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柳永雨霖铃教案柳永雨霖铃教案 《雨霖铃》教案 教学目标: 一、知识目标 1(回顾词的相关知识,了解作家。 2(理解词意,感受词中浓浓的别情,把握词的意境。 3(掌握虚实结合、情景交融、铺叙、白描的手法。 二、能力目标 1、掌握鉴赏词的基本步骤和方法。 2、提高学生理解和鉴赏词的能力。 三、情感目标 1、培养学生健康的审美情趣。 2、正确认识该词的情调,培养积极的人生观。 教学重点: 1、理解词意,把握词的意境。 2、学习该词虚实结合、情景交融、铺叙、白描的手法。 教学难点:把握词的意境。 教学方...

柳永雨霖铃 教案 中职数学基础模块教案 下载北师大版¥1.2次方程的根与系数的关系的教案关于坚持的教案初中数学教案下载电子教案下载 《雨霖铃》教案 教学目标: 一、知识目标 1(回顾词的相关知识,了解作家。 2(理解词意,感受词中浓浓的别情,把握词的意境。 3(掌握虚实结合、情景交融、铺叙、白描的手法。 二、能力目标 1、掌握鉴赏词的基本 步骤 新产品开发流程的步骤课题研究的五个步骤成本核算步骤微型课题研究步骤数控铣床操作步骤 和方法。 2、提高学生理解和鉴赏词的能力。 三、情感目标 1、培养学生健康的审美情趣。 2、正确认识该词的情调,培养积极的人生观。 教学重点: 1、理解词意,把握词的意境。 2、学习该词虚实结合、情景交融、铺叙、白描的手法。 教学难点:把握词的意境。 教学方法:朗读法、点拨法、探究法 课时安排: 1课时 教学过程: 一、深情导入,激发学习兴趣: 别离在诗歌是一种历写不衰的主 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 。请大家想想以前学过哪些描写别情的诗。 “风萧萧兮易水寒,壮士一去兮不复返”, “莫愁前路无知己,天下谁人不识君”, “劝君更进一杯酒,西出阳关无故人”,孤帆远影碧空尽,唯见长江天际流”, “桃花潭水深千尺,不及汪伦送我情”, “醉不成欢惨将别,别时茫茫江浸月”, “十年生死两茫茫,不思量,自难忘”,这是苏轼与其亡妻之间的“梦别”。 形形色色的分别,无不贯穿着一个主题:分别痛苦。真是“别”有滋味 在心头。今天,我们就一起来欣赏北宋婉约派代表词人柳永的“雨霖铃”。看看他又是怎样写“别”的呢, 二、了解背景,学会“知人论世”。 office, branch offices (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management sector through supervision and inspection found problems, should be assigned the investigators are corrected in a timely manner. 27th the fifth chapter penalty under any of the following acts, then the relevant provisions to punish the investigators, according to the Bank. To constitute a crime shall be investigated for criminal responsibility: (A) on the business that are not involved in the investigation, issued a survey. (B) customer credit information are not thorough verification. (Iii) to participate in credit customer survey is not in place, customers and data is incomplete, untrue; he knows bear a counterfeited clients issuing credit. (D) does not provide for due diligence of credit business, pre-loan investigation form, concealing facts or providing false information or should be found in a normal investigation failed to discover the risk factors, lead to the review and approval policy errors, loan risk. (Five) on loan guarantees of survey not in place, not by provides on arrived, and pledge real for field verification, and assessment, and identification and registration, not according to provides on guarantor of guarantees qualification and guarantees capacity for survey verified, led to guarantees loan lost authenticity, and legitimacy, and effectiveness of; cycle loan business in the of mortgage 柳永(约987——1053约),北宋词人。原名三变,字耆卿,福建崇安人,晚年任屯田员外郎,后人称他为柳屯田。其词多是描绘城市风光和歌伎生活,尤其善于抒写离情别绪。创作慢词,铺叙白描,情景交融,语言通俗,音律谐婉,是婉约词派的代表之一。他的词,在当时流传很广,对宋词的发展有一定的影响。著有《乐章集》。 柳永才情卓著,但一生仕途坎坷不济,更多的时日跟歌妓们一起过着依红偎翠、浅酌低的生活。他深深了解这些歌妓们的生活,深切同情她们的不幸遭遇。在他的作品中,很多唱 是反映和她们在一起的悲欢离合。《雨霖铃》便是其中为世人所传诵的一首,被称为“宋金十大曲之一”。 当时,词人由于仕途失意,心情十分压抑,决定离开京城到外地去。这首词就是抒写他和一位红颜知己的离情别绪。 三、整体感知 1、录音朗读(提醒学生注意:听准字音;听出节奏;听出感情。) 提问:录音的朗读者的感情基调怎样, 明确:感情基调低沉。 2、学生齐读(要求学生读准字音;读准节奏;读出感情)。 3、疏通词意(学生默读课文,根据注解理解词的大意。) 4、概括次的上下片的内容。 明确:词的上片写离别时的情景;词的上片写离别后的设想。 5、既然这首词写得是离别,那么哪句能表现该词的主题, 明确:“多情自古伤离别,更那堪冷落清秋节。” 四、鉴赏 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 (引导学生分析该词的景语和情语) (一)鉴赏上片 ?男生读词的上片,让学生回顾词的上片的内容。 ?提问:词的上片写了哪些景物,这些景物有着怎样的特点,蕴涵了词人怎样的感情, 要点如下: 上片:离别时的情景 寒蝉 长亭 骤雨(凄凉) 无绪 留恋(难分难舍) 景语 情语 office, branch offices (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management sector through supervision and inspection found problems, should be assigned the investigators are corrected in a timely manner. 27th the fifth chapter penalty under any of the following acts, then the relevant provisions to punish the investigators, according to the Bank. To constitute a crime shall be investigated for criminal responsibility: (A) on the business that are not involved in the investigation, issued a survey. (B) customer credit information are not thorough verification. (Iii) to participate in credit customer survey is not in place, customers and data is incomplete, untrue; he knows bear a counterfeited clients issuing credit. (D) does not provide for due diligence of credit business, pre-loan investigation form, concealing facts or providing false information or should be found in a normal investigation failed to discover the risk factors, lead to the review and approval policy errors, loan risk. (Five) on loan guarantees of survey not in place, not by provides on arrived, and pledge real for field verification, and assessment, and identification and registration, not according to provides on guarantor of guarantees qualification and guarantees capacity for survey verified, led to guarantees loan lost authenticity, and legitimacy, and effectiveness of; cycle loan business in the of mortgage 烟波 暮蔼 楚天(怅惘) 泪眼 凝噎(无限悲痛)(二)鉴赏下片 ?女生读词的下片,让学生回顾词的下片的内容。 ?找出文章的过渡句。 ?提问:词的下片写了哪些景物,这些景物有着怎样的特点,蕴涵了词人怎样的感情, 要点如下: 上片:离别后的设想。 良辰好景——虚设(郁闷) 景语 杨 柳 晓风 残月(冷清孤寂) 情语 千种风情——无人说(愁思难断) (四)学生齐读,再次感悟其中的意境。重点鉴赏情景交融、融情于景的表现手法。 参考:词的意境缠绵凄恻,凄凉凄清。 五、总结写作特点: 1、虚实相生 2、情景交融 六、名句鉴赏: 1、“执手相看泪眼,竟无语凝噎。” 2、“念去去,千里烟波,暮霭沉沉楚天阔。” 3、今宵酒醒何处,杨柳岸、晓风残月 (课文小结) 七、练习巩固: 对《雨霖铃》一词分析不当的一项是( ) A、词的起三句,点明时间、地点、景物,为全词奠定了基调。 B、 “千里烟波,暮霭沉沉楚天阔”全是写景,实际上含的都是情,景无边而情无限。 C、写离别之前,重在勾勒环境;写离别时刻,重在描写情态;写别后想象,重在刻画人物语言。以冷落的秋景来衬托词人与情人难以割舍的离情。 D、下片是词人想象别后羁旅生活的情状,这是虚写。虚写中所着意描绘的是词人孤单寂寞的心情,连“良辰好景”也不能为他排遣痛苦。 八、背诵: office, branch offices (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management sector through supervision and inspection found problems, should be assigned the investigators are corrected in a timely manner. 27th the fifth chapter penalty under any of the following acts, then the relevant provisions to punish the investigators, according to the Bank. To constitute a crime shall be investigated for criminal responsibility: (A) on the business that are not involved in the investigation, issued a survey. (B) customer credit information are not thorough verification. (Iii) to participate in credit customer survey is not in place, customers and data is incomplete, untrue; he knows bear a counterfeited clients issuing credit. (D) does not provide for due diligence of credit business, pre-loan investigation form, concealing facts or providing false information or should be found in a normal investigation failed to discover the risk factors, lead to the review and approval policy errors, loan risk. (Five) on loan guarantees of survey not in place, not by provides on arrived, and pledge real for field verification, and assessment, and identification and registration, not according to provides on guarantor of guarantees qualification and guarantees capacity for survey verified, led to guarantees loan lost authenticity, and legitimacy, and effectiveness of; cycle loan business in the of mortgage 2教学过程 一、 情导入、激发学习兴趣。 1、 听乐曲说出曲名《送别》 2、 导入 别离之情诗词中历写不衰的主题,如我们学过的李白的诗句“桃花潭水深千尺,不及汪伦送我情,”王维的“劝君更尽一杯酒,西出阳关无故人”,李商隐的“相见时难别也难,东风无力百花残。”今天来学习一首关于离别的词《雨霖铃》(板书) 二、 走近作者 1、 学生介绍柳永概况。 2、 教师补充:柳永是北宋第一个专力写词的作家,他对北宋的发展有重要的贡献与影响,第一他制作了大量慢词长调,对宋代 慢词的发展颇有影响;第二他发展了词的表现手法,善于铺叙、写景、抒情密切结合,语言通俗易懂,音韵和谐美。柳词在宋代时期流传最广、相传当时“凡有井水处,既能歌柳词。” 三、 背景资料 柳永虽然才情卓著,但一生任途坎坷。这首词写的就是他任途失意心情压抑,决定离开京城到外地去,但又不得不和心爱的人痛苦分离的思想感情。 四、 重难点解决过程 (一)齐诵《雨霖铃》 (二)听课文录音、注意节奏和语调(悲凄低沉) (三)学生随录音带自由读全词理解词义,在音乐中进入词所描绘的情境,并使词的意境在头脑中浮现出来,从而把握词的景与情领悟意境。 (四)赏析词的意境 1、 让学生把上下篇内容生动地描述出来。 2、 教师示范:一个秋天的傍晚,一场暴雨刚刚停歇,蝉凄切地鸣叫不已,词人面对着长亭,心情更觉悲凉。京城门外,长亭边,一个临时搭建的蓬帐里他的心爱之人为他送行,两人面对美酒佳肴却毫无心情,正在恋恋不舍之际,船夫催促着“开船喽——开船喽——。”两人双手紧握,泪眼相对,有千言万语要说却哽咽着说不出一句话来。词人想在即将踏上的旅途中只有浩渺的烟波,沉沉的暮霾,空旷的天空。 小结:上篇写的是一个秋天的傍晚,词人和他心爱的人在长亭分别时依依不舍的情景。下篇紧承上篇:是词人想象别后的情状,小船临岸,词人酒醒只见习习晓风吹拂杨柳,一弯残月挂在天空。词人现在一副若有所思的样子。 总结:全词凄凉的意境让我们感觉的浓浓的别离之情。 过度:我们的生活里也有别离的苦痛,如何把它用文字表达出来。下面我们就来学习一下《雨霖铃》的写法。 (五)鉴赏要点(先读后赏,在探讨) 1、融情入景的写法 (1)“寒蝉凄切,对长亭晚,骤雨初歇” “寒蝉” “长亭” “骤雨”词人一开头就捕捉到有特征的秋景来渲染气氛,“寒蝉”透着秋意,而蝉的叫声更让人感觉的悲凉,骤雨过后天气陡然变凉,更使人感到凄切冷落,所以这首词不仅交代了离别的时间、地点、更是在写心情。 (2)“念去去千里烟波暮霭沉沉楚天阔” “念”字表明下面的景物是想象、的虚构的浩渺的烟波,沉沉的暮霭,空阔的楚天这些景物在南方是很平常的。可是这些平常的景物注入深沉的情感之后就变得不平常不了。那浩渺的烟office, branch offices (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management sector through supervision and inspection found problems, should be assigned the investigators are corrected in a timely manner. 27th the fifth chapter penalty under any of the following acts, then the relevant provisions to punish the investigators, according to the Bank. To constitute a crime shall be investigated for criminal responsibility: (A) on the business that are not involved in the investigation, issued a survey. (B) customer credit information are not thorough verification. (Iii) to participate in credit customer survey is not in place, customers and data is incomplete, untrue; he knows bear a counterfeited clients issuing credit. (D) does not provide for due diligence of credit business, pre-loan investigation form, concealing facts or providing false information or should be found in a normal investigation failed to discover the risk factors, lead to the review and approval policy errors, loan risk. (Five) on loan guarantees of survey not in place, not by provides on arrived, and pledge real for field verification, and assessment, and identification and registration, not according to provides on guarantor of guarantees qualification and guarantees capacity for survey verified, led to guarantees loan lost authenticity, and legitimacy, and effectiveness of; cycle loan business in the of mortgage 波,另人惆怅;沉沉的暮霭让人压抑忧伤,那空阔的楚天与愁绪的无边无际相似。词人对景物的描写达到情景交融的艺术境界。 (3)“今宵酒醒何处,杨柳岸,晓风残月。” 这一句是千古传诵的名句。有人拿它代表柳词。这没有一个字写情,而没有一个字不写情。