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环球凯达项目集锦 Andy Wen 温 子 先 Aedas 凯 达 环 球 Andy has been working as a Design Ar- chitect for over 20 years with significant experience across sectors. He was in- volved in numerous projects including masterplans, residential towers, apart- ment complexes, villas, 5...

Andy Wen 温 子 先 Aedas 凯 达 环 球 Andy has been working as a Design Ar- chitect for over 20 years with significant experience across sectors. He was in- volved in numerous projects including masterplans, residential towers, apart- ment complexes, villas, 5-star hotels, pla- zas and offices. Working for firms in the United States, Taiwan and China, Andy has developed an extensive client net- work. He has worked with various inter- national clients ranging from real estate investors, hotel chains and international commercial corporations to smaller-scale hotel developers and residential property firms. Apart from architectural projects, Andy was also experienced in perform- ing interior services. He has design and built office interiors and high-end furnish- ings for universities, corporate, private companies, retail stores, restaurants, li- braries, housing and apartments. He has over 16 lines of designer furnitures, light- ing and accessories, with styles ranging from modern to Asian contemporary. The experience he has gained in high-quality custom residential, hotel and office de- sign highlights and supports his role as Director in Aedas. Meanwhile, he is also a part-time Professor at Tsinghua Univer- sity and Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing where he teaches graduate level architectural and design students. Project name 温先生现出任凯达凯达环球建筑设计咨询 (北京)有限公司设计董事一职。 温先生从事建筑设计逾二十年,拥有广博 的项目经验,曾参与不同类型的建设,包 括总体规划、住宅大楼、公寓楼、别墅、 五星级酒店、广场及办公楼等。而且,温 先生曾在美国、台湾和内地工作,至今拥 有庞大的客户网络,客户群中包括地产投 资者、连锁酒店集团、国际商业机构、小 型酒店发展商和住宅物业公司等。 他除了擅长各类型建设项目外,对室内设 计也十分在行,曾为不同建筑设施提供室 内设计和高档陈设,包括大学、私人企 业、零售商铺、餐厅、图书馆、住宅及公 寓等,并利用十六个系列的原创家具、照 明及配件,塑造出形形色色的风格,如摩 登风格、以至富现代感的亚洲风格。 温先生在大学校园规划和教育设施,高档 住宅、酒店和办公室设计,室内设计方面 拥有丰富的经验,为他此后执掌设计董事 职务提供很大助力。他现时亦为北京清华 大学及中央美术学院兼任教授,任教建设 计研究课程。 “建筑学”超越一栋建筑的范畴,暗示出 其与激发感知并与其呼应的能力。她与多 重意义的隐喻相呼应并在方法上与绘画, 雕塑一样超越文化的界限。这些激发了感 知的“多意性”而不是表达的唯一性。这 种倾向性的建筑学内的沟通常以“综合 性”范畴为结果。因此所传达的讯息以拥 有不同文化和知识背景的解读者而暗示不 同深度层面的意义。“再现”种种在自 然,历史,文化,种族,宗教范畴的元素 将激发新的创造力的火花并转化为富有意 义的设计表达。当今“建筑学”的目的, 在一定程度上,考验着“综合再现的不确 定性”的三个维度。 Xi-an Jiao Tong - Liverpool University Ad- ministration and Information Centre -Award Asia Pacific Commercial Property Awards 2009—The Architecture Award China -Project name Sanlitun Redevelopment Award The American Institute of Architects Award 2005 -Project name Qingdao Grand Opera House Award The American Institute of Architects Award 2006 Not as a building, architecture does more in its ability to communicate and provoke the senses. It also communicates with ambiguous metaphors and in methods without cultural barriers as does a paint- ing, a sculpture. That which provokes the senses is typically “ambiguous” rather than direct interpretations. The