首页 律师承办商品房交付业务指引(中英文)



律师承办商品房交付业务指引(中英文)律师承办商品房交付业务指引 Bar contractors housing delivery business guidelines (三稿) 第一章 定义与概述 第1条 商品房交付定义 本指引所称商品房交付,是指房地产开发企业依据相应法律、法规和部门规章的规定以及商品房买卖合同或商品房预售合同的约定,将符合交付使用条件的房屋按期向买受人交付,买受人查验并接受房屋的过程中买卖双方所实施的行为。 The first chapter outlines the definition and the first d...

律师承办商品房交付业务指引 Bar contractors housing delivery business guidelines (三稿) 第一章 定义与概述 第1条 商品房交付定义 本指引所称商品房交付,是指房地产开发企业依据相应法律、法规和部门规章的规定以及商品房 买卖合同 二手车买卖合同 免费下载二手设备买卖合同协议免费下载房屋买卖合同下载房屋买卖合同免费下载车位买卖合同免费下载 或商品房预售 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 的约定,将符合交付使用条件的房屋按期向买受人交付,买受人查验并接受房屋的过程中买卖双方所实施的行为。 The first chapter outlines the definition and the first delivery of a commercial housing guidelines referred to the definition of housing delivery, refers to real estate development enterprises based on the corresponding laws, regulations and departmental regulations and the provisions of a contract for the sale of commercial housing or commercial housing pre-sale contract agreement, will meet the delivery Housing conditions for the scheduled delivery to the buyer, the buyer and accept the inspection of housing in the process of implementation by the parties to act. 第2条 商品房交付业务概述 商品房的交付,是商品房买卖过程中出现纠纷较多的一个环节。许多买受人为了维护自己的合法权益,单独或共同委托律师代为办理收房手续,逐渐形成了一项新的律师非诉讼业务,即本指引所称商品房交付业务。 No. 2 commercial housing delivery business outlined in the delivery of housing, housing is in the process of trading more a part of the dispute. Many of the buyer in order to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests, individually or jointly commissioned by the Law Society took the procedures for Shoufang, gradually formed a new non-lawyer litigation business, that is, the guidelines referred to housing delivery business. 律师承办商品房交付业务,应尽职履行下述职责: 2.1就商品房交付向委托人提供法律咨询; 2.2代理委托人审查房地产开发企业依法应当取得的资质性的法律文件及其他相关的法律文件; 2.3陪同委托人对房屋进行查验,对房屋存在的质量等相关事实进行证据性固化,并从法律的角度提出切实可行的解决 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 ; 2.4代理委托人就商品房交付之相关事项与房地产开发企业进行谈判,并就谈判结果拟订书面 协议 离婚协议模板下载合伙人协议 下载渠道分销协议免费下载敬业协议下载授课协议下载 或审查房地产开发企业拟定的商品房交付的书面文件; 2.5协助委托人办理符合交付使用条件房屋的接收手续; 2.6协助委托人办理前期物业管理的相关手续,审查需委托人签署的有关协议、合同、业主公约以及承诺书等文件。 Bar contractors housing delivery business, due diligence should perform the following duties: 2.1 on the delivery of housing to provide legal advice to clients; 2.2 Acting principal in real estate development enterprises in accordance with the law review should be made of the quality of the legal documents and other relevant legal documents; 2.3 Accompanied by clients of housing inspection, the quality of housing, and other relevant facts and evidence of curing, and from a legal point of view put forward practical solutions; 2.4 Acting on the client delivery of housing related matters and real estate development enterprises in the negotiations and the outcome of the negotiations on the elaboration of a written agreement or review the development of real estate development enterprises housing delivery of a written document for 2.5 to help clients with the delivery of housing conditions Receiving procedures; 2.6 assist clients for the pre-related property management procedures and review required clients to sign the relevant agreements and contracts, the owners and the commitment of the Convention and other documents. 第二章 商品房交付程序概述 第3条 商品房交付的一般程序 3.1房地产开发企业向买受人发出书面的入住通知。 3.2买受人持入住通知要求的证件及其他相关资料,在入住通知要求的期限内到房地产开发企业指定的地点,查验房地产开发企业依法应当取得的书面文件。 3.3买受人在房地产开发企业相关工作人员的陪同下实地查验所购买商品房并填写验房单。 