首页 《发现中国:美食之旅 北京篇》.中英文解说词

《发现中国:美食之旅 北京篇》.中英文解说词


《发现中国:美食之旅 北京篇》.中英文解说词 《发现中国:美食之旅》之北京篇  中英文解说词  China - home to one in five of the planet's population - 中国 地球上五分之一人口的家园 the superpower the world fears, but few really know. 世界畏惧于它的强大力量 却鲜有人真正 了解它 Ken Hom is the godfather of Chinese food. 谭荣辉是中国美食的教父 Heaven on eart...

《发现中国:美食之旅 北京篇》.中英文解说词
《发现中国:美食之旅》之北京篇  中英文解说词  China - home to one in five of the planet's population - 中国 地球上五分之一人口的家园 the superpower the world fears, but few really know. 世界畏惧于它的强大力量 却鲜有人真正 了解它 Ken Hom is the godfather of Chinese food. 谭荣辉是中国美食的教父 Heaven on earth! 真是人间天堂 He introduced the wok to the West more than 30 years ago. 三十多年前 他将中国的锅引入西方 This is the way you should be cooking it. 这才是烹饪之道 Ching-He Huang is leading the next generation of Chinese cooks... 黄瀞亿正引领着新一代的中式厨艺 I'm just going to chop off the head. 我接下来要切去头部 With a modern, inventive approach to the cuisine. 以一种现代的 具有创造力的烹调方法 - That's like ducks playing in springtime. - Lovely! 像是春天里嬉戏的鸭子 - 太可爱了 We're taking a once in a lifetime adventure 我们将进行一场一生一次的冒险 across China through food... 穿越华夏 经由饮食 - Rabbit head! - Shall we try one? - No! 兔子的头 - 我们要尝尝看吗 - 不 To delve into its heart and soul. 去探究中国的内心和灵魂 Bang it, pull it. 甩一甩 拉一拉 Food is the best way to explore Chinese culture 研究食物是探索中国文化最好的方式 because we really live to eat. 因为我们真的为吃而活 It's an epic trip, 这是一次史诗般的旅行 3,000 miles, from the mega cities of the east, 三千英里 从东部的超级都市 to the forgotten villages of the wild west. 到西部荒野被遗忘的乡村 It's like we've been back to the time of Genghis Khan! 我们好像又回到了成吉思汗的年代 She's just decapitated it! 她就这么把它的头捏掉了 We'll uncover the familiar, 我们将揭示一切熟悉的 the secret, and the surprising. 神秘的还有令人惊奇的事物 Wow, I've never seen that done before! 哇 我以前从来没见过这样的作法 Cook simple and delicious dishes. 烹制简单而美味的菜肴 That is my Sichuan sausage. 这是我的四川香肠 And reveal the secrets of China, old and new. 并揭露中国的秘密 无论新老 It's like a journey that I've always dreamt about, 这像是一场我一直梦寐以求的旅程 but in a China I've dreamt about. 在一个我梦寐以求的中国里 We're spending the first week of our month-long trip 我们将在首都北京 in the capital, Beijing. 度过我们为期一个月旅行的第一个星期 I was raised in Chicago, 我在芝加哥长大 and when I first came here in the 1980s, 当我 80 年代第一次到这儿的时候 it was just beginning to open up to the West 这里才刚刚开始对西方开放 after the dark years of the Cultural Revolution. 在黑暗的文化革命之后 Unrecognisable. It's like the new frontier. 实在是认不出来了 这里像是一个新前沿 Now everywhere you look, 现在无论你看向哪儿 new China smashes up against the old. 新中国都以推枯拉朽之势推翻旧貌 The question for both of us, 在这次发现之旅上 对于我们来说 on this voyage of discovery, 需要关注的问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 是 is to see if all this incredible pace of changes, 这样不可思议的发展脚步 is that going to affect food? 有没有对饮食产生什么影响 Yeah. - Good and bad. 是的 - 不论好坏 And I'd love to experience modern Chinese cookery here 我想体验一下这里现代的中式烹饪 and whether some of the traditions have been eroded. 以及看一看有没有一些传统遭到了侵蚀 It's a brew that will be quite interesting to see. 这会是一个很有趣的酝酿过程 China is a country of contradictions. 中国是一个充满矛盾的国家 Tradition and innovation sit side by side. 传统和创新并行 And it's most evident here in Beijing. 这一点在北京尤为明显 In the northeast corner of the country, 坐落于祖国的东北角 it has been the imperial capital for 800 years. 