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Frozen-冰雪奇缘-中英对照剧本 Frozen 2013 Scripts【冰雪公主/冰雪奇缘】中英对照剧本 由 www.en580.com『英语我帮您』网站编辑整理 1--*Born of cold and Winter air And mountain rain combining,* 寒冷的夜晚伴随着山雨生出了她 2--*This icy force both foul and fair.*不畏严寒的肆虐 3--*Has a frozen heart worth mining.*冰封的心等待着挖掘 4--*Cut thr...

Frozen 2013 Scripts【冰雪公主/冰雪奇缘】中英对照剧本 由 www.en580.com『英语我帮您』网站编辑整理 1--*Born of cold and Winter air And mountain rain combining,* 寒冷的夜晚伴随着山雨生出了她 2--*This icy force both foul and fair.*不畏严寒的肆虐 3--*Has a frozen heart worth mining.*冰封的心等待着挖掘 4--*Cut through the heart, Cold and Clear.*寒冷剔透的心脏 5--*Strike for love And Strike for fear.*为了爱而不畏恐惧 6--*See the beauty Sharp and Sheer.*一双善于发现美丽的眼睛 7--*Split the ice apart.*打破寒冰结境 8--*And break the frozen heart.*融化冰封之心 9--*Hup! Ho! Watch your step! Let it go!*全神贯注!放手去爱! 10--*Hup! Ho! Watch your step! Let it go!*全神贯注!放手去爱! 11--*Beautiful! Powerful!*美丽又动人! 12--*Dangerous! Cold!*寒冷又危险! 13--*Ice has a magic Can't be controlled.*寒冰的魔法无法被掌控 14--*Stronger than one, Stronger than ten.*不害怕一个人 也不害怕十个人 15--*Stronger than a hundred men!*一百个人也不放在眼里 16--*Born of cold and winter air And mountain rain combining.*寒冷的夜晚伴随着山雨生出了她 17--*This icy force both Foul and Fair.*不畏严寒的肆虐 18--*Has a frozen heart worth mining.*冰封的心等待着挖掘 19--*Cut through the heart, Cold and Clear.*寒冷剔透的心脏 20--*Strike for love and strike for fear.*为了爱而不畏恐惧 21--*There's beauty and there's Danger here.*美丽与危险共存 22--*Split the ice apart!*打破寒冰结境 23--*Beware the frozen heart.*融化冰封之心 24--Come on, Sven!快来呀 斯文! 25--Elsa. Psst 埃尔莎 喂 26--Elsa!埃尔莎! 27--Wake up. Wake up. Wake up.快醒来 28--Anna, go back to sleep.安娜 回你的床上去 29--I just can't. The sky's awake, so I'm awake,我睡不着 天还没睡 我也睡不着 30--so we have to play.我们来玩游戏吧 31--...Go play by yourself.自己玩去吧 32--Do you want to build a snowman?你想堆雪人吗? 33--Come on, come on, come on, come on.来吧 来吧 来吧 34--Do the magic! Do the magic!来点魔法! 来点魔法! 35--Ready? Uhhm...准备好了没? 36--This is amazing!太神奇啦! 37--Watch this!看好了! 38--Hi, I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs.嘿 我是喜欢热情熊抱的雪宝 39--I love you, Olaf.我爱你 雪宝 40--Al'right. Catch me! - Gotcha!接住我! -接住啦! 41--Again! Wait!再来一次! -等下! 42--Slow down!慢一点! 43--Anna!安娜! 44--Anna?安娜? Frozen 2013 Scripts【冰雪公主/冰雪奇缘】中英对照剧本 由 www.en580.com『英语我帮您』网站编辑整理 45--Mama! Papa!妈!爸爸! 46--You Ok, Anna. I Got you.没事的 安娜 我陪着你 47--Elsa, what have you done? This is getting out of hand!埃尔莎 你做了什么?你又乱用魔法了! 48--It was an accident. I'm sorry, Anna.这是个意外 对不起 安娜 49--- She's ice cold. - I know where we have to go.她冰冷的 -我知道我们得去哪 50--Ice?雪? 51--Faster, Sven!快点 斯文! 52--Sven!斯文! 53--Please... Help!请帮帮我们! 54--My daughter!救救我们的女儿! 55--He is the King!他是国王! 56--Trolls...?小巨魔? 57--Shush. I'm trying to listen.嘘 我要听听发生了什么 58--Cuties. I'm gonna keep you.小可爱 我们一起偷听吧 59--Your Majesty!陛下! 60--Born with the powers or cursed?与生俱来的力量还是诅咒? 61--Born. And they're getting stronger.生下来就有的 而且越来越强大 62--You are lucky it wasn't her heart.好在没有击中她的心脏 63--The heart is not so easily changed,击中心的话难以转变 64--But the head can be persuaded.击中头的话还有有办法 65--Do what you must.做你必须做的 66--I recommend we remove all magic,我要消除她身上所有的法力 67--even memories of magic to be safe...为了安全连着这段记忆也一起 68--But don't worry, I'll leave the fun.别担心 我会留下快乐的记忆 69--She will be okay.她会没事的 70--But she won't remember I have powers?她会忘记我的魔法? 71--- It's for the best. - Listen to me, Elsa,最好这样 -听着 埃尔莎 72--your power will only grow.你的魔力只会越来越强大 73--There is beauty in it...你会发现魔力的美好 74--But also great danger.同时也伴随着危险 75--You must learn to control it.你一定要学会掌控力量 76--Fear will be your enemy.恐惧会成为你的敌人 77--No. We'll protect her. She can learn to control it. I'm sure.不 我们会保护她 她能做到的 相信我 78--Until then,在她掌握力量之前 79--we'll lock the gates. We'll reduce the staff.我们会锁上城门 裁去城内人员 80--We will limit her contact with people 减少她与人类的交往 81--and keep her powers hidden from everyone...让她的魔力不被人所知 82--including Anna.包括安娜 83--Elsa?埃尔莎? 84--*Do you want to build a snowman?*你想堆雪人吗? 85--*Come on let's go and play.*来吧我们一起来玩吧 86--*I never see you anymore. Come out the door.*好久没见到你了 出来吧 87--*It's like you've gone away.*你就像消失了一样 88--*We used to be best buddies.*我们曾是最好的玩伴 Frozen 2013 Scripts【冰雪公主/冰雪奇缘】中英对照剧本 由 www.en580.com『英语我帮您』网站编辑整理 89--*And now we're not. I wish you would tell me why.*现在却变了 你能告诉我原因吗 90--*Do you want to build a snowman?*你想堆雪人吗? 91--*It doesn't have to be a snowman.*玩什么都可以呀 92--*Go away, Anna.*离我远点 安娜 93--...*Okay bye.*好吧 拜 94--*The gloves will help. See...*带上手套就没事了 看到了吗... 95--- *Conceal it.* - *Don't feel it.*隐瞒住 -别去想 96--*Don't let it show.*别显现出来 97--*Do you want to build a snowman?*你想堆雪人吗? 98--*Or ride our bike around the hall?*还是去坡上骑车? 99--*I think some company is overdue...*我觉得这里的人太少了.. 100--*I've started talking to the pictures on the walls.*我试着跟墙上的画像讲话 101--*Hang in there, Joan.*坚持住 Joan 102--*It gets a little lonely all these empty rooms.*这些空房子让人觉得有些寂寞 103--*Just watching the hours tick by.*凝视着时间滴答滴答 104--I'm scared. It's getting stronger.我很害怕 我的魔力越来越强大 105--Getting upset only makes it worse.不安只会让情况变糟 106--Calm down.冷静下来 107--No. Don't touch me. Please. I don't want to hurt you.别碰我 我怕伤害了你 108--See you in two weeks.两周后再见 109--- Do you have to go? - You'll be fine, Elsa.你要走了吗? -你会没事的 埃尔莎 110--Elsa?埃尔莎? 111--*Please, I know you're in there.*请回答我 我知道你在里面 112--*People are asking where you've been,*人们都在找你 113--*They say have courage and I'm trying to...*他们说要有勇气 而我在尝试 114--*I'm right out here for you. Just let me in.*我在外面等你 让我进来吧 115--*We only have each other.*我么只拥有彼此了 116--*It's just you and me.*只有你和我 117--*What are we gonna do?*我们应该怎么办? 118--*Do you want to build a snowman?*你想堆雪人吗? 119--三年后 120--Welcome to Arendelle! Thank you, Sir!欢迎来到安瑞戴尔 谢谢你! 121--Watch your Steps please. The Gates Will opening Soon.注意脚下 大门马上要打开了 122--Why do I have to wear this?我一定要穿这个吗? 123--Because the Queen has come of age.因为女皇的时代已经来临了 124--It's Coronation Day!今天是加冕日! 125--That's not my fault.跟我有什么关系 126--- What do you want, Sven? - Give me a snack!你想要什么 斯文? -给我点吃的! 127--What's the magic word? Please!那就告诉我魔法单词是什么? 128--A..a... a... a! Share!是...分享! 129--I can't believe they're finally opening up the gates!终于把大门打开了 130--And for a whole day!而且打开一整天哦! 131--Faster, Persi!快 Persi! 132--Ah, Arendelle, our most mysterious trade partner.安瑞戴尔 我们最神奇的交易国度 Frozen 2013 Scripts【冰雪公主/冰雪奇缘】中英对照剧本 由 www.en580.com『英语我帮您』网站编辑整理 133--Open those gates so I may unlock your secrets 打开门我就可以洞悉你的秘密 134--and exploit your riches.挖掘你的财富 135--...Did I just say that out loud?我刚说的很大声吗? 136--Oh, me sore eyes can't wait to.我已经等不急想看看 137--See the Queen and the Princess.皇后跟公主了 138--I bet they're absolutely lovely.我打赌她们一定可爱极了 139--I bet they are beautiful.她们一定美级了 140--Princess Anna...?安娜公主? 141--...Huh? Yeah?恩? 142--- Sorry to wake you, ma'am but... - No, no, no. You didn't.抱歉要叫醒你 -没事的 143--I've been up for hours.我起床几个小时了 144--Who is it?谁啊? 145--It's still me, ma'am. The gates will open soon.还是我 门马上就要开了 146--Time to get ready. Of course!要准备好了! -当然了! 147--Ready for what?准备什么? 148--Your sister's coronation, ma'am.你姐姐的加冕礼 149--My sister's cor-neration...我姐姐的加冕... 150--It's coronation day!今天是加冕日! 151--It's coronation day!加冕日! 152--*The window is open! So's that door!*打开了的窗户!打开了的门! 153--*I didn't know they did that anymore.*他们已经做了如此多的准备 154--*Who knew we owned 8000 salad plates...?*8000 盘色拉竟然已经准备到位 155--*For years I have roamed these empty halls.*多年以来我一直徘徊在这些寂寥的大厅里 156--*Why have a ballroom with no balls?*我们的舞厅里为什么没有舞会? 157--*Finally, they're opening up the gates!*终于将打开大门! 158--*There'll be real, actual people*会有真正的百姓们来到 159--*It'll be totally strange.*肯定会很奇妙 160--*But wow am I so ready for this change!*但我已经做好准备了! 161--*For the first time in forever,*这里将第一次 162--*There'll be music, there'll be light.*奏响音乐 点亮灯光 163--*For the first time in forever,*而我也将终于 164--*I'll be dancing through the night.*在舞会中一展舞技 165--*Don't know if I'm elated or gassy,*我是否太夸张了一点 166--*But I'm somewhere in that zone.