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2010-2011班主任工作日志2010-2011班主任工作日志 2010—2011年第一学期 班主任工作日志 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang,...

2010-2011班主任工作日志 2010—2011年第一学期 班主任工作日志 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 一年级班主任工作日志 小学班主任教育工作随笔 一、学会正确关爱,营造温馨班级 一个班,关起门来就是一个大家庭。如果,这个大家庭中的每一个同学都如兄弟姐妹般互相关心着、帮助着、照顾着、鼓舞着,那么他便是温馨的,温暖的。那么我是如何努力来营造一个温馨的班级的呢, 2010-09-08 做一个幸福的班主任 俗话说“亲其师才会信其道”因此,要改造一个人必须从改造思想入手,也就是进行充分的思想教育,使之在思想上接受你认同你,也才会行其道。在具体的教育过程中我是这样做的:1、是多鼓励,少强制。本班学生曾有一段时间在自习课里总是不能保持安静,影响学习效果。我曾通过班会、个别谈话、联系家长的方式了解学生,教育学生,但没有多大的变化, 2010-09-22 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 一个班主任的内心独白 是的,我是一个班主任,世界上最小的主任,但我却拥有世界上最最宝贵的财富:一群活泼可爱的孩子。从接触你们的那一刻起,我就暗暗发誓:我要让你们每一个人在我的教育下有所改变。当然,我深知,我没有老教师带班的经验,但我始终相信,只要付出总有回报,只要我足够足够努力,即使是坚硬的石头也会开花。 2010-10-07 对班主任老师的忠告:时刻鞭策自己 对班主任老师的忠告:时刻鞭策自己 1、班主任应该努力成为学会做“精神关怀者”。我们从事的是以心育心、以德育德、以人格育人格的精神劳动。所以,不仅要关心学生的成绩,更要关心他们的情感、情绪。 2、不要希求学生一下子就会改正缺点错误,要给他们坡度,一步一步地让他们上来。 2010-10-11 浅谈作为班主任的收获 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 今天和我的实习班主任谈了很久,针对现在二班学生的性格问题我们相互交流了很多。 我之前说过,二班是一个女生活泼,男生相对沉闷的班集体。曹老师对我说了很多针对女生的问题,他说,这些孩子们缺乏引导,但是表面的现象并不能肯定一个孩子身上存在的问题,让我找她们谈谈心。 2010-11-13 读《你能做最好的班主任》有感 班主任是学校里最重要的老师。可是一直一来,许多人却认为当班主任并不快乐,是校园里的苦行僧——起得比鸡早,睡的比小姐还迟。不过,南京市第六中学的陈宇老师却给出了不同的答案:班主任的却是个很重要的工作,每个人都可以干得很得心应手,每个人都可以是个快乐而又幸福的班主任。 2010-04-26 班主任日志:爱的教育 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 时光如梭,说的一点不假,转眼之间,我做班主任工作已经半年有余。在这段时间里,有过辛酸与苦辣,但更多的是甜蜜的幸福,因为我有一群让我时刻牵挂的可爱的学生。 孩子天生具有一种探索的精神和超强的模仿力,在这种情况下,便会出现或大或小的错误,这时候部分的老师认为学生是打出来的,只要学生犯错就应该给以严厉的处罚,轻则讽刺挖苦一顿,重则便是武力解决。 2010-11-24 读《班主任》有感 上学期学了众多伤痕文学的作品,听着老师讲着那个年代人和事,多么的不可思议啊~我们不是出生在那样的年代,那个年代的痛我们也永远无法像亲历者那样真切的感受到。 文革,到底是怎样一种革命, 刘心武的《班主任》是那个时代文学的先锋代表,于是翻开《班主任》,细细品味的那个年代的辛酸与无奈。 2010-12-06 听任小艾《班主任工作》有感 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 2011年6月25日,第六期教师素质提升 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 在文体中心如期举行了。任小艾老师用她风趣的语言,向我们列举了一系列鲜活的案例,生动的阐释了班主任工作的方法。半天的培训课程虽然转眼间就过去了,但会议留给我们的思考却让我一直回味无穷,尤其是她讲述的“名师成长的规律”给了我很大的启示。 2010-12-21 二年级班主任工作日志 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 班主任的苦与乐 大家都知道,当教师“苦”,当班主任更“苦”,这是不言而喻的,因此就有“家有三斗粮,不当孩子王”的说法。但“苦”中之无穷之乐,乐中之无尽之趣,却不是每一位班主任都能体会得到的。 班主任的苦主要来自以一个当老师的 责任 安全质量包保责任状安全管理目标责任状8安全事故责任追究制幼儿园安全责任状占有损害赔偿请求权 心。有些人认为当班主任有什么,一切事情都放手让学生做就行了,班主任何必要管哪么多,只要过得去就可以了 2010-09-12 小学班主任工作随笔 小学班主任工作随笔 在十几年的班主任工作中,我总结了班主任工作中的“三怕”:一是怕性子急,冲动发脾气;是怕马马虎虎,工作不仔细;三怕中途放弃,对学生置之不理。 一是怕性子急,冲动发脾气。急性子做不好班主任工作,因为教书育人是细活,需要的是耐心。如果遇事不冷静,一时冲动,由着性子,容易把事情搞得一团糟。 2010-09-18 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 当老师的没当过班主任是个遗憾 班主任是学生健康成长的引路人,是联系班级任课教师和家长的桥梁与纽带,是教育理论与实践紧密结合的实践者和专家。 班主任要有大爱,大爱的教育能让每一个学生成为发光的金子,大爱的教育才是真正有灵魂的教育。作为班级的重要一员,要平等对待每一名学生,关爱每一名学生,尊重每一名学生,不抛弃不放弃每一名学生。 2010-09-25 小学班主任教育工作随笔 一、学会正确关爱,营造温馨班级 一个班,关起门来就是一个大家庭。如果,这个大家庭中的每一个同学都如兄弟姐妹般互相关心着、帮助着、照顾着、鼓舞着,那么他便是温馨的,温暖的。那么我是如何努力来营造一个温馨的班级的呢, 2010-10-12 做一个幸福的班主任 俗话说“亲其师才会信其道”因此,要改造一个人必须从改造思想入手,也就是进行充分的思想教育,使之在思想上接受你 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 认同你,也才会行其道。在具体的教育过程中我是这样做的:1、是多鼓励,少强制。本班学生曾有一段时间在自习课里总是不能保持安静,影响学习效果。我曾通过班会、个别谈话、联系家长的方式了解学生,教育学生,但没有多大的变化, 2010-10-20 一个班主任的内心独白 是的,我是一个班主任,世界上最小的主任,但我却拥有世界上最最宝贵的财富:一群活泼可爱的孩子。从接触你们的那一刻起,我就暗暗发誓:我要让你们每一个人在我的教育下有所改变。当然,我深知,我没有老教师带班的经验,但我始终相信,只要付出总有回报,只要我足够足够努力,即使是坚硬的石头也会开花。 2010-10-27 对班主任老师的忠告:时刻鞭策自己 对班主任老师的忠告:时刻鞭策自己 1、班主任应该努力成为学会做“精神关怀者”。我们从事的是以心育心、以德育德、 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 以人格育人格的精神劳动。所以,不仅要关心学生的成绩,更要关心他们的情感、情绪。 2、不要希求学生一下子就会改正缺点错误,要给他们坡度,一步一步地让他们上来。 2010-11-07 浅谈作为班主任的收获 今天和我的实习班主任谈了很久,针对现在二班学生的性格问题我们相互交流了很多。 我之前说过,二班是一个女生活泼,男生相对沉闷的班集体。曹老师对我说了很多针对女生的问题,他说,这些孩子们缺乏引导,但是表面的现象并不能肯定一个孩子身上存在的问题,让我找她们谈谈心。 2010-11-23 读《你能做最好的班主任》有感 班主任是学校里最重要的老师。