首页 iBT新托福《口语真经》答案



iBT新托福《口语真经》答案我的留学我做主 2010年的中国,互联网高度发达,人与人交流的平台无限延伸,QQ,MSN,论坛,门户网站,SNS。但是当信息越是丰富,人们就在信息的海洋之中显得更加的迷茫。因为在中国的传统教育体制之下培养出来的产品,要么没有思考能力,要么缺乏信息分辨能力,当然这些在SAT考试之中统称为“批判性阅读”。当人们面对信息的海洋的时候,有的随波荡漾,有的抓紧手里仅有的稻草,有的期望有一只诺亚方舟将自己救起,但是期望方舟的往往最为失败,因为这个世界之中承诺给你方舟的,连自己都不相信方舟的存在。 其实现在最好的托福学习资料...

我的留学我做主 2010年的中国,互联网高度发达,人与人交流的平台无限延伸,QQ,MSN,论坛,门户网站,SNS。但是当信息越是丰富,人们就在信息的海洋之中显得更加的迷茫。因为在中国的传统教育体制之下培养出来的产品,要么没有思考能力,要么缺乏信息分辨能力,当然这些在SAT考试之中统称为“批判性阅读”。当人们面对信息的海洋的时候,有的随波荡漾,有的抓紧手里仅有的稻草,有的期望有一只诺亚方舟将自己救起,但是期望方舟的往往最为失败,因为这个世界之中承诺给你方舟的,连自己都不相信方舟的存在。 其实现在最好的托福学习资料,比如说TPO,《口语真经》,《托福作文屠龙分类》,以及《无老师Toefl词汇红宝书》更像是一条路,你要做的是沿着这条路,一路向下奔跑,你自然就能达到100+的终点。这个时候,需要一点“傻”的精神,不要期望有什么捷径,要知道在托福考试之中,所谓的“捷径”其实是帮助你不走弯路,仅此而已。你只要傻傻的把这些资料弄透,自然就好了。 追求简单是每一个人的本能,因此无老师能做的,就是把这些“最好”的资料,直接放在每一位考友的面前,因为托福考试毕竟是一个极为专业化的考试,要求每一个人都精通,实在是过于苛刻了。今天无老师放出的就是《口语真经》的参考 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 。这份 材料 关于××同志的政审材料调查表环保先进个人材料国家普通话测试材料农民专业合作社注销四查四问剖析材料 也不是无老师原创,其实也是无老师搜集起来的,之所以加上“无老师”字样是为了便于寻找。无老师希望发布的每一份资料都不令你失望,那么无老师的目的就达到了。 第一 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 分类题解要点及参考答案 I. 人物题:(家人、朋友、老师、领导、名人等等) 2006年10月21日 你认为领袖必需的素质是什么  (1)信任下级:鼓励讲真话/show confidence in team-members (2)赏罚分明:制度面前人人平等/be equal to everyone without showing favor to any particular one (3)努力学习、勤奋工作:给大家做榜样/work hard to inspire people (4)鼓励下级:encouraging to team-members Etc Sample answer: (为了方便阅读,将每个小点分别列出) Well, first of all, I think, a good leader should be encouraging enough. For example, I had a boss, Jason, who used to say,”You are a capable young man, I know you can do it well” whenever I was not confident enough with my job. With his encouragement I was so successful in my job and became a team leader in 6 months. Also, I believe a good leader should set good examples for all team-members. I remember my boss Jason used to work harder than any of us who were working with him in a team, even though he was the boss. We were so moved by what he did, and everybody followed his suit. So we were the most efficient team. That’s why I still remember Jason as my best boss till today. 2006年10月22日 你最敬重的一个人是谁? 思路:老师、父亲、母亲、领导、消防员、科学家、运动员、志愿者等等 eg. 父亲 (1)生活俭朴:live a simple life (2)敬业精神:work hard and diligent (3)乐于助人:be helpful to others Please refer to the sample answer in your lecture handout (请参考讲义中的范例) 2007年01月26日 描叙你的好朋友要有什么样的characteristics? (1)热心:always help me when needed (2)有趣:在一起不觉得闷 tell jokes (3)知识丰富:tell things that I don’t know Sample answer: In my point of view, I like to stay with an honest friend. I see honesty as the most important part of a friend because no one likes to hang around with a liar. Also, I like my friends to be helpful just like my friend Tony. You know, I am bit weak with my math. Tony often spends his spare time explaining to me those difficult math problems. As a result I am doing pretty well in my math exams. What’s more, I like to stay with interesting friends. Tony is a lot of fun. He knows so many jokes that you can laugh your head off when you crack jokes with him. 2007年03月15日 In your opinion, what is the most important quality of a good team member? (1) 团结: COLLABORATIVE --- Working together precedes winning together (2) 适应性:ADAPTABLE --- If you won't change for the team, the team may change you (3) 有热情:ENTHUSIASTIC --- Your heart is the source of energy Etc sample answer: In my point of view, one of the important qualities a team-player should have is to be co-operative. You see, working in a team means we cannot be an ego-maniac who does not care about others and do whatever he likes to do. Instead, we should work side by side helping each other to finish the job well. Also, another point I value is enthusiasm. You see nothing great can be achieved without enthusiasm. I have a colleague, Mike, who not only works hard but also inspires other team-members whenever we feel low. So it is always a nice experience working with him. And whole team sees him as our treasure. 2007年03月24日 Describe the famous person you admire most. 