*但我就是这么开心 167--*'Cause for the first time in forever,*我也终于不会 168--*I won't be alone. I can't wait to meet everyone...*再是一个人了 等不急见到每一个人了 169--*What if I meet "the one"?*如果我遇见"他"怎么办? 170--*Tonight, imagine me gown and all.*想象一下 今晚盛装出席的我 171--*Fetchingly draped against the wall.*穿着最迷人的褶皱礼服 172--*The picture of sophisticated Grace.*美丽而又优雅的女士 173--*I suddenly see him standing there,*突然见到了伫立一旁的他 174--*a beautiful stranger tall and fair.*美丽白皙的皮肤 高大的身材 175--*I wanna stuff some chocolate in my face!*我的心一定会被巧克力堵上! 176--*But then we laugh and talk all evening,*我们畅谈欢笑整晚 Frozen 2013 Scripts【冰雪公主/冰雪奇缘】中英对照剧本 由 www.en580.com『英语我帮您』网站编辑整理 177--*Which is totally bizarre.*肯定会很奇妙 178--*Nothing like the life I've led so far.*与我之前的生活迥然不同 179--*For the first time in forever,*这将是第一次 180--*There'll be magic, There'll be fun.*充满了魔力 充满了欢乐 181--*For the first time in forever,*这将是第一次 182--*I could be noticed by someone.*我能被他人注视 183--*And I know it is totally crazy.*肯定会很奇妙 184--*To dream I'd find romance.*一想到浪漫的来临 185--*But for the first time in forever,*这将是第一次 186--*At least I've got a chance!*我的机会来临! 187--*Don't let them in. Don't let them see.*别让别人知道 别让别人看到 188--*Be the good girl You always have to be.*你是个好姑娘 你必须一直是 189--*Conceal. Don't feel.*要隐藏 不要动真情 190--*Put on a show.*好好 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 现自己 191--*Make one wrong move and everyone will know.*一失足而天下人皆知 192--*But it's only for today.*仅此一天 193--*It's only for today! It's agony to wait.*仅此一天!等的心碎 194--*It's agony to wait.*等待让人心碎 195--*Tell the guards to open up the...*快让守卫们把大门... 196--*The gate!*打开! 197--*For the first time in forever.*这将是第一次 198--*Don't let them in don't let them see*别让别人知道 别让别人看到 199--*I'm getting what I'm dreaming of.*我梦寐以求的时刻终于要来临 200--*Be the good girl you always have to be.*你是个好姑娘 你必须一直是 201--*A chance to change my Only world.*一个改变我孤独世界的机会 202--*Conceal. Conceal. Don't feel.*要隐藏 不要动真情 203--*- A chance to find true love* *- Don't See, Don't Feel, Don't Let them know.*找到真爱的机会 -别 给发现了 被给发觉了 别让人们知道了 204--*I know it all ends tomorrow,*仅此一天而已 205--*So it has to be today!*所以要抓住机会! 206--*'Cause for the first time in forever...*因为这将是第一次... 207--*For the first time in forever!*这将是第一次! 208--*Nothing's in my way!*没有什么能阻止我! 209--Hey! I'm so sorry. Are you hurt?嘿 对不起 你受伤了吗? 210--Hey!嘿! 211--I-ya, no. No. I'm okay. Are you sure?我 我没事 -真的吗? 212--Yeah, I just wasn't looking where I was going.我刚刚没有看路 213--- But I'm great, actually. - Oh, thank goodness.我没事的 -谢天谢地 214--Oh... Umm...恩.. 215--Prince Hans of the Southern Isles.我是南部小岛的汉斯王子 216--Princess Anna of Arendelle. Princess...?我是安瑞戴尔的安娜公主 -公主? 217--My Lady.尊敬的公主 218--Hi... again.嗨 219--Oh boy.噢 Frozen 2013 Scripts【冰雪公主/冰雪奇缘】中英对照剧本 由 www.en580.com『英语我帮您』网站编辑整理 220--Ha. This is awkward. Not you're awkward,这有点尴尬 你不需要觉得尴尬 221--but just because we're...I'm awkward.但我们确实..至少我这样觉得 222--You're gorgeous. Wait, what?你很漂亮 -等等 什么? 223--I'd like to formally apologize for 我正式的为我 224--hitting the Princess of Arendelle with my horse...不小心骑马撞上了美丽的安瑞戴尔公主以及 225--And for every moment after.之后我所有的举措而抱歉 226--No. No-no. It's fine. I'm not THAT Princess.没关系的 我不是“那种”公主 227--I mean, if you'd hit my sister Elsa, that would be...如果你撞到的是我姐姐埃尔莎 她大概会... 228--'Cuz, you know...你知道的... 229--Hello.哈喽 230--But, lucky you, it's-it's just me.还好你撞到的是我 231--Just you?还好? 232--...The bells. The coronation.铃声 是加冕礼 233--I... I...我.. 234--I better go. I have to...I better go.我要走了 235--Bye!拜! 236--Your Majesty, The gloves.公主殿下 脱下您的手套 237--(formal, in Old Norse) Sehm hon hell drr in-um hell-gum Ayg-num Ok*古斯堪的那维亚语* 238--krund ee thes-um hellgah Stahth, ehk teh frahm fur-ear Uthear...*古斯堪的那维亚语* 239--...Queen Elsa of Arendelle.安瑞戴尔皇后埃尔莎 240--Queen Elsa of Arendelle.安瑞戴尔皇后埃尔莎 241--Queen Elsa of Arendelle.安瑞戴尔皇后埃尔莎 242--Princess Anna of Arendelle!安瑞戴尔公主安娜 243--Here? Are you sure? I do not think I suppose to...Okay.这么近?你确定吗?我不觉得我应该..好吧 244--Hi.嗨 245--Hi me...? Oh. Um. Hi.跟我打招呼吗?噢 嗨 246--You look beautiful...Thank you.你很漂亮 -谢谢 247--You look beautifuller. I mean, not Fuller.你更漂亮一些 不是说你是清洗工(英语谐音) 248--You don't look Fuller, but more beautiful.你不像清洗工 你更漂亮一些 249--Thank you.谢谢 250--So, this is what a party looks like?派对就是这样的吗? 251--It's warmer than I thought.比我想象的要暖和一些 252--And what is that amazing smell?这是什么味道? 好香 253--... Chocolate.巧克力 254--Your Majesty. The Duke of Weaseltown.皇后大人 这是鼬鼠城的公爵 255--Weselton. The Duke of Weselton..威尔顿 *与鼬鼠同音* 威尔顿的公爵.. 256--Your Majesty,大人 257--As your closest partner in trade,作为您最亲密的交易伙伴 258--It seems only fitting that I offer you.邀请您作为皇后跳第一支舞 259--Your first dance as Queen.再适合不过了 260--Thank you... Only I don't dance.谢谢..但我不会跳舞 261--But my sister does.但我妹妹会 262--Lucky you...Oh, I don't think...你真幸运 -我不觉得... 263--If you swoon, let me know, I'll catch you.要晕倒的时候让我知道 我会接着你 Frozen 2013 Scripts【冰雪公主/冰雪奇缘】中英对照剧本 由 www.en580.com『英语我帮您』网站编辑整理 264--Sorry.不好意思 265--Like an agile peacock...像只灵活的孔雀 266--Speaking of, so great to have the gates open.说到这个 能打开城门真是太好了 267--Why did they shut them in the first place?一开始干嘛要关上呢? 268--Do you know the reason? Hmm?你知道原因吗? 269--No. No...不知道 270--Oh, all right. Hang on.好吧 我们继续 271--They don't call me "the little dipper" for nothing.人称小北斗星可不是白叫的 272--Like a chicken...with the face of a monkey... I fly.就像一只 长了猴子脸的鸡 我可以飞 273--Let me know when you're ready for another round, M'Lady.准备好下一次的话告诉我 我的女士 274--Well, he was sprightly.他真是活跃 275--Especially for a man in heels.对于一位穿了高跟鞋的男士的确是的 276--Are you okay? I've never been better.你还好吗? -不能再好了 277--This is so nice.那就好 278--I wish it could be like this all the time.能永远这样就好了 279--Me too...我也觉得... 280--But it can't.但是不行 281--Why not? If...It just can't.为什么不行? -就是..不行 282--Excuse me for a minute.我离开一下 283--Glad I caught you. Hans!很高兴接住你 -汉斯! 284--I often had the whole parlor to myself to slide...Oops. Sorry.整个客厅里通常只有我一个人玩..哦 不好意思 285--... Your physique helps I'm sure too.你的身体也一定起到作用了 286--What's this? I was born with it,这是什么? -生下来就有的 287--Although I dreamt I was kissed by a troll.尽管我梦见我被一个矮巨人亲过 288--I like it.我喜欢 289--Yeah, The whole thing! You got it.耶 你掌握了! 290--Okay wait, wait. So you have how many brothers?等着 你有多少个兄弟? 291--Twelve older brothers.12 个哥哥 292--Three of them pretended I was invisible...有 3 个认为我是不存在的 293--literally... for two years.大概 有两年了吧 294--- That's horrible. - It's what brothers do.太可怕了 -哥哥就是这样的人 295--... And sisters.姐姐也是 296--Elsa and I were really close when we were little.我跟埃尔莎在小时候非常的亲密 297--But then, one day she just shut me out, and...但有一天 她突然不理我了 298--And I never knew why.直到现在我还不知道为什么 299--I would never shut you out.我永远也不会不理你 300--Okay, can I just say something crazy?我能说一件疯狂的事吗? 301--I love crazy.疯狂很好 302--*All my life has been a series of doors in my face.*我的一生被关上了很多扇门 303--*And then suddenly I bump into you.*直到我遇见了你 304--*I was thinking the same thing, because like...*我跟你想的一样 因为... 305--*I've been searching my whole life to find my own place.*这一生我一直在寻找归宿 306--*And maybe it's the party talking,*大概是派对里的偶遇 Frozen 2013 Scripts【冰雪公主/冰雪奇缘】中英对照剧本 由 www.en580.com『英语我帮您』网站编辑整理 307--*Or the chocolate fondue.*也可能是巧克力干酪 308--*But with you...*但是遇见了你... 309--*I found my place.*我找到了归宿 310--*I see your face.*注视着你的面容 311--*And it's nothing like I've ever known before.*给了我与众不同的感觉 312--*Love is an open... door!*爱情的大门..打开了! 313--*Love is an open... door...Door...*爱情的大门..打开了 314--*Love is an open... door...*爱情的大门..打开了 315--*With you! With you!*遇见了你!遇见了你! 316--*Love is an open door.*爱情的大门打开了 317--*I mean it's crazy. What?*很疯狂 -什么? 318--*We finish each other's...Sandwiches!*我们称为了彼此的“三明治”! 319--*That's what I was gonna say!*我也想这样说! 320--*I've never met someone...Who thinks so much like me.*我从没见过如此理解我的人 321--*Jinx... jinx again.*巧合...你看多巧! 322--*Our Mental Synchronization Can have but one explanation,*我们的想法如此一致只有一个解释 323--*You and I were just meant to be.*你我注定要 324--*Say goodbye.*告别 325--*To the pain of the past.*过去的痛苦 326--*We don't have to feel it anymore!