3.3.1若商品房存在法定或约定的可以退房的质量问题或存在解除购房合同的其他情形,买受人应决定是否退房,并在约定的期限内书面通知房地产开发企业; 3.3.2若商品房存在未达退房条件的质量问题或未达到约定标准,买受人可将商品房存在的质量问题或未达到约定标准的内容书面递交房地产开发企业,由房地产开发企业在一定期限内逐项予以修复或赔偿。 3.4房地产开发企业对商品房存在的质量问题逐项予以修复或作出修复书面承诺并经买受人查验同意后,双方根据商品房面积实测技术报告结算房款。 3.5买受人向房地产开发企业交纳商品房买卖合同或商品房预售合同约定的其他费用。 3.6买受人从房地产开发企业或房地产开发企业指定的第三方处领取房屋钥匙。 3.7买受人向房地产开发企业依法选定的前期物业管理企业交纳物业管理费,并办理物业管理的相关手续。 Chapter II of commercial housing delivery procedures outlined in the first three deliveries of commercial housing the general procedure 3.1 real estate development enterprises to the buyer with a written notice of occupancy. 3.2-notice requirements of the buyer with the documents and other relevant information, to pre-notification requirements within a period of real estate development enterprises to specify the location, the identification in real estate development enterprises in accordance with the law should be made a written document. 3.3 buyer in real estate development companies associated personnel, accompanied by the field of commercial housing purchased by the identification and fill out the autopsy room alone. 3.3.1 If the existence of statutory housing or the agreement can check out the quality problems exist or lifting of other cases of house purchase contract, the buyer should decide whether or not to check-out and agreed by notice in writing within a period of real estate development enterprises; 3.3. 2 If housing conditions exist below the check-out quality problems or reach agreement standards, the buyer could be the existence of commercial housing quality standards or to the contents of a written agreement to submit real estate development companies, from real estate development enterprises in a certain period of time Be itemized in the repair or compensation. 3.4 real estate development enterprises to the commercial housing quality problems one by one to repair or restoration of a written commitment by the buyer inspection agreement, the two sides in accordance with the measured area of commercial housing technical report clearing Fangkuan. 3.5 buyer to pay real estate development enterprise contract for the sale of commercial housing or housing developments contractual other costs. 3.6 buyer from the real estate development companies or real estate development enterprises designated by a third party for the keys. 3.7 buyer to the real estate development enterprises in accordance with the law pre-selected property management companies to pay property management fees, property management and for the relevant procedures. 第4条 我国现行的法律、法规、规章及规范性文件对商品房交付的具体程序并无明确规定,一般而言,房地产开发企业会在入住通知中写明入住程序;律师应从维护委托人合法权益的角度出发,提醒委托人充分注意房地产开发企业提出的不合理的商品房交付程序;必要时,应与房地产开发企业进行协商,促使其变更不合理的商品房交付程序。 Article 4 of China's existing laws, rules, regulations and regulatory documents on the housing delivery has not clearly defined specific procedures, in general, real estate development enterprises in state-of-notification procedures; lawyers should safeguard the legitimate clients Rights point of view, to remind clients pay full attention to real estate development enterprises by the unreasonable housing delivery process; necessary, and real estate development enterprises should be consultations, to change its unreasonable housing delivery process. 第三章 前期准备工作 买受人收到房地产开发企业发出的入住通知,标志着商品房交付程序的开始。商品房交付程序开始之后至实地查验商品房之前,律师应做的法律事务至少应当包括: 第5条 审查房地产项目曾经发布的各类广告等宣传资料、买受人与房地产开发企业签订的《商品房买卖合同》或《商品房预售合同》,并向买受人提供法律意见。