可是一直一来,许多人却认为当班主任并不快乐,是校园里的苦行僧——起得比鸡早,睡的 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 比小姐还迟。不过,南京市第六中学的陈宇老师却给出了不同的答案:班主任的却是个很重要的工作,每个人都可以干得很得心应手,每个人都可以是个快乐而又幸福的班主任。 2010-11-28 班主任日志:爱的教育 时光如梭,说的一点不假,转眼之间,我做班主任工作已经半年有余。在这段时间里,有过辛酸与苦辣,但更多的是甜蜜的幸福,因为我有一群让我时刻牵挂的可爱的学生。 孩子天生具有一种探索的精神和超强的模仿力,在这种情况下,便会出现或大或小的错误,这时候部分的老师认为学生是打出来的,只要学生犯错就应该给以严厉的处罚,轻则讽刺挖苦一顿,重则便是武力解决。 2010-12-04 读《班主任》有感 上学期学了众多伤痕文学的作品,听着老师讲着那个年代人和事,多么的不可思议啊~我们不是出生在那样的年代,那个年代的痛我们也永远无法像亲历者那样真切的感受到。 文革, this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 到底是怎样一种革命, 刘心武的《班主任》是那个时代文学的先锋代表,于是翻开《班主任》,细细品味的那个年代的辛酸与无奈。 2010-12-17 听任小艾《班主任工作》有感 2011年6月25日,第六期教师素质提升计划在文体中心如期举行了。任小艾老师用她风趣的语言,向我们列举了一系列鲜活的案例,生动的阐释了班主任工作的方法。半天的培训课程虽然转眼间就过去了,但会议留给我们的思考却让我一直回味无穷,尤其是她讲述的“名师成长的规律”给了我很大的启示。 2010-12-23 用“四心”做好班主任工作 用“四心”做好班主任工作 爱心、责任心、耐心和宽容心是班主任与学生交往的桥梁。有了爱心,学生才能亲近;有了责任心任何一个学生都不会放弃;耐心能促使学生与班主任交 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 心;宽容心能得到学生的信任。 爱心,是从教师心底油然而 生的对学生的爱,爱心是做好班主任工作的前提,“没有爱,就 没有教育”。 2010-12-28 三年级班主任工作日志 班主任教育叙事 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 怀着一颗爱心,处处留意,扶起孩子的自信之心。轻声一句鼓励,随时赞赏,树立学生进取之路。学生最大的幸福是获取老师同学的赞赏;老师最大的幸福就是学生在自己的眼前成人成才。老师的爱心铸教育,以鼓励先行施予学生,是师生获得教育幸福感的美好途径。 2010-09-12 读桂老师《情感育人》有感 寒假期间,学校为了提高老师们的素养,特地为每位老师准备了一份精心的礼物——书。当我拿到桂老师的《情感育人》一书的时候如获至宝,因为我知道,作为一个青年教师,除了专业知识之外,教学经验也是很重要的,那么向桂老师学习就是学习积累经验的一种有效途径。当拜读了这一书之后,我深深地感受到,即使是老师也是普通人,过着普通人的生活,可是孩子们如同天使, 2010-09-19 班主任工作随笔 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 本学期,进入了紧张忙碌的冲刺阶段。班主任工作的重点 也由抓班干部建设、行为规范和学习习惯过渡到抓学生思想稳定, 促浓厚学习氛围上。高三后半期,会有学生分层明显的现象出现。 后进生因为学习吃力,失去了自信心,开始出现放弃的倾向;而 中等以上学生则会因为学习压力大,产生烦躁易怒情绪。故而, 想要在高考时打胜仗,这个阶段首要的任务便是抓思想稳定工作。 2010-09-27 用宽容与睿智面对学生的过错 《最震撼心灵的教育》这本书前几年我就读过,现在我又读了一遍,说真的读过后又有许多新的体会与收获,做为一名中学教师,有这样多的老师在自己平凡的工作岗位上做出可歌可泣的事迹着实让我敬佩。我认为这些老师他们只所以能在自己的执教生涯中做出这样不平凡的业绩,他们的共同点都是有一颗美丽的心,有着宽阔的胸怀,有着脚踏实地忘我奉献不计较个人得失的精神。 2010-10-09 桂老师的感人的故事 很早就在报刊上听闻桂老师的感人的故事,在心中就模糊的 建立了一个“明星”形象,很庆幸我能加入钟小的家园,更有幸this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 的是初到学校就得到了和桂老师简单的交谈的机会。9月10日那天和全家一起坐在电视机面前分享桂老师的喜悦,我自豪的给全家介绍起这位大明星,桂老师的形象和我想象的有所不一样,她是那样的真实,那样的纯朴,言语间散发的那种母亲的魅力。 2010-10-27 班主任工作与学风建设 我曾问了不同年级学生同样的问题:班主任有没有用。回答当然并是是我所想的都是“没用”,而是“有点用”。的确是有点用,学生说对辅导员是敬,跟班主任就不会那么拘束,可以随便聊。也有学生说要是没有班主任,你就不会认识我了;图管的毕业班的学生说,班主任可以在 论文 政研论文下载论文大学下载论文大学下载关于长拳的论文浙大论文封面下载 写作方面起到帮助的作用。但这些用处似乎每个老师都可以做到。 2010-11-08 分享教学经验20条 一、备课的经验 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 1、备课时要对三套不同的 教材 民兵爆破地雷教材pdf初中剪纸校本课程教材衍纸校本课程教材排球校本教材中国舞蹈家协会第四版四级教材 来回比较,从而选择确定一种较适合学生的教学内容和方法。70%左右要紧扣正在使用的教材,30%左右要纵横渗透,综合整合,作相关发挥。2、在假期中把新学期的课完全备好,包括各次考试的题目,要有一个整体的备课框架,然后才上课。最好的教学策略是按照“整体?部分?整体”进行教学。 2010-11-11 班主任工作随笔 有人说:过去太短,短到只剩下过去两个字。参加工作十六年了,做班主任工作也十六年了,十六年弹指一挥间。刚参加工作,热情高涨,对于班主任工作全力以赴,但也全凭感觉,自己干的很投入却没有太多的收获。现在想来,留下的东西不多,唯一印象最深的就是”法海“的恶名一直伴随着我。 2010-11-27 班主任咏叹 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded ,时有咏叹,试以数喻述之。初接新班,我总要向同学们作一个借“姓”发挥的开场白:“我姓‘俞’,按《说文解字》的解释,‘俞’的本义是‘船’。其实,我们整个儿班就是一条满载学子的渡船,我这个‘主任’就是船上的‘老大’。让我们一起在求知求真的大海中劈浪奋进,抵达成功的边岸~而我还会回来渡送下一届„„” 2010-12-01 班主任给学生的一封信 回到校园好几天了,大家一定都适应了吧~校园生活既紧张又充满了乐趣,尽管忙碌,但是生活却很有规律。校园生活既像一本书蕴含着无数深刻而动人的哲理,又像一部电影演绎着一幕幕精彩而跌宕的故事,让我们在生活中学会生活,用平和而满怀感激地心态去对待身边的人、事、物。新的学期,新的起点,愿孩子们时刻保持良好的心态。 2010-12-17 班主任工作点点滴滴 “蝴蝶效应”是美国气象学家洛伦兹1963年提出来的。本来说的是,一只南美洲亚马孙河流域热带雨林中的蝴蝶,偶尔扇 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 动几下翅膀,可能在两周后引起美国德克萨斯引起一场龙卷风。 现在我们通常是指在一个动力系统中,初始条件下微小的变化能 带动整个系统的长期的巨大的连锁反应。 2010—12—28 四年级班主任工作日志 当老师的没当过班主任是个遗憾 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 班主任是学生健康成长的引路人,是联系班级任课教师和家长的桥梁与纽带,是教育理论与实践紧密结合的实践者和专家。 班主任要有大爱,大爱的教育能让每一个学生成为发光的金子,大爱的教育才是真正有灵魂的教育。作为班级的重要一员,要平等对待每一名学生,关爱每一名学生,尊重每一名学生,不抛弃不放弃每一名学生, 2010-09-13 小学班主任教育工作随笔 一、学会正确关爱,营造温馨班级 一个班,关起门来就是一个大家庭。如果,这个大家庭中的每一个同学都如兄弟姐妹般互相关心着、帮助着、照顾着、鼓舞着,那么他便是温馨的,温暖的。