*再也不用忍受了! 327--*Love is an open... door!*爱情的大门打开了! 328--*Love is an open door!*爱情的大门打开了! 329--*Life can be so much more...with you! With you!*与你在一起的生活能够快乐多彩! 330--*Love is an open... door.*爱情的大门打开了 331--*Can I say something crazy...?*我能说一些疯狂的事吗? 332--*Will you marry me?*你愿意嫁给我吗? 333--*Can I just say something even crazier?*我能说更疯狂的事吗? 334--*Yes.*我愿意 335--Oops! Pardon. Sorry. Can we just get around you there?不好意思 能借过一下吗? 336--Thank you. Oh, there she is.谢谢 她在这里 337--Elsa! I mean... Queen...埃尔莎! 我是说..皇后 338--Me again. May I present,我又来了 我向您介绍 339--Prince Hans of the Southern Isles.南部小岛的汉斯王子 340--Your Majesty.尊敬的皇后 341--We would like...your blessing...希望您能祝福我们的 342--of... our marriage!婚姻 343--Marriage...? Yes!婚姻? -是的! 344--I'm sorry, I'm confused.不好意思 我有点头晕 345--Well, We haven't worked out all the details ourselves.好吧 我们还没想好所有的事宜 346--We'll need a few days to plan the ceremony.我们需要几天的时间来指定庆典的计划 347--Of course we'll have soup,要有鲜汤 348--roast, and ice cream and then...烤肉 冰淇淋还要... 349--Wait. Would we live here?等下 我们可以住在这里吗? 350--Here? Absolutely!这? 当然! Frozen 2013 Scripts【冰雪公主/冰雪奇缘】中英对照剧本 由 www.en580.com『英语我帮您』网站编辑整理 351--Anna...安娜... 352--Oh, we can invite all twelve of your brothers to stay with us...也可以把你的 12 个哥哥都请来住... 353--What? No, no, no, no, no.什么?那可不行 354--Of course we have the room. I don't know. Some of them must...虽然我们有足够的房间 但是 他 们一定... 355--Wait. Slow down.别说了 356--No one's brothers are staying here.没有一个哥哥会住在这里 357--No one is getting married.没有人可以结婚 358--Wait, what?什么? 359--May I talk to you, please. Alone.能跟你单独说说吗? 360--No. Whatever you have to say, you...不 无论你想说什么.. 361--you can say to both of us.你跟我们两人一起说 362--Fine. You can't marry a man you just met.好吧 你不能嫁给一个你才刚见面的人 363--You Can if it's true love.如果是真爱的话就可以 364--Anna, what do you know about true love?安娜 你知道什么是真爱? 365--More than you. All you know is how to shut people out.比你要清楚 你只会把人关起来 366--You asked for my blessing, but my answer is no.你请求我的祝福 我的 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 是不可以 367--Now, Excuse me.现在 不好意思 368--Your Majesty, if I may ease your...大人 请冷静... 369--No, you may not. And I-I think you should go.不行 你该走了 370--The party is over. Close the gates.派对结束了 把门关上 371--Yes, Your Majesty.遵命 尊敬的皇后 372--What? Elsa, no. No, wait!什么? 埃尔莎 不 等下! 373--Give me my glove!把手套给我! 374--Elsa, please. Please. I can't live like this anymore.埃尔莎 求你了 我不能再这样过下去了 375--... Then leave.那就离开这里吧 376--... What did I ever do to you?!我到底做错了什么? 377--Enough, Anna.别说了 安娜 378--No. Why? Why do you shut me out?!不 为什么?为什么要把我关起来? 379--Why do you shut the world out?!为什么把我跟外界隔绝! 380--What are you so afraid of?!你在怕什么? 381--I said, enough!够了! 382--Sorcery. I knew there was 巫术 我就知道发生了 383--something dubious going on here.什么可疑的事情 384--Elsa...?埃尔莎...? 385--There she is.皇后来了 386--Your Majesty! Long live the Queen! Queen Elsa...陛下!皇后万岁!皇后... 387--Come drink with us.来跟我们一起喝酒 388--Queen Elsa.埃尔莎皇后 389--Your Majesty? Are you all right?皇后大人?你没事吧? 390--There she is! Stop her!她在那!抓住她! 391--Please, just stay away from me.离我远一点 392--Stay away!走开! 393--Monster... Monster!怪物...怪物! Frozen 2013 Scripts【冰雪公主/冰雪奇缘】中英对照剧本 由 www.en580.com『英语我帮您』网站编辑整理 394--Elsa!埃尔莎! 395--Elsa...埃尔莎... 396--Wait, Please!等下! 397--Elsa, Stop!埃尔莎 停下来! 398--Anna! No.安娜!不 399--The Fjord.海峡 400--Snow?这是雪吗? 401--Yes, snow!是雪! 402--Are you all right? No.你没事吧? -有事 403--Did you know? No.你知道这件事吗? -不知道 404--Look! It's snowing! It's snowing!看! 下雪了!下雪了! 405--The Queen has cursed this land!皇后诅咒了这片土地! 406--She must be stopped!一定要阻止她! 407--You have to go after her...Wait, no!你得追上她 -等下 不! 408--You! Is there sorcery in you, too?你也被下了巫术吗? 409--Are you a monster, too?你也是怪物吗? 410--No. No. I'm completely ordinary.不 我很正常 411--That's right she is.没错她就是 412--... In the best way.最好的方法 413--And my sister's not a monster.我姐姐也不是怪物 414--She nearly killed me.她差点杀了我 415--You slipped on ice...Her ice!你在..她的雪上滑到了! 416--It was an accident. She was scared.是一次意外 她被吓坏了 417--She didn't mean it. She didn't mean any of this...她不是有意的 她不是有意造成这一切的.. 418--Tonight was my fault. I pushed her.今晚错在我 是我刺激了她 419--So I'm the one that needs to go after her.所以让我去追上她吧 420--What? Yeah. Bring me my horse, please.什么? 把我的马牵来 421--Anna, no. It's too dangerous.安娜 别这样 太危险了 422--Elsa's not dangerous.埃尔莎一点也不危险 423--I'll bring her back, And I'll make this right.我会带她回来 搞定这一切 424--I'm coming with you...No.我跟你一起去.. 不 425--I need you here to take care of Arendelle.我需要你帮我照顾安瑞戴尔 426--On my honor.是我的荣幸 427--I leave Prince Hans in charge!让汉斯王子来管事! 428--Are you sure you can trust her?你确定能相信她吗? 429--I don't want you getting hurt.我不想让你受伤 430--She's my sister,她是我的姐姐 431--She would never hurt me.她永远不会伤害我 432--*The Snow glows white on the mountain tonight,*今夜的山林已被大雪覆盖 433--*Not a footprint to be seen.*无人进入 434--*A kingdom of isolation.*这样与世隔绝的王国 435--*And it looks like I'm the Queen.*我才像是个女王 436--*The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside.*大风呼啸 貌似正孕育着风暴 437--*Couldn't keep it in, Heaven knows I tried...*再也藏不住 天知道我曾多么努力 Frozen 2013 Scripts【冰雪公主/冰雪奇缘】中英对照剧本 由 www.en580.com『英语我帮您』网站编辑整理 438--*Don't let them in, Don't let them see,*别让别人知道 别让别人看到 439--*Be the good girl you always have to be.*你是个好姑娘 你必须一直是 440--*Conceal, Don't feel, Don't let them know.*要隐藏 不要动真情 不要让别人知道 441--*Well, Now they know.*但是 现在 他们知道了 442--*Let it go. Let it go.*随心而行 随心而行 443--*Can't hold it back anymore.*反正再也无法隐瞒 444--*Let it go. Let it go.*随心而行 随心而行 445--*Turn away and Slam the door.*转过身 关上门 446--*I don't care what they're going to say.*不在乎闲人闲语 447--*Let the storm rage on.*尽管放马过来 448--*The cold never bothered me anyway.*严寒无法再侵扰我 449--*It's funny how some distance makes everything seem small.*可笑的是 距离使一切变得渺小 450--*And the fears that once controlled me.*曾经控制我的恐惧 451--*Can't get to me at all.*再也无法使我困扰 452--*It's time to see what I can do,*是时候展现真正的我了 453--*To test the limits and Break through.*突破我的极限 454--*No right, No wrong, No rules for me...*不再被规则所束缚 455--*I'm free!*自由! 456--*Let it go! Let it go!*随心而行 随心而行 457--*I am one with the wind and sky.*驾驭着狂风与天空的我 458--*Let it go! Let it go!*随心而行 随心而行 459--*You'll never see me cry.*我不曾哭泣 460--*Here I Stand And...*这就是我的主张 461--*Here I'll stay.*这就是我的坚持 462--*Let the storm rage on...*尽管放马过来 463--*My power flurries through the air into the ground.*我的魔力将从天而降 464--*My soul is spiraling in frozen fractals all around.*我的灵魂随着四周的冰片盘旋而上 465--*And one thought crystallizes like An icy blast...*思想化为结晶如一阵冰风 466--*I'm never going back,*我不会再回头 467--*The Past is in the Past!*过去已成为往事 468--*Let it go! Let it go!*随心而行 随心而行 469--*And I'll rise like the break of Dawn.*我将像旭日从地上冒起 470--*Let it go! Let it go!*随心而行 随心而行 471--*That perfect girl is gone.*那个完美女孩已不在了 472--*Here I stand in the light of day.*我就站在日光之下 473--*Let the storm rage on!*让风暴怒吼吧 474--*The cold never bothered me anyway.*严寒无法再侵扰我 475--Elsa! Elsa!埃尔莎! 埃尔莎! 476--Elsa, It's me, Anna...艾尔莎 是我 安娜.. 477--Your sister who didn't mean to make you freeze the summer.我并不是想让你冰住整个夏天 478--I'm sorry. It's all my f-f-fault.对不起 都是我的错 *哆嗦* 479--Of course, none of this would have happened 当然了 如果她把秘密告诉我的话 480--if she'd just told me her secret... ha...这一切都不会发生 481--She's a stinker.她真讨厌 Frozen 2013 Scripts【冰雪公主/冰雪奇缘】中英对照剧本 由 www.en580.com『英语我帮您』网站编辑整理 482--Oh no. No. No. No. Come back. No.不 回来 不 483--Oooo-Kay.好吧 *哆嗦* 484--Snow, it had to be snow,雪 到处都是雪 485--She couldn't have had tr-tr-tropical magic 她怎么会有把整个海峡 *哆嗦* 486--that covered the f-f-fjords in white sand and warm...附上白沙以及火焰的 487--Fire! Whoa!火魔法呢! 488--Wandering Oaken's Trading Post.流浪橡树交易站 489--Ooh! And Sauna...还有桑拿... 490--Big summer blow out.夏日大甩卖 491--Half off swimming suits, clogs,半价的泳装 目木底鞋 492--And a sun balm of my own invention, yah?还有我自己发明的防晒霜? 493--Oh, great.太好了 494--For now, how about boots,鞋子怎么样 495--Winter boots... and dresses?冬靴和..裙子? 496--That would be in our winter department.