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大学英语笔记2006-11-30   1.go to pot 完蛋   The British Empire is going to pot.大英帝国快完蛋了。(呵呵~仅是举例,没有恶意)   He worked so hard that his health went to pot.他工作过劳,结果牺牲了健康。      2.a bolt from/out of the blue突如其来,始料不及    We had been sure she was in Chicago, so her sudden appearance...

2006-11-30   1.go to pot 完蛋   The British Empire is going to pot.大英帝国快完蛋了。(呵呵~仅是举例,没有恶意)   He worked so hard that his health went to pot.他工作过劳,结果牺牲了健康。      2.a bolt from/out of the blue突如其来,始料不及    We had been sure she was in Chicago, so her sudden appearance was a bolt out of blue.我们大家都认定她现在在芝加哥,因此她的突然出现完全出乎我们的意料。    Miss Anne has just got her salary raised, so her decision to resign was a bolt from the blue.安尼小姐刚被提升了工资,所以她的辞职是我们始料不及的。      3.a dog in the manger自私自利的人,一毛不拔的人(someone who does not want others to use or enjoy something even though they themselves do not need or want it)    Don’t be such a dog in the manger, lend your bicycle to him since you will not go out this afternoon.别这么不够朋友,既然你今天下午不出去,就把自行车借给他用一用。      4. Been there, done that, bought a T-shirt. (=yes, 这是老外商 英语 关于好奇心的名言警句英语高中英语词汇下载高中英语词汇 下载英语衡水体下载小学英语关于形容词和副词的题 课时教的,那时没有很注意听,至今也不是很清楚它的用法,那位高手知道的话请帮一下忙)      5. Morning comes early.(当你早上想睡懒觉但又必须起来时可以这样说哦)      6. cost an arm and a leg 太贵了      7. looking to do something 未来要干点。。。      8. the jury is (still) out 未成定论(haven’t decided)      9. jack of all trades(什么都不精通master of none)      10. a blessing in disguise 因祸得福    You lost the game, but it may be a blessing in disguise, you’ll know what your problem is.   2006-12-1      1. a blind date初次约会   James was too excited to have dinners. He was having a blind date with Sue in the evening.   2. a born loser废物,天生的失败者   Nobody is a born loser. All you need is perseverance.没有人生来什么也做不了。你需要的是毅力。   3. have the jitters很紧张(因紧张心扑扑直跳)   I have the jitters at my blind date.   4. be in love with…爱上。。。   5. feel sorry for..为…感到遗憾   6. be known as a…被公认为是个…   7. regret about…为…感到后悔   8. a tragedy 一场悲剧   9. a drop in the bucket沧海一粟   2006-12-2      1.donate捐献,捐赠   I heard that the boss donated a lot of mo money for the NO.2 Middle school.   2. chickenfeed 很少的钱,微不足道的钱   3. a fair-weather friend不能共患难的朋友   I have searched my conscience, and believe I’ve never mistreated you. But you turned out to be a fair-weather friend.扪心自问,我从没亏待过你,而你只是一个能同享乐而不能共患难的人。   4. a flash in the pan 三分钟热度   Don’t count him in. You know him. His determination is always a flash in the pan.别把他算进去,你还不了解他吗,他的决心持续不了三分钟。   5. a freeloader 白吃白喝,爱占便宜的人   Why did you ask her to join us? Don’t you know that she is a freeloader?   6. a late bloomer 大器晚成   Although Frank is a late bloomer, his accomplishment can hardly be equaled by people of his age.尽管弗兰克是大器晚成,可他的成就几乎是同龄人无法比拟的。   7. a nobody 无名之辈   He is somebody in the small town, but he is nobody in the capital city.   8. a social notable 一个社会名流   9. a social function 社交场合   10. be spotted as…被选拔为..   He was spotted as a promising actor.   补上昨天的   2006-12-3      1.A pain in the neck是人讨厌的事情   The boy used to be the apple of his parents’ eye. But when he grew up, he became a pain in the neck, since he never listened to his parents.那个男孩曾经是他父母的掌上明珠,但他长大后成了让人讨厌的人,他从不听父母的话。   2. a piece of cake 易如反掌,小菜一碟   You want me to convince the teacher? That would be a piece of cake for me.   3. a wet blanket 令人扫兴的事   Martha was a really wet blanket. She refused to come to our party, though we all expected her.   4.to pinch pennies吝啬   Our parents are all pinching pennies.   