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工勤人员技术等级岗位考核工勤人员技术等级岗位考核 福建省机关事业单位工勤人员技术等级岗位考核 《文秘资料员》公文写作补充练习 一、单项选择题 1、公文的作者是指, , A、撰稿人 B、审核人 C、签发人 D、发文机关 2、批示转发下级机关的公文应使用, , A、指示 B、通报 C、通知 D、通告 3、签发人一项用于, , A、上行文 B、平行文 C、下行文 D、紧急公文 4、北京市人民政府向国务院各部委制发,主送,的公文属于, , A、上行文件 B、下行文件 C、平行文件 D、呈请性文件 5、向级别与本机关相同的有关...

工勤人员技术等级岗位考核 福建省机关事业单位工勤人员技术等级岗位考核 《文秘资料员》公文写作补充练习 一、单项选择 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 1、公文的作者是指, , A、撰稿人 B、审核人 C、签发人 D、发文机关 2、批示转发下级机关的公文应使用, , A、指示 B、通报 C、通知 D、通告 3、签发人一项用于, , A、上行文 B、平行文 C、下行文 D、紧急公文 4、北京市人民政府向国务院各部委制发,主送,的公文属于, , A、上行文件 B、下行文件 C、平行文件 D、呈请性文件 5、向级别与本机关相同的有关主管部门请求批准某事项应使用, , A、请示 B、报告 C、请示报告 D、函 6、联合行文标注发文机关时~标在前面的机关是, , A、组织序列表中靠前的 B、主办的 C、级别高的 D、其他系统的 7、公文的成文日期应使用, , 、阿拉伯数字 B、汉字 C、汉字大写 D、黑体字 A 8、下面这组发文字号, ,是正确的 A、×府字[2001]5号 B、×府发办字,2001,5号 C、×府发[2001]5号 D、×府发办字[01]5号 9、按照密级划分规则~含有一般的国家秘密~泄露会使国家的安全和利益遭受损害的文件属于, , A、限国内公开的 B、内部使用的 C、秘密的 D、机密的 10、撰写规范性文件时~所运用的表达方式主要是, , A、说明 B、议论和说明 C、叙述 D、描写 11、规范性文件正文表达的基本单位是, , A、章 B、节 C、条 D、款 12、在规范性文件中表述惩处办法的内容应写入, , A、总则 B、分则 C、罚则 D、附则 二、多项选择题 1、转发的对象包括, , A、上级文件 B、下级文件 C、平级文件 D、不相隶属机关的文件 2、可用来发布规章的文件有, , A、命令 B、决定 C、通知 D、通告 3、禁止在主送的同时抄送给下级机关的文件有, , A、主送给上级机关的请求批准的请示 B、主送给平级机关的商洽性函件 C、主送给有关下级机关的政策性批复 D、主送给上级机关的请求指示的请示 4、报告可用于, , A、汇报工作 B、反映情况 C、提出意见或者建议 D、答复上级机关的询问 5、在下行文中提出执行要求时~要使受文者不折不扣执行文件~应写作, , A、参照执行 B、遵照执行 C、参酌执行 D、按照执行 construction measure 1) during the rainy season to prevent settlement of formwork scaffolding during construction, loose; concrete pouring rain, slump in moderation decreases, new pouring concrete to cover with plastic sheeting; heavy rain opened pouring concrete is strictly prohibited. 2) keep drainage facilities clear of aggregates and construction site. Yuqian to dig drainage ditches, equipped with a sufficient number of submersible pumps and water pumps for maintenance, inspection, maintenance, ensure the equipment in good condition. 3) cement temporary facilities such as library, material should be higher than the outside elevation and feature waterproof and drainage facilities. 4) means of transport and security and to skid the rain equipment. 7.6 concrete construction quality control (1) raw materials and tie than design gravel material must for chemical nature and the physical properties experiment, meet requirements rear can using, cement shipped site Hou, on its volume security, and consistency, fine degrees, do directed analysis, the index qualified rear can using; on mixing and conservation water, with test mortar strength of method for test; aggregate by fine Orthopedic, and in the aggregate, points warehouse stacked, regularly detection its containing water rate. sand fine degrees module regularly check, if over provides of module 0.2 Shi, Are required to adjust the mix proportion of concrete. concrete mix design, according to material characteristics and construction of concrete requirements, according to design requirements to determine the strength and durability of cement, water/cement ratio is determined, in accordance with construction requirements, workability, slump, sand coarse aggregate size determines the rate, water consumption, and then using absolute volume method to calculate the quantity of sand construction mixture ratio. Concrete slump control in the context of design drawings, according to the minimum value in different parts. According to the different parts, with l~4-graded concrete, each pouring a same-grade concrete, according to the normative sample, a set of three specimens, in standard curing condition, measuring the compressive strength of 7d, 14d, 28D, and do a test recording, as information. (2) transport of concrete quality control horizontal transport