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口译入门学习法补充材料3 口译入门学习法补充内容(3) 材料使用说明: 本内容的主要用途是口译练习指导以及笔译研究,绝大部分材料可用于口译练习。 具体步骤如下: 方法1: 1. 将全文的中文或英文大致看一遍; 2. 只看全文的中文或英文,每看完一个意群,记录笔记,保证看懂意思后记录; 3. 保持你的笔记简单,能看得懂; 4. 记录完毕后将原文内容复述一次; 5. 复述时,将自己记不清楚或者没有把握的地方标识出来,对...

口译入门学习法补充 内容 财务内部控制制度的内容财务内部控制制度的内容人员招聘与配置的内容项目成本控制的内容消防安全演练内容 (3) 材料使用说明: 本内容的主要用途是口译练习指导以及笔译研究,绝大部分材料可用于口译练习。 具体步骤如下: 方法1: 1. 将全文的中文或英文大致看一遍; 2. 只看全文的中文或英文,每看完一个意群,记录笔记,保证看懂意思后记录; 3. 保持你的笔记简单,能看得懂; 4. 记录完毕后将原文内容复述一次; 5. 复述时,将自己记不清楚或者没有把握的地方标识出来,对比原文,研究原因; 6. 按照同样的过程处理英文原文; 方法2: 1. 请另外一人朗诵中文或英文原文,你做笔记; 2. 你复述中文或英文原文,或者交传; 3. 相互讨论问题所在; 方法3: 1. 看着中文或英文,尽量用更加简单的语言复述原文内容,同时录音; 2. 听自己的录音,同时记笔记; 3. 和原文对比,并研究问题所在。 2010.07.01-2010.07.08·政治条目 【缅甸VI】【R+Q】部分 Language 语言 Burmese, the mother tongue of the Bamar and official language of Burma, is related to Tibetan and to the Chinese languages.[161] It is written in a script consisting of circular and semi-circular letters, which were adapted from the Mon script, which in turn was developed from a southern Indian script in the 700s. 缅甸语是巴玛(Bamar)人的母语,也是缅甸的官方语言。缅甸语同藏语和汉语都有一定 关联。缅甸语的 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 写形式由圆形和半圆形的字母组成,是由墨语(Mon)书写方式改变而 来, 而墨语(Mon)又是源自8 世纪印度南部的书写方式。 The earliest known inscriptions in the Burmese script date from the 1000s. It is also used to write Pali, the sacred language of Theravada Buddhism, as well as several ethnic minority languages, including Shan, several Karen dialects, and Kayah (Karenni), with the addition of specialised characters and diacritics for each language. 目前已知最早的缅甸语书写记录可以追溯到11世纪。这种书写形式也曾经用来记录巴利语 (Pali)(一种小乘佛教的宗教语言)。加进了一些特有的单字和读音符号后,它也被用来记录少数民族语言,包括掸方言(Shan)、数种凯伦方言(Karen)以及凯亚语(Kayah, Karenni), The Burmese language incorporates widespread usage of honorifics and is age-oriented. Burmese society has traditionally stressed the importance of education. In villages, secular schooling often takes place in monasteries. Secondary and tertiary education take place at government schools. 缅甸语吸纳了广泛运用的尊敬用语,并以年纪长幼为导向。重视教育是缅甸社会历来的传统。 在农村,世俗教育一般在修道院进行,中等教育和高等教育一般在政府学校进行。 Religion 宗教 Many religions are practised in Burma. Religious edifices and orders have been in existence for many years. Festivals can be held on a grand scale. The Christian and Muslim populations do, however, face religious persecution and it is hard, if not impossible, for non-Buddhists to join the army or get government jobs, the main route to success in the country. 缅甸有多种宗教相互并存。许多宗教建筑和神职已经存在了好些年。盛大节日得以大规模举 行。基督教徒和穆斯林教徒确实受到一定宗教迫害。而如果是非佛教人士,几乎很难加入军 队或得到政府聘用,这是这个国家两种最主要的成功途径。 Such persecution and targeting of civilians is particularly notable in Eastern Burma, where over 3000 villages have been destroyed in the past ten years. More than 200,000 Rohingya Muslims have settled in Bangladesh, to escape persecution, over the past 20 years. 89%of the population embraces Buddhism (mostly Theravada). 