北京已经成为帝都 800 余年了 It remains deeply proud of its traditional culture and cuisine. 对其传统文化和菜肴均保有深深的自豪感 As it opens up to the world, 当它面向世界打开大门之时 it's revealing those secrets 北京正以一种全新的自信 with a new culinary confidence. 将那些秘密一一揭露开来 We're beginning with the quintessential Chinese food - 我们将从最为精华的中国食物开始 noodles. 面条 They're a humble everyday dish, eaten in all regions. 这是一种简便的日常饮食 出现在所有地 域 But they have a 4,000-year-old history and today in Beijing, 但它有超越 4000 年的历史 this ancient craft is being celebrated centre stage. 而且在如今的北京 这种古老技艺正享有 着核心地位 It's just incredible. 实在是太不可思议了 I think they got this concept from the West, the open kitchen. 我想他们是从西方得到的这种观念 开放 式厨房 - Yes! - And it's pretty spectacular. 是的 - 而且这真是太精彩了 It is. I mean, watching them work, it is like an orchestra. 的确 我是说 他们的手法就像一场交响 乐 Like the guy with the big block that's just shaving noodles, 比如那个拿着一个大砧板削面条的人 he looks like he's playing the violin. 他仿佛是在演奏小提琴 Yes! 没错 The capital is pulling in the country's best cooking talents. 首都吸引着这个国家最杰出的烹饪人才 These noodle masters are from Shanxi Province, West of Beijing, 这些面条大师们从北京的西边 陕西省而 来 where the art of noodle making 在那里 面条的制作技艺 has been passed down through the generations. 代代相传 They are most famous for their hand-pulled noodles, La Mian. 最负盛名的是他们的手拉面条 拉面 Made from just wheat flour and water, 仅由小麦粉和水制成 the skill is in manipulating the dough. 技巧都蕴含在揉捏面团之中 You double it up and double again. 你将它对折 再对折 Yeah. It's folding, folding on itself. 是的 它在折叠 自我折叠 It could be a mess. 弄得不好就是一团糟 It's about balancing the elasticity 需要先平衡面的弹性 before he can actually pull the noodles. 在他实际开始拉扯面条之前 - So he's stretching that. - Now stretching. 所以他现在正在拽面团 - 正在拉拽 OK, what he's doing, he's pulling and folding it, 他现在在拉 然后再对折 a little bit like how children used to play Cat's Cradle. 有点像小孩子们玩的翻绳游戏 Cat's Cradle is a lot easier! 翻绳游戏可简单多了 Wow, that's beautiful! That's what we call tung chow mein. 哇 太美了 这就是我们所说的长寿面 Yes! 是啊 They serve 20 different types of noodles here, 这里有 20 种不同种类的面条 and these guys are masters of them all. 这些人都是制作它们的专家 To perfect the technique, every year 为了使技艺更加精湛 he would do this for at least two hours a day, 每天他都会练习至少两个小时 for a year and a half. 这样的生活已经有一年半了 Oh, my God! 噢 天哪 This is good! That's good! 很不错 不错嘛 That's amazing! 真是不可思议 It's like...noodle bullets! 简直像是...面条子弹 Oh, OK. So it's kind of like... Get in there! 噢 好的 这有点儿像...下去吧 I was taught to cook at home by my mother growing up in England. 在英国 我母亲曾教导过我如何在家烹饪 As we travel across China, 在我们穿越中国的行程中 I'm looking forward to the challenge 我期待着在它火力四射的 专业的厨房里 of cooking in its fiery, professional kitchens, 烹饪所来带的考验 where it's rare to find any women. 在这里 女性十分少见 I love it! The drama, the commotion, you know? 我爱这儿 这份兴奋 这份喧闹 你明白吗 Also the excitement, as you approach a wok like this, 还有这份刺激感 当你靠近这样一口锅的 时候 because you never know what's going to happen. 因为你永远不知道会发生什么 This is a very intensive heat source here. 这儿有一个非常强力的热源 It heats up the wok to over 350 degrees. 能把锅加热到超过三百五十度 It's very powerful. It really keeps you on your toes 火力很猛 这让你必须时刻留心 cos one second off, you could burn and destroy the whole dish. 