首页 香港地铁线路图和票价2013-2



香港地铁线路图和票价2013-2 平日、星期日及公眾假期(以分鐘計算) Weekdays, Sundays and Public Holidays (based on minutes) 星期六(以分鐘計算) Saturdays (based on minutes) 列車平均班次 Average Train Frequency 平日早上 繁忙時段 平日晚上 繁忙時段 平日非繁忙時段/ 星期日及公眾假期* Weekdays Morning Peak Hours Weekdays Evening Peak Hours Week...

平日、星期日及公眾假期(以分鐘計算) Weekdays, Sundays and Public Holidays (based on minutes) 星期六(以分鐘計算) Saturdays (based on minutes) 列車平均班次 Average Train Frequency 平日早上 繁忙時段 平日晚上 繁忙時段 平日非繁忙時段/ 星期日及公眾假期* Weekdays Morning Peak Hours Weekdays Evening Peak Hours Weekdays Non-peak Hours / Sundays and Public Holidays* 2 2 2.1 2.5 2.5 / 5 10 - 4 4 - 8 4.5 - 5 3 3 - 8 6 - 8 10 - 12 3 10 2.1 2 2.4 2.5 2.5 / 5 10 - 4 4 - 8 4.5 - 5 3.5 4 - 8 6 - 8 10 - 12 4 10 4 - 6 3.5 - 5.5 3.5 - 5.9 4 - 5.8 4 - 6 - 10.5 - 13.8 6 - 12 6 - 12 10# 6 - 7 4 - 8 6 - 8 12 - 14 5 - 8 10 - 12 港島綫 Island Line 荃灣綫 Tsuen Wan Line 觀塘綫 Kwun Tong Line 將軍澳綫 Tseung Kwan O Line 北角 - 將軍澳 North Point - Tseung Kwan O 北角 - 寶琳 North Point - Po Lam 北角 - 康城 North Point - LOHAS Park 調景嶺 - 康城 Tiu Keng Leng - LOHAS Park 東涌綫 Tung Chung Line 香港 - 青衣 Hong Kong – Tsing Yi 香港 - 東涌 Hong Kong – Tung Chung 迪士尼綫 Disneyland Resort Line 西鐵綫 West Rail Line 東鐵綫 East Rail Line 紅磡 - 上水 Hung Hom – Sheung Shui 紅磡 - 羅湖 Hung Hom – Lo Wu 紅磡 - 落馬洲 Hung Hom – Lok Ma Chau 馬鞍山綫 Ma On Shan Line 機場快綫 Airport Express 早上繁忙 時段 晚上繁忙 時段 Morning Peak Hours Evening Peak Hours 3 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 / 5 10 - 5 10 4.5 - 5 3.5 3 - 8 6 - 8 10 - 12 3 10 - - - - - - - - - 4.5 - 5 4 4 - 8 6 - 8 10 - 12 4 10 4 - 5 4 - 5.5 4 - 5.3 4 - 5.6 4 - 6 - 10.7 - 13.8 6.5 - 12 6.5 - 12 10 6 - 7 4 - 8 6 - 8 12 - 14 5 - 7 10 - 12 港島綫 Island Line 荃灣綫 Tsuen Wan Line 觀塘綫 Kwun Tong Line 將軍澳綫 Tseung Kwan O Line 北角 - 將軍澳 North Point - Tseung Kwan O 北角 - 寶琳 North Point - Po Lam 北角 - 康城 North Point - LOHAS Park 調景嶺 - 康城 Tiu Keng Leng - LOHAS Park 東涌綫 Tung Chung Line 香港 - 青衣 Hong Kong – Tsing Yi 香港 - 東涌 Hong Kong – Tung Chung 迪士尼綫 Disneyland Resort Line 西鐵綫 West Rail Line 東鐵綫 East Rail Line 紅磡 - 上水 Hung Hom – Sheung Shui 紅磡 - 羅湖 Hung Hom – Lo Wu 紅磡 - 落馬洲 Hung Hom – Lok Ma Chau 馬鞍山綫 Ma On Shan Line 機場快綫 Airport Express 非繁忙時段* Non-peak Hours* * 於晨早及午夜時段,港島綫、荃灣綫、觀塘綫、將軍澳綫、東鐵綫及西鐵綫班次將減至每12分鐘一班。 * In the early morning and late night, train frequency of the Island Line, Tsuen Wan Line, Kwun Tong Line, Tseung Kwan O Line , East Rail Line and West Rail Line will be reduced to every 12 minutes. # 星期日及公眾假期,迪士尼綫於香港迪士尼樂園早上開放時及晚上煙花 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 演後的班次為4.5至5分鐘一班。 # On Sundays and public holidays, Disneyland Resort Line trains will operate at 4.5 to 5 minute frequencies when Hong Kong Disneyland Resort opens in the morning and after the evening �reworks. 港鐵熱綫 MTR Hotline : 2881 8888 www.mtr.com.hk 以上資料如有任何更改,恕不另行 通知 关于发布提成方案的通知关于xx通知关于成立公司筹建组的通知关于红头文件的使用公开通知关于计发全勤奖的通知 。請到港鐵站查詢最新詳情。 