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养殖水环境化学实习报告养殖水环境化学实习报告 组号: 第三组 组长: 孙近近 组员: 王银宝 李正茂 王冬冬 时间: 2011-6-16 publications such as the national liberation movement, instilling anti-Japanese policy. On this basis, progress in development of a number of young people have joined the Communist Party of China. T...

养殖水环境化学 实习报告 酒店前台实习报告法院实习报告铁路实习报告链家实习报告寒假实习报告 组号: 第三组 组长: 孙近近 组员: 王银宝 李正茂 王冬冬 时间: 2011-6-16 publications such as the national liberation movement, instilling anti-Japanese policy. On this basis, progress in development of a number of young people have joined the Communist Party of China. The site of the village the morning of August 23, 1939, in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces East of Lake Taihu anti-Japanese volunteer army, seven have implicit read Cun Yi XI da bridge, was suddenly lurking in mulberry trees on both sides 关于琥珀潭的溶解氧和氨氮含量的变动特点 孙近近 安徽农业大学动物科技学院09水产养殖学 摘要:2011年6月10~11号于琥珀潭开展了两天的养殖水环境化学实习,测定了水体温度、PH、透明度等一些基本情况,然后分别测定了水体溶氧量和氨氮含量的日变化,并对测量数据进行统计、计算和 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 ,最后做了相关的总结。 关键字:琥珀潭 透明度 溶氧量 氨氮含量 日变化 分析 前言:溶解氧对水中生物的生存、生长和发育相当重要,与生物活动有密切的联系,溶解氧含量的变化是衡量水体初级生产力高低的一个重要标志,氨氮含量可以直接反映水体污染程度和水体的自净能力。琥珀潭是琥珀公园唯一一个景观琥珀,其旁边是生活区,开展对其水质的研究也是为了为了服务人民的需要。同时开展此次实习对我们大学生的学习也有很大的帮助,把我们学习理论知识上升到实践中去, 使我们更好的掌握知识。 一 、水体溶解氧的测定(碘量法) 1、测定材料和 方法 快递客服问题件处理详细方法山木方法pdf计算方法pdf华与华方法下载八字理论方法下载 1.1、材料 药品试剂、玻璃仪器 1.1.1、药品试剂 KCrO标准溶液(0.01000mol/L)、NaSO标准溶液227223 (0.01mol/L)、MnSO溶液、KI-NaOH溶液、淀粉溶液(0.5%)、HSO424溶液(1:1)、KI溶液(10%) publications such as the national liberation movement, instilling anti-Japanese policy. On this basis, progress in development of a number of young people have joined the Communist Party of China. The site of the village the morning of August 23, 1939, in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces East of Lake Taihu anti-Japanese volunteer army, seven have implicit read Cun Yi XI da bridge, was suddenly lurking in mulberry trees on both sides 1.1.2、玻璃仪器 碱式滴定管(50.00ml)、溶氧瓶(125ml)、移液管、锥形瓶(250ml)、胶头滴管 1.2、方法 指标选择点、试剂配置、时间、测定过程 1.2.1、指标选择点 合肥市环城公园琥珀潭景区,图中红 色圆圈处为采样地点 1.2.2、试剂配制 1、KCrO标准溶液(0.01000mol/L):称227 取于105~110?烘干2小时并冷却的 KCrO固体0.4904g,溶解后在1000ml容227 量瓶中定容,摇均。 2、NaSO标准溶液(0.01mol/L):称取223 NaSO?5HO固体2.5g,溶于经煮沸冷却的纯水中,加入0.4gNaOH,2232 用纯水稀释至1000ml。贮于棕色瓶中,使用前用0.01000mol/L KCrO227标准溶液标定。 3、MnSO溶液:称取480g MnSO?4HO,溶于1000ml纯水中,442 溶液如有沉淀可静置后使用上清液(此溶液在酸性是,加入KI后遇淀粉不变色)。 