨号 支持传真业务 支持电子邮件 自动锁键盘 n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electr第 49 页 共 96 页 ical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 【规格参数】 网络类型:GSM900/1800MHz 重量:79 克 尺寸/体积:94×38×18.3mm 通话时间:110-130分钟 * 待机时间:50-140小时 * 上市时间:2002年2月 * 视当地网络状况,使用状况及SIM卡情况而定。 摩托罗拉 V70 【主要功能】 可选颜色:雪岭白、冰川蓝、深海蓝 附件:锂电池(400mAh),充电器 突破常规的独特外形,颠覆设计因我不同 360度旋转开盖,凡俗模式,从此突破 深海蓝背景显示屏,神秘气息,无与伦比 半透明键盘面板,极昼折,冰川蓝,极夜蓝三种荧光色 机身轻薄小巧,掌心可藏 全新用户界面,方便快捷,体贴入微 自动双频 可更换外壳[显示屏环],金属气质,卓然不群 WAP 1.2.1 n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 销售实战手册(手机部分) 4+1GPRS[传输速度84kbps,可外挂蓝芽配适器] 中文输入[CKE全中文键盘输入] 中文短信息收发 可选铃声[32首] 自编铃声[32首] 内置震动 话机电话簿可存储[500 组电话] 家/办公室/手机) 一人名下,多组电话( 通话记录[10个]已接、[10个]未接、[10个]已拨电话 语音拨号[25组] 日历、日期及时间显示 内置游戏[3个]:21点,考脑力,反弹球 内置日程表[最多可记录500组资料] EFR、STK服务 闹钟功能 计算器 货币换算 资料同步使用 USB 传输线 CD-ROM Starfish TrueSync 光碟内包含 GPRS Driver 及同步更新软件 支持调频立体声播放 【规格参数】 网络类型:CDMA 2000 1X 重量:85 克 尺寸/体积:87×46×19.7mm/93cc 通话时间:150分钟 * 待机时间:170小时 * 上市时间:2002年10月 * 视当地网络状况,使用状况及SIM卡情况而定。 摩托罗拉 V730 【主要功能】 可选颜色:银河灰、珍珠白 翻盖 附件:锂电池(850mAh),充电器,显示屏幕:双屏显示,外屏 84×47 像素, 耳机,皮套 内屏 128×160 像素 彩色屏幕:65536 色 STN 彩屏 WAP 中文输入[CKE全中文键盘输入] 中文短信息收发 EMS画音简讯 日期时钟 内置振动 录音[60秒] 第n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electr 51 页 共 96 页 ical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 语音拨号 可选铃声[39种] 和弦铃声[16和弦] 自编铃声 无线下载功能[下载铃声、图片、游戏] 情景模式 通话时间提示 话机电话簿可存储[200个]电话 通话记录[10个]已接、[10个]未接、[10个]已拨电话 动画屏保 内置Modem 4向导览键 六个快捷键设定常用功能 + 自订功能捷径 闹钟 日历 记事本 计算机 世界时钟 货币换算 K-Java支持 -Mail 收发E 卡拉,,功能,用户可以从摩托罗拉的网站上下载卡拉,,歌曲在手机上播放,手机屏幕会随音乐播放打出 字幕,用户可以跟唱 【规格参数】 网络类型:GSM900/1800MHz 重量:82 克 尺寸/体积:106×44.5×20mm 通话时间:300分钟 * 待机时间:70-170小时 * 上市时间:2002年11月 * 视当地网络状况,使用状况及SIM卡情况而定。 【主要功能】 摩托罗拉 C300 自动双频 附件:锂电池(700mA),充电器 内置天线 可更换外壳[彩壳] 显示屏幕:96 X 64 四色灰阶屏幕与动态图像式目录 可任意变换 3 色背光 蓝色屏幕显示 WAP: verze 1.2.1, Openwave 5.0 n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 销售实战手册(手机部分) 中文输入 中文短信息收发 EMS 画音简讯,文字加上图形铃声,丰富简讯内容情感 短信自编常用语(5条) 简讯聊天室,保持联系 群组短讯 日期时钟 内置振动 语音拨号 可选铃声[27种] 和弦铃声[4和弦] 自编铃声 下载铃声[5种] 无线下载功能[下载铃声、图片、游戏] 由HTTP GET下载新游戏 情景模式 通话时间提示 话机电话簿可存储[100个]电话 通话记录[10个]已接、[10个]未接、[10个]已拨电话 认死党利用群组来电情境模式(群组图像(铃声(背光) Fun Light:欢乐闪烁光,随来电铃声起舞 组内建屏幕保护程式,可任意选择 2 动画屏保:动画屏幕保护程式下载 内置游戏[6个] EFR、STK服务 闹钟 日历 秒表 自动开关机 自动键盘锁 货币换算 语音信箱 【规格参数】 网络类型:GSM900/1800/1900MHz,GPRS 重量:79 克 尺寸/体积:84×44×21mm/66cc 通话时间:100-190分钟 * 待机时间:55-100小时 * 上市时间:2001年8月 * 视当地网络状况,使用状况及SIM卡情况而定。 摩托罗拉 V66 第n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electr 53 页 共 96 页 ical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 可选颜色:玛亚银、深海蓝 附件:锂电池(500mAh),充电器 【主要功能】 自动三频 翻盖 GPRS 可更换外壳[面板] WAP1.1 中文输入[拼音、笔划、短语等键盘输入方式] 中文短信息收发 日期时钟 内置振动 录音[30秒] 可选铃声[32种] 自编铃声[32种] 通话时间提示 话机电话簿可存储[250个]电话 通话记录[10个]最近呼入、[10个]最近呼出电话号码 内置游戏[3个] 内置Modem 上传速度:38.4Kbps以上 EFR、STK服务 定时提示 闹钟: 个人信息管理/定时提示 日历 计算器 记事本 货币换算 小区广播 通过TrueSync软件与PC机同步传输数据 调频立体声播放 [需配合专用FM耳机] 注:V66+ 玛亚银、深海蓝;V66GPRS 珍珠白、香槟金 V66、V66,:红,橙,绿三种不同颜色的背景灯 V66GPRS: 白色背景灯 【规格参数】 网络类型:GSM900/GSM1800 重量:86 克 尺寸/体积:81cc 通话时间:100,200分钟 * 待机时间:50,120小时 * 上市时间:2002年3月 * 视当地网络状况,使用状况及SIM卡情况而定。 n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 摩托罗拉 C289 可选颜色:冰雪银、仲夏蓝、珍珠白 附件:锂电池(560mAh),充电器 销售实战手册(手机部分) 【主要功能】 自动双频 中文输入[iTAP智能中英文输入] 中文短信息收发 日期时钟 内置振动 可选铃声[10种] 自编铃声 录制铃声[20种] 下载铃声[20种] 通话时间提示 7彩背景灯 来电识别 20组来电识别分类 7彩背景灯将来电分门别类、听声识人 话机电话簿可存储[250个]电话 通话记录[10个]已接和未接电话、[10个]已拨电话 免提通话 自定义快捷菜单 内置游戏[3个] STK服务 EFR、 闹钟 计算器 【规格参数】 网络类型:GSM900/1800MHz 重量:99 克 尺寸/体积:106×40×16mm 通话时间:300分钟 * 待机时间:120小时 * 上市时间:2002年2月 * 视当地网络状况,使用状况及SIM卡情况而定。 