首页 Unit 6 减词法

Unit 6 减词法


Unit 6 减词法nullUnit 8 Omission 减词法 Unit 8 Omission 减词法 I. What is OmissionI. What is Omission1. What is omission?nullThe time-keeping devices of electronic watches are much more accurate than those of mechanical ones. 电子表比机械表准确得多。 He took off his coat and shoes....

Unit 6 减词法
nullUnit 8 Omission 减词法 Unit 8 Omission 减词法 I. What is OmissionI. What is Omission1. What is omission?nullThe time-keeping devices of electronic watches are much more accurate than those of mechanical ones. 电子表比机械表准确得多。 He took off his coat and shoes. Then he put on his slippers,went to the sofa and began to watch TV. After a moment, he asked his wife to bring him a cup of tea. 他脱了大衣和鞋子,穿上拖鞋,走到沙发前,开始看电视。过了一会儿,叫妻子端杯茶来。 null省略代词 省略连词 省略冠词 省略介词 省略动词 省略同义词或近义词 省略其他词语 II. Omission of pronounII. Omission of pronoun1. 在英语中,代词充当主语的情况相当多。为了使译文前后的句子意思紧凑,避免重复用词,汉语习惯采用无主句,其主语就是前面的代词。 He was thin and haggard and he looked miserable. 他消瘦而憔悴,看上去痛苦不堪的样子(一副可怜相) But it’s the way I am, and try as I might; I haven’t been able to change it. 可我就是这个脾气,虽几经努力,却始终未能改变过来。 null He was well-favoured, bright, a good dancer, a fair shot and a fine tennis player. He was an asset at any party. He was lavish with flowers and expensive boxes of chocolate, and though he entertained little, when he did it was with an originality that pleased. 他长得帅,很聪明,舞跳得不错,枪打得也可以,网球也打得挺好,深得(女孩子)喜爱。他是宴会上的宠儿,任意购买鲜花和高价巧克力送人。尽管他不大请客,请起来也别有一番创意,让人开心不已。null2.英语中的泛指人称代词作主语时,常常可以省略,翻译成无主句。 As you come into the room, you’ll notice a piano. 一进房间,就会看见一台钢琴。 One must have studied hard before one could succeed in mastering a foreign language. 必须勤学苦练, 才能精通一门外语。 Fight when you can win; move away when you cannot win. 打得赢就打,打不赢就走。 We have 7 days a week and 24 hours a day. 一周有七天,一天有24小时。 null 1) The significance of a man is not in what he attains but rather in what he longs to attain. 人生的意义不在于已获取的,而在于渴望获得什么样的东西。 2) Knowledge is a comfortable and necessary retreat and shelter for us in an advanced age; and if we do not plant it while young, it will give us no shade when we grow old. 知识是人到老年舒适而又必需的归宿。如果年轻时不种下知识之树,老年时就得不到树荫的遮蔽。 3)We live and learn. 活到老,学到老。 null3. 作宾语的代词,翻译时也可以省略. Please take off the old picture and throw it away. 请把那张旧画摘下来扔掉。 Gathering facts, confirming them, suggesting theories, testing them, and organizing findings– this is all work of science. 收集事实并加以论证,提出理论并加以检验,以及归纳整理研究成果——这全都是科学工作的内容。null4. 物主代词在英语中出现的频率非常高,翻译时完全可以省略他们。 He covered his face with his hand as if to protect his eyes. 他用手蒙住脸,好像去保护眼睛。 John got up very early in the morning. He put on his jacket, his trousers and his shoes, sat down at his desk and began to do his homework. 清晨约翰起得很早。他穿上夹克、裤子和鞋子,就坐在书桌旁开始做作业。 nullHer dark hair waved untidy across her broad forehead, her face is short, her upper lip short , showing a glint of teeth, her brows straight and dark, her lashes long and dark, her nose straight. 她的黑发蓬松地飘拂在宽宽的前额,脸是短短的,上唇也是短短的,露出亮亮的牙齿;眉毛又直又黑,睫毛又长又黑,鼻子笔直。null5. “It” 作代词时,也常常可以省略。 Outside it was pitch dark and it was raining cats and dogs. 外面漆黑一团,下着瓢泼大雨。 