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英语国际音标练习题初中英语音标练习 英语国际音标练习题 ★清华大学★英语系测试:为中小学生英语量身定做. 官方网站:http://qinghua.yeryy.com/ 清华大学英语教授研究组提供 英语共有48个音标,其中辅音音标28个,元音音标20个。记得我们小学认字的时候就是从拼音开始,英语中的音标就充当了汉字中的拼音角色,辅音相当于声母,元音相当于韵母。 先来看元音音标,里面包括12个单元音和8个双元音。 单元音: [i:] [i] [e] [ae] [a:] [۸] [ə:] [ə] [u:] [u] [כ] [:כ] 双元音...

初中英语音标练习 英语国际音标练习 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 ★清华大学★英语系测试:为中小学生英语量身定做. 官方网站:http://qinghua.yeryy.com/ 清华大学英语教授研究组提供 英语共有48个音标,其中辅音音标28个,元音音标20个。记得我们小学认字的时候就是从拼音开始,英语中的音标就充当了汉字中的拼音角色,辅音相当于声母,元音相当于韵母。 先来看元音音标,里面包括12个单元音和8个双元音。 单元音: [i:] [i] [e] [ae] [a:] [۸] [ə:] [ə] [u:] [u] [כ] [:כ] 双元音:[ai] [ei] [iə] [əu] [uə] [au] [eə] [כi] 辅音音标:分为清辅音和浊辅音,清辅音发音时声带不振动,浊辅音发音时声带振动。 清辅音:[p][t][k][f][s][θ][∫][ts] [t∫][tr][h][l] 浊辅音:[b][d][g][v][z][δ][з] [dz] [dз] [dr][r][m][n][ŋ][w][j] 英语国际 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 音标练习 元音 (20个) 单元音12个 前 元 音(4个) [i:] [i] [e] [æ]               后 元 音(5个) [ɑ:] [ɔ:] [ɔ] [u:] [u]             中 元 音(3个) [ʌ] [ə:] [ə]                 双元音8个 合口双元音(5个) [ei] [əu] [ai] [au] [ɔi]             集中双元音(3个) [iə] [uə] [ɛə]                 辅音 (28个) 清 辅 音(11个) [p] [t] [k] [f] [s] [θ] [ʃ] [tʃ] [tr] [ts] [h] 浊 辅 音(17个) [b] [d] [g] [v] [z] [ð] [ʒ] [dʒ] [dr] [dz] [l] [m] [n] [ŋ] [j] [w] [r]           /i:/ bee/bi:/ feet/fi:t/ keep/ki:p/ key/ki:/ team/ti:m/ meet/mi:t/ /i/ it /it/ big/big/ city/siti/ give/giv/ sick/sik/ /e/ get/get/ best/best/ text/tekst/ help/help/ /æ/ fat/fæt/ have/hæv/ cat/kæt/ back/bæk/ hat/hæt/ /a:/ laugh/la:f/ glass/gla:s/ half/ha:f/ farm/fa:m/ park/pa:k/ / ɔ:/ horse/hɔ: s/ saw/sɔ:/ corn/kɔ:n/ course/kɔ:s/ salt/sɔ:t/ / ɔ / dog/dɔg/ pot/pɔt/ cost/kɔst/ what/wɔt/ honest/′ɔnist/ /u:/ food/fu:d/ moon/mu:n/ rule/ru:l/ loose/lu:s/ noon/nu:n/ /u/ book/buk/ put/put/ good/gud/ would/wud/ could/kud/ / ʌ / must/mʌst/ does/dʌz/ money/′mʌni/ ugly/′ʌgli/ come/kʌm/ /ə:/ nurse/nə:s/ bird/bə:d/ burn/bə:n/ turn/tə:n/ girl/gə:l/ /ə / better/betə/ never/nevə/ worker/wə:kə/ welcome/welkəm/ /ei/ may/mei/ name/neim/ game/geim/ eight/eit/ age/eidʒ/ /əu/ no/nəu/ home/həum/ hope/həup/ wrote/rəut/ note/nəut/ pose/pəuz/ /ai/ eye/ai/ time/taim/ buy/bai/ right/rait/ bike/baik/ kite/kait/ /au/ now/nau/ out/aut/ how/hau/ about/ ə′baut/ south/sauθ/ house/haus/ /ɔi/ boy/bɔi/ toy/tɔi/ noise/nɔiz/ voice/vɔis/ point/pɔint/ coin/kɔin/ /iə/ ear/iə/ near/niə/ idea/ai′diə/ hear/hiə/ mere/miə/ spear/spiə/ /εə/ air/εə/ tear/tεə/ care/kεə/ dare/dεə/ fair/fεə/ there/ðεə/ /uə/ tour/tuə/ poor/puə/ sure/ʃuə/ moor/muə/(停泊) your/juə/ /p/ pea/pi:/ pie/pai/ top/tɔp/ cap/kæp/ people/pi:pl/ pride/praid/ /b/ bee/bi:/ by/bai/ buy/bai/ black/blæk/ bear/bεə/ /t/ let/let/ sat/sæt/ feet/fi:t/ team/ti:m/ tide/taid/ /d/ led/led/ sad/sæd/ feed/fi:d/ do/du:/ dear/diə/ /k/ lack/læk/ take/teik/ clock/klɔk/ class/kla:s/ weekend/′wi:kend/ /g/ big/big/ lag/læg/ glass/gla:s/ gum/gʌm/ good/gud/ guest/gest/ /f/ face/feis/ fast/fa:st/ leaf/li:f/ surf/sə:f/ favorite/′feivərit/ /v/ very/′veri/ five/faiv/ fever/′fi:və/ serve/sə:v/ never/′nevə/ /θ/ bath/ba:θ/(v洗澡) thick/θik/ mouth/mauθ/ breath/breθ/(n呼吸) thought/θɔ:t/ author/´ɔθə/ truth/tru:θ/ /ð/ the/ ðə/ they/ðei/ that/ðæt/ mother/′mʌðə/ thus/ ðʌs/ then/ðen/ /s/ face/feis/ mouse/maus/ cakes/keiks/ caps/kæps/ likes/laiks/ stops/stɔps/ /z/ close/kləuz/ keys/ki:z/ boys/bɔiz/ pens/penz/ halves/ha:vz/ /tʃ/ catch/kætʃ/ cheep/tʃi:p/ rich/ritʃ/ watch/wtʃ/ child/tʃaild/ question/kwestʃən/ teach/ti:tʃ/ challenge/tʃlindʒ/ /dʒ/ orange/′ɔridʒ/ large/la:dʒ/ juice/dʒu:s/ job/dʒɔb/ /tr/ tree/tri:/ try/trai/ true/tru:/ trouble/traubl/ track/træk/ /dr/ dry/drai/ dream/dri:m/ dress/dres/ drink/driŋk/ hundred/′hʌndrid/ /ʃ/ she/ʃi:/ sharp/ʃa:p/ fish/fiʃ/ shock/ʃɔk/ shoe/ʃu:/ /ʒ/ pleasure/′pleʒə/ measure/′meʒə/ television/′teliviʒən/ /ts/ let′s/lets/ sports/spɔ:ts/ puts/puts/ writes/raits/ seats/si:ts/ /dz/ hands/hændz/ birds/bə:dz/ friends/freindz/ beds/bedz/ stands/stændz/ /h/ he/ hi:/ hard/ha:d/ him/him/ heard/hə:d/ half/ha:f/ /l/ like/laik/ late/leit/ learn/lə:n/ lead/li:d/ light/lait/ /m/ my/mai/ more/mɔ:/ seem/si:m/ meat/mi:t/ mind/maind/ men/men/ /n/ nice/nais/ wind/waind/ mind/maind/ rain/rein/ fine/fain/ /ŋ/ sing/siŋ/ wing/wiŋ/ ring/riŋ/ long/lɔŋ/ beautiful/bju:təfl/ /j/ you/ju:/ few/fju:/ yard/ja:d/ music/′mju:zik/ student/′stju:dnt/ excuse/ik′skju:z/ /w/ work/wə:k/ way/wei/ well/wel/ what/wɔt/ twelve/twelv/ twin/twin/ /r/ red/red/ road/rəud/ write/rait/ wrong/rɔŋ/ problem/′prɔbləm/ 音标综合练习 1./i:/ /i/ /e/ /æ/ /bit/ /wi:k/ /di:l/ /riəl/ /kid/ /dig/ /kwik/ /tip/ /zip/ /rid/ /wil/ /fil/ bit week deal real kid dig quick tip zip rid will fill /pet/ /pæk/ /gæp/ /kæg/ /næg/ /ræm/ /bætl/ /sed/ /′hæpi/ /ten/ /red/ pet pack gap cap nag ram battle said happy ten red /′setl/ /træʃ/ /di′pend/ settle trash depend 2./a:/ / ɔ:/ / ɔ / /u:/ /u/ /a:sk/ /ma:sk/ /pa:st/ /fra:ns/ /ɔd/ /lɔ:n/ /nɔ:t/ /pɔ:z/ /fɔks/ /sɔk/ ask mask past France odd lawn naught pause fox sock /fa:/ /la:dʒ / /ma:k/ /lɔ:d/ /tɔ:/ /stɔ:m/ /pɔt/ /krɔp/ /θɔt/ /prɔmis/ far large mark Lord torch storm pot crop thought promise /huk/ /lu:s/ /sut/ /tuk/ /mud/ /θru:/ /pul/ /wud/ hook loose soot took mood through pull wood 3./ʌ/ /ə/ /ə/ /bʌz/ /dʌl/ /′hʌri/ /gʌlf/ /′trʌbl/ /ə:n/ /sə:f/ /′tə:nə/ /′begə/ /tʌk/ buss dull hurry gulf trouble earn surf turner begger tuck /kə:b/ /ə:k/ /ə′merik / /′sɔkə/ /′kæmpə/ /sə′vei/ /pə′veid/ /pə′hæps/ curb irk America soccer camper survey pervade perhaps /bə:′lesk/ /′mə:də/ burlesque murder 3./ei/ /əu/ /ai/ /au/ /ɔi/ /keip/ /greit/ /mein/ /prəpəuz/ /′məuʃən/ /stəun/ /′əuvə/ /sait/ kape great main propose motion stone over sight /raim/ /daut/ /′taipist/ /aust/ /mɔist/ /′ɔistə/ rhyme doubt typist oust moist oyster 4./iə/ /ɛə/ /uə/ /viə/ /ə′fɛə/ /dɛə/ /skɛə/ /buən/ /guəd/ /′ruərəl/ /ə′piə/ /kəlʌmbiə/ veer affair dare scare bourn gourd rural appear Colombia /mətiəriəl/ /mistiəriəs/ material mysterious 5./θ/ /ð/ /mʌnθ/ /θi:f/ /ðæt/ /ðæn/ /feiθ/ /tə′geðə/ /θæŋk/ /ðəm′selvz/ month thief that than faith together thank themselves 一. 