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埃森哲模板(很值得下载)nullManagement2.0: Competitive Advantage through Business Model Design & InnovationManagement2.0: Competitive Advantage through Business Model Design & InnovationGuadalajara, June 2007 Alexander Osterwalder, PhD alex@arvetica.comnullchange is the process by wh...

nullManagement2.0: Competitive Advantage through Business Model Design & InnovationManagement2.0: Competitive Advantage through Business Model Design & InnovationGuadalajara, June 2007 Alexander Osterwalder, PhD alex@arvetica.comnullchange is the process by which the future invades our lives -> Alvin Tofflernullfirst of all: what are YOUR concerns? (buzz groups)nullwhat are YOUR biggest issues and fears you face in strategic management today?nullwhere do YOU see the largest opportunities to improve strategic management today?nullyour expectations for today?nullwhat is innovation?nulltell me about the most important innovations in your companynulltypes of innovation?nulltechnology innovationnullprocess innovationnullproduct & service innovationnullbusiness model innovationnullfour rings of innovationbusiness model innovationproduct & service innovationprocess innovationtechnology innovationnullwhich one of your examples qualify as business model innovation?null“Business model innovation matters” and it is a top priority of CEOsOperating Margin Growth in Excess of Competitive Peers Operating Margin Growth in Excess of Competitive Peers compound annual growth rate over five years[Source: IBM, CEOs are expanding the innovation horizon: important implications for CIOs]Benefits Cited by Business Model InnovatorsBenefits Cited by Business Model Innovatorspercent of respondents[Source: IBM, Global CEO Study 2006]nullsome examplesnullNetJets: Fractional OwnershipnullZopa.com: Peer-to-Peer lendingnullBellum Conceptsnullwhy talk about business models?nullhow do you describe a business model?nullwithout a common languagenullhow do you communicate a business model?null Development plan Quisque augue felis, commodo a, elementum id, faucibus id, sem. Aenean rutrum enim. Praesent pulvinar dignissim nisl. Cras a nunc. Donec tincidunt odio sit amet lacus. Pellentesque metus tortor, ullamcorper vitae, lobortis vel, euismod in, mi. Ut laoreet, tellus laoreet blandit mollis, massa purus posuere purus, quis molestie ligula massa eu metus. Duis placerat, nulla sit amet ornare interdum, neque nunc mollis leo, vitae porttitor mi orci sit amet neque. Donec at enim. In facilisis tellus gravida ligula. Phasellus ut lorem. Pellentesque ac tortor eget augue suscipit ullamcorper. Aenean eleifend porta orci. Etiam at arcu. Vestibulum lacinia nunc in eros. Suspendisse potenti. Aliquam erat volutpat. Donec gravida. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Maecenas vel enim et metus semper fringilla. Donec ornare arcu. Maecenas faucibus ligula convallis nibh. Mauris dui quam, congue eu, commodo nec, tristique in, enim. Nulla auctor semper urna. Quisque a elit eu purus iaculis vestibulum. Aliquam dictum risus at odio. Fusce at lorem et elit faucibus placerat. Aenean velit. Proin elit odio, blandit et, scelerisque quis, pulvinar a, dui. Nunc magna dolor, bibendum ut, accumsan congue, tincidunt sit amet, neque. Proin consequat tincidunt lacus. In urna dui, congue nec, tincidunt sit amet, facilisis imperdiet, lorem. Morbi sed nibh. Vivamus vitae dolor. Ut bibendum volutpat mi. Pellentesque quis magna non lectus elementum pretium. Aliquam quis est vitae arcu consequat fringilla. Cras magna risus, placerat eget, egestas consectetuer, ornare vel, felis. Nam ornare justo id orci mattis ultricies. Morbi luctus. Ut pretium odio ac libero. Nunc sollicitudin pharetra lorem. Aenean scelerisque, lacus eget ullamcorper scelerisque, ipsum urna viverra mi, eget viverra quam eros eget velit. Ut lacinia feugiat purus. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Etiam nunc nisl, aliquam blandit, luctus id, commodo laoreet, sem. Phasellus sit amet orci ut sapien vulputate pellentesque. Pellentesque dapibus purus et quam. Nam sit amet magna in neque dignissim sodales. Aenean non justo nec magna lobortis volutpat. Strategy Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Cras in tortor. Sed posuere erat. Maecenas pulvinar nulla eu magna. Vivamus semper, risus ut egestas pulvinar, lectus ante feugiat quam, sit amet congue odio lacus ac ipsum. Aliquam suscipit, est ut volutpat vulputate, nulla felis pulvinar libero, non ornare libero ipsum tristique tortor. Fusce sed lorem vitae justo feugiat malesuada. Donec aliquet. Vivamus