mainly used concrete mixer truck transport. Concrete delivery process should shorten the transport time; stop bleeding and excessively reducing collapse; concrete free falling height is greater than 2m, setting the sliding tube feeding. (3) quality control of concrete in concrete pouring process, hierarchy, order, material thickness, vibrating strictly according to the requirements. Substandard concrete warehouses is strictly prohibited. When pouring concrete, is strictly prohibited in the cabin with water. Concrete suspension and the 6、可用来签批和书写公文的字迹材料有, , A、墨汁 B、碳素墨水 C、蓝黑墨水 D、纯兰墨水 7、目前我国 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 公文用纸包括, , A、16开型 B、国际标准B5型 C、国际标准A4型 D、大32开型 8、公文开头适宜采用的形式有, , A、气氛渲染 B、场景描写 C、概述行文目的与根据 D、阐明基本观点 三、判断题 1、公文的结尾应“言止意不尽”, , 2、在报告中不能夹带请示事项, , 3、某县公安局向县财政局主送《关于限三日内完善安全措施的指示》, , 4、主送机关是受文机关中级别层次高的机关~抄送机关是其中级别层次低的机关, , 5、为使上行文能得到及时的处理~应在文中多标注几个主送机关, , 6、未经签发人同意~任何人不得改动公文定稿的内容, , 7、请示在未获批准之前不能抄送给下级机关, , 8、公文中的数字均应用阿拉伯数码表示, , 9、请示的结尾可写作:以上意见如无不当~请着即批复, , 四、判断题 1、表彰性通报既要写明被表彰者的先进事迹~还要简介其一般表现。,×, 2、政府机关不得对党组织作批示、交任务。,?, 3、级别低的机关可以和级别高的机关联合行文。,×, 4、批复同请示一样~也应一文一事。,?, 5、写作调查报告时~一般常用第一人称。,×, 6、××市教育局关于召开××同志任职的通知。,×, 7、××市电信局关于安装私人电话的公告。,×, 8、国家税务总局关于个体工商户必须依法纳税的通告。,?, 9、几个单位联合行文~主办单位要排列最前。,?, 10、写作调查报告时~一般常用第三人称。,?, 11、关于申请资金修建学生公寓楼的报告。,×, 12、意见既可作下行文~也可作平行文~还可以是上行文。,?, 13、报告一般不需要上级答复。,?, 14、版记是公文的文尾部分~包括主题词、抄报机关、抄送机关、印发机关、印发份数。,×, 15、××市电信局关于安装私人电话的公告。,×, 16、中共××市纪律检查委员会公布关于严肃党纪、杜绝“走后门”等不正之风的有关规定~用通告。,×, 17、公安厅表彰公安战线先进集体和先进个人用决定。,?, 18、情况紧急可以越级请示。,?, 19、××县税务局通知建筑税纳税的有关事项~用公告。,×, 20、政府机关不得对党组织作批示、交任务。,?, 21、几个单位联合行文~主办单位要排列最前。,?, 22、××学院关于招收IBM研究生的通告。,×, 23、通知可以“特此通知”结尾~也可以发出号召、抒发感情。,×, 24、表彰性通报既要写明被表彰者的先进事迹~还要简介其一般表现。,×, 25、任免通知均需写明经何组织研究决定、任免谁及任免职务、任期和待遇~这样才便于执行。,×, graded concrete, each pouring a same-arts. According to the different parts, with l~4rent pconstruction mixture ratio. Concrete slump control in the context of design drawings, according to the minimum value in diffegregate size determines the rate, water consumption, and then using absolute volume method to calculate the quantity of sand rse agility of cement, water/cement ratio is determined, in accordance with construction requirements, workability, slump, sand coaaracteristics and construction of concrete requirements, according to design requirements to determine the strength and durabial cher provides of module 0.2 Shi, Are required to adjust the mix proportion of concrete. concrete mix design, according to materate, points warehouse stacked, regularly detection its containing water rate. sand fine degrees module regularly check, if ovaggregng; on mixing and conservation water, with test mortar strength of method for test; aggregate by fine Orthopedic, and in the ipped site Hou, on its volume security, and consistency, fine degrees, do directed analysis, the index qualified rear can usient shdesign gravel material must for chemical nature and the physical properties experiment, meet requirements rear can using, cemnsport and security and to skid the rain equipment. 7.6 concrete construction quality control (1) raw materials and tie than of trach as library, material should be higher than the outside elevation and feature waterproof and drainage facilities. 4) means ter pumps for maintenance, inspection, maintenance, ensure the equipment in good condition. 3) cement temporary facilities sund waof aggregates and construction site. Yuqian to dig drainage ditches, equipped with a sufficient number of submersible pumps ato cover with plastic sheeting; heavy rain opened pouring concrete is strictly prohibited. 