4、KI-NaOH溶液:称取75gKI溶于100ml纯水中,另称取250gNaOH溶于250~300ml纯水中,待NaOH溶液冷却后将两种溶液publications such as the national liberation movement, instilling anti-Japanese policy. On this basis, progress in development of a number of young people have joined the Communist Party of China. The site of the village the morning of August 23, 1939, in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces East of Lake Taihu anti-Japanese volunteer army, seven have implicit read Cun Yi XI da bridge, was suddenly lurking in mulberry trees on both sides 合并,混匀,用纯水稀释至500ml。若有沉淀则放置过夜后,傾出上层清液贮于聚乙烯瓶中,避光保存。 5、淀粉溶液(0.5%):称取0.5g可溶性淀粉,用少量水调成糊状,倾入沸水中煮沸并稀释至100ml。冷却后,加入0.1g水杨酸,以防止细菌的分解。若此溶液遇碘成紫色,则应重配。 6、HSO溶液(1:1):在不断搅拌下,把浓HSO缓慢倒入等体积2424 的纯水中,混合最好在冷水浴中进行。 7、KI溶液(10%):10gKI溶于少量的纯水中,再定容至100ml。 1.2.3、测定过程及时间 1、采集时间:早上6:00开始,每隔两个小时采集一次,到晚上6:00共采集7组水样,其中,李正茂、王冬冬负责6点、12点、2点,孙近近、王银宝负责8点、10点、4点、6点。 2、每次采集前的准备工作:将采水器避光放置在采集点5分钟,待温度计稳定后记录当时气温;用透明盘测定当时水的透明度及深度。 3、水样的采集 (1)、上层:将采水器放置离水面下50cm处,5分钟后取出并记录温度,用pH试纸测出水样pH,用水样润洗溶氧瓶,之后将采水器再次放入水面下50cm处取水样,采集水样时橡皮管插入溶氧瓶底部,然后让水样依次注入两个溶氧瓶,装满后并溢出部分水样,抽出水管并盖上瓶盖。 (2)、下层:将采水器放置在离水底50cm处,其余步骤和上层水publications such as the national liberation movement, instilling anti-Japanese policy. On this basis, progress in development of a number of young people have joined the Communist Party of China. The site of the village the morning of August 23, 1939, in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces East of Lake Taihu anti-Japanese volunteer army, seven have implicit read Cun Yi XI da bridge, was suddenly lurking in mulberry trees on both sides 样采集相同。 4、水样的固定:打开瓶盖各瓶依次加入MnSO溶液及KI-NaOH4 溶液各15~18滴,倾斜盖好瓶盖,勿使瓶内有气泡,按紧瓶盖反转颠摇20次左右,静置十分钟。 5、NaSO标准溶液标定:移取KCrO标准溶液20.00ml于锥223227 形瓶中,加入KI溶液5ml和HSO(1:1)2ml,混匀并在暗处静置5min24 后,加纯水50ml,用NaSO标准溶液滴定至溶液成淡黄色,加入淀223 粉溶液1ml,继续滴定至蓝色刚好褪去为止,记录用量V 标 6、水样的测定:小心打开瓶盖,将上层上清液到处少许,与溶氧瓶中加入1ml HSO(1:1)盖上瓶盖使沉淀完全溶解,并把瓶中溶液倒24 入锥形瓶中,以NaSO标准溶液滴定至溶液成淡黄色,加入淀粉溶223 液1ml,继续滴定至蓝色恰好褪去,到出少量溶液回溶氧瓶刷洗内壁,再倒回锥形瓶,此时溶液又呈蓝色,继续滴定至无色为止,记录用量V测 7、计算 (1)、标定:C=(20.00×0.01000)/V 标 试中:C为NaSO溶液的浓度(mol/L);V为滴定时消耗标223 NaSO溶液的体积 223 (2)、测定:[Do]=(C×V×8×1000)/(V-2) 样 试中:C为NaSO标准溶液的浓度(mol/L);V为滴定时消223 耗NaSO标准溶液的体积;8为?O的摩尔数(g/mol);V为水样样2232 体积 publications such as the national liberation movement, instilling anti-Japanese policy. On this basis, progress in development of a number of young people have joined the Communist Party of China. The site of the village the morning of August 23, 1939, in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces East of Lake Taihu anti-Japanese volunteer army, seven have implicit read Cun Yi XI da bridge, was suddenly lurking in mulberry trees on both sides 二、水体中氨氮的测定(纳氏试剂比色法) 1、材料和方法 1.1、材料 药品试剂、仪器设备 1.1.1、药品试剂 无氨纯水、NHCl标准溶液、纳氏试剂、酒石酸钾钠溶液 4 1.1.2、仪器设备 量筒、吸管、分光光度计、25ml比 色管、比色皿、胶头滴管、 1.2、方法 指标选择点、试剂配置、时间、测定 过程 1.2.1、指标选择点 合肥市环城公园琥珀潭景区,图中红 色圆圈处为采样地点 1.2.2、试剂配制 1、NHCl标准溶液:称取NHCl3.8190g(AR,经105?