李白诗云“年年柳色,灞陵伤别。”自灞桥折柳的故事产生后,杨柳和离别就似乎有必然的联系了。借杨柳抒离情成了常用的手法。如白居易“杨叶比愁眉,愁长比柳丝。”因为有这种习俗的存在,所以离别的人一看杨柳就会涌起离愁别绪,因而“杨柳岸”三个字明写前景,暗写别时情,显得含蓄而有韵味。词中“晓风残月”也是最能触动人的感情的事物,温庭筠在一首送别词里曾写过:“江上柳如烟,雁飞残月天。”曹植也曾写过“愿为西南风,长逝入君怀。”秋月的风是凉的,秋日的早晨的风更凉;月光是清冷的,残月的光更加清冷,而早晨残月就显得特别凄凉。所以晓风残月给人一种特别浓重的凄凉冷落之感。 这样在短短的两句词里,作者集中写了一件最能触动离愁的事物,集中成为一幅鲜明的画面,而这幅凄清的画面又出现在一个特定时刻里——酒醒之后,离人饮酒为的是消愁,然而“举杯消愁愁更愁,”更何况是在酒醒之后。 酒醒之后的惆怅和眼前最能触动离愁的景象交融在一起,这情景是多么的凄凉难耐的啊~ 2、虚实相济(简单介绍) 词的上片除“念去去”二句写的都是眼前的实景实事,已经淋漓尽致地写出了词人和他心爱的人不忍分别而又不得不分别的心情;下片对别后生活的设想,则是虚写了。虚写中所着意描写的是词人孤单寂寞的心情,连良宵好景也排遣痛苦。读完下片回过头来看上片,便会懂得词人和他心爱的人之间的感情是多么的深厚,的确是难舍难分啊~ (六)再次齐背《雨霖铃》 五、 布置作业 比较阅读《雨霖铃》与《念奴娇?赤壁怀古》 南宋俞文豹《吹剑录》中云“东坡在玉堂日有幕士善歌,因问„我词何如柳七,?对曰„柳郎中词,只合十七八女郎,执红牙板,?歌„杨柳岸晓风残月。?学士词须关西大汉。(执)铜琵琶,铁绰板,唱大江东去。” 六、 板书 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 寒蝉 长亭 骤雨 实 烟波 暮霭 楚天 虚 杨柳 晓风 残月 虚 教学目标:1、体会本词的思想感情 2、欣赏本词的艺术风格 3、学会比较鉴别 教学重点难点:学习作者融情于景,善用点染的艺术手法。 教学时数:一课时 教学方法:诵读法、讨论法 教学步骤: 一、 导入新课 回忆李商隐《无题》中的首句,引出本课的主题——离别。并与学生一道回忆关于“离别”的诗句,如:“挥手自兹去,萧萧班马鸣“,“劝君更尽一杯酒,西出阳关无故人”,“无为在歧路,儿女共沾巾”,“浔阳江头夜送客,枫叶荻花秋瑟瑟” „„ 以江淹《别赋》中的“黯然消魂者惟别而已矣”作结,产生共鸣,烘托气氛。 office, branch offices (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management sector through supervision and inspection found problems, should be assigned the investigators are corrected in a timely manner. 27th the fifth chapter penalty under any of the following acts, then the relevant provisions to punish the investigators, according to the Bank. To constitute a crime shall be investigated for criminal responsibility: (A) on the business that are not involved in the investigation, issued a survey. (B) customer credit information are not thorough verification. (Iii) to participate in credit customer survey is not in place, customers and data is incomplete, untrue; he knows bear a counterfeited clients issuing credit. (D) does not provide for due diligence of credit business, pre-loan investigation form, concealing facts or providing false information or should be found in a normal investigation failed to discover the risk factors, lead to the review and approval policy errors, loan risk. (Five) on loan guarantees of survey not in place, not by provides on arrived, and pledge real for field verification, and assessment, and identification and registration, not according to provides on guarantor of guarantees qualification and guarantees capacity for survey verified, led to guarantees loan lost authenticity, and legitimacy, and effectiveness of; cycle loan business in the of mortgage 二、 简介作者 柳永,原名三变,字耆卿,排行第七,世称柳七。本热心功名事业,但仕途坎坷,曾以词诣宰相晏殊,却不为晏殊所喜,失意无聊流连坊曲,尝有《鹤冲天》词云:“忍把浮名换了浅斟低唱~”宋仁宗闻而使之落榜,曰:“何要浮名,且去填词。”由是自称“奉旨填词”以白衣卿相自居。改名后方中进士,官至屯田员外郎,世称柳屯田。 他是北宋时代大量制作慢词的第一个词人,通晓音律又善于运用民间生动活泼的语言和铺叙手法,使慢词发展成为与小令双峰并峙的成熟的文学样式。著有《乐章集》,时人称“凡有井水饮处,皆能歌柳词” 三、 词调简介 “雨霖铃”一作“雨淋铃”相传唐玄宗入蜀,到斜口,霖雨连日,他经过栈道耳闻铃声勾起往事,于是创作此曲悼念杨贵妃寄托哀思。大家可以想见这一词调悲怆低回、凄楚欲绝的情味。而当时柳永由于仕途失意,心情郁闷,决定离开京城到外地去,于是与恋人痛别。本词正是他当时心境的体现。 四、阐析全词 1、 齐声诵读 注:找出词中的入声字,解析入声字短促急迫容易传递悲切痛楚的情绪。 2、讲解上阕 首句“寒蝉凄切,对长亭晚,骤雨初歇” 问:本句交代了哪些背景,时令、地点、景物。深秋暮色中离别在即,秋雨虽停而寒意难消。离别的环境与内心的悲苦合二为一。 第二句“都门帐饮无绪,留恋处兰舟催发”由别境转入直接抒发别情。设想在京都城外,设帐幕饮酒作别,但两人哪有心思宴饮,心乱如麻正难舍难分,不解风情的舟子又频频催发,不想离别却不得不别,正是这一矛盾把别情推向了高潮。 第三句“执手相看泪眼,竟无语凝噎”——纯粹白描,感情坦率直露,一双泪眼胜过千言万语,这种无声的啜泣更觉深沉哀痛。 延伸:白居易有“此时无声胜有声”苏轼有“相顾无言,惟有泪千行” 第四句“念去去千里烟波,暮霭沉沉楚天阔”——遥想开船后的景象,为下阕设想别后相思之苦先开前奏。这一去山水迢迢,烟波浩淼,暮色沉沉,天地苍茫,诗人空望浩瀚无边的楚天,却不知下一程在哪,真如沧海一粟,诗人那种荒凉、无望、彷徨、孤寂的复杂心理跃然纸上,令我们读者也随之怅惘。 总结:上阕正面刻画别境别情,似已说尽心中无限凄凉。然而下阕荡开一笔,虚写别后情思,诗人无望的未来不难料想。 3、讲解下阕 首句“多情自古伤离别,更哪堪冷落清秋节”紧承上阕,直抒离情,点出伤离恨别自古皆然。更呼应上阕,点出时令,所谓触景伤情。 重点赏析第二句“今宵酒醒何处,杨柳岸晓风残月” 点拨:此句未叹一声,未见一人,却正应了“一切景语皆情语”。问:你从此句中看到了什么, 讨论作结:诗人睁开眼,不见佳人,只见一些勾人离愁之物,深秋的晓风,寒意彻骨,微拂的柳枝,又让人想起执柳相送的苦痛,空中的一轮残月更叫人感慨人月两难全,世事无常,聚散离合皆无度,此时诗人心中的离愁可谓达到了顶点。 而且这样的景况于诗人而言恐怕是常事常景。 一叶孤舟,夹岸杨柳,天边残月,这样的一幅画面,疏落有致,呈现出烟水凄迷的阴柔之美,淋漓尽致地体现出作者婉约的风格,创造出“凄美清丽”的境界和美感。而“晓风残月”、《雨霖铃》和柳永这三者也已融为一体了。 关于第三句“此去经年,应是良辰好景虚设,便纵有千种风情更与何人说”用一句通俗诗句解释,“你不在,这座城市便空了。”可见词人的心内百转千回,痛彻肺腑。 4、总结本词特色 善用点染,点,直抒胸臆(明朗精当);染,融情入景,以景写情(隐约委婉)。齐诵相关诗句。 五、布置作业 背诵全诗,并且把“晓风残月”一句写成一段字数不少于200字的想象短文。 office, branch offices (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management sector through supervision and inspection found problems, should be assigned the investigators are corrected in a timely manner. 27th the fifth chapter penalty under any of the following acts, then the relevant provisions to punish the investigators, according to the Bank. To constitute a crime shall be investigated for criminal responsibility: (A) on the business that are not involved in the investigation, issued a survey. (B) customer credit information are not thorough verification. (Iii) to participate in credit customer survey is not in place, customers and data is incomplete, untrue; he knows bear a counterfeited clients issuing credit. (D) does not provide for due diligence of credit business, pre-loan investigation form, concealing facts or providing false information or should be found in a normal investigation failed to discover the risk factors, lead to the review and approval policy errors, loan risk. (Five) on loan guarantees of survey not in place, not by provides on arrived, and pledge real for field verification, and assessment, and identification and registration, not according to provides on guarantor of guarantees qualification and guarantees capacity for survey verified, led to guarantees loan lost authenticity, and legitimacy, and effectiveness of; cycle loan business in the of mortgage 继教网首页论坛博客 项目主页 市级主页 课堂主页 班级主页 当前位置:学员主页 -->文章 《雨霖铃》优秀教案 宋红艳(学员) 发布时间: 2010-07-01 10:22:22 《雨霖铃》教案 教学目标:1、知识与能力 了解婉约派及其词人柳永的有关文学知识;背诵此词。 2、过程与方法 品味词的意境,理解作品的意蕴。 教学重点:品味词的意境,理解作品的意蕴。 教学难点:体味融情入景、虚实相济的艺术特点。 教学方法:朗读法、鉴赏法、讨论法 教学课时:一课时 一、导语(歌曲导入)李叔同《送别》或周杰伦的《千里之外》导入。(我送你离开/千里之外/你无声黑白 沉默年代/或许不该/太遥远的相爱 我送你离开/天涯之外/你是否还在 琴声何来/生死难猜/用一生去等待 „„) 一代词宗柳永,他笔下的有情人离别又是怎样一番情景呢, 二、文学常识: 1、婉约派:婉约派与豪放派是宋代词坛的两大流派,它们各有特点。其中,婉约派作品语言清丽、含蓄,词内抒写的感情婉转缠绵,情调或轻松活泼,或离愁别绪,或深沉幽怨,刻工精细,题材狭窄,往往多是写个人遭遇、男女恋情,也间有写山水,融请入景的。代表词人有柳永、秦观、李清照等,代表作品有李清照的《声声慢》、柳永的《雨霖铃》。 2、柳永;北宋词人。原名三变,后改名为永,字耆卿,排行第七,崇安(今福建武夷山市)人。景祐进士。官屯田员外郎。世称柳七、柳屯田。为人放荡不羁,终身潦倒。其词多描绘城市风光和歌妓生活,尤长于抒写羁旅行役之情。创作慢词独多。铺叙刻画,情景交融,语言通俗,音律谐婉,在当时流传很广,对宋词的发展有一定的影响。柳永才情卓著,但一生仕途坎坷不济,更多的时日跟歌妓们一起过着依红偎翠、浅酌低唱的生活。他深深了解这些歌妓们的生活,深切同情她们的不幸遭遇。在他的作品中,很多是反映和她们在一起的悲欢离合。《雨霖铃》便是其中为世人所传诵的一首,被称为“宋金十大曲之一”。 本词写的是他离开都城汴京时与一位红颜知己缠绵悱恻、哀婉动人的别离情景。 3、词牌简介《雨霖铃》,唐玄宗时教坊大曲名,后用为词调。霖,一作“淋”。王灼《碧鸡漫志》卷五《雨淋铃》条:“《明皇杂录》及《杨妃外传》云:‘帝幸蜀,初入斜谷,霖雨弥旬。栈道中闻铃声,帝方悼念贵妃,采其声为《雨淋铃曲》以寄恨。’„„今双调《雨淋铃慢》,颇极哀怨,真本曲遗声。”《词谱》卷三十一:“宋词盖借旧曲名,另倚新声也。调见柳永《乐章集》,属双调。“此词写别情,为柳永的名作之一。作者在倾诉难以割舍的离愁中,同时也抒发了生平遭遇不幸的感慨,所以深感前途黯然无色。通篇层层铺叙,上下阕通过衬托、点染,浑成一片。写景抒情都用白描,形容尽致。 三(诵读指导1(选学生代表朗读,另外的学生进行评点。 2. 教师指导? 寒蝉凄切——“凄”字要读得长,“切”字要短促,要读出词的凄切情感 ? 竟无语凝噎——要稍重、稍停,并读出哽咽之声、冷涩之感(人物情感的高潮) ? 念去去——要稍重、稍停,拖音(领起字) ? 今宵酒醒何处,杨柳岸晓风残月——“何处”要读出疑问语气,“杨柳岸晓风残月”应一景一顿,声断气不断 ? 更那堪冷落清秋节——要稍重、稍停,拖音(领起字) office, branch offices (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management sector through supervision and inspection found problems, should be assigned the investigators are corrected in a timely manner. 27th the fifth chapter penalty under any of the following acts, then the relevant provisions to punish the investigators, according to the Bank. To constitute a crime shall be investigated for criminal responsibility: (A) on the business that are not involved in the investigation, issued a survey. (B) customer credit information are not thorough verification. (Iii) to participate in credit customer survey is not in place, customers and data is incomplete, untrue; he knows bear a counterfeited clients issuing credit. (D) does not provide for due diligence of credit business, pre-loan investigation form, concealing facts or providing false information or should be found in a normal investigation failed to discover the risk factors, lead to the review and approval policy errors, loan risk. (Five) on loan guarantees of survey not in place, not by provides on arrived, and pledge real for field verification, and assessment, and identification and registration, not according to provides on guarantor of guarantees qualification and guarantees capacity for survey verified, led to guarantees loan lost authenticity, and legitimacy, and effectiveness of; cycle loan business in the of mortgage ? 便纵有千种风情,更与何人说——要稍重、稍停,拖音(领起字) (学生读出的地方要予以肯定,没有读出的地方教师加以补充) 3(再请学生试读,教师稍做提点,再聆听录音,学生思考三个问题。 四(整体感知播放《雨霖铃》MTV,让学生在歌声中体会这首词,并谈谈观看后的一个整体感受。 1(你觉得这首词的感情基调是怎样的呢, (明确:浓情厚意从低徊婉转、一唱三叹的旋律里汩汩而出,离愁别恨也从悱恻动人、缠绵哀怨的诗意里幽幽而泻。) 2(这首词的主要内容是什么,(明确:在萧瑟的秋天里,词人和他的红颜知己伤心地告别)从时间的角度来分,可以分为三个层次,哪三个,(别前:“寒蝉凄切„„骤雨初歇”别时:“都门帐饮无绪„„竟无语凝噎”别后想象:“念去去„„更与何人说”) 3(词中哪句话最能体现这个内容呢,(明确:多情自古伤离别,更那堪、冷落清秋节~这首词就是在冷落清秋的景色中抒发他离别的伤感之情。) 五、鉴赏 学生自读,思考:从时间角度看,这首词的层次应如何划分? 明确:别前、别时、别后。(板书) 师:这首词的重要特点是情景交融、虚实相济。(板书)鉴赏时注意词中哪些是景语,哪些是情语?哪些是情景和说,词中哪些是实写?哪些是虚写? 上片 “寒蝉凄切~对长亭晚~骤雨初歇。” 师:起首三句写什么,是情,是景, 生:写景。 明确:对。写别时景。点明了季节、时间、地点和事件。勾勒了一个情人离别的典型环境。 师:地点呢,(长亭)时间呢,(晚上)季节(秋季) 提到秋季会有怎样的感觉,(萧瑟) 时当秋季,景已萧瑟;且值天晚,暮色阴沉,而骤雨滂沱之后,继之以寒蝉凄切:词人所见所闻,无处不——凄凉。加之当中“对长亭晚”一句,句法结构是一、二、一,极顿挫吞咽之致,更准确地传达了这种凄凉况味。 起首句已给全诗定下了基调:“凄切”。 “都门畅饮无绪~留恋处兰舟催发。” 师:这写什么,(写情) 极写饯别时的心情,委婉曲折,欲饮无绪,欲留不能,依依不舍,难舍难分。 恋人在都门外长亭摆下酒筵给他送别,然而面对美酒佳肴,词人毫无心思。(问:为什么,他的思绪正在想什么,)正专注于恋人,所以词中接下去说“留恋处、兰舟催发”。这七个字以精炼之笔刻画了典型环境与典型心理:一边是留恋情浓,一边是兰舟催发,这样的矛盾冲突何其尖锐。 关于这样的环境和心理描写古人有很多。 林逋《相思令》云:“君泪盈,妾泪盈,罗带同心结未成,江头潮欲平。”这仅是暗示船将启碇,情人难舍。刘克庄《长相思》云:“烟迢迢,水迢迢,准拟江边驻画桡,舟人频报潮。”虽较明显,但仍属含蓄之作。可是柳永的“兰舟催发”,却以直笔写离别之紧迫,虽没有他们含蕴缠绵,但却直而能迂,更能促使感情的深化,可见留恋之情浓。 于是后面便迸出 “执手相看泪眼~竟无语凝噎。” 师:这句写情态。语言通俗而感情深挚,形象逼真,如在目前。 