重点包括: 5.1是否存在显失公平等可变更或可撤销条款; 5.2是否存在无效条款; 5.3了解合同双方关于商品房交付标准、交付时间、违约责任等方面的约定。 5.4与委托人拟定与房地产开发企业谈判的事项及重点内容。 Chapter III of preparatory work in real estate development enterprises buyer received a pre-notification, marking the beginning of commercial housing delivery process. After the housing delivery process begun to field inspection of commercial housing before, the Law Society of Legal Affairs should do should at least include: review of five real estate projects have issued various types of advertising and promotional materials, the buyer and real estate development companies signed the "housing Business Contract "or" pre-sale of commercial housing contract ", to provide legal advice to the buyer. Highlights include: 5.1 Xianshigongping, such as whether there can be change or revoke provisions of the existence of 5.2 invalid provisions 5.3 understanding of the contracting parties on the standards of housing delivery, delivery time, the responsibility for breach of contract agreement. 5.4 clients and develop real estate development enterprises negotiations with the issues and focus on content. 第6条 审查入住通知,并向买受人提供法律意见。重点包括: 6.1入住通知列明的商品房交付程序是否不利于买受人; 6.2入住通知要求买受人交纳的税费是否合理、合法; 6.3入住通知列明的商品房交付时间是否与《商品房买卖合同》或《商品房预售合同》的约定一致。 Article 6 of the review of pre-notification to the buyer to provide legal advice. Highlights include: 6.1-notice specified in the housing delivery process is not conducive to the buyer; 6.2-notice requirements of the buyer to pay the taxes and fees are reasonable and legitimate; notice specified in the 6.3-time delivery of commercial housing with "a contract for the sale of commercial housing "Or" pre-sale of commercial housing contracts "agreed unanimously. 第7条 代表买受人参加就商品房交付程序、买受人需缴纳税费等事项与房地产开发企业进行的谈判,拟定相关书面协议或审查房地产开发企业方拟定的相关书面协议。 第8条 提醒买受人注意商品房交付过程中经常出现的问题,向买受人提供法律咨询。 Article 7 on behalf of the buyer to participate in housing delivery process, the buyer need to pay taxes and fees, and other matters and real estate development enterprises in the negotiations, draw up a written agreement or review of real estate development enterprises related to the development of a written agreement. Section 8 housing delivery to remind the buyer attention in the course of recurring problems, provide legal advice to the buyer. 第9条 指导买受人参照入住通知准备需向房地产开发企业提供的相关资料。 第10条 买受人收到房地产开发企业发送的入住通知后,若其对入住通知写明的交付程序、需交纳税费等内容无异议,律师应提醒买受人按照入住通知的要求,携带相关证件和资料于指定时间到指定地点办理商品房的验收和交接手续。 若买受人确实无法与指定时间办理商品房的验收和交接手续,应书面通知房地产开发企业并说明理由,并注意保存已通知房地产开发企业的相关证据。 No. 9-reference guide to inform the buyer prepared to take real estate development enterprises to provide the relevant information. Article 10 of the buyer received the real estate development enterprises in the notice sent, if their stay informed on the delivery of written procedures, the need to pay taxes and fees, and other content without objection, lawyers should be reminded to inform the buyer in accordance with the requirements of To bring relevant documents and information at the designated time to designated locations for the acceptance of commercial housing and transfer procedures. If the buyer does not specify the time for commercial housing and the acceptance and handover procedures, should be notified in writing real estate development enterprises and justified, and kept the attention of real estate development enterprises have informed the relevant evidence 第四章 查验证明文件 第11条 律师应协助委托人查验房地产开发企业交付房屋时依法应当取得的证明文件原件,具体包括: 11.1规划验收批准文件; 11.2建筑工程竣工验收备案表; 11.3房屋面积实测技术报告书; 11.4房屋为住宅的,还应查验《住宅质量保证书》和《住宅使用说明书》。 