那会是我们的冬季公寓 497--Oh. Um, I was just wondering; Has another young woman,我有个问题 如果有一个年轻的女士 498--The Queen perhaps, I don't know, passed through here?像是皇后这样的人路过这里怎么办? 499--Only one crazy enough to be out in this storm is you, dear.只有你这种疯子才会在这种风暴里乱走 亲爱的 500--You and this fellow... Hoo hoo.你和这家伙 501--Big summer blow out.夏季大甩卖 502--Carrots. Hah?胡萝卜? 503--Behind you.在你后面 504--Oh, right. Excuse me.好吧 打扰一下 505--A real howler in July, Yes?这是真的吼猴吗? 506--Where ever could it be coming from?从哪里来的? 507--The North Mountain.北部山脉 508--North Mountain.北部山脉 509--That'll be forty.大概有四十只 510--Forty? No, ten.四十只?不 只有十只 511--Oh dear, that's no good. See.亲爱的 这可不好 看 512--These are from our winter stock,这些是我们的冬季库存 513--where supply and demand have a big problem.食物补给严重不足了 514--You want to talk about a supply and demand problem?你想知道食物补给的问题? 515--I sell ice for a living.我以雪为生 516--Ooh, that's a rough business to be in right now.这可是眼下棘手的问题 517--I mean, that is really...我是说 这可是真的... 518--Ahem. That's unfortunate.真不幸 519--Still forty. But I will throw in a 不减价 但我会考虑去 520--visit to Oaken's sauna. Hoo hoo!橡木桑拿看看 521--Hi, family.嘿 一家子 522--Ten's all I got. Help me out.我只有十块 帮帮我 523--Ten will get you this and no more.十块只能用这个 524--Okay, just tell me one thing...What was 只要你告诉我一件事... Frozen 2013 Scripts【冰雪公主/冰雪奇缘】中英对照剧本 由 www.en580.com『英语我帮您』网站编辑整理 525--...happening on the North Mountain?北部山脉上发生了什么? 526--Did it seem magical?看起来像是魔法吗? 527--Yes! Now, back up 是的!退后 528--while I deal with this crook here.看我怎么解决这个骗子 529--What did you call me?你叫我什么? 530--Okay. Okay, I'm-Ow! Whoa!好了 我是.. 531--Bye bye.拜拜 532--No Sven, I didn't get your carrots.我没有帮你拿到胡萝卜 斯文 533--But I did find us a place to sleep.但是找到了一个可以过夜的地方 534--And it's free.免费哦 535--I'm sorry about this violence.对暴力致以歉意 536--I will add a quart of lutefisk,加上一夸脱的碱鱼(冰岛暗黑料理) 537--So We'll have good feelings.这样大家都会觉得很好 538--Just the outfit and boots, yah?只有衣服和鞋子 对吗? 539--Reindeers are better than people.驯鹿强过人类 540--Sven, Don't you think that's true?斯文 你觉没错吗? 541--Yeah, People will beat you & Curse you & Cheat you.是的 人类只会鞭打 诅咒 欺骗 542--Every one of em's bad, Except you.所有人都有自己的床 除了你哦 543--Oh, Thanks, Buddy.谢了老兄 544--But People smell better than Reindeers.但是人类比驯鹿要好闻一些 545--Sven, Don't you think I'm right?斯文 你不赞同我吗? 546--That's once again true, For all Except you.没错 除了你我都赞同 547--You got me. Let's call it a night.好吧 说晚安吧 548--Good night.晚安 549--Don't let the Frostbite bite.别患上冻疮了 550--Nice duet.漂亮的二重奏 551--Oh, it's just you.只有你在说话而已 552--What do you want?你想要什么? 553--I want you to take me up the North Mountain.我想让你带我去北部山脉 554--I don't take people places.我不喜欢人类居住的地方 555--Let me rephrase that...让我换种表达方式... 556--Take me up the North Mountain...请.. 带我去 557--Please.北部山脉 558--Look, I know how to stop this winter.看呀 我懂得如何停止寒冷 559--We leave at Dawn...我们天一亮就出发... 560--And you forgot the carrots for Sven.你忘了斯文的胡萝卜 561--Oops. Sorry. Sorry. I'm sorry. I didn't...噢 对不起啊 我没有... 562--We leave now. Right now.现在出发 563--Hang on! We like to go fast!抓牢了!极速酷炫! 564--I like fast!我喜欢速度感! 565--Whoa, whoa! Get your feet down. This is fresh lacquer.小心你们的脚 漆刚上没多久 566--Seriously, were you raised in a barn?说真的 你是在谷仓里被养大的? 567--Ew. No, I was raised in a castle.才不是呢 我是在城堡里长大的 568--So tell me, what made the Queen go all ice-crazy?说一下 皇后怎么会把冰弄的到处都是的 Frozen 2013 Scripts【冰雪公主/冰雪奇缘】中英对照剧本 由 www.en580.com『英语我帮您』网站编辑整理 569--Oh well, it was all my fault.这 是我的错 570--I got engaged but then she freaked out because...因为我跟一个人订婚了所以她发狂了 因为... 571--I'd only just met him, you know, that day.我才刚遇见那个人 在门打开的那一天 572--And she said she wouldn't bless the marriage...她说她不会祝福我们的婚姻 573--Wait. You got engaged to someone you just met?等下 你跟一个第一次碰到的人订婚了? 574--Yeah. Anyway, I got mad and so she got mad.总之 我跟她都发疯了 575--And then she tried to walk away,然后她准备离我们而去 576--and I grabbed her glove...我抓脱了她的手套... 577--Hang on. You mean to tell me.等下 你的意思是 578--You got engaged to someone you just met?!你跟一个刚见面的人订婚了? 579--Yes. Pay attention. But the thing is...别分心 关键是.. 580--she wore the gloves all the time,她从来不脱下她的手套 581--So I just thought, maybe she has a thing about dirt.所以我觉得她可能隐瞒了什么 582--Didn't your parents ever warn you about strangers?你父母没要你注意提防陌生人吗? 583--Yes, they did...他们说过... 584--But Hans is not a stranger.但汉斯不是陌生人 585--Oh yeah? What's his last name?是吗?那他姓什么? 586--...Of-the-Southern-Isles?姓..南部小岛? 587--What's his favorite food? Sandwiches.他喜欢吃什么? -三明治 588--Best friend's name? Probably John.最好的朋友呢? -大概是 John 589--Eye color...Dreamy.瞳孔的颜色..梦幻般的 590--Foot size? Foot size doesn't matter.穿几码的鞋? -那不重要 591--Have you had a meal with him yet?跟他吃过饭了吗? 592--What if you hate the way he eats?如果你讨厌他的吃相怎么办? 593--What if you hate the way he picks his nose?如果你讨厌他挖鼻孔的样子怎么办? 594--Picks his nose?挖鼻孔? 595--And eats it.和吃相 596--Excuse me, Sir. He's a Prince.不好意思 他可是王子 597--All men do it.你以为他也放粉红香屁吗? 598--Ew. Look it doesn't matter, it's true love.但这些都无关紧要 我们是真心爱着对方 599--Doesn't sound like true love.听起来不像是真爱 600--Are you some sort of love expert?你是什么情感专家吗? 601--No. But I have friends who are.不是 但我有一个朋友是 602--You have friends who are love experts?你有一个情感专家的朋友? 603--I'm not buying it...Stop talking.我才不信..别胡说 604--No, no, no. I'd like to meet these...不不 我想去见见这些... 605--No, I mean it.我认真的 606--SHHH.嘘 607--Sven, go. Go!斯文 走! 608--What are they? Wolves.它们是什么?狼 609--Wolves?狼? 610--What do we do? I've got this.我们怎么办?我有这个 611--You just... don't fall off and don't get eaten.你..别掉下去给吃了就行 612--But I wanna help...No.我想帮忙...不 Frozen 2013 Scripts【冰雪公主/冰雪奇缘】中英对照剧本 由 www.en580.com『英语我帮您』网站编辑整理 613--Why not?为什么不? 614--Because I don't trust your judgment.因为我不相信你的判断 615--Excuse me?!不好意思? 616--Who marries a man she just met?谁跟陌生人结婚了? 617--It's true love!我们真心相爱! 618--Christopher!克里斯豆腐! 619--It's Kristoff!是克里斯托弗 ! 620--Duck!闪开! 621--- You almost set me on fire! - But I didn't.你差点烧了我! -但我没有 622--Get ready to jump, Sven!斯文 准备跳! 623--You don't tell him what to do!别告诉他怎么做! 624--I do! Jump, Sven!不行!跳 斯文! 625--But I just paid it off.我才刚付清呢 626--Uh-oh. No, no, no.不 627--Grab on!抓牢! 628--Pull, Sven! Pull!拉 斯文!拉! 629--I'll replace your sled and everything in it.我会帮你替换雪橇上的所有部件 630--And I understand if you don't want to help me anymore.如果你不想帮我了我也理解 631--Of course I don't want to help her anymore.我当然不想再帮她了 632--In fact, this whole thing has ruined me.事实上 这破事糟蹋了我 633--For helping anyone ever again.因为又帮助了人 634--- But she'll die on her own. - I can live with that.但她自己去的话会死的 -我不能这样活下去 635--But you won't get your new sled if she's dead.如果她死了你就得不到新的雪橇了 636--You know sometimes I really don't like you.有时我真的很讨厌你 637--Hold up. We're coming.准备好 我们来了 638--You are?!你们来了? 639--I mean, sure. I'll let you tag along.当然了 跟着我吧 640--Arendelle...It's completely frozen.安瑞戴尔已经被冷藏了 641--But it'll be fine. Elsa will thaw it.但没事的 埃尔莎会解冻这里的 642--Will she? Yeah.她会吗? -会的 643--Now come on. This way to the North Mountain?来吧 这是去北部山脉的路吗? 644--More like this way.这条路比较像 645--I never knew winter could be so beautiful.从没想过冬天能这么美 646--YEAH... It really is beautiful, isn't it?是的..真的很漂亮 不是吗? 647--But it's so white.但有点太白了 648--You know, how about a little color?你觉得 来点颜色如何? 649--I'm thinking like maybe some crimson, chartreuse...来点绯红,淡黄绿色... 650--How 'bout yellow...no, not yellow.黄色怎么样..不 黄色不行 651--Yellow and snow? Brrrr... no go.黄色跟雪的配搭? 不行 652--Am I right?这样行吗? 653--Hi! You're creepy.嘿!你太吓人了 654--I don't want it! Backatchya!我不喜欢!变回去! 655--- Please don't drop me. - Come on, it's just a head.请别丢下我 -只是一个头而已 656--Don't!别! Frozen 2013 Scripts【冰雪公主/冰雪奇缘】中英对照剧本 由 www.en580.com『英语我帮您』网站编辑整理 657--All right, we got off to a bad start.好吧 我们的开头不是很好 658--Ew, ew, the body!我的身体! 659--Wait, what am I looking at right now?我看起来可以吗? 660--Why are you hanging off the earth like a bat? 661--...Al'right. Wait one second.好吧 等一下 662--Oooh! Thank you! You're welcome.谢谢! -不用谢 663--Now I'm perfect.现在我很完美了 664--Well, almost.好吧 差不多了 665--It was like my whole life got upside down.我的一生都在混乱中度过 666--Oh! Too hard. I'm sorry! I was just...太硬了 对不起 -我只是... 667--Woo! Head Rush! Are you okay?