This information is subject to change without any prior notice. Please check at MTR stations for updates. 成人單程票 特惠單程票 頭等單程票 - 成人 頭等單程票 - 特惠 單程票種類 港鐵單程票分成人及特惠兩種,乘客可於任何港鐵站內 的售票機購買。 特惠票適用於3-11歲的小童及65歲或以上的長者,車費 約等於成人車費的一半。在任何情況下,12歲或以上的學 生如使用單程票,均以成人車費計算。 於本港就讀的合資格全日制學生或合資格殘疾人士如欲享 受特惠車費,必須使用「學生身分」或「殘疾人士身分」 個人八達通,有關詳情請參閱「合資格學生港鐵八達通車 費表」或「長者及合資格殘疾人士公共交通票價優惠計劃 港鐵八達通車費表」。 東鐵綫列車設有頭等車廂服務。使用頭等車廂的乘客必須 支付頭等額外費,費用相等於該程東鐵綫車程的普通等 車費。頭等單程票於東鐵綫車站內的售票機,或任何港鐵 站的客務中心有售。 港鐵網絡覆蓋全港 港鐵一直致力為乘客提供安全、快捷、方便和可靠的鐵路服務。 覆蓋港九新界的港鐵系統由9條路綫組成,包括觀塘綫、 荃灣綫、港島綫、東涌綫、將軍澳綫、東鐵綫、西鐵綫、 馬鞍山綫及迪士尼綫。此外,港鐵亦為新界西北的居民提供 輕鐵和港鐵巴士服務,全面照顧各區需要。 港鐵同時營運連接香港國際機場和市區的機場快綫,以及 來往內地多個城市的直通車客運服務,為香港居民和遊客提 供更多便利。 使用單程票乘搭港鐵 除八達通外,乘客亦可選擇使用單程票乘搭港鐵。單程票可 於購票當日使用一次前往預先選定之車站,車費按車程距 離釐定。 尖沙咀站及尖東站為兩個獨立車站,分別設有出入閘機。 使用單程票的乘客如欲經尖沙咀或尖東站乘搭另一條 港鐵綫,須先購買一張前往該站的車票,車票於該站出閘 時會被閘機收回,乘客須再另購一張車票,繼續餘下車程, 但兩程的合計車費會高於使用一張單程票於其他轉綫車站 如九龍塘、美孚或南昌站轉綫往同一目的地。 The MTR Network Covers the Whole of Hong Kong At the MTR, we strive to bring passengers a safe, fast, convenient and reliable railway service through our comprehensive network. This network comprises nine lines, the Kwun Tong Line, Tsuen Wan Line, Island Line, Tung Chung Line, Tseung Kwan O Line, East Rail Line, West Rail Line, Ma On Shan Line and Disneyland Resort Line. Together with the Light Rail and MTR Bus networks in the Northwest New Territories, passengers can travel quickly and e�ciently to destinations throughout Hong Kong, Kowloon and the New Territories. The MTR also operates the Airport Express between Hong Kong International Airport and downtown Hong Kong, as well as providing speedy Through Train services to major cities in Mainland China, giving added convenience for both tourists and local residents. Using Single Journey Tickets on the MTR Apart from Octopus, passengers may use Single Journey Tickets to travel on the MTR. A Single Journey Ticket entitles the passenger to one ride to a pre-selected destination on the day of purchase. The fare is based on the distance travelled. Tsim Sha Tsui and East Tsim Sha Tsui are however, two separate stations and have separate entry and exit ticket gates. Passengers using Single Journey Tickets and changing Lines here will need to purchase two separate tickets. The �rst ticket is collected upon exit at the �rst station while another ticket should be bought at the second station for the next leg of the journey. Passengers may choose a di�erent route to their destination station by interchanging at Kowloon Tong, Mei Foo or Nam Cheong stations where only one Single Journey Ticket is required. Fares for journeys using two Single Journey Tickets are higher than those using only one Single Journey Ticket. Single Journey Ticket Types There are two types of Single Journey Tickets – Adult and Concessionary. Passengers can purchase them from Ticket Issuing Machines in all MTR stations. Concessionary Tickets with fares at