5. to make do with凑合着用   They seem to be able to make do with anything.   6. Time is money.时间就是金钱。   7. a white lie没有恶意的谎言   Every person may speak a white lie now and then, but not everyone speaks blue lies.人人都可能会时不时地说个瞎话,但并非每人都撒谎。   8. You’ve taken the words out of my mouth.你说出了我想说的话。   9. add fuel to the flames 火上浇油   Your Mum is already very angry. Don’t add fuel to the flames by doing what she doesn’t like.   10. to get rid of摆脱  2006-12-4   1. to calm oneself down 是自己冷静下来   2. Easier said than done.话说来容易做来难。   3. an old wives’ tale无稽之谈   In the past, the westerners looked on the acupuncture treatment as just an old wives’ tale.过去,西方人把针灸治疗视为无稽之谈。   4. as sly as a fox 非常狡猾   Although Frank is as sly as a fox, he was outfoxed by David this time.虽然弗兰克十分狡猾,但这次却败在了大为的脚下。   5.ask for trouble自找麻烦   I don’t know why you offer to help a guy like Joe. You are asking for trouble, aren’t you?   6. to dismiss somebody for..因…解雇某人   7. back up the wrong tree弄错目标   2006-12-5      1. We all think you were backing up the wrong tree at Lucy. She could never hit other people below the belt.在露西的问题上,我们都认为你是错怪了她,她是从来不会暗箭伤人的。   2. not to have the heart to…不忍心去…   3. to louse up 搞糟,弄得一团糟   He thought it was Mark who loused up the business.   4. give one’s head for the washing逆来顺受,忍气吞声   Mark should explain to him instead of giving his head for the washing.   5. to clear the mists消除误解   They had actually cleared the mists.   6. be a far cry from与…相差甚远   There is nothing to be proud of. What we have done is still a far cry from what our teacher expect us to do.   7. be all thumbs笨手笨脚   He is good at fixing gadgets. But when it comes to playing the violin, he is all thumbs.他修点儿小玩艺儿真灵,可是拉小提琴就笨手笨脚了。   8. I wish I could…我希望我能够….(但事实上却不能)   9. feel/be at loose ends心里没有着落   Many old people felt at loose ends after their retirement.   10. be down情绪低落 2006-12-6      1. be laid off失去工作,下岗   2. be at one’s wits’ end 不知如何是好,智穷力竭,无计可施   My boy is such a mischief maker, I am at my wits end with him.我的儿子是个捣蛋鬼,我真拿他没 办法 鲁班奖评选办法下载鲁班奖评选办法下载鲁班奖评选办法下载企业年金办法下载企业年金办法下载 。   3. be completely in the dark   He is a dictator, though I’m production manager, I’m completely in the dark as what to do next.她是一个独裁者,虽然我是生产部经理,但是对下一步该做什么我一无所知。   4. be up to no good 不会干什么好事   5. to turn a blind eye 睁一只眼闭一只眼,视而不见   6. be cut out for…天生适合于…   Some of my classmates seem to be cut out for learning a foreign language, and Joe and Sue are two of them.   7. linguistic differences 语言差异   8. be down in the dumps垂头丧气的,神情沮丧的   I burn midnight oil yesterday, so I feel down in the dumps today.我昨晚上熬夜了,今天我打不起精神。   9. be fed up with…对…烦透了   I am fed up with living in town. The noise keeps getting on my nerves.我烦透了城市的生活,那些噪音真的让人受不了。   10. to go one better比别人强   Parents are alike. They all want us to go one better.   2006-12-7      1 .be for the birds俗不可耐   In terms of dressing, the professor is of first class, but in terms of personality, he is all for the birds.要说那教授的穿着,那真的是一流的,但要论他的人格,简直是俗不可耐。   2. be green with envy羡慕极了   When we learned that Martha was given a brand-new car as her birthday present, everyone of us is green with envy.   3. to track at every turn 干什么都赚钱   Well, he’s really lucky. He seems to rack it at every turn.   4. be hunky-dory挺不错的   When my Mum says that Lora is hunky-dory, I am always in the seventh heaven.每当妈妈说洛拉是个挺不错的女孩子时,我别提有多么高兴了。   