那么我是如何努力来营造一个温馨的班级的呢, 2010-09-23 做一个幸福的班主任 俗话说“亲其师才会信其道”因此,要改造一个人必须从改造思想入手,也就是进行充分的思想教育,使之在思想上接受你认同你,也才会行其道。在具体的教育过程中我是这样做的:1、 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 是多鼓励,少强制。本班学生曾有一段时间在自习课里总是不能保持安静,影响学习效果。我曾通过班会、个别谈话、联系家长的方式了解学生,教育学生,但没有多大的变化, 2010-10-06 一个班主任的内心独白 是的,我是一个班主任,世界上最小的主任,但我却拥有世界上最最宝贵的财富:一群活泼可爱的孩子。从接触你们的那一刻起,我就暗暗发誓:我要让你们每一个人在我的教育下有所改变。当然,我深知,我没有老教师带班的经验,但我始终相信,只要付出总有回报,只要我足够足够努力,即使是坚硬的石头也会开花。 2010-10-18 对班主任老师的忠告:时刻鞭策自己 对班主任老师的忠告: 时刻鞭策自己 1、班主任应该努力成为学会做“精神关怀者”。我们从事的是以心育心、以德育德、以人格育人格的精 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 神劳动。所以,不仅要关心学生的成绩,更要关心他们的情感、情绪。 2、不要希求学生一下子就会改正缺点错误,要给他们坡度,一步一步地让他们上来。 2010-10-25 浅谈作为班主任的收获 今天和我的实习班主任谈了很久,针对现在二班学生的性格问题我们相互交流了很多。 我之前说过,二班是一个女生活泼,男生相对沉闷的班集体。曹老师对我说了很多针对女生的问题,他说,这些孩子们缺乏引导,但是表面的现象并不能肯定一个孩子身上存在的问题,让我找她们谈谈心。 2010-11-07 读《你能做最好的班主任》有感 班主任是学校里最重要的老师。可是一直一来,许多人却认为当班主任并不快乐,是校园里的苦行僧——起得比鸡早,睡的比小姐还迟。不过,南京市第六中学的陈宇老师却给出了不同的 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 答案:班主任的却是个很重要的工作,每个人都可以干得很得心应手,每个人都可以是个快乐而又幸福的班主任。 2010-11-16 爱的教育 时光如梭,说的一点不假,转眼之间,我做班主任工作已经半年有余。在这段时间里,有过辛酸与苦辣,但更多的是甜蜜的幸福,因为我有一群让我时刻牵挂的可爱的学生。 孩子天生具有一种探索的精神和超强的模仿力,在这种情况下,便会出现或大或小的错误,这时候部分的老师认为学生是打出来的,只要学生犯错就应该给以严厉的处罚,轻则讽刺挖苦一顿,重则便是武力解决。 2010-11-24 读《班主任》有感 上学期学了众多伤痕文学的作品,听着老师讲着那个年代人和事,多么的不可思议啊~我们不是出生在那样的年代,那个年代的痛我们也永远无法像亲历者那样真切的感受到。 文革, this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 到底是怎样一种革命, 刘心武的《班主任》是那个时代文学的先锋代表,于是翻开《班主任》,细细品味的那个年代的辛酸与无奈。 2010-12-07 听任小艾《班主任工作》有感 2011年6月25日,第六期教师素质提升计划在文体中心如期举行了。任小艾老师用她风趣的语言,向我们列举了一系列鲜活的案例,生动的阐释了班主任工作的方法。半天的培训课程虽然转眼间就过去了,但会议留给我们的思考却让我一直回味无穷,尤其是她讲述的“名师成长的规律”给了我很大的启示。 2010-12-18 用“四心”做好班主任工作 用“四心”做好班主任工作 爱心、责任心、耐心和宽容心是班主任与学生交往的桥梁。有了爱心,学生才能亲近;有了责任心任何一个学生都不会放弃;耐心能促使学生与班主任交 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 心;宽容心能得到学生的信任。 爱心,是从教师心底油然而 生的对学生的爱,爱心是做好班主任工作的前提,“没有爱,就 没有教育”。 2010-12-25 五年级班主任工作日志 班主任教育故事:师爱无痕,花开无声 班主任教育故事:师爱无痕,花开无声 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 泰戈尔曾说:“不是锤的敲打,而是水的载歌载舞,才使粗糙的石头变成了美丽的鹅卵石。”12年的班主任工作经验告诉我,对学生的教育应该是用一颗热情的心,把无微不至的关爱时时送到每个学生的身边,以真挚的情感走进学生的心灵世界。对于如何是真挚的感情,原来我以为,为师的宽容要求我们无论何时何地都应该保持老师优雅、和蔼的本色, 2010-09-11 中学班主任教育叙事 又到了上交班主任教育故事的时间了,哎~年年写如何改变后进生,今年我倒想写写我和自尊心超强的优秀生的故事。他,柏霖,我们班的班长,是个聪明的男孩,学习成绩优秀,还参与了管乐和足球的兴趣小组活动,可他听不得别人的意见,只要老师一批评他,或者有什么事情不顺他的心,他就满脸不高兴,甚至流眼泪,好象受了多大委屈。 2010-09-18 班主任教育故事 接到4年级5班,第一个认识的学生是李炯。胖乎乎的脸儿,红领巾系得很规范,校服很干净,那双眼睛就像他的名字炯炯有神,但是从他的眼睛里可以看出,这个家伙是个讨人喜欢的调皮 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 鬼。果然不出所料,我到班级听到的第一句话就是:“哇,这么肥的老师~”这个声音最先是从李炯口中发出来的(当时不知道名字,但是这家伙“狡黠”的笑,使我一眼就把他给记住了)。 2010-09-22 小学班主任教育叙事 “爱自己的孩子是人,爱别人的孩子是好人,而爱别人不爱的孩子才是教师的崇高境界。”那些在学习、思想、行为等方面存在一定偏差的学生,我们称之为“问题学生”。他们往往被忽视、被冷落,殊不知,学生看起来最不值得爱的时候,恰恰是学生最需要爱的时候;殊不知,错过学生的一个教育机会,没准就错过学生的一辈子。 2010-10-09 小学班主任工作随笔 在几年的班主任工作中,我总结了班主任工作中的"三怕":一是怕性子急,冲动发脾气;二是怕马马虎虎,工作不仔细;三怕中途放弃,对学生置之不理。 一是怕性子急,冲动发脾气。 急性子做不好班主任工作,因为教书育人是细活,需要的是耐心。 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 如果遇事不冷静,一时冲动,由着性子,容易把事情搞得一团糟。如果事事发脾气,自以为是,独断专行, 2010-10-20 班主任教育叙事 怀着一颗爱心,处处留意,扶起孩子的自信之心。轻声一句鼓励,随时赞赏,树立学生进取之路。学生最大的幸福是获取老师同学的赞赏;老师最大的幸福就是学生在自己的眼前成人成才。老师的爱心铸教育,以鼓励先行施予学生,是师生获得教育幸福感的美好途径。 2010-10-25 读桂老师《情感育人》有感 寒假期间,学校为了提高老师们的素养,特地为每位老师准备了一份精心的礼物——书。 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 当我拿到桂老师的《情感育人》一书的时候如获至宝,因为我 知道,作为一个青年教师,除了专业知识之外,教学经验也是很 重要的,那么向桂老师学习就是学习积累经验的一种有效途径。 当拜读了这一书之后,我深深地感受到,即使是老师也是普通人, 过着普通人的生活,可是孩子们如同天使, 2010-10-29 班主任工作随笔 本学期,进入了紧张忙碌的冲刺阶段。班主任工作的重点也由抓班干部建设、行为规范和学习习惯过渡到抓学生思想稳定,促浓厚学习氛围上。高三后半期,会有学生分层明显的现象出现。后进生因为学习吃力,失去了自信心,开始出现放弃的倾向;而中等以上学生则会因为学习压力大,产生烦躁易怒情绪。故而,想要在高考时打胜仗,这个阶段首要的任务便是抓思想稳定工作。 2010-11-03 用宽容与睿智面对学生的过错 《最震撼心灵的教育》这本书前几年我就读过,现在我又读 了一遍,说真的读过后又有许多新的体会与收获,做为一名中学this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 教师,有这样多的老师在自己平凡的工作岗位上做出可歌可泣的事迹着实让我敬佩。 