首页 小学英语课堂活动



小学英语课堂活动小学英语课堂活动 设计与艺术 小学英语课堂活动 ? 热身——复习——导入——呈现 ? 操练——拓展——巩固——作业——板书 人与人的差距:一 ? 老师播放歌曲,导入今天主题 ? 向学生展示节日图片,让学生用英文说出月份。如:教师展示新年的图片,学生说出“January”,对于没有学生熟悉的节日的月份,教师可使用“after…”或“before…”进行启发引导。 人与人的差距:二 ? 老师播放歌曲,导入今天的主题trip ? 1. Enjoy some pictures about students’ tri...

MATCH_ word word文档格式规范word作业纸小票打印word模板word简历模板免费word简历 _1713563341168_2英语课堂活动 设计与艺术 小学英语课堂活动 ? 热身——复习——导入——呈现 ? 操练——拓展——巩固——作业——板书 人与人的差距:一 ? 老师播放歌曲,导入今天主题 ? 向学生展示节日图片,让学生用英文说出月份。如:教师展示新年的图片,学生说出“January”,对于没有学生熟悉的节日的月份,教师可使用“after…”或“before…”进行启发引导。 人与人的差距:二 ? 老师播放歌曲,导入今天的主题trip ? 1. Enjoy some pictures about students’ trips. ? 2. Free Talk ? T: Hello, boys and girls. I’m Miss Wang. It is the first time we learn English together. Hope we will have a good time. ? I’m new here. Would you please tell me your name? … ? 3: Information Card ? T: I’m going to introduce myself by an information card. Can you get some information from the card? ? S1: Your name is… ? S2: Your English name is… ? S3: You like to read books. ? S4: You like to take a trip. 人与人的差距:三 ? 老师将句子What do you like after class?写在黑板上,并讲解该句的意思。 ? T请学生看黑板上的句型:what do you usually do after class? I like playing ping-pong. I like playing computer games. ? T:当你想了解对方业余生活的时候,你怎么问?(指着黑板上的句子) ? 学生心领神会地回答What do you like after class? ? T听后对学生竖起大拇指 ? 教师让学生看PPT上的weekend一词,尽可能多用英语说出能想到的周末活动,如go swimming等,接着用学生已经学过的句型what do you usually do at the weekends?提问,并呈现本课重点句型How do you spend your weekends? ? T: What do you usually do at the weekend? ? Ss: I usually… Sometimes I … ? T: How about you? How do you spend your weekends? ? S: I often… ? T: (转向另一个学生) How do you spend your weekends? ? … 人与人的差距:四 ? 板书单词,并带读几遍 ? 在师生互动 交流 第4课唐朝的中外文化交流教案班主任工作中的交流培训班交流发言材料交流低压配电柜检验标准小王子读书交流分享介绍 的基础上,,教师为学生提供时间空间,让学生在模仿的基础上进行自由交流,互动表演,并选2-3组进行展示。 ? T: Now please talk about your weekends in pairs. 人与人的差距:五 ? T指着黑板上的答句,让学生做两个词组替换问答的练习。教师让学生两两活动,要求学生运用黑板上的句型。 ? 教师介绍:Oh, their weekends are so wonderful. How about your weekend? 用PPT呈现任务后,教师提出采访和写 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 的要求:Please interview your classmates or teachers.要求学生尽可能多地运用所学的句型进行采访。 人与人的差距:六 ? 老师要学生翻开书,一边听磁带一边读课文。 ? (1)教师出示一张有12个月份的年历,其中12月份里有一颗红心。教师问学生Why is there a red heart in December? 启发学生猜测,不追求正确答案。重在启发学生的思考和想象,鼓励学生大胆表达个人猜测。 ? (2)教师告诉学生,下面听一个故事,从故事中他们可以找到问题的答案。教师先让学生听第一段,回答两个问题:Who is Amy? Who is Sam? ? (3)学生回答完前面两个问题后,教师继续播放故事,学生继续回答问题:When is Amy’s birthday? When is her Dad’s birthday? When is her Mum’s birthday? Why is there a red heart in December? 差距在哪里? 设计的艺术+表述的艺术 导入与单词呈现的设计 ? 功能:活跃课堂气氛,调动学生积极性,拉近师生心理距离,活跃学生思维,复习已有知识,为学习新知识做好准备 ? 直观,形象,生动,自然,有效…… 常见的设计套路 ? 确定导入引出的第一个内容(主题词) ? 反推与该主题词相关的内容(以便复习) ? 在复习旧知识的同时通过师生互动引出新知识 案例一 ? 1.热身及复习。 ? (1)向学生展示节日图片,让学生用英文说出月份。如:教师展示新年的图片,学生说出“January”。 ? (2)做关于“月份”的英文单词游戏:教师从12个月份的单词卡中抽出一张,展示给学生(自己不看),并随机说出一个月份的名称。如果教师说的月份与单词卡上的月份一致,学生跟读单词;如果不一致,学生保持沉默。 ? 2.新课学习。 ? (1)教师出示一张有12个月份的年历,其中12月份里有一颗红心。教师问学生Why is there a red heart in December?