一不留神 整道菜就有可能被烧焦 Throughout our trip, we'll be cooking dishes 在整个旅行中 我们会做些 simple enough to do at home. 很简单的家常菜 First is my take on a classic northern noodle recipe, 首先 我来做一种经典的北方面条 Zha Jiang Mien. 炸酱面 It's the Chinese version of spaghetti Bolognese. 中国版的意大利番茄牛肉面 It's basically a meat topping, 基本上 它就是一个肉浇头 a delicious savoury meat topping, 香喷喷的咸辣味的肉浇头 on top of delicious noodles, 浇在美味的面条上 and sometimes you have some fresh crunchy cucumbers. 有时也可以加些脆爽的黄瓜 Every region has its own variation of the sauce, 每个地区酱的做法都不同 but the essentials are minced pork and bean paste. 但猪肉沫跟黄豆酱是必不可少的 This is belly pork. Otherwise the Chinese call it "Hua rou" 这是猪肋条肉 但中国人叫它"五花肉" Five layers of heaven. You've got skin, you've got fat, 五层口感 有皮 肥肉 you've got meat, you've got fat again. 瘦肉 然后又是肥肉 That's what gives it flavour. 这就是它美味的秘诀 And this bit is quite fatty, so I'm not going to use that. 这块太肥了 我不打算用 - Ooh! That's the best bit! - It's really oily, Ken! 噢 那块最好了 - 这块真的太油了 老 谭 - Ohhh. - I don't know, you think so? Maybe a little bit. 噢 - 我不知道 你觉得好吗 也许还 可以吧 Just for you! 对你而言 My uncle used to tell me, "No fat, no flavour!" 我叔叔曾跟我说"没有肥肉 就没有味道" My dish is a classic stir-fry 我做的是一道经典的 of aubergines with mild green chillies. 茄子炒青椒 I've been chefing now for 52 years. 我当厨师已经有五十二年了 I started in my uncle's restaurant when I was 11. 我十一岁时在叔叔的餐馆开始学做菜 My mother sent me there to keep me out of trouble. 我妈送我去那 免得我惹麻烦 My first lesson was in 我的第一节课就是 mastering the essential tool of a Chinese chef. 学习使用中国厨师的基本工具 In my uncle's restaurant, 在我叔叔的餐馆里 there was no such thing as a vegetable peeler. 当时没有蔬菜去皮机这种东西 All they had was cleavers. 只有大菜刀 So you either had to learn how to use it, 要么你学会怎么用菜刀 or you would never get your work done. 要么你永远完成不了工作 Unlike the range of knives we have in the West, 不像西方我们用那么多刀 the cleaver blade does it all 菜刀一刀多用 from chopping and shredding to slicing and dicing. 可以用来剁 切碎 切片 切丁 Usually what people do with aubergine is they fry it, 茄子的通常做法是油煎 which I don't really like. So what I do... 我并不喜欢 所以我要做的是 Braising it is very nice. It doesn't get it to be very oily. 焖茄子是个好方法 这样不会很油 And I know, Ching, you don't like it greasy and oily either. 据我说知 瀞 你也不喜欢油腻的菜 I've got my wok smoking hot, ready to stir-fry my ingredients. 锅已经热了 可以开始炒我的食材了 I'm putting in some ginger and garlic. 放姜 蒜 Lots of garlic, because I love garlic. 多放蒜 我爱吃蒜 Mild chilli peppers. 微辣的青椒 Aubergine. 茄子 Stock, just to braise it. 加点汤 焖一焖 Little bit of soy sauce. 来点酱油 The key to wok cooking is controlling the heat. 用炒锅做菜的关键是控制火候 It's a delicate dance between the flame and the wok 锅在火苗上曼妙地舞动 to control the temperature of the oil. 以便控制油温 This skill is called wok hei, meaning "Breath of the wok". 这种技巧叫做镬气 也就是锅气 并配合适当的烹调时间 制成上好的 菜肴】 {\pos(192,50)}【广州话 意思运用猛烈 的火力保留食物的味道及口味 Next, in go the blanched, knife- cut noodles. 然后 加入焯过的刀削面 Some spring onions. Yes, that's it. 加葱段 就这样 And a little drizzle of their fragrant chilli oil. 再加少量香辣椒油 It cooks for another minute, and it's ready to serve. 再加热一分钟 就可以出锅了 That looks bloody good! 看起来很不错! I love the look of your dish. 我喜欢这菜的样子 You know, it's rich, it's smoky. 你知道的 很丰富 有烟熏味 You can tell it has wok hei, the breath of the wok, all over it. 你可以说这菜氤氲着镬气 Yes! 