2) keep drainage facilities clear crete pouring rain, slump in moderation decreases, new pouring concreteconstruction measure 1) during the rainy season to prevent settlement of formwork scaffolding during construction, loose; cons strictly prohibited. When pouring concrete, is strictly prohibited in the cabin with water. Concrete suspension and theses iprocess, hierarchy, order, material thickness, vibrating strictly according to the requirements. Substandard concrete warehou free falling height is greater than 2m, setting the sliding tube feeding. (3) quality control of concrete in concrete pouringrete transport. Concrete delivery process should shorten the transport time; stop bleeding and excessively reducing collapse; conc st recording, as information. (2) transport of concrete quality control horizontal transport mainly used concrete mixer truckressive strength of 7d, 14d, 28D, and do a tegrade concrete, according to the normative sample, a set of three specimens, in standard curing condition, measuring the comp-2 五、根据下列素材判断文种正误~简述理由 1、××县财政局关于同意追加水利设施建设经费问题~给县水利局的批复。 2、××市交通管理局关于××大街进行市政施工期间来往车辆绕行的公告。 3、××大学申请举办高级秘书研修班的报告。 4、××部关于允许个体开业行医问题给国务院的请示报告。 5、××部关于召开1998年民政工作会议的通知。 6、××市××厂关于印发《工厂安全操作规程》的命令。 7、××部关于在打击刑事犯罪活动期间如何掌握政策界限问题~给××省人民政府的指示。 8、××县成人教育局关于申请扩大招生与举办师资培训班的问题~向××市成人教育局的报告。 9、××法学研究所关于××地区发案情况的总结报告。 10、××区人事局关于商洽联合举办公务员知识培训班问题~给××学院的函。 六、根据素材判断行文的正误~简述理由 1、××部关于进口化肥生产设备问题~给××省人民政府的指示。 2、××市人民政府关于处理张××来信一事向所属××县人民政府及该县县委的指示。 3、××市人民政府与所属××县人民政府关于处理张××重要来信问题~向××省人民政府的请示。 4、××市广电局关为申请购臵网络设备经费~向该市财政局的请示。 5、××矿物局所属煤矿关于增加安全生产设备问题~向国家煤炭部的请示~并抄送所属各分矿。 6、中共××市委及其宣传部就学习“三个代表”活动联合下发通知。 7、××县教育局关于西部大开发中如何发挥归侨教师的作用问题~向该县县委统战部发出请示~县委统战部研究后~行文予以批复。 七、补写文章要素 1、按照公文标题的写法~为下面一份公文补写标题 各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府、 国务院各部委、各直属机构: 国务院同意国务院证券委员会、中国证券监督管理委员会《关于进一步加强期货市场监管工作的指示》~现转发给你们~请认真贯彻执行。 国务院 一九九六年二月二十三日 标题: 2、按照公文标题的写法~为下面一份公文补写标题 各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府~ 国务院各部委、各直属机构: 国务院同意邮电部《关于进一步加强电信业务市场管理的意见》~现转发给你们~请认真贯彻执行。 国务院 一九九三年八月三日 标题: 3、按照公文标题的写法~为下面一份公文补写标题。 各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府~ 国务院各部委、各直属机构: 我国自1985年开始实行的出口退税政策~对鼓励外贸出口~扩大创汇~促进国民经济发展~发挥了积极作用。但是~目前出口退税工作存在着少征多退、退税规模超出财政负担能力等问题~为了既支持外贸的发 nts, according to design requirements to determine the strength and durability of cement, water/cement ratio is determined, imix proportion of concrete. concrete mix design, according to material characteristics and construction of concrete requiremet the ts containing water rate. sand fine degrees module regularly check, if over provides of module 0.2 Shi, Are required to adjusength of method for test; aggregate by fine Orthopedic, and in the aggregate, points warehouse stacked, regularly detection iar strncy, fine degrees, do directed analysis, the index qualified rear can using; on mixing and conservation water, with test mortysical properties experiment, meet requirements rear can using, cement shipped site Hou, on its volume security, and consistethe ph7.6 concrete construction quality control (1) raw materials and tie than design gravel material must for chemical nature and elevation and feature waterproof and drainage facilities. 4) means of transport and security and to skid the rain equipment. tside ensure the equipment in good condition. 3) cement temporary facilities such as library, material should be higher than the ouge ditches, equipped with a sufficient number of submersible pumps and water pumps for maintenance, inspection, maintenance, drainaouring concrete is strictly prohibited. 