我认为这些老师他们只所以能在自己的执教生涯中做出这样不平凡的业绩,他们的共同点都是有一颗美丽的心,有着宽阔的胸怀,有着脚踏实地忘我奉献不计较个人得失的精神。 2010-11-15 桂贤娣《情感育人》读后感 很早就在报刊上听闻桂老师的感人的故事,在心中就模糊的建立了一个“明星”形象,很庆幸我能加入钟小的家园,更有幸的是初到学校就得到了和桂老师简单的交谈的机会。9月10日那天和全家一起坐在电视机面前分享桂老师的喜悦,我自豪的给全家介绍起这位大明星,桂老师的形象和我想象的有所不一样,她是那样的真实,那样的纯朴,言语间散发的那种母亲的魅力。 2010-11-20 班主任工作与学风建设 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 我曾问了不同年级学生同样的问题:班主任有没有用。回答当然并是是我所想的都是“没用”,而是“有点用”。的确是有点用,学生说对辅导员是敬,跟班主任就不会那么拘束,可以随便聊。也有学生说要是没有班主任,你就不会认识我了;图管的毕业班的学生说,班主任可以在论文写作方面起到帮助的作用。但这些用处似乎每个老师都可以做到。 2010-11-27 分享教学经验20条 一、备课的经验 1、备课时要对三套不同的教材来回比较,从而选择确定一种较适合学生的教学内容和方法。70%左右要紧扣正在使用的教材,30%左右要纵横渗透,综合整合,作相关发挥。2、在假期中把新学期的课完全备好,包括各次考试的题目,要有一个整体的备课框架,然后才上课。最好的教学策略是按照“整体?部分?整体”进行教学。 2010-12-07 班主任工作随笔 有人说:过去太短,短到只剩下过去两个字。参加工作十六年了,做班主任工作也十六年了,十六年弹指一挥间。刚参加工作, this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 热情高涨,对于班主任工作全力以赴,但也全凭感觉,自己干的很投入却没有太多的收获。现在想来,留下的东西不多,唯一印象最深的就是”法海“的恶名一直伴随着我。 2010-12-15 班主任咏叹 ,时有咏叹,试以数喻述之。初接新班,我总要向同学们作一个借“姓”发挥的开场白:“我姓‘俞’,按《说文解字》的解释,‘俞’的本义是‘船’。其实,我们整个儿班就是一条满载学子的渡船,我这个‘主任’就是船上的‘老大’。让我们一起在求知求真的大海中劈浪奋进,抵达成功的边岸~而我还会回来渡送下一届„„” 2010-12-24 六年级班主任工作日志 班主任论坛随笔 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 今天下午,我们组织了一次全校性的班主任论坛活动,根据 市区教育局和我们学校今年的工作重点——育人制度的制定和实 施,临近学期结束,我想从“制度”这一方面让班主任老师谈一 谈自己在制度实施过程中的收获或困惑。简短的开场白以后,便 是班主任老师的交流时间。一年级一位班主任老师为我们讲述了 这样一个案例:班内的两个孩子,由于下课后出教室,一个孩子 无意中把另一个孩子碰倒了,其中被碰倒的小女孩很委屈的哭了。 2010-09-12 班主任,我心中的挚爱 岁月匆匆,时光荏苒,50载已写就了我人生平凡的一段履历,斗转星移,岁月沧桑,27年已注满了辛勤耕耘的汗水和收获。暑往寒来,花开花落,变化的是教材、是学生,不变的是讲台,是一片我对教育事业的挚爱深情。27年的教学生涯,走过雨,走过风,走过阳光明媚。今天我不想回顾太多,借这次交流的机会,我主要向各位汇报一下本学期的工作 2010-09-23 班主任工作随感 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 好久没有动笔写点东西了,其实我早就想写点东西。不过开学这段时间真的很忙,除了繁重的教学任务还有繁琐的班主任工作。有时好不不容易在办公室静一静,一声报告又打破了刚刚的宁静,看来又有事情去处理了。不过于写作来说,以上关于忙而没有时间写作是一个无病呻吟的理由吧。鲁迅曾说:“时间就像海绵,如果挤一下还是有的。”所以归结起来就是我的时间观念不够强或者说我对于时间的安排不够合理,以致于自己整天都在啥忙。 2010-09-28 班主任日记之起跑线 今天是我接手一年级新生的第二天。昨天的一身疲惫让自己在短暂的抱怨后迅速清醒了。抱怨没有用,刚入学的孩子就是这样,一切都需要有老师的正确指引。他们需要我,而我,在教师的职业生涯中也恰恰需要他们,对于我们来说,都是成长~送走毕业班后,极大地落差让自己一度烦闷,心火无名的蔓延,其实一切都没用,放慢速度,放慢节拍,细心加强,耐心加大。 2010-10-17 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 班主任感悟 班主任的地位在学生心目中是至高无上的,班主任的话对学生是最具号召力的。在众多任课教师中,学生对班主任老师是最崇拜的、最信赖的。在担任班主任期间,我深深体会到:良好的师生感情是决定班主任工作成功与否的关键。怎样才能使学生“亲其师,信其道”呢,我试着从以下几点做起,并收到了良好的效果。 2010-10-25 班主任工作随笔:让学生因我而幸运 曾经看过一篇文章《让学生因你而幸运》,讲的是美籍华裔物理学家,诺贝尔奖获得者李政道博士在学生时代因费米教授的引导和训练而使自己养成长于思考,勤于动手,乐于实验,勇于探索的习惯,这让他一生倍感幸运,心存感激。作为一名教育者,我深受启发。一个教师能使学生因为受教于自己而感到幸运,他不仅要学识渊博,还要有宽广的胸怀和无私奉献的精神。 2010-10-29 班主任工作随笔:年轻的资本 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 记得我第一次当班主任时,兴奋,紧张,不知所措。因为年轻,没有任何经验,很多工作不知道如何着手,如何做才能做得更好。那时候有的是热情,精力,耐心,爱心和无私奉献。我就依赖这些展开了我的班主任工作。经历过痛苦,品尝过酸涩,拥有过很多委屈,但同时也收获过快乐,赢得了尊重。而在不断探索中,在不断的自我反思中,我豁然开朗。 2010-11-08 往事如烟之青春岁月——我的班主任 从学前班到大学毕业再到现在,几十年来,少说也有上百个老师曾经给我带过课,在他们身上,我获取了知识,增长了见识,让我终生难忘。一日为师,终身为师。在这些老师中,能让我记忆下来的还是那些曾经的班主任,毕竟和我们联系的更加亲密一些吧。 2010-11-15 《班主任兵法》读后感 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 《班主任兵法》是一本教育反思集,它记述了作者在担任班主任期间与学生之间“斗智斗勇”的教育故事。我读过之后,觉得许多做法操作性强,具有十分重大的借鉴意义,使我很受启发。读完万玮老师的《班主任兵法》,使我充分的认识到教育是一种艺术,必须用心研究。万玮老师把兵法运用于班主任管理实践中,这本身就是一个创造。 2010-11-27 对班主任工作的感悟 其实想来,毕业有3年的时间了,一直都没有离开校园。也一直都从事着班主任工作。毕业时候,觉得想干班主任工作,是因为那时候在学校属于编外教师,有些工作安排不由个人意志决定。我不像想象中那么伟大,说什么想锻炼自己。记得刚去英达中学的时候,我担任七年三班的班主任,第一次站在这么多学生面前,才知道此时此刻学生把我当作主角,那种感觉好像是明星。 2010-12-08 陈晓华《班主任突围》读后感 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 知道学校要我做班主任了,我特意从图书馆借来陈晓华的《班主任突围》,它山之玉,攻我之石。在“幸福,让教育成为幸福”一章中,陈老师讲述了一个我曾经也遇到过的案例。案例中有位女生行为另类,语言张扬、无所顾忌、我行我素,和同学的关心很僵,她自己也是心情郁闷。陈老师跟她谈话语重心长最终失败,这引起更多学生对这位女生的厌恶和排斥, 2010-12-19 班主任工作随笔 爱自己的孩子是人,爱别人的孩子是好人,而爱别人不爱的孩子才是教师的崇高境界。”那些在学习、思想、行为等方面存在一定偏差的学生,我们称之为“问题学生”。他们往往被忽视、被冷落,殊不知,学生看起来最不值得爱的时候,恰恰是学生最需要爱的时候;殊不知,错过学生的一个教育机会,没准就错过学生的一辈子。 2010-12-28 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 2010—2011年第二学期 班主任工作日志 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 一年级班主任工作日志 用“四心”做好班主任工作 用“四心”做好班主任工作 爱心、责任心、耐心和宽容心是班主任与学生交往的桥梁。