It is much to be regretted that Mr. Puzo died at so young an age. 普佐先生这么年轻就去世了,很令人惋惜。 null“It” 用于强调句中,没有实际意义,也要省略。 It is only shallow people who judge by appearances. 只有浅薄的人才会以貌取人。 It was with some difficulty that he found the way to his own home. 他费了不少劲才找到家。null I hate the three rules in discipline in my class. One is that a person who is late for class will be fined two yuan. The other is that a person who doesn’t hand in his homework in time will be fined three yuan. The third is that one who is absent for class will be fined ten yuan. For one thing, I am not so diligent, so I often get up late and am late for class. For the other, it seems that I have a bad memory as I often forget when to hand in my homework. For the third rule, I am afraid that I can’t afford it any more. I am a poor student; I have lost much money. I’ll try my best to obey the three rules even though I hate them. 我讨厌班上所制订的三条 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 ,一条是上课迟到者罚款2元,一条是不及时交作业者罚款3元,一条是旷课者罚款10元。 我一是不大勤奋,晚起迟到是常有的事,另外,我的记性好像也很差,啥时候交作业经常忘得一干二净。说起这第三条嘛,恐怕我再也无力应付了,我是个穷学生,已经被罚了很多钱了。不过,恨归恨,不得已还是尽力遵守为好吧。 III. Omission of conjunctionIII. Omission of conjunction 形合与意合 Eugene A. Nida: 从语言学角度来看,英、汉语言之间最重要的区别莫过于形合(hypotaxis)与意合(parataxis)之分了(1982)。 形合指句子内部的连接或句子间的连接采用句法手段(syntactic devices)或词汇手段(lexical devices)。 意合指“句子内部的连接或句子间的连接采用语义手段(semantic connection)”(方梦之,2004)。 英语重形合,语句各成分的相互结合常用适当的连接词语或各种语言连接手段,以表示其结构关系。汉语重意合,句中各成分之间或句子之间的结合多依靠语义的贯通,少用连接语,所以句法结构形式短小精悍。null 例如: The boy had his breakfast and went off to school. 男孩吃过他的早餐,然后上学去了 男孩吃过早饭上学去了。 2. If winter comes, can spring be far behind? (Shelly, Ode to the West Wind) 冬天来了,春天还会远吗? (雪莱《西风颂》) 3. Then I thanked my host and walked down the broad lawn, back to the meadow and the sparkling brook, where I lay on the grass and fell into a sweet sleep. 于是我向主人道了谢,走了出来,沿着宽阔的草坪,来到了河边草地,在水波闪亮的小溪边,躺在草上,进入了甜蜜的梦乡。 null Our arguments were often brought before our father, and I guess I was either generally in the right, or else a better debater, because the judgment was usually in my favor. 我们往往要争吵到父亲那儿去,我想若不是我占理,那就是我嘴更硬,因为父亲评起理来通常是偏向我的。 null He did not sleep much, but when he did he dreamed of beautiful princesses, splendid castles, and gold and silver. 他没睡多久,要是一入睡便梦到如花似玉的公主,梦到富丽堂皇的城堡,梦到黄金,梦到白银。 It was a keen disappointment when I had to postpone the visit which I had intended to pay to China in May. I was delighted when, as a result of the effort of your company, it proved possible to reinstate the visit so quickly. 原打算五月份访华,后不得不推迟,深感失望。由于贵公司的努力,访问这么快得以重新安排,非常高兴。 nullHowever, such change is not easy and can be accomplished only when leaders of both sides have no illusions, talk with candour, and meet differences head-on. 然而,要实现这种改变并非易事,只有双方领导抛弃幻想,开诚布公,正视差异才能实现。 Those who say that we are in a time when there are no heroes, they just don’t know where to look. 有些人说这是一个没有英雄的时代,那是因为他们不懂得如何发现。 null 不定冠词 (a/an) 最基本的意义是“一”,表示数字概念时,不能省略,但用于引申意义表示类别,或用在固定短语中,可省略不译。定冠词 (the) 用在表示方位的名词前,或形容词(形容词最高级)、专有名词之前,特别是用在固定短语或词组中时,常常省略不译。IV. Omission of the Articlesnull 1.A square has four angles (sides). 