这种宗教迫害和针对平民的攻击在缅甸东部尤为明显,在过去10 年里,就超过3000 个村 庄被摧毁。过去的20年里,有超过20万罗兴亚(Rohingya)穆斯林群众为了躲避迫害, 前往孟加拉过定居,他们中的89%信仰佛教,其中绝大多数为小乘佛教。 Other religions are practiced largely without obstruction, with the notable exception of some ethnic minorities such as the Muslim Rohingya people, who have continued to have their citizenship status denied and therefore do not have access to education, and Christians in Chin State. Four percent of the population practices Christianity; 4 percent, Islam; 1 percent, traditional animistic beliefs; and 2 percent follow other religions, including Mahayana Buddhism, Hinduism, Chinese religions and the Baha'i religion. 除了一些少数民族以外,如罗兴亚穆斯林,其他宗教的信仰活动基本没有遭到什么阻碍。罗 兴亚穆斯林人至今仍未得到身份认可,于是无法接受教育,清州(Chin State)地区的基 督徒也是如此。基督徒约占总人口的4%,另有4%人信仰伊斯兰教,1%的人信仰自然神 灵;另有大乘佛教、印度教、中国宗教和巴哈伊教,总计信众占总人口的2%。 However, according to a U.S. State Department’s 2006 international religious freedom report, official statistics underestimate the non-Buddhist population which could be as high as 30%. Muslim leaders estimated that approximately 20 percent of the population was Muslim. A tiny Jewish community in Rangoon had a synagogue but no resident rabbi to conduct services. 然而,据美国过国务院2006 年国际宗教自由报告的官方数据估计,非佛教徒比例大约高达 总人口的30%,穆斯林领袖估计约有20%的人口为穆斯林教徒。在首都仰光有一个小型 犹太教社区,它们有一座犹太教堂,却没有常驻牧师来主持礼拜。 Education 教育 Yangon University of Medicine 1 仰光医药大学1 The educational system of Burma is operated by the government Ministry of Education. Universities and professional institutes from upper Burma and lower Burma are run by two separate entities, the Department of Higher Education of Upper Burma and the Department of Higher Education of Lower Burma. 缅甸的教育体系由政府教育部主持负责。上缅甸和下缅甸的大学和专业研究机构分别由两个 不同的机构负责,即上缅甸高等教育部和______________下缅甸高等教育部。 Headquarters are based in Yangon and Mandalay respectively. The education system is based on the United Kingdom's system, due to nearly a century of British and Christian presences in Burma. Nearly all schools are government-operated, but there has been a recent increase in privately funded English language schools. 总部分别位于仰光和曼德勒。由于近一个世纪以来英国的占领和基督教在缅甸的传播,缅甸 教育系统的成形基于英式体系。绝大部分学校都是由政府进行管理、运营。但近年来,私人 资助的英语学校的数目有上升的趋势。 Schooling is compulsory until the end of elementary school, probably about 9 years old, while the compulsory schooling age is 15 or 16 at international level. 义务教育阶段持续到小学毕业,学童的平均年龄大约在9 岁,相比之下,国际上义务教育 一般持续到15 至16 岁。 There are 101 universities, 12 institutes, 9 degree colleges and 24 colleges in Burma, a total of 146 higher education institutions. 缅甸共有146 所高等教育机构,分别是101 所大学,12 所研究院,9 所高等文凭学院和 24 所社区学院。 There are 10 Technical Training Schools, 23 nursing training schools, 1 sport academy and 20 midwifery schools. There are 2047 Basic Education High Schools, 2605 Basic Education Middle Schools, 29944 Basic Education Primary Schools and 5952 Post Primary Schools. 