摩托罗拉 T190 【主要功能】 可选颜色:雪影蓝、果冻橙、水母绿 附件:镍氢电池、充电器 显示屏: 98×64 pixels 适用于GSM/PCS网络 98*64高分辨率显示 第二代英文SimToolKit技术 半透明磨砂前壳内置背景灯 自动双频 第n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electr 55 页 共 96 页 ical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 中文输入[iTAP智能中英文输入] 中文短信息收发 群组短信息发送(最多同时发给10人) 图标短信* 短信聊天* 支持长消息发送/接收* 日期时钟 内置振动 可选铃声[27种] 自编铃声或下载铃声[2种] 铃音识别来电 可通过短信下载/发送 通话时间提示 话机电话簿可存储[100个]电话 SIM卡与手机电话本互相拷贝 通话记录[10个]已接、[10个]未接、[10个]已拨电话 动感趣味动画屏保[2种] 内置游戏[3个]:变形龙, 俄罗斯方块, 推箱子 EFR、STK服务 日历功能 计算器 汇率换算 闹钟提示 9个自定义快选菜单 货币换算 * 仅限于T190手机之间或T190与T191手机之间 n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 销售实战手册(手机部分) 【规格参数】 网络类型:GSM900/1800MHz 重量:76 克 尺寸/体积:78×40.2×22.5mm/72cc 通话时间:120-180分钟 * 待机时间:50-150小时 * 上市时间:2002年7月 * 视当地网络状况,使用状况及SIM卡情况而定。 TCL 3188 可选颜色:红色、白色、咖啡色 【主要功能】 附件:两锂电池(550mAh),两充电器 自动双频 翻盖[折叠式] 折叠双屏镶钻 显示屏幕:EL背光双屏LCD显示,并且可调亮度 屏幕显示字符数:主屏:点阵104*64mm+1行 图标 子屏:80*48mm 中文输入 中文短信息收发 日期时钟 内置振动 手动自动键盘锁 可选铃声[25种] 和弦铃声[YAMAHA和弦] 自编铃声[2种] 通话时间提示[2种] 话机电话簿可存储[255个]电话 通话记录[10个]已接、[10个]未接、[10个]已拨电话 免提通话 EFR、STK服务 16种闹钟提示 计算器 汇率换算功能 自动开关机 第n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electr 57 页 共 96 页 ical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 【规格参数】 网络类型:GSM900/1800MHz 重量:85 克 尺寸/体积:82.6×43.5×21.2mm 通话时间:50-150分钟 * 待机时间:200-300小时 * 上市时间:2002年11月 TCL 2188 * 视当地网络状况,使用状况及SIM卡情况而定。 可选颜色:珠光黑、珍珠白 【主要功能】 附件:两锂电、两充电器 4 颗天然蓝宝、40 颗精致锆石环伺左右,抗菌外壳 自动双频 翻盖 纳米技术屏幕永无划损 内外双屏更采用先进的EL背光设置,屏幕灯光分布均匀屏幕,主屏幕6*4行中文字,子屏幕5*2行中文字 七彩信号指示灯 EFR高保真音质 中文输入[智能、英语、八笔中文输入] 中文短信息收发 日期时钟 内置振动 可选铃声[40种] 和弦铃声[16和弦] YAMAHA合成音乐 情景模式 通话时间提示 话机电话簿可存储[100个]电话 通话记录[10个]已接、[10个]未接、[10个]已拨电话 EFR、STK服务 具有抗菌效果并有微生物分析检测中心出具的鉴定结果 闹钟:周期闹钟可任意设定闹铃周期,关机可用;特定闹钟有16条,可自行设定闹铃音乐 日历 计算器 秒表 n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 销售实战手册(手机部分) 记事本 自动开关机:自动关机 世界时钟 汇率换算 双显纳米屏幕手机时尚双屏双显侧面键来电接听控制外显屏可显示来电号码、时间、日期、信号、短信息及 电量标志等内容 【规格参数】 网络类型:GSM 通话时间:100-200分钟 * 待机时间:50-180小时 * 上市时间:2002年11月 * 视当地网络状况,使用状况及SIM卡情况而定。 【主要功能】 TCL 3788 自动双频 翻盖 附件:锂电池、充电器 纳米技术屏幕永无划损 内外双屏更采用先进的EL背光设置,屏幕灯光分布均匀屏幕,主屏幕6*4行中文字,子屏幕5*2行中文字 EFR高保真音质 中文输入[智能、英语、八笔中文输入] 中文短信息收发 日期时钟 内置振动 可选铃声[25种] YAMAHA合成音乐 自编铃声[2种] 情景模式 通话时间提示 话机电话簿可存储[255个]电话 通话记录[10个]已接、[10个]未接、[10个]已拨电话 EFR、STK服务 具有抗菌效果并有微生物分析检测中心出具的鉴定结果 闹钟:周期闹钟可任意设定闹铃周期,关机可用;特定闹钟有16条,可自行设定闹铃音乐 日历 计算器 秒表 记事本 自动开关机:自动关机 自动键盘锁 世界时钟 汇率换算 第n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electr 59 页 共 96 页 ical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 双显纳米屏幕手机时尚双屏双显侧面键来电接听控制外显屏可显示来电号码、时间、日期、信号、短信息及 电量标志等内容 【规格参数】 网络类型:GSM900/DCS1800 重量:91 克 尺寸/体积:85.8×42.8×25.4mm/93cc 通话时间:80-120分钟 * 待机时间:200小时 * 上市时间:2002年9月 TCL 8298 * 视当地网络状况,使用状况及SIM卡情况而定。 可选颜色:象牙白,咖啡金 【主要功能】 附件:锂电池(600mAh),充电器 自动双频 翻盖[折叠] 显示屏幕:纳米双屏 内屏显示6.5*4行中文,外屏显示6.5*1行中文 外屏视窗镶嵌皓石,美丽的皓石在您手中如繁星点点,熠熠生辉 中文输入[八笔画、智能拼音等多种输入法] 中文短信息收发 日期时钟 内置振动 可选铃声[41种] 自编铃声,1首, 情景模式 通话时间提示 话机电话簿可存储[255个]电话 通话记录[10个]已接、[10个]未接、[10个]已拨电话 开关机音乐提示 内置游戏,2款,:迷宫寻宝、管道 EFR、STK服务 闹钟具有每周闹钟(每天固定时间闹)和16种单独闹钟 自动开关机:定时自动关机 计算器 世界时钟 货币换算 固定号码拨号(FDN) 封闭用户群(CUG) 呼叫等待、呼叫转移、呼叫限制、多方通话 n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 销售实战手册(手机部分) 【规格参数】 网络类型:GSM900/1800MHz 重量:80 克 尺寸/体积:80×42×24mm/80cc 通话时间:105-210分钟 * 待机时间:70-140小时 * 上市时间:2002年8月 * 视当地网络状况,使用状况及SIM卡情况而定。 波导 S1200 【主要功能】 附件:锂电池(500mAh),充电器 自动双频 翻盖[折叠式]:自定义翻盖开关 显示屏幕:背景照明EL背光 LCD 36mm X 28mm 区域 WAP 中文输入[T9拼音、笔画输入] 中文短信息收发 日期时钟:模拟时钟功能 内置振动 可选铃声 自编铃声[5种] 通话时间提示 话机电话簿可存储[100个]电话 通话记录[10个]已接、[10个]未接、[10个]已拨电话 呼叫组分类 任意键应答 问候语 动画屏保,5种, 图形菜单 内置游戏[3个]:拼图,迷你高尔夫,征服者 EFR、STK服务 计算器 货币换算 具有超强收讯功能 第n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electr 61 页 共 96 页 ical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 【规格参数】 网络类型:GSM900/1800MHz 重量:90 克 体积:85.9×46.2×19.2mm 尺寸/ 通话时间:120-150分钟 * 待机时间:50-100小时 * 上市时间:2002年2月 * 视当地网络状况,使用状况及SIM卡情况而定。 