烘2h)44 用纯水溶解后定容至1000ml,加氯仿2ml避光保存于冰箱中备用,准确吸取上述液体10.0ml于1000ml容量瓶中用纯水定容、混匀。此 溶液1ml含氮0。010mgN 2、纳氏试剂:称取NaOH16g,溶于50ml纯水中,冷却至室温, 另称取KI7g和HgI10g,溶于纯水中,然后将此溶液在搅拌下,缓2 publications such as the national liberation movement, instilling anti-Japanese policy. On this basis, progress in development of a number of young people have joined the Communist Party of China. The site of the village the morning of August 23, 1939, in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces East of Lake Taihu anti-Japanese volunteer army, seven have implicit read Cun Yi XI da bridge, was suddenly lurking in mulberry trees on both sides 慢加入NaOH溶液中,并稀释至100ml。贮于棕色瓶中,用橡皮塞塞紧,于暗处存放。 3、酒石酸钾钠溶液(50%):称取酒石酸钾钠50g溶于100ml谁中,加热煮沸以去除氨,冷却,定容至100ml 1.2.3测定过程及时间 1、采集时间:和溶解氧的测定相同,其中王银宝、孙近近负责6点、8点、10点,李正茂、王冬冬负责12点、2点、4点、6点。 2、每次采集前准备工作:和溶解氧的测定相同 3、水样的采集 (1)、上层:将采水器放置离水面下50cm处,5分钟后取出并记录温度,用pH试纸测出水样pH,用水样润洗塑料瓶,之后将采水器再次放入水面下50cm处取水样,取出后注入塑料瓶中,密封放入冰箱里保存。 (2)、下层:将采水器放置在离水底50cm处,其余步骤和上层水样采集相同。 4、标准浓度的制定: (1)、取五支内径相同的25ml比色管,分别移入氨标准使用液0、0.25、0.50、1.00、1.50ml,并分别加纯水至25ml,混匀。 管号 1 2 3 4 5 V(ml) 0 0.25 0.5 1.00 1.5 标 浓度mg(N)/L 0 0.100 0.200 0.400 0.600 (2)、分别加入酒石酸钾钠0.5ml,混匀。 publications such as the national liberation movement, instilling anti-Japanese policy. On this basis, progress in development of a number of young people have joined the Communist Party of China. The site of the village the morning of August 23, 1939, in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces East of Lake Taihu anti-Japanese volunteer army, seven have implicit read Cun Yi XI da bridge, was suddenly lurking in mulberry trees on both sides (3)、分别加入纳氏试剂0.5ml,混匀,放置显色10~15ml。 3、水样的测定 量取25.00ml澄清水样于比色管中,按标准标准浓度制定过程(2)、(3)步骤,放置显色15min。 4、分光光度测定 在420nm波长处,用比色皿,以纯水做参照,测定上述各溶液的吸光度E。根据标准溶液测得的吸光度值E样,用excel做 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf ,0 得标准曲线。根据标准曲线和水样的校正吸光度值计算出水样的氨氮含量。 5、计算 水样由亚硝酸盐氮引起的吸光度En=E-E,由En查标准曲线,样0 得该水样中亚硝酸盐氮的浓度 3. 表格 关于规范使用各类表格的通知入职表格免费下载关于主播时间做一个表格详细英语字母大小写表格下载简历表格模板下载 及相关说明 在6月10号至11号在琥珀潭开展了两天的水环境化学实习,并测量了该湖泊的两天的气温、透明度、pH、温度的变化,并在这两天分别测量了该水体溶解氧和氨氮含量的日变化,相关结果如下表所示: 3.1溶解氧的测定记录表(6.10 琥珀潭) 时间 天气温透明度水深水水温平均Ph Do1 Do2 气 (?) (cm) (cm) 样 (?) (mg02/l) (mg02/l) mg02/l 小上无 6:02 25.0 73 170 7.0 25.0 12.6 12.6 雨 层 下6.5 25.0 12.3 10.4 11.4 层 小上8:03 25.0 83 170 6.8 25.0 12.4 13.2 12.8 雨 层 publications such as the national liberation movement, instilling anti-Japanese policy. On this basis, progress in development of a number of young people have joined the Communist Party of China. The site of the village the morning of August 23, 1939, in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces East of Lake Taihu