2) keep drainage facilities clear of aggregates and construction site. Yuqian to dig oncrete pouring rain, slump in moderation decreases, new pouring concrete to cover with plastic sheeting; heavy rain opened pconstruction measure 1) during the rainy season to prevent settlement of formwork scaffolding during construction, loose; cictly prohibited in the cabin with water. Concrete suspension and thestrictly according to the requirements. Substandard concrete warehouses is strictly prohibited. When pouring concrete, is strating sliding tube feeding. (3) quality control of concrete in concrete pouring process, hierarchy, order, material thickness, vibrransport time; stop bleeding and excessively reducing collapse; concrete free falling height is greater than 2m, setting the the t ete quality control horizontal transport mainly used concrete mixer truck transport. Concrete delivery process should shortenondition, measuring the compressive strength of 7d, 14d, 28D, and do a test recording, as information. (2) transport of concrgrade concrete, according to the normative sample, a set of three specimens, in standard curing c-graded concrete, each pouring a same-context of design drawings, according to the minimum value in different parts. According to the different parts, with l~4the and then using absolute volume method to calculate the quantity of sand construction mixture ratio. Concrete slump control in rdance with construction requirements, workability, slump, sand coarse aggregate size determines the rate, water consumption,n acco3 展~同时又兼顾到财政的实际情况~国务院决定调低出口货物退税率。现通知如下: 一、1996年1月1日,含1月1日,以后报关离境的出口货物按下列税率计算退税: ,一,煤炭、农业品出口退税率仍为3%, ,二,以农业品为原料加工的工业品和按13%的税率征收增值税的其他货物~出口退税率由10%调减为6%。 ,三,按17%的税率征收增值税的其他货物~出口退税率由14%调减为9%。退税率计算退税~并结转到1996年1月1日以后~经税务部门严格审核~按出口的时间先后办理退税。 国务院 一九九五年十月六日 标题: 4、按照公文标题的写法~为下面一份公文补写一个标题。 ××经管会: 根据计量管理及统计要求~热量的法定计量单位为“焦”~为了使用上的规范并且使之能够真正反映热量值~建议计价时采用“百万千焦”作为蒸汽计价单位。 妥否~请批示。 ××公司 一九××年×月×日 标题: 5、按照公文标题的写法~为下一份公文补写标题。 国家教委: 为适应改革开放~繁荣社会主义市场经济的需要~我院拟从19××年新学年开始增设房地产经营专业~隶属我院市场营销系。,下文从略, 以上意见当否~请批示。 附件:,从略, 北京××学院 一九九×年×月×日 标题: 6、按照公文标题的写法~为下面一份公文补写标题。 市商业局: 为了搞活经济~加强国内外科技信息交流~拟建立××市饮食服务公司商业科技信息服务部。该部与商业基建工程队合署办公。主要经营商业专业成果转让、科技咨询服务、引进技术及人才、代办来料加工、供应国内外信息等项目。 妥否~请审查批示。 ××市饮食服务公司 一九九一年八月六日 标题: 7、按照公文标题的写法~为下面一份公文补写标题。 中国科学技术协会: 你协会《关于科协应积极兴办科技开发企业的请示》,科协发综字[1990]325号,收悉。经研究~现函复如下: 关于科协兴办企事业问题~可按照中共中央书记处十三届第22号办公会议纪要中有关精神办理。即:允许科协及地方科协设立一些为科技工作者服务的、公益性的、不以营利为目的、主要从事科技开发、技术咨询、技术转让、技术服务的科技型企事业。这些企事业单位必须严格遵守国家的法律、法规和有关经营政策~独立核算~照章纳税。 国务院 ility of cement, water/cement ratio is determined, in accordance with construction requirements, workability, slump, sand coaaracteristics and construction of concrete requirements, according to design requirements to determine the strength and durabial cher provides of module 0.2 Shi, Are required to adjust the mix proportion of concrete. concrete mix design, according to materate, points warehouse stacked, regularly detection its containing water rate. sand fine degrees module regularly check, if ovaggregng; on mixing and conservation water, with test mortar strength of method for test; aggregate by fine Orthopedic, and in the ipped site Hou, on its volume security, and consistency, fine degrees, do directed analysis, the index qualified rear can usient shdesign gravel material must for chemical nature and the physical properties experiment, meet requirements rear can using, cemnsport and security and to skid the rain equipment. 7.6 concrete construction quality control (1) raw materials and tie than of trach as library, material should be higher than the outside elevation and feature waterproof and drainage facilities. 4) means ter pumps for maintenance, inspection, maintenance, ensure the equipment in good condition. 3) cement temporary facilities sund waof aggregates and construction site. Yuqian to dig drainage ditches, equipped with a sufficient number of submersible pumps ato cover with plastic sheeting; heavy rain opened pouring concrete is strictly prohibited. 