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医学英语讲座nullnull Dr. Winby York-Kwan Chen 陳 玉 琨 Department of Pathology NYM University Taipei V G HGood morning總在剎那間 , 有一些了解總在剎那間 , 有一些了解 Phonetics in Medic...

nullnull Dr. Winby York-Kwan Chen 陳 玉 琨 Department of Pathology NYM University Taipei V G HGood morning總在剎那間 , 有一些了解總在剎那間 , 有一些了解 Phonetics in Medical English Phonetics in Medical English 立足台灣,更要“嗆”聲天下 nullThe sources of Medical termsEnglishThe sources of Medical termsThe sources of Medical termsAnglo-Saxon: arm, head Graeco-Roman: pylorus, aorta Corruption:boel, buel (old French) bouel (Mid-aged English) bowel (Modern English) Romance: French: Chancre, debris Italy: Influenza Spanish: Mosquito Modern invention: apoptosis, prion Arabic: Nucha, matter, Cephalic, vein Modern German: KernicterusLatin wordsLatin wordsvice versa反之亦然 de novo新的 per se本身的 sine qua non絕對必要的 bona fide真實的 in situ原位 in vitro試管的、體外; in vivo活體內 et al.和其他的 pro re nata (p.r.n.)according to circumstance ter in die (t.i.d.)一天三次 oculus sinister (o.s.)左眼 oculus dexter (o.s.) 右眼 English Latin GraecoEnglish Latin GraecoLung Pulmon Pneumon Fat adipo lipo Shin Tibia cnemis Vessel angio Thigh Femur Tear Lacrimal Tear Lacerate French wordsFrench wordslavage沖洗 curettage 刮除術 triage傷患分類 debris碎屑 debridement創傷切開法 chancroid軟性下疳;chancre下疳 Silhouette forme fruste疾病之異型 petit mal小發作 en bloc整塊(個) en plaque 整片 cafe au lait咖啡加牛奶nullSpell better And Speak betterPluralizing terms--ending in any vowel or consonant except s,x,z, or y Pluralizing terms--ending in any vowel or consonant except s,x,z, or y Add “s” Bones, ears Discs; breasts; joints (tickets, desks; guests) Nerve sheaths [z] Disease [ziz] diseases [ziziz] Pluralizing terms--ending in y or s,x,zPluralizing terms--ending in y or s,x,z Remove the ‘y’ and add ‘ies’ to words ending in `y preceded by a consonant (ex. mastectomy- mastectomies) When an ending ‘y’ is preceded by a vowel, the usual plural suffix is `s (ex. boy - boys) Add ‘es’ to words ending in s,x, or z (ex. reflex - reflexes) Pluralizing terms--Latin and Greek Pluralizing terms--Latin and Greek Remove ‘x’ and add ‘ces’ to Latin and Greek words ending in x (ex. appendix – appendices; calyx- calyces) [z] Pluralizing terms--LatinPluralizing terms--LatinRemove ‘us’ and add ‘I’ to words ending in us (ex. bacillus- bacilli, coccus-cocci) Add ‘e’ to words ending in a (ex. lamina – laminae; Remove ‘um’ from and add ‘a’ to words ending in um (ex. diverticulum - diverticula) Pluralizing terms--GreekPluralizing terms--GreekAdd ‘s’ or ‘ta’ to terms ending in oma (ex.leiomyoma-leiomyomas, leiomyomata) Change ‘sis’ to ‘ses’ in words ending in sis (ex. fibromatosis - fibromatoses) [z] Remove ‘um’ from and add ‘a’ to words ending in um (ex. diverticulum - diverticula) Pluralizing terms--Latin Pluralizing terms--Latin Singular Plural Fossa fossae Fascia fasciae datum data radix radices Pluralizing terms--GreekPluralizing terms--Greek Singular Plural neurosis neuroses ganglion ganglia calyx calyces nullSimilar or misspelled wordsSimilar or misspelled wordsSimilar or misspelled wordsPubic versus Public Pleural versus plural Peritoneum versus perineum sweat gland versus sweet gland Impotence versus importance corps,corpse,corpus salivary,salary;bowel,bowl; frank,flank;satellite,stellate。 Similar or misspelled wordsSimilar or misspelled wordsepidemic,epidermic valve,(a),vulva,uvula ureter,urethra; Semen, Cement achalasia,chalasia; Breast, beast adduction,abduction hydrencephalus,hydranencephaly prosencephalon,porencephaly Similar or misspelled wordsSimilar or misspelled wordsvalgus,vagus,varus variola,varicella rubeola,rubella dilatation,dilation centripetal,centrifugal in vitro,in vivo varix,varices,varicose homogenous,homogeneousSimilar or misspelled wordsSimilar or misspelled wordsHe got cholera and chorea in the trip of Korea Impotence is important Penis is not simple as pen-is His balanus got balanitis when working in Baleno null XX 醫學院校友會刊 Wellcome to our Annual meeting Welcome to our Annual meeting Front sheet of CPC in a medical center Modulator……Discussers….. Moderator……DiscussantsSpell better Speak