semper eros nec diam. Vivamus sem arcu, imperdiet nec, congue ac, scelerisque vel, nulla. Donec et mauris. Integer a nulla vulputate pede consequat euismod. Praesent molestie urna nec leo. Proin eros. Maecenas ac sem nec dui sodales tempus. Maecenas suscipit egestas velit. Suspendisse vel tortor. Proin imperdiet, sem nec aliquet ultrices, nunc est egestas eros, non hendrerit magna eros eget augue. Maecenas sed leo vitae leo faucibus vulputate. Proin dignissim eros at augue. Nam luctus nulla non nibh. Nam at lorem ac mauris laoreet viverra. In placerat consequat nunc. Donec rhoncus nunc ac urna. Integer vestibulum condimentum orci. Fusce velit turpis, malesuada quis, scelerisque ut, eleifend vitae, ipsum. Vestibulum eu erat. Vestibulum justo nisl, tincidunt et, semper vel, tristique quis, eros. Vestibulum tempus, massa vel consectetuer congue, erat magna consequat purus, a facilisis orci nibh vitae purus. Nam tincidunt venenatis ligula. Nunc orci nulla, ornare quis, lobortis viverra, dapibus at, turpis. Suspendisse sit amet nisl at enim tincidunt blandit. Curabitur augue est, suscipit sed, egestas sit amet, vehicula vitae, tellus. Maecenas nec metus vel nisi interdum pellentesque. WordsTextTextText18%300%12%1%through inappropriate meansnullnullhow do you implement a business model?nullwith outdated methodsnullhow do you measure the success of a business model?nullwe don’tnullhow do you change a business model and innovate?nullwe re-invent the wheelnullwhat is a business model?nullVALUE PROPOSITIONCOST STRUCTURECUSTOMER RELATIONSHIPSCUSTOMER SEGMENTSACTIVITY CONFIGURATIONCORE CAPABILITIESPARTNER NETWORKREVENUE STREAMSINFRASTRUCTURECUSTOMEROFFERFINANCEa business model describes the value an organization offers to various customers and portrays the capabilities and partners required for creating, marketing, and delivering this value and relationship capital with the goal of generating profitable and sustainable revenue streamsDISTRIBUTION CHANNELS[Osterwalder (2004) The Business Model Ontology]business model frameworknullcase studynullyou become the new owner of a soccer club …nulldescribe YOUR club’s business modelnulldescribing how a wealth management bank acquires its clientswhat value proposition do you offer, to which customer segments?nullVALUE PROPOSITIONCUSTOMER SEGMENTSvalue proposition 1 value proposition 2 …target customer 1 target customer 2 …CUSTOMEROFFERwhat value proposition do you offer, to which customer segments? (model)nullwhat value proposition do you offer, to which customer segments? (example)spectacular offensive football fansCUSTOMEROFFERadvertising space & high visibility advertisers… …nullnullhow do you reach your customers?nullVALUE PROPOSITIONCOMMUNICATION & DISTRIBUTION CHANNELSvalue proposition 1 value proposition 2 …channel 1 channel 2 …OFFERhow do you reach your customers? (model)CUSTOMER SEGMENTStarget customer 1 target customer 2 …CUSTOMERnullspectacular offensive football stadium & box officeCUSTOMEROFFERhow do you reach your customers? (example)club owned TV channelfansmobile phone TVadvertising space & high visibilitysales forceadvertisersnullhow do you build relationships?nullVALUE PROPOSITIONCUSTOMER RELATIONSHIPvalue proposition 1 value proposition 2 …mechanism 1 mechanism 2 …OFFERCUSTOMER SEGMENTStarget customer 1 target customer 2 …CUSTOMERhow do you build relationships with your customers? (model)nullspectacular offensive football personalized website (ticketing)CUSTOMEROFFERteam blog (RSS)fans…how do you build relationships with your customers? (example)nullhow do you earn your money with this business model?nullVALUE PROPOSITIONREVENUE STREAMSvalue proposition 1 value proposition 2 …revenue stream 1 revenue stream 2 …OFFERCUSTOMER SEGMENTStarget customer 1 target customer 2 …FINANCEhow do you earn your money with this business model? (model)nullspectacular offensive football ticket salesFINANCEOFFERTV channel subscriber feesfansmobile phone TV subscriber feesadvertising space & high visibilityadvertising revenuesadvertisershow do you earn your money with this business model? (example)nullthe business models place in a companynullthe business model’s place in the companyBUSINESS MODELORGANIZATIONSTRATEGYTECHNOLOGYnullexternal forcesnull5 forcesBUSINESS MODELlegal environmentsocial environmentcompetitioncustomer needstechnological changenullthe big picture (business model)nullteam management event management venue management ticketing VIP relationship management video crew …attractive soccer 360º event (match, dining, shopping) exclusive VIP lounges merchandising renting out