你没事吧? 668--Are you kidding me? I am wonderful!你在说笑吗?我感觉好极了! 669--I've always wanted a nose.我一直想要个鼻子 670--So cute. It's like a little baby unicorn.真可爱 像个独角兽宝宝 671--What? Hey! Whoa.什么? -嘿! 672--Oh, I love it even more! Hah...我更喜欢这样!哈.. 673--All right, let's start this thing over.好了 让我们结束这件事吧 674--Hi everyone. I'm Olaf. And I like warm hugs.打击好 我是雪宝 喜欢温暖的拥抱 675--Olaf?雪宝? 676--That's right, Olaf.没错 我就是雪宝 677--And you are?你呢? 678--Oh, um... I'm Anna.我是 安娜 679--And who's the funky-looking donkey over there?那边那只滑稽的笨驴是谁? 680--That's Sven.是斯文 681--Uh-huh. And who's the reindeer?那驯鹿又是谁? 682--Sven.斯文. 683--They're...oh, okay...Makes things easier for me.他们是... 好吧 这样好理解多了 684--Ha. Aw, look at him tryin' to kiss my nose.哈 他想亲我的鼻子 685--I like you, too!我也喜欢你! 686--Olaf, Did Elsa build you?雪宝 你是埃尔莎堆出来的吗? 687--Yeah. Why?是的 怎么了? 688--You know where she is? Yeah. Why?你知道她在哪里吗? -是的 怎么了? 689--Do you think you could show us the way?你能带我们去见她吗? 690--Yeah. Why? How does this work?是的 怎么了?这个怎么用? 691--Stop it, Sven. Trying to focus here.停下来斯文 专心点 692--Yeah, Why? I'll tell you Why.好的 怎么了? -我会告诉你怎么了 693--We need Elsa to Bring back Summer.我们要找到埃尔莎待会夏天 694--Summer? Uhum.夏天? 695--Oh, I don't know why but.不知道为什么但是 696--I've always loved the idea of summer,就是特别喜欢“过夏天”这个主意 697--And Sun, and all things hot.还有炙热的 阳光啊 所有的东西都是滚烫滚烫的啊 698--Really?真的? 699--I'm guessing you don't have much experience with heat.我猜你没经历过马路煎鸡蛋的人间烧烤吧 700--Nope!不! Frozen 2013 Scripts【冰雪公主/冰雪奇缘】中英对照剧本 由 www.en580.com『英语我帮您』网站编辑整理 701--But sometimes I like to close my eyes 我经常会闭上双眼 702--and imagine what it'd be like when summer does come.想像夏天来到时会是什么样子 703--Bees'll Buzz, Kids'll blow dandelion fuzz.啊~~小蜜蜂嗡嗡嗡的叫啊 孩子们吹着蒲公英啊 704--And I'll be doing whatever snow does in summer.而我就做任何雪人都会做的事情 705--A drink in my hand, My snow up against the burning sand.盛夏 我端着酒杯 身上雪做的皮肤 在阳 光的炙烤下 706--Prob'ly getting gorgeously tanned in Summer.被晒成漂亮的古铜色 707--I'll finally see a summer breeze,我终于见到了夏天的暖风 708--blow away a winter storm.吹散了冬日的暴风 709--And find out what happens to 也看见了天气变暖时 710--solid water, When it gets warm.凝固的水会如何变化 711--And I can't wait to see, what my buddies all think of me.真想马上就看到 暴晒之后我的美丽身体 712--Just imagine how much cooler I'll be in summer!幻想着 夏天一定更酷 713--The hot and the cold are both so intense,寒冷和炎热都是特别强烈的感觉 714--Put 'em together, It just makes sense!把它们放在一起 这才科学啊 715--Winter's a good time to stay in and cuddle,冬天吧 特别适合懒散和睡觉 716--But put me in summer and I'll be a...但是 要把我放在夏天 我必然是个 717--Happy Snowman!特别幸福的雪人! 718--When life gets rough I like to hold on to my dream 当生活不如意时 我喜欢经常温故我的梦想 719--of relaxing in the summer sun just letting off steam!在夏日的阳光下休闲 就那样的放松下来 720--Oh the sky will be Blue...天将是湛蓝的 721--And you guys'll be there too.你们两个也在哦 722--When I finally do what frozen things do in Summer!终于也能和其他雪人一样的去享受夏天的滋味 了 723--- I'm gonna tell him. - Don't you dare.我要告诉它事实 -你敢? 724--In Summer!老子也要过夏天! 725--So, Come on! Elsa's this way.快点! 埃尔莎在这边 726--Let's go bring back summer!让我们去带回夏天! 727--I'm coming!我来了! 728--Somebody's got to tell him.总得有人告诉它 729--No. No. You've got the bark facing down.不 你得把树皮朝下 730--The bark needs to be face-up.树皮需要朝上 731--Bark down is drier.朝下太干燥了 732--Bark up...Bark down.上上小小 傻傻分不清楚 733--Cloak. Does anyone need a cloak?有人需要斗篷吗? 734--Arendelle is indebted to you, Your Highness.安瑞戴尔非常感激你 大人 735--The castle is open. There's soup 城堡大门开了 会有热汤 736--and hot glogg in the Great Hall.跟格拉格(瑞典式热饮)在大厅里等着我们 737--Here. Pass these out.来 传过去 738--Prince Hans, are we just 汉斯王子 我们就坐在 739--expected to sit here and freeze 这里在你分发 Tradable 货物的时候 740--while you give away all of Arendelle's Tradable goods?等着被冻僵吗? 741--Princess Anna has given her orders and...安娜公主下了命令... 742--And that's another thing,这是另一回事 Frozen 2013 Scripts【冰雪公主/冰雪奇缘】中英对照剧本 由 www.en580.com『英语我帮您』网站编辑整理 743--has it dawned on you that your Princess 你渐渐明白了你的公主 744--may be conspiring with a wicked sorceress...可能跟一个邪恶的女巫串通好了 745--to destroy us all?准备杀光我们吗? 746--Do not question the Princess. She left me in charge,不准质疑公主 她让我掌管这里 747--and I will not hesitate to 我会毫不犹豫的 748--protect Arendelle from treason.严惩对安瑞戴尔犯了叛国罪的人 749--Treason?!叛国罪? 750--Whoa! Whoa! Whoa, boy. Easy. Easy.哇!放轻松点 孩子 751--Princess Anna's horse. What happened to her? Where is she?安娜公主的马 她怎么了?她在哪? 752--Princess Anna is in trouble.安娜公主陷入麻烦了 753--I need volunteers to go with me to find her!我需要志愿者跟我一起去找回她! 754--I volunteer two men, my Lord!我派遣两人于你一起 大人! 755--Be prepared for anything,快去准备 756--And should you encounter the Queen,你们会遇到女皇 757--You are to put an end to this winter.得结束这个冬天 758--Do you understand?明白吗? 759--So how exactly are you planning to stop this weather?你有什么具体的计划来结束这个冬天吗? 760--Oh, I am gonna talk to my sister.我要跟我姐姐谈一谈 761--That's your plan? My ice business is 这就是你的计划? 我的冰雪生意就赌在 762--riding on you talking to your sister.你跟你的姐姐谈一谈上? 763--Yup.是的 764--So you're not at all afraid of her?你不怕她吗? 765--Why would I be? Yeah.我为什么要怕她? 766--I bet Elsa's the nicest, gentlest,我敢说埃尔莎是世界上最好最温柔 767--Warmest person ever.最热心的人了 768--Oh, look at that.看看那个 769--I've been impaled.简直绝望 770--What now?现在怎么办? 771--It's too steep. I've only got one rope,太陡了 我只有一根绳子 772--And you don't know how to climb mountains.你连爬山都不会吗? 773--Says who?谁说的? 774--What are you doing?你在做什么? 775--I'm going to see my sister.我要去见我的姐姐 776--You're going to kill yourself. I wouldn't put my foot there.我会害死自己的 我不会把脚放在这里的 777--You're distracting me...Or there.你让我分心了 -那里 778--How do you know Elsa even wants to see you?你怎么知道埃尔莎想要见你? 779--I'm just blocking you out 'cause 我现在不能理你因为 780--I gotta concentrate here.我要专心一点 781--You know, most people who disappear 大多数在山上消失的人都 782--into the mountains want to be alone.只是想一个人过日子 783--Nobody wants to be alone. Except maybe you...没人喜欢一个人 大概除了你 784--I'm not alone...I have friends, remember?我不孤独...我有朋友的 记得吗? 785--You mean the love experts?你是说情感专家? 786--Yes, the love experts!没错 情感专家! Frozen 2013 Scripts【冰雪公主/冰雪奇缘】中英对照剧本 由 www.en580.com『英语我帮您』网站编辑整理 787--Please tell me I'm almost there.请告诉我快到了吧 788--Does the air seem a bit thin to you up here?有觉得你那的空气有些稀薄吗? 789--Hang on...Hey, Sven?坚持住..嘿 斯文? 790--Not sure if this is going to solve the problem, but I found 不确定这有没有用但我找到一个 791--a staircase that leads exactly where you want it to go.通向你想去的地方的梯子 792--Ha ha. Thank goodness. Catch!哈哈 谢天谢地 抓住了! 793--Thanks! That was like a crazy trust exercise.谢了!这像是一次疯狂的信任练习 794--Now that's ice. I might cry.如果还是雪的话我可能会哭 795--Go ahead. I won't judge.继续吧 我不会评判的 796--All right, take it easy. Come here, I gotcha.好了 放松点 来这边 我抓住你了 797--Okay. You stay right here, buddy.好了伙计 你待在这里 798--Flawless.完美无瑕 799--Knock... Just knock...敲门吧.. 800--Why isn't she knocking...?她为什么不敲门? 801--Do you think she knows how to knock?你觉得她知道如何敲门吗? 802--It opened. That's a first.门已经是开的了 803--You should probably wait out here.你们应该在这里等 804--What?什么? 805--Last time I introduced her to a guy, she froze everything.上一次我向他介绍了一个男孩 她就把所 有的东西都冰住了 806--But. But...Oh come on, It's a palace made of ice.但是..好吧 是一座雪之宫殿 807--Ice is my life...Bye, Sven.冰雪就是我的一生..拜 斯文 808--You too, Olaf.你也是 雪宝 809--Me? Just give us a minute.我? 给我点时间 810--Okay.好的 811--One... two... Three... four... 1..2..3..4.. 812--Elsa? It's me... Anna.埃尔莎?是我..安娜 813--Anna?安娜? 814--Wow... Elsa, you look different...哇..埃尔莎 你看起来很不一样... 815--It's a good different...And this place.是好的一方面...这地方.. 816--Is amazing...Thank you.很漂亮 -谢谢 817--I never knew what I was capable of.我不知道我可以这样 818--I'm so sorry about what happened. If I'd known...对于发生的事情我感到很抱歉 如果知道.. 819--No, it's okay.没事的 820--You don't have to apologize.你不需要抱歉 821--But you should probably go, please.但你需要离开这里 822--But I just got here.但我才来呢 823--You belong in Arendelle.你属于安瑞戴尔 824--So do you...No, Anna. I belong here.你也是啊... -不 安娜 我属于这里 825--Alone.孤单一人 826--Where I can be who I am,只有在这里 827--Without hurting anybody.我才不会伤害到任何人 828--Actually, about that...58... 59... 60.