教师启发学生猜测,不追求正确答案。重在启发学生的思考和想象,鼓励学生大胆表达个人猜测。 案例二 ? 1. 猜图游戏 ? 教师用多媒体 课件 超市陈列培训课件免费下载搭石ppt课件免费下载公安保密教育课件下载病媒生物防治课件 可下载高中数学必修四课件打包下载 展示模糊的马赛克图片,鼓励学生猜测是什么场所,并引出图片是学校,进而让学生猜测学校里有什么设施。 ? T: Yes, it’s a school. It’s my school in Wuhan. Can you guess what’s in the school? ? 教师引导学生使用there be 句型表达,猜测学校里可能有的设施。 ? 在学生进行了适当的猜测后,教师提示出学校的部分设施,但仍有三处打有马赛克,让学生根据教师的引导继续猜测。 ? T: How about the blue part? What’s this? There is some water in it and we can swim here. ? 教师引导学生猜出蓝色的区域是游泳池,并板书领读单词swimming pool. 案例三 ? 师生共唱英文歌曲wish you happy every day ? 歌词:We say hello from Sunday to Saturday. We wish you happy every day. Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. ? 师生自由谈论,用学过的句型自然引出本课重点单词weekend. ? T: Do you like this song? ? Ss: Yes. ? T: How many days are there in a week? ? Ss: Seven. ? T: What day is it today? ? Ss: It’s Friday. ? T: Oh, tomorrow is the weekend. The weekend is coming. 套路总结 ? 老师向学生呈现与……有关的图片,如……,引导大家复习学过的单词。 ? T: OK, boys and girls. Look, here are some pictures. What can you say when you see them? ? S1: ? 接着,老师与同学轻松互动,引导学生猜测老师最喜欢的是什么。 ? T: You have done a good job. Now, I have a question. Do you like …? Which one do you like best? Do you know what is my favorite? You may guess. ? S1: ? 在适当的时候,老师展示……等图片,同时呈现单词……,并转身板书。 ? Look. I have got… here. Yes, it is …. Read after me. ? 设计意图:用直观图片复习了关于……的旧知识,然后在互动过程中自然引出新单词……,这样活跃了课堂气氛,吸引了学生注意力。在这样的基础上,学生接触学习新知识比较自然。 实战 ? Unit 8 Summer Vacation 8A ? Summer vacation is coming. What will you do in summer? I will go to see my grandma. They live in the UK. I will go by plane. That’s cool. What will you do in London? I will visit Big Ben. ? Unit 4 Buying New Clothes 4A ? Can I help you, madam? Yes, please. My daughter wants a dress. And my son wants a pair of shorts. I want a cap, too. What about this pink dress? I like the color. Can I try it on? She looks beautiful in her new dress. I’ll buy it. 单词词组的操练的设计 ? Read books ? T: I read books. I like reading books. Do you like reading books? ? S1: Yes. ? T: Great! So you can say, “I like reading books.” Once again. ? S1: I like reading books. ? T: I like reading books. I have a lot of books in my study. ? 教师向学生呈现一些关于书籍的图片 ? T: Look. I have science books, picture books, animal books… I like reading animal books. What kind of books do you like? ? Ss: I like reading… 单词词组的操练设计套路 ? 替换 ? 拓展 ? 情境对话 ? 看图说话 课文(句型)的呈现设计 ? 课文内容 ?     In my dream school there are many chocolate trees and cola pools. I have candy desks and pizza chairs. ?     I can fly, play toys and ride a horse. I sometimes dream that there are no teachers. I often dream of magic books. When I read books, I can see the stories in front of me. ?     In my dream school I am very happy. ? 教师向学生介绍,今天要参观另一所学校,比这个学校更好,引出本节课的内容。 ? T: There is a school in the boy’s dream. It’s not an ordinary school. It’s a dream school. Today we will talk about My Dream School. ? Now, let’s guess what’s in the boy’s dream school. I’ll give you some hints… ? 