intent ar- chitecture communicates often results in a “collective” manor. Messages can often have multiplicity depths of meanings as it is interpreted people with different cul- tural and intellectual backgrounds. “Re- presentation” of nature, history, culture, race, religion etc, can often be the spark of a new creation and translated into ar- chitecture. The purpose of “architecture” today in a manner challenges the three basic dimensions of “Ambiguity in Collec- tive Re-presentation”. Design Statement 设计思想 -项目 西交利物浦大学 -奖项 2009年亚太区商业房地产大奖—最佳中国 建筑大奖 -项目 三里屯重建项目 -奖项 美国建筑师学会大奖2005 -项目 中国青岛大剧院 -奖项 美国建筑师学会大奖 2006 Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University Xian Jiaotong-Liverpool University is lo- cated inside Suzhou Industrial Park. Its Administration and Information building has a very complicated program consist- ing administration center, Learning and resources center, training center and stu- dent activities center. All of the programs are connected by the voids inside the building following the concept of Taihu stone. The concept is derived from Taihu stone, the complicated internal voids are ex- posed by cutting the stone. 西交利物浦大学建校于中国-新加坡苏州 工业园区. 其行政综合楼位置显要,功能复 杂,设计上以太湖石内部空间组织形态为 概念.建筑内部各部分功能空间既相互独 立又通过虚的空间将各部分有机的组织在 一起.其内部的错综复杂的孔洞经过切的 手法被暴露出来, 实现了公众趣味并满足 建筑所必需解决的采光、通风、交通问 题,与具体的使用功能也有了更好地衔 接。 西交利物浦大学行政信息楼 Administration Center Learning and Resources Center Tarining Center Student Activies Center Administration Center Vertical Circulation Learning and Re- sources Center Vertical Circulation Training Center Vertical Circulation Student Activities Center Vertical Circulation TAIHU Stone Cut 太湖石 切 Project Info Location: Suzhou, China Type: Insitution GFA: 46,160 M2 项目信息: 项目位址:中国 苏州 项目类型:教育设施 项目面积: 46,160 M2 Project Infomation Location: Xuzhou, China Type: Mixed Use FAR: 4.75 GFA: 347,321 M2 Suning Xuzhou Plaza Concept 概念 Profound history is embedded into the context of Xuzhou, ancient Chi- nese cultural logo “Xiang Yun” (lucky cloud) brings the inspiration into the design which connects the history and present. Located in the city cent- er with most dramatic energy; the project is expected to be a keyhole to the future with the development of the whole city. 古老的城市永远不可也不能抛弃她的 历史,具有代表性的中国文化符号“ 祥云”文化概念赋予建筑承古启今的 寓意,更为”始于地,升至天,无地 共融,和谐兴盛之意。 徐州凭借其深厚的人文,历史积淀, 正朝向现代化特大城市的目标迈进, 本次设计就是推动城市发展进程的能 量中心。古老的历史,现代的脚步以 及对将来的展望,融合于环状上升, 形成大气壮观,刚柔并进的建筑形体 上,是力量与柔和共存的象征。 苏宁徐州广场 项目信息 项目位址:中国 徐州 项目类型:综合体 项目容积率:4.75 项目面积:347,321 M2 Angola Mixed Use Commercial Center West Elevation North Elevation South Elevation East Elevation Hotel Retail Parking Residential Office This project is located in the city of Luanda, the capital of Angola, one of the fastest- growing economies in the world. Largely in- spired by the idea of an African Dance, the proposal intends to carry out the nation’s values towards celebration, unity, tradition and joy. This huge complex will host multiple functions such as a high end shopping mall, a luxury hotel, office towers and residential towers. All the buildings encircle a central podium, design as an African Shield, tran- scending its physical stature and purpose. 