实际上 已经伤害了 58..59..60 829--Wait. What is that?等下 那是什么? Frozen 2013 Scripts【冰雪公主/冰雪奇缘】中英对照剧本 由 www.en580.com『英语我帮您』网站编辑整理 830--Hi, I'm Olaf and I like warm hugs.嗨 我是喜欢温暖拥抱的雪宝 831--Olaf?雪宝? 832--You Built me. You remember that?你堆了我 不记得了吗? 833--And You're alive?你还活着? 834--Um... I think so?恩..我想是吧? 835--He's just like the one we built as kids.在我小的时候好像堆了一个跟你一样的雪人 836--Yeah!就是我! 837--So we were so close.我们曾是如此的亲密 838--We can be like that again.现在也行啊 839--Slow Down...慢一点... 840--Anna!安娜! 841--No, We can't.不行了 842--Goodbye, Anna...Elsa, wait...再见 安娜... -埃尔莎 等下... 843--*No, I'm just trying to protect you.*你不懂 我只是想保护你 844--*You don't have to protect me. I'm not afraid.*你不需要保护我 我不怕 845--*Please don't shut me out again.*请别再不理我了 846--*Please don't slam the door.*别再关闭心扉了 847--*You don't have to keep your distance anymore.*你我之间不需要距离 848--'*Cause for the first time in forever,*因为这一次 849--*I finally understand.*我终于明白 850--*For the first time in forever, We can fix this hand in hand.*因为这一次 我们能携手度过难关 851--*We can head down this mountain Together.*我们能携手离开这里 852--*You don't have to live in fear.*不再生活在恐惧之下 853--'*Cause for the first time in forever,*因为这一次 854--*I will be right here.*我在你身边 855--*Anna, Please go back home.**安娜 回去吧* 856--*Your life awaits.*你的人生在等着你 857--*Go enjoy the sun And open up the gates.*回去享受旭日的温暖并大开城门享乐 858--*Yeah, But...I know! You mean well,*但是.. -我知道!你的想法很好 859--*But leave me be.*但是把我留在这 860--*Yes, I'm alone. But I'm alone and Free.*虽然我很孤单 但是我很自由 861--*Just stay away and you'll be safe from me.*离我远点就不会伤害到你 862--- *Actually, We're not.* - *What do you mean You're not?*实际上 并不是这样 -并不是这样是什 么意思? 863--*I get the feeling you don't know?*你没察觉到吗? 864--*What do I not know?*没察觉到什么? 865--*Arendelle's in deep deep deep deep snow.*安瑞戴尔被雪深深深深的覆盖了 866--*What?*什么? 867--*You kind of set off an eternal winter...everywhere.*你似乎在全世界下了一场大雪... 868--*Everywhere?*全世界? 869--*It's okay, you can just unfreeze it.*没关系 你可以解冻这场灾难 870--*No, I can't.*不 我做不到 871--*I don't know how...Sure you can.*我不知道如何解冻.. -你当然可以 872--*I know you can!*我相信你可以! Frozen 2013 Scripts【冰雪公主/冰雪奇缘】中英对照剧本 由 www.en580.com『英语我帮您』网站编辑整理 873--'*Cause for the first time in forever,*因为这是第一次 874--*I'm such a Fool! I can't be Free!*我真笨!我自由不了! 875--*You don't have to be afraid.*你不需要感到害怕 876--*No escape From the storm inside of me!*无法逃离我内心的风暴! 877--*We can work this out together.*我们可以携手解决难题 878--*I can't control the curse!*我控制不了诅咒! 879--*We'll reverse the storm you've made.*我们会改变你造的这场风暴 880--*Anna, Please, You'll only make it worse!*安娜 你只会事情变得更糟! 881--*Don't panic.*别惊慌 882--*There's so much fear!*太让人害怕了! 883--*We'll make the sun shine bright.*我们会让太阳重见天日 884--*You're not safe here!*你在这里不安全! 885--*We can face this thing together...*我们携手面对... 886--I can't!我做不到! 887--Anna. Are you okay?安娜 你还好吗? 888--I'm okay... I'm fine...Who's this?我还好... 这是谁? 889--Wait, it doesn't matter. Just...You have to go.等下 这不重要 你必须得走了 890--No, I know we can figure this out together...不 我肯定我们能一起解决这事的.. 891--How? What power do you have to stop this winter?这么做?什么力量可以让你结束这个冬天? 892--To stop me?阻止我? 893--Anna, I think we should go.安娜 我们得走了 894--No. I'm not leaving without you, Elsa.不 我不能丢下你 埃尔莎 895--Yes, you are.你不得不这样 896--Stop. Put us down!停下来 把我们放下来! 897--Go away!离开这里! 898--Heads up!抬起头! 899--Watch out for my butt!小心我的屁股! 900--It is not nice to throw people!丢一个人真好玩! 901--Wow, Wow, Wow Feisty pants. Ok, Relax.哇 小调皮 冷静下来 902--Just Calm down. Calm down.冷静 冷静 903--All Right. I'm Okay.好了 我好了 904--Just let the snow man be.让雪人来做就行了 905--I'm Calm...Great.我得冷静下来..很好 906--Oh... Come on!来吧! 907--Uh-oh. See. Now you made him mad!看到没 你让他生气了! 908--I'll distract him.我会引开他 909--You guys go.你们先走 910--No, no, not you guys.不不 不是你们 911--This just got a whole lot harder.这只是让事情变的更困难了 912--What are you doing?你在做什么? 913--I got him!我抓住他了! 914--It's a hundred foot drop.大概有 100 米深 915--It's two hundred.大概 200 米 916--- What's that for? - I'm digging a snow anchor.这有什么用? -我在挖一个雪人用的锚 Frozen 2013 Scripts【冰雪公主/冰雪奇缘】中英对照剧本 由 www.en580.com『英语我帮您』网站编辑整理 917--Okay. What if we fall?如果我们掉下去怎么办? 918--There's twenty feet of fresh powder down there.地下有二十尺的新鲜粉尘接着我们 919--It'll be like landing on a pillow...会像掉在枕头上一样... 920--Hopefully.希望如此 921--Okay, Anna. On three.好了 安娜 数三下 922--One...Okay. You tell me when...1...好了 你告诉我什么时候... 923--Two...I'm ready to go...I was born ready! Yes!2..我准备好..我一生下来就准备好了!耶! 924--Calm down.冷静下来 925--Tree!3! 926--What the... Whoa! That happened.这什么..哇!奏效了 927--Ah. Ah. Man, am I out of shape.伙计 我变型了吗? 928--There we go. Hey, Anna! Sven!就这样 嘿 安娜!斯文! 929--Where'd ya guys go? We totally lost Marshmallow back there!你们准备去哪? -我们完全失去了棉 花糖! 930--Hey. We were just talking about you.嘿 我们是在说你 931--Ll good things, all good things. 932--No!不! 933--This is not making much of a difference! Is it?有这么大的差别吗? 934--Olaf!雪宝! 935--Hang in there, guys! Go Faster!坚持住伙计们!快点! 936--Wait, what?等下 什么? 937--Kristoff!克里斯托弗! 938--Don't come back!别回头! 939--We won't.我不会的 940--Hey, you were right. Just like a pillow.嘿 你没说错 就跟摔在枕头上一样 941--Olaf!雪宝! 942--I can't feel my legs!我的腿没有知觉了! 943--Those are my legs.这些是我的腿 944--Ooh. Hey, do me a favor, grab my butt.嘿 帮我个忙 抓下我的屁股 945--Oh, That feels better.哦 感觉好多了 946--Hey, Sven! He found us.嘿 斯文! -他找到我们了 947--Who's my cute little reindeer?谁是我的可爱小驯鹿? 948--Don't talk to him like that.别这样跟他说话 949--Here.这里 950--You okay? Thank you.没事吧? -谢谢 951--Um... How's your head?你的头怎么了? 952--I mean, It's fine. Ah... I'm good.没事的 我很好 953--Ha. I've got a thick skull.哈 我有点头脑迟钝 954--I don't have a skull...Or bones.我没有头骨..或者说我没有骨头 955--So...所以.. 956--So Now what? Now what?现在怎么办?怎么办? 957--Now what?!现在? 958--Oooh! What am I gonna do?噢!我准备怎么做? 959--She threw me out. I can't go back to.她把我扔出来了 我回不了头 Frozen 2013 Scripts【冰雪公主/冰雪奇缘】中英对照剧本 由 www.en580.com『英语我帮您』网站编辑整理 960--Arendelle with the weather like this.安瑞戴尔跟这里的天气一样 961--And then there's your ice business...这就是你的冰淇淋生意... 962--Hey, hey, don't worry about my ice business...嘿 嘿 别担心我的冰激凌生意 963--Worry about your hair? What?那担心你的头发吗? -什么? 964--Just fell off a Cliff. You should see your hair.刚从悬崖上摔下来 -你应该看看你的头发 965--- No, yours is turning white. - White? It's... what?你的头发变白了 -白了? 什么? 966--It's because she struck you, isn't it?因为她攻击了你 对吗? 967--Does it look bad?看起来糟糕吗? 968--No. You hesitated.不 -你犹豫了 969--No, I didn't. Anna, you need help. Okay? Come on.我没有 安娜 你需要帮助 好吗? 来吧 970--Okay! Where are we going? To see my friends.好的! 我们去哪? -去找我的朋友们 971--The love experts? Love experts?!那个情感专家?情感专家? 972--And don't worry, they'll be able to fix this.别担心 他们会解决一切的 973--How do you know?你怎么知道? 974--Because I've seen them do it before.因为我见他们曾做过一次这种事 975--I like to consider myself a love expert.我觉得我自己就是感情专家 976--Get it together. Control it.让我们一起 控制事态 977--Don't feel. Don't feel.别害怕 别害怕 978--Don't feel!别害怕! 979--Look, Sven. The sky's awake.听着 斯文 天要亮了 980--Are you cold? A little.你冷吗? -有点 981--Wait. Come here.等下 过来 982--So, About my friends...那么 关于我的朋友们... 983--Well, I say friends, they're more like family...虽说是朋友 对于我来说更像是家人... 984--Anyway, when I was a kid, it was just me and Sven 总之 我小的时候只有斯文陪着我 985--until you know, they took us in.直到他们发现了我 986--They did? Yeah.他们发现了你? -是的 987--I don't want to scare you, they can be 并不是想吓唬你 他们有些 988--a little bit inappropriate...做的不合适的地方.. 989--And loud... very loud...有些吵..非常的吵... 990--They're also stubborn at times, And a little.有时有些倔强 还有点 991--Overbearing. And heavy. Really, really heavy. Which you...傲慢 有点重,非常非常的重 992--But You know, you okay. They're fine. They mean well.但你得知道你会没事的 他们很不错 都是 好人 993--Kristoff, they sound wonderful.克里斯托弗 他们听起来很不错 994--Okay then...好吧 995--Meet my family.见一见我的家人吧 996--Hey, guys!嘿 伙计们! 997--They're rocks.都是石头 998--He's crazy.他疯了 999--Hey, Wow...I pretty Recognize you, What's so much Weigh?嘿...我似乎认识你 为何会这么重? 1000--I'll distract them while you run.我一引开他你们就跑 1001--Hi, Sven's family! It's nice to meet you!嗨 斯文的家人! 很高兴见到你们! 1002--Anna, because I love you, I insist you run.