5. as good as gold 很乖,特别好   Most people say she is as good as gold.   6. a knock-out 特别漂亮的女孩   7. to fall for…喜欢上…,爱上…   8. be in hot water陷入困境   There’s been a sharp decrease in the sales, so the company is in hot water.   9. to jump ship 跳槽,改换工作   10. to put out a feeler试探试探   I was only to put out a feeler to see whether you are manly or not.    2006-12-8      1. be in the same boat处境相同   Those who have not been in the same boat could hardly understand the joys or sorrows of each party.那些没有相同处境的人对对方的喜怒哀乐几乎是不能理解的。   2. What a dandy idea!多么好的注意阿!   3. all of a sudden突然   4. keep your fingers crossed for…你就等着听…的好消息吧   Keep your fingers crossed for the good news.   5.be in the seventh heaven 高兴极了   We were in the seventh heaven when we finally got to the top of the mountains.   6. to put sb. on使某人兴奋起来   What puts you on?   7. to see eye to eye with..意见一致,观点相同   Sara and I could now see eye to eye with each other.   8. to go steady with…男女间稳步发展关系   Did she agree to on going steady with you?   9. to be head over heels in love with each other.   10. be itching for a chance to do…很想找个机会试一试   Those who are driving beyond the speed limit on highway are itching for a chance to be killed.那些在高速公路上超速驾驶的人是在找死呢。  2006-12-9      1. be neck and neck不分上下   When it comes to doing mathematics, Sue and Jean are neck and neck.谈到做数学题,苏和简是半斤八两,不分上下的   2. be neither fish nor fowl 不伦不类   Her English is very fluent, but in terms of her pronunciation, it is neither fish nor fowl.   3. be no pinic 不是件轻松的事   To learn a foreign language is possible, but to be a bilingual is no pinic.学一门外语是可能的,但要掌握两门外语不是件容易的事。   4. No pains, no gains.   5. be no body’s fool 不傻,精明   Lora is no body’s fool, you can’t pull wools over her eyes.罗拉可不是个傻瓜,你骗不了她。   6. his sort 他那号人   Most girls like his sort.   7. to take someone for a ride 玩弄某人   Joe is only taking her for a ride.   8. to see through 看透。。。。   It’s a pity that she can’t see through him.   9. Birds of a feather flock together.物以类聚,人以群分。   10. be of two minds拿不定主意   My mother says that she is always of two minds as what vegetables to buy in the market.   2006-12-10      1.to come up with 想出来个。。。找出来个。。。   We have to come up with a decision.   2.been off the beam 走歪门邪道,步入歧途   His scientific study seems to be off the beam.他的科学研究似乎偏离了初衷。   3. be on a gravy train走运,有钱赚的机会   Mark has been on a gravy train all these years. There does seem to have pennies from heaven for him.这些年来马克的运气一直特别好。对他来说确有天上掉馅饼的好事。   4. to play the field玩弄女人的感情   He may also be playing the field with Jenny.   5. to be outfoxed败在他人的手里   6. be on cloud nine高兴的飘飘然   He was on cloud nine after winning the competition.他在比赛胜利后欣喜若狂。   7. be on pins and needles坐立不安,如坐针毡   He is a very modest man. When others praise him, he feels on pins and needles.   8. to get injured受伤   9. to get laid off被解雇,下岗   My father got laid off.   10. Misfortunes never comes singly.祸不单行  2006-12-11      1.be on the rocks陷入困境;完蛋   The scandal with Lewinsky put President Clinton on the rocks.与莱温斯基的丑闻是克林顿总统陷入了困境。   The foam economy was stuck by the Asian financial crisis, Japan’s economy was on the rocks.泡沫经济受到亚洲金融危机的冲击,日本经济陷入困境。   2. in urgent need of …急需……   3. to blame somebody for…因…..责备某人   4. to be ready to help乐于助人   5. be one for the books喻指“太坏了”或“太好了”   That professor’s thinking is one for the books. I have never met any person who is as learned and humorous as he is,那教授的思维简直是太棒了。我从来未见到过像他那样学识渊博而且还幽默的人。   