【主要功能】 波导 S1500 自动双频 翻盖 附件:锂电池(600mAh),充电支持移动WAP,无线上网 器 背景照明:EL背光 最长达60秒的夜光背景灯显示 具有强联想功能 中文输入[拼音、笔画输入], 中文短信息收发 可输入长达335个汉字的短信息 具短信群发功能 预设多类信息便捷高效 日期时钟 内置振动 录音[5分钟]:最长录音次数为20次 语音拨号[20个] 通过语音可控制13项不同菜单 可选铃声[25种] 自编铃声[5种] 情景模式[7种] 通话时间提示(1分钟时响1下) 话机电话簿可存储[100个]电话 分组储存电话簿(来电群组) 随意复制电话号码 中文电话号码提取 通话记录[30个]已接、未接、已拨电话 动画屏保[4种] 内置游戏[4个] EFR、STK服务 分类定时闹钟提示 [关机闹,可设为振动闹] 整点钟声提醒 语音备忘录[和通话录音共用310秒空间] 普通日程安排 [最多10条] n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 销售实战手册(手机部分) 秒表功能[可一次记10个成绩] 自动开关机 【规格参数】 网络类型:GSM900/1800MHz 重量:72 克 尺寸/体积:68×39×21mm 通话时间:120-180分钟 * 待机时间:80-100小时 * 上市时间:2001年12月 波导 S2000 * 视当地网络状况,使用状况及SIM卡情况而定。 可选颜色:珍珠白、水晶蓝、香槟金 附件:锂电池(550mAh)、充电器 【主要功能】 外屏幕可以阅读时间、待机状况、电池电量及来电识别 加上金属外屏幕框及高质感外壳设计,是双屏幕手机中兼顾外型与功能的最佳示范 自动双频 双屏幕 翻盖接听 蓝色冷光屏幕提供四色灰阶的解析 中文输入[T9拼音和笔画输入] 中文短信息收发 日期时钟 内置振动 支援SIM Toolkit、14.4kbps的资料传输或传真 9组快速拨号 和弦铃声 可选铃声[18种] 话机电话簿可存储[200个]电话 通话记录[10个]已接、[10个]未接、[10个]已拨电话 EFR、STK服务 闹钟 计算器 【规格参数】 第n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electr 63 页 共 96 页 ical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 海尔 开运星HK3000 网络类型:GSM900/1800MHz 重量:71 克 尺寸/体积:107×44.4×12.6mm/52cc 通话时间:180-300分钟 * 待机时间:70-150小时 * 上市时间:2001年1月 * 视当地网络状况,使用状况及SIM卡情况而定。 【主要功能】 超薄超轻,小巧玲珑 轻薄带给您轻松的感觉,完美的空间;享受轻薄,享受生活 时尚镜面视窗 视窗镜面看似小猫脸,时尚可亲 自动双频 LCD显示:3*6个中文汉字或3*12个字符 汉字点阵:16*16点阵 EL背景照明 内置天线 中文输入[联想式输入法(拼音、笔划)] 中文短信息收发 预置短信息 日期时钟 内置振动 音[45秒] 录 语音拨号[10个] 3中接听模式:拨号键、任意键、自动 可选铃声[35种] 和弦铃声,16和弦, 3种来电提示方式:响铃、振动、闪灯 3种响铃方式:持续、一次、两次 5款铃声音量等级 铃声下载,3种响铃方式 5种情景模式:标准环境.会议环境.安静环境.噪音环境.自定义模式 通话时间提示 话机电话簿可存储[300个]电话 并可以根据家庭、重要人士、朋友、同事、其他进行分组 手机与SIM卡电话薄一次复制一个记录或同时复制所有纪录 通话记录[10个]已接、[10个]未接、[10个]已拨电话 动画屏保[2款] 待机画面随心更改 开机问候语 绿色背景灯 背景对比度 内置游戏[3个]:俄罗斯方块、打气球、接球 红外线接口 n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 销售实战手册(手机部分) EFR、STK服务 三组工作日闹铃设置 方便有效的提醒功能 单键速拨 计算器 【规格参数】 网络类型:GSM900/1800MHz 重量:82 克 尺寸/体积:83.5×44.5×24mm/89cc 通话时间:120-240分钟 * 待机时间:50-150小时 * 上市时间:2002年7月 海尔 天智星T6000 * 视当地网络状况,使用状况及SIM卡情况而定。 【主要功能】 可选颜色:太空银、香槟金、珠光褐 附件:锂电池(600mAh)、充电器、挂 10个只想听,10个不想听” 来电防火墙功能“绳立体声、耳机 内置FM收音机 ,自动搜索保存8个调频 手机移动QQ功能 蓝色屏幕显示 ,6种对比度选择 内置IP速拨,直接拨打,省时省钱 自动双频 内置情感图标[13种]蛋糕、约会、爱心、鲜花、贺卡、扮鬼脸等 翻盖[折叠式] 中文输入[联想输入法/笔划输入法/拼音输入法] 中文短信息收发 ,预置7类短信息 内置情感图标短信息内 13种情景图表:蛋糕、约会、爱心、鲜花、贺卡、办鬼脸等 日期时钟 内置振动 可选铃声[19种} 五种情景模式 通话时间提示 ,50秒提示 话机电话簿可存储[80个]电话 通话记录[10个]已接、[10个]未接、[10个]已拨电话 图形菜单 内置游戏[2个] 贪吃蛇,俄罗斯方块 EFR、STK服务 关机闹钟 日历 计算器 第n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electr 65 页 共 96 页 ical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 秒表 记事本:特设“事件”“日历”“周历”“月历”“容量查询”“删除事件”等人性化设计 【规格参数】 网络类型:CDMA 重量:84 克 尺寸/体积:104.5×42.5×193mm 通话时间:110分钟 * 待机时间:110小时 * 上市时间:2002年1月 海信 C520 n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 可选颜色:太空银,象牙白,深海蓝 附件:标准锂电池、、加厚锂电池、充电器 销售实战手册(手机部分) * 视当地网络状况,使用状况及SIM卡情况而定。 【主要功能】 三种颜色的屏幕背景光(金色、红色、绿色) 四种LCD背光使用模式(常开,常闭,随翻盖开,时间选择) 显示屏对比度九级可调 信号变弱提示 超轻超薄 开关式翻盖 可更换外壳[折叠板]:方、圆形两种可换折叠板 中文输入[拼音、笔划输入] 中文短信息收发 可预置10条短消息;短消息发送紧急程度选择 日期时钟 内置振动 语音接听 留声应答 可选铃声[25种]:5个普通铃声和20首音乐 情景模式 通话时间提示:一分钟提示 电话 话机电话簿可存储[200个] 快速拨号(存储位置01至09为最常用的号码,可以一键拨打;存储位置从10至99可以按两次键快速拨打; 存储位置100,200的号码允许按三次键拨打 通话记录 支持呼叫限制功能 通话计时 分钟提示 任意键接听 自动应答(配合免提装置和耳机)--无需免提装置和耳机亦可 通话中静音 密码锁定功能 动画屏保:三种开机动画和待机动画 图形菜单 内置游戏 日程表 闹钟(5种音乐可供选择)动画显示 重要日子 日历:1980-2100年 计算器 秒表 自动开关机[自动关机] 世界时钟:63个城市时间 可编辑机主姓名(8个字以内) 第n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electr 67 页 共 96 页 ical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 【规格参数】 网络类型:CDMA800MHz 重量:89 克 尺寸/体积:130×46×19mm 通话时间:130分钟 * 待机时间:165小时 * 海信 C2101 上市时间:2001年12月 可选颜色:银色 * 视当地网络状况,使用状况及SIM卡情况而定。 附件:锂电池,充电器 【主要功能】 彩色屏幕:STN LCD支持256色,支持7行8列汉字,像素120×143 智能感应[手机从口袋或包中等弱光环境中取出时,振铃音可自动变小或取消] 单键调节手机的三种接听模式,接听模式可自行设定。如设定为:开会模式、安全模式和运动模式等 中文输入[字源输入法,单键输入,智能联想] 中文短信息收发 收件箱100条,发件箱20条 日期时钟:自动同步GPS时钟或手工设置 内置振动(无/振动/振动+铃声/先振动再铃声) 录音[18秒×3]:单向 录音留言[18秒×3]:可自动接听录下对方留言 留言提示音:预制5种,自定义1种(18秒) 可选铃声[11种] 和弦铃声[16和弦]4种 自编铃声[10种] 可编和弦 十字导航键 通话时间提示 话机电话簿可存储[500条]条目,每条目下可存2个电话,一个电子邮件,一个备注 自动分组存取[根据不同身份,设置不同的号码组(可分为100个号码组)] 支持来电自动识别 通话记录[20个]已接+未接、[20个]已拨电话 分组识别[20组,20个位置],每组/位置可指定不同的铃声、振铃方式、铃声音量、是否允许留言和来电显 示图片 来电拒接,可将某些号码加入拒绝名单,当这些号码来电时,手机自动拒绝,对方听到是忙音。 