stadium …stadium POS networks club website (+online TV) club cable TV channel mobile phone TV channel … play attractive & win games brand management video images channel management fans (families, etc.) fan groups companies event/concert organizers advertisers …team & maintenance infrastructure management marketing video Ticket fees & season tickets online TV subscription revenues revenue sharing cable & mobile phone TV renting out stadium for events advertising revenues merchandising revenues food & beverages ticketing services promoters ad placement telecom operator TV operator …personalized web profile newsletter team blog (RSS) VIP events with team …Value PropositionDistribution ChannelTarget CustomerCustomer RelationshipPartner NetworkActivity ConfigurationCore CapabilityCost StructureRevenue Modelthe big picturenullteam management event management venue management ticketing VIP relationship management video crew …attractive soccer 360º event (match, dining, shopping) exclusive VIP lounges merchandising renting out stadium …stadium POS networks club website (+online TV) club cable TV channel mobile phone TV channel … play attractive & win games brand management video images channel management fans (families, etc.) fan groups companies event/concert organizers advertisers …team & maintenance infrastructure management marketing video Ticket fees & season tickets online TV subscription revenues revenue sharing cable & mobile phone TV renting out stadium for events advertising revenues merchandising revenues food & beverages ticketing services promoters ad placement telecom operator TV operator …personalized web profile newsletter team blog (RSS) VIP events with team …Value PropositionDistribution ChannelTarget CustomerCustomer RelationshipPartner NetworkActivity ConfigurationCore CapabilityCost StructureRevenue Modelvalue creates revenuesnullteam management event management venue management ticketing VIP relationship management video crew …attractive soccer 360º event (match, dining, shopping) exclusive VIP lounges merchandising renting out stadium …stadium POS networks club website (+online TV) club cable TV channel mobile phone TV channel … play attractive & win games brand management video images channel management fans (families, etc.) fan groups companies event/concert organizers advertisers …team & maintenance infrastructure management marketing video Ticket fees & season tickets online TV subscription revenues revenue sharing cable & mobile phone TV renting out stadium for events advertising revenues merchandising revenues food & beverages ticketing services promoters ad placement telecom operator TV operator …personalized web profile newsletter team blog (RSS) VIP events with team …Value PropositionDistribution ChannelTarget CustomerCustomer RelationshipPartner NetworkActivity ConfigurationCore CapabilityCost StructureRevenue Modelcreating value requires infrastructurenullteam management event management venue management ticketing VIP relationship management video crew …attractive soccer 360º event (match, dining, shopping) exclusive VIP lounges merchandising renting out stadium …stadium POS networks club website (+online TV) club cable TV channel mobile phone TV channel … play attractive & win games brand management video images channel management fans (families, etc.) fan groups companies event/concert organizers advertisers …team & maintenance infrastructure management marketing video Ticket fees & season tickets online TV subscription revenues revenue sharing cable & mobile phone TV renting out stadium for events advertising revenues merchandising revenues food & beverages ticketing services promoters ad placement telecom operator TV operator …personalized web profile newsletter team blog (RSS) VIP events with team …Value PropositionDistribution ChannelTarget CustomerCustomer RelationshipPartner NetworkActivity ConfigurationCore CapabilityCost StructureRevenue Modelinfrastructure generates costsnullteam management event management venue management ticketing VIP relationship management video crew …attractive soccer 360º event (match, dining, shopping) exclusive VIP lounges merchandising renting out stadium …stadium POS networks club website (+online TV) club cable TV channel mobile phone TV channel … play attractive & win games brand management video images channel management fans (families, etc.) fan groups companies event/concert organizers advertisers …team & maintenance infrastructure management marketing video Ticket fees & season tickets online TV subscription revenues revenue sharing cable & mobile