She told me a lot of bad words against our manager. But when I told her that I was the manager’s daughter, the look on her face was one for the books.她跟我说了好多经理的坏话。当我告诉她我是经理的女儿时,她脸上的 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 情狼狈极了。   6. be quick to take offence特别爱生气   Don’t crack any joke to her. She is quick to take offence.   7. Why did you get her goat again你为什么又把她给惹翻了?   8. be sick at heart心里非常难受   9. be stuck on someone迷上…   It seems that you’ve been stuck on the girl you met last week, I didn’t expect that you would fall for a girl like her看来你迷恋上上周你遇到的那个女孩了,我没有料到你能喜欢上像她那类女孩子。   I didn’t expect that I would be stuck on this sort of entertainment.我没有想到我会迷上这类娱乐活动。   10.beat around/about the bush说话兜圈子   Stop beating around the bush. Tell me what on earth you have done to our plan.   2006-12-12      1. to take…with a pinch of salt对…不要轻信,对…要留点儿神   You should take what she says with a pinch of salt.   2. to speak with one’s tongue in one’s cheek说话假仁假义的   I have a hunch that she speaks with her tongue in her cheek.   3. to call a spade a spade直言不讳,有什么就说什么   She seldom calls a spade a spade.   4. behind one’s back 在某人的背后   I don’t like you to bad-mouth other people behind their back.我不喜欢你在背后说别人的坏话。   5. bite off more than one can chew力不从心   Don’t bite off more than you can chew, or you’ll fall between two stools.不要贪多嚼不烂,否则你会一无所获。   6. blow hot and cold出尔反尔,喜怒无常   You can never depend on Jack for cooperation. He’s always blowing hot and cold.你永远无法指望杰克能跟咱合作,他总是出尔反尔,喜怒无常。   7. blow one’s trumpet自吹自擂   Joe always like to blow his own trumpet. He would boast his relation net.乔总是喜欢自吹自擂,有机会它就吹嘘自己的关系网。   If you want to sell more, you should learn to blow your own trumpet.如果你向更多地卖出东西的话,你得学会王婆卖瓜自卖自夸。   8. to be at loggerheads with…和某人顶起牛来,和某人发生争执   The question of car privileges put Sam and his parents at loggerheads.   关于使用汽车的权利的问题使山姆和他父母发生争执   9. to back somebody up 支持某人   Why were you at loggerheads with Sam? Don’t you know he has someone backing him up?   10.can’t put up with 不能容忍   I couldn’t put up with him.   2006-12-13      1.to boss the show 出风头   He likes to boss the show in important situation.   2.to bring somebody down a notch灭某人的威风   I must bring him down a notch.   3. to look down on…瞧不起….   He looks down on everyone.   4.buckle down 喻指“铆足劲”或“下定决心干某事”   The teacher asked us to buckle down and brush the old lessons for the final examination.老师让我们鼓足干劲儿,努力复习所学过的功课以迎接期末考试。   5. to chew the cud考虑考虑   He only said that he would chew the cud.   6. in his position在他的位置上   If you were in his position, maybe you’ll do the same.   7. can’t hold a candle to someone喻指“与某人相差悬殊”或“不能与某人相提并论”   How can you hold a candle to Sandra, whose father is on the cakes, but your father is living on his salary, you know? 你怎能够和桑德拉比呢?你知道吗,他的爸爸能大把大把地劳,而你的爸爸是靠工资吃饭的。   8. chicken out由于胆怯而收兵   Many students like to boast about their bravery. But last week when the teacher asked them to feed the dog, most of them chicken out. None of them dare to try.   9. to count on...指望某人,依靠某人   That’s why many people say that I can’t count on you.   10. come through with flying colors干得出色,大获成功   He would come through with flying colors in doing whatever he is asked to do.无论让他干什么事,他都会干得特别出色。   2006-12-14      1.cool someone’s ardor是某人心凉了半截   My father’s disagreement of my plan cooled my ardor and I seemed to be at a cross road, not knowing where to go and what to do.   2.Their money doesn’t grow on trees.他们的钱来之不易。   