11.5商品房买卖合同或商品房预售合同约定的其他文件,如大产权证、空气质量验收合同报告等。 Chapter IV of the identification documents Article 11 of the Law Society should assist in the identification of real estate development enterprise clients housing delivery should be made in accordance with the law when the original documents, including: 11.1 planning document approved acceptance; acceptance record 11.2 completion of construction work table; housing area of 11.3 Measured technical report; 11.4 for residential housing, but also the identification "of the residential quality assurance" and "R Manual." 11.5 contract for the sale of commercial housing or housing developments contractual other documents, such as large property rights permits, air quality inspection reports, and other contracts. 第12条 房地产开发企业无法提供本指引第11条前四款中任何一个证明文件,买受人皆有权拒绝接收房屋,由此引起的房屋延期交付,应由房地产开发企业按照商品房买卖合同或商品房预售合同的约定承担延期交房的违约责任。 Article 12 of the real estate development companies can not provide the Article 11 of the guidelines before any of the four documents, both the buyer the right to refuse to receive housing, the resulting delay delivery of housing, real estate development enterprises should be in accordance with the trading of commercial housing The contract or sale of commercial housing commitment to the agreed terms of the contract extension Jiaofang responsibility for the breach of contract. 第13条 退房权的行使 13.1房地产开发企业无法提交本指引第11条前四款中的一个或数个证明文件而导致房屋延期交付的,当迟延的期限达到商品房买卖合同或商品房预售合同约定的买受人可以退房的期限后,买受人可以决定是否选择退房; 13.2买受人选择退房的,应于上述期限届满之日起一年内书面通知房地产开发企业;房地产开发企业催告的,应于收到催告之日起三个月内书面通知房地产开发企业;商品房买卖合同或商品房预售合同对行使退房权的期限有明确约定的,从其约定。 Article 13 of the check-out of the exercise of the right to 13.1 in real estate development enterprises have not been able to submit the guidelines on Article 11 of the previous four in one or several documents led to the extension of the delivery, when the time limit to delay a contract for the sale of commercial housing or commercial housing sale Agreed in the contract the buyer can check-out period, the buyer can decide whether to select Check-Out; 13.2 check out the buyer's choice, in the above-mentioned period expires within a year from the date of written notice of real estate development enterprises; Cuigao real estate development enterprises, should be received Cuigao within three months from the date written notice of real estate development Enterprise; contract for the sale of commercial housing or commercial housing pre-sale contract on the exercise of the right to check out a clear deadline for an agreement, its agreement. 第五章 实地查验房屋 第14条 实地查验房屋是商品房交付过程中一个极为重要的环节,律师应协助委托人对房屋进行逐项查验。因该项内容专业性强,必要时需专业设备进行检测,如由律师逐一查验,律师工作量不仅猛增,还会欠缺专业性。如委托人要求全面查验,建议同时委托监理公司进行验房,律师起固化证据、提供问题解决方案的作用。 Chapter V field inspection of the first 14 field inspection of the housing delivery process is an extremely important aspect of the Law Society should assist the clients of housing for each inspection. Because of the strong professional content, if necessary, take professional equipment for testing, such as one by one inspection by the Law Society, lawyers not only increase the workload, but also a lack of professionalism. If the client demands a comprehensive inspection, the commission also recommended the Commissioner to carry out post-mortem room, lawyers from the curing of evidence, the issue of providing solutions for the role. 