3. 听录音,回答问题 ? T: Let’s listen and get some information. Listen for the first time and answer the question: What’s in his dream school? ? T: Now let’s listen for the second time and answer the second question: What can he do in his dream school? 课文内容 ? Narrator: Amy is a pretty girl. She has a dog. Its name is Sam. Today, Amy finds a red heart in December. ? Amy: Why? It isn’t my birthday. My birthday is in May. Is it Dad’s birthday? Dad, when is your birthday? ? Dad: My birthday is in July. ? Amy: Mum, when is your birthday? ? Mum: My birthday is in September. ? Amy: But, whose birthday is in December? ? Sam:Woof! Woof! ? Amy: Wow, I know it. It’s Sam’s birthday. Happy birthday, Sam. ? (1)教师出示一张有12个月份的年历,其中12月份里有一颗红心。教师问学生Why is there a red heart in December?教师启发学生猜测,不追求正确答案。重在启发学生的思考和想象,鼓励学生大胆表达个人猜测。 ? (2)教师告诉学生,下面听一个故事,从故事中他们可以找到问题的答案。教师先让学生听第一段,回答两个问题:Who is Amy? Who is Sam? ? (3)学生回答完前面两个问题后,教师继续播放故事,学生继续回答问题:When is Amy’s birthday? When is her Dad’s birthday? When is her Mum’s birthday? Why is there a red heart in December? 课文与句型呈现设计套路 ? 一:设置悬念 ? 二:呈现问题 ? 三:带着问题听录音(读课文) ? 四:回答问题 ? 五:提炼句型 悬念的艺术 ? T: What a beautiful school you have! But, there is a school more beautiful. Do you want to know something about it? ? T: OK. What is in this school? You may guess. I will give you some hints. ? T: Very good. You have wonderful imagination. Now, let’s listen to the tape and find out the answers. Here are some questions. You can answer the questions after listening. 回答问题的艺术 ? Q1: What is in the boy’s dream school? ? Q2: What can he do in this school? ? Q3: He often dreams that there are _____ teachers. ? Q4: He sometimes dreams of _____ books. 设计意图的表述 ? 悬念:引起学生兴趣,激发学生的好奇心与求知欲,为接下来呈现课文做了准备。 ? 带着问题听录音读课文:学生能够学会集中注意力,练习在听或读的过程中捕捉重要信息。 ? 回答问题:进一步操练巩固所学单词,并同时提炼出重点句型,为接下来的句型操练做了准备。 实战训练一 ? Unit 7 Today is Monday. 阅读Mike’s week (What does he/she do…?) ? Mike is a Canadian boy. From Monday to Friday, he goes to school. After school, he does many things. ? On Monday, he goes to the library. He loves reading. Every Tuesday evening, Mike has violin class. On Wednesday afternoon, he plays football with his friends. ? Then after school on Thursday, he watches TV at home. On Friday evening, Mike goes to the movie theater. ? On Saturday and Sunday, Mike doesn’t go to school. He goes out with his family. 实战训练二 ? Chinese New Year ? Dear Su Hi, ? How are you? It’s going to be Chinese New Year next week. I’m very excited. ? Tomorrow, my family and I are going to buy some new clothes and food. Then, in the evening, we’re going to make some cakes and tangyuan. ? On Chinese New Year’s Eve, we’re going to have dinner with my grandparents, my aunt and uncle and my cousin. Then, we’re going to buy some flowers. ? On Chinese New Years Day, my parents are going to give me red packets. Then, we’re going to watch a lion dance in the afternoon. ? On the second day of Chinese New Year, we’re going to watch fireworks in the evening. ? What are you going to do at Chinese New Year? 