有了爱心,学生才能亲近;有了责任心任何一个学生都不会放弃;耐心能促使学生与班主任交心;宽容心能得到学生的信任。 爱心,是从教师心底油然而生的对学生的爱,爱心是做好班主任工作的前提,“没有爱,就没有教育”。 2011-02-18 我做班主任的幸福感 无论是教育事业发展的需要,还是青少年生命成长的需求,抑或是班主任自身综合素质的提升,确实应该发出这样的呼吁――做一个幸福的班主任。 一、班主任要自觉地创造幸福的校园生活。 苏霍姆林斯基说:“我认为教育的理想就在于使所有的儿童都成为幸福的人,使他们的心灵由于劳动的幸福而充满欢乐。” 2011-02-25 做幸福班主任 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 我不是演员,但我想吸引孩子们的目光; 我不是歌唱家,但我想让知识的旋律在孩子们的耳边回响; 我不是探险家,但我想探寻隐藏在孩子们身上的星光; 我不是雕塑家,但我想纠正孩子们的不良习惯,将他们的灵魂塑造; 我,只是班主任。 人们都说班主任是神通广大百变金刚,任何学生面对班主任都将俯首帖耳。从前我对此深信不疑,当上班主任之后,我才知道班主任不好当。 2011-03-07 读《跟苏霍姆林斯基学当班主任》有感 几年以前,曾经拜读过苏霍姆林斯基的《给教师的建议》,站在语文教师的角度领略了苏霍姆林斯基著作的风采;今年寒假,读的还是与苏霍姆林斯基有关的书,不过,不再是单枪匹马,而是跟随着闫学老师的脚步,在苏霍姆林斯基的恢弘巨著前,撷取一朵朵小花,和闫老师一起《跟苏霍姆林斯基学当班主任》。 2011-03-14 班主任教育叙事 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 怀着一颗爱心,处处留意,扶起孩子的自信之心。轻声一句鼓 励,随时赞赏,树立学生进取之路。学生最大的幸福是获取老师 同学的赞赏;老师最大的幸福就是学生在自己的眼前成人成才。 老师的爱心铸教育,以鼓励先行施予学生,是师生获得教育幸福 感的美好途径。 2011-04-13 读桂老师《情感育人》有感 寒假期间,学校为了提高老师们的素养,特地为每位老师准 备了一份精心的礼物——书。当我拿到桂老师的《情感育人》一 书的时候如获至宝,因为我知道,作为一个青年教师,除了专业 知识之外,教学经验也是很重要的,那么向桂老师学习就是学习 积累经验的一种有效途径。当拜读了这一书之后,我深深地感受 到,即使是老师也是普通人,过着普通人的生活,可是孩子们如 同天使, 2011-05-16 用宽容与睿智面对学生的过错 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 《最震撼心灵的教育》这本书前几年我就读过,现在我又读 了一遍,说真的读过后又有许多新的体会与收获,做为一名中学 教师,有这样多的老师在自己平凡的工作岗位上做出可歌可泣的 事迹着实让我敬佩。我认为这些老师他们只所以能在自己的执教 生涯中做出这样不平凡的业绩,他们的共同点都是有一颗美丽的 心,有着宽阔的胸怀,有着脚踏实地忘我奉献不计较个人得失的 精神。 2011-06-03 班主任工作与学风建设 我曾问了不同年级学生同样的问题:班主任有没有用。回答当 然并是是我所想的都是“没用”,而是“有点用”。的确是有点 用,学生说对辅导员是敬,跟班主任就不会那么拘束,可以随便 聊。也有学生说要是没有班主任,你就不会认识我了;图管的毕 业班的学生说,班主任可以在论文写作方面起到帮助的作用。但 这些用处似乎每个老师都可以做到。 2011-06-26 班主任工作点点滴滴 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded “蝴蝶效应”是美国气象学家洛伦兹1963年提出来的。本来说的是, 一只南美洲亚马孙河流域热带雨林中的蝴蝶,偶尔扇动几下翅膀,可能 在两周后引起美国德克萨斯引起一场龙卷风。现在我们通常是指在一个 动力系统中,初始条件下微小的变化能带动整个系统的长期的巨大的连 锁反应。 2011-07-02 二年级班主任工作日志 做班主任的幸福感 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 无论是教育事业发展的需要,还是青少年生命成长的需求,抑或是班主任自身综合素质的提升,确实应该发出这样的呼吁――做一个幸福的班主任。 一、班主任要自觉地创造幸福的校园生活。 苏霍姆林斯基说:“我认为教育的理想就在于使所有的儿童都成为幸福的人,使他们的心灵由于劳动的幸福而充满欢乐。” 2011-02-18 做幸福班主任 我不是演员,但我想吸引孩子们的目光; 我不是歌唱家,但我想让知识的旋律在孩子们的耳边回响; 我不是探险家,但我想探寻隐藏在孩子们身上的星光; 我不是雕塑家,但我想纠正孩子们的不良习惯,将他们的灵魂塑造; 我,只是班主任。 人们都说班主任是神通广大百变金刚,任何学生面对班主任都将俯首帖耳。从前我对此深信不疑,当上班主任之后,我才知道班主任不好当。 2011-02-21 读《跟苏霍姆林斯基学当班主任》有感 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 几年以前,曾经拜读过苏霍姆林斯基的《给教师的建议》,站在语文教师的角度领略了苏霍姆林斯基著作的风采;今年寒假,读的还是与苏霍姆林斯基有关的书,不过,不再是单枪匹马,而是跟随着闫学老师的脚步,在苏霍姆林斯基的恢弘巨著前,撷取一朵朵小花,和闫老师一起《跟苏霍姆林斯基学当班主任》。 2011-02-23 班主任工作随笔 从2010年到今天,我的班主任工作做了差不多两年了。这两年,可以说累,可以说辛苦,也可以说很有收获。我觉得我最大的收获,或许是学会了问自己能做什么, 1、问自己能为学生做什么, 或许是因为年轻,或许是因为不懂世事,我总喜欢和自己的学生走在一起。和他们聊天,和他们疯,和他们耍。在很多人的眼中,或许我根本就没有一个老师的范~ 2011-03-05 教师,没有班主任的经历是一种缺憾 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 今天下午,我们有幸邀请到南通中学原副校长、特级教师、南通市班主任专业委员会主任、江苏省中学生体协副主席、秘书长、全国优秀班主任金质奖章获得者、全国中小学德育工作标兵、南通市名师培养导师团副团长姚侃先生给我们的班主任和青年教师作了一场德育工作专题报告。 姚校长报告的题目是《我当班主任》,他的报告深入浅出,有理论,有实践,可操作性很强。 2011-03-09 班主任教育故事:师爱无痕,花开无声 班主任教育故事:师爱无痕,花开无声 泰戈尔曾说:“不是锤的敲打,而是水的载歌载舞,才使粗糙的石头变成了美丽的鹅卵石。”12年的班主任工作经验告诉我,对学生的教育应该是用一颗热情的心,把无微不至的关爱时时送到每个学生的身边,以真挚的情感走进学生的心灵世界。对于如何是真挚的感情,原来我以为,为师的宽容要求我们无论何时何地都应该保持老师优雅、和蔼的本色, 2011-03-23 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 中学班主任教育叙事 又到了上交班主任教育故事的时间了,哎~年年写如何改变后进生,今年我倒想写写我和自尊心超强的优秀生的故事。他,柏霖,我们班的班长,是个聪明的男孩,学习成绩优秀,还参与了管乐和足球的兴趣小组活动,可他听不得别人的意见,只要老师一批评他,或者有什么事情不顺他的心,他就满脸不高兴,甚至流眼泪,好象受了多大委屈。 2011-04-07 班主任教育故事 接到4年级5班,第一个认识的学生是李炯。胖乎乎的脸儿,红领巾系得很规范,校服很干净,那双眼睛就像他的名字炯炯有神,但是从他的眼睛里可以看出,这个家伙是个讨人喜欢的调皮鬼。果然不出所料,我到班级听到的第一句话就是:“哇,这么肥的老师~”这个声音最先是从李炯口中发出来的(当时不知道名字,但是这家伙“狡黠”的笑,使我一眼就把他给记住了)。 2011-04-13 小学班主任教育叙事 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded “爱自己的孩子是人,爱别人的孩子是好人,而爱别人不爱的孩子才是教师的崇高境界。”那些在学习、思想、行为等方面存在一定偏差的学生,我们称之为“问题学生”。