找出画线部分读音不同的单词(每题2分,共20分) (  ) 1. A. tea B. meat C. weather D. beach (  ) 2. A. back B. fast C. have D. map (  ) 3. A. warm B. garden C. market D. party (  ) 4. A. school B. tooth C. choose D. good (  ) 5. A. book B. moody C. look D. cook (  ) 6. A. June B. ruler C. put D. menu (  ) 7. A. push B. fun C. sun D. ugly (  ) 8. A. tiger B. her C. officer D. over (  ) 9. A. go B. no C. cold D. hot (  ) 10.A. like B. lion C. pizza D. Friday (  )11.A.too B.classroom C.broom D.afternoon (  )12.A.houses B.spell C.student D.sister (  )13.A.colour B.American C.doctor D.licence (  )14.A.teacher B.seat C.sweater D.please (  )15.A.which B.who C.what D.where (  )16.A.little B.thing C.white D.with (  )17.A.yellow B.brown C.window D.know (  )18.A.worry B.sky C.only D.many (  )19.A.school B.chair C.China D.much (  )20.A.these B.they C.brother D.three ( )21. A. brother B. come C. police D .mothers ( )22. A .cinema B. climb C. sister D. film ( )23. A. these B. bath C. think D .health ( )24 . A. morning B. color C. work D. doctor ( )25. A. basement B. favorite C. basket D. table ( )26. A. island B. small C. ask D. helps ( )27. A. mouth B. dangerous C. thousand D. about ( )28. A. beach B. meal C. theatre D. leave ( )29. A. how B. snow C. tomorrow D. own ( )30. A. large B. language C. giraffe D. great 二.根据音标写单词: [blu:] [da:ns] [mu:n] [fa:] [laik] [geit] [tju:b] [flai] [lend] [priti] [lesn ] [hæpi ] [fæmili] [plei] [fɔks] [tə′geðə] [meni] taigə 三.在单词音标的下面写出单词:    2、双元音:    3、清、浊辅音: 时态练习 用所给动词的适当形式填空 1.Tom and Mary ___________ (come) to China last month. 2.Mike _________________(not go) to bed until 12 o’clock last night. So I _______ (get ) up late. 3.Mary __________ (read) English yesterday morning. 4.There _________ (be) no one here a moment ago. 5.I ___________ (call) Mike this morning. 6.I listened but ___________ (hear) nothing. 7.Tom ___________ (begin) to learn Chinese last year. 8.Last week we _________ (pick) many apples on the farm. 9.My mother ________________ (not do) housework yesterday. 10.She watches TV every evening. But she _______________ (not watch) TV last night. 11.________ your father ________ ( go ) to work every day last year? 12. —What time _______ you _______ (get) to Beijing yesterday? —We __________ (get) to Beijing at 9:00 in the evening. 13.What __________ (make) him cry (哭) just now? 14.Last year the teacher ___________ (tell) us that the earth moves around the sun. 15.There ____________ a telephone call for you just now. (be) 16.There __________ not enough people to pick apples that day. ( be) 17.There _____________ any hospitals (医院) in my hometown (家乡) in 1940.  ( be not) 18.There ____________ enough milk at home last week, wasn’t there? 19.Eli ____________ to Japan last week.  ( move) 20. –When _______ you _________ (come) to China? - Last year. 21.Did she ________ (have) supper at home? 22.Jack ____________ (not clean) the room just now. 23._________ (be) it cold in your city yesterday? 