正方形有四个角(边)。 2.A dictionary is a good teacher. 辞典是良师。 3.It must be morning now, because the birds are singing. 一定是天亮了,因为鸟儿在歌唱。 4. Winter is the best time to study the growth of trees. Although the leaves are gone and the branches are bare, the trees themselves are beautiful. 冬天是研究树木生长的最好季节,虽然树叶落了,树枝光了,但树本身却是美丽的。 nullAny substance is made of atoms whether it is a solid, a liquid, or a gas. 任何物质,无论是固体、液体还是气体,都由原子组成。 Things of a kind come together; people of a mind fall into the same group. 物以类聚,人以群分。 不可省略: Jack often drives at 90 miles an hour. We enclose a cheque for US $ 10,000.V. Omission of prepositionV. Omission of prepositionThe People’s Republic of China was found in 1949. 1949年,中华人民共和国成立。 Smoking is prohibited in public places. 公共场所禁止吸烟。 Rumours had already spread along the streets and lanes. 各种流言传遍了大街小巷。 但是,动词后的介词一般不省略。 He stood by the desk. She hid behind the door.VI. Omission of VerbsVI. Omission of VerbsShe was smooth and agreeable to meet. 她为人处事,八面玲珑。 When the pressure gets low, the boiling point becomes low. 气压低,沸点就低。 Solids expand and contract as liquids and gases do. 如同液体和气体一样,固体也能膨胀和收缩。 VII. Omission of synonyms VII. Omission of synonyms To our knowledge, advertisement and commercials do many important things for society; they convey business information, facilitate communication and help keep the business world moving. 据我们所知,广告在社会中起着重要的作用:传递商品信息,促进交流,使商界正常运作。 Neither party shall cancel the contract without sufficient cause or reason. 双方均不得无故解除 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 。 VIII. Omission of redundant wordsVIII. Omission of redundant wordsPart-time job hunters who have worked at a job will receive preference over those who have not. 寻找业余工作者,有工作经验者优先聘用。 优先聘用有工作经验的业余工作者。 There was no snow, the leaves were gone from the trees, the grass was dead. 没有下雪,但已叶落草枯。 The Pacific alone covers an area larger than that of all the continents put together. 仅太平洋的面积就比所有大陆面积的总和还要大。 nullExercises 1.These developing countries cover vast territories, encompass a large population and abound in natural resources. 这些发展中国家幅员辽阔,人口众多,资源丰富。(地大物博,人口众多) 2. Scientific exploration, the search for knowledge has given man the practical result of being able to shield himself from the calamities of nature and the calamities imposed by others. 人类对科学的探索,对知识的探求,其结果是使自己具有了躲避天灾人祸的能力。 3. There was no haste or restlessness in his manner but a poised friendliness. 他举止不慌不忙,十分友好。(从容不迫,和蔼可亲) 4. Never trouble yourself with trouble till trouble troubles you. 别自找麻烦。null 5. The true joy of joys is the joy that joys in the joy of others. 与人同乐才是真正的快乐。 6. In order to survive, to feed, clothe and shelter himself and his children, man is engaged in a constant struggle with the nature. 为了生存,为了自己和子孙后代的衣食住行,人类与自然不断进行斗争。 7. If you want to kill a snake, you must hit it first on the head and if you want to catch a band of robbers you must first catch their leader. 打蛇先打头,擒贼先擒王。 8. We never know the value of water till the well is dry. 井干了才知道井水可贵。
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