激发学生想象这副画面,把语言形象化进而图象化,以体会诗的意境。(提示:两人相对而立,手握手,眼对眼,泪眼婆娑。是“举手长劳劳,二情同依依。”是“此时无声胜有声”,是“相对无言,惟有泪千行。”也既然这么不舍得,那词人为什么要离开呢,也许是统治者不欣赏,也许是迫与生计。总之是不得不离开。古往今来恋人离别都是一样的。所以江淹在《别赋》中说:“黯然消魂者,唯别而已矣~”) 后来传奇戏曲中常有这样一句唱词:“流泪眼看流泪眼,断肠人对断肠人”,语出于此,然却不如柳词凝炼有力。词人“竟无语凝噎。”那么词人凝噎在喉的是什么话呢? “念去去~千里烟波~暮霭沉沉楚天阔。” “念去去”二句便是他的内心独白。 师:这句写什么, 生:写景。 这里的“念”字用得特别好。“念”字是上声还是去声,(是去声。)“名词转折跌荡处,多用去声,何也?非去则激不起。”此词以去声“念”字作为领格,承上启下,表明是设想别后的道路遥远。 “念”字后“去去”二字连用,则愈益显示出激越的声情,读时一字一顿,遂觉去路茫茫,道路修远。“千里”以下,声调和谐,景色如绘。既曰“烟波”,又曰“暮霭”,更曰“沉沉”,着色可谓浓矣;既日“千里”,又曰“阔”,空间可谓广矣。 office, branch offices (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management sector through supervision and inspection found problems, should be assigned the investigators are corrected in a timely manner. 27th the fifth chapter penalty under any of the following acts, then the relevant provisions to punish the investigators, according to the Bank. To constitute a crime shall be investigated for criminal responsibility: (A) on the business that are not involved in the investigation, issued a survey. (B) customer credit information are not thorough verification. (Iii) to participate in credit customer survey is not in place, customers and data is incomplete, untrue; he knows bear a counterfeited clients issuing credit. (D) does not provide for due diligence of credit business, pre-loan investigation form, concealing facts or providing false information or should be found in a normal investigation failed to discover the risk factors, lead to the review and approval policy errors, loan risk. (Five) on loan guarantees of survey not in place, not by provides on arrived, and pledge real for field verification, and assessment, and identification and registration, not according to provides on guarantor of guarantees qualification and guarantees capacity for survey verified, led to guarantees loan lost authenticity, and legitimacy, and effectiveness of; cycle loan business in the of mortgage (提示学生想象这副画面:作者站在河边,放目远眺,面前所见:一望无际的海面,远处山色朦胧,海面上层层灰蒙蒙的雾气升腾,整副画面是灰色调。好象一副山水画。)这样的画面给人怎样的感觉,(生:压抑、苦闷)诗人想到前路茫茫,自己将越走越远,离心爱的人越来越远,心越来越苦,愁思也越来越深。全句写景,又全句写情。 下片 “多情自古伤离别~更那堪冷落清秋节” 师:下片换头写情,叹息古往今来离情之可悲。“伤别离”点名这首词的主旨。“更那堪冷落清秋节”一句,又推进一层,更何况我正在这冷落凄凉的秋季,多么难以忍受~江淹在《别赋》中说:“黯然消魂者惟别而已矣。”柳永把这种感受融化在自己的诗中,又扩大了这种感受,以“更那堪”衬托自己的离情比古人更深。 师:“清秋节”一词,照应前面哪句, 生:起首一句“寒蝉凄切” 师:前后照应再次点明离别时的凄清氛围。比起首三句的以景寓情更为明显、深刻。 “今宵酒醒何处?杨柳岸、晓风残月。” “今宵”三句蝉联上句而来,后来竟成为苏轼相与争胜的对象。那么它究竟好在什么地方,————词中有画,景中含情。(提示学生想象画面:一舟临岸,词人酒醒梦回,只见习习晓风吹拂萧萧疏柳,—弯残月高挂杨柳梢头。) 联系特定情境。画面出现在“酒醒”之后,离人借酒消愁,但举杯消愁愁更愁,帐饮时已然无绪,更何况酒醒之后?诗人此时,前晚“执手相看泪眼”的图景依然鲜明的留在心上,而前路是“千里烟波”,继续前行离爱人越来越远,可以想见他的心情。 感受画面色调。古人有折柳送行的习惯。“昔我往矣,杨柳依依”,折柳送行,取其依依之态。另外,“柳””留”谐音,折柳赠人有挽留之意。所以古代文人写离别之情,往往要写到杨柳。清秋的晓风是凉的,恰合别后心境的凄凉。残月清冷的形象暗合凄清冷落之感。词人寓情于景,借景传情,以风之凉,月之残透露离情别绪。 结合全诗旨趣。这首词的主题句是“多情自古伤离别,更那堪冷落清秋节”。这两句叙述全篇本意,是词的主文,“今宵酒醒何处”两句烘染本意,将诗人的立意渲染为—幅深秋羁旅图。“杨柳岸”、“晓风”、“残月”三个典型意象“列锦”式的组合在一起,引起读者无尽的想象和遐思。这两句诗暗含旨趣,画面生动。 师:整个画面的基调如何, 生:整个画面充满了凄清的气氛。 师:客情之冷落,风景之清幽,离愁之绵邈,完全凝聚在这画面之中。比之上片结尾二句,虽同样是写景,写离愁,但前者仿佛是泼墨山水,一片苍茫;这里却似工笔小帧,无比清丽。词人采用了画家所常用的点染笔法。“多情自古伤离别,更那堪冷落清秋节。”二句点出离别冷落;“今宵酒醒何处?杨柳岸、晓风残月。”在上两句的基础上进一步渲染这种离别时的凄清。这四句密不可分,相互烘托,相互陪衬,中间若插上另外一句,就破坏了意境的完整性,形象的统一性。 “此去经年~应是良辰好景虚设。便纵有千种风情~更与何人说,” “此去经年”四句,构成另一种情境。因为上面是用景浯,此处则改用情语。他们相聚之日,每逢良辰好景,总感到欢娱;可是别后非止一日,年复一年,纵有良辰好景,也引不起欣赏的兴致,只能徒增枨触而已。 师:“此去”二字,遥应上片“念去去”。“经年”二字,近应“今宵”。在时间与思绪上均是环环相扣,步步推进。 “便纵有千种风情,更与何人说”,益见钟情之殷,离愁之深。 其以问句做结,更留有无穷意味。 如此归纳全词,犹如奔马收缰,有住而不住之势;又如众流归海,有尽而未尽之致。 师:我们再回头看整首词,情语在写情,景语也并非只写景,每句中都包含无限情思。正所谓——“一切景语皆情语”。诵读时注意体会词融情入景的特点。 再就是虚实相济。哪些写虚,别后想象。写实,别时情景。 再想想词中的三副画,给人的感觉都是:哀婉、无奈凄清。这是这首词的特点,也是婉约词共同的特点 六、拓展讨论:1.关于离别的诗词还有哪些,归纳送别诗(离别诗)的知识 黯然销魂者,唯别而已矣~ ——[南北朝?梁]江淹《别赋》 1、海内存知己,天涯若比邻。无为在歧路,儿女共沾巾。 ——王勃《送杜少府之任蜀州》 2、渭城朝雨浥轻尘,客舍青青柳色新。劝君更尽一杯酒,西出阳关无故人。 ——王维《送元二使安西》 3、故人西辞黄鹤楼,烟花三月下扬州。孤帆远影碧空尽,唯见长江天际流。 ——李白《黄鹤楼送孟浩然之广陵》 4、千里黄云白日曛,北风吹雁雪纷纷。莫愁前路无知己,天下谁人不识君。 ——高适《别董大》 2、醉不成欢惨将别,别时茫茫江浸月。——白居易《琵琶行》 3、此情无计可消除,才下眉头却上心头。——李清照《一剪梅》 4、衣带渐宽终不悔,为伊消得人憔悴。——柳永《蝶恋花》 七、总结 :这首千古名词,通篇围绕“伤离别”三字构思: 先写离别之前,重在勾勒环境;次写离别之时,重在描摹情态;再写别后想象,重在刻画心理。白描铺叙别景之下,是一番真挚的爱情。其人、其情、其景、其境 ,虚实之间,自然交融,终成千古浪漫一别。这个狭小的长亭,无法让人收住这份可以穿越时空的愁伤。这个都门的渡口,无法让人抛下这份令人肝office, branch offices (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management sector through supervision and inspection found problems, should be assigned the investigators are corrected in a timely manner. 27th the fifth chapter penalty under any of the following acts, then the relevant provisions to punish the investigators, according to the Bank. To constitute a crime shall be investigated for criminal responsibility: (A) on the business that are not involved in the investigation, issued a survey. (B) customer credit information are not thorough verification. (Iii) to participate in credit customer survey is not in place, customers and data is incomplete, untrue; he knows bear a counterfeited clients issuing credit. (D) does not provide for due diligence of credit business, pre-loan investigation form, concealing facts or providing false information or should be found in a normal investigation failed to discover the risk factors, lead to the review and approval policy errors, loan risk. (Five) on loan guarantees of survey not in place, not by provides on arrived, and pledge real for field verification, and assessment, and identification and registration, not according to provides on guarantor of guarantees qualification and guarantees capacity for survey verified, led to guarantees loan lost authenticity, and legitimacy, and effectiveness of; cycle loan business in the of mortgage 肠寸断的感情。于是,别后,离开对方的日子会怎样度过的呢,会否鸿雁传书呢,会否如月那样又能够团圆呢,离人也在担心,我们都在担心,我们课后不妨继续关注柳永和他的爱情,关注他的多情和离情。 ? 东南形胜,三吴都会,钱塘自古繁华。 烟柳画桥,风帘翠幕,参差十万人家。 云树绕堤沙,怒涛卷霜雪,天堑无涯。 市列珠玑,户盈罗绮,竞豪奢。 重湖叠巘清嘉,有三秋桂子,十里荷花。 羌管弄晴,菱歌泛夜,嬉嬉钓叟莲娃。千骑拥高牙。 乘醉听萧鼓,吟赏烟霞。异日图将好景,归去凤池夸。 作者简介 柳永(987,, 1055,)字耆卿,初号三变。因排行七,又称柳七。祖籍河东(今属山西),后移居崇安(今属福建)。宋仁宗朝进士,官至屯田员外郎,故世称柳屯田。由于仕途坎坷、生活潦倒,他由追求功名转而厌倦官场,耽溺于旖旎繁华的都市生活,在“倚红偎翠”、“浅斟低唱”中寻找寄托。他自称“奉旨填词柳三变”,以毕生精力作词,并以“白衣卿相”自许。作为北宋第一个专力作词的词人,他不仅开拓了词的题材内容,而且制作了大量的慢词,发展了铺叙手法,促进了词的通俗化、口语化,在词史上产生了较大的影响。有《乐章集》。 《望海潮》赏析 这首词以“东南形胜”三句入手擒题,起笔大开大阔,直起直落。“东南形胜,三吴都会”,说明了杭州位置的重要、历史的悠久,揭示出所咏主题。(三吴,旧指吴兴、吴郡、会稽。钱塘,即杭州。)此处称“三吴都会”,极言其为东南一带、office, branch offices (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management sector through supervision and inspection found problems, should be assigned the investigators are corrected in a timely manner. 27th the fifth chapter penalty under any of the following acts, then the relevant provisions to punish the investigators, according to the Bank. To constitute a crime shall be investigated for criminal responsibility: (A) on the business that are not involved in the investigation, issued a survey. (B) customer credit information are not thorough verification. (Iii) to participate in credit customer survey is not in place, customers and data is incomplete, untrue; he knows bear a counterfeited clients issuing credit. (D) does not provide for due diligence of credit business, pre-loan investigation form, concealing facts or providing false information or should be found in a normal investigation failed to discover the risk factors, lead to the review and approval policy errors, loan risk. (Five) on loan guarantees of survey not in place, not by provides on arrived, and pledge real for field verification, and assessment, and identification and registration, not according to provides on guarantor of guarantees qualification and guarantees capacity for survey verified, led to guarantees loan lost authenticity, and legitimacy, and effectiveness of; cycle loan business in the of mortgage 三吴地区的重要都市,字字铿锵有力。两个四字对句,气势博大,力量非凡,以博大的气势笼罩全篇。其中“形胜”、“繁华”四字,为点睛之笔。 “烟柳画桥,风帘翠幕,参差十万人家。”远望去,垂柳含烟,薄雾如纱,虹桥似画,真是画中才有的好景致啊。这一处人烟阜盛,各式各样的建筑鳞次栉比,檐牙错落;走近了看,微风过处,千门万户帘幕轻摆,显得怡然安详,真是一派“都会”景象。“参差”可理解为形容楼阁高下不齐,也可解释为大约之义,与下面的“十万”联系,大约十万人,未必是确数。此句写出了街巷河桥的美丽;居民住宅的雅致和出整个都市户口的繁庶。 “云树绕堤沙,怒涛卷霜雪,天堑无涯。”由大都市转写到郊外,一行一行的树围绕着钱塘江的大堤繁茂的生长,远远看去就像云雾一样。一个“绕”字,把长堤曲折迤逦的形态写了出来。接下来写了钱塘江水的气势的浩大。历来钱塘江八月观潮是盛举。三变用一“怒”字将钱塘江潮的盛世之况表现出来。然后词人写到“市列珠玑,户盈罗绮,竞豪奢。”三句中三变从“珠玑”、“罗绮”和“竞豪奢”三个方面写出了杭州的繁华和人民生活的富庶,甚至达到了穷奢极欲的程度。 人说上有天堂,下有苏杭。杭州之美在于西湖,西湖之美在于其景,更在于其人美。“重湖叠巘清嘉,有三秋桂子,十里荷花。”湖外有湖,山外有山,西湖的山山水水着实清丽可嘉;可是这里却有比画一样的西湖还美的“三秋桂子,十里荷花”,堪称千古佳句,无华的字宇间透露着别样的华丽。“三秋”说明了桂花开的时间比较长,非常的清香扑鼻,长久不散;“十里”是说这一带的湖中大量种植着荷花,待到花开时就应了那句诗:“接天莲叶无穷碧,映日荷花别样红”了。这一句中包含了丰富的意象,有湖、山、秋月、桂花、荷花。细致的描述了这里的自然环境。令人心驰神往,遐想万千。“三秋桂子”就让人联想起有关西湖的美丽传说。传说西湖灵隐寺和天竺寺,每到中秋,常常有带露的桂子从天飘落,馨香异常,那是从月宫桂树上飘落下来的,是寂寞的嫦娥赠与人间有心人的。因此宋之问《灵隐寺》中写道:office, branch offices (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management sector through supervision and inspection found problems, should be assigned the investigators are corrected in a timely manner. 27th the fifth chapter penalty under any of the following acts, then the relevant provisions to punish the investigators, according to the Bank. To constitute a crime shall be investigated for criminal responsibility: (A) on the business that are not involved in the investigation, issued a survey. (B) customer credit information are not thorough verification. (Iii) to participate in credit customer survey is not in place, customers and data is incomplete, untrue; he knows bear a counterfeited clients issuing credit. (D) does not provide for due diligence of credit business, pre-loan investigation form, concealing facts or providing false information or should be found in a normal investigation failed to discover the risk factors, lead to the review and approval policy errors, loan risk. (Five) on loan guarantees of survey not in place, not by provides on arrived, and pledge real for field verification, and assessment, and identification and registration, not according to provides on guarantor of guarantees qualification and guarantees capacity for survey verified, led to guarantees loan lost authenticity, and legitimacy, and effectiveness of; cycle loan business in the of mortgage “桂子月中落,天香云外飘。”