3. count one’s chicken before they’re hatched如意算盘打得太早,高兴得太早   If you think you can get what you want, you are counting your chicken before they’re hatched.   4. dance attendance on…对… 大献殷勤   From the way Sandra is dancing attendance on the boss, you know she is not a good girl.从桑德拉在老板面前大献殷勤的那个样子,你就知道她不是个好女孩子。   5.She always likes to steal the show.她总是在别人面前出风头。   6. But she still feels good of herself.可她却自以为是。   7. drive someone to the wall把某人逼得走投无路   It was that the lady was driven to the wall, so she murdered the boss with poison.是那个女人被逼得走投无路了,她才给她的老板下毒把他毒死的。   8. to give somebody too much preference 过分袒护某人   You give them too much preference.   9. drop something like a hot potato.赶紧抛弃,放弃   I noticed that Xiao Lan is starting to smoke. We must go ask her to drop it like a hot potato.   10. eat like a bird 饭量很小   You don’t have to prepare a lot of food for the guest. Most of them eat like a bird   2006-12-15      1.at the expense of…以…为代价   That’ll be at the expense of your health.   2.fall between two stools鸡飞蛋打   You’ll fall between two stools if you play the field with both of the two girls.如果你和那两个女孩不正经的交往,那么你就会落得个鸡飞蛋打。   3. feel like a square peg in a round hole格格不入,不适合   Whenever I talking with them, I always feel like a square leg in a round hole.   4. feel under the weather身体不适   Our teacher is feeling under the weather these days, so we must persuade her to go and see a doctor.   5. to get out of the jam摆脱困境   I must do something to keep her get out of the jam.   6. fight the clock争分夺秒,与时间赛跑   If you don’t fight the clock to enrich yourself, you’ll surely be lagged behind soon.如果你不抓紧时间充实自己的话,你会很快被甩在后面的。   Senior three students are fighting the clock preparing for college entrance examination.高三的学生在争分夺秒地准备大学入学考试。   7. fish in trouble water混水摸鱼   Some provincial leaders are trying to fish in trouble waters. They try all means to embezzle money for public welfares.部分省级领导人大肆混水摸鱼。他们想尽一切办法把用于公共事业的资金变为己有。   Don’t tell him that we need that material badly. He is good at fishing in trouble waters and will take advantage of.别告诉他我们急需这种材料。他是趁火打劫的人,会利用这一点。   8. a staggering amount of money一笔巨款   9. to crack down on…严厉打击…镇压…   10. social evils社会弊病   That’s why the central government is trying to reform the management system and cracking down on social evils at the same time. 20006-12-16      1.official corruption官员腐败   2.fit like a glove恰到好处,非常合适   I’m sure you’ll like the color and the design of the shirt. They fit you like a glove.   3.to be cut out for天生适合…   I am not cut out for playing that kind of role.   4.fly into a rage大发雷霆   The accused flew into a rage when the witness gave a false evidence.当证人出示假证据时,被告大怒。   5. to give somebody credit for…体谅某人的…   6. to blow one’s top 发起火来   You could give her credit for the feeling. We all blow our tops at times.   7. to take something to heart是某事往心里去   8.fly off the handle大发雷霆   It’s no use flying off the handle. You can reason with us.大发雷霆是没有用的,你可以跟我们讲道理嘛。   9.foot the bill 付款   与pay the bill 意思大体相似,但foot the bill 有为他人所购商品付款之意,pay the bill 则没有这层意思   My father offered to foot the bill for the tuition, but I insist on my own paying the school fee by working part time.我爸爸主动要为我付学费,可我自己坚持要自己打零工挣钱来交学费。   10. for a song 以极低的价钱,廉价地   The furniture is worth nothing, I won’t accept it if you sell it for a song.这套家具不值钱了,白给我都不要。   I got the rare edition of the book for a song in the flea market.我在跳蚤市场上以极低的价钱买到了这本 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 的孤本。   