本项目位于非洲安哥拉首都卢旺达,世界上 发展速度最快的城市之一。受到非洲舞蹈 的启发,该 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 通过庆典,团结,历史和荣 誉彰显国家的价值观。巨大的综合体将覆盖 综合功能,包括高端商业中心,豪华酒店, 办公塔楼和住宅楼等。超越其物质功能和目 的,所有的建筑被中央的裙房环接起来,象 征着非洲贝壳。强烈的非洲文化表述将引领 并诠释整个城市未来的雄心。 Concept 概念 安哥拉综合商业中心 Model 模型 Project Infomation Location: Angola, Luanda Type: Mixed Use FAR: 4.46 GFA: 426,059 M2 项目信息: 项目地址: 安哥拉,卢旺达 项目类型:综合体 项目容积率:4.46 项目面积:426,059 M2 Nanjing Gulou Science Park Planning Project Info Location: Nanjing, China Type: Urban Planning FAR: 2.6 GFA: 695,150 M2 项目地址: 南京,中国 项目类型: 城市规划 项目容积率:2.6 项目面积:695,150 M2 Concept 概念 Inspired by the totem of phoenix, Chinese ancient symbol for prosperity, the layout of master plan and landscape configuration extends and penetrates to the whole site smoothly with a certain logical approach. Buildings are placed along the curvy lines which are defined by the shape of phoenix wings and combining with the whole build- ing layout. 凤凰图腾中曲线细节的启发,在设计中将 建筑群落及景观体系梳理得延长舒展,并 按照一定的秩序蔓延聚集以及淡化。建筑 边界遵循舒缓的曲线而布,景观以凤凰的 羽翎形成一个个完整的绿化带在建筑群落 中穿插。 南京鼓楼科技园总体规划概念设计 Nanjing Gulou Science Park Planning Project Info Location: Nanjing, China Type: Urban Planning FAR: 2.6 GFA: 695,150 M2 项目地址: 南京,中国 项目类型: 城市规划 项目容积率:2.6 项目面积:695,150 M2 南京鼓楼科技园总体规划概念设计 Nanjing Gulou Science Park Planning Project Info Location: Nanjing, China Type: Urban Planning FAR: 2.6 GFA: 695,150 M2 项目地址: 南京,中国 项目类型: 城市规划 项目容积率:2.6 项目面积:695,150 M2 南京鼓楼科技园总体规划概念设计 Nanjing Hexi Olympic Plaza The most arresting characteristic of the tower, however, is that it is conceptually not one structure, but an intertwining of two. Inspired by the traditional Eastern notion of ‘yin’ and ‘yang’ as well as the famously intimate Rodin sculpture The Kiss, the ar- chitects created a pair of tower forms that both overlap and twist in concert as they rise. They are sensual, complementary and yet distinct, respectively symbolizing ‘feminine’ and ‘masculine’ characteristics. With its sophisticated curves, radii and layers, the building seems to transform itself with every change of perspec- tive. 受东方传统理念“阴”和“阳”的启发,及罗丹著名雕塑“吻” 的影响,设计师创造出双塔形式,随着高度而和谐地交叉重叠, 并相互交融、相互补充。两座塔楼相互对照并保持自身的独立 性,象征“女性”和“男性”特征。整座建筑有着复杂的曲线、 半径和层次,力图通过多角度变化来改变自身形态,建筑表面在 自然环境和人工光线的作用下更突出扭转的效果,在某种程度上 也让人联想起翩翩起舞的姿态。 Concept 概念 Original Building Volume TwistStretch 原始建筑体量 扭转拉伸 南京河西奧体新城广场 Project Info Location: NanJing, China Type: Mixed Use FAR: 8.05 GFA: 385,600 M2 项目信息: 项目地址:南京,中国 项目类型:综合体 项目容积率:8.05 项目面积:385,600 M2 Nanjing Hunan Road Plaza Project Info Location: Nanjing, China Type: Mixed Use; FAR: 9.9 GFA: 635,700 M2 Inspiration for the project came from the traditional “Pan Long” sculpture, a tall pile showing dragons spiraling up into the air to reach new summit. In the same idea, the volutes of the tall tower first embrace one site of the project to then culminate in a spiral motion into the sky on the other side of the road at a peak of 485 meters. Partially covering the street, this elegant and intricate movement merges everything into one big intention. 