白居易《忆江南》中也有“山寺月中寻桂子”。美丽的传说给秀丽的西湖增添了神秘空灵的色彩。 “羌管弄晴,菱歌泛夜”两句为互文,对仗工稳。即羌管弄晴、泛夜,菱歌泛夜、弄晴。说的是笛声和歌声昼夜不停,或是在晴空中飘扬,或是在月夜里轻荡。“弄”和“泛”字生动地表现了吹笛和唱歌的人心中的欢快和喜悦。“嬉嬉钓叟莲娃”,说的是湖边钓鱼的老翁怡然自得,湖中采莲的孩童喧闹嬉戏。通过这一句话描绘了一幅老少同乐、国富民安的游乐图卷。 接下来词人写“千骑拥高牙。乘醉听萧鼓,吟赏烟霞”,一位达官贵人在此游乐,成群的马队簇拥着高高的牙旗,一派暄赫的声势。落笔洒落,音调雄浑,仿佛令人看到一位地位显赫且风流倜傥的长官在此饮酒赏乐,乐于山水之间。 “异日图将好景,归去凤池夸。”是这首词的结束语。也点明了词人写作目的是拜谒孙何(据宋人罗大经《鹤林玉露》记载,《望海潮》是柳永为了与早年的好友孙何相见而作。柳永在杭州生活期间,深知杭州的湖光山色、风土人情。当时旧友孙何正任两浙转运使,驻节杭州。可是因身份悬殊,门禁森严,两人无法相见。柳永就填了这首《望海潮》先在歌妓中传唱,结果很快就让孙何听到了。孙何问及词作者原来是故人,便请柳永前去赴宴)。凤池,即凤凰池,本是皇帝禁苑中的池沼。“好景”二字,将如上所写的和未写出的尽数包括。说的是当达官贵人们召你回去的时候,就将这里的美丽景色画成图本,献与朝廷,可以在同僚面前夸赞一翻,告诉他们世间真的有这样一个人间仙境。 这首词的艺术感染力很强。词人以清新的笔墨,铺陈的手法,从不同角度把杭州富丽非凡的景象描绘得淋漓尽致。钱江潮的壮观,西湖的美景,杭州市区的富庶繁华,人民生活的美好都尽收词人笔下。相传后来金主完颜亮听唱“三秋桂子,十里荷花”以后,十分羡慕钱塘的繁华,从而加强了他侵吞南宋的野心。为此,宋人谢驿(处厚)还写了一首诗:“莫把杭州曲子讴,荷花十里桂三秋。岂知草木无情office, branch offices (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management sector through supervision and inspection found problems, should be assigned the investigators are corrected in a timely manner. 27th the fifth chapter penalty under any of the following acts, then the relevant provisions to punish the investigators, according to the Bank. To constitute a crime shall be investigated for criminal responsibility: (A) on the business that are not involved in the investigation, issued a survey. (B) customer credit information are not thorough verification. (Iii) to participate in credit customer survey is not in place, customers and data is incomplete, untrue; he knows bear a counterfeited clients issuing credit. (D) does not provide for due diligence of credit business, pre-loan investigation form, concealing facts or providing false information or should be found in a normal investigation failed to discover the risk factors, lead to the review and approval policy errors, loan risk. (Five) on loan guarantees of survey not in place, not by provides on arrived, and pledge real for field verification, and assessment, and identification and registration, not according to provides on guarantor of guarantees qualification and guarantees capacity for survey verified, led to guarantees loan lost authenticity, and legitimacy, and effectiveness of; cycle loan business in the of mortgage 物,牵动长江万里愁。”(罗大经《鹤林玉露》)虽然说金主因受一首词的影响而萌发南侵之心不太可信,也许只是谣传。但是产生这一传说,却可以印证这首词的艺术感染力是很强的。同时作为高级官僚的范缜对柳永这首词也极端赞佩:“仁完四十二年太平,镇压翰苑十余载,不能出一语咏歌,巧于耆卿词见之。”(见《方舆盛览》)柳永扩大了词的内容的主要表现之一,就是他的词反映了都市的繁华与山川的壮丽。 《望海潮》教案3 作者: 加入日期:08-11-06 教学目标 (一)知识与能力 1、了解作者,掌握诗词的诵读技巧。 2、品味诗词富有表现力的语言,体会词中壮阔优美的意境。 3、学习诗词中铺陈的表现手法 (二)过程与方法 反复吟咏,感受词的音律美;运用联想和想象,感悟词的意境美 (三)情感态度价值观 让学生感受词的魅力,感受宋初杭州物阜民丰的盛景,培养对祖国河山的热爱之情 教学重点 品味诗词富有表现力的语言,体会词中壮阔优美的意境;学习炼字方法 教学难点 领悟作者对杭州西湖的热爱之情;感受词的意境、情韵;学习诗中铺陈的表现手法 学习方法 1、倡导“自主、合作、探究”的学习方式。 2、反复诵读,感悟体会 课时安排:一课时 教学用具:多媒体课件 教学过程 一、导入新课 江南胜景自古令人魂牵梦绕,展开柳永的望海潮满眼一派商似繁盛的承平气象,富有天堂美誉的杭州更有office, branch offices (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management sector through supervision and inspection found problems, should be assigned the investigators are corrected in a timely manner. 27th the fifth chapter penalty under any of the following acts, then the relevant provisions to punish the investigators, according to the Bank. To constitute a crime shall be investigated for criminal responsibility: (A) on the business that are not involved in the investigation, issued a survey. (B) customer credit information are not thorough verification. (Iii) to participate in credit customer survey is not in place, customers and data is incomplete, untrue; he knows bear a counterfeited clients issuing credit. (D) does not provide for due diligence of credit business, pre-loan investigation form, concealing facts or providing false information or should be found in a normal investigation failed to discover the risk factors, lead to the review and approval policy errors, loan risk. (Five) on loan guarantees of survey not in place, not by provides on arrived, and pledge real for field verification, and assessment, and identification and registration, not according to provides on guarantor of guarantees qualification and guarantees capacity for survey verified, led to guarantees loan lost authenticity, and legitimacy, and effectiveness of; cycle loan business in the of mortgage 天赐美景,八月钱塘西湖秀色,钱塘大潮是晴空排浪怒涛卷霜雪的黄钟大吕,西湖美景则是三秋桂子十里荷花的丝竹管弦,美的景致,美的画面,美的笔调,美的神韵,美的音律,柳永在这里告诉我们什么叫真正的美,脱俗的美。 二、知识积累 1、词牌介绍 2、作者介绍 柳永(约987——约1053),北宋词人。原名三变,字耆卿,福建崇安人。官屯田员外郎,世称柳七、柳屯田。为人放荡不羁,终身潦倒。其词 多描绘城市风光和歌伎生活,尤其长于抒写羁旅行役之情。创作慢词,铺叙刻画,情景交融,语言通俗,音律谐婉,在当时流传很广,“凡有井水饮处,皆能歌柳词”,是我国历史上第一个专业词人,对宋词的发展有一定的影响。有《乐章集》,词作《雨霖铃》《八声甘州》《望海潮》等颇有名。 3、背景介绍 宋真宗咸平末年,柳永从家乡前往京城开封应试,途经钱塘江(今浙江杭州)。柳永与孙何是布衣之交,此时孙何正好任两浙转运使,柳永想拜访他,但当时官府之家门禁极严,柳永一个平民是很难到孙何家去拜访的,柳永就写下了这首词,并使其在青楼被广泛歌唱以使孙何知道,第二天孙何就亲自前往见面。所以这是一首投赠词,目的是得到地方长官的召见和赏识。 二、整体感知.反复诵读 1、请同学听朗读录音(仅为参考找出瑕疵) 2、初读课文扫清字词障碍感知大意(交流以什么样的语调带着什么样的情感来读) 3 、再读课文(配乐) 朗读指导: ?感情饱满,适度夸张。 ?上片首句朗读在“繁华”处升调且顿为下文蓄势,写钱塘江潮的壮观,词句短小、如“怒涛”、“霜雪”、“天堑”这类色彩浓烈的而有气势的词语,音调急促,仿佛大潮劈面奔涌而来,有雷霆万钧、不可阻挡之势。 ?写西湖清幽的美景,文字优美,词曲变长,节奏要平和舒缓,读出心旷神怡之感。结尾祝愿之辞要读的恳切。 4、概括词上下片的内容 三、合作探究赏析(品味语言、鉴赏形象、感受意境) 鼓励学生合作交流分析自己喜欢的语句,根据不同语句侧重某一方面分析鉴赏 上片重点赏析“云树绕堤沙,怒涛卷霜雪,天堑无涯。” 下片重点赏析“重湖叠巘清嘉,有三秋桂子,十里荷花。” 引导学生读透全词并有重点的进行鉴赏(从概括词意、分析意象、推敲词语、描述意境、修辞表现手法引导学生鉴赏,每个同学可以重点选取一句鉴赏,之后形成集体智慧取长补短) office, branch offices (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management sector through supervision and inspection found problems, should be assigned the investigators are corrected in a timely manner. 27th the fifth chapter penalty under any of the following acts, then the relevant provisions to punish the investigators, according to the Bank. To constitute a crime shall be investigated for criminal responsibility: (A) on the business that are not involved in the investigation, issued a survey. (B) customer credit information are not thorough verification. (Iii) to participate in credit customer survey is not in place, customers and data is incomplete, untrue; he knows bear a counterfeited clients issuing credit. (D) does not provide for due diligence of credit business, pre-loan investigation form, concealing facts or providing false information or should be found in a normal investigation failed to discover the risk factors, lead to the review and approval policy errors, loan risk. (Five) on loan guarantees of survey not in place, not by provides on arrived, and pledge real for field verification, and assessment, and identification and registration, not according to provides on guarantor of guarantees qualification and guarantees capacity for survey verified, led to guarantees loan lost authenticity, and legitimacy, and effectiveness of; cycle loan business in the of mortgage (一)上片:描写杭州的自然风光和都市的繁华 “东南形胜,三吴都会,钱塘自古繁华”,“东南形胜”,是从地理条件、自然条件着笔写的。杭州地处东南,地理位置很重要,风景很优美,故曰:“形胜”。“三吴都会”,是从社会条件着笔写的。它是三吴地区的重要都市,那里人众荟萃,财货聚集,故曰:“都会”。“钱塘自古繁华”,这一句是对前两句的总结,因为杭州具有这些特殊条件,所以“自古繁华”。 是主旨句,在结构上总起全文。下面就对“形胜”、“都会”和“自古繁华”进行铺叙。“烟柳画桥,风帘翠幕,参差十万人家”是对“三吴都会”的展开描写。 “云树绕堤沙。怒涛卷霜雪,天堑无涯”是对“东南形胜”的展开描写。这里选择了钱塘江岸和江潮两种景物来写。一“绕”字尽显古树成行,长堤迤逦之态,“霜雪”比喻浪花,一“卷”字又状狂涛汹涌,波浪滔滔之势。写出浪涛力度与气势,对浪花飞溅的情态写的更形象逼真。 大有滔天浊浪排空来,排山倒海山可催的气势。城外,烟云绿树环绕着江堤平沙,江水涌起的波涛如霜如雪,钱塘天险无边无涯。钱塘八月观潮,历来称为盛举。写杭州钱塘江潮是必不可少的一笔。 “市列珠玑,户盈罗绮,竞豪奢”是对“钱塘自古繁华”的展开描写。描写了两个方面:一是商业贸易情况——“市列珠玑”,只用市场上的珍宝,代表了商业的丰富、商业的繁荣;二是衣着情况——“户盈罗绮”,家家披罗着锦。“竞豪奢”,又总括杭州的种种繁华景象。 诗人笔下钱塘繁华的不得了。 (二)下片:写西湖美景和人民和平安静的生活景象 “重湖叠巘清嘉,有三秋桂子,十里荷花。”写杭州西湖的湖山之美。这既是进一步描写“东南形胜”,同时又是杭州人游乐的背景。 “重湖”,写湖本身,西湖有里湖和外湖;“叠巘”,写湖岸,山峰重叠。西湖水碧山青,秀美异常,所以说“清嘉”。“三秋桂子”照应“叠巘”二字,写山中桂花。“十里荷花”照应“重湖”写水里荷花。红花绿叶,莲子清香,也是很能体现西湖特点的景物。南宋杨万里说:“毕竟西湖六月中, 风光不与四时同。接天莲叶无穷碧, 映日荷花别样红”。“三秋”,从时间着眼,点出桂子 飘香的季节。“十里”,从空间着眼,渲染荷花的种植之广。这一句牵动诸多意象:湖、山、秋月、桂花、荷花,这些意象扑面而来读了令人心旷神怡,“三秋桂子,十里荷花”工整的一联描写的不同季节的美景写得高度凝练,把西湖以至整个杭州的最美的景致概括出来,具有震撼人心的艺术力量。 传说金主完颜亮读到这首词后,对“三秋桂子,十里荷花”的江南美景十分倾慕,遂起“投鞭渡江”之意,于1161年大举进攻南宋。谢处厚有感于此,写了一首诗:“莫把杭州曲子讴,荷花十里桂三秋。知草木无情物,牵动长江万里愁。”作者把完颜亮大动干戈的责任归到柳永身。虽是传说柳永差点犯了个美丽的错误,就是把杭州美景写到了极至。 西湖不论任何季节、任何时间都是美的,景美人更美接下来就写到“羌管弄晴,菱歌泛夜,嬉嬉钓叟莲娃”, “羌管弄晴,菱歌泛夜”两句为互文,即羌管弄晴、泛夜,菱歌泛夜、弄晴。意谓笛声歌声昼夜不停,在晴空中飘扬,在月夜下荡漾。“羌管弄晴”写的是白天人们悠扬的笛声,“菱歌泛夜”写的是人们晚上快乐欢快的歌声,“嬉嬉钓叟莲娃”是对前面两句的总括,所以这一句写的是杭州人民的游乐。“千骑拥高牙,乘醉听萧鼓,吟赏烟霞”写的是杭州官员的游乐,分两方面写的,一是“乘醉听萧鼓”宴酣之乐,二是“吟赏烟”山水之乐。“异日图将好景,归去凤池夸”是对官员的美好祝愿。“好景”,表层意思是指钱塘的美好景观,实际代指其政绩成就。 四、问题探究: 1、这首词描绘了一种怎样的都市生活景象,(太平、富庶、安定、祥和的都市生活图景) 2、试说说作者是从哪些方面描写杭州的繁华与美丽的,(地理位置 历史传统 自然景观 市井面貌 百姓生活) 3、这首词包含了诗人怎样的思想感情? (对杭州风物的惊叹、赞美、艳羡。对两浙转运使孙何的奉承) 五、方法探究 office, branch offices (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management sector through supervision and inspection found problems, should be assigned the investigators are corrected in a timely manner. 