24.How many people ________ (be) there in your class last term? 25.It ________ (be) hot yesterday and most children _______ (be) outside 26. There ________ (be) a football match on TV yesterday evening, but I _________ (have) no time to watch it.                                             27. He ate some bread and _________ (drink) some milk. 28. ________ he __________ (finish) his homework last night? 29. I__________(be) tired yesterday. 30. I ___________(gain ) Arts degree last year. 31. What _________ you ___________ (do) last night? 32. My grandfather _________ (leave) Hong Kong for New York in 1998. 33. What _______ he ________ (do) yesterday? 34. Last week I _______ (buy) a new bike. 35. He ________ (be) here just now. 36. He __________ (not find ) his key last night. 37. My father __________ (drink) a lot of wine yesterday. 38. ________ you ________ (finish) your homework yesterday? 39. I ________ (eat) some eggs and bread this morning. 40. Her mother __________ (not give) the girl any present. 1.came  2. didn’t go got   3. read  4. was  5. called  6.heard 7.began  8.picked  9.didn’t do  10.didn’t watch 11. Did go 12.did get  got 13. made 14. told  15.was 16. were 17.weren’t  18.was 19.moved 20.did come21.have  22.didn’t clean  23.Was 24.were  25.was were 26.was had  27.drank  28.Did finish 29.was 30.gained 31.did do 32.left  33.did do 34.bought  35.was 36.didn’t find  37.drank  38.Did finish 39.ate 40.didn’t give 一般现在时态练习 一、 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空; 1.The buses ______ (use) a lot of oil. 2.My daughter _________ (watch) TV every day. Sometimes she _______ (see) a film on Sunday. 3.Li Wei ________ (have) a daughter. 4.Her mother ___________ (teach) English at a middle school. 5.Jack often ___________ (listen) to the radio. 6.He ________ (say) that Li Lei is tired. 二、将下列句子变成否定式和疑问式: 1.We go to evening school at night. 2.My brother works in a radio factory. 3.Her name is Mei Ling. 4.You have a red pencil. 5.She has lunch at home. 三、单向选择 1. The Browns ________ a nice car and Brown's brother ________ a nice jeep. A. have / have B. has / has C. have / has D. has / have 2. The little child ________ not even know that the moon ________ around the earth. A. do / move B. do / moves C. does / moves D. did / moved 专项练习 用所给动词的适当形式填空 1.Tom and Mary ___________ (come) to China last month. 2.Mike _________________(not go) to bed until 12 o’clock last night. So I _______ (get ) up late. 3.Mary __________ (read) English yesterday morning. 4.There _________ (be) no one here a moment ago. 5.I ___________ (call) Mike this morning. 6.I listened but ___________ (hear) nothing. 7.Tom ___________ (begin) to learn Chinese last year. 8.Last week we _________ (pick) many apples on the farm. 9.My mother ________________ (not do) housework yesterday. 10.She watches TV every evening. But she _______________ (not watch) TV last night. 11.