他们往往被忽视、被冷落,殊不知,学生看起来最不值得爱的时候,恰恰是学生最需要爱的时候;殊不知,错过学生的一个教育机会,没准就错过学生的一辈子。 2011-04-28 小学班主任工作随笔 在几年的班主任工作中,我总结了班主任工作中的"三怕":一是怕性子急,冲动发脾气;二是怕马马虎虎,工作不仔细;三怕中途放弃,对学生置之不理。 一是怕性子急,冲动发脾气。 急性子做不好班主任工作,因为教书育人是细活,需要的是耐心。如果遇事不冷静,一时冲动,由着性子,容易把事情搞得一团糟。 2011-06-26 新教师如何做好班主任 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 作为一个新教师,班主任对于幼儿园老师来说无疑是一个很大的担子。幼儿园班主任是幼儿的组织者,也是幼儿的领导者和教育者。班主任工作在幼儿园管理中起着举足轻重的作用。而这种工作又不同于其他行业,她面对的是一个特殊的群体——一个个不谐世事却又天真活泼、朝气蓬勃的幼儿。要做好这份工作,不能单靠热情,她需要真爱的付出。 2011-07-03 三五年级班主任工作日志 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 做个幸福的班主任 我在想,怎么样才能做个幸福的班主任,班主任总是为这样那样的琐事所忙碌着,总是为这样那样的调皮学生所烦恼着。班上几乎天天出状况,如上课不遵守课堂纪律、课间总是有人在追逐打闹、早恋的现象、迟到、打架、仪容仪表不符合规定„„让班主任操碎了心。对于我这个刚中途接手的班主任来说更是无从下手。每天要提高警惕,怕他们出什么状况。 2011-02-29 做一个与时俱进的班主任 我既不是领导,也不是专家,我只是一个扶持您孩子走过小学阶段,帮助其树立可能影响他一生的理想,帮助他养成可能影响一生的习惯的人。我很平凡。每天早晨,沐浴着阳光的我走向学生,开始了又一段充满了挑战与快乐的征程。 我始终相信:用阳光般的情怀去拨动学生的心弦,就一定会有智慧之光生生不息地闪现;用爱心去润泽学生,他们总会回报我们阳光与幸福。 2011-03-25 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 班主任的每一天 俗语有话:“教者父母心。”这句话一点也不假,特别是班主任,对学生无论是学习、行为、思想、习惯、生活„„都要一一教导;班主任就是一个“管家婆”这句话一点也不错。校内的事、校外的事、家庭的事、大事、小事都一一要管。班主任是忙碌的,繁锁的,默默无闻的。从我做班主任的这一刻开始就深有体会。 2011-04-06 班主任论坛随笔 今天下午,我们组织了一次全校性的班主任论坛活动,根据市区教育局和我们学校今年的工作重点——育人制度的制定和实施,临近学期结束,我想从“制度”这一方面让班主任老师谈一谈自己在制度实施过程中的收获或困惑。简短的开场白以后,便是班主任老师的交流时间。一年级一位班主任老师为我们讲述了这样一个案例:班内的两个孩子,由于下课后出教室,一个孩子无意中把另一个孩子碰倒了,其中被碰倒的小女孩很委屈的哭了。 2011-04-13 班主任,我心中的挚爱 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 岁月匆匆,时光荏苒,50载已写就了我人生平凡的一段履历,斗转星移,岁月沧桑,27年已注满了辛勤耕耘的汗水和收获。暑往寒来,花开花落,变化的是教材、是学生,不变的是讲台,是一片我对教育事业的挚爱深情。27年的教学生涯,走过雨,走过风,走过阳光明媚。今天我不想回顾太多,借这次交流的机会,我主要向各位汇报一下本学期的工作。 2011-05-08 班主任工作随感 好久没有动笔写点东西了,其实我早就想写点东西。不过开学这段时间真的很忙,除了繁重的教学任务还有繁琐的班主任工作。有时好不不容易在办公室静一静,一声报告又打破了刚刚的宁静,看来又有事情去处理了。不过于写作来说,以上关于忙而没有时间写作是一个无病呻吟的理由吧。 鲁迅曾说:“时间就像海绵,如果挤一下还是有的。 所以归结起来就是我的时间观念不够强或者说我对于时间的安排不够合理,以致于自己整天都在啥忙。 2011-05-17 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 班主任日记之起跑线 今天是我接手一年级新生的第二天。昨天的一身疲惫让自己 在短暂的抱怨后迅速清醒了。抱怨没有用,刚入学的孩子就是这 样,一切都需要有老师的正确指引。他们需要我,而我,在教师 的职业生涯中也恰恰需要他们,对于我们来说,都是成长~送走 毕业班后,极大地落差让自己一度烦闷,心火无名的蔓延,其实 一切都没用,放慢速度,放慢节拍,细心加强,耐心加大。 2011-05-26 班主任感悟 班主任的地位在学生心目中是至高无上的,班主任的话对学 生是最具号召力的。在众多任课教师中,学生对班主任老师是最 崇拜的、最信赖的。在担任班主任期间,我深深体会到:良好的 师生感情是决定班主任工作成功与否的关键。怎样才能使学生 “亲其师,信其道”呢,我试着从以下几点做起,并收到了良好 的效果。 2011-06-07 班主任工作随笔:让学生因我而幸运 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 曾经看过一篇文章《让学生因你而幸运》,讲的是美籍华裔物理学家,诺贝尔奖获得者李政道博士在学生时代因费米教授的引导和训练而使自己养成长于思考,勤于动手,乐于实验,勇于探索的习惯,这让他一生倍感幸运,心存感激。作为一名教育者,我深受启发。一个教师能使学生因为受教于自己而感到幸运,他不仅要学识渊博,还要有宽广的胸怀和无私奉献的精神。 2011-06-19 班主任工作随笔:年轻的资本 记得我第一次当班主任时,兴奋,紧张,不知所措。因为年轻,没有任何经验,很多工作不知道如何着手,如何做才能做得更好。那时候有的是热情,精力,耐心,爱心和无私奉献。我就依赖这些展开了我的班主任工作。经历过痛苦,品尝过酸涩,拥有过很多委屈,但同时也收获过快乐,赢得了尊重。而在不断探索中,在不断的自我反思中,我豁然开朗。 2010-06-23 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 往事如烟之青春岁月——我的班主任 从学前班到大学毕业再到现在,几十年来,少说也有上百个老师曾经给我带过课,在他们身上,我获取了知识,增长了见识,让我终生难忘。一日为师,终身为师。在这些老师中,能让我记忆下来的还是那些曾经的班主任,毕竟和我们联系的更加亲密一些吧。 2011-07-04 《班主任兵法》读后感 《班主任兵法》是一本教育反思集,它记述了作者在担任班主任期间与学生之间“斗智斗勇”的教育故事。我读过之后,觉得许多做法操作性强,具有十分重大的借鉴意义,使我很受启发。读完万玮老师的《班主任兵法》,使我充分的认识到教育是一种艺术,必须用心研究。万玮老师把兵法运用于班主任管理实践中,这本身就是一个创造。 2011-07-08 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 对班主任工作的感悟 其实想来,毕业有3年的时间了,一直都没有离开校园。也一直都从事着班主任工作。毕业时候,觉得想干班主任工作,是因为那时候在学校属于编外教师,有些工作安排不由个人意志决定。我不像想象中那么伟大,说什么想锻炼自己。记得刚去英达中学的时候,我担任七年三班的班主任,第一次站在这么多学生面前,才知道此时此刻学生把我当作主角,那种感觉好像是明星。 2011-07-13 三年级班主任工作日志 新教师如何做好班主任 作为一个新教师,班主任对于幼儿园老师来说无疑是一个很大的担子。幼儿园班主任是幼儿的组织者,也是幼儿的领导者和教育者。班主任工作在幼儿园管理中起着举足轻重的作用。而这种工作又不同于其他行业,她面对的是一个特殊的群体——一个 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 个不谐世事却又天真活泼、朝气蓬勃的幼儿。要做好这份工作,不能单靠热情,她需要真爱的付出, 2011-02-23 做个幸福的班主任 我在想,怎么样才能做个幸福的班主任,班主任总是为这样那样的琐事所忙碌着,总是为这样那样的调皮学生所烦恼着。班上几乎天天出状况,如上课不遵守课堂纪律、课间总是有人在追逐打闹、早恋的现象、迟到、打架、仪容仪表不符合规定„„让班主任操碎了心。对于我这个刚中途接手的班主任来说更是无从下手。每天要提高警惕,怕他们出什么状况。 