better! Speak better!Speak out/upSpeak out/upPronouncing a word out loud each time when you see a syllable (every vowel and consonant)Long and short vowelsLong and short vowels (A): \A\ as a in ace \a\ as a in ash (E): \E\ as ea in easy \e\ as e in bet ( I): \I\ as i in ice \i\ as i in hit (O): \O\ as o in go \ä\ as o in mop (U): \U\ as u in pure \^\ as u in put,us about; kitten Two vowelsTwo vowels\o\ as aw in law \oi\ as oy in boy \ou\as ou in out \ü\ as oo in loop \u\ as oo in footTwo vowels CombinationTwo vowels CombinationAe = “E” sound Caesarean Curriculum vitae Oe = “E” sound Coelom Io = “I” and “O” sound Leiomyoma Eo= “E”ans “O” Nucleolus Oo = “O” “o”sound OophorectomySilent Letter CombinationsSilent Letter Combinations Chemistry Gnaw Knuckle Mnemonics Cnemial Pneumonia Psoriasis ptosisCh = “k” sound Gn = “n” sound Kn = “n” sound Mn = “n” sound Cn = “n” sound Pn = “n” sound Ps = “s” sound Pt = “t” soundPronunciation – Hard and Soft SoundsPronunciation – Hard and Soft SoundsLetters such as “C” and “G” can have hard or soft sounds, depending on whether they are followed by a vowel or a consonant. Letter Example C = “S” sound when followed by e, i, or y. cell C = “K” sound otherwise color G = “J” sound when followed by e, i, or y. gelatin G = “G” sound otherwise gram Vowel at the end of wordsVowel at the end of wordsAn “I” at the end of a word is pronounced as “eye.” --- Fungi “Es” at the end of a word is pronounced as “eez” ---nares “E” at the end of a word is soundless ---syndrome, genome, glioblastoma multiforme “AE” at the end of a word is pronounced as E --laminae, papillae Past tense and past participle—d,ed,Past tense and past participle—d,ed,無聲子音: aimed, called 有聲子音: kicked, watched Wanted, providedPhonetic technique--AccentPhonetic technique--AccentTwo vowels: Noun Verb Reflex Reflex Digest Digest Record Record Progress Progress **Technique, address Three vowels: Atrophy Four vowels: AnemiaEasily mispronounced words—Bi-lingual soundEasily mispronounced words—Bi-lingual soundNoun versus adjective Minute Minute Patent Patent [Latin word] Adjective versus Complement Adult Adult Noun versus verb Tear Tear Resume ResumeEasily mispronounced words—Bi-multi-lingual soundEasily mispronounced words—Bi-multi-lingual soundAngina pectoris, lipoma, lipase, antibody,antibiotic, gingiva conization,dissection, Menarche [US]: Laboratory, resource, research [US]: absolutely Clitoris nullEasily mispronounced wordsEasily mispronounced words--AEasily mispronounced words--A Apocrine, (eccrine) Apoplexy Autopsy Anlage Anus Easily mispronounced words--BEasily mispronounced words--BBiopsy Botulism Bowel, Brow, BowlEasily mispronounced words--CEasily mispronounced words--CCavernous hemangioma Carcinogen Caruncle Carbuncle (furuncle) Colon CytoplasmEasily mispronounced words--DEasily mispronounced words--D Dentin Dilation, dilatation Dyspnea (Apnea; Hyperpnea)Easily mispronounced words--EEasily mispronounced words--EEpilepsy Exocrine, (autocrine, paracrine) Endocrine, endocrinologist Easily mispronounced words--FEasily mispronounced words--FForamen Fixation, fixative Tetralogy of FallotEasily mispronounced words--GEasily mispronounced words--GGingiva Genome Gross pathologyEasily mispronounced words--HHomograft Homozygote, homozygoticEasily mispronounced words--IEasily mispronounced words--IInflammation, inflammatoryEasily mispronounced words--LLacrimal gland LanugoEasily mispronounced words--MEasily mispronounced words--MMediastinum, mediastinal, mediastinitis Menarche (sh in*Cache) Metastasis Mesenchyme, mesenchyma Microglia Easily mispronounced words--NEasily mispronounced words--NNasopharynxEasily mispronounced words--OOophorectomy OphthalmectomyEasily mispronounced words--PEasily mispronounced words--PPapilla, papillae, papillary Penis, Peritoneum; Perineum Phallus Pineal (pineoblastoma) Plaque Plague Prion Prepuce Primitive Pathognomonic Easily mispronounced words--QEasily mispronounced words--QQuarantine Query QueueEasily mispronounced words--REasily mispronounced words--RReflex Respirator, respiration, respiratory Rubeola RubellaEasily mispronounced words--SEasily mispronounced