2) keep drainage facilities clear crete pouring rain, slump in moderation decreases, new pouring concreteconstruction measure 1) during the rainy season to prevent settlement of formwork scaffolding during construction, loose; cons strictly prohibited. When pouring concrete, is strictly prohibited in the cabin with water. Concrete suspension and theses iprocess, hierarchy, order, material thickness, vibrating strictly according to the requirements. Substandard concrete warehou free falling height is greater than 2m, setting the sliding tube feeding. (3) quality control of concrete in concrete pouringrete transport. Concrete delivery process should shorten the transport time; stop bleeding and excessively reducing collapse; conc st recording, as information. (2) transport of concrete quality control horizontal transport mainly used concrete mixer truckressive strength of 7d, 14d, 28D, and do a tegrade concrete, according to the normative sample, a set of three specimens, in standard curing condition, measuring the comp-graded concrete, each pouring a same-arts. According to the different parts, with l~4rent pconstruction mixture ratio. Concrete slump control in the context of design drawings, according to the minimum value in diffegregate size determines the rate, water consumption, and then using absolute volume method to calculate the quantity of sand rse ag4 一九九一年六月四日 标题: 8、下面是一份公文的开头段~请指出所属的文种~并拟定公文的标题。 最近~有些企业自行决定对职工免费供应午餐~引起了连锁反应~影响很大。目前我国经济发展水平低~经济上还不富裕~如果全国现有职工都免费供应午餐~一年将增加开支上百亿元~国家财力难以承受~为此~特作如下, ,: 标题: 9、补充完整这篇公文的标题文种和开头。 ××省人民政府 转发《国务院关于进一步加快旅游业发展的通知》的, , 各市人民政府、省直属各单位: 10、广东省人民政府收到江苏省人民政府《关于商洽经贸协作关系事宜的函》,苏政发„2003?×号,~经研究~同意合作并给予函复~请代拟这篇复函的标题和开头的文字。 11、××厅拟将《××厅财务管理办法》印发给各处、室~请代××厅拟写这份文件的标题。 标题: 12、××市人民政府拟在全市范围内开展政风政纪大检查~请代该市拟写这份公文的标题。 标题: 13、××省人事厅向××省财政厅申请公务员培训经费~请代××省人事厅拟写这份公文的标题。 标题: 八、拟写公文标题 1、某市人民政府为了巩固城市绿化的工作成果~制发一公布性文件~将保护城市绿地应遵守的有关事项告知全市各界。 标题: 2、某市劳动局为了加强对城镇待业人员的管理~进一步做好劳动就业工作~经市人民政府同意~决定对全市城镇待业人员统一进行登记~为此行文告知全市各级劳动管理部门及有关单位。 标题: 3、某市人民政府就开展国有资产核定工作向所属下级机关行文~陈述该项工作的必要性~交代具体的工作任务及时间安排~并针对有关的步骤方法、政策界限、注意事项、报告方式与期限等提出具体要求。 标题: 4、某省人民政府收到《某省教委关于加强农村教师队伍建设问题的报告》以后~经研究认为文件针对的问题十分重要~文中的建议切实可行~决定对该文加注批语后下发施行~为此制发一文件。 标题: 5、某市人民政府为适应现代化城市建设的需要~拟在原某林场内建一座具有一定规模的某市植物园~为此致文省人民政府请求批准。 标题: 6、国务院行文同意河北省人民政府关于设立廊坊市的请示~并对该市行政区域及领导关系予以明确。 标题: 九、根据下列素材拟写文件标题 1、XX省就保护森林禁止乱砍滥伐的问题~对全省人民发出要求遵守周知的公布性文告。 2、XX市人民政府针对少数犯罪分子在该地区拐卖妇女、儿童带来严重危害一事~做出坚决打击此类严重犯罪活动的决定~并以张贴、广播、登报等形式向全市公布决定事项内容。 3、国务院同意国家计委、国家经委、国家机械工业委员会、国家能源委员会关于更新改造新旧汽车的报告并批示转发各省、市、自治区人民政府、国务院有关部门研究执行。 nts, according to design requirements to determine the strength and durability of cement, water/cement ratio is determined, imix proportion of concrete. concrete mix design, according to material characteristics and construction of concrete requiremet the ts containing water rate. sand fine degrees module regularly check, if over provides of module 0.2 Shi, Are required to adjusength of method for test; aggregate by fine Orthopedic, and in the aggregate, points warehouse stacked, regularly detection iar strncy, fine degrees, do directed analysis, the index qualified rear can using; on mixing and conservation water, with test mortysical properties experiment, meet requirements rear can using, cement shipped site Hou, on its volume security, and consistethe ph7.6 concrete construction quality control (1) raw materials and tie than design gravel material must for chemical nature and elevation and feature waterproof and drainage facilities. 4) means of transport and security and to skid the rain equipment. tside ensure the equipment in good condition. 