27th the fifth chapter penalty under any of the following acts, then the relevant provisions to punish the investigators, according to the Bank. To constitute a crime shall be investigated for criminal responsibility: (A) on the business that are not involved in the investigation, issued a survey. (B) customer credit information are not thorough verification. (Iii) to participate in credit customer survey is not in place, customers and data is incomplete, untrue; he knows bear a counterfeited clients issuing credit. (D) does not provide for due diligence of credit business, pre-loan investigation form, concealing facts or providing false information or should be found in a normal investigation failed to discover the risk factors, lead to the review and approval policy errors, loan risk. (Five) on loan guarantees of survey not in place, not by provides on arrived, and pledge real for field verification, and assessment, and identification and registration, not according to provides on guarantor of guarantees qualification and guarantees capacity for survey verified, led to guarantees loan lost authenticity, and legitimacy, and effectiveness of; cycle loan business in the of mortgage 善于铺叙,是此词的特色之一。这首词选取最典型、最具表现力的景物,从最有特色的角度,铺叙,一句 一景,写景富有层次感对杭州的繁华景象进行了淋漓尽致的描绘。特别是对钱塘潮和西湖的描写,非常充 分,既具有高度的概括性,又非常具体形象。极力铺排,从不同的角度表现杭州的繁荣、美丽、富饶。 六、拓展延伸: 请学生回忆描写杭州、西湖的诗句 七、再读课文: 人说美景如画,然而这般美景恐怕用尽天下丹青描绘不尽,让我们再一次走进《 望海潮》,走进杭州, 去体验那湖光山色,去游览那充满魅力的人间天堂。 八、欣赏西湖十景图片、观看《望海潮》MTV吟唱本词 九、布置作业(任选其一) 1、用散文句描述你所喜欢的词句 2、图画描绘 3、试着以诗词形式描写自己熟悉的胜地胜景 首页 | 试卷下载 | 课件下载 | 教案教学 | 教学素材 | 作文中心 无忧无虑中学语文网 | 备课 | 中考 | 高考 | 学习频道 | 教师频道 | 课外读物 | 会员 区 柳永词二首《望海潮》《雨霖铃》教案 作者: 加入日期:10-04-30 教学目标: 1、深入《望海潮》和《雨霖铃》描绘的情景,体察作者情感及作者的情感状态。 2、从文本情景的描绘中,体察作者的情感状态。 3、感悟《雨霖铃》中的意境美和作者的情感美。 教学设想: 1、重点:体察作者情感及作者的情感状态。 2、难点:体察《雨霖铃》中作者复杂的情感状态。 3、课时:1课时。 4、策略:合作探究、诵读理解、媒体辅助。 教学过程: 一、导入新课: 江山代有才人出,各领风骚数百年。千年前的北宋词坛,有这么一个专力写词的词人。他的词在当时就是最流行的歌曲,直到千年后的今天还在独领风骚。他就是柳永。今天,我们首先来鉴赏柳永的早期之作《望海潮》,走近青年时期的柳永。 二、学习《望海潮》: 1、传说金主完颜亮在读罢这首词后非常羡慕钱塘的繁华,遂起投鞭渡江立马吴山之志,后来就以六十万大军南下攻宋。请大家一起朗诵《望海潮》,边读边思考这个问题:词中哪些内容可能会勾起完颜亮入侵大宋直指杭州的野心呢, office, branch offices (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management sector through supervision and inspection found problems, should be assigned the investigators are corrected in a timely manner. 27th the fifth chapter penalty under any of the following acts, then the relevant provisions to punish the investigators, according to the Bank. To constitute a crime shall be investigated for criminal responsibility: (A) on the business that are not involved in the investigation, issued a survey. (B) customer credit information are not thorough verification. (Iii) to participate in credit customer survey is not in place, customers and data is incomplete, untrue; he knows bear a counterfeited clients issuing credit. (D) does not provide for due diligence of credit business, pre-loan investigation form, concealing facts or providing false information or should be found in a normal investigation failed to discover the risk factors, lead to the review and approval policy errors, loan risk. (Five) on loan guarantees of survey not in place, not by provides on arrived, and pledge real for field verification, and assessment, and identification and registration, not according to provides on guarantor of guarantees qualification and guarantees capacity for survey verified, led to guarantees loan lost authenticity, and legitimacy, and effectiveness of; cycle loan business in the of mortgage 2、听《望海潮》朗诵。听完学生自由发言。(五到六人) 示例1:“市列珠玑。。。。。竞豪奢。”——“市列。。。豪奢。”——珠宝玉石遍陈于市,家家户户绫罗盈柜,市民生活富庶,街市经济繁荣。作者看到此景惊喜,艳羡,更何况本身就有入侵大宋野心的完颜亮呢~(如果没有人继续回答,老师引导:除了杭州这里的物质生活的富裕勾起他强大的侵略欲望之外,还有没有其他方面的原因,) 示例2:“东南形胜,江吴都会,钱塘自古繁华。”——杭州的地理位置优越,处在东南沿海,风光美好,曾经是历史上三吴的大都会,自古以来都是繁华之地,有着雄厚的物质基础和得天独厚的自然条件。由此可以想见水陆交通十分便利,不像金国地处内陆,资源贫乏,交通不便。(除了贪慕这里优越的地理位置和自然条件,还有没有其他内容,) 示例3:“烟柳画桥,风帘翠幕,参差十万人家。”——垂柳含烟,薄雾如纱,彩桥似画,人烟阜盛,千门万户门帘轻摆,怡然安详。这是对杭州城的一个全景描绘,表现了杭州城街巷河道的富丽。作者以一游客的身份陶醉其中,喜爱之情溢于言表。 (如果有学生继续说就不启发。如果没有就启发:这是城市景观的美丽,看来已经有同学关注景物的描绘了,还有没有关于自然景物描绘的呢,) 示例4;“云树。。。无涯。”——高耸入云的树木围绕江堤呈现蜿蜒迤逦之态,声势浩大的钱塘江潮波涛汹涌展示排山倒海之势。我们分明感受到面对此情此景时涌动在作者内心的积极向上的澎湃激情。这是对钱塘江的特写。“绕”“卷”两字要重点赏析其妙处,形象、逼真。 示例5:“重湖。。。。。。花。”——西湖的山水清秀美丽,有“天香飘万里”的三秋桂花,也有“接天莲叶无穷碧,映日荷花别样红”的十里荷花。青山绿水,鸟语花香,色彩艳丽,引人入胜。作者从时间和空间上在读者面前铺展开了一幅杭州西湖的迷人画卷。(“一切景语皆情语”,流露出的是作者无比的喜爱之情。) (如果学生将示例4和示例5一起说出,教师可让学生读一读,读出这两个不同景点的特点,钱塘江大潮是晴空排浪怒涛卷霜雪的黄钟大吕,西湖秀色是风和日丽青山绿水鸟语花香的丝竹管弦。前一句要读出气势,雄壮有力,后一句要读的轻快婉转。老师也可以适当点评:看来杭州这里真的是人间天堂阿,不仅物质生活富裕,而且精神生活也令人陶醉,难怪,金主完颜亮如此动心,连我们都心驰神往了。) 示例6:“千骑拥高牙。。。。烟霞” ——这写的是地方官的的游乐,闲暇时品酒吟诗,欣赏音乐,赏玩山水美景,多么风流潇洒。也暗示他治理有方,有卓越政绩。(根据写作背景,我们知道这是柳永写给曾经的布衣之交现任两浙转运史的孙何的拜谒之作,这显然是恭维之语,但也流露出作者的羡慕之情。(可能会有学生说这一句,如果他先在前面说,教师就接着问:是的,完颜亮非常羡慕这位地方官,希望自己也能象他一样坐拥杭州享受生活。这是任何一位有志向的男人都希望拥有的成功和排场,(当然也包括我们的作者)。那么,地方官的活动是以什么为背景,或者说地方官为什么这么悠闲自在志得意满,——因为他把杭州治理得很好,政绩卓著。老师:那么哪些地方体现他治理有方呢,就引导学生对其他句子的关注。) 示例7:“羌管。。。。。莲娃。”——此句极富生活情趣,晴天丽日处处音乐悠扬,菱舟泛夜阵阵歌声在湖面荡漾。老叟悠然垂钓,幼童嘻嘻采莲,好一派歌舞升平百姓安居乐业的盛世景象。(作者仿佛被他们的情绪感染,非常快乐)(这一句写出了杭州人民的悠然快乐的生活,我们知道物质生活决定精神生活,只有物阜民丰了,人民才会如此快乐悠闲。)(如果学生将示例6和示例7一起说。老师就点评说这是杭州官民同乐之景,体现社会和谐,这是封建社会士大夫或者政治家们追求的大治年景。)(如果学生以开始就说这两句,教师就借机问:地方官为什么这么悠闲自在志得意满,——因为他把杭州治理得很好,政绩卓著。百姓为什么这么悠闲快乐,——应为物质生活的富裕,精神生活优雅。那么,他们物质生活的富裕到底在哪里体现出来呢,引导学生找前面的写景句或者描绘都市繁华的句子) 3、教师归纳总结:金主完颜亮是否真因此词之魅力而生南渡入侵之野心,我们不得而知。但柳永笔下的《望海潮》从空间上全景式地反映了宋初杭州的盛况。请同学们看屏幕来欣赏杭州城的美丽风光。(点幻灯片,放完之后总结)杭州城的繁华富庶,钱塘江的壮阔浩大,西子湖的清嘉秀美,老百姓的安逸闲适,地方官的风流潇洒,官民同乐的和谐景象.当这些画面一一立体地铺展在我们面前的时候,我们的确得到了强烈的艺术享受。(它不仅打动了孙何,更是打动了千年之后的我们) (稍稍停留几秒钟,再问)4、言为心声,文如其人,通过这些文字我们可以看到青年柳永怎样的情怀, 学生回答(一两个人就可以了):踌躇满志,积极向上,意气风发,激情四射。。。。 5、教师总结并过渡:一首《望海潮》让我们看到了一个文才飞扬、意气风发,踌躇满志的柳永,然而,考场接连的落第,仕途的失意,使他流连于勾栏瓦舍,为歌女填词作曲,并与她们结下不解的情缘;但同时为了生计不得不到处宦游,以期谋得一官半职,于是又不得不与佳人分离,浪迹江湖,致使“衣带渐宽终不悔,为伊消得人憔悴。”接下来我们看他中年仕途失意时期的一首词《雨霖铃》。 三、学习《雨霖铃》: 1、听《雨霖铃》朗读 2、请同学们放声朗诵词作,边读边思考这个问题:《雨霖铃》抒写了词人怎样的情感,(放点音乐,一分钟) 生:离愁别绪,情人间的伤离别 3、老师:这是我们初步的感知,初读时的惊艳只是粗浅的直觉,真情的流露才是词的魅力所在。作者真实的情感状态需要我们用真心用真情去体会。(如果学生直接把作者复杂的情感都说出来了,老师就引导:这位同学品味得很透,那么我们就按照着这位同学的分析深入文本,看看词中哪些地方体现了这种。。。。。的情感。) 老师引导:不难看出,全词通过时空的延伸来展示他的离愁别绪:两人离别之时——(联想)今宵酒醒处——(想象)此去经年后(投影)(词的上阕作 office, branch offices (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management sector through supervision and inspection found problems, should be assigned the investigators are corrected in a timely manner. 27th the fifth chapter penalty under any of the following acts, then the relevant provisions to punish the investigators, according to the Bank. To constitute a crime shall be investigated for criminal responsibility: (A) on the business that are not involved in the investigation, issued a survey. (B) customer credit information are not thorough verification. (Iii) to participate in credit customer survey is not in place, customers and data is incomplete, untrue; he knows bear a counterfeited clients issuing credit. (D) does not provide for due diligence of credit business, pre-loan investigation form, concealing facts or providing false information or should be found in a normal investigation failed to discover the risk factors, lead to the review and approval policy errors, loan risk. (Five) on loan guarantees of survey not in place, not by provides on arrived, and pledge real for field verification, and assessment, and identification and registration, not according to provides on guarantor of guarantees qualification and guarantees capacity for survey verified, led to guarantees loan lost authenticity, and legitimacy, and effectiveness of; cycle loan business in the of mortgage 者为我们描绘了一对离人离别的过程,下阕作者通过想象为我们展示了“今宵酒醒处”和“此去经年”后的场景,) 请选出你感受最深的词句来谈谈作者是如何深刻地展示他的内心情感的。 示例1、“寒蝉。。。歇”——“寒蝉”一般是代表悲凄的形象,蝉叫声凄厉,这凄厉的叫声不仅打破离别环境的寂静,更刺激着离别人的敏感神经,令人难以忍受,加重凄凉感受。还可以让我们联想到朱自清前生的《荷塘月色》里的蝉叫“热闹是他们的,我什么也没有。”能感受到离人的烦恼。—听觉感受;长亭—送别地点,浸含着浓浓的离愁别绪(长亭外,古道边。。。);天色已晚,暮色渐起—人要回家鸟要归巢,我却要与心爱的人分离去浪迹江湖,前途未卜,迷茫失落,加重愁情,;而“骤雨初歇”写出了作者矛盾的心情 :既想雨停,又不想雨停。雨停, 他就可以离开这个伤心地去远方寻求新的发展了;而雨不停,正好又合了他的心意,想要再多留一会哪怕是一小会儿 ,再看恋人几眼 ,再多说几句绵绵的情话。我们常说人不留天留可是现在天也不留人了,多么让人懊恼啊~这几个意象的组合从听觉视觉等方面把离别时的环境立体地描绘出来,营造出一种冷落凄凉的氛围,传达出词人浓浓的悲哀凄凉烦恼无奈伤感的情绪。而且从凄厉的蝉声、苍茫的暮色、急雨过后的空气中,我们似乎可以嗅到那使人压抑的气氛。此句奠定了全诗悲切低沉压抑的感情基调。(人将别、日已晚、雨乍停、蝉声切。惜别的长亭,凄凉的深秋。壮士分别尚且悲伤,更何况这对一别可能成永诀的恋人呢,) (如果学生先说这句,说完后可让学生读读,读出那种低沉悲凉的气氛。然后引导:骤雨初歇、寒蝉凄切、长亭惜别向我们展现出这么感人的意境和作者复杂微妙的情感。那么词中还有没有类似的通过环境描绘来展示作者内心情感的句子呢,) 示例2:“今宵酒。。。。。残月。”——千古丽句。离别之际想酒醒后身在何处,是虚写之景。“酒醒”遥接上片“帐饮”,可见当时虽然情“无绪”,然借酒浇愁,还是沉醉了。扁舟夜发,愁醉迷蒙,忽然醒来,想必已是拂晓。酒醒无异于愁醒,更加惆怅。惊起忙寻觅,情人在何处,所见者唯杨柳岸上的晓风残月,顿时怅然若失、落寞凄凉。而且离别的人一看到杨柳,就会想起离别时执手相看泪眼的场面,就会浮现出赠柳惜别的情景,就会想起离别之前的柔情蜜意,可眼前自己孤身一人,(遥忆手双携,顾影又自怜)佳人不在,家乡已遥,心中就会涌起难言的愁怅失落和孤独。再加上眼前看到的是几株秋天叶落衰败的残柳在秋天早上江面吹来的凄冷的寒风中无助地飘摇,就会联想自己在江湖上漂泊的种种凄苦辛酸;秋天早上江面吹来的凄冷的寒风,肌肤之寒立即引发离人的凄恻之情,本想一醉了之,偏遭凉风生,凉上加凉,心更凉。天上是一弯残月立即勾起词人想和佳人团圆却难圆之意,在离人和恋人的现在与未来竖起一堵穿不过的墙。(“残”字既是对月的描写,也是作者心情的写照。)(圆月如盘,团团圆圆;残月如勾,残缺不全。)(“晓风欺弱柳,残月隐悲凉。”)我们还可以深一步去想,试想,柳永此时不过是离开心爱的人的第二天早晨,“执手相看泪眼”的图景依然鲜明的留在心上,面对着眼前残枝败柳的凄清景象,而前路是“千里烟波” 空阔的千里楚天,他还要继续前行,离自己心爱的人越来越远,又不知道自己的前途在哪里,顿觉迷惘无助,这种羁旅行役中复杂的情感一起涌上心头。将离人凄楚惆怅、孤独忧伤、迷惘辛酸、漂泊失意、凄清悲凉的感情,表现得十分充分、真切,然而这一切都是执手分别时想象中的虚拟的,但因这样的离别情景和情感柳永体验了无数次,所以想象才会如此逼真。(它创造出一种特有的意境。难怪它为人称道,成为名句。)这正是:“杨柳留人不可留,晓风扑面寒心头,残月照人影孤单,酒醒之后愁更愁。”(如果学生先说这句,就引导他们去想象,说完就问:这是作者想象别后的虚写之景,除了这句还有吗,) 示例3、“念去去。。。。。阔。”——一个“念”字,告诉读者下面写景物是想象的。 “去去”是越去越远的意思。这二字用得极好,不愿去而又不得不去,包含了离人无限凄楚和无奈。“去去”二字连用,显示出低沉的声情,读时一字一顿,遂觉去路茫茫,一程又一程,千里迢迢。一路上又思念佳人,离恨无限,顿感“离愁渐远渐无穷,迢迢不断如春水”的痛苦凄凉。“烟波”,又曰“暮霭”,更曰“沉沉”着色可谓浓矣,既曰“千里”又曰“阔”,空间可谓广矣。在如此广阔辽远的空间里,充满了如此浓密深沉的云烟暮霭,使人透不过气,给人无限压抑,其离愁之深前途之茫茫,可以想见。也令人联想到“日暮乡关何处是,烟波江上使人愁”的愁苦;同时也衬托出旅人前途茫茫,情人相见无期的迷惘惆怅,景无边而情无限。离愁之深,别恨之苦,溢于言表。这不仅抒写了别后怅然空虚的心情,同时也暗示了作者在政治上失意后迷茫的前程。作者在含泪执手难舍难分之际就想象自己接下来的路途景色:苍茫空阔的楚天下的是沉沉的暮霭,沉沉的暮霭笼罩在烟波浩淼的江河之上,烟波浩淼的江河之上是一叶扁舟,一叶扁舟上是渐行渐远的离人。行舟与游子都是那么渺小孤独,可背景却是远而又远高而又高,越发比照出人的渺小和漂泊之感。几个意象组合的画面色调灰暗,低沉压抑,传达出词人苦闷孤独压抑迷惘的情感。(主人公暗淡的心情给天空水色染上灰色的色彩)(如果学生先说这句,就引导他们去想象,说完就问:这是作者想象别后的虚写之景,除了这句还有吗,) 示例4:“都门。。。。催发”——面对美酒没有情绪,内心充满的是无限的依恋与不舍。为什么要喝酒,一为饯别,二为借酒浇愁,三也可能是驱除心寒。“无绪”一是没有好心情,二是心绪纷乱如麻,想走又不舍得走,矛盾痛苦可见一斑。“留恋处”是有情人依依不舍,“兰舟催发”是船家偏偏不断地催促上船;多么尖锐的矛盾。一方怨时间过的太快,一方嫌时间耽搁太久。