________ your father ________ ( go ) to work every day last year? 12. —What time _______ you _______ (get) to Beijing yesterday? —We __________ (get) to Beijing at 9:00 in the evening. 13.What __________ (make) him cry (哭) just now? 14.Last year the teacher ___________ (tell) us that the earth moves around the sun. 15.There ____________ a telephone call for you just now. (be) 16.There __________ not enough people to pick apples that day. ( be) 17.There _____________ any hospitals (医院) in my hometown (家乡) in 1940.  ( be not) 18.There ____________ enough milk at home last week, wasn’t there? 19.Eli ____________ to Japan last week.  ( move) 20. –When _______ you _________ (come) to China? - Last year. 21.Did she ________ (have) supper at home? 22.Jack ____________ (not clean) the room just now. 23._________ (be) it cold in your city yesterday? 24.How many people ________ (be) there in your class last term? 25.It ________ (be) hot yesterday and most children _______ (be) outside 26. There ________ (be) a football match on TV yesterday evening, but I _________ (have) no time to watch it.                                             27. He ate some bread and _________ (drink) some milk. 28. ________ he __________ (finish) his homework last night? 29. I__________(be) tired yesterday. 30. I ___________(gain ) Arts degree last year. 31. What _________ you ___________ (do) last night? 32. My grandfather _________ (leave) Hong Kong for New York in 1998. 33. What _______ he ________ (do) yesterday? 34. Last week I _______ (buy) a new bike. 35. He ________ (be) here just now. 36. He __________ (not find ) his key last night. 37. My father __________ (drink) a lot of wine yesterday. 38. ________ you ________ (finish) your homework yesterday? 39. I ________ (eat) some eggs and bread this morning. 40. Her mother __________ (not give) the girl any present. 1.came  2. didn’t go got   3. read  4. was  5. called  6.heard 7.began  8.picked  9.didn’t do  10.didn’t watch 11. Did go 12.did get  got 13. made 14. told  15.was 16. were 17.weren’t  18.was 19.moved 20.did come21.have  22.didn’t clean  23.Was 24.were  25.was were 26.was had  27.drank  28.Did finish 29.was 30.gained 31.did do 32.left  33.did do 34.bought  35.was 36.didn’t find  37.drank  38.Did finish 39.ate 40.didn’t give 一般现在时态练习 一、 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空; 1.The buses ______ (use) a lot of oil. 2.My daughter _________ (watch) TV every day. Sometimes she _______ (see) a film on Sunday. 3.Li Wei ________ (have) a daughter. 4.Her mother ___________ (teach) English at a middle school. 5.Jack often ___________ (listen) to the radio. 6.He ________ (say) that Li Lei is tired. 二、将下列句子变成否定式和疑问式: 1.We go to evening school at night. 2.My brother works in a radio factory. 3.Her name is Mei Ling. 4.You have a red pencil. 5.She has lunch at home. 