可以借鉴06.10.22 2007年9月21日 Describe the person who have had positive impact on you 思路:重考题,参考06.10.22 2007年9月29日 你遇到困难时找谁求建议 思路:重考题, 参考06.10.21/06.10.22/07.01.26 2007年10月20日 when choosing a friend which of the following qualities you value most: honesty, loyalty, or sense of humor? 思路:朋友的品质 参考07.01.26 2007年11月3日 What do you think is ONE of the most important characteristics that a teacher should have? 思路:老师的品质, 参考朋友的品质07.01.26 II. 地点题:(国家、城市、名胜古迹、公共场所等等) 2006年11月17日 描述你最喜欢的公园或公共场所  参考讲义中的范例 2007年01月13日 Favorite room介绍你最喜欢的房间,可以是你自己的卧室或是其他的。 (1)空间大:a lot of space (2)干净:spotless (3)看得见风景:a room with a view Sample answer: My favorite room at my place is my bedroom. You see, I have a big shelf in my bedroom full of comic books, CDs, DVDs, and many more. I like reading comic books very much esp. the ones about Batman and Robin. Also I enjoy watching films. You know what, I have a huge collection of films, more than 200 of them. I love the film of Harry Potter so much that I watched in my bedroom for more than 10 times. Now I can remember so clearly every detail of it. Besides, my bedroom is large spacious but very cozy as well. All my friends like to come and play with me in my bedroom. 2007年01月19日 描述一个你没去过却很想去的地方? 思路:草原、大海、西藏、有名的城市等等 (1)漂亮、景色好:beautiful (2)干净:fresh air (3)便宜、花钱少:not expensive Sample answer: If I had the money and time, I’d like to go Tibet very much. First of all, ever since I was a kid, I have longed to go there. I have heard so much about the place but haven’t a chance to go yet. I have been told that Tibet is very beautiful. The lakes there are so big and clean that you can see very clearly the fish swimming happily in them. Also the air in Tibet is so fresh that you do not even want to leave the place. What’s more, I once read about Tibet and know that the atmosphere is very serene that you can have a peace of mind without feeling bothered by our day-to-day details. And the people there are so friendly that they can remind you the story of Shangri-La. 2007年01月14日 当你去restaurant或cafe得时候最care about的features有那些? (1)环境:干净、有香味 nice and clean, smell good (2)能上网:方便读书学习 can go online (3)方便约会:由浪漫的感觉 romantic feeling Sample answer: Well, I think, it should be very clean in a restaurant because no one feels very happy to see flies or other little insects in their dishes. Rather, a good restaurant not only should be clean but also should have some background music on. After all, people like eat in a good atmosphere. It will be a wonderful experience eating good food whiling enjoying lovely music. I know such a restaurant by the name of “Turf” which I go often. If we can go net-surfing in a restaurant, it will be even better. As you know, maybe we want to check out mails after our meals. So if we can have access to the internet in a restaurant, it is such a convenient thing to have. 2007年02月24日 如果国外朋友来你国家旅游,你会介绍他去哪儿? 思路:自己最熟悉的城市或名胜 (1)名胜古迹:天安门、长城、故宫等 Tian-an-men, the Great Wall, Forbidden city (2)小吃:烤鸭、涮羊肉等 Peking roast duck, hot-pot, etc (3)文化:京剧、杂技等 Peking Opera, Acrobatics, etc Sample answer: If I had the chance, I’d like to take the foreign visitors to the Forbidden City. You see, the Forbidden City has a history of more than 600 years and is the place where the royal family used to live during the Qing and Ming dynasty. Thousands of visitor from different parts of the world come to see it very day. They all say it look much grander than it looks in the film of the “Last Emperor of China”. What’s more, the Forbidden City is so large that it has more than 900 rooms, which will take a person a whole day to visit most of the rooms. We know that the emperors had so many wives and they all lived in the Forbidden City. It must have been difficult to remember all the names of so many wives. Hard job for the emperor! 2007年04月21日 Where would you like to live, Mountain, forest, beach, or desert? 