一急一缓,两相映衬,生动地刻画了分别时不同人物的心理神态,突出离人的不舍、无奈和隐隐的对船家催促的烦恼。用字经济,手法高明。作者没有心情,郁闷、无奈。(这是离别时的场景描写,学生如果先提此句,就引导他们把离别时其他的句子找出来品味。) 示例5:”执手„凝噎.”——此句写人物的表情和动作,开始由表及里逐层揭示离人的内心世界。此是特写镜头,语言通俗感情真挚,形象逼真,如在眼前。“执手”之精妙:紧紧地抓住不愿松开(能否换成握、牵)。“竟”字之妙:竟然,为什么竟然说不出话来,这是对词人心境最真实的描摹:本来有千言万语可此时不知从何说起,唯闻哽咽声,况且千言万语也表达不了之间的柔情蜜意和此刻的难舍难分。(这里引导学生想象分别时人们会说些什么)互相保重可离人要去漂泊前途未卜;早日团聚可山高水长路途遥远不知何日能聚;祝愿离人愿望实现可江湖凶险无法预知。。。。。。所以这里边不仅有儿女情长还有个人的担忧。“无语凝噎”是写出了最后必须要动身时的难舍难分的情态,情到极致,“别有幽愁暗恨生,此时无声胜有声”,“相顾无言,唯有泪千行。”极言依依惜别和缠绵悱恻之情。真是 “流泪眼对流泪眼,断肠人对断肠人”。(“含情两相向,欲语气先咽。孟郊《古怨别》)悲伤、难舍、痛苦到了极致。(这是离别时的人物表情动作的描写,学生如果先提此句,就引导他们把离别时其他的句子找出来品味。) office, branch offices (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management sector through supervision and inspection found problems, should be assigned the investigators are corrected in a timely manner. 27th the fifth chapter penalty under any of the following acts, then the relevant provisions to punish the investigators, according to the Bank. To constitute a crime shall be investigated for criminal responsibility: (A) on the business that are not involved in the investigation, issued a survey. (B) customer credit information are not thorough verification. (Iii) to participate in credit customer survey is not in place, customers and data is incomplete, untrue; he knows bear a counterfeited clients issuing credit. (D) does not provide for due diligence of credit business, pre-loan investigation form, concealing facts or providing false information or should be found in a normal investigation failed to discover the risk factors, lead to the review and approval policy errors, loan risk. (Five) on loan guarantees of survey not in place, not by provides on arrived, and pledge real for field verification, and assessment, and identification and registration, not according to provides on guarantor of guarantees qualification and guarantees capacity for survey verified, led to guarantees loan lost authenticity, and legitimacy, and effectiveness of; cycle loan business in the of mortgage 示例4:“多情。。。节。”——直接抒情。“自古”两字,从个别特殊的现象出发,提升为普遍、广泛的现象,扩大了词的意义。但接着“更那堪冷落清秋节”一句,则强调自己比常人、古人承受的痛苦更多、更甚。伤情离别,自古皆然,可万不该在这冷落清秋的时节,这叫人怎能忍受,作者似乎在自我安慰,实则突出自己的伤别更重,意义翻新。“清秋节”一辞,映射起首三句,前后照应,针线极为绵密;而冠以“更那堪”三个虚字,则加强了感情色彩,比起首三句的以景寓情更为明显、深刻。因为是在冷落的清秋之节。开拓了词的境界,深化主题,极写离别之痛。(除了直接抒情之外,还有没有其他的句子让你感受到作者的情感。) 示例5:末两句。——词人进一步设想一年之后的情况。(这里要引导学生去想象并体会是一种什么样的情感:)一年之后,诗人仍羁旅他乡,形单影只,纵使眼前一片姹紫嫣红,繁华无限,也因无人共赏而如同虚设;即使有千种的风情万般的情意也因无人共语而倍感痛楚(无人倾诉因你不在身边,不知道古汴河畔的女子听见了这缱绻千年的思念了吗,)。(遥想手双携,顾影又自怜。走在花前,似你灿烂的笑脸;端起酒杯,是你泠泠的双眼。)“更”和‘纵“使情感更进一层,表明念之心切,爱之情深。(似与情人直接对话,亲切有味,又易于理解接受。)以虚景、虚情的设想结尾,说明离别后的痛苦将与日俱增。结尾问句,更留有无穷意味。在词尾将离情推向高潮。(系我一生心,负你千行泪。彼此空有相怜意,未有相怜计。)(春心莫共花争放,一寸相思一寸灰。李商隐)(还有其他设想的别后情景吗,) 教师小结语:1、一曲《雨霖铃》道破了天下有情人难舍难分的那一份眷恋和那一腔离恨。阵阵寒蝉,沉沉暮霭,浩浩烟波,泪眼对泪眼,无言对无言,好一幅凄恻委婉、柔肠百结的挥泪图;一片残柳,一弯残月,一叶扁舟,多情的远行人,孤独的异乡客,好一曲深情脉脉、离恨悠悠的丝竹调。2、柳永的一生是充满抑郁和失意的,一首《雨霖铃》道尽了仕途失意,落拓江湖,辞别情人,把酒浇愁愁更愁的痛苦等等真切的感受。而且它不是写离愁别恨的一个侧面,词人的情感并没有随着离别戛然而止,而是被充分抒写并表现出一个比较完整的层层推进的过程。(千年风霜纵是无情,但词人的感情在千年后却依旧生动) 看来这首词不单纯是写一对恋人的分离,而是柳永借助分离这个话题来深刻表达她的人生的况味。那么能不能推荐一位同学有感情地把它朗诵出来。 4、学生推荐一位学生朗诵词,要读出感情(有时间就读,没时间就省略) 四、迁移训练: 刚才我们通过学习《望海潮》读出了青年柳永的情怀,在《雨霖铃》中我们体味了中年柳永复杂的人生滋味。请你写一段《读你》,表达你对柳永情感或形象的认知50_80字即可. 学生写习作、读习作。 五、总结课堂:(如果学生写的很好,就以学生的内容总结下课。) 1、 倜傥豪放柳三变,少有奇才功名恋。三赴科场葬流年,满腹牢骚鹤冲天,奉旨填词风流现,晓风残月别情倩,宦海浮沉诗情拈,金鹅峰下月枫念。 2、暮霭沉沉,孤柳独立,晚风催得雨声碎。寒秋时节,谁怜落花卷霜帷。只守驿外,何时揽得乌纱归, 佳人翘首,才子归去。蝉鸣引出离别泪。枉断空肠,酒香却道离别怅。长亭一别,纵是那时雁过也心伤。 3、告别了杨柳岸的晓风残月,你踏上兰舟向着暮霭沉沉的楚天驶去。依稀可望见的孤舟遥影在茫茫水天之际若隐若现。岸上人独立,微雨燕双飞,拭不去的泪水迷茫了整个江岸,连同这个令人伤感的秋。 4、忘不掉那一双泪眼中凝聚的爱意,拂不去被晓风吹在脸上的发丝。滔滔江水,清秋千里,你孤独漂泊的影子如惊鸿一般短暂,转瞬即逝般消失在梦中人的眼里。 5、犹记得当年意气风发十年寒窗夏雨冬雪,无奈你却忍把浮名换了浅吟低唱。从此你便因为一时的少年豪气而踏上了一生的颠簸流离。你选择了词,词也选择了你,于是凡有井水处便得歌柳词。 6、他是个罪人,不仅写下了《望海潮》,让觊觎江南的完颜亮更加觊觎,更用多情细腻的笔触,让痴情的女子更加痴情。 7、 柳永之词,始终以一情字为主线贯穿整个文学创作之路。动情处,令七尺男儿泪满衣衫;细微处,像雨夜听荷般诗意。写前人所写,却更胜一筹;创前人未有,泽被后世。 8、男欢女爱,美而不俗。文笔坦露、大胆,不落窠臼;心涌友善,以平等地位之观念,抒写红尘女子喜怒哀乐。在他的眼里,男女平等,即使烟花女子也一视同仁。此种情怀,若无一颗金子般的心灵,岂能这样至情、至诚。 9、今天,我们走进这位天才词人的心灵世界,真切体味到他那动人的情感、细腻的笔触为我们所营造的异域美空间。也真实地触摸到了他的灵魂:真情、真爱、真词,真男人;也看到了这么一个历经磨难成为自己境界中真正的王者——白衣卿相柳永~ 10、他是一个比谪仙更浪漫的人,他是一个比东坡更多情的人。他是用词句覆盖了市井陌楼堂馆所,他踌躇满志命运不堪的浪子——奉旨填词柳三变。 11、水墨城镇,是他生活的底色,和着微风,就着夕阳,写下瑰丽的词句。灯红酒绿,是歌女们穿梭的小巷,伴着琴弦,踏着舞步,他的词曲在神光离合中窜腾。 天纵的才情,奈何年少轻狂,失了一生所向的仕途。只好怅然行走天下,醉那无用之酒,钟那无用之情,把酒黄昏,作别伊人。榨尽一生的辛酸悲凉,成那一声声歌女口中词。而这一生便郁郁而终。 登山则情满于山,观海则意溢于海。(刘勰 江山代有才人出,各领风骚数百年。(赵翼) , 心中怀才,唯不遇赏才之人;内心落寞,偏不逢安慰之人。虽伤心别离,浪迹天涯,宦游浮沉,却将万千情绪化为苦酒,酿化出最洒脱的词章,在历史 office, branch offices (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management sector through supervision and inspection found problems, should be assigned the investigators are corrected in a timely manner. 27th the fifth chapter penalty under any of the following acts, then the relevant provisions to punish the investigators, according to the Bank. To constitute a crime shall be investigated for criminal responsibility: (A) on the business that are not involved in the investigation, issued a survey. (B) customer credit information are not thorough verification. (Iii) to participate in credit customer survey is not in place, customers and data is incomplete, untrue; he knows bear a counterfeited clients issuing credit. (D) does not provide for due diligence of credit business, pre-loan investigation form, concealing facts or providing false information or should be found in a normal investigation failed to discover the risk factors, lead to the review and approval policy errors, loan risk. (Five) on loan guarantees of survey not in place, not by provides on arrived, and pledge real for field verification, and assessment, and identification and registration, not according to provides on guarantor of guarantees qualification and guarantees capacity for survey verified, led to guarantees loan lost authenticity, and legitimacy, and effectiveness of; cycle loan business in the of mortgage 长河中永存~ 《望海潮》教案 莆田四中 郑细石 教学目标 office, branch offices (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management sector through supervision and inspection found problems, should be assigned the investigators are corrected in a timely manner. 27th the fifth chapter penalty under any of the following acts, then the relevant provisions to punish the investigators, according to the Bank. To constitute a crime shall be investigated for criminal responsibility: (A) on the business that are not involved in the investigation, issued a survey. (B) customer credit information are not thorough verification. (Iii) to participate in credit customer survey is not in place, customers and data is incomplete, untrue; he knows bear a counterfeited clients issuing credit. (D) does not provide for due diligence of credit business, pre-loan investigation form, concealing facts or providing false information or should be found in a normal investigation failed to discover the risk factors, lead to the review and approval policy errors, loan risk. (Five) on loan guarantees of survey not in place, not by provides on arrived, and pledge real for field verification, and assessment, and identification and registration, not according to provides on guarantor of guarantees qualification and guarantees capacity for survey verified, led to guarantees loan lost authenticity, and legitimacy, and effectiveness of; cycle loan business in the of mortgage (一)知识与能力 1、了解作者,掌握诗词的诵读技巧。 2、品味诗词富有表现力的语言,体会词中壮阔优美的意境。 3、学习诗词中铺陈、点染的手法 (二)过程与方法 反复吟咏,感受词的音律美;感悟词的意境美 (三)情感态度价值观 让学生感受词的魅力,感受宋初杭州物阜民丰的盛景,培养对祖国河山的热爱之情 。 教学重点 品味诗词富有表现力的语言,体会词中壮阔优美的意境。 教学难点 领悟作者对杭州西湖的热爱之情;感受词的意境、情韵;学习诗中铺陈、点染的手法 。 学习方法 反复诵读,感悟体会 课时安排:一课时 教学过程 一、导入新课 我给大家讲个故事:金国大将金兀术(音wùzhú)(完颜宗弼)喜欢读书,尤其是有关中原文化的更是喜欢。有一次,当他读到宋朝词人柳永的《望海潮》时,首先被开头的“东南形胜,三吴都会,钱塘自古繁华”所吸引,接着读到“烟柳画桥,风帘翠幕,参差十万人家。云树绕堤沙”时,已经情不自禁地咏出声了,当读到“有三秋桂子,十里荷花。羌管弄晴,菱歌泛夜”时,忍不住掷下了书,大声说:“如此胜地,不去枉为人间一遭也。”遂下定决心要兵取钱塘。 又据说金主完颜亮听到柳永《望海潮》“三秋桂子,十里荷花”之句时,不禁对杭州的美景产生了神往之情。遂起南侵之意。 课文注释?也说这首词写于1003年秋,是赠予当时两浙转运使孙何的。孙何当时驻节杭州,门禁甚严,柳永想谒见面而不能,就作此词央求名妓“楚楚”歌孙席前。孙问知是柳永所作,第二天孙何就亲自前往见面。 柳永的《望海潮》究竟有什么魅力会勾起金兀术、完颜亮入侵大宋的野心呢, 孙何为什么听了《望海潮》就亲自前往见柳永呢, 二、关于知识词 1、词兴于隋唐,成熟于五代,盛行于宋,并在宋代发展到高峰。 2、词是诗的一种,是可以和乐歌唱的诗体,所以也叫“歌词”,又称“长短句”、“诗余”、“曲子词”、“歌词”等。 office, branch offices (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management sector through supervision and inspection found problems, should be assigned the investigators are corrected in a timely manner. 27th the fifth chapter penalty under any of the following acts, then the relevant provisions to punish the investigators, according to the Bank. To constitute a crime shall be investigated for criminal responsibility: (A) on the business that are not involved in the investigation, issued a survey. (B) customer credit information are not thorough verification. (Iii) to participate in credit customer survey is not in place, customers and data is incomplete, untrue; he knows bear a counterfeited clients issuing credit. (D) does not provide for due diligence of credit business, pre-loan investigation form, concealing facts or providing false information or should be found in a normal investigation failed to discover the risk factors, lead to the review and approval policy errors, loan risk. (Five) on loan guarantees of survey not in place, not by provides on arrived, and pledge real for field verification, and assessment, and identification and registration, not according to provides on guarantor of guarantees qualification and guarantees capacity for survey verified, led to guarantees loan lost authenticity, and legitimacy, and effectiveness of; cycle loan business in the of mortgage 3、词牌:是与韵律相配合的乐调形式。