三、单向选择 1. The Browns ________ a nice car and Brown's brother ________ a nice jeep. A. have / have B. has / has C. have / has D. has / have 2. The little child ________ not even know that the moon ________ around the earth. A. do / move B. do / moves C. does / moves D. did / moved 单词上有女儿上课写的数字,没办法改了。这些个也可以裁减下来的。也可以自己打印单词。 新目标英语七年级 下册 数学七年级下册拔高题下载二年级下册除法运算下载七年级下册数学试卷免费下载二年级下册语文生字表部编三年级下册语文教材分析 Units 7-8单元检测卷 一、听力部分 (20分) A)听下面10段短对话,根据对话内容回答问题,每段对话读两遍。(每小题1分) ( ) 1. What does Mr. Brown’s son look like? A. He’s thin. B. He is very heavy. C. He is very tall. ( ) 2. What does Jeff look like? A. He is very tall. B. He has a medium build and blonde curly hair. C. He is very thin. ( ) 3. What does Sonia do? A. She is a student. B. She is beautiful. C. She is a Chinese teacher. ( ) 4. Who is Bill’s favorite actor? A. Bill. B. Johnson. C. Jim. ( ) 5. What does Qin Hao look like? A. He is short and has brown hair. B. He’s a little heavy. C. He’s tall. ( ) 6. What does the man want to do? A. Yes, he does. B. He wants to have lunch. C. He wants to eat noodles. ( ) 7. Does the boy do housework at home? A. Sorry, I don’t know. B. Yes, he does. C. No, he doesn’t. ( ) 8. Does Tom want a cup of tea? A. Tom wants a cup of tea. B. Tom wants a glass of milk. C. No, he doesn’t. ( ) 9. How much are the apples? A. They are nine yuan. B. They are nineteen yuan. C. They are mine. ( ) 10. What’s John’s favorite subject? A. English. B. Math. C. Chinese. B) 听一段长对话,根据对话内容回答问题,对话读两遍。(每小题1分) ( ) 11. Where is this conversation taking place? A. In a police station. B. In the woman’s house. C. In the post office. ( ) 12. Who is Sandy? A. Mrs. Read’s son. B. Mrs. Read cousin. C. She’s Mrs. Read’s daughter. ( ) 13. Why is Mrs. Read so worried? A. Her watch is lost. B. Her daughter hasn’t come back till now. C. Her son isn’t at home. ( ) 14. What does Sandy look like? A. She has blue eyes and long hair. B. She is wearing a red coat, brown pangs and black shoes. C. She’s of medium height and has long hair. ( ) 15. What’s Mrs. Read’s address? A. Go straight to the police station. B. 75 Zhongshan Road. C. 57 Zhongshan Road. C) 听短文,根据所听内容选择正确 答案 八年级地理上册填图题岩土工程勘察试题省略号的作用及举例应急救援安全知识车间5s试题及答案 ,短文读两遍。(每小题1分) ( ) 16. Now, the _________house is popular. A. dumpling B. noodle C. porridge ( ) 17. There are _______of porridge in a porridge house. A. lonely one kind B. many kinds C. three kinds ( ) 18. Many people like _________porridge. A. fish B. chicken C. vegetable ( ) 19. Porridge is ________and delicious. A. healthy B. expensive C. not cheap ( ) 20. We can also eat _______in a porridge house. A. desserts B. noodles C. ice cream 二、单项填空(20分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。