思路:无论是高山、森林、海滩还是沙漠要有具体的细节 (1)景色好:nice view (2)空气好:air clean and fresh (3)心情舒畅:feel relaxed can like to stay forever Sample answer: The place I’d like to go much is the forest. I prefer it for the following reasons. First of all, the air in the forest is much fresher than that in the city. And I know doctors will suggest people to go there to breathe in more oxygen. I have a cousin, Jimmy, who used to have problems with his lungs and his doctor told him to go to the forest as much as he could. Now he is well again. Also, we can hike or even have picnics in the forest as long as we do not get lost. It must be such a nice experience to feel the breeze and watch the green trees sitting on the grass with your friends while you can enjoy your delicious food. Anyway I’d like to go the forest if I can. 2007年08月11日 describe a place you would like to visit 思路:想去的地方,参考06.11.17/07.2.24/07.4.21 2007年8月17日 当天气好的时候,你愿意去什么地方? 参考06.11.17/07.2.24/07.4.21 2007年9月12日 最喜欢房子的特点 重考题,参考07.01.13 III. 物品题(衣食住行包括:诗书戏剧、发明礼物、交通工具等等) 2006年10月08日 你远在他乡时最想念的是什么?  思路:自己最熟悉或常用的物品:电脑、汽车、家电等等 E.g. computer (1)玩游戏:play computer games (2)看电影:watch films (3)查资料:do research Please refer to the sample answer in your lecture handout (请参考讲义中的范例) 2006年10月28日 小说、杂志、诗歌你喜欢哪种?  思路:要说出具体的一本小说、杂志、诗歌 E.g. (1)主人公漂亮:hero or heroine in the book is handsome (2)很有趣:so interesting that it makes me laugh (3)丰富知识:it tells me about history Sample answer: I like reading novels better than magazine, poetry or anything else for the following reasons. First of all, novels are much longer and are so full of stories than magazines and poetry. For example, I like the novel of Harry Potter very much. Although it is such a thick book and cost me more than $100, I have been fascinated by this book and spend a whole week reading it. The book is so interesting that I read it again and again and now I can tell you almost anything about the book whether it is about the characters or the stories or anything related to it. Also I believe novels have opened a new world to me. The writer of Harry Potter Joanne Rowling is such a good writer that her imagination has broadened my horizon. Previously I knew very little about the world of wizards but now I have joined a group of Harry Potter fans with whom I can have lots of discussions about Harry Potter from time to time. 2006年11月03日 喜欢戏剧、舞台剧的还是其他的?  思路:同上,要说出具体的一出戏剧、舞台剧的还是其他的 e.g. Antigony is my favorite drama sample answer: I think I prefer drama than anything else. Well it all begins with a drama, Antigony, that I saw when I was 12 years old. It was an old mythological story about the Greek Princess, Antigony. Though I couldn’t understand much at that time, I knew roughly what the story was about and was deeply attracted by the beautiful princess. She was so beautiful and elegant but unfortunately she died at last. What a pity. Later I became interested in Greek mythology and watch a lot of dramas. Now I am a literature student majoring in Greek mythology and have joined the drama society in my university. 2006年12月08日 描述你认为最有趣的一本书  E.g. Harry Potter is the book I find most interesting (1)剧情丰富:full of stories (2)非常有趣:difficult to put down until I finish (3)有连贯性:comes in series Sample answer: (with reference to 2006年10月28日) Harry Potter is the most interesting book that I have ever read. First of all, it is so full of interesting stories. Although it is such a thick book and cost me more than $100, I have been fascinated by this book and spend a whole week reading it. The book is so interesting that I read it again and again and now I can tell you almost anything about the book whether it is about the characters or the stories or anything related to it. Also I believe this novel has opened a new world to me. The writer of Harry Potter Joanne Rowling is such a good writer that her imagination has broadened my horizon. Previously I knew very little about the world of wizards but now I have joined a group of Harry Potter fans with whom I can lots of discussions about Harry Potter from time to time. 2006年12月15日 描述你们国家最有效的交通工具是什么?  