课文(句型)的操练、拓展与巩固 ? 1.在学生回答问题的过程中,教师有目的地张贴或板书本课人物头像和部分任务的周末活动图片,为帮助学生深入学习课文做好铺垫。 ? 2. 学生阅读课文,完成图示填空练习,并根据图示进行更多的互动问答。 ? 设计意图:根据图示内容,在师生示范的基础上,教师为学生提供生生之间操练和展示的机会。学生操练时,教师引导学生尽可能多地使用学过的不同句型,进一步突出了本课重点内容的学习、运用和掌握,提高了教学环节的针对性和有效性。 课文与句型的操练 ? 1. 机械——带读,跟读,分角色读 ? 2. 意义——情境,看图替换 ? 3. 交际——对话,同桌互动 ? 4. 任务——交际,小组任务 意义 ? 1. 机械——带读,跟读,分角色读 ? 2. 意义——情境,看图替换 ? 3. 交际——对话,同桌互动 ? 4. 任务——交际,小组任务 交际 ? T: You have done a good job. So, here let’s do a brainstorming. When you see …, what will you think of? Try to say as many as possible. ? 教师将学生的回答以板书行书体现在黑板上,并要求学生根据自身实际情况与同桌进行英语交际。 ? T: Now, you can practice the dialogue with your deskmates. You can use the phrases on the blackboard. If you have problems, please ask me for help. ? 设计意图: 任务——精髓是交际有结果 ? Interview ? Survey ? Discussion ? Plan making ? Letter ? Post 实战训练 ? Unit 9 Day and night Today is Sunday. Ann and Ken are very happy. They don’t have to go to school. They get up late and eat breakfast at 9 o’clock. Ann and Ken go out at 10 o’clock. They go to the bookstore at 11 o’clock. Then they eat lunch in a restaurant at one o’clock. They go to the supermarket at 2:15. Then they go swimming at 4 o’clock. Splash! They have fun there. ? Ann and Ken get home at 5 o’clock. They are very hungry. ? Unit 9 A football game ? Hi, my dear friends. My name is Billy and my birthday is on March 7th. I am from Brazil. My favorite game is football. I like football very much, but I am not a player on my school team. I play football every day with my friends after school. We have a very big and nice football field at our school. Sometimes there are football games between schools. I often go and cheer for them. ? What’s your favorite game? When and where do you play? Please e-mail me about it. ? Unit 7 The mountain bike race ? There is a mountain bike race next Saturday. Do you want to enter? ? You must be more than 10 years old. You must have a good mountain bike. You must mail the entry form before Wednesday. ? You have to wear a helmet… You must check your bikes. Always check the tires before you ride. Never ride with a flat tire. All competitors must read the sign, too. 板书设计 l Moudle8   School l Unit1 What time does school start? ? before            What time do you get up?   ? exercise          I get up at six o’clock.    ? playground      What time does school start? ? skip              My school starts at eight o’clock. 板书设计一 ? What are you going to do? ? I am going to watch TV. ?             do my homework. ?             go shopping. ?             have lunch. ? 设计意图 板书设计二 ? I dream that              I dream of there are no teachers.  magic books. I can play all the day.    a large library. there is no homework.  a computer room. 设计意图 板书设计三 设计的艺术 套路+用心
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