(每小题1分) ( ) 21. His father _____of medium height. He ______a beard. A. is; is B. has; has C. has; is D. is; has ( ) 22. Tom is not thin and he is not heavy. He is _________. A. medium height B. medium build C. of medium height D. of medium build ( ) 23. --__________? –He is heavy with short hair. A. What does your father like? B. What does your father do? C. What does your father look like? D. How is your father? ( ) 24. –What does your uncle look like? --_____________. A. He likes playing basketball. B. He likes vegetable. C. He is very tall with glasses. D. He is a bank clerk. ( ) 25. The little girl is _____shy. A. kinds of B. little C. a bit of D. a little bit ( ) 26. Mary has _____hair. A. short curly blonde B. curly short blonde C. blonde short curly D. short blonde curly ( ) 27. –Mom, I’m hungry. –OK. I’ll cook _________for you. A. something delicious B. delicious something C. nothing delicious D. anything delicious ( ) 28. I _______think my sister _______play the piano. She never learns to play it. A. don’t; can’t B. /; can’t C. don’t; can D. do; can ( ) 29. It’s time for class. Stop _______, please. A. talk B. to talk C. talking D. talks ( ) 30. We are all tired. Let’s stop ________a rest. A. having B. has C. have D. to have ( ) 31. Remember ______the door when you leave the room. A. close B. to close C. closing D. closes ( ) 32. The singer doesn’t have long hair _____. She has short hair now. A. no more B. any more C. some more D. not any more ( ) 33. –Would you like _______noodles? –Yes, I’m hungry. A. a B. an C. some D. any ( ) 34. –Would you like ____us with the housework? –Yes, I’d love to. A. helping B. to help C. help D. helped ( ) 35. --______________for your breakfast? –I’d like some noodles and an egg. A. What would you like B. What do you often have C. Where do you have D. When do you have ( ) 36. –Would you like _____with us? –Sure. I like ______very much. A. swimming; swim B. to swim; swim C. swimming; swimming D. to swim; swimming ( ) 37. ______of noodles would you like? –I’d like cabbage and mutton noodles. A. What size B. How kind C. What kind D. What color ( ) 38. I’d like some __________noodles. A. egg, tomato and mutton B. eggs, tomatoes and mutton C. egg, tomatoes, mutton D. egg, tomato and muttons ( ) 39. The man had ________for breakfast. A. two bowl of porridge B. two bowls of porridge C. two bowls of porridges D. two bowl of porridges ( ) 40. --_______bowl of noodles would you like? –A large one. A. What size B. What kind C. What color D. What time 三、完形填空 (10分) Julia is my classmate, but she is different from other 41 . She is 42 Australian girl. She is much taller than other girls. The color of her skin is very fair (白皙的). She has long hair, but 43 hair is not 44 or straight like most Chinese 45 . It is blonde and curly. It is very beautiful. The eyes in her 46 are shining and big. They are blue, like the sea water. Her clothes are also different 47____ ours. She likes wearing boyish clothes. 48 she often wears big and loose clothes. And the colors 49 her clothes are often black, brown and dark blue. But for (要不是) her long hair, you will think she is a 50 . ( ) 41. A. classmates B. girl C. boy D. classmate ( ) 42. A. a B. an C. the D. / ( ) 43. A. she’s B. her C. hers D. his ( ) 44. A. blue B. green C. bl
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