项目基地由两个单独的地块组 成,以马台街为界。我们在设计 伊始便明确了将两个地块合并为 一个更大的开发空间的想法,以 便使其与城市整体开发规模相 呼应,体现单个项目带动周边环 境的开发气魄和宽阔眼界。设计 从中国传统的盘龙雕塑中汲取灵 感,舒展俊逸的建筑主体盘旋而 上,直冲云霄。建筑平面则呈现 为螺旋状的动态构成,从一侧地 块横越中间街道直至另一地块, 以盘旋凌厉的姿态直上485m的高 空。 Concept 概念 Building Skin Wrap 建筑表皮 包裹 南京湖南路广场 项目信息: 项目地址:南京,中国 项目类型:综合体 项目容积率:9.9 项目面积:635,700 M2 Tanjing Teda City Plot R3 Project 天津泰达城R3地块项目概念规划 Concept 概念 The plan rediscovers Tianjing’s disappearing ur- ban fabric, as a response to the changing build- ing environment. Instead of monolithic building solution, the master plan adapts a more flexible spatial typology, which combines indoor shop- ping mall and outdoor retail streets. The building complex with various programs like hotel, of- fice, retail and apartment is based in a 9-meters grid system, which also generates the pattern of building façade. Through deliberately organ- izing the basic modules and surface materials, the matrix of grids transforms into vibrant urban landscape. 规划方案着重延续城市历史的基因,并积极回应 周边的环境变迁,为海河之滨添加一幅新时代景 观。规划突破以往方案中功能高度集中,空间过 度封闭的开发模式,提出以商业综合体结合城市 街坊的空间组织策略。项目中各主要建筑平面基 于统一的九米见方网格,适当变异容纳多样的使 用功能,同时产生立面构成的规则。通过精心设 计基本单元的功能组成和表面材料,看似枯燥的 规划网格也可以演化成生机昂然的城市景观。 Project Infomation Location: Tianjin, China Type: Urban Planning FAR: 3.75 GFA: 422,401 M2 项目信息 项目位址:中国 天津 项目类型:城市规划 项目容积率:3.75 项目面积:422,401 M2 概念 Concept Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-City Plot 8 & 17 Planning 中新天津生态城开发区地块8,17规划方案 Project Info Location: Tianjing, China Type: Urban Planning; FAR: 1.01 GFA: 326,500 M2 Inspired by the curvy lines in the totem of butterfly, the pattern of buildings and landscape gradu- ally fade out along a certain or- der. The envelop of buildings is defined, and meanwhile extended along the subtle curves, in which, a landscape is embedded with the whole massing, becoming the shape of a butterfly. 蝴蝶图腾中曲线细节的启发,在 设计中将建筑群落及景观体系梳 理得延长舒展,并按照一定的秩 序蔓延聚集以及淡化。建筑边界 遵循舒缓的曲线而布,景观以蝴 蝶的翅膀形成一个个完整的绿化 带在建筑群落中穿插。 项目信息: 项目地址:天津,中国 项目类型:城市规划 项目容积率:1.01 项目面积:326,500 M2 Luoyang West of North Dingding Road Master Planning 洛阳定鼎北路以西项目规划设计 概念 Concept Project Info Location: Luoyang, China Type: Residential Planning FAR: 2.16 GFA: 1,609,150 M2 项目信息: 项目地址:洛阳,中国 项目类型:住宅区规划 项目容积率:2.16 项目面积:1,609,150 M2 City parks play as a key role in the mod- ern urban life. In a modern city, park is not merely a particular place for amusement, but also an “ordinary landscape” serving people’s routine life and a place for them to revive the honor of citizenship. As an organic part of people’s life, the conserva- tive concept of an urban park deriving from early industrial period has been replaced by more opened urban green space. Ur- ban park is not an isolated green skin to cover a certain area, but a green “liquid” penetrates to the entire city and enhances the living environment. 城市公园,是将自然融入城市的核心要 素,在现代城市中,公园不再是市民出门 游玩的特殊场所,而是将日常生活和身心 再生所必须得平常景观。是居民日常生活 环境的有机组成部分,工业化初期的公园 形态将被开放的城市绿地所取代。