2006-12-17      1.gain the upper hand占上风   Our team was gaining the upper hand in the second round.我们对在第二场占了上风。   In strength, their team gains the upper hand; but in skill, we can have a chip on our shoulder.论力量,他们对占优势;但论技术,我们能跟他们叫板。   2. to put a bold front to…勇敢面对…   You’ll have to put a bold front to the situation.   3. get a kick out of doing something从…得到很大的乐趣   He gets a kick out of racing.他觉得赛车很刺激。   Lora seems to get a kick out of talking with older boys.看来罗拉特别喜欢和年龄大一点的男孩子聊天。   4. get hot under the collar生气,发怒,怒气冲天   He got hot under the collar when he found his bicycle was missing.当他发现自行车不见时,可把他给气坏了。   You were trembling with anger, what made you hot under the collar?你气得直发抖,什么事让你如此恼火了?   5. to tickle someone pink使某人高兴,开心   6. to give someone a freehand是某人自由地干某事   7. to get someone’s goat惹某人生气   What did you say to get his goat? He seldom takes unreasonable offense.你说了些什么话把他给惹翻了?他很少无缘无故就会生气。   8. get one’s bearings知道自己的方位   When one gets to cross-road, only the learned get their bearings and know where they are going.当一个人走到十字路口时,只有那些学识渊博的人才不会迷失方向,并且他们知道何去何从。   9. get the green light得到批准   If we want to go outing, we must get the green light from the teacher.如果我们想外出旅游,我们必须得到老师的批准。   10. get mind of something   Dick must have got mind of out actions, or he wouldn’t have changed his tone.狄克肯定得到有关我们行动的风声,否则他绝对不会改变他说话的口气。 2006-12-17      1.gain the upper hand占上风   Our team was gaining the upper hand in the second round.我们对在第二场占了上风。   In strength, their team gains the upper hand; but in skill, we can have a chip on our shoulder.论力量,他们对占优势;但论技术,我们能跟他们叫板。   2. to put a bold front to…勇敢面对…   You’ll have to put a bold front to the situation.   3. get a kick out of doing something从…得到很大的乐趣   He gets a kick out of racing.他觉得赛车很刺激。   Lora seems to get a kick out of talking with older boys.看来罗拉特别喜欢和年龄大一点的男孩子聊天。   4. get hot under the collar生气,发怒,怒气冲天   He got hot under the collar when he found his bicycle was missing.当他发现自行车不见时,可把他给气坏了。   You were trembling with anger, what made you hot under the collar?你气得直发抖,什么事让你如此恼火了?   5. to tickle someone pink使某人高兴,开心   6. to give someone a freehand是某人自由地干某事   7. to get someone’s goat惹某人生气   What did you say to get his goat? He seldom takes unreasonable offense.你说了些什么话把他给惹翻了?他很少无缘无故就会生气。   8. get one’s bearings知道自己的方位   When one gets to cross-road, only the learned get their bearings and know where they are going.当一个人走到十字路口时,只有那些学识渊博的人才不会迷失方向,并且他们知道何去何从。   9. get the green light得到批准   If we want to go outing, we must get the green light from the teacher.如果我们想外出旅游,我们必须得到老师的批准。   10. get mind of something   Dick must have got mind of out actions, or he wouldn’t have changed his tone.狄克肯定得到有关我们行动的风声,否则他绝对不会改变他说话的口气。 2006-12-19      1.give somebody the gate让某人滚蛋   Our schoolmaster gave the math teacher the gate for having had a quarrel with our parents.   2.give someone the cold shoulder冷待某人   It’s rude to give any guest the cold shoulder in the house, whatever cases.任何情况下,冷待家里来访的客人都是无礼之举。   3.not somebody the tumble不理睬某人,不搭理某人   4.to blow one’s money on…在…上挥霍钱   5.go easy on…酌情处理…;节约使用…;对…手下留情   I hope the teacher will go easy on me. Otherwise, I’ll have no chance to pass the exam.   6.to make free with..擅自使用…   There must be someone who has been making free with paper.   7.go for a spin出去兜风   We are now through with all the exams. Let’s go for a sp
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