可编程快捷键[2个] 壁纸[自带4种,可下载2种] 动画屏保[2种] 内置游戏[2种]田鼠乐园和水果接龙 帮助菜单 闹钟[10个]指定日期一次/每日/每周某几天,关机后仍有效 自动开关机 计算器 n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 销售实战手册(手机部分) 日历 日程管理 【规格参数】 网络类型:CDMA800MHZ 重量:80 克 尺寸/体积:82×44×19.5mm 通话时间:120-160分钟 * 待机时间:90-160小时 * 上市时间:2002年8月 海信 C628 * 视当地网络状况,使用状况及SIM卡情况而定。 【主要功能】 可选颜色:太空银、宝石蓝、珍珠白 附件:锂电池、充电器 折叠双屏显示 时尚美观的外观设计 天蓝色键盘背景光 外屏96×25像素 内屏128×128像素 四级灰度显示 翻盖[折叠式] 中文输入[拼音、笔划输入] 中文短信息收发 预置常用短消息及模板 日期时钟 内置振动 录音[180秒]仅能用作语音记事而不能记录电话内容 16和旋铃声 可选铃声[26种] 16和音铃声 通话时间提示 话机电话簿[250组]每条可存储4个号码 通话记录[16个]已接、[16个]未接、[16个]已拨电话 动画功能图标 开关机动画 内置游戏[2个] 闹钟 日程表 日历(带阳历转阴历) 计算器 记事本 世界时钟 第n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electr 69 页 共 96 页 ical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 【规格参数】 网络类型:GSM 900/1800MHz 重量:74 克 尺寸/体积:68×38×22.5mm 通话时间:150-270分钟 * 待机时间:96小时 * 上市时间:2002年6月 CECT i889 * 视当地网络状况,使用状况及SIM卡情况而定。 可选颜色:典雅珍珠白、尊贵金属银 附件:锂电池(600mAh)、充电器、【主要功能】 挂绳耳机、腕绳 自动双频 商务助理 抗压,抗摔 双屏显示 n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 销售实战手册(手机部分) 翻盖 显示屏幕 可调LCD对比度 WAP 增强型PDA 中文输入[T9] 中文短信息收发 日期时钟 内置振动 可选铃声[36种] 自编铃声[6种] 无线下载功能[下载铃声] 情景模式 通话时间提示 话机电话簿可存储[100个]电话 免提通话 内置游戏[3个] 闹钟 日历 计算器 记事本 日程表 机主自选功能表 【规格参数】 网络类型:GSM900/1800MHz 重量:89 克 尺寸/体积:86×45×26.5mm 通话时间:120分钟 * 待机时间:150小时 * 上市时间:2002年11月 CECT Q200-H * 视当地网络状况,使用状况及SIM卡情况而定。 可选颜色:金、银 附件:两块锂电池(600mAh)、双充【主要功能】 电器、耳机、皮套 自动双频 GPRS 翻盖,折叠式, 显示屏幕:双屏显示,蓝色背光 中文输入[拼音、笔顺输入法] 第n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electr 71 页 共 96 页 ical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 中文短信息收发 预置40条常用短消息 Cwen智能中文编辑器 中/英文菜单 日期时钟 内置振动 可选铃声[41种] 情景模式 通话计费(需网络支持) 通话时间提示:分钟提示音 话机电话簿可存储[160个]电话 通话记录[10个]已接、[10个]未接、[10个]已拨电话 图形菜单:动画菜单图标 内置游戏[2个] EFR、STK服务 有侧健拒接功能。 闹钟可以设提醒一次、每天重复、除周末、除周日, 支持关机闹铃 计算器 记事本 来电等待及转移 指示呼叫进程信号 双音多频功能 IP拨号 号码自动重拨 呼叫附加业务支持(呼叫等待、呼叫保持、多方会议等) 带收音机:调频立体声收音机 【规格参数】 网络类型:GSM900/1800 ,GPRS 重量:100 克 尺寸/体积:86×46×25mm 通话时间:120-300分钟 * 待机时间:50-150小时 * 上市时间:2002年8月 东信 EG860 * 视当地网络状况,使用状况及SIM卡情况而定。 可选颜色:金银、红银、蓝银香槟 附件:两锂电池(700mAh),充电器(旅【主要功能】 充+座充),耳机 自动双频 翻盖[折叠式] 彩色屏幕:4096色高解析彩色超大屏幕38.3mm(L)×30.7mm(W),10行中文显示 高解析彩色荧幕 十字旋转操作键 显示屏幕:10行中文超大屏幕 n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 销售实战手册(手机部分) 双屏 “e键通”,GPRS快速传输可达80kbps/sec WAP:phone.com1.1 中文输入[T9 拼音 英文] 中文短信息收发 日期时钟 内置振动 录音[80秒] 语音拨号[20个] 和弦铃声[16和弦] 可选铃声[20首]:其中前15首为中外名曲,后5首为真实人声 自编铃声 下载自编文字、图片 多种情景模式 话机电话簿可存储[150个]电话 通话记录[30个]已接、未接、已拨电话 免提通话 多种动画屏保(目前有三种自带屏保,一种可下载屏保) 图形菜单 内置游戏[3款]俄罗斯方块、足球2002、黑白棋 STK服务 EFR、 日程表 计算器 货币换算 世界时钟 数据与传真 闹钟 【规格参数】 网络类型:GSM900/DCS1800 重量:62 克 尺寸/体积:80×40×23.6mm 通话时间:100-200分钟 * 东信 EL788 待机时间:120小时 * 上市时间:2001年10月 可选颜色:炫白,影灰 附件:锂电池(500mAh)、充电器、耳* 视当地网络状况,使用状况及SIM卡情况而定。 机 【主要功能】 自动双频 翻盖[折叠式] 超清晰语音模式 第n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electr 73 页 共 96 页 ical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 柔和电子背光 显示屏幕:双屏显示 超大屏幕显示[同时显示6行中文] LCD显示[内部LCD:128*128像素(8行显示);外部LCD:80*50像素(3行显示)] WAP 中文输入 中文短信息收发 日期时钟 内置振动 可选铃声 通话时间提示 话机电话簿可存储[199个]电话 通话记录[10个]已接、[10个]未接、[10个]已拨电话 开关机动画选择或文字选择 动画菜单显示 内置游戏[3个]:记忆力、卡西诺、冒险 配备GSM调制调解器[传输速率最大可达14.4kbps] EFR、STK服务 自动开关机:定时自动关机 世界时钟 货币换算 日程表 计算器 支持数据与传真 闹钟 呼叫转移/呼叫限制/呼叫等待 收发短消息/语音信箱/小区广播 来电显示 自动重拨 n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 销售实战手册(手机部分) 【规格参数】 网络类型:GSM900/GSM1800 重量:67 克 尺寸/体积:85.2×46.0×20.5mm 待机时间:48-120小时 * 上市时间:2002年2月 康佳 7388 * 视当地网络状况,使用状况及SIM卡情况而定。 