phone TV renting out stadium for events advertising revenues merchandising revenues food & beverages ticketing services promoters ad placement telecom operator TV operator …personalized web profile newsletter team blog (RSS) VIP events with team …Value PropositionDistribution ChannelTarget CustomerCustomer RelationshipPartner NetworkActivity ConfigurationCore CapabilityCost StructureRevenue Modelthe profit zone set-up teamnulldo you have to get the IT team out of their cubicles?null2. understand (business) environment –> frame problemnullVALUE PROPOSITIONCOST STRUCTURECUSTOMER RELATIONSHIPSCUSTOMER SEGMENTSACTIVITY CONFIGURATIONCORE CAPABILITIESPARTNER NETWORKREVENUE STREAMSDISTRIBUTION CHANNELS[Osterwalder (2004) The Business Model Ontology]various starting points / depending on contextnull3. suspend reality -> ideatenull4. bring back reality -> prototypenull5. chose suitable design -> decidenull6. sketch out projects & workload -> draw implementation plannullnull7. outline key indicators to follow -> choose measuresnullnull8. select the right teams and people -> make responsiblenullnull9. execute the plan -> manage implementation & changenull10. evaluate, learn and redesign -> manage improvementnulldesigning blue oceansnull> market boundaries are not given > they are reconstructed by the actions & beliefs of industry playersnullcompete in existing markets beat the competition explore existing demand make the value/cost trad-off align with differentiation OR low costcreate uncontested markets make competition irrelevant create & capture new demand break value/cost trad-off align with differentiation AND low costRED OCEANBLUE OCEANnulldifferentiate your value propositionnulla customer value proposition gives an overall view of a company's bundle of products, services and client advice. it is the sum of the total benefits a customer is promised to receive in return for a payment (or other value transfer)working definition value propositionnullwhat are the 5 most important competitive attributes that characterize a game console’s offer? (e.g. price, performance, design)attribute 2 e.g. priceattribute 1 e.g. performancegroup warm-upnull1234--most important attribute second most important … …5 attributesnull… … … … …nullnullattribute 1attribute 2attribute 3attribute 51 - low5 - high3 - mediumbank’s performance[Kim & Mauborgne (2002) Charting Your Company's Future]draw a value propositionattribute 4nulllive Excelnullnulleliminateraisereducecreatenullnullnullstrong & valuable approach, but limited viewnullVALUE PROPOSITIONCOST STRUCTURECUSTOMER RELATIONSHIPSCUSTOMER SEGMENTSACTIVITY CONFIGURATIONCORE CAPABILITIESPARTNER NETWORKREVENUE STREAMSDISTRIBUTION CHANNELSnullexamplesnullGoldcorpmininglow costs through open explorationCUSTOMER RELATIONSHIPSCUSTOMER SEGMENTSexploiting mines“geology prize” 500’000 $USREVENUE STREAMSDISTRIBUTION CHANNELSGoldcorp publicly shared all of its geological data and offered US$ 500’000 in prizes for determining where they might find the next 6 million ounces of goldresearchnullnullfrom copyright to creative commonsnullSkypefree VoIP & value added servicessoftware developmentwebsiteglobal (non segmented)deliver voice & video quality“eBay”large scale low margininternetsoftware developmentfree voice-over-IP VoIP telephony & value-added servicesnull1291 Cityhomeslow cost accommodation New Yorklow costCUSTOMER RELATIONSHIPSthe cost sensiblerenting out roomskeep down costsapartment ownersrentsDISTRIBUTION CHANNELSfind demandyoung curious Swisslow-cost hotel/rental in New York CitynullTecnovatelow-cost multi-lingual call center outsourcinglow costCUSTOMER RELATIONSHIPSEuropean corporationsACTIVITY CONFIGURATIONkeep down costs“import” young curious Europeans to India to workREVENUE STREAMSDISTRIBUTION CHANNELSbusiness process outsourcing “up-side down” in IndianullNetflix(niche) movies over the InternetCOST STRUCTUREprofilespecialized clienteleACTIVITY CONFIGURATIONlarge movie databaseindependent filmsREVENUE STREAMSWebonline movie rental (with large niche movie database)nullfrom bloated head to the long tailnullsodi platformsVALUE PROPOSITIONCOST STRUCTURECUSTOMER RELATIONSHIPSCUSTOMER SEGMENTSACTIVITY CONFIGURATIONCORE CAPABILITIESPARTNER NETWORKREVENUE STREAMSDISTRIBUTION CHANNELSnullNetJetsVALUE PROPOSITIONCOST STRUCTURECUSTOMER RELATIONSHIPSCUSTOMER SEGMENTSACTIVITY CONFIGURATIONCORE CAPABILITIESPARTNER NETWORKREVENUE STREAMSDISTRIBUTION CHANNELSnullhouse for all seasonsVALUE PROPOSITIONCOST STRUCTURECUSTOMER RELATIONSHIPSCUSTOMER SEGMENTSAC
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