城市公 园在地块划分时不再是一个孤立的绿色表 皮,而是弥漫于整个城市用地中的绿色液 体影响并改变人们的生活环境。 总平面建筑设计理念 Master PlanConcept of Building Design Project Info Location: Angola, Luanda Type: Mixed Use FAR: 4.89 GFA: 467,560 M2 项目信息: 项目地址:安哥拉,卢旺达 项目类型:综合体 项目容积率:4.89 项目面积:467,560 M2 Concept Model 概念 模型 Angola Mixed Use Commercial Center 安哥拉综合商业中心 West Elevation North Elevation South Elevation East Elevation Hotel Retail Parking Residential Office Inspired by the elegant performance of African Butterfly, the five independent towers are shaped as various sizes of wings attach to the main podium. Each tower houses different function, from luxurious hotel, office, residential and high end commercial center. Sustainable approach is carried through to the whole design process from macro to micro. Not only demonstrate the natural iden- tity of Angola, the whole massing also presents the power, ambition of the one of the most exciting development area of world. 从非洲凤蝶的轻盈舞姿得到灵感,五个 独立的塔楼的造型犹如五只轻盈的翅膀 搭接在裙房部分。每个塔楼分别具有不 同功能,包括高端商业,办公,住宅和 酒店。从宏观到微观角度,绿色设计理 念贯穿整个建筑设计的过程。项目不仅 展现了安哥拉独特的自然特征,同时彰 显了世界上发展速度最快之一的地区的 能量和决心。 Zhenru Sub-City Center Lot A3 A5 Shanghai 上海真如城市副中心启动区A3、A5地块方案设计 Project Infomation Location: Shanghai, China Type: Urban Planning FAR: 4.85 GFA: 492,170 M2 项目信息 项目位址:中国 上海 项目类型:城市规划 项目容积率:4.85 项目面积:492,170 M2 “Water” with its various imageries, becomes the soul of the concept. A Chinese cultural totem, “Dragon” flies through the whole site, which con- nects each district with its perspective themes. The whole perspective is, conceptually united but with varieties. Tied with national and local context, the whole site demonstrates a unique, creative urban complex with “One street, Three plazas, Four thresholds and Five types of build- ings”. 设计总体概念以水为主题,以水不同形态的意境 串联整个项目,又以中国龙贯穿其中,其中每个 区域赋以不同的中国元素。是总体效果统一又意 向丰富。更与国家,地区文化紧紧联系在一起, 形成一个创新,独特的“一街,三广场,四届 面,五类建筑”的城市综合体。 Concept 概念 酒店区 建筑面积 37688 M2 建筑面积 182416 M2 建筑面积 32952 M2 建筑面积 29503 M2 建筑面积 209611 M2 公寓式办公楼区 商业区 酒店区 地标性办公楼去 办公区 图例: 酒店区 商业区 Jian Jiefangge Shunjingjie Mixed Use Project 济南解放阁舜井片区综合发展项目 Project Infomation Location: Jinan, China Type: Mixed Use Development FAR: 2.5 GFA: 319,076 M2 项目信息 项目位址:中国济南 项目类型:城市综合体 项目容积率:2.5 项目面积:319,076 M2 解放阁 (现状 ) Jiefang Ge 齐鲁国际大厦(现状) Qilu International Building 中国工商银行济南分行 (现状 ) Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Jinan Branch 浙闽会馆 (现状 ) Zhemin Club 30 M 39 M 30 M10 M 12 M 60 M54 M24 M51 M42 M60 M35 M Suning Fuzhou CBD Master Planning 苏宁闽福发项目可研方案 Project Infomation Location: Fuzhou, China Type: Urban Planning GFA: 453,849 M2 项目信息 项目位址:中国福州 项目类型:城市规划 项目面积:453,849 M2 Concept 概念 Suning Xiamen Bicycle Factory Plot 苏宁厦门自行车厂地块项目 Project Infomation Location: Xiamen, China Type: Urban Redevelopment FAR: 5 GFA: 346,185 M2 概念:折纸 Ogami Huaian Suning Plaza 淮安苏宁电器广场 Project Infomation Location: Huaian, China Type: Mixed Use Development FAR: 7.43 GFA: 87,329 M2 项目信息 项目位址:中国淮安 项目类型:城市综合体 项目容积率:7.43 项目面积:87,329 M2 层层递进 建筑的意向来自风水中层层递 进的原则,隐喻城市的日益进 步和事业的蓬勃发展。 华丽转身 通过切片的形式将塔楼的正立 面调整到朝向淮海广场路口。 节奏清晰,挺拔优雅的垂直线 条既高贵典雅又清新现代,将 成为淮安市城市建筑发展承前 启后的地标。 