思路:无论是自行车、公共汽车、还是地铁要说出具体的好处(答案不在于具体哪一种而在于细节和/或例子) E.g. Bike (1)环保:environmentally-friendly (2)健身:help keep fit (3)方便:can be carried around Etc. I believe in my country a bicycle is the best tool of traveling if you are not in a hurry. First of all, it is environmentally-friendly. Cars, buses and other vehicles let out lots exhausts that will pollute the air that we breathe in everyday. Nowadays the skies are so grey that it is very difficult for us to see a really blue one. But riding a bicycle will not make any pollution at all. What’s more, if you ride a bicycle, you do not have to worry about traffic jams and be late for important things. Last time I got stuck in a traffic jam during rush hours on my way to a new job and had to wait for 4 hours until I was finally out of the jam. Because I was so late, I got fired. Besides, a bicycle is a lot cheaper than a car. That’s why it is so popular in my country. 2007年03月04日 Describe the most important gift. 思路:手机、笔记本电脑、数码相机、运动鞋等 E.g. cell phone (1)方便联络:电话、短信 (2)娱乐:玩游戏 (3)下载信息:读小说等 Please refer to the sample answer in your lecture handout (请参考讲义中的范例) 2007年03月10日 在这一百年之内有很多发明,说一个你觉得对你生活改变最大的. 思路:可以是手机、电脑、无线电、传真机、录像机、空调、微波炉、易拉罐、雷达、火箭、信用卡等等 参考 07.03.04/06.10.08/06.12.15 2007年03月23日 Describe something you write that is very important to you. It could be a letter, a poem, an essay. Explain why you think it is important to you. 思路:要说出具体的 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 ,也就是写了什么 E.g. A Letter to my parents about my first day at university (1)同学:a class made of 20 (2)宿舍:a small room of 5 boy from different provinces (3)老师:famous professors Sample answer: I remember clearly that it was the letter written to my parents by my teacher when I first arrived at my university. 3 years ago, I traveled alone to my university which is 800 miles away from my home. When I finally arrived at my university, I was so tired, all alone and did not know anyone at all. To my surprise my teacher, Susan, was waiting to receive me and got me a nice warm cup of tea which made me so warm inside. Later that day, Susan wrote to my parents a short letter, telling them that I arrived safely and was doing all right. When I went back home for vocation, my parents showed me the letter, which remindwed me how kind a person Susan was. 2007年05月18日 Describe the transportation you like the most. It could be bicycle, automobile, train. Explain why you think this transportation is important to you. Include details and examples to support your response. 参考06.12.15 2007年10月27日 外国人到你家,用什么招待他 思路:说自己最熟悉的食品,eg dumpling 然后说一下饺子的好处 (1)历史悠久的春节食品:having had it for a thousand years (2)有皮有馅:with skin and stuffing, and the stuffing varies (3)热闹:lively occasion on which lots of people make dumpling together Sample answer: If a foreign friend comes to my place, I will treat him with my favorite food, dumpling. You see, dumpling is the traditional food that has a history of more than 1000 years. Every family will have it during the lunar New Year. Actually it has become the best food in most of the Chinese families. What’s more, in order to make dumplings, one has to make the skin and the stuffing all by oneself during course of which everybody in the family will chip in to help make dumplings. It is always so fun for us to talk about our lives, crack jokes and exchange our plans for the future to come. So in a way of speaking the best part lies in making the dumpling rather than eating them.. IV. 事件/活动题 (个人难忘的经历、国家纪念日、庆典活动) 2006年12月01日 描述你童年时最难以忘怀的一件开心事。  思路:过节、旅游、看演出、比赛、参加婚礼等等 E.g. Spring Festival (1)看到的人:许多亲戚、朋友 friends, relatives (2)吃喝:dumpling, steam-bread (3)活动:放鞭炮 fire-crackers Sample answers: The most memorable event I ever have is the trip to Mount Ermei that I made when I was 12 years ago. I remember clearly that the mountain is so high that we almost climbed a whole day before we could reach the top. But the mountain was so beautiful as it was full green trees, flowers, and many birds that I couldn’t tell their names. The best part of the trip was to feed the little squirrels. Previously I thought they must be scared of me. But they were not. When I fed nuts to them, one of them even jumped on my arm and I could touch its fur which was so nice and soft. 2007年12月03日 描述一个纪念活动或社会活动  思路:抗战胜利、北京建都800年、国庆日、校庆、文化节等等 E.g. Beijing 2007 Cultural Parade (1)各国的游行队伍:different countries (2)歌舞表演:singing, dancing