3) cement temporary facilities such as library, material should be higher than the ouge ditches, equipped with a sufficient number of submersible pumps and water pumps for maintenance, inspection, maintenance, drainaouring concrete is strictly prohibited. 2) keep drainage facilities clear of aggregates and construction site. Yuqian to dig oncrete pouring rain, slump in moderation decreases, new pouring concrete to cover with plastic sheeting; heavy rain opened pconstruction measure 1) during the rainy season to prevent settlement of formwork scaffolding during construction, loose; cictly prohibited in the cabin with water. Concrete suspension and thestrictly according to the requirements. Substandard concrete warehouses is strictly prohibited. When pouring concrete, is strating sliding tube feeding. (3) quality control of concrete in concrete pouring process, hierarchy, order, material thickness, vibrransport time; stop bleeding and excessively reducing collapse; concrete free falling height is greater than 2m, setting the the t ete quality control horizontal transport mainly used concrete mixer truck transport. Concrete delivery process should shortenondition, measuring the compressive strength of 7d, 14d, 28D, and do a test recording, as information. (2) transport of concrgrade concrete, according to the normative sample, a set of three specimens, in standard curing c-graded concrete, each pouring a same-context of design drawings, according to the minimum value in different parts. According to the different parts, with l~4the and then using absolute volume method to calculate the quantity of sand construction mixture ratio. Concrete slump control in rdance with construction requirements, workability, slump, sand coarse aggregate size determines the rate, water consumption,n acco5 4、国务院同意国家旅游局《关于加强旅游行业管理若干问题的请示》~并批示转发给各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府和国务院各部委贯彻执行。 5、北京市林业局在认真调查研究后~拟将百望山森林公园内的红叶斋商店列入旅游定点商店~为此行文至北京市旅游局请求批准。 6、XX省委定于1998年 6月召开全省统战工作研讨会~特发文告知与会者所在单位。 7、为了培养高级公关人才~XX大学准备在1998 年9月起增设高级公关专业~为此~向该省教育主管部门行文请求批准。 8、XX市人民政府为了提高本市绿化水平~适应现代化城市建设的需要~拟在XX林场内建立一座具有一定规模的XX市植物园~为此行文至XX省人民政府~请求批准。 9、为加强城镇待业人员的管理~进一步做好劳动就业工作~经过XX市城镇就业委员会同意~XX市劳动局决定对全市城镇待业人员进行统一登记~为此行文通知市属各有关部门。 10、为了引导档案工作者大力开展档案科学研究工作~北京市档案局向各区、县档案局~市属各委、办、局、总公司、高等院校档案部门下文~通知做好申报北京市2002年度档案科技项目的工作。 11、国务院同意河北省政府关于建立廊坊市的请示~并对该市行政区划及领导关系予以明确。 12、为了将XX地区档案工作协会会议基本情况、主要精神和决定事项~向上级机关作汇报并向与会单位传达贯彻~在会议记录及其他会议文件的基础上加工整理出正式文件。 13、XX大学就XX系学生张 X X 94——95学年第一学期内擅自离校、到外地旅游~严重破坏学校纪律~给予记过处分一事通报全校。 十、给材料作文 1、起草一份转发下列通知~要求下级机关做好该通知所布臵的工作的通知。 国务院关于加强水土保持工作的通知 国发[1993]5号 各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府、 国务院各部委、各直属机构: 为了从根本上改善农业生产条件~促进国民经济的发展~发挥治理水土流失对于加快贫困山区脱贫致富、保护国土、改善生态环境等方面的作用~特就加强水土保持工作通知如下: 一、 加强对九十年代治理水土流失的紧迫感~进一步加强领导。 二、 认真贯彻执行《中华人民共和国水土保持法》~加强预防监督~建立和完善各项监督 管理制度 档案管理制度下载食品安全管理制度下载三类维修管理制度下载财务管理制度免费下载安全设施管理制度下载 。 三、 多形式、多渠道增加投入~大力开展水土保持。 四、抓好重点~以点带面~全面推进。 国务院 一九九三年一月十九日 2、起草一份转发下列文件~要求下级机关做好该文件所安排的工作的通知。 国家税务总局关于进一步强化个人所得税征收管理的通知 国税发[1997]62号 各省、自治区、直辖市和 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 单列市地方税务局: 1994年以来~在各级政府的关心和支持下~个人所得税征管不断加强~收入幅度增长~征管工作取得明显成效。但是~应当清醒地看到~个人所得税征管工作离要求仍有较大差距~人们的纳税观念还很淡薄~偷逃税现象仍很普遍~税收流失严重~个人所得税的作用未能充分发挥。各级税务机关要积极采取措施~进一步加强和改进个人所得税征收管理~努力提高全民依法纳税意识~改善税收征管环境~落实征管制度~规范征管程序~加大稽查力度~严厉打击偷逃个人所得税的犯罪活动~切实把个人所得税征管工作提高到一个新的水平。现将有关问题通知如下: 一、 切实加强组织领导~搞好部门间的协作配合。 