1692 multimedia classrooms exist within this system. There are three international schools which are acknowledged by WASC and College Board – The International School Yangon (ISY), Yangon International School (YIS) and Yangon International Educare Center (YIEC) in Yangon. 缅甸另有10 所技工学校、23 所护士培训学校、一家体育学院和20 所助产学校。 目前教育体系下共计有2047 所基础教育高中、2605 所基础教育初中、29944 所基础教 育小学和5952 所有 3 所国际学校得到西部学校及学院联合会(Western Association of Schools andColleges)和美国学院名录(CollegeBoard)的认可,它们分别是国际学校仰光部(ISY)、仰光国际学校(YIS)和仰光国际教育看护中心(YIEC) Media 媒体 Due to Burma's political climate, there are not many media companies in relation to the country's population, although a certain number exists. Some are privately owned, but all programming must meet with the approval of the censorship board 尽管缅甸有数家媒体传播公司,但受国内政治氛围影响,其数量与总人口相比还是很少。一 部分传媒公司为私人所有,但播出的所有节目都必须经审查委员会的许可方能播出。 Depiction in popular media 大众媒体下的缅甸 The situation in Burma has figured in several motion pictures, such as Beyond Rangoon, starring Patricia Arquette and Rambo IV, starring Sylvester Stallone. Burma is also featured in the hit show Seinfeld. In 2009, a documentary about Burmese videojournalists called Burma VJ was released.[188] This film has been nominated for a 2010 Academy Award for Best Documentary Feature. 有不少电影取材于缅甸现状,如帕特里夏•阿奎特(Patricia Arquette)主演的《仰光之外》 (Beyong Rangoon)和西尔维斯特•史泰龙(Sylvester Stallone)主演的《热血回归》 (又称《兰博4》)(Rambo IV)。缅甸还在热播电视剧《辛_______________菲尔德》(Seinfield)里出现过。2009年,一部名为《缅甸VJ》(Burma VJ)讲述摄影记者生活的记录片上映了。这部影片得到2010 年奥斯卡最佳纪录片奖的提名。 2010.07.08-2010.07.15·经济条目 【经济危机专题6】【A】【译文】 Panic of 1873 1873年恐慌 Run on the Fourth National Bank, No. 20 Nassau Street, New York City, 1873. From Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, October 4, 1873. The Panic of 1873 or Depression of 1873marked a severe international economic depression in Europe and United States that lasted until 1879, and even longer in some countries. It began with financial failures in Vienna (capital of Austria–Hungary then) that spread to most of Europe and overextended American banking in late 1873. It was one of a series of economic crises in the 19th and early 20th centuries. In Britain, the result was two decades of stagnation known as the "Long Depression," during which Britain lost its world economic leadership. In U.S. literature this global event is usually known as "Panic of 1873", while in Europe it is known as Long Depression or Great Depression. 1873年纽约Nassau大街20号,第四国家银行的管理运行。摘自1873年10月4日Frank Leslie 的报纸画报。1873 年恐慌或者称为1873 年大萧条[1]标志着一次极为严重的国际 性经济衰退的开始,此次危机席卷了欧洲和美国,并一直持续至1879 年,某些国家的经济 衰退甚至持续了更长时间。此次危机始于维也纳(当时奥匈帝国的首都),随后扩散至欧洲 大部分国家,并于1873 年末影响到美国银行业,是19 世纪至20 世纪初发生的一系列经 济危机之一。在英国经济危机造成的结果是长达二十年的经济停滞,即众所周知的“长期萧 条”,英国失去其世界经济领导地位即在这一时期。[2]在美国文学作品中这一全球性事件多 被描述为“1873 年恐慌”,而在欧洲多称为“长期萧条”或“大萧条时期”。 Factors in the U.S. 