anti-Japanese volunteer army, seven have implicit read Cun Yi XI da bridge, was suddenly lurking in mulberry trees on both sides 下6.5 25.0 12.8 12.2 12.5 层 阴上9:55 25.0 83 170 6.8 25.2 13.2 13.4 13.3 天 层 下6.6 25.1 12.8 13.4 13.0 层 小上12:00 25.0 79 170 6.3 25.0 13.4 14.1 13.8 雨 层 下6.0 25.0 11.9 12.5 12.2 层 小上14:00 22.5 83 170 6.7 24.5 10.8 10.7 10.8 雨 层 下6.0 25.0 10.2 9.6 9.9 层 小上16:00 22.5 86 170 6.8 24.8 11.6 11.3 11.4 雨 层 下6.7 25.0 7.1 10.2 8.6 层 阴上18::00 22.9 80 170 6.8 25.4 11.0 11.7 11.4 天 层 下6.7 25.2 10.9 10.8 10.8 层 3.2氨氮的测定记录表(6.11 琥珀潭) 时间 天气 气温透明度水深水样 水温(?) 氨氮浓度 Ph (?) (cm) (cm) (mgN/l) 晴 上层 6:00 22.5 80 165 6.7 23.9 0.042 下层 6.5 23.9 0.042 晴 上层 7:55 23.5 80 165 6.7 23.9 0.046 下层 6.5 23.9 0.045 晴 上层 9:55 25.0 87 165 6.7 24.9 0.042 下层 6.8 24.6 0.042 晴 上层 11:57 28.5 78 165 6.5 25.5 0.038 下层 6.3 25.0 0.043 多云 上层 14:00 28.7 74 165 6.5 26.5 0.038 下层 6.3 25.5 0.058 阴天 上层 15:55 27.0 62 165 6.5 26.2 0.038 下层 6.3 25.6 0.046 阴天 上层 18::00 25.8 89 165 6.4 26.2 0.041 下层 6.2 25.6 0.040 3.3绘制的表格 publications such as the national liberation movement, instilling anti-Japanese policy. On this basis, progress in development of a number of young people have joined the Communist Party of China. The site of the village the morning of August 23, 1939, in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces East of Lake Taihu anti-Japanese volunteer army, seven have implicit read Cun Yi XI da bridge, was suddenly lurking in mulberry trees on both sides 6.10-6.11水体透明度变化 100 80 602011-6-10 2011-6-1140 透明度(cm) 20 0 6:008:0010:0012:0014:0016:0018:00 时间 由上表可以看出6月10号的透明度测量值最高是86cm,最低 是79cm,没有太大的变动,主要是因为一天都是阴雨天气。6月11 号的透明度测量值最高是89cm,最低是62cm,这一天是多云转晴, 故变动比第一天大。 6.10-6.11水体pH的变化 7.2 7 6.86.10水体上层pH6.66.11水体上层pH6.4 6.2pH值6.10水体下层pH66.11水体下层pH5.8 5.6 5.4 6:00 时间8:00 10:00 6月10至11号表的pH值范围都在6.0至7.0间,并没有太大的12:00 14:00变动,但从上表中可以看出第一天上层水体的pH值总体略大于下层 16:00 18:00publications such as the national liberation movement, instilling anti-Japanese policy. On this basis, progress in development of a number of young people have joined the Communist Party of China. The site of the village the morning of August 23, 1939, in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces East of Lake Taihu anti-Japanese volunteer army, seven have implicit read Cun Yi XI da bridge, was suddenly lurking in mulberry trees on both sides 的,第二天的pH值两条图线有交叉,可能有人为误差。 6.10-6.11水体上下层温度变化 27 266.10水体上层温度256.11水体上层温度温度6.10水体下层温度24 6.11水体下层温度23 22 6:00 8:00时间 10:00 12:00 图中显示两天的表水层温度都略高于下水层的温度,最高温度 14:00 是26.2,最低是23.9,由于第一天是阴雨天气,所以总体略低于第二16:00 18:00天的温度,个别交叉点可能是由于操作失误或者更换采水器造成的。 