gregate size determines the rate, water consumption, and then using absolute volume method to calculate the quantity of sand rse agility of cement, water/cement ratio is determined, in accordance with construction requirements, workability, slump, sand coaaracteristics and construction of concrete requirements, according to design requirements to determine the strength and durabial cher provides of module 0.2 Shi, Are required to adjust the mix proportion of concrete. concrete mix design, according to materate, points warehouse stacked, regularly detection its containing water rate. sand fine degrees module regularly check, if ovaggregng; on mixing and conservation water, with test mortar strength of method for test; aggregate by fine Orthopedic, and in the ipped site Hou, on its volume security, and consistency, fine degrees, do directed analysis, the index qualified rear can usient shdesign gravel material must for chemical nature and the physical properties experiment, meet requirements rear can using, cemnsport and security and to skid the rain equipment. 7.6 concrete construction quality control (1) raw materials and tie than of trach as library, material should be higher than the outside elevation and feature waterproof and drainage facilities. 4) means ter pumps for maintenance, inspection, maintenance, ensure the equipment in good condition. 3) cement temporary facilities sund waof aggregates and construction site. Yuqian to dig drainage ditches, equipped with a sufficient number of submersible pumps ato cover with plastic sheeting; heavy rain opened pouring concrete is strictly prohibited. 2) keep drainage facilities clear crete pouring rain, slump in moderation decreases, new pouring concreteconstruction measure 1) during the rainy season to prevent settlement of formwork scaffolding during construction, loose; cons strictly prohibited. When pouring concrete, is strictly prohibited in the cabin with water. Concrete suspension and theses iprocess, hierarchy, order, material thickness, vibrating strictly according to the requirements. Substandard concrete warehou free falling height is greater than 2m, setting the sliding tube feeding. (3) quality control of concrete in concrete pouringrete transport. Concrete delivery process should shorten the transport time; stop bleeding and excessively reducing collapse; conc st recording, as information. (2) transport of concrete quality control horizontal transport mainly used concrete mixer truckressive strength of 7d, 14d, 28D, and do a tegrade concrete, according to the normative sample, a set of three specimens, in standard curing condition, measuring the comp-graded concrete, each pouring a same-arts. According to the different parts, with l~4rent pconstruction mixture ratio. Concrete slump control in the context of design drawings, according to the minimum value in diffe6 二、 加大税法宣传力度~注重税法宣传效果。 三、 大力加强代扣代缴工作。 四、 要突出重点~强化高收入者的征管。 五、 巩固扣缴义务人申报支付个人收入明细表制度试点。 六、 加强对劳动报酬所得的控管。 七、 坚持做好个人所得税专项检查工作。 八、 加大执法力度~严肃查处大案~震慑偷逃税犯罪分子。 九、 建立健全个人所得税征管机构~充实征管和检查力量。 十、个人所得税征管逐步实行计算机管理。 国家税务总局 一九九七年四月十七日 3、起草一份转发下列通知~要求下级机关做好该通知所布臵的工作的通知。 国务院关于坚决制止乱集资和加强债券发行管理的通知 国发[1993]24号 各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府~ 国务院各部委、各直属机构: 去年以来~许多地区、部门以及企事业单位违反国家有关规定~擅自利用发行债券等各种方式进行集资~其特点是利率高、涉及面广、发行量大~问题相当严重。目前~这种乱集资的状况还有进一步扩大的趋势~如不及时加以制止~不仅扰乱金融秩序~而且还容易引发严重的社会问题。为了制止乱集资~加强对证券市场~特别是债券发行市场的管理~维护正常的金融秩序~保持社会稳定~促进国民经济既快又好地健康发展~现就有关问题通知如下:,略, 国务院 一九九三年四月十一日 4、以某市人民政府名义撰写一篇公文稿~主送市属各区县人民政府和市直各部门~要求全市各级行政机关自×年×月×日起一律不得以任何名义在旅游季节,3月1日-11月30日,在旅游城市、名胜风景区召开会议~否则将追究有关责任者的行政责任~给予纪律处分。 提出上述要求的客观依据主要是近一时期~一些行政机关纷纷以各种名目在旅游季节,特别是旺季,在旅游城市、名胜风景区召开会议~用公款旅游~浪费国家资财~浪费旅游资源。文中应阐明这一重要要求的意义~指明处理有关问题的措施和方法。 字数要求:300--400字。 5、××地区商业局决定于一九××年六月二十日召开一次地区商业工作会议~传达省商业厅对当前商业工作的指示~布臵下一阶段的工作。按此内容~拟写一份会议通知。 6、××省经委召开全省经济工作会议~出席对象为各市分管经济的副市长~各市经委主任~请代该省经委拟写会议通知。 、??市司法局根据目前许多律师事务所的工作状况~决定召开一次由各区、县司法局长参加的整顿律师7 事务所工作座谈会~学习贯彻省司法局加强律师事务所管理工作的有关文件~研讨整顿工作措施~布臵整顿工作任务~会期2天~提前报到~统一安排食宿~地点在市司法局礼堂2楼会议室。按此内容~拟写一份会议通知。 8、根据下述内容~拟写一份通知。 ××市粮食局决定免去张为同志储运科科长职务~任命他为局长办公室主任,任命王新同志为储运科科长。 9、根据下述内容拟写一份通报。 