words--SSpecimen Suppuration, suppurative Saliva, salivary Stoma,stomata (colostomy) Stomach, stomatitis, Easily mispronounced words--TEasily mispronounced words--TTinnitus Tourniquet [k] Easily mispronounced words--UUreter UrethraEasily mispronounced words--VEasily mispronounced words--VValve,vulva, uvula Valgus, vagus, varus Variola, varicella Varix, varices, varicose (in) Vitro, (in) vivoEasily mispronounced words—with special suffixEasily mispronounced words—with special suffixEasily mispronounced words—ending with “sis”Easily mispronounced words—ending with “sis”Agenesis, Amebiasis, Analysis, Autolysis Bronchiectasis Candidiasis Diaphysis Epiphysis Hemolysis, Hypophysis Metastasis Pathogenesis Schitosomiasis Telangiectasis Easily mispronounced words— ending with “sia” (z)Easily mispronounced words— ending with “sia” (z)Telangiectasia Bronchiectasia Dysplasia Hyperplasia Metaplasia AnaplasiaEasily mispronounced words—ending with “tion”,“stion”, “sion” and “sual”Easily mispronounced words—ending with “tion”,“stion”, “sion” and “sual”Motion,mention,manifestation [S] Congestion;Question;Suggestion [S] Vision, lesion, adhesion [Z] Usual, casual [Z] Easily mispronounced words—ending with “lus” “lar”and “la”Easily mispronounced words—ending with “lus” “lar”and “la”Alveolus, alveolar, areola Bronchiole, bronchiolus, bronchiolar Foveolus, foveola NucleolusEasily mispronounced words—ending with “logy” and “phy”Easily mispronounced words—ending with “logy” and “phy”Biology Pathology Tetralogy Tomography Easily mispronounced words—with “ti” combinationEasily mispronounced words—with “ti” combinationCalvities [sh] Syncytial [sh] trophoblast Reticular fiber [t] Scintigraphy [t] Easily mispronounced words—ending with “scope” ;“scopy” and “scopic”Easily mispronounced words—ending with “scope” ;“scopy” and “scopic”Bronchoscope, bronchoscopy, bronchoscopic Coloscope, coloscopy (colonoscopy) coloscopic Colposcope, colposcopy, colposcopic Endoscope, endoscopy, endoscopic, Microscope, microscopy, microscopic Easily mispronounced words—ending with “meter”Easily mispronounced words—ending with “meter”Diameter Ophthalmometer Thermometer Centimeter Nanometer (Nanometer)Easily mispronounced words—ending with “geal”Easily mispronounced words—ending with “geal”Esophagus, esophageal Coccyx, coccygeal Pharynx, pharyngeal Phalanx, phalangealEasily mispronounced words—ending with “ile”Easily mispronounced words—ending with “ile”Fertile, expansile Fragile, febrile Hemophile, homophile FacsimileEasily mispronounced words—ending with “genous” “logous”and “geneous”Easily mispronounced words—ending with “genous” “logous”and “geneous”Endogenous Exogenous Homologous Heterologous Heterogeneous Homogeneous Easily mispronounced words—ArticleEasily mispronounced words—ArticleCommon usage: An umbrella,the umbrella, An apple, the apple Exception: a university,the university a one way ticket,the one way ticket A u[ju]terus, the uterus; A uvula, the uvula A o[w^n]ne-eyed man, the one-eyed mannullEasily mispronounced words—OthersEasily mispronounced words—FrenchEasily mispronounced words—Frenchlavage沖洗 curettage 刮除術 triage傷患分類 debris碎屑 debridement創傷切開法 chancroid軟性下疳;chancre下疳 silhouette forme fruste疾病之異型 petit mal小發作 en bloc整塊(個) en plaque 整片 cafe au lait 咖啡加牛奶 Easily mispronounced words—French Easily mispronounced words—French Common usage: Chauffeur Buffet Bouquet Easily mispronounced words--NameEasily mispronounced words--NameCreutzfeldt-Jakob disease Tetralogy of Fallot Ewing’s sarcoma Nobel prize Leydig cell Sjogren’s syndrome Hashimoto disease Codman’s triangle in osteosarcoma Gaucher diesease Interstitial cell of Cajal Easily mispronounced words—Common usage in MedicineEasily mispronounced words—Common usage in MedicineSurvey Genome Reprint Conservative Comment Thyroid (colloid) Dentin,Protein Normal saline Trust me, you can make itTrust me, you can make it 教練不一定是最佳的表演者,卻知道表演最好的方法 連五音不全的老師也可以,你為何不能 老師也會犯錯:ex.SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome)null豎起耳朵聽聽別人的發音 與你的 是否一樣!null你可以不想去聽 !我告訴你null卻沒有權力影響下一代null“嗆”聲天下null謝謝聆聽,請大家告訴大家
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