水体溶氧量的变化 16 14 12 10上层水体溶氧量8水体下层溶氧量6 4溶氧量(mg02/L)2 0 6:008:0010:0012:0014:0016:0018:00 时间 6月10号对琥珀潭溶氧量测量值范围是在8.6~13.8mg02/L,水 体上层溶氧量略高于下层,上层最高值是13.8mg02/L,最小值是 publications such as the national liberation movement, instilling anti-Japanese policy. On this basis, progress in development of a number of young people have joined the Communist Party of China. The site of the village the morning of August 23, 1939, in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces East of Lake Taihu anti-Japanese volunteer army, seven have implicit read Cun Yi XI da bridge, was suddenly lurking in mulberry trees on both sides 11.4mg02/L,下层最高值是13.0mg02/L,最小值是8.6mg02/L,水体上层溶氧量略高于下层。 水体氨氮的变化 0.07 0.06 0.05 0.04上层氨氮浓度 下层氨氮浓度0.03 0.02浓度(mgN/L) 0.01 0 6:008:0010:0012:0014:0016:0018:00 时间 从表上可以看出水体上下层氨氮营养盐在一天之内没有太大的变动,其范围在0.038~0.058mgN/L,水体上层的氨氮值最高是0.048mgN/L,最小值是0.038mgN/L,下层最高值是0.058mgN/L,最小值是0.042mgN/L。 4.结果分析 根据实验结果可以看出琥珀潭的透明度为79~86cm,pH值6.0~7.0稍微偏酸性,深度在170cm左右,这些方面的良好,但其溶氧量偏高,氨氮含量偏低。 溶解氧是水产养殖环境中的重要因素,其含量影响养殖生物的摄食量、饵料系数、抗病能力等,溶解氧含量也是判定池塘水质好坏的一个指标。根据结果显示琥珀潭的溶氧量在8.6~13.8mg02/L,含量很高,在向当地工作人员咨询后了解到琥珀潭经常在阴雨天散发异味,publications such as the national liberation movement, instilling anti-Japanese policy. On this basis, progress in development of a number of young people have joined the Communist Party of China. The site of the village the morning of August 23, 1939, in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces East of Lake Taihu anti-Japanese volunteer army, seven have implicit read Cun Yi XI da bridge, was suddenly lurking in mulberry trees on both sides 常撒漂白粉来去除。我国渔业水质规定24h内:8小时内大于或等于3 mg02/L ,16小时内大于或等于5mg02/L,而且大多淡水鱼类适宜在0.5~3 mg02/L内生存,由此可见该湖泊含氧量过高,应采取合理的方法进行调整。 以不同TNH4—N在不同的pH、溶氧、硬度等水质条件不同时,毒性亦不同,其毒性随pH增大而增大,溶解氧的减少而增大。而琥珀潭的氨氮的含量在0.038~0.058mgN/L之间,我国淡水渔业的含量一般是在0.5~1.4mgN/L范围内,高产池塘的范围是1~2mgN/L,由此可见琥珀潭的氨氮含量偏低。而作为琥珀公园的观光湖泊,世界景观水质氨氮含量标准是0.15~2mgN/L,其含量也是偏低的,从而满足不了水生生物的正常需求。 4.小结 通过这两天在琥珀潭的实习,对其水质有了基本的的了解,为以后 琥珀潭治理提供了一些参考依据,我们通过实习把理论上升到实践, 对所学知识可以更好的掌握,同时也提升了我们的团队合作精神。 5.参考文献 [1] 太湖水体溶解氧及三氮水质转化分析 蒋秀华 1997年7月 [2] 嫩江水体溶解氧变化规律的混沌研究 李国良,付 强,冯 艳,李伟业, 刘仁涛 2007年12月 [3] 城市河道溢流堰对水体溶解氧及氮和磷的影响 王锦旗,王国祥 2006年 10月 [4] 鄱阳湖湖区水体营养盐分布格局研究 吴颖靖,文仕知 2009年1月 publications such as the national liberation movement, instilling anti-Japanese policy. On this basis, progress in development of a number of young people have joined the Communist Party of China. The site of the village the morning of August 23, 1939, in Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces East of Lake Taihu anti-Japanese volunteer army, seven have implicit read Cun Yi XI da bridge, was suddenly lurking in mulberry trees on both sides
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