(标题所涉及的是内容。) 4、词的分类 按长短 小令:58字以内 中调:59-90字 长调:90字以上 按段落 单调、双调、三叠、四叠 按风格 豪放派 婉约派 5、风格比较 豪放派:题材广泛,内容丰富,气象宏大意境雄浑,抒发豪情壮志。 须关西大汉,铜琵琶、铁绰板,唱“大江东去”。 婉约派:题材狭窄,多抒情,婉约缠绵细腻,语言含蓄, 多写个人遭遇或者男女恋情。 只合十七八女郎,执红牙板歌“杨柳岸晓风残月”。 三、关于作者和写作背景 1、作者介绍 白衣卿相柳永(约987年—约1053年),福建崇安人。北宋词人,婉约派最重要的代表人物。 原名柳三变,字景庄。后改名永,字耆卿。排行第七,又称柳七。 其为人放荡不羁,年轻时又屡试不第。仕途坎坷、生活潦倒,他由追求功名转而厌倦官场,耽溺于旖旎繁华的都市生活,在“偎红依翠”、“浅斟低唱”中寻找寄托。 他“纵游娼馆酒楼间”的浪漫情事,逐步流传到仁宗耳里。应制为“醉蓬莱”曲作词,某些字句触犯仁宗忌讳,被“掷之于地”。加之柳永落第时所写的《鹤冲天》中有“才子词人,自是白衣卿相”,以及“忍把浮名,换了浅斟低唱”等语句,更使仁宗不悦。当柳永再次通过考试,“临轩发榜,特落之,曰:‘且去浅斟低唱,何要浮名~’”后虽“有荐其才者,office, branch offices (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management sector through supervision and inspection found problems, should be assigned the investigators are corrected in a timely manner. 27th the fifth chapter penalty under any of the following acts, then the relevant provisions to punish the investigators, according to the Bank. To constitute a crime shall be investigated for criminal responsibility: (A) on the business that are not involved in the investigation, issued a survey. (B) customer credit information are not thorough verification. (Iii) to participate in credit customer survey is not in place, customers and data is incomplete, untrue; he knows bear a counterfeited clients issuing credit. (D) does not provide for due diligence of credit business, pre-loan investigation form, concealing facts or providing false information or should be found in a normal investigation failed to discover the risk factors, lead to the review and approval policy errors, loan risk. (Five) on loan guarantees of survey not in place, not by provides on arrived, and pledge real for field verification, and assessment, and identification and registration, not according to provides on guarantor of guarantees qualification and guarantees capacity for survey verified, led to guarantees loan lost authenticity, and legitimacy, and effectiveness of; cycle loan business in the of mortgage 上曰:‘得非填词柳三变乎,’曰:‘然。’上曰:‘且去填词。’由是不得志”。于是柳永自称:“奉旨填词柳三变。”成为北宋第一个专力作词的人。科举功名上的多次失意,使他更加沉湎于歌酒,从追求利禄的文士,逐步变为纵情风月的风流浪子。 宋仁宗景佑元年(1034年) 47岁(一说生于980此时为54岁)的柳永,迫于各方面的压力,终于考取了进士,从而结束了专业词人的生活。官屯田员外郎。终身潦倒。死时靠妓女捐钱安葬。 鹤冲天 黄金榜上,偶失龙头望。明代暂遗贤,如何向。未遂风云便,争不恣狂荡。何须论得丧。才子词人,自是白衣卿相。 烟花巷陌,依约丹青屏障。幸有意中人,堪寻访。且恁偎红依翠,风流事、平生畅。青春都一饷。忍把浮名,换了浅斟低唱。 2、柳永的贡献及作品 作为北宋第一个专力作词的词人,柳永深谙音律,能自度曲,(《望海潮》就是柳永首创)不仅开拓了词的题材内容,而且制作了大量的慢词,发展了铺叙手法,促进了词的通俗化、口语化,尤长于抒写羁旅行役之情,在词史上产生了具大的影响,在词史上是一位里程碑的人物。其词多描绘城市风光和歌妓生活,词作流传极广,素有“凡有井水饮处,皆能歌柳词”的说法。 词集有《乐章集》,词作《雨霖铃》《八声甘州》《望海潮》等颇有名。纪昀于《四库全书总目提要》中倍加推崇:“诗当学杜诗,词当学柳词。” 、背景介绍 3 宋真宗咸平末年,柳永从家乡前往京城开封应试,途经钱塘江(今浙江杭州)。柳永与孙何是布衣之交,此时孙何正好任两浙转运使,柳永想拜访他,但当时官府之家门禁极严,柳永一个平民是很难到孙何家去拜访的,柳永就写下了这首词,并使其在青楼被广泛歌唱以使孙何知道,第二天孙何就亲自前往见面。 4、写作目的 这是一首投赠词,目的是得到地方长官的召见和赏识。 四、学习课文 1、听读课文,多媒体展示诗歌的节奏和韵脚: 东南/形胜,三吴/都会,钱塘/自古/繁华。烟柳/画桥,风帘/翠幕,参差/十万/人家。云树/绕/堤沙,怒涛/卷/霜雪,天堑/无涯。市列/珠玑,户盈/罗绮,竞/豪奢。 重湖/叠巘/清嘉,有/三秋/桂子,十里/荷花。羌管/弄晴,菱歌/泛夜,嬉嬉/钓叟/莲娃。千骑/拥/高牙,乘醉/听/箫鼓,吟赏/烟霞。异日/图将/好景,归去/凤池/夸。 2、再读课文 扫清字词障碍感知大意(交流以什么样的语调带着什么样的情感来读) 朗读指导: 在注意节奏的同时,要特别注意青年时期的柳永对生活饱含热忱,对前途充满幻想,他将这些情感倾注到《望海潮》里。朗读时要 : office, branch offices (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management sector through supervision and inspection found problems, should be assigned the investigators are corrected in a timely manner. 27th the fifth chapter penalty under any of the following acts, then the relevant provisions to punish the investigators, according to the Bank. To constitute a crime shall be investigated for criminal responsibility: (A) on the business that are not involved in the investigation, issued a survey. (B) customer credit information are not thorough verification. (Iii) to participate in credit customer survey is not in place, customers and data is incomplete, untrue; he knows bear a counterfeited clients issuing credit. (D) does not provide for due diligence of credit business, pre-loan investigation form, concealing facts or providing false information or should be found in a normal investigation failed to discover the risk factors, lead to the review and approval policy errors, loan risk. (Five) on loan guarantees of survey not in place, not by provides on arrived, and pledge real for field verification, and assessment, and identification and registration, not according to provides on guarantor of guarantees qualification and guarantees capacity for survey verified, led to guarantees loan lost authenticity, and legitimacy, and effectiveness of; cycle loan business in the of mortgage ?感情饱满,适度夸张,语势要激越。 ?上片首句朗读在“繁华”处升调且顿为下文蓄势,写钱塘江潮的壮观,词句短小、如“怒涛”、“霜雪”、“天堑”这类色彩浓烈的而有气势的词语,音调急促,仿佛大潮劈面奔涌而来,有雷霆万钧、不可阻挡之势。 ?下片写西湖清幽的美景,文字优美,词曲变长,节奏要平和、舒缓,读出心旷神怡之感。结尾祝愿之辞要读得恳切。 3、 一齐朗诵《望海潮》,边读边思考这样个问题:词中的哪些内容可能会勾起完颜亮入侵南宋,直指杭州的野心,课文如何铺陈、点染, 善于铺叙、点染的特色 这首词选取最典型、最具表现力的景物,从最有特色的角度,铺叙,一句一景,写景富有层次感对杭州的繁华景象进行了淋漓尽致的描绘。特别是对钱塘潮和西湖的描写,非常充分,既具有高度的概括性——“点”的写法。又非常具体形象。极力铺排,从不同的角度表现杭州的繁荣、美丽、富饶——“染”的写法。 铺陈例子: (乐府民歌《陌上桑》: “十五府小吏,二十朝大夫,三十侍中郎,四十专城居”; 《木兰辞》中: “东市买骏马,西市买鞍鞯,南市买辔头,北市买长鞭。”“爷娘闻女来,出郭相扶将。阿姊闻妹来,当户理红妆。小弟闻姊来,磨刀霍霍向猪羊。” (一)上片:描写杭州的自然风光和都市的繁华 “东南形胜,三吴都会,钱塘自古繁华”。 “东南形胜”,从地理位置上看 杭州地处东南,地理位置很重要,风景很优美,故曰:“形胜”。 “三吴都会”,是从社会条件着笔写它是三吴地区的重要都市,那里人众荟萃,财货聚集,故曰:“都会”。 “钱塘自古繁华”,从历史传统上看——都市繁华之美 总结:这一句总起全文——“点”的写法。下面就对“形胜”、“都会”和“自古繁华”进行铺叙——“染”的写法。?“烟柳画桥,风帘翠幕,参差十万人家”是对“三吴都会”的展开描写。 ?“云树绕堤沙。怒涛卷霜雪,天堑无涯”是对“东南形胜”的展开描写。 这里选择了钱塘江岸和江潮两种景物来写,从自然景观上看——自然风光之美 ?“市列珠玑,户盈罗绮,竞豪奢”是对“钱塘自古繁华”的展开描写。描写了两个方面:一是商业贸易情况——“市列珠玑”,只用市场上的珍宝,代表了商业的丰富、商业的繁荣;office, branch offices (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management sector through supervision and inspection found problems, should be assigned the investigators are corrected in a timely manner. 27th the fifth chapter penalty under any of the following acts, then the relevant provisions to punish the investigators, according to the Bank. To constitute a crime shall be investigated for criminal responsibility: (A) on the business that are not involved in the investigation, issued a survey. (B) customer credit information are not thorough verification. (Iii) to participate in credit customer survey is not in place, customers and data is incomplete, untrue; he knows bear a counterfeited clients issuing credit. (D) does not provide for due diligence of credit business, pre-loan investigation form, concealing facts or providing false information or should be found in a normal investigation failed to discover the risk factors, lead to the review and approval policy errors, loan risk. (Five) on loan guarantees of survey not in place, not by provides on arrived, and pledge real for field verification, and assessment, and identification and registration, not according to provides on guarantor of guarantees qualification and guarantees capacity for survey verified, led to guarantees loan lost authenticity, and legitimacy, and effectiveness of; cycle loan business in the of mortgage 二是衣着情况——“户盈罗绮”,家家披罗着锦。“竞豪奢”,又总括杭州的种种繁华景象。从市井面貌上看、从百姓生活上看。 诗人笔下钱塘繁华得不得了。 (二)下片:写西湖美景和人民和平安静的生活景象 “重湖叠巘清嘉”,——“点”的写法,写杭州西湖的湖山之美。这既是进一步描写“东南形胜”,同时又是杭州人游乐的背景。 “重湖”,写湖本身,西湖有里湖和外湖;“叠巘”,写湖岸,山峰重叠。西湖水碧山青,秀美异常,所以说“清嘉”。 “有三秋桂子,十里荷花” ——“染”的写法。?“三秋桂子”照应“叠巘”二字,写山中桂花。?“十里荷花”照应“重湖”写水里荷花。红花绿叶,莲子清香,也是很能体现西湖特点的景物。 南宋杨万里说:“毕竟西湖六月中, 风光不与四时同。接天莲叶无穷碧, 映日荷花别样红”。“三秋”,从时间着眼,点出桂子 飘香的季节。“十里”,从空间着眼,渲染荷花的种植之广。这一句牵动诸多意象:湖、山、秋月、桂花、荷花,这些意象扑面而来读了令人心旷神怡,“三秋桂子,十里荷花”工整的一联描写的不同季节的美景写得高度凝练,把西湖以至整个杭州的最美的景致概括出来,具有震撼人心的艺术力量。 景美人更美 “羌管弄晴,菱歌泛夜,嬉嬉钓叟莲娃” 从百姓生活上看——民生安乐之美。 ?“羌管弄晴,菱歌泛夜”两句为互文——羌管弄晴、泛夜,菱歌泛夜、弄晴。——意谓笛声歌声昼夜不停,在晴空中飘扬,在月夜下荡漾。“羌管弄晴”写的是白天人们悠扬的笛声,“菱歌泛夜”写的是人们晚上快乐欢快的歌声。?“嬉嬉钓叟莲娃”是对前面两句的总括,所以这一句写的是杭州人民的游乐。 “千骑拥高牙,乘醉听萧鼓,吟赏烟霞”——官员的与民游乐。 分两方面写的,一是“乘醉听萧鼓”宴酣之乐,二是“吟赏烟”山水之乐。结束语:“异日图将好景,归去凤池夸”是对官员的美好祝愿。“好景”,表层意思是指钱塘的美好景观,实际代指其政绩成就。 写作动机与目的:赞美、祝愿、应酬之意不着痕迹。 五、问题探究: 1、这首词描绘了一种怎样的都市生活景象,(太平、富庶、安定、祥和的都市生活图景) 2、试说说作者是从哪些方面描写杭州的繁华与美丽的,(地理位置 历史传统 自然景观 市井面貌 百姓生活) 3、这首词包含了诗人怎样的思想感情? (对杭州风物的惊叹、赞美、艳羡。对两浙转运使孙何的奉承) 善于铺叙,是此词的特色之一。 六、拓展延伸: 请学生回忆描写杭州、西湖的诗句。 office, branch offices (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management sector through supervision and inspection found problems, should be assigned the investigators are corrected in a timely manner. 27th the fifth chapter penalty under any of the following acts, then the relevant provisions to punish the investigators, according to the Bank. To constitute a crime shall be investigated for criminal responsibility: (A) on the business that are not involved in the investigation, issued a survey. (B) customer credit information are not thorough verification. (Iii) to participate in credit customer survey is not in place, customers and data is incomplete, untrue; he knows bear a counterfeited clients issuing credit. (D) does not provide for due diligence of credit business, pre-loan investigation form, concealing facts or providing false information or should be found in a normal investigation failed to discover the risk factors, lead to the review and approval policy errors, loan risk. (Five) on loan guarantees of survey not in place, not by provides on arrived, and pledge real for field verification, and assessment, and identification and registration, not according to provides on guarantor of guarantees qualification and guarantees capacity for survey verified, led to guarantees loan lost authenticity, and legitimacy, and effectiveness of; cycle loan business in the of mortgage 七、再读课文: 人说美景如画,然而这般美景恐怕用尽天下丹青描绘不尽,让我们再一次走进《 望海潮》,走进杭州,去体验那湖光山色,去游览那充满魅力的人间天堂。 