and acrobatics (3)许多观众:old and young all very happy Sample answer: The activity that I remember clearly is the 2008 Beijing Culture Parade. It was a sunny day. Performers and dancers from various countries all arrived and marched in order. When they marched, they were singing, dancing. There were African dances, Latin dances, Hawaiian dances, and many more which was so exciting to see. Also the costumes they were in were very fascinating. For example, I knew on the day that the traditional color for Irish people is green and Mexican people wear big hats during festivals. Anyway it was so fun watching so many people, hearing so different songs, knowing various cultures all in one day. 2006年12月16日 问你一年中最开心的时刻是什么时候?  参考06.12.1 2007年03月03日 A challenging experience and how to overcome it 思路:要写出具体的事件例如:登山、打工挣钱、背单词、长途步行等等 E.g. traveling (1)山很高:as high as 3000 meters (2)中途觉得疲劳、饥渴:legs are killing me (3)鼓励自己坚持:think about the “Long March” Sample answer: The most challenging experience in my life was to prepare for the entrance examination to university. Thousands of competitors sat in the same exam with me so it was a highly tough one. I remember clearly during that period I work so hard to prepare for it. I got up as early as 5:00 o’clock in the morning and read late into midnight. Sometimes when I felt tired I would go out to take a long walk or do some jogging after which I could feel refreshed and energetic. On some occasions, my dad would help me message in order to relax a bit and my mum will cook my favorite food, Peking Roast Duck, for me. Finally when I got the news that I was admitted by my favorite university, I felt so happy and exited that I ran home as fast as a racing horse to break the news to my parents. Later that day we had a feast to celebrate. 2007年04月29日 Describe a situation in which you ask someone else for help, and explain how he or she helped you. 思路:要有具体的时间、地点和方式,例如生病时请同学补课ask fellow students for tutoring when fallen sick (1)有一次生病:fall sick before an important exam (2)请同学帮助抄笔记并录音:ask classmate to take notes and make recording (3) 请同学到家里来补课:arrange tutoring at my place Sample answer: I remember 2 years ago I got my ankle swollen in a football game, but it was only 2 months before a big physics exam. It was my classmate Tony who helped me out. As it was so difficult for me to walk around, Tony came to my place and drove me to school every morning. When I went to the student centre to have meals, it was Tony who helped bring over my food and drink. What’s more, Tony helped take notes for me. Sometimes I needed to go to the hospital and was unable to sit in some of my classes. Tony would take notes, make a copy for me and later explain the difficult parts to me in a very patient way. I really didn’t know what to do without him 2007年06月30日 介绍你们国家一种popular or important sport or group activity 思路:活动题, 参考06.12. 3 2007年8月4日 描述你最enjoy的一天,AND WHY 思路:最开心的一天,参考06.12.01 2007年8月25日 描述一个你的国家的一个social or political event 思路:活动题,参考06.12. 3/06.12.01 2007年9月8日 有意义难忘的一件事 happened in your school. 思路:学校里发生的一件事,eg. 学校运动会 (1)许多人:lots of people including teachers, students, parents, etc (2)许多竞赛项目:running, high jump, long jump, etc (3)比赛中的意外: a dog came onto the running track Sample answer: The most memorable event that I still remember is the matriculation ceremony (入学典礼)in the Einstein Hall at my university. 2 years ago, I was admitted by my favorite university and with more than 400 other students I went the Einstein Hall to attend the ceremony. First thing in the morning, we all dressed up in our best clothes and walked in groups to the Hall. Our President first extended his warm welcome to all new students and announced that from that time on we were formal students of this renowned university. We felt so proud and excited at his words that we all gave him a big hand at the end of his speech. After the ceremony we started to know each other and were really surprised to know that we have come from so many different parts of the country. 2007年9月14日 Describe
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