是的 Now it's my turn at the wok, 该我掌勺了 making my Zha Jiang Mein Sauce. 做炸酱面酱料 In with the garlic, ginger, leeks, 油热后加蒜 姜 葱 Sichuan pepper in the hot oil, 四川花椒 together with the belly pork. 还有五花肉 And then in with little bit of wine. 再加少许酒 Little bit of this tian mian jiang, sweet bean paste. 少许甜面酱 Tian Mian Jiang is a key ingredient in Beijing cooking. 甜面酱是北京菜肴里的关键配料 It's a wheat-flour fermented soybean paste, 这是一种用小麦粉发酵制作的豆瓣酱 with sugar and spices. 其中放入了糖跟调味料 And a little bit of good stock. 再加点高汤 Good quality pork and chicken stock. 猪肉汁鸡汁高汤 Keep stirring the ingredients so they don't burn. 持续搅拌 以免食材烧焦 The sugars in the sauces will caramelize, 酱里的糖会融化变焦 giving the pork a sweet, crispy edge. 肉就有了点甜脆的口感 This wok burner is so intense, 火太猛了 it only takes a couple of minutes to crisp up the pork. 几分钟肉就焦脆了 Usually, it would need about four. 通常需要四分钟 I'm serving it with hand-pulled noodles. 我把它配拉面一起食用 Wow! Oh, beautiful! 哇 漂亮 Noodles, once they're cooked, 面条做好以后 you need to loosen them up a little bit, 要搅一搅 松一松 so I'm going to toss them in this sesame oil and chilli oil. 所以我要拌点香油跟辣椒油 This is not traditional zha jiang mein style, 传统意义上的炸酱面不是这样 but this my twist on it. 这是我个人做法 Just on the top, I'm putting cucumber, radish. 面上放点黄瓜条 萝卜片 And then with that delicious meat sauce on top, 然后放上美味的肉酱 which has got a lot of flavour. 味道好香 And then some of this sort of savoury oil on top. 再浇点香辣油 And then just some flowers, for beauty. 配朵花 为了美观 Oh, raw vegetables. It gives a nice contrast 噢 生蔬菜 跟酱面的丰富口感 to the richness of the sauce and the noodles. 形成强烈对比 Bloody good! 太好吃了 Mmm, the aubergine is delicious! 嗯 茄子很好吃 - It's got that kind of barbeque-y flavour. - Barbeque grill flavour. 有种烧烤的味道 - 烧烤味 It's been tossed well. 炒得不错 It's not just the classics of Chinese cuisine,like noodles, 中国的菜肴不只有传统的一面 that are being showcased. 像我们刚刚介绍过的面条 Street food is also getting a shiny, modern makeover. 街边小吃也逐渐融入了现代的元素 Wanfujang Night Market is bang in the city centre. 市中心的王府井夜市非常热闹 Traditional food stalls sit alongside 传统美食与高级酒店 luxury hotels and shopping malls. 和购物中心并行而列 Hello, banana! 买香蕉啊 - I love it! - No, thank you! 这个我喜欢 - 不了 谢谢哈 - They used to never speak English! - I know! 他们以前可从不说英语 - 是啊 Xiaochi, or "Small eats", 小吃 也叫零嘴 were very much part of the Beijing life for centuries, 与每个街角的摊贩一起 with vendors on every corner. 成为几个世纪来北京人生活中不可或缺的一部分 But as part of the major clean- up for the 2008 Olympics, 不过作为 08 年奥运会前整街清理的主要 部分 they were moved off the streets, 他们已经被移出街道了 and now operate in regulated and uniformed places like this. 现在都是在像这样统一管理和制服的地方 营业 Now, this is zhen jin bao. Zhen jin bao. Oh! 看 这是蒸煎包 蒸煎包 哇 When I think about Beijing, 每次我回想起北京 this is exactly what I think about. 最深刻的要属这个蒸煎包了 The bao, type of bun. 包子 类似于一种小圆面包 Ooh, that's spicy! 喔 好辣 How much do I owe you? 多少钱 Wow! Prices have gone up. 喔 价格又上升了 Wow, they used to be very cheap here. 是啊 以前这里东西很实惠的 10 Yuan? That's for this! 10 元? 就这个吗 - You're joking! You're joking! - No, it's expensive. 你跟我闹着玩吧 - 不是吧 太贵了这 Wow. It's highway robbery. 哇 真是有点拦路抢劫的感觉 Despite the prices, this is a great place 忽略食物的价钱 这里算是个能够尝到 to get a bite-sized taste of China, 来自中国各个地区地道口味 with foods from every region. 