一九××年二月十五日夜~天降大雪~××省农资公司××仓库保管员张××~在值夜班时违反工作制度~酒后吸烟~熟睡后酿成火灾。报警灭火后~清点库存~损失货物价值达一万余元。张××玩忽职守~使国家财产遭受了重大损失~现决定给予张××开除公职留用察看一年的行政处分~并罚款七百元。 n acconts, according to design requirements to determine the strength and durability of cement, water/cement ratio is determined, imix proportion of concrete. concrete mix design, according to material characteristics and construction of concrete requiremet the ts containing water rate. sand fine degrees module regularly check, if over provides of module 0.2 Shi, Are required to adjusength of method for test; aggregate by fine Orthopedic, and in the aggregate, points warehouse stacked, regularly detection iar strncy, fine degrees, do directed analysis, the index qualified rear can using; on mixing and conservation water, with test mortysical properties experiment, meet requirements rear can using, cement shipped site Hou, on its volume security, and consistethe ph7.6 concrete construction quality control (1) raw materials and tie than design gravel material must for chemical nature and elevation and feature waterproof and drainage facilities. 4) means of transport and security and to skid the rain equipment. tside ensure the equipment in good condition. 3) cement temporary facilities such as library, material should be higher than the ouge ditches, equipped with a sufficient number of submersible pumps and water pumps for maintenance, inspection, maintenance, drainaouring concrete is strictly prohibited. 2) keep drainage facilities clear of aggregates and construction site. Yuqian to dig oncrete pouring rain, slump in moderation decreases, new pouring concrete to cover with plastic sheeting; heavy rain opened pconstruction measure 1) during the rainy season to prevent settlement of formwork scaffolding during construction, loose; cictly prohibited in the cabin with water. Concrete suspension and thestrictly according to the requirements. Substandard concrete warehouses is strictly prohibited. When pouring concrete, is strating sliding tube feeding. (3) quality control of concrete in concrete pouring process, hierarchy, order, material thickness, vibrransport time; stop bleeding and excessively reducing collapse; concrete free falling height is greater than 2m, setting the the t ete quality control horizontal transport mainly used concrete mixer truck transport. Concrete delivery process should shortenondition, measuring the compressive strength of 7d, 14d, 28D, and do a test recording, as information. (2) transport of concrgrade concrete, according to the normative sample, a set of three specimens, in standard curing c-graded concrete, each pouring a same-context of design drawings, according to the minimum value in different parts. According to the different parts, with l~4the and then using absolute volume method to calculate the quantity of sand construction mixture ratio. Concrete slump control in rdance with construction requirements, workability, slump, sand coarse aggregate size determines the rate, water consumption,7 10、近年来机动车增长很快~由于种种原因~交通安全事故一直居高不下。请以××市公安局的名义起草一份关于2004年上半年度交通安全事故的情况通报~要求格式正确~内容完整。 字数要求:不少于350字。 11、根据通报写作要求~调整以下语序~并拟写标题~连接成正文。 ,1,原,,市,,市场协税员王,,~男~现年20岁~文化程度高中。 ,2,王,,利用工作之便~贪污国家税款~已经丧失了协税员的职业道德~造成了一定的损失和不良影响。 ,3,王,,于1987年4月15日至5月26日应聘为,,市,,市场协税员。 ,4,各单位要组织协税人员认真学习通报~增强协税人员的法纪观念~提高其遵纪守法的自觉性~并建立健全各种规章制度~严防贪污、挪用等类似事件的发生。 ,5,该员在应聘期间~组织纪律性较差~法制观念淡薄~经领导帮助尚未认识主自己问题的严重性~而且对收取的税款不按规定及时上交入库。 ,6,问题暴露后~不但不及时向组织报告~反而外逃躲避~后被公安机关抓获~予以行政拘留。 ,7,挪用税款972)90元~用于和社会上不三不四的“朋友”吃喝玩乐和赌博。 ,8,经研究决定~责令王,,必须把贪污的税款限期清退~并予辞退。为了加强对协税员的管理~提出以下意见。,略, 12、根据提供的素材拟写通报。 最近~青海省邮政运输局党委作出决定~授予在邮车出班途中以身殉职的邮车驾驶员陈有万“优秀共产党员”的荣誉称号。 1997年陈从部队复员后调入邮电系统。一直担任省邮政运输局汽车驾驶员。20年来~他长期驾车奔波在高原邮运线伤~大部分时间跑高海拔地区。他兢兢