2011-02-29 做一个与时俱进的班主任 我既不是领导,也不是专家,我只是一个扶持您孩子走过小学阶段,帮助其树立可能影响他一生的理想,帮助他养成可能影响一生的习惯的人。我很平凡。每天早晨,沐浴着阳光的我走向学生,开始了又一段充满了挑战与快乐的征程。 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 我始终相信:用阳光般的情怀去拨动学生的心弦,就一定会有智慧之光生生不息地闪现;用爱心去润泽学生,他们总会回报我们阳光与幸福; 2011-03-25 班主任的每一天 俗语有话:“教者父母心。”这句话一点也不假,特别是班主任,对学生无论是学习、行为、思想、习惯、生活„„都要一一教导;班主任就是一个“管家婆”这句话一点也不错。校内的事、校外的事、家庭的事、大事、小事都一一要管。班主任是忙碌的,繁锁的,默默无闻的。从我做班主任的这一刻开始就深有体会。 2011-04-06 班主任论坛随笔 今天下午,我们组织了一次全校性的班主任论坛活动,根据市区教育局和我们学校今年的工作重点——育人制度的制定和实施,临近学期结束,我想从“制度”这一方面让班主任老师谈一谈自己在制度实施过程中的收获或困惑。简短的开场白以后,便是班主任老师的交流时间。一年级一位班主任老师为我们讲述了 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 这样一个案例:班内的两个孩子,由于下课后出教室,一个孩子无意中把另一个孩子碰倒了,其中被碰倒的小女孩很委屈的哭了。 2011-04-19 班主任,我心中的挚爱 岁月匆匆,时光荏苒,50载已写就了我人生平凡的一段履历,斗转星移,岁月沧桑,27年已注满了辛勤耕耘的汗水和收获。暑往寒来,花开花落,变化的是教材、是学生,不变的是讲台,是一片我对教育事业的挚爱深情。27年的教学生涯,走过雨,走过风,走过阳光明媚。今天我不想回顾太多,借这次交流的机会,我主要向各位汇报一下本学期的工作。 2011-05-08 班主任工作随感 好久没有动笔写点东西了,其实我早就想写点东西。不过开学这段时间真的很忙,除了繁重的教学任务还有繁琐的班主任工作。有时好不不容易在办公室静一静,一声报告又打破了刚刚的宁静,看来又有事情去处理了。不过于写作来说,以上关于忙而没有时间写作是一个无病呻吟的理由吧。 鲁迅曾说:“时间就像海绵,如果挤一下还是有的。 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 所以归结起来就是我的时间观念不够强或者说我对于时间的 安排不够合理,以致于自己整天都在啥忙。 2011-05-17 班主任日记之起跑线 今天是我接手一年级新生的第二天。昨天的一身疲惫让自己 在短暂的抱怨后迅速清醒了。抱怨没有用,刚入学的孩子就是这 样,一切都需要有老师的正确指引。他们需要我,而我,在教师 的职业生涯中也恰恰需要他们,对于我们来说,都是成长~送走 毕业班后,极大地落差让自己一度烦闷,心火无名的蔓延,其实 一切都没用,放慢速度,放慢节拍,细心加强,耐心加大。 2011-05-26 班主任感悟 班主任的地位在学生心目中是至高无上的,班主任的话对学生是 最具号召力的。在众多任课教师中,学生对班主任老师是最崇拜的、最 信赖的。在担任班主任期间,我深深体会到:良好的师生感情是决定班 主任工作成功与否的关键。怎样才能使学生“亲其师,信其道”呢,我 试着从以下几点做起,并收到了良好的效果。 2011-06-07 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 班主任工作随笔:让学生因我而幸运 曾经看过一篇文章《让学生因你而幸运》,讲的是美籍华裔物理学家,诺贝尔奖获得者李政道博士在学生时代因费米教授的引导和训练而使自己养成长于思考,勤于动手,乐于实验,勇于探索的习惯,这让他一生倍感幸运,心存感激。作为一名教育者,我深受启发。一个教师能使学生因为受教于自己而感到幸运,他不仅要学识渊博,还要有宽广的胸怀和无私奉献的精神。 2011-06-19 班主任工作随笔:年轻的资本 记得我第一次当班主任时,兴奋,紧张,不知所措。因为年轻,没有任何经验,很多工作不知道如何着手,如何做才能做得更好。那时候有的是热情,精力,耐心,爱心和无私奉献。我就依赖这些展开了我的班主任工作。经历过痛苦,品尝过酸涩,拥有过很多委屈,但同时也收获过快乐,赢得了尊重。而在不断探索中,在不断的自我反思中,我豁然开朗。 2011-06-23 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 往事如烟之青春岁月——我的班主任 从学前班到大学毕业再到现在,几十年来,少说也有上百个老师曾经给我带过课,在他们身上,我获取了知识,增长了见识,让我终生难忘。一日为师,终身为师。在这些老师中,能让我记忆下来的还是那些曾经的班主任,毕竟和我们联系的更加亲密一些吧。 2011-07-04 《班主任兵法》读后感 《班主任兵法》是一本教育反思集,它记述了作者在担任班主任期间与学生之间“斗智斗勇”的教育故事。我读过之后,觉得许多做法操作性强,具有十分重大的借鉴意义,使我很受启发。读完万玮老师的《班主任兵法》,使我充分的认识到教育是一种 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 艺术,必须用心研究。万玮老师把兵法运用于班主任管理实践中,这本身就是一个创造。 2011-07-08 对班主任工作的感悟 其实想来,毕业有3年的时间了,一直都没有离开校园。也一直都从事着班主任工作。毕业时候,觉得想干班主任工作,是因为那时候在学校属于编外教师,有些工作安排不由个人意志决定。我不像想象中那么伟大,说什么想锻炼自己。记得刚去英达中学的时候,我担任七年三班的班主任,第一次站在这么多学生面前,才知道此时此刻学生把我当作主角,那种感觉好像是明星。 2011-07-13 四年级班主任工作日志 班主任给学生的一封信 回到校园好几天了,大家一定都适应了吧~校园生活既紧张又充满了乐趣,尽管忙碌,但是生活却很有规律。校园生活既像一本书蕴含着无数深刻而动人的哲理,又像一部电影演绎着一幕幕精彩而跌宕的故事,让我们在生活中学会生活,用平和而满怀 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 感激地心态去对待身边的人、事、物。新的学期,新的起点,愿孩子们时刻保持良好的心态, 2011-02-17 班主任工作点点滴滴 “蝴蝶效应”是美国气象学家洛伦兹1963年提出来的。本来说的是,一只南美洲亚马孙河流域热带雨林中的蝴蝶,偶尔扇动几下翅膀,可能在两周后引起美国德克萨斯引起一场龙卷风。现在我们通常是指在一个动力系统中,初始条件下微小的变化能带动整个系统的长期的巨大的连锁反应。 2011-02-22 新教师如何做好幼儿园班主任 作为一个新教师,班主任对于幼儿园老师来说无疑是一个很大的担子。幼儿园班主任是幼儿的组织者,也是幼儿的领导者和教育者。班主任工作在幼儿园管理中起着举足轻重的作用。而这种工作又不同于其他行业,她面对的是一个特殊的群体——一个 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 个不谐世事却又天真活泼、朝气蓬勃的幼儿。要做好这份工作,不能单靠热情,她需要真爱的付出, 2011-03-09 做个幸福的班主任 我在想,怎么样才能做个幸福的班主任,班主任总是为这样那样的琐事所忙碌着,总是为这样那样的调皮学生所烦恼着。班上几乎天天出状况,如上课不遵守课堂纪律、课间总是有人在追逐打闹、早恋的现象、迟到、打架、仪容仪表不符合规定„„让班主任操碎了心。对于我这个刚中途接手的班主任来说更是无从下手。每天要提高警惕,怕他们出什么状况。 2011-03-23 做一个与时俱进的班主任 我既不是领导,也不是专家,我只是一个扶持您孩子走过小学阶段,帮助其树立可能影响他一生的理想,帮助他养成可能影响一生的习惯的人。我很平凡。每天早晨,沐浴着阳光的我走向 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 学生,开始了又一段充满了挑战与快乐的征程。我始终相信:用阳光般的情怀去拨动学生的心弦,就一定会有智慧之光生生不息地闪现;用爱心去润泽学生,他们总会回报我们阳光与幸福。 2011-04-02 班主任的每一天 俗语有话:“教者父母心。”这句话一点也不假,特别是班主任,对学生无论是学习、行为、思想、习惯、生活„„都要一一教导;班主任就是一个“管家婆”这句话一点也不错。