可选颜色:琥珀银 【主要功能】 附件:锂电池(550mAh),充电器 琥珀银质感外观,典雅间渗透科技魅力 独特耀眼吉星,闪耀幸运蓝光 时尚折叠设计 独特状态指示灯: 多彩面壳状态指示灯(待机:蓝灯;超出服务区:红灯警告 有未接来电、未接短消息:红、蓝灯同时闪烁) 来电:蓝灯急闪;关机充电:红灯; EL绿色背景灯,贴近人性化需求,充分给您眼睛舒适的感觉 可设置多个声控拨号电话号码,并且可将您常用的功能菜单 设置成简单的声控命令,令手机的操作简捷有方便 自动双频 第n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electr 75 页 共 96 页 ical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 翻盖[折叠式] 中文输入[智能笔划、智能拼音中文输入法] 中文短信息收发 日期时钟 内置振动 录音 可选铃声 自编铃声 情景模式 通话时间提示 话机电话簿 通话记录[10个]已接、[10个]未接、[10个]已拨电话 图标显示各种状态 内置游戏[4个]:贪吃蛇、打砖块、数字拼图和汉诺塔 EFR、STK服务 计算器、秒表 自动开关机 具有多种安全设置 数据传输功能 【规格参数】 网络类型:CDMA 800Mhz 重量:80 克 尺寸/体积:98×42.8×17.5mm 通话时间:90分钟 * 待机时间:60-110小时 * 上市时间:2002年4月 康佳 KC66 * 视当地网络状况,使用状况及SIM卡情况而定。 附件:锂电池(560mAh、800mAh)、【主要功能】 充电器 LCD :128x80 pixels / B&W R-UIM 8K EVRC/13K QCELP语音编码 中文输入[新一代智能全中文输入] 中文短信息收发 多达100个预置实用短消息 日期时钟 内置振动 录音[240秒] 语音识别/语音拨号 可选铃声[35种]MIDI音乐 话机电话簿可存储[1000个]电话 n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 销售实战手册(手机部分) 通话记录[10个]已接、[10个]未接、[10个]已拨电话 动画屏保[6个] 内置游戏[4个] 4个闹铃设置 商务备忘录功能 日历:阴阳历转换查询 来电显示 通话记录 呼叫限制/呼叫转移 世界时钟 新时空增值业务 【规格参数】 网络类型:GSM900/1800MHz 重量:80 克 尺寸/体积:76.5×42×23.8mm 通话时间:120-300分钟 * 科健 K100 待机时间:70-100小时 * 上市时间:2001年9月 可选颜色:灰、红、银 附件:两锂电(600mAh)、两充电* 视当地网络状况,使用状况及SIM卡情况而定。 器(旅充+座充) 【主要功能】 自动双频:可在GSM900、1800两个网络中自动切换最佳通信频道 开关式翻盖 水晶蓝显示屏 月光白显示屏 数据传输:14.4kbps 速度 支持960bps通过软件调制解调器可发送和接收传真和文件 中文输入[拼音、笔画输入法] 中文短信息收发 收发中英文短信息 日期时钟 内置振动 可选铃声[22种] 第n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electr 77 页 共 96 页 ical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 通话时间提示 呼叫管理# 根据不同情况,可灵活选择呼叫转移、呼叫限制、呼叫等待。 话机电话簿可存储,100个,电话(新版本:ver 3.61RAug) 通话记录[10个已接、10个未接、10个已拨电话号码并带时间] 动画图形菜单 EFR、STK服务 多功能闹钟(一次性闹和每日闹) SIM卡类型:小卡(5V/5V) 任意键应答 【规格参数】 网络类型:GSM900/1800MHz 重量:83 克 尺寸/体积:81×42×22mm 通话时间:210-280分钟 * 待机时间:50小时 * 科健 K200 上市时间:2001年11月 附件:两锂电池(800和550mAh)、充电* 视当地网络状况,使用状况及SIM卡情况而定。 器、耳机 【主要功能】 自动双频 WAP[内置WAP浏览器,自由收发电子邮件] LCD:高清晰度图文显示屏128×128像素/7行汉字/1行图标 语音信箱 多方会议通话[允许6个人同时通话] 支持呼叫转移功能、呼叫限制、呼叫等待 自动重拨 按键接听设置 通话保持 隐藏呼叫身份 呼叫分组[显示不同来电的标识、来电铃声、短信铃声] 红外线功能 话机电话簿可存储[99个]电话 n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 销售实战手册(手机部分) 中文输入[智能英文、T9英文、T9简体中文、繁体中文、智能拼音5种输入法并可以输入数字、特殊符号] 中文短信息收发 内置振动 日期时钟 可选铃声[48种] 自编铃声[2种] 双屏幕显示方式 翻盖 闹钟 日历 世界时钟 STK智能服务 快捷定位功能 内置游戏 【规格参数】 网络类型:GSM900/GSM1800 81 克 重量: 尺寸/体积:122×44×19mm 通话时间:120-360分钟 * 待机时间:约36-76小时 * 上市时间:2001年3月 科健 K3900 * 视当地网络状况,使用状况及SIM卡情况而定。 可选颜色:酷灰、珠白、烁银、钻蓝 【主要功能】 附件:锂电池(500mAh),充电器 蓝屏 自动双频 开关式翻盖(可设置不翻盖接听电话) 数据传输 支持960bps通过软件调制解调器可发送和接收传真和文件 中文输入[T9输入法] 中文短信息收发 读取多达160个英文字符/70个中文字符 日期时钟 内置振动 机身电话薄[90条] 可选铃声[22种] 通话时间提示 通话记录[10个已接、10个未接、10个已拨电话号码并带时间] EFR、STK服务 第n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electr 79 页 共 96 页 ical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 闹钟 SIM卡类型:小卡(5V/5V) 【规格参数】 网络类型:GSM900/1800MHz 重量:69 克 尺寸/体积:68×38×22mm 通话时间:200-265分钟 * 待机时间:90小时 * 科健 K518 上市时间:2002年8月 可选颜色:红、黄、兰、白 * 视当地网络状况,使用状况及SIM卡情况而定。 附件:锂电池、充电器 【主要功能】 自动双频 翻盖[折叠式] 双屏显示,蓝色背光 外屏显示日期、星期、电量及短信接收信号,内屏为操作接口 显示4行,每行8个汉字 外屏:15.55X18.86mm 内屏:21.24X27.35mm 金属键盘 WAP浏览 中文输入,智能英文,基本英文,简体中文笔画,繁体中文笔画,智能拼音等输入法,,并可输入数字,特殊 符号 中文短信息收发 支持 EMS 标准 日期时钟 内置振动 语音拨号 声控菜单 可选铃声[30种] 和弦铃声[16和弦] 自编铃声,2种, 下载铃声,2种, 无线下载功能[下载铃声、图片] 通话时间提示 话机电话簿可存储[500个]电话 呼叫分组为6色显示:可根据不同的来电自动显示不同的标识、来电铃声,短信铃声,四色来显(此功能应 预设) 通话记录[10个]已接、[10个]未接、[10个]已拨电话 图形菜单 内置游戏,2种, n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 销售实战手册(手机部分) 内置Modem EFR、STK服务 闹钟 日历 日程表 计算器 世界时钟:世界21个主要城市的当前时间 快捷键方式 【规格参数】 网络类型:GSM900/1800MHz 重量:84 克 尺寸/体积:116×42×18mm 通话时间:120分钟 * 待机时间:35-60小时 * 上市时间:2002年2月 科健 K90 * 视当地网络状况,使用状况及SIM卡情况而定。 可选颜色:银色、蓝色、白色 【主要功能】 附件:锂电池,充电器 高保真立体声喇叭 多种立体声铃音 自动双频 下翻盖键盘保护 WAP 中文输入[拼音、笔划等7种键盘输入方式] 中文短信息收发 5个预置信息 10个图片文本信息 日期时钟 内置振动 语音拨号 语音指令 语音记录 电话留言 可选铃声[20种] 自编铃声[2种] n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electr第 81 页 共 96 页 ical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 下载铃声[3种] 5种信息提示音 5种闹钟音调 通话时间提示 话机电话簿可存储[500个]电话 电话本分组铃声(25种铃声)、分组彩显(绿、橙、紫、蓝) 通话记录[10个]已接、[10个]未接、[10个]已拨电话 多种动画屏保模式 内置游戏 EFR、STK服务 日程表 闹钟 计算器 世界时钟 【规格参数】 网络类型:GSM900/1800MHz 重量:70 克 尺寸/体积:100×40×14.9mm -180分钟 * 通话时间:120 待机时间:40-55小时 * 上市时间:2001年7月 科健 K98 * 视当地网络状况,使用状况及SIM卡情况而定。 