美国内部因素 The American Civil War was followed by a boom in railroad construction. Fifty-six thousand miles (90,123 km) of new track were laid across the country between 1866 and 1873. Much of the craze in railroad investment was driven by government land grants and subsidies to the railroads. At that time, the railroad industry was the nation's largest employer outside of agriculture, and it involved large amounts of money and risk. A large infusion of cash from speculators caused abnormal growth in the industry as well as overbuilding of docks, factories and ancillary facilities. At the same time, too much capital was involved in projects offering no immediate or early returns. 美国南北战争之后兴起了一股铁路建设热潮。1866 至1873 年之间全国各处新建铁轨共 56,000 英里(90,123km)。政府针对铁路的土地奖金和津贴促成了绝大多数铁路投资。 当时,铁路行业是除农业外全国最大的雇主,而且具备了大量的财富和极大的风险。与_______________港口、工厂及一些附属设施的过度修建相同,大量投机者注入的资金导致了这一行业的畸形发展。与此同时,过量的资金投入了没有即刻或早期回报的项目中。 Coinage Act of 1873 1873年铸币法案 The Coinage Act of 1873 changed the United States policy with respect to silver. Before the Act, the United States had backed its currency with both gold and silver, and it minted both types of coins. The Act moved the United States to a 'de facto' gold standard, which meant it would no longer buy silver at a statutory price or convert silver from the public into silver coins (though it would still mint silver dollars in the form of Trade Dollars) 1873 年铸币法案在重视金属银的前提下改变了美国政策。在法案确立之前,美国同时使用 金和银作为通用货币,并且铸造两种货币。铸币法案则使美国变成了一个“彻头彻尾的”金本 位制,这意味着政府将不再以法定价格购买银矿,也不会再将银矿作为银币公开发行(虽然 仍会以贸易美元的形式铸造银质货币)。 The Act had the immediate effect of depressing silver prices. This hurt Western mining interests, who labeled the Act "The Crime of '73." Its effect was offset somewhat by the introduction of a silver trade dollar for use in the Orient, and by the discovery of new silver deposits at Virginia City, Nevada, resulting in new investment in mining activity. But the coinage law also reduced the domestic money supply, which raised interest rates, thereby hurting farmers and anyone else who normally carried heavy debt loads. The resulting outcry raised serious questions about how long the new policy would last. This perception of instability in United States monetary policy caused investors to shy away from long-term obligations, particularly long-term bonds. The problem was compounded by the railroad boom, which was in its later stages at the time. 铸币法令的出台立刻使银价一落千丈。这损害了西方矿业者的利益,他们将这一法案称之为 “‘73 年’罪行”。由于引入用于东方国家的银制贸易美元,以及内华达的弗吉尼亚市新银矿储备的发现使采矿业获得了新的投资,铸币法令的作用某种程度上得以抵消。但由于铸币法降低了国内货币供应,从而导致利息升高,结果损害了农民以及平时承担沉重债务的负债人的利益。由此出现的强烈抗议引发了人们对于新法令能维持多久的强烈质疑。对美国货币政策不稳定性的恐惧促使投资者们尽量避免长期的债务关系,尤其是长期契约债券。此时已处于末期的铁路热潮使得这一问题更加恶化。 In September 1873, the American economy entered a crisis. This followed a period of post-Civil War economic overexpansion that arose from the Northern railroad boom. It came at the end of a series of economic setbacks: the Black Friday panic of 1869, the Chicago fire of 1871, the outbreak of equine influenza in 1872, and demonetization of silver in 1873. 1873 年9月,美国经济出现了危机的征兆。这次危机紧随由于北方铁路热潮引发的战后经 济过热时期,发生于1869 年黑色星期五事件,1871 年芝加哥大火,1972 年马流感的爆发以及1873 年银的通货禁止等一系列经济顿挫的末尾。 