安娜 因为我爱你 所以 需要你跑 Frozen 2013 Scripts【冰雪公主/冰雪奇缘】中英对照剧本 由 www.en580.com『英语我帮您』网站编辑整理 1003--Understand you're love experts!我知道你就是情感专家! 1004--Why aren't you running?你为什么不逃走? 1005--Okay. Um... I'm gonna go...好吧 我正准备... 1006--No, no, no. Anna, wait!不 安娜 等下! 1007--Kristoff!克里斯托弗! 1008--Kristoff's home!克里斯托弗的家! 1009--Kristoff! Kristoff's home! It's been too long!克里斯托弗!克里斯托弗的家!太久了! 1010--Kristoff's home!克里斯托弗的家! 1011--Wait? Kristoff?等下? 克里斯托弗? 1012--Yeah...Oh, let me look at you!是的 让我瞧瞧你! 1013--Oh, take off your clothes, Kristoff, I wash them.脱下你的外套 克里斯托弗 我会帮你弄干净的 1014--Ah! No. I'm gonna keep my clothes on, Look.不用了 我穿着就好 听着 1015--Great to see you all.见到你们很高兴 1016--But where's grand Pabbie? He's napping.Pabbie 哪去了? -他在午睡了 1017--But look, I grew a mushroom.听着 我种了一个蘑菇 1018--And I earned my fire Crystal.然后获得了一块火焰水晶 1019--I passed a kidney Stone.治好了我的肾结石 1020--Kristoff, Pick me up.克里斯托弗 把我扶起来 1021--You're getting big...Good for you.你在变大..是好事 1022--Trolls? They're trolls.巨魔?他们是巨魔 1023--He's brought a girl!他回来一个女孩! 1024--What's going on?怎么了? 1025--I've learned to just roll with it.我刚学会怎么卷这个 1026--Let me see. Bright eyes. Working nose. Strong teeth.我看看你 明亮的大眼睛 小巧的鼻子 坚硬 的牙齿 1027--Yes, yes, yes. She'll do nicely for our Kristoff.好的好的 她能帮上克里斯托弗很大的忙的 1028--Wait. Oh. Um. No.等下 哦不 1029--You've got the wrong idea. That's not why I brought her here.你错了 不是因为这个我才带她来的 1030--Right. We're not. I'm not...我们不是 我不是... 1031--What's the issue, dear?怎么了 亲爱的? 1032--Why are you holding back from such a man?你们为什么向他隐瞒这事 1033--*Is it the clumpy way he walks?*因为他不走寻常路? 1034--*What?*什么? 1035--*Or the Grumpy way he talks? No.*还是他不说寻常话? -不是 1036--*Or the pear-shaped, square-shaped*还是说他像梨子一样方形 1037--...*weirdness of his feet? Hey!*奇怪的脚? -嘿! 1038--*And though we know he washes well*尽管大家都知道他很爱干净 1039--*he always ends up Sorta smelly.*但他总是有股难闻的味道 1040--*But You'll never meet a fella who's as sensitive and sweet.*但你永远也找不到另外一个比他还要 敏感温柔的人了 1041--*That's nice.*很好 1042--*So he's a bit of a fixer upper,* 1043--*So he's got a few flaws,* 1044--*His peculiar brain, Dear. His thing for the reindeer.* Frozen 2013 Scripts【冰雪公主/冰雪奇缘】中英对照剧本 由 www.en580.com『英语我帮您』网站编辑整理 1045--- *That outside a few of nature's laws.* - *This is not about me!* 1046--*So he's a bit of a fixer upper,* 1047--*But this we're certain of...* 1048--*You Can fix this fixer upper up with a little bit of love.* 1049--*Can we just stop talking about this?!* 1050--*We've got a real, actual problem here.* 1051--*I'll Say...So tell me dear, Is it* *the way that he runs scared?* 1052--*Or that he's Socially Impaired?* 1053--*Or that he only likes to tinkle in the Woods?* 1054--*I do not need to know that.* 1055--*Are you holding back your fondness.* 1056--*Due to his unmanly blondeness?* 1057--*Or the way he covers up that he's the honest goods?* 1058--*He's just a bit of a fixer upper.* 1059--*He's got a couple a' bugs.* 1060--*No, I don't.* 1061--*His isolation is confirmation of* 1062--*his desperation for healing hugs.* 1063--*So he's a bit of a fixer upper, But we know what to do.* 1064--*The way to fix up this fixer* 1065--...*upper is to fix him up with you.* 1066--*Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Enough!* 1067--*She's engaged to someone else. Okay?!* 1068--*So she's a bit of a fixer upper,* 1069--*That's a minor thing.* 1070--*This quote “engagement” Is a flex arrangement.* 1071--*And by the way, I don't see no Ring.* 1072--*So she's a bit of a fixer upper,* 1073--*Her brain's a bit betwixt.* 1074--*Get the fiance out of the way And* 1075--*the whole thing will be fixed!* 1076--*We aren't saying you can change him.* 1077--'*Cause people don't really change.* 1078--*We're only saying that love's a force.* 1079--*That's powerful and strange.* 1080--*People make bad choices if they're* 1081--*mad or scared or stressed.* 1082--*But throw a little love their way...* 1083--*throw a little love their way.* 1084--*And you'll bring out their best!* 1085--*True love brings out the best!* 1086--*Everyone's a bit of a fixer upper,* 1087--*That's what it's all about.* 1088--*Father, Sister, Brother We need each other* Frozen 2013 Scripts【冰雪公主/冰雪奇缘】中英对照剧本 由 www.en580.com『英语我帮您』网站编辑整理 1089--*to raise us up and round us out.* 1090--*Everyone's a bit of a fixer upper,* 1091--*But when push comes to shove.* 1092--*The only fixer upper fixer that can fix a fixer upper is.* 1093--*True, True, True, True, Love.* 1094--*Love, Love, Love, True Love...True-e-e-e-e-e.* 1095--*Do you, Anna, take Kristoff to be your trollfully wedded...* 1096--*Wait, what?!* 1097--*You're getting married.* 1098--She's as cold as ice.她冷的像结冰了似的 1099--There's strange magic here!有一股神奇的魔法! 1100--Grand Pabbie! Bring her to me.Grand Pabbie!把她带过来见我 1101--Anna, your life is in danger.安娜 你陷入危险之中 1102--There is ice in your heart, put there by your sister.你的心中有一块冰晶 被你姐姐放进去的 1103--If not removed, to solid ice will you freeze, forever.如果不拿开的话这块冰晶会冻住你的心 直到 永远 1104--What ...? No.什么?不会吧 1105--But you can remove it, Right?但你能帮我移开 对吗? 1106--I can not, I'm sorry Kristoff...我做不到 对不起 克里斯托弗... 1107--If it was her head that would be easy.如果是她的头的话就会轻松很多 1108--But only an act of true love can thaw a frozen heart.只有真正的爱情才能解除冰封的心 1109--An act of true love?真正的爱情? 1110--A true love's kiss, perhaps?真爱之吻?只这样吗? 1111--Anna, we've got to get you back to Hans.安娜 我们得带你去见找汉斯 1112--Hans.汉斯. 1113--Pull us out, Sven.带我们出发吧 斯文 1114--Olaf! Come on. I'm coming!雪宝! 来吧 -我来了! 1115--Let's go kiss Hans! Who is this Hans?!让我们去亲汉斯吧! -谁是汉斯? 1116--We are here to find Princess Anna.我们是来找安娜公主的 1117--Be on guard,保持警惕 1118--but no harm is to come to the Queen.女皇不会伤害我们的 1119--Do you understand? Yes, Sir.明白吗? -是的 1120--The Queen.女皇 1121--Up there! Come on!上来这边!快! 1122--No, Please.请别这样 1123--Stay away!站远点! 1124--Fire! Fire.火!小心火 1125--Get her! Get her!抓住她 抓住她! 1126--Queen Elsa!埃尔莎女皇! 1127--Don't be the monster they fear you are.别变成他们害怕的怪物了 1128--No... What have I done?不..我都做了什么? 1129--Why did you bring me here?为什么把我带到这里来? 1130--I couldn't just let them kill you.我不能让你就这么死了 1131--But I'm a danger to Arendelle. Get Anna.但我对于安瑞戴尔是个威胁 抓住安娜 Frozen 2013 Scripts【冰雪公主/冰雪奇缘】中英对照剧本 由 www.en580.com『英语我帮您』网站编辑整理 1132--Anna has not returned...安娜还没回来... 1133--If you would just stop the winter,请你停下这场严冬 1134--bring back summer... please.把夏天还回来...求你了 1135--Don't you see... I can't.你还不明白..我做到 1136--You have to tell them to let me go.你得命令他们让我走 1137--I will do what I can.我会做我应该做的事 1138--- Just hang in there. - Come on, buddy, faster!撑住 -快点伙计! 1139--I'll meet you guys at the castle!在城堡里面见面! 1140--Stay out of sight, Olaf!别给发现了 雪宝! 1141--I will!知道啦! 1142--It's Princess Anna!是安娜公主! 1143--Are you g-gonna be okay?你会 会没事的吗? 1144--Don't worry about me.别担心我了 1145--Anna! Oh, you had us worried sick...My Lady.安娜!你让我们担心惨了... 1146--Get her warm and find Prince Hans, immediately.给她保暖 把汉斯王子找来 快 1147--We will. Thank you.遵命 -谢谢 1148--Make sure she's safe!保证她的安全! 1149--I'm going back out to look for Princess Anna.我要回去找安娜 1150--You cannot risk going out there again.你不能再冒险出去了 1151--If anything happens to her...如果她发生了任何不测.. 1152--If anything happens to the Princess,如果公主身上发生了任何不测 1153--you are all Arendelle has left.你就是安瑞戴尔唯一的继承人了 1154--He's in here. Prince Hans.他来了 汉斯王子 1155--Anna. You're so cold.安娜 你怎么这么冷 1156--Hans, you have to kiss me...What?汉斯 吻我.. -什么? 1157--Now. Now.现在 1158--We'll give you two some privacy.给你们一些空间 1159--What happened out there?外面发生什么了? 1160--Elsa struck me with her powers.埃尔莎在我身上施了法 1161--You said she'd never hurt you.你说她永远不会伤害你 1162--I was wrong.我错了 1163--Anna?安娜? 1164--She froze my heart and only an act of true love can save me.她冰住了我的心唯一的解决方法就是 真爱 1165--A true love's kiss.一个真爱之吻 1166--Oh, Anna...安娜... 1167--If only there was someone out there who loved you.只要这里有一个爱你的人 1168--What?什么? 1169--You said you did.你说过你是的 1170--As thirteenth in line in my own 作为我们王国的第十三个王子 1171--...kingdom, I didn't stand a chance. I knew...