可选颜色:烁银、琉金、酷灰 【主要功能】 附件:两锂电、一充电器 自动双频 超酷蓝色屏幕 无需翻盖即可接听或拒听 WAP 中文输入[拼音、笔划等7种键盘输入方式] 中文短信息收发 中英文短信息自由编写、收发多达160个字母或 70个中文字的文本信息 日期时钟 内置振动 录音[3条],35秒/条 语音拨号[20个] 语音指令[20个] 留言应答(录制长达35秒) 可选铃声[30种] 自编铃声[3种]、多达100个音符 通话时间提示 话机电话簿可存储[200条]电话 n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 销售实战手册(手机部分) 电话簿分组铃声识别 通话记录[10个已接、10个未接、10个已拨电话号码并带时间] 内置游戏[8个] EFR、STK服务 动画屏保[5种] 闹钟(仅闹一次,日闹钟,周闹钟) 日历 计算器 记事本 SIM卡锁 世界时钟 【规格参数】 网络类型:GSM 900/1800、GPRS 重量:85 克 尺寸/体积:84.5×44×20.5mm 通话时间:50-180分钟 * -150小时 * 待机时间:80 上市时间:2002年6月 联想 G808 * 视当地网络状况,使用状况及SIM卡情况而定。 可选颜色:红色探戈、银色月光、【主要功能】 蓝色多瑙河 附件:两锂电池(750mAh),两充自动双频 电器(旅行+座式)、耳机、挂绳 翻盖 三种时尚颜色显示 超薄双屏,四级灰度超大屏幕 多行显示:超大的6行汉字显示,高清晰度显示 内屏高分辨率图像显示163×84象素(128×128象素),四级灰度 外屏七色LED灯 蓝色EL背光 使用方便的键盘设计 GPRS Class 10最快上网 WAP 中文输入[Ezi汉字输入法],具有联想功能,中文拼音输入、中文笔划输入 英文Ezi输入、英文大写字母、英文小写字母、数字输入 中文短信息收发 125条短信息容量 日期时钟 内置振动 录音[90秒]:3组,每组不超过30秒 第n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electr 83 页 共 96 页 ical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 语音拨号[10个] 可选铃声[20种] 和弦铃声[40和弦],配上高保真发声单元 情景模式 通话时间提示 话机电话簿可存储[200组]电话, 每组分为移动电话、办公电话、住宅电话、传真电话和Email地址共5条信息 每个群组可以设定: 群组铃声:共20首+3首下载铃声 群组标志:共16种可以选择 群组来电标志(即通话界面):共12种可以选择 通话记录[10个]已接、[10个]未接、[20个]已拨电话 无线下载功能[下载铃声] 3种开关机动画 5种待机墙纸 12种通话界面 内置游戏[5个]多款动感游戏 PC同步(EMAIL,SMS, 日程,电话簿,名片等) 内置Modem EFR、STK服务 闹钟提示震动提示 计算器 世界时钟 日程备忘 单位换算 n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 销售实战手册(手机部分) 【规格参数】 网络类型:GSM900/1800MHz 重量:76 克 尺寸/体积:86×44×19.9mm 通话时间:180-480分钟 * 待机时间:60-120 小时 * 上市时间:2001年12月 * 视当地网络状况,使用状况及SIM卡情况而定。 厦新 A8 【主要功能】 可选颜色:咖啡金、珍珠白 附件:两锂电池(520mAh,双屏双显 720mAh),两个充电器,耳机挂带 超大的四行外显示屏 八行内显示屏 7种幻彩背光 自动双频 翻盖 中文输入[智能中英文输入] 中文短信息收发 日期时钟 多种待机背景显示(含月历、双时钟) 内置振动 录音[60秒]:2*30s 可选铃声[20种] 和弦铃声[16和弦] 情景模式 通话时间提示 话机电话簿可存储[150个]电话 用户分组[10组] 超强电话本管理功能:按位置查找、按姓名查找、区号查找、快速拨号、 用户分组、电子邮件、电话本管理 等 开机、关机动画和音乐,可随心变换 内置游戏[2种] 第n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electr 85 页 共 96 页 ical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of EFR、STK服务 开关机均可使用的内置闹钟 日程表 计算器 单位转换 世界时间 计数器 记事本 生物钟 呼叫时间 PIN码保护 密码保护 支持数据和传真功能 可延时自动接通 可设置自动重拨 【规格参数】 网络类型:GSM900/1800MHz 76 克 重量: 尺寸/体积:86×34×19.9mm 通话时间:180-360分钟 * 待机时间:60-120小时 * 上市时间:2002年5月 厦新 A8+ * 视当地网络状况,使用状况及SIM卡情况而定。 【主要功能】 可选颜色:蓝白 灰银 附件:锂电(520/720mAh)、充电器(旅 自动双频 充+座充)、耳机挂带 翻盖[折叠式] 显示屏幕:双屏双显 超大四行外显示屏,超大八行内显示屏 多种待机背景显示(含月历、双时钟) 开机、关机动画和音乐,可随心变换 七彩霓虹,流光溢彩 深邃蓝光与银色按键的梦幻组合 精美外观设计,精致OK引擎 中文输入[智能中英文输入] 中文短信息收发 日期时钟 内置振动 通话录音[60秒]:2*30s 可选铃声[30种] 和弦铃声[16和弦] n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 销售实战手册(手机部分) 情景模式 问候语设置[3种] 通话时间提示 话机电话簿可存储[150个]电话 超强电话本管理功能:全部浏览、按号码查找、按姓名查找、区号查找、快速拨号、 用户分组、电话本管理等; 通话记录[10个]已接、[10个]未接、[10个]已拨电话 通话时间 内置游戏[个] EFR、STK服务 开关机均可使用的内置闹钟 日历 计算器 日程安排 记事本 自动开关机 自动键盘锁 世界时钟 单位转换 计数器 数据库[10个] 生物钟 PIN码保护 密码保护 可延时自动接通 可设置自动重拨 【规格参数】 网络类型:GSM900/GSM1800 重量:78 克 尺寸/体积:86.5×44×17.9mm/78cc 厦新 彩蝶A6 通话时间:180-360分钟 * 待机时间:60-120小时 * 上市时间:2002年11月 可选颜色:玫瑰红.珍珠白 附件:两锂电(560和720mAh)、两* 视当地网络状况,使用状况及SIM卡情况而定。 充电器、挂绳式耳机、皮套 【主要功能】 超薄折叠式手机,配560mAH锂电仅为17.9毫米 源自同一系列的厦新彩蝶A6外形与潜龙A6酷似,经典的腾龙贴片被抽象派风格的蝴蝶贴片所取代,神来妙 笔下的蝴蝶既有蝴蝶的优雅娇俏,又有蝴蝶的轻盈灵动,辅以硬朗的线条、简洁的外观,突显了崇尚知性品 位的白领女士落落大方的风采。而彩蝶A6的机身色彩则是深加考究之后才决定的:玫瑰红彰显着对生活的热 第n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electr 87 页 共 96 页 ical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 情;珍珠白则代表着莲花般的纯净. 来电音乐响起时,金属线三色幻彩交替闪烁,有七款不同闪法,用户只要在电话簿设定,便可做到来电分组效 果 [10组] 超大显示屏幕,翠绿色EL背光,四级灰度显示,一屏可显示8行文字 。 