金角金边 建筑折线型的边界创造出更充 足的商业临街面,形成更多有 价值的转角空间,并有利于在 多个方向上加强商业标志的可 视性。在建筑北侧,巧妙的转 折可以利用有限的空间创造办 公居住塔楼出入口 Concept 概念 Chengdu Chunxi Rd Suning Plaza 成都春熙路 苏宁电器广场 Project Infomation Location: Chengdu, China Type: Mixed Use Development FAR: 10.0 GFA: 122,230 M2 项目信息 项目位址:中国成都 项目类型:城市综合体 项目容积率:10.0 项目面积:122,230 M2 Concept 概念 Shanghai Changning Huichuan Rd Urban Design 上海长宁区汇川路地块改造用地城市设计 Project Infomation Location: Shanghai, China Type: Urban Design FAR: 5.0 GFA: 187,590 M2 项目信息 项目位址:中国上海 项目类型:城市设计 项目容积率:5.0 项目面积:187,590 M2 Concept 概念 台北流行音乐中心 Indoor Main HallConcept Concept Music Industry Commercial Area Setback Property Line Outdoor Performance Area Indoor Main Hall Music Industry Commercial Area Hall of Fame Zhongxiao E . Rd. Sec 7 Nangan g. Rd. S ec 2 Taipei Pop Music Center Concept Hall of Fame Hefei Plaza 合肥饭店区域综合改造 Concept 概念 Concept 概念 Project Infomation Location: Hefei, China Type: Complex FAR: 8.62 GFA: 251,689 M2 项目信息 项目位址:中国合肥 项目类型:综合体 项目容积率:8.62 项目面积:251,689 M2 TIAN FU NEW CITY SHU DU INTERNATIONAL PTOL D7&D3 DEVELOPMENT 天府新城“蜀都国际”D3&D7 地块规划设计方案 Concept 概念 Project Infomation Location: Chendu, China Type: Complex FAR: D3 7.5 ; D7 8.5 GFA: D3 168,450M2 ; D7 192,290M2 项目信息 项目位址:中国成都 项目类型:综合体 项目容积率:D3 7.5 ; D7 8.5 项目面积: D3 168,450M2 ; D7 192,290M2 Not as a shelter, architecture does more in its ability to communicate and provoke the senses. It also communicates with ambiguous metaphors and in methods with- out cultural barriers as does a painting, a sculpture. That which provokes the senses is typically “ambiguous” rather than direct in- terpretations. The intent architec- ture communicates often results in a “collective” manor. Messages can often have multiplicity depths of meanings as it is interpreted people with different cultural and intellectual backgrounds. “Re- presentation” of nature, history, culture, race, religion, etc can of- ten be the spark of a new creation and translated into architecture. The purpose of “architecture” to- day in a manner challenges the three basic dimensions of “Ambi- guity in Collective Re-presenta- tion”. Design Statement 設計思想 “建築學”超越一棟建築的範 疇,暗示出其與激發感知並與其 呼應的能力。她與多重意義的隱 喻相呼應並在方法上與繪畫,雕 塑一樣超越文化的界限。這些激 發了感知的“多意性”而不是表 達的唯一性。這種傾向性的建築 學內的溝通常以“綜合性”範疇 為結果。因此所傳達的訊息以擁 有不同文化和知識背景的解讀者 而暗示不同深度層面的意義。“ 再現”種種在自然,歷史,文 化,種族,宗教範疇的元素將激 發新的創造力的火花並轉化為富 有意義的設計表達。當今“建築 學”的目的,在一定程度上,考 驗著“綜合再現的不確定性”的 三個維度。 Hefei Plaza 合肥饭店区域综合改造设计 Taipei Pop Music Center 台北流行音乐中心 Dalian Hanglung Plaza 大連恒隆廣場 Angola Mixed Use Commercial Center 安哥拉综合商业中心 Dalian Hanglung Plaza 大連恒隆廣場 Nanjing Guluo Sience Park Planning 鼓樓科技園規劃設計 Angola Mixed Use Commercial Center 安哥拉綜合商業中心 Nanjing Gulou Planning 南京鼓樓規劃 WTC Beijing 北京世界貿易中心 Taikang Changping Sience Park Planning 泰康昌平科技園規劃設計 Shudu International D7&D3 Plot Planning 蜀都國際 D7&D3地塊規劃設計 Luoyang Master Planning 洛陽定鼎 規劃設計 Sino-SingaporeTianjing Eco-City Plot 8 & 17 Planning 天津清坨子規劃設計 Aedas China-Key Designers 凱達中國主要設計師 andy.wen@aedas.com www.aedas.com aedas.com
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