Jay Cooke Company fails 杰依库克公司倒闭 In September 1873, Jay Cooke Company, a major component of the United States banking establishment, found itself unable to market several million dollars in Northern Pacific Railway bonds. Cooke's firm, like many others, was invested heavily in the railroads. At a time when investment banks were anxious for more capital for their enterprises, President Ulysses S. Grant's monetary policy of contracting the money supply (again, also thereby raising interest rates) made matters worse for those in debt. While businesses were expanding, the money they needed to finance that growth was becoming more scarce. 1873 年9月,作为美国银行业重要组成部分的杰依库克公司发现难以销售北太平洋铁路公 司的债券。与其他很多公司一样,Cooke 的公司向铁路行业了投入很多资金。当投资银行 为自身的更多资金担忧时,Ulysses S. Grant总统出台缩紧货币供应的货币政策(再一次, 同样导致了利率的升高)使负债人陷入了更大的困境。扩大生意的同时,资金的短缺情况却 愈发严重。 Cooke and other entrepreneurs had planned to build the nation's second transcontinental railroad, called the Northern Pacific Railway. Cooke's firm provided the financing, and ground was broken near Duluth, Minnesota, for the line on February 15, 1870. But just as Cooke was about to swing a $300 million government loan in September 1873, reports circulated that his firm's credit had become nearly worthless. On September 18, the firm declared bankruptcy. Cooke和其他企业家曾计划建立第二条横贯全国的铁路线,称为北太平洋铁路。Cooke的 公司提供经济支持,且于1873 年2月15 日在明尼苏达州的德卢斯为该条铁路线开辟了土 地。但1873 年9月正当Cooke准备投入3亿美元的政府贷款时,即有消息称其公司的信 用已经一文不值。9月18 日,杰依库克公司宣布破产。 2010.07.08-2010.07.15·文化条目 The upshot is that scholars cannot assert with any confidence how much material Shakespeare took from the Ur-Hamlet (if it even existed), how much from Belleforest or Saxo, and how much from other contemporary sources (such as Kyd's The Spanish Tragedy). No clear evidence exists that Shakespeare made any direct references to Saxo's version. However, elements of Belleforest's version which are not in Saxo's story do appear in Shakespeare's play. Whether Shakespeare took these from Belleforest directly or through the Ur-Hamlet remains unclear. 结果是,学者毫无信心确定莎士比亚到底有多少材料取自原哈姆雷特(Ur-Hamlet)(如果 它甚至存在),有多少取自贝尔福雷(Belleforest)或萨克索(Saxo),也不能确定有多少其 他当代来源(如基德的西班牙悲剧)。没有明确的证据表明,莎士比(Shakespeare)对萨克索(Saxo)的版本有任何直接引用。然而,没有在萨克索(Saxo)版本中出现的一些贝勒福雷版本中情节出现在了莎士比亚(Shakespeare)版戏剧当中。是否莎士比亚(Shakespeare)直接从贝勒福雷(Belleforest)获得或是通过原哈姆雷特(Ur-Hamlet)获得仍不清楚。 Most scholars reject the idea that Hamlet is in any way connected with Shakespeare's only son, Hamnet Shakespeare, who died in 1596 at age eleven. Conventional wisdom holds that Hamlet is too obviously connected to legend, and the name Hamnet was quite popular at the time. However, Stephen Greenblatt has argued that the coincidence of the names and Shakespeare's grief for the loss of his son may lie at the heart of the tragedy. He notes that the name of Hamnet Sadler, the Stratford neighbor after whom Hamnet was named,was often written as Hamlet Sadler and that, in the loose orthography of thetime, the names were virtually interchangeable. Sadler's first name is spelled"Hamlett" in Shakespeare's will. 