around half of the price of Adult Tickets are available for children aged 3 to 11 and senior citizens aged 65 or above. Students aged 12 and above travelling with Single Journey Tickets are required to pay full adult fare. Eligible full-time students studying in Hong Kong or eligible persons with disabilities wishing to enjoy concessionary fares must travel by a Personalised Octopus with “Student Status” or “Persons with Disabilities Status” respectively. For details, please refer to the “MTR Octopus Fare Chart for Eligible Students” and “MTR Octopus Fare Charts for the Public Transport Fare Concession Scheme for the Elderly and Eligible Persons with Disabilities”. First Class Service is available on the East Rail Line. Passengers may enjoy the First Class Service by paying a premium equivalent to the Standard Class Fare of the East Rail Line journey. First Class Single Journey Tickets can be purchased from Ticket Issuing Machines in East Rail Line stations or from Customer Service Centre in any MTR station. Adult Single Journey Ticket First Class Concessionary Single Journey Ticket First Class Adult Single Journey Ticket Concessionary Single Journey Ticket Cover to be updated L8 23 B 06 /1 3 備註 1. 2. 3. 4. 頭等額外費: 乘客享用東鐵綫頭等車廂服務,除支付上列車費外,另須支付頭等額外費,費用相等於該程東鐵綫車程的單程票車費。 特惠單程票車費只適用於3-11歲及65歲或以上的乘客。 乘客(長者及合資格殘疾人士除外)入閘超過20分鐘,並於同一車站出閘離開,須繳付劃一額外車費,詳情請參閱「車票發出條件」。 未能出示有效車票的乘客,須繳付附加費,詳情請參閱「車票發出條件」。 成人單程票車費表 (包括學生) Adult Single Journey Ticket Fare Chart (Student included) 特惠單程票車費表 (小童/長者) Concessionary Single Journey Ticket Fare Chart (Child/Senior Citizen) Remarks 1. 2. 3. 4. First Class Premium: On top of the above fare, the premium payable by passengers travelling in the First Class compartment on East Rail Line trains is equivalent to the Single Journey Ticket fare for the same East Rail Line journey. Concessionary Single Journey Ticket fares are only applicable for children aged 3 to 11 and senior citizens aged 65 and above. Except senior citizens and eligible persons with disabilities, a passenger who exits the gate of a station more than 20 minutes after passing through an entry gate of the same station is liable to pay an additional fare. Please refer to the “Conditions of Issue of Tickets” for further details. A passenger who travels without a valid ticket is liable to pay a surcharge. Please refer to the “Conditions of Issue of Tickets” for further details. 㳭⮴䱩�,VODQG�/LQH 刁㼡䱩�7VXHQ�:DQ�/LQH 塾✖䱩�.ZXQ�7RQJ�/LQH ⫅嶋㹱䱩 �7VHXQJ�.ZDQ�2� /LQH 㘯㱊濘庨➩⫺䱩 7XQJ�&KXQJ�/LQH�DQG� 'LVQH\ODQG�5HVRUW�/LQH 堽拳䱩�:HVW�5DLO�/LQH 㘯拳䱩�(DVW�5DLO�/LQH 桪晋⬯䱩 0D�2Q�6KDQ�/LQH ?? � 6 K H X Q J � : D Q ?? & H Q W U D O ?? $ G P L U D O W \ ?? : D Q � & K D L ??? & D X V H Z D \ � % D \ ?? 7 L Q � + D X ??? ) R U W U H V V � + L O O ?? 1 R U W K � 3 R L Q W ??? 4 X D U U \ � % D \ ?? 7 D L � . 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