圆型四向导航键,中间OK键确认,键盘在背景的照耀下会有蓝色,红色和绿色三种颜色混合表现,被认为是 手机中最“灿烂”的键盘 自动双频 翻盖[折叠式]可选择翻盖接听或翻开后再按键接听 中文输入[智能中英文输入] 中文短信息收发 安静模式按*一键切换 设置快捷菜单 日期时钟 可显示双时钟 内置振动 可选铃声[15种] 和弦铃声[16和弦] 在铃声技术上采用雅马哈芯片,20首16和弦音乐 通话录音[30秒],2次,每次15秒 通话时间提示 [每分钟第45秒] 话机电话簿可存储[150个]电话 超强电话本管理功能:全部浏览、按姓名查找、按号码查找、快速拨号、用户分组、区号查找、电话本管理 等 支持手机和SIM卡中的电话本相互拷贝和移动的功能 通话记录[10个]已接、[10个]未接、[10个]已拨电话 免提耳机具有摘挂机功能 可延时自动接通 可设置自动重拨 多种待机背景显示(20幅精美图片+12生肖图案+月历、双时钟+自设文本信息) 动画屏保:3种个性动画 开、关机动画及开机音乐[16和弦]随心转换 内置游戏[2个]:记忆力游戏和丘比特之箭 EFR、STK服务 开、关机均可使用的三组内置闹钟 [闹铃为16和弦铃声] 日程安排 日历 计算器 秒表 记事本 世界时钟 生物钟 [可在当天或特殊的日子里检查自己或朋友的身体的、智力的和情感的律动] 红粉佳期 [可检查女性的生理表] PIN码保护 密码保护 话机上锁 来电中文地名显示(固定电话) n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 销售实战手册(手机部分) 【规格参数】 网络类型:GSM900/GSM1800 重量:78 克 尺寸/体积:86.5×44×17.9mm/78cc 通话时间:180-360分钟 * 待机时间:60-120小时 * 厦新 潜龙A6 上市时间:2002年6月 可选颜色:雪银、玄黑、云墨 * 视当地网络状况,使用状况及SIM卡情况而定。 附件:两锂电(560和720mAh)、【主要功能】 两充电器、挂绳式耳机、皮套 超薄折叠式手机,配560mAH锂电仅为17.9毫米 机身表面龙形雕饰,龙形铭牌下方 一道细致的金属线镶嵌,来电音乐响起时,金属线三色幻彩交替闪烁,有七 款不同闪法,用户只要在电话簿设定,便可做到来电分组效果 [10组] 。 超大显示屏幕,翠绿色EL背光,四级灰度显示,一屏可显示8行文字 圆型四向导航键,中间OK键确认,键盘在背景的照耀下会有蓝色,红色和绿色三种颜色混合表现,被认为是 手机中最“灿烂”的键盘 自动双频 翻盖[折叠式]可选择翻盖接听或翻开后再按键接听 中文输入[智能中英文输入] 中文短信息收发 安静模式按*一键切换 设置快捷菜单 日期时钟 可显示双时钟 内置振动 可选铃声[20种] 和弦铃声[16和弦] 在铃声技术上采用雅马哈芯片,20首16和弦音乐 通话录音[60秒],2次,每次30秒 通话时间提示 [每分钟第45秒] 话机电话簿可存储[150个]电话 超强电话本管理功能:全部浏览、按姓名查找、按号码查找、快速拨号、用户分组、区号查找、电话本管理 等 支持手机和SIM卡中的电话本相互拷贝和移动的功能 通话记录[10个]已接、[10个]未接、[10个]已拨电话 免提耳机具有摘挂机功能 可延时自动接通 可设置自动重拨 多种待机背景显示(20幅精美图片+12生肖图案+月历、双时钟+自设文本信息) 第n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electr 89 页 共 96 页 ical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 动画屏保:3种个性动画 开、关机动画及开机音乐[16和弦]随心转换 内置游戏[2个]:记忆力游戏和丘比特之箭 EFR、STK服务 开、关机均可使用的三组内置闹钟 [闹铃为16和弦铃声] 日程安排 日历 计算器 秒表 记事本 世界时钟 生物钟 [可在当天或特殊的日子里检查自己或朋友的身体的、智力的和情感的律动] 红粉佳期 [可检查女性的生理表] PIN码保护 密码保护 话机上锁 来电中文地名显示(固定电话) 最新软件升级版本:1029a 【规格参数】 网络类型:GSM 900/1800MHz 78 克 重量: 尺寸/体积:86.5×44×17.9mm/78cc 通话时间:180-360分钟 * 待机时间:60-120小时 * 上市时间:2002年6月 厦新 游龙A6 * 视当地网络状况,使用状况及SIM卡情况而定。 可选颜色:雪银 附件:两锂电(560/720 mAh),【主要功能】 两充电器,挂带,耳机 超薄折叠式手机,配560mAH锂电仅为17.9毫米 机身表面一道细致的金属线镶嵌,来电音乐响起时,金属线三色幻彩交替闪烁,有七种不同闪法,用户只要在 电话簿设定,便可做到来电分组效果 [10组] 超大显示屏幕,翠绿色EL背光,四级灰度显示,一屏可显示8行文字 。 圆型四向导航键,中间OK键确认,键盘在背景的照耀下会有蓝色,红色和绿色三种颜色混合表现,被认为是 手机中最“灿烂”的键盘 自动双频 翻盖[折叠式]可选择翻盖接听或翻开后再按键接听 中文输入[智能中英文输入] 中文短信息收发 安静模式按*一键切换 设置快捷菜单 日期时钟 可显示双时钟 n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 销售实战手册(手机部分) 内置振动 可选铃声[20种] 和弦铃声[16和弦] 在铃声技术上采用雅马哈芯片,20首16和弦音乐 通话录音,2次,每次30秒 通话时间提示 [每45秒] 话机电话簿可存储[150个]电话 超强电话本管理功能:全部浏览、按姓名查找、按号码查找、快速拨号、用户分组、区号查找、电话本管理 等 支持手机和SIM卡中的电话本相互拷贝和移动的功能 通话记录[10个]已接、[10个]未接、[10个]已拨电话 免提耳机具有摘挂机功能 可延时自动接通 可设置自动重拨 多种待机背景显示(20幅精美图片+12生肖图案+月历、双时钟+自设文本信息) 动画屏保:3种个性动画 开、关机动画及开机音乐[16和弦]随心转换 内置游戏[2个]:记忆力游戏和丘比特之箭 EFR、STK服务 开、关机均可使用的三组内置闹钟 [闹铃为16和弦铃声] 日程安排 日历 计算器 秒表 记事本 世界时钟 货币换算 生物钟 [可在当天或特殊的日子里检查自己或朋友的身体的、智力的和情感的律动] 红粉佳期 [可检查女性的生理表] PIN码保护 密码保护 话机上锁 来电中文地名显示(来电仅限固定电话) 最新软件版本:0828a 最新的升级版本:1009a 第n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electr 91 页 共 96 页 ical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 手机卡篇(以天津为例) 军民卡 运营商: 中国联通 发行地区: 天津 网号: 131 漫游地区: 全国 简介: 月租25元/月,双项收费,全天0.15/分钟,军民卡和拥军卡情况一样,不送来 电显,军网不免费~ 拥军卡绝对要士兵或军官证复印件,而大家常说不用士 兵证的是军民卡,身份证复印件可以买到~ , 资费标准 n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 销售实战手册(手机部分) 入网费: 0 SIM卡费: 不等 基本月租费: 25元/月?号 市话费: 0.15元/分钟 漫游话费: 0.60元/分钟 长途话费: 0.07元/6秒(国内);0.20元/6秒(港澳台);0.80元/6秒(国际) , 服务项目 : 来电显示 先锋卡 运营商: 中国联通 发行地区: 天津 网号: 131 漫游地区: 全国 v 资费标准 入网费: 0 SIM卡费: 不等 基本月租费: 最低消费118元,包含市话费和漫游费和IP长途话费 市话费: 0.10元/分钟 漫游话费: 0.60元/分钟 长途话费: 0.07元/6秒(国内);0.20元/6秒(港澳台);0.80元/6秒(国际) 短消息: 0.10 来电显示: 0.30元/天 v 服务项目: 短消息、来电显示 心连心卡 运营商: 中国联通 发行地区: 天津 网号: 133(cdma) 漫游地区: 全国、韩、日、北美等 , 资费标准 SIM卡费: 100元 基本月租费: 50元 市话费: 0.20元/分钟(每月增送250分钟本地通话费) 第n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electr 93 页 共 96 页 ical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 漫游话费: 0.60元/分钟 长途话费: 0.07元/6秒(国内);0.20元/6秒(港澳台);0.80元/6秒(国际) , 服务项目: 短消息 自由卡 运营商: 中国联通 发行地区: 天津 网号: 130 漫游地区: 全国 简介: 天津联通推出的任我行“自由卡”无论打出、打进均按每分钟,.,,元计费,无 月租费,要求用户每月基本通话费不低于,,,元,不足,,,元的按,,, 元收取,其他费用另外计算。