多数学者反对哈姆雷特(Hamlet)与莎士比亚(Shakespeare)唯一的儿子哈姆尼特莎士比亚(Hamnet Shakespeare)(死于1596年,享年11 岁)有关联的观点。传统观点认为,哈姆雷特(Hamlet)太明显与传说有关,并且哈姆雷特(Hamlet)这个名字在当时也是非常有名。[27]然而,斯蒂芬格林布拉特(Stephen Greenblatt)认为,该名字与莎士比亚丧子的悲伤的巧合,成为了悲剧的核心。他注意到,哈姆尼特萨德勒(Hamnet Sadler)-其斯特拉特福(Stratford)的邻居(自他之后就有了哈姆尼特〈Hamnet〉这 个名字)-他的名字通常被人写成哈姆雷特萨德勒(Hamlet Sadler),而且当时的那个松 散正字的年代,名字几乎可以互换。按在莎士比亚(Shakespeare)的意愿,萨德勒(Sadler) 的第一个名字拼写“哈姆雷特(Hamlet)“。 Scholars have often speculated that Hamlet's Polonius might have been inspired by William Cecil (Lord Burghley)—Lord High Treasurer and chief counsellor to Queen Elizabeth I. E. K. Chambers suggested Polonius's advice to Laertes may have echoed Burghley's to his son Robert Cecil. John Dover Wilson thought it almost certain that the figure of Polonius caricatured Burleigh, while A. L. Rowse speculated that Polonius's tedious verbosity might have resembled Burghley's . Lilian Winstanley thought the name Corambis (in the Ist Quarto) did suggest Cecil and Burghley. Harold Jenkins criticised the idea of any direct personal satire as "unlikely" and "uncharacteristic of Shakespeare", while G.R.Hibbard hypothesized that differences in names (Corambis/Polonius:Montano/Raynoldo) between the First Quarto and other editions might reflect a desire not to offend scholars at Oxford University. 学者们经常猜测,《哈姆雷特》中的波洛尼厄斯(Polonius)可能是受启发于威廉塞西尔 (WilliamCecil)(伯利男爵〈Lord Burghley〉)-女王伊丽莎白I.E.K(Queen Elizabeth I. E. K.)主司库和首席顾问. 钱伯斯(Chambers)认为剧中波洛尼厄斯(Polonius)对雷欧 堤斯(Laertes)的忠告是现实中伯利(Burghley)给他儿子忠告的反照.约翰多佛威尔逊 (John Dover Wilson)认为几乎可以肯定,波洛尼厄斯(Polonius)是伯利(Burleigh)的 写照,然而A.L.卢维思(Burleigh)推测,波洛尼厄斯(Polonius)的繁琐冗长的唠叨类 似伯利(Burghley)。莉莲温斯坦_______________利(Lilian Winstanley)认为克兰比斯(Corambis)这个名字(出现在第一个四开本)确实能让人想起塞西尔和伯利(Cecil and Burghley)。 哈罗德詹金斯(Harold Jenkins)批判任何直接个人讽刺观点,如莎士比亚 (Shakespeare )“不可能”或“非典型”。而G.R. 希巴德(G.R.Hibbard)推测,克兰比斯 /波洛尼厄斯: 蒙塔诺/雷诺多(Corambis/Polonius:Montano/Raynoldo) 这些名字在哈 姆雷特第一个四开本与其它版本之间的差别反映了不希望罪在牛津大学的学者的想法。 2010.07.16-2010.07.22·环保条目 High-level radioactive waste management and High-level waste 参见高放废物管理与高放废物 After about 5 percent of a nuclear fuel rod has reacted inside a nuclear reactor that rod is no longer able to be used as fuel (due to the build-up of fission products). Today, scientists are experimenting on how to recycle these rods so as to reduce waste and use the remaining actinides as fuel (large-scale reprocessing is being used in a number of countries). 核反应堆中5%的核燃料棒参与反应后,由于形成的裂变产物,燃料棒将不能继续作为燃料 使用。目前,科学家们正在试验如何循坏使用这些燃料棒以减少废物产生以及如果使用残余 锕化物作为燃料。(很多国家目前正在使用大型再处理技术。) A typical 1000-MWe nuclear reactor produces approximately 20 cubic meters (about 27 tonnes) of spent nuclear fuel each year (but only 3 cubic meters of vitrified volume if reprocessed). All the spent fuel produced to date by all commercial nuclear power plants in the US would cover a football field to the depth of about one meter. 