第15条 实地查验房屋可参照以下标准: 15.1 GBJ7 建筑地基基础设计规范 15.2 GBJ10 钢筋混凝土结构设计规范 15.3 GBJ11建筑抗震设计规范 15.4 GBJ14室外排水设计规范 15.5 GBJ16建筑设计防火规范 15.6 GBJ45高层民用建筑设计防火规范 15.7 GBJ206木结构工程施工及验收规范 15.8 GBJ207屋面工程施工及验收规范 15.9 GBJ232电气装置安装工程施工及验收规范 15.10 GBJ242采暖与卫生工程施工及验收规范 15.11 GJ13危险房屋鉴定标准 15.12 GB50325-2001民用建筑工程室内环境污染控制规范 15.13 GBT18883-2002室内空气质量标准 Article 15 of the field inspection of the Housing Refer to the following criteria: 15.1 GBJ7 building foundation design specifications 15.2 GBJ10 reinforced concrete structure design specifications 15.3 GBJ11 Seismic Design of Building 15.4 GBJ14 outdoor drainage design specifications 15.5 GBJ16 architectural norms 15.6 GBJ45 fire for fire protection design of tall buildings 15.7 GBJ206 norms wooden construction and acceptance norms 15.8 GBJ207 roof construction and acceptance norms15.9 GBJ232 installation of electrical installations and acceptance of construction norms 15.10 GBJ242 heating and sanitation project construction and inspection standards 15.11 GJ13 dangerous housing identification standards 15.12 GB50325-2001 civil engineering indoor environmental pollution control of 15.13 GBT18883-2002 indoor air quality standards 第16条 查验拟交付房屋是否为买受人所购买房屋; 若拟交付房屋与商品房买卖合同或商品房预售合同及其附件、补充协议不符,应及时通知房地产开发企业,重新进行核对。 第17条 查验拟交付房屋的户型、朝向、结构、空间尺寸、供热、采暖方式等是否与商品房买卖合同或商品房预售合同约定的一致,如有不符,应及时通知房地产开发企业。 Article 16 of the delivery of housing to check whether the buyer purchased housing to be delivered if the contract for the sale of housing and commercial housing or commercial housing pre-sale contract and its annex, the supplemental agreement does not match, should promptly notify the real estate development enterprises, re-check. Article 17 of the delivery of housing to the identification of the apartment, towards, structure, size of space, heating, cooling, heating methods, such as whether a contract for the sale of commercial housing or commercial housing with the sale of contractual agreement, if not, should promptly notify the real estate development enterprises. 第18条 核对房屋面积 18.1判断拟交付房屋的建筑面积、套内建筑面积等与房地产开发企业提供的房屋面积实测技术报告书记载的相应数据是否一致;若买受人认为房屋面积实测技术报告书记载的有关数据与实际不符,可委托有资质的房产测绘机构进行测绘。 18.2若买受人对房地产开发企业提供的房屋面积实测技术报告书无异议,可根据此报告书记载的相应数据判断商品房买卖合同或商品房预售合同中据以计算房屋价款的面积与实测面积是否有误差以及误差比;若误差比达到商品房买卖合同或商品房预售合同约定的或法定的退房条件,买受人可以选择退房。 Article 18 of the housing area of 18.1 check to determine the delivery of housing construction area, Inner construction area, and other real estate development enterprises to provide housing area measured technical report records the corresponding data are consistent if the buyer that the area measured technical report The book records the data and not actual, could be entrusted to qualified real estate corporation mapping. 18.2 If the buyer of real estate development enterprises to provide housing area measured technical report without objection, according to the report records the corresponding data judgement contract for the sale of commercial housing or commercial housing in the pre-sale contract to calculate the price of housing and measured the size of area Are there error and error than if error than to a contract for the sale of commercial housing or commercial housing pre-sale of contractual or statutory check-out conditions, the buyer can choose to check-out. 第19条 查验房屋的地基基础及主体结构质量。 19.1经查验发现拟交付房屋地基基础或主体结构质量存在问题,买受人应及时通知房地产开发企业,必要时可委托有资质的检测机构进行检测。 19.2拟交付房屋地基基础或主体结构质量经检测不合格的,买受人可按照商品房买卖合同或商品房预售合同有关条款的约定分别作出相应选择。 