意味着“自由卡”的用户每月花,,,元可以打出或 接入总计,,,,分钟通话时间的电话,平均每天,,分钟。 , 资费标准 基本月租费: 无 市话费: 0.10元/分钟 漫游话费: 0.80元/分钟 长途话费: 0.07元/6秒(国内);0.20元/6秒(港澳台);0.80元/6秒(国际) 休闲卡 运营商: 中国联通 发行地区: 天津 网号: 130 131 漫游地区: 国内 , 资费标准 基本月租费: 无 市话费: 0.60元/分钟;0.20元/分钟(节假日、18:00-8:00) 漫游话费: 0.80元/分钟 长途话费: 0.07元/6秒(国内);0.20元/6秒(港澳台);0.80元/6秒(国际) 来电显示: 10元/月 , 服务项目: 短消息、移动IP电话、来电显示 时尚卡 运营商: 中国移动 n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 销售实战手册(手机部分) 发行地区: 天津 网号: 136、137、138、139 漫游地区: 全世界 , 资费标准 入网费: 0 SIM卡费: 根据号码而定 基本月租费: 118元(见详解) 市话费: 0.20元/分钟 漫游话费: 0.80元/分钟 长途话费: 0.07元/6秒(国内);0.20元/6秒(港澳台);0.80元/6秒(国际) 来电显示: 10元/月。 补充说明: 118作为月租费赠送1200分钟基本通话时间,此时的计费是按照通话时间计算,不计算具 体话费。超出1200分钟后基本通话费为呼出0.20元/分钟,接听0.05元/分钟。长途费、 IP费、短信费均另行计算,并且各自费率均同全球通。适合话务量大的用户。 , 服务项目 短消息 呼叫转移 呼叫等待 全球通WAP 移动IP电话 移动秘书 信息点播 手机银行 呼叫限制 全球呼 手机证券 智能STK卡 来电显示 , 注意事项 每月基本通话时间不超过1200分钟的,基本通话费部分的费用还是按照118元收取。 轻松卡 运营商: 中国移动 发行地区: 天津 网号: 135、137、138、139 漫游地区: 国内 简介: 全球通轻松卡,无月租费,分时段计费,白天0.60元/分钟,晚上或节假日0.20元/分钟。 [白天] 每日8:00-19:00 [晚上] 每日19:00-次日8:00 [节假日] 周六、周日及法定节日 可转为网内其它品牌,保持手机号码终身唯一,其它业务特点与全球通预付费业务相同。 只能 和网内的全球通互转,不能转为其他品牌,其他品牌可以单向转为轻松卡或者全球通。 特服功能还有移动小呼神,GPRS(自由套餐)。 v 资费标准 基本月租费: 无 n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electr第 95 页 共 96 页 ical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of 市话费: 白天0.60元/分钟;晚上或节假日0.20元/分钟 漫游话费: 0.80元/分钟 长途话费: 0.07元/6秒(国内);0.20元/6秒(港澳台);0.80元/6秒(国际) 呼叫转移: 0.20元/分钟 来电显示: 每天0.3元 补充说明: 漫游时接听电话一律加收长途费。 v 服务项目:短消息、呼叫转移、呼叫等待、移动IP电话、语音信箱、移动秘书、全球呼、来电显示 v 有效期限 每次交费f(单位:元) 有效期 f<50 0天 50<=f<100 90天 100<=f<300 180天 f>=300 360天 新星卡 运营商: 中国移动 发行地区: 天津 网号: 139 漫游地区: 全国 v 资费标准 入网费: 0 SIM卡费: 不等 基本月租费: 无月租(最低消费128元,囊括本地\漫游\长途\IP长途17951\点对点短信五项费用) 市话费: 0.11元/分钟 漫游话费: 0.80元/分钟 长途话费: 0.07元/6秒(国内);0.20元/6秒(港澳台);0.80元/6秒(国际) v 服务项目: 短消息、移动IP电话 n the main terminal, and the telephone Office is responsible for providing the appropriate size adapter patch panels and electrical protection unit. (Shuttle bus) wiring (IDF) set up in the workshop on the second floor of the building, located in the District of weak electrical cabinets (well). Engine room placed inside the Cabinet, IDF placed a standard 40U cabinets for installation of network and wiring devices, management computer and telephone information. Cabinet distribution frame are made of Super five RJ45 patch panel horizontal twisted pair connections. Computer information management, admin area using the jumpers, which uses private RJ45-RJ45 soft jumpers for network devices with jumpers hopping between all switches, changes, expansion and maintenance were done quickly in the wiring closet. Twisted length Centre room is located on the second floor, outward radiation of each line (except some points may exceed) does not exceed 100 metres in length, all information for the various floors all rooms (distribution Cabinet) unified management. District workshop building distribution lines (IDF) via fiber optic cables connected to the total room cabinets. Fiber length were: workshops two IDF: total more than 1200 square meters, double the number of strands can be calculated by multiplying the average length of the number of information points are. Average level of each length of cable: L=[(S1+S2)/2]+L1+L2 l: average length of cable; L1: MDF cable allowance; L2: other allowances S1: minimum horizontal cable length; S2: maximum horizontal length of cable; Office building of information: a minimum of 26 meters, the longest was 92 meters, L=[(28+92)/2]+2.5+1=62.5 m; Total length of 62.5 m x792 = 49500-meter in each box (KFT) by 300 meters per carton; The twisted-pair cable box you want = 49500 ? 300=165 (KFT); losses not included, each about 15 meters. Metal line slot, and metal line tube of
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