我没有机会夺权 我知道的.. 1172--I'd have to marry into the throne somewhere...我一定要娶一个皇后什么的.. 1173--What are you talking about?你们在说什么? 1174--As heir, Elsa was preferable, of course.当然了 埃尔莎是一个完美的继承者 Frozen 2013 Scripts【冰雪公主/冰雪奇缘】中英对照剧本 由 www.en580.com『英语我帮您』网站编辑整理 1175--But no one was getting anywhere with her.跟她在一起是不会有进展的 1176--But you...Hans?但是你呢 汉斯? 1177--You were so desperate for love,你对爱情是如此的孤注一掷 1178--You were willing to marry me, just like that.你曾经愿意娶我 不是吗 1179--I figured, after we married, I'd have 我想了想 在我们结婚后 我会为埃尔莎 1180--to stage a little accident for Elsa.制造一起意外 1181--Hans. No, stop.汉斯 别这样 1182--But then she doomed herself, and you were 结果她竟然被厄运缠身 你竟然 1183--...dumb enough to go after her.傻到去救她 1184--Please.求你了 1185--All that's left now is to kill Elsa and bring back summer.现在唯一的办法就是傻了埃尔莎并夺回夏 天 1186--You're no match for Elsa.你不是埃尔莎的对手 1187--No, you're no match for Elsa.不 失败的是你 1188--I, on the other hand, am the hero who is 而我 则是将安瑞戴尔从毁灭中 1189--going to save Arendelle from destruction.拯救出来的英雄 1190--You won't get away with this.这样你是逃不了的 1191--Oh, I already have.不用担心 1192--Please, somebody help.救命 1193--Please, please!救命! 1194--It's getting colder by the minute.我越来越冷了 1195--If we don't do something soon, We'll all freeze to death.如果不做点什么的话就会被冻死的 1196--Prince Hans...Princess Anna is...汉斯王子 安娜公主已经.. 1197--Dead. What...?死了 -什么? 1198--What happened to her?她怎么了? 1199--She was killed by Queen Elsa.她被埃尔莎女皇杀死了 1200--Her own sister.她的亲姐姐 1201--At least we got to say our marriage vows...至少我们已经为了我们的婚姻宣言过了 1202--before she died in my arms.在她的生命在我的怀里消逝前 1203--There can be no doubt now,现在的情况已经毋庸置疑 1204--Queen Elsa is a monster and we are all in grave danger.埃尔莎女皇是一个陷我们于险境的怪物 1205--Prince Hans, Arendelle looks to you.汉斯王子 安瑞戴尔听你的 1206--With a heavy heart,带着沉重的心 1207--I charge Queen Elsa of Arendelle with treason 我宣布埃尔莎女皇以叛国罪将被 1208--and sentence her to death.处以死刑 1209--Hurry Up!快! 1210--She's dangerous. Move quickly and be careful.她是个危险人物 行动迅速警慎 1211--The Door not open!门打不开! 1212--What is it, buddy? Hey, watch it.这是什么老兄? -嘿 看着 1213--What's wrong with you?你有什么问题? 1214--I don't understand you when you talk like that.你说那句话的时候我不是很明白 1215--Ah! Stop it! Put me down!停下来!把我放下来! 1216--No, Sven! We're not going back!不 斯文! 我们不会回去! 1217--She's with her true love.她跟她的真爱在一起了 Frozen 2013 Scripts【冰雪公主/冰雪奇缘】中英对照剧本 由 www.en580.com『英语我帮您』网站编辑整理 1218--What the...什么... 1219--Anna!安娜! 1220--Help.救命 1221--Anna. Oh no.安娜! 不 1222--Olaf? Olaf. Get away from there.雪宝? 雪宝 逃离这里 1223--So this is heat... I love it.这就是 温度吗.. 我喜欢 1224--Ooh! But don't touch it!别碰它! 1225--So, where's Hans? What happened to your kiss?汉斯在哪? 你的吻怎么样了? 1226--I was wrong about him. It wasn't true love.我看错他了 这不是真爱 1227--Huh. But we ran all the way here?那我们不是白跑了? 1228--Please Olaf, you can't stay here, you'll melt.雪宝听我说 你不能待在这里 你会被融化的 1229--I am not leaving here until we find 在找到能拯救你的真爱之前 1230--...some other act of true love to save you.我是不会离你而去的 1231--Do you happen to have any ideas?你有主意了吗? 1232--I don't even know what love is.爱是什么我都不知道 1233--That's okay, I do...Love is...我知道 爱是.. 1234--putting someone else's needs before yours, like, you know,在你需要帮忙的时候帮助你 你知道的 1235--how Kristoff brought you back here 为了救你克里斯托弗把你带给汉斯然后 1236--to Hans and left you forever.又离开了你 1237--Kristoff loves me?克里斯托弗喜欢我? 1238--Wow, you really don't know anything about love, do you?你真的不知道爱是什么东西 对吗? 1239--Olaf, you're melting.雪宝 你在融化 1240--Some people are worth melting for.有些人自愿融化 1241--Just maybe not right this second.现在可不是好时候 1242--Don't worry, I've got it!别担心 我有办法了 1243--We're going to get through...我们要穿过... 1244--Oh, wait. Hang on. I'm getting something.等下 坚持住 我找到什么了 1245--It's Kristoff and Sven! They're coming back this way.是克里斯托弗和斯文 他们回来了 1246--They-they are?他们回来了? 1247--Wow, he's really moving fast. Huh...I guess I was wrong.他跑的很快..呃 我想我错了 1248--I guess Kristoff doesn't love 大概克里斯托弗没有 1249--...you enough to leave you behind.爱 1250--Help me up, Olaf. Please.帮我起来 雪宝 1251--No, no, no, no, no. You need to 不不 你需要 1252--stay by the fire and keep warm.靠近火来保持体温 1253--I need to get to Kristoff. Why?我去找克里斯托弗 -为什么? 1254--Oh, oh, oh, I know why.我知道为什么 1255--There's your act of true love right there,这就是真爱之人的表现了 1256--Riding across the fjords like a Valiant,像一名勇士一样穿过海峡 1257--pungent reindeer King! Come on!辛辣驯鹿王! 来吧! 1258--Look out!当心! 1259--Back this way!回这边! 1260--We're trapped.我们被困住了 1261--Slide, Anna.滑下去 安娜 Frozen 2013 Scripts【冰雪公主/冰雪奇缘】中英对照剧本 由 www.en580.com『英语我帮您』网站编辑整理 1262--We made it!成功了! 1263--Go, Go, Go, Go...快走... 1264--Come on, buddy, faster.快呀 老兄 1265--Kristoff!克里斯托弗! 1266--Kristoff!克里斯托弗! 1267--Sven!斯文! 1268--Good boy.乖孩子 1269--Kristoff.克里斯托弗 1270--Anna!安娜! 1271--Elsa.埃尔莎. 1272--You can't run from this!你逃不出去的! 1273--Just take care of my sister...Your sister?照顾好我的妹妹 -你的妹妹? 1274--She returned from the mountain weak and cold.她从山上回来了 又虚弱又寒冷 1275--She said you froze her heart.她说你冻住了她的心 1276--I tried to save her, but it was too late.我试着去救她 但是太晚了 1277--Her skin was ice. Her hair turned white...她的皮肤结冰了 头发编成了白... 1278--Your sister is dead... because of you.你的妹妹因为你..死了 1279--No!不! 1280--Kristoff?克里斯托弗? 1281--Anna!安娜! 1282--Elsa?埃尔莎? 1283--No!不! 1284--Anna!安娜! 1285--Oh, Anna... no... no, please no.安娜.. 不要告诉我你死了.. 1286--Anna.安娜. 1287--Anna?安娜? 1288--Anna?安娜? 1289--Oh, Elsa.Oh, 埃尔莎. 1290--You sacrificed yourself for me?你为了我牺牲了自己? 1291--I love you.我爱你 1292--An act of true love will thaw a frozen heart.真爱可以拯救一颗冰封的心 1293--Love... will thaw...爱情..可以拯救.. 1294--Love... Of course.爱情..当然了 1295--Elsa? Love.埃尔莎? 爱情 1296--I knew you could do it.我就知道你可以的 1297--Hands down, this is the best day of my life...把手放下来 这是我一生最美好的一天 1298--and quite possibly the last.很可能也是最后一天 1299--Oh, Olaf. Hang on, little guy.雪宝 坚持住 小家伙 1300--Hey, my own personal flurry.嘿 欣喜若狂的我 1301--Anna? But she froze your heart.安娜? 她不是冻住你的心了吗 1302--The only frozen heart around here is yours.这里唯一被封固的心只有你的 1303--I will return this scoundrel to his country.我要把这个无赖赶回他的国家 1304--We shall see what his twelve big 让我们看看他的十二个大哥哥 1305--brothers think of his behavior.会怎么想这种卑劣的做法 Frozen 2013 Scripts【冰雪公主/冰雪奇缘】中英对照剧本 由 www.en580.com『英语我帮您』网站编辑整理 1306--Arendelle thanks you, my Lord.安瑞戴尔感谢你 陛下 1307--This is unacceptable.这我不接受 1308--I am innocent. I'm a victim of fear.我是无辜的 我是恐惧的受害者 1309--I've been traumatized. Ow! My neck hurts.我的心里受过创伤 -喔!我的脖子好痛 1310--Is there a doctor I could... No?这里有医生吗... -没有? 1311--I demand to see the Queen!我要求见女皇! 1312--I have a message from the Queen.我有一条消息要带给女皇 1313--Arendelle will henceforth and forever 安瑞戴尔从此以后永远不会跟 1314--...no longer do business of any sort 鼬鼠城有任何的交易 1315--with Weaseltown.来往 1316--Weselton. It's Weselton!韦泽尔城 是韦泽尔城!(音译) 1317--Come on. Come on. Come on. Come on! Ow, Okay, Okay... 1318--Pole...Oops. So Sorry. 1319--Okay. Okay. Here we are. 1320--I owe you a sled.我欠你一副雪橇 1321--Are you serious?你认真吗? 1322--Yes. And it's the latest model.是的 这可是最新款式 1323--No. I can't accept this...我不接受这个... 1324--You have to. No returns. No exchanges. Queen's orders.你必须这样 不能回头 不能讨价还价 这 是女皇的命令 1325--She's named you the official.她命你为政府官员 1326--Arendelle Ice Master and Deliverer.安瑞戴尔的冰雪大师和拯救者 1327--What? That's not a thing...Sure it is.什么?这又不是什么大事.. -这当然是 1328--And it even has a cup holder...Do you like it?这还有个杯架..你喜欢吗? 1329--Like it? I love it...喜欢? 我爱这个... 1330--I could kiss you!我能亲你! 1331--I could. I mean I'd like to. I'd...我能 我的意思是 我想 我.. 1332--may I? We me... I mean, may we?我能吗?我们 我... 我的意思是 我们可以吗? 1333--Wait, what?等下 什么? 1334--We may.当然可以 1335--Summer!夏天! 1336--Hello.哈喽 1337--Are you ready?准备好了吗? 1338--I like the open gates.我喜欢打开门的日子 1339--We are never closing them again.大门打开将再也不会关上 1340--What? Oh, Elsa, they're beautiful,什么? 哦 埃尔莎 他们太美了 1341--but you know I don't ska...但你知道我不会... 1342--Come on, you can do it!加油 你能行! 1343--Hey, girls!嘿 女孩们! 1344--Hey, Guys 嘿 伙计们
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