八、布置作业(任选其一) 1、用散文句描述你所喜欢的词句。 2、试着以诗词形式描写自己熟悉的胜地胜景。 望海潮 一 教学目标 (一)、知识与能力 1(初步了解词的章法和句法特点。 2(感受、品赏词的意境、词的情韵。 (二)、过程与方法 1(训练学生初步掌握读词诵词的能力。 2(引导学生初步掌握品赏词的基本方法和步骤。 (三)、情感态度和价值观 在词的艺术境界中提升自己的人格,净化自己的情怀。 二 教学重难点 1 从词的章法入手,了解词的内容; 2 抓词眼,详细分析名句,有助学生深入词中境界。 三 教学课时 一课时 四 教学步骤 1 导入:上节课对作者已经有了基本的了解,这节课我们来学习他的另外一首词。 2 知晓背景。 此词的创作年代也可据此定为宋真宗景德元年(1004)之前。这也是《乐章集》中所能考订的作年 最早的一首词。 北宋初期,历经五代战乱,城市人口都不多,而杭州能有十万人家,堪与北宋都城汴京媲美,所 以柳永能铺陈其繁华。 《望海潮》是柳永创制的新词牌,钱塘江潮是天下奇观,调名当取其意。 3 解词释句,整体感知。 (1).齐读课文,结合注解了解词的大意。 office, branch offices (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management sector through supervision and inspection found problems, should be assigned the investigators are corrected in a timely manner. 27th the fifth chapter penalty under any of the following acts, then the relevant provisions to punish the investigators, according to the Bank. To constitute a crime shall be investigated for criminal responsibility: (A) on the business that are not involved in the investigation, issued a survey. (B) customer credit information are not thorough verification. (Iii) to participate in credit customer survey is not in place, customers and data is incomplete, untrue; he knows bear a counterfeited clients issuing credit. (D) does not provide for due diligence of credit business, pre-loan investigation form, concealing facts or providing false information or should be found in a normal investigation failed to discover the risk factors, lead to the review and approval policy errors, loan risk. (Five) on loan guarantees of survey not in place, not by provides on arrived, and pledge real for field verification, and assessment, and identification and registration, not according to provides on guarantor of guarantees qualification and guarantees capacity for survey verified, led to guarantees loan lost authenticity, and legitimacy, and effectiveness of; cycle loan business in the of mortgage 据宋人罗大经《鹤林玉露》记载,《望海潮》是柳永为了与早年的好友孙何相见而作。柳永在杭州生活期间,对杭州的湖光山色、风土人情有着亲身的体验和深厚的感情。当时旧友孙何正任两浙转运使,驻节杭州。因身份悬殊,门禁森严,两人无由相见。柳永就填了这首《望海潮》先在歌妓中传唱,结果很快就让孙何听到了。问及词作者原来是故人,孙何便请柳永前去赴宴。 上阕写杭州都会的繁荣、钱江潮的壮观以及上层社会的豪华生活: “东南形胜,三吴都会,钱塘自古繁华。”东南地区地理位置优越,湖光山色美不胜收,杭 州是江苏、浙江一带的都会,自古以来就十分繁华。 “烟柳画桥,风帘翠幕,参差十万人家。”绿柳含烟,画桥流水,门上悬着挡风的竹帘,窗 上挂着翠绿的帷幕,还有那高高低低的亭台楼阁,这里大约住着十万户人家。 “云树绕堤沙,怒涛卷霜雪,天堑无涯。”古木参天的绿树环绕着江堤,汹涌的波涛卷起霜 雪一样白的浪花,奔腾不息的钱塘江绵延无边,形成一道天然屏障。 “市列珠玑,户盈罗绮,竞豪奢。”市场上的店铺里陈列着珍贵的珠宝玉器,家家户户摆满了 绫罗绸缎,一家比一家富贵豪华。 下阕写西湖的风光景物以及权贵们的排场风度: “重湖叠巘清嘉。有三秋桂子,十里荷花。”里湖、外湖与重重叠叠的山岭景色宜人,非常 清秀美丽。三秋时节桂花飘香,映日荷花绵延十里,芬芳馥郁,令人陶醉。 “羌管弄晴,菱歌泛夜,嬉嬉钓叟莲娃。”和风丽日笛声悠扬,明月照耀下的湖面采菱的歌 声不绝于耳。垂钓的老翁,采莲的少女,欢歌笑语,其乐融融。 “千骑拥高牙。乘醉听箫鼓,吟赏烟霞。”大队的人马簇拥着高大的仪仗旗帜下的长官,人 们乘着酒兴倾听湖上的箫鼓之声,一面吟诗作赋,一面观赏着湖光山色。 “异日图将好景,归去凤池夸。”希望日后把这如诗如画美景描绘下来,待其回到京城后, 向同僚们把这里的繁华景象夸耀一番。 (2).强调以下词语的音、形、义: ?形胜:地理形势重要。 ?参差:形容楼阁高低不齐。 ?天堑:天然的壕沟,此处形容钱塘江的壮阔。堑,qiàn。 ?重湖叠巘清嘉:巘,yǎn,山峰。清嘉,秀丽。 ?高牙:原指军前大旗,因旗杆以象牙为饰而得名。词中代指高官孙何。 ?异日图将好景:画下来。将,助词,无实义。 (3).本词从哪几个方面来表现“钱塘”的繁华, 提示:历史沿革、城市规模、市容市貌、特色景观、生活图景等方面。 4 品味语言,鉴赏形象。 (1).若把“云树绕堤沙,怒涛卷霜雪,天堑无涯”句中的“卷”改为“推”好不好,为什么, 提示:“霜雪”比喻浪花,“怒涛卷霜雪”表现了钱塘江潮来时波滚浪翻,排山倒海的气势,用“推”则显得比较平板,力度与气势均没有“卷”强,对浪花飞溅的情态描写也不如“卷”形象 逼真。 (2).“羌管弄晴,菱歌泛夜,嬉嬉钓叟莲娃”表现了怎样的生活情景, 提示:这几句极富生活情趣,晴天丽日,处处音乐悠扬;菱舟泛夜,传来阵阵歌声;老叟怡然垂 钓,幼童嘻嘻采莲,好一派歌舞升平,百姓富足的盛世景象。 office, branch offices (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management sector through supervision and inspection found problems, should be assigned the investigators are corrected in a timely manner. 27th the fifth chapter penalty under any of the following acts, then the relevant provisions to punish the investigators, according to the Bank. To constitute a crime shall be investigated for criminal responsibility: (A) on the business that are not involved in the investigation, issued a survey. (B) customer credit information are not thorough verification. (Iii) to participate in credit customer survey is not in place, customers and data is incomplete, untrue; he knows bear a counterfeited clients issuing credit. (D) does not provide for due diligence of credit business, pre-loan investigation form, concealing facts or providing false information or should be found in a normal investigation failed to discover the risk factors, lead to the review and approval policy errors, loan risk. (Five) on loan guarantees of survey not in place, not by provides on arrived, and pledge real for field verification, and assessment, and identification and registration, not according to provides on guarantor of guarantees qualification and guarantees capacity for survey verified, led to guarantees loan lost authenticity, and legitimacy, and effectiveness of; cycle loan business in the of mortgage 5 学习表现手法,分析表达效果。 讨论:清刘熙载《艺概?词曲概》:“词有点,有染”,说的是词的一种表现手法“点染”,它既有抽象的评点,又有具体的描述,二者紧密相连,表现鲜明的情志。本词就运用了“点染”的 手法,请加以说明。 提示:上阙先点“钱塘自古繁华”,然后展开描写,“烟柳画桥,风帘翠幕,参差十万人家。云树绕堤沙。怒涛卷霜雪,天堑无涯。市列珠玑,户盈罗绮,竞豪奢”,运用动静结合、比喻、夸 张等手法,极力铺排,从不同的角度表现杭州的繁荣、美丽、富饶。 6 布置作业: 背诵默写全词。 教学目标:1.了解词的知识。 2.反复诵读,流畅背诵,感知次词的声韵之美。 3.学习铺陈手法。 教学重点:品味诗词富有表现力的语言,体会词中壮阔优美的意境;学习炼字方法 教学难点:领悟作者对杭州西湖的热爱之情;感受词的意境、情韵;学习诗中铺陈的表现手法 课时安排:1课时 第一课时 词的有关知识 (1)词的起源:词产生于唐,盛行于宋,在唐代广为流传,最初是宋代的“流行歌曲“。词即歌词,指可以和乐歌唱得诗体,即词是诗的一种。 词有很多别称,如“长短句”“诗余”“曲子词”“曲词”“歌词”等。 (2)关于词牌和标题:此的标题是次的内容的集中体现,它概括次的主要内容;词牌是一首词词调的名称。 (3)词的分类 按字数多少可分为小令(58字以内)、中调(59—90字)、长调(91字以上) 按段的多少可分为单调、双调、三叠、四叠等(词的段落叫“阙”或“片”) 按作家的流派风格可分为豪放派和婉约派(豪放派的主要作家有苏轼、辛弃疾等;婉约派的主要作家有柳永、秦观、李清照、周邦彦、姜夔等) 。 教学过程: 一、导入课文 1、同学们去过杭州吗,(我也没有去过.)我这里准备了两幅杭州风景的图片,大家欣赏一下。(展示课件)一千年前的杭州是什么样的,我这里没有图片了,我给大家准备了一幅“文字图画”,这就是我们今天要共同探究的《望海潮》,作者是北宋的柳永。(展示课件,板书课题、作者) 2、明确探究学习的目标。(展示课件) 3、介绍作者、背景,复习关于词的知识,(展示课件)。 office, branch offices (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management sector through supervision and inspection found problems, should be assigned the investigators are corrected in a timely manner. 27th the fifth chapter penalty under any of the following acts, then the relevant provisions to punish the investigators, according to the Bank. To constitute a crime shall be investigated for criminal responsibility: (A) on the business that are not involved in the investigation, issued a survey. (B) customer credit information are not thorough verification. (Iii) to participate in credit customer survey is not in place, customers and data is incomplete, untrue; he knows bear a counterfeited clients issuing credit. (D) does not provide for due diligence of credit business, pre-loan investigation form, concealing facts or providing false information or should be found in a normal investigation failed to discover the risk factors, lead to the review and approval policy errors, loan risk. (Five) on loan guarantees of survey not in place, not by provides on arrived, and pledge real for field verification, and assessment, and identification and registration, not according to provides on guarantor of guarantees qualification and guarantees capacity for survey verified, led to guarantees loan lost authenticity, and legitimacy, and effectiveness of; cycle loan business in the of mortgage 二、诵读课文,感知内容,体会意境。 1、初读课本,扫除字音障碍,词义、词的活用,分小组进行,小组成员互相核查。 2、再读课文,体会词的音韵美。(本词押“a”韵)。(指导学生齐读) 3、欣赏“文字图画”。(引导、学生畅所欲言,能说出大体意思就要热情鼓励) (1)哪些词语最能概括体现出杭州的特征, 形胜、繁华(板书) (2)作者具体写了哪些景物 或场面表现这些特征, (同学找出具体景物和场面,并作简要分析)景物 场面 3)这些景物给你什么印象,一个词(字)概括(美) ( 景------美(板书)(有类似的词语就可以) (4)生活场面呢, 民------乐 官------愉 (板书) (5)一个词概括“人间天堂”(板书) (6)探讨最后一句,帮助加深理解全词感情,照应投赠之作,“好景”值得夸耀----祝愿早日回到京城。 惊叹、赞美、羡慕的感情。(板书) (7)带着感情再次诵读课文 小结文字图画:这些景物和场面,就是诗词当中的意象,本词借助意象所给人的美的情趣,所体现出来的欢乐愉快的情调,就是本词的意境。 嗅觉们再来吟诵一遍这首词,虽不一定“摇头晃脑”,内心一定要倾情投入,把词所体现的情调读出来,感受词的意境美。(先自由读,再找一个同学范读)。 4、同学们读的已经相当不错了,换一种考查方式,前后四位同学一组,在词中找出一句你们最欣赏的句 子,借助想象和联想,用语言文字描绘出来,一人执笔,合作完成。 (1)、找同学读 (2)、小组之间交流 (3)、贴到后黑板“合作探究展示台”上。 5、学习探究艺术特色。 作者为什么把这首词写得这么美,同学分析探讨,在课文中找到依据并分析。 (1) 抓住了最有代表性的景物来写。 (2) 先概括后具体,一句一景,从不同角度来写,写景有层次感。 (3) 运用了比喻、夸张、铺排、点燃、动静结合等手法。 (4) 用词特别准确。 作用:突出表现了杭州的繁荣、美丽、富饶。 6、情感态度价值观:宋代已如此富有(投赠之词,多少有点夸大),应有民族自尊心和自豪感。 7、小结课文。 五、布置作业: 1、找出二个用词准确的例句并分析。 2、课后练习第一题。 office, branch offices (jurisdiction), risk management, marketing management sector through supervision and inspection found problems, should be assigned the investigators are corrected in a timely manner. 27th the fifth chapter penalty under any of the following acts, then the relevant provisions to punish the investigators, according to the Bank. To constitute a crime shall be investigated for criminal responsibility: (A) on the business that are not involved in the investigation, issued a survey. (B) customer credit information are not thorough verification. (Iii) to participate in credit customer survey is not in place, customers and data is incomplete, untrue; he knows bear a counterfeited clients issuing credit. (D) does not provide for due diligence of credit business, pre-loan investigation form, concealing facts or providing false information or should be found in a normal investigation failed to discover the risk factors, lead to the review and approval policy errors, loan risk. (Five) on loan guarantees of survey not in place, not by provides on arrived, and pledge real for field verification, and assessment, and identification and registration, not according to provides on guarantor of guarantees qualification and guarantees capacity for survey verified, led to guarantees loan lost authenticity, and legitimacy, and effectiveness of; cycle loan business in the of mortgage
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