校内的事、校外的事、家庭的事、大事、小事都一一要管。班主任是忙碌的,繁锁的,默默无闻的。从我做班主任的这一刻开始就深刻体会 。 2011-05-17 五年级班主任工作日志 班主任,想说爱你不容易 班主任,想说爱你不容易 看了这个题目,或许你要说我消极。可我是一个实在人,不想刻意的隐瞒自己。我有这个念头已经十年了。三十岁以前,印象中,也只在女儿出生的那一年, this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 我没有当班主任。除此之外,根本没有产生过这种不安分的念头。因为我知道,离开了学生我会空虚的。三十岁以后,喜欢上了读书,找到了做人的乐趣。可是班主任工作占去了我的业余时间的一多半,很少有看书的闲工夫。 2011-03-07 班主任工作随笔:把整个心灵献给孩子 把整个心灵献给孩子 我生活中什么事最重要的呢,我可以毫不犹豫的回答说:爱孩子。——苏霍姆林斯基 从教三年,两年的班主任 工作总结 关于社区教育工作总结关于年中工作总结关于校园安全工作总结关于校园安全工作总结关于意识形态工作总结 出一个灵性的词语——快乐。班主任,它不是一个官职,却被赋予了太多的使命,我享受这份工作,更享受这个职务,虽是有太多的繁琐,当和孩子们做自己想做的事,彼此分享自己的精神世界时。 2011-03-20 班主任申请书 尊敬的校长:经过我的再三考虑,决定申请担任班主任,理由如下:1、本人申请做班主任是一个渐进的过程,不是一时地冲动,是在不断认识自我、认识教育、认识他人的基础上做出的尊重自我、尊重教育、尊重他人的选择。2、学生对教师尊敬的唯一 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 来源是他的人性和理智品质。所以,我选择做班主任,就是选择挑战自我,选择完善我的人性和理智品质。 2011-04-22 用爱心做好班主任工作 今天,我认真聆听了四位优秀班主任的班级管理的宣讲,我最大的感受是:教育是一门科学,管理是一种艺术。一位班级管理不成功的班主任,其失败的理由可能会有一百条,而一百位优秀的班主任,其成功的经验肯定有一条,那就是热爱学生。有了爱这个支点,教育就不仅仅是一种手段、一项工作、一件事情,而是一种力量、一种智慧、一份快乐。 2011-04-24 读《做一个专业的班主任》有感 读《做一个专业的班主任》有感 王晓春老师的《做一个专业的班主任》写的太好了。这本书没有空话、大话、套话、废话,把班主任工作真正作为一个教育专业,进行学术研究,追求 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 其理念,探索其规律,构建起体系,寻找其方法,从而使更多的班主任从“知之”走向“好之”和“乐之”。读后我的心灵受到极大的震撼。我是喜欢做班主任的,可是有时也会厌倦。正如王老师所说的那样,班主任这项工作是让人欢喜让人烦。 2011-05-15 班主任工作随笔:呵护心灯 班主任工作随笔:呵护心灯 前天,写字比赛的结果出来后,我班得到了不错的成绩,五个人参加比赛,有三个人得了一等奖,一个二等奖,一个三等奖。按道理,我应该大张旗鼓地表扬这五位选手才对,然而,当我在全班宣布这个结果时,对于这五个人取得好成绩只是轻描淡写地表扬了几句。从孩子们期待的目光中,我似乎感觉到了些什么。我知道此时此刻,我一定要说上几句,以抚慰那些没有进入决赛的孩子的心灵。 2011-05-27 浅谈班主任一日常规工作 浅谈班主任一日常规工作 作为班主任,每天都很忙碌,我们的主要职责除了在课堂上管理学生外,还承担学生的成长辅 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 导与课余管理职责,班主任一日常规显得尤为重要。结合自己班主任工作的实际,我来谈谈班主任一日工作常规。 1、每天早些到校,进教室后检查学生出勤,发现学生旷课情况,应及时与家长联系了解查实学生去向。 2、观察学生情绪,检查红领巾、校服、首饰,以及个人卫生情况。 2011-06-03 六年级班主任工作日志 班主任申请书 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 尊敬的校长:经过我的再三考虑,决定申请担任班主任,理由如下:1、本人申请做班主任是一个渐进的过程,不是一时地冲动,是在不断认识自我、认识教育、认识他人的基础上做出的尊重自我、尊重教育、尊重他人的选择。2、学生对教师尊敬的唯一来源是他的人性和理智品质。所以,我选择做班主任,就是选择挑战自我,选择完善我的人性和理智品质。 2011-03-12 用爱心做好班主任工作 今天,我认真聆听了四位优秀班主任的班级管理的宣讲,我最大的感受是:教育是一门科学,管理是一种艺术。一位班级管理不成功的班主任,其失败的理由可能会有一百条,而一百位优秀的班主任,其成功的经验肯定有一条,那就是热爱学生。有了爱这个支点,教育就不仅仅是一种手段、一项工作、一件事情,而是一种力量、一种智慧、一份快乐。 2011-03-24 读《做一个专业的班主任》有感 读《做一个专业的班主任》有感 王晓春老师的《做一个专业的班主任》写的太好了。这本书没有空话、大话、套话、废 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 话,把班主任工作真正作为一个教育专业,进行学术研究,追求其理念,探索其规律,构建起体系,寻找其方法,从而使更多的班主任从“知之”走向“好之”和“乐之”。读后我的心灵受到极大的震撼。我是喜欢做班主任的,可是有时也会厌倦。正如王老师所说的那样,班主任这项工作是让人欢喜让人烦。 2011-04-10 班主任工作随笔:呵护心灯 班主任工作随笔:呵护心灯 前天,写字比赛的结果出来后,我班得到了不错的成绩,五个人参加比赛,有三个人得了一等奖,一个二等奖,一个三等奖。按道理,我应该大张旗鼓地表扬这五位选手才对,然而,当我在全班宣布这个结果时,对于这五个人取得好成绩只是轻描淡写地表扬了几句。从孩子们期待的目光中,我似乎感觉到了些什么。我知道此时此刻,我一定要说上几句,以抚慰那些没有进入决赛的孩子的心灵。 2011-04-17 浅谈班主任一日常规工作 浅谈班主任一日常规工作 作为班主任,每天都很忙碌,我们的主要职责除了在课堂上管理学生外,还承担学生的成长辅 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded 导与课余管理职责,班主任一日常规显得尤为重要。结合自己班主任工作的实际,我来谈谈班主任一日工作常规。 一、到校 1、每天早些到校,进教室后检查学生出勤,发现学生旷课情况,应及时与家长联系了解查实学生去向。2、观察学生情绪,检查红领巾、校服、首饰,以及个人卫生情况。 2011-05-13 浅谈班主任一日常规工作 浅谈班主任一日常规工作 作为班主任,每天都很忙碌,我们的主要职责除了在课堂上管理学生外,还承担学生的成长辅导与课余管理职责,班主任一日常规显得尤为重要。结合自己班主任工作的实际,我来谈谈班主任一日工作常规。 一、到校 1、每天早些到校,进教室后检查学生出勤,发现学生旷课情况,应及时与家长联系了解查实学生去向。2、观察学生情绪,检查红领巾、校服、首饰,以及个人卫生情况。 2011—05—28 this precious resourceAdvantage took full advantage, mobilizing forces for the development suggestions in Pingliang. Four is to increase funding in infrastructure-building onto a new stage. "SARS" impact of Pingliang, Pingliang Mansion Hotel and calmly, insist on one hand and preventing "SARS", one hand and normal operation. Under the care and support of the municipal government, hotel in Pingliang actively financing, comprehensive hardware facilities have been upgraded
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