的好地方 The Chinese are known for eating everything, 中国人以什么都吃闻名 especially Cantonese Chinese like me. 尤其是我这样的广东人 - Oh, now... Now we're talking! - Oh, no! 喔 说曹操曹操就到 - 噢 不是吧 No, no, no, no, no! 噢不 这真夸张 I'd like a small scorpion. 我想尝个小蝎子 Let's have a cricket. Yes! 我们吃个蟋蟀吧 没错 A cricket?! 蟋蟀啊 Is it meaty right in the middle? 吃到中间内脏时 - Like, when you get to the guts? - It's not meaty. 肉多吗 - 肉不多 It's like eating a fried piece of crisp. 其实像在吃一片炸薯片 I do love offal, and I do love things like chicken's feet... 我超喜欢吃内脏 也超爱像凤爪之类的东 西 I love that. ..And all these traditional... 我都喜欢 还有所有这些传统的... duck's tongue, You know 鸭舌 你懂得 But I can't be really Chinese, 很可惜我还算不上真正的中国人 because I don't eat everything! 因为我不是什么都吃 My stomach dictates who I really am. - Yeah. 口味决定归属 - 是啊 Beneath the modern face of the capital, 在首都都市面貌下 there are small pockets of the city, 城市里还是有些小地方 where it seems little has changed for centuries 几个世纪来鲜有变化 and there is still a strong sense of tradition. 仍旧富有强烈的历史感 Jingshan Park is in the shadow of the Forbidden City, 景山公园就处在紫禁城的庇荫之下 the Imperial Palace that was home to China's emperors 那曾经是中国皇帝居住的宫殿 for 500 years. 已有五百年历史了 Every morning before breakfast, 每天早餐前 people meet for their daily routines. 人们会在这里聚集晨练 I took classes for a while. 我曾经有练过一段时间 I thought I was too young for it! 不过想到可能早了点 就没再继续了 Maybe I'll get back into it now. 现在看来我得回归了 For both Ching and I, this trip is deeply personal. 对我和瀞来说 这次美食之行更像纯粹的 私人活动 We want to understand more 我们都想更深入地了解 about our relationship with our homeland. 我们与家乡的缔结之情 Even though I was raised in America, I've been connected to China 虽然我在美国长大 但我从很小的时候 through food from a very early age. 就开始通过中国美食了解我的祖国 My father passed away when I was eight months old 父亲在我八个月大的时候去世了 and my mother brought me up in Chicago's Chinatown. 我的母亲是在芝加哥的唐人街把我抚养成 人的 I grew up in a Chinese bubble 我在浓浓的中国氛围中成长 cos I didn't see any other people 因为在那我只能接触到 except Chinese people. 中国人 We only ate Chinese food, we went to see Chinese movies 我们只吃中国食物 我们常去看中国电影 and we only spoke Chinese. 我们也只讲汉语 Cantonese, that is. 就是广东话 The era I grew up in, 我成长的那个时代的美国 it was very difficult to be a minority in America. 我们作为小群体过的很不容易 You were either made fun of or you didn't exist 要么被嘲笑 要么你就被视为空气 and China was like a dream. 对那时的我们来说 回到祖国就像一个梦 Like a fantasy. 就像幻想一样 That was the life raft I clung to, to be proud of my identity. 那是我生活的希望 我为我的种族自豪 When I finally made it to the homeland in 1983, 当我在 1983 年终于踏上家乡的土地时 it was not the China I imagined. 这里却并不是我想象中的样子 It was still emerging from the trauma of the Cultural Revolution 它仍然保留着六十到七十年代的 of the 1960s and '70s. 文化大革命的摧残的痕迹 I was pretty appalled. 我真的被吓到了 It was as if China was almost 50 years behind. 这就像是中国滞后了将近 50 年的时间 I just couldn't believe it. 我简直难以置信 In Beijing, traditional food culture was nearly wiped out 在北京 由于毛主席想要彻底 as a result of Chairman Mao's communist ideals 清除被资产阶级影响的国家形象 to rid the country of bourgeois influence. 我们传统的美食文化几乎消失了 Red Guards shut down restaurants and burnt recipe books. 红卫兵封了餐馆 烧毁了食谱 A lot of chefs left China, 以至于大量厨师要么离开了中国 or else they kept their art secret. 要么是永远封闭了他们的美食手艺 In other words, they didn't practise it any more in public. 