19.2.1根据商品房买卖合同或商品房预售合同的约定,此种情况可以选择退房的,可以按照约定选择退房,并要求房地产开发企业承担相应的违约责任; 19.2.2要求房地产开发企业予以修复,直至合格,修复至合格之前,视为房屋未交付,由房地产开发企业承担逾期交房的违约责任; 19.2.3商品房买卖合同或商品房预售合同对此未加以约定的,按照国家有关法律、法规、规章以及国家标准相关规定进行处理。 Article 19 of the identification of the Housing Foundation and the quality of the main structure. 19.1 Upon inspection found to be referred to the Housing Foundation or the quality of the main structural problems, the buyer shall promptly notify the real estate development companies, if necessary, by qualified testing organizations for testing. 19.2 Housing Foundation to be delivered or the quality of the main structure of the test failed, the buyer may be in accordance with the contract for the sale of commercial housing or commercial housing pre-sale contracts were agreed by the relevant provisions of the consequential choice. 19.2.1 under contract for the sale of commercial housing or commercial housing pre-sale contract agreement, the situation can choose to check-out, you can choose in accordance with the agreed check-out and requested the real estate development companies bear responsibility for the corresponding default; 19.2.2 require real estate development Enterprises to be repaired, until the competent, qualified to repair, as non-delivery of housing, real estate development enterprises by the late Jiaofang bear the responsibility for breach of contract; 19.2.3 contract for the sale of commercial housing or commercial housing pre-sale contracts have not been agreed, in accordance with The relevant national laws, regulations, rules and the relevant provisions of national standard treatment 第20条 查验房屋的室内空气质量 20.1经查验发现拟交付房屋的室内空气质量存在问题,买受人应及时通知房地产开发企业,必要时可委托有资质的检测机构进行检测。 20.2拟交付房屋的室内空气质量经检测不符合国家标准的,买受人可按商品房买卖合同或商品房预售合同相关条款的约定分别作出相应选择。 20.21根据商品房买卖合同或商品房预售合同的约定,此种情况可以选择退房的,可以按照约定选择退房; 20.2.2商品房买卖合同或商品房预售合同对此种情况约定了退房以外的其他处理方式,从其约定; 20.2.3商品房买卖合同或商品房预售合同对此未加以约定的,按照国家有关法律、法规、规章以及国家标准相关规定进行处理。 Article 20 of the identification of indoor air quality inspection found to be 20.1 by the delivery of housing indoor air quality problems, the buyer shall promptly notify the real estate development companies, if necessary, by qualified testing organizations for testing. 20.2 housing to be delivered by the indoor air quality testing did not meet national standards, the buyer may be a contract for the sale of commercial housing or commercial housing pre-sale contracts related provisions of the agreement were to make consequential choices. 20.21 under contract for the sale of commercial housing or commercial housing pre-sale contract agreement, the situation can choose to check-out, you can choose in accordance with the agreed check-out; 20.2.2 contract for the sale of commercial housing or commercial housing pre-sale contract agreed to such a situation outside the check-out Other approach, from the agreement; 20.2.3 contract for the sale of commercial housing or commercial housing pre-sale contracts have not been agreed, in accordance with relevant state laws, regulations, rules and the relevant provisions of national standards for processing. 第21条 查验拟交付房屋是否存在其它质量问题;若发现拟交付房屋存在其它质量问题,应逐项作好书面 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 ,并可根据实际情况,与房地产开发企业协商选择以下任一方式进行处理: 21.1房地产开发企业应于一定期限内予以修复,并告知买受人进行二次查验,修复合格之前,视为房屋未交付,由房地产开发企业承担逾期交房的违约责任; 21.2要求房地产开发企业书面承诺于房屋交付后一定期限内予以修复,修复费用由房地产开发企业承担,由此给买受人造成的损失由房地产开发企业负责赔偿; 21.3房地产开发企业与买受人协商一致的其他方式。 Article 21 of the delivery of housing to check the existe
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