典型的1000MWe 级核反应堆每年可产生大约20 立方米(约27 吨)的乏燃料(又称辐照 核燃料),如果经过再处理,则会形成仅3立方米的釉化物。全美商业核电厂产生的全部乏 燃料如果以一个立方为单位,需要一个足球场才装得下。 Spent nuclear fuel is initially very highly radioactive and so must be handled with great care and forethought. However, it becomes significantly less radioactive over the course of thousands of years of time. After 40 years, the radiation flux is 99.9% lower than it was the moment the spent fuel was removed from operation, although the spent fuel is still dangerously radioactive at that time. After 10,000 years of radioactive decay, according to United States Environmental Protection Agency standards the spent nuclear fuel will no longer pose a threat to public health and safety.[citation needed] 乏核燃料形成之初具有极高的放射性,必须极其小心周密地进行处理。数千年后,其放射性 会大大降低。40 年后,尽管乏燃料依然具有危险的放射性,但其辐射流量较刚从反应堆中 被清除时已降低99.9%。按照美国环保署的标准,乏核燃料经历1 万年的辐射衰减后,对 公共健康和安全将不再具有威胁。[需出处] When first extracted, spent fuel rods are stored in shielded basins of water (spent fuel pools), usually located on-site. The water provides both cooling for the still-decaying fission products, and shielding from the continuing radioactivity. After a period of time (generally five years for US plants), the now cooler, less radioactive fuel is typically moved to a dry-storage facility or dry cask storage, where the fuel is stored in steel and concrete containers. Most U.S.waste is currently stored at the nuclear site where it is generated, while suitablepermanent disposal methods are discussed. 初次提取后的乏燃料棒将被储存在废料池中,该池为隔离辐射的水池,通常建于反应堆现场。 水不仅有冷却仍在衰减的裂变产物的作用,而且还可以阻止辐射外泄。一段时期后(美国通 常是5 年),乏燃料冷却且放射性降低,此时乏燃料会被转移至干藏设备或储藏于钢筋水泥的容器内。目前,大多数美国的核废物都存储于反应堆现场,等待着合适的永久性处理 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 的产生。 International reaction 国际上的反应 After the Soviet–Lithuanian Peace Treaty was ratified in 1920, the Russian SFSR recognized Lithuanian claims to the Vilnius Region and continued to support them. 1920 年,《苏联立陶宛和平条约》签订生效以后,苏维埃俄国承认了立陶宛对维尔纽斯的 控制权,并继续对立给予支持。 In its responses to the 1938 ultimatum, the Soviet Union expressed concerns over Lithuania's independence and threatened to abrogate the Soviet–Polish Non-Aggression Pact of 1932. It made it clear, though, that it did not wish to be drawn into an armed conflict. 1938 年最后通牒下达后,苏联表达了对立陶宛独立的担心,并威胁称将要废止1932 年签订的《苏联波兰互不侵犯条约》,但这同时也清楚地表明,苏联并不希望卷进一场武装斗争中去。 This stance has been attributed to the growth of a threat from Japan; armed assistance to Lithuania would have required the Red Army to invade either Poland or Latvia and could have resulted in a war on two fronts. 苏联的这种态度事实上却助长了日本的嚣张气焰,因为日本前往立陶宛的支援部队将会要求 红军入侵波兰或者拉脱维亚,这对正忙于应付希特勒制造出来的紧张局势的苏联来说可能会 导致一场两线作战的战争。 The Soviets urged France, a major ally of Poland at the time, to de-escalate the conflict and encourage a more moderate version of the ul
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