换句话说 他们再也不大张旗鼓做菜了 But, you know, once you cook, 但是 一旦你走上了厨师之路 you can never forget how to cook. 你永远也不会忘记如何烹饪 And when the reforms came, 所以在改革开放之风吹过祖国大江南北后 all these people came out 这些厨师们又重出江湖 of their kitchens and started cooking again. 开始了阳光下的烹调生涯 To see how traditional cooking is being kept alive, 为了了解这些传统美食如何保持它们的鲜 活生命 Ching and I are headed to a backstreet restaurant 瀞和我前往一个胡同的 in one of the hutong districts, old neighbourhoods 后街餐厅 这是在无情的现代化中 that have survived the city's often brutal modernisation. 得以幸存下的老居民区 This looks...quite dodgy. Are you sure it's here? 这里看起来很...荒凉 你确定是在这吗 We're meeting a chef who 我们要去见一位改革后 returned to the capital after the reforms. 重回首都的厨师 He's been responsible for preserving what, I think, 他负责烹制北京烤鸭 is Beijing's greatest culinary tradition, Peking duck. 在我眼里 那是北京最美味的烹饪经典 Ching, I think in my lifetime 小瀞 我想我这一生中 I've cooked, perhaps, 10,000 ducks. 大约已经烹饪了一万只鸭子了 10,000! - Yes. I'd like to see 一万只 - 是的 我想看看 how they make them, traditionally. 他们是怎么用传统方式做烤鸭的 In here? - Yes. 在这里吗? - 是的 Ni hao. Ni hao. Ni hao. 你好 你好 你好 Chef Zhang Li Chin has turned his family home of 50 years 厨师张利群已经把他住了 50 年的家改头 换面成为 into this restaurant, which he runs with his daughter. 这所和他女儿一起经营的餐馆了 Peking duck is to the Chinese 北京烤鸭对于中国人的意义 what champagne is to France, 就像香槟酒对于法国人一样 and Beijing is its birthplace. 而北京就是它的故乡 It dates back to the Yuan Dynasty of the 13th century 烤鸭的历史要追溯到 13 世纪的元朝 when it was reserved exclusively for the Emperor's table. 那时候烤鸭是帝王餐桌上的专属美味 Well, the secret of Peking duck is it has to be crispy skin, 北京烤鸭的诀窍就在于外皮酥脆 no fat and moist meat. 肥而不腻 鲜嫩多汁 And if you don't have that, it's not Peking duck. 如果做不到这些的话 那就不是北京烤鸭 了 Chef Li Chin has studied the 700-year-old techniques 张师傅学习了历史已有 700 年之久的 of the Imperial Court kitchens. 宫廷御膳的制作技巧 The first step is most 第一个步骤是最重要的 important - to separate the skin from the fat. 那就是将皮和脂肪分开 It can inflate, so that when it roasts, 这是会膨胀的 所以在烤的时候 the skin can roast separately 皮就可以单独在这一层烘烤 in this layer of air while the fat melts. 而脂肪则融化了 and renders. - and renders and keeps the meat moist. 还能着色 - 然后着色并且使肉多汁 That's the secret of Peking duck. 那就是北京烤鸭的秘诀 And how I do it is use a bicycle pump. 我做的方法是用一个自行车气筒 Hm. I've always... 呃 我经常... It's really easy to do and it does it instantly. 那样十分简单 而且立刻就膨起来了 It's quite a cool thing. 那的确是个很棒的过程 But Chef Li Chin is a firm believer that the old ways are best. 不过张师傅始终坚信老办法永远是最好的 Oh, he does it by... 哦 他是这样... Yeah, blowing into it... - blowing into it. Wow. 是的 向里面吹气... - 向烤鸭里吹气 哇 Wow, I've never seen that done before, 哇 我以前从来没见过这样的作法 by a mouth. 用嘴巴 The Peking duck, it's a type of Mallard duck with white feathers. 北京烤鸭 是一种长着白羽毛的野鸭 The species is important because of the skin. 因为皮的品质 鸭子的品种就十分重要 This is why the skin is very important. 这就是为什么皮很重要的原因 You can't use any type of duck, 你不可以用其他种类的鸭子 it has to be this type of duck that works. 只有这种鸭子才能做到 It can inflate better and 它能够更好地膨胀 it's the amount of fat that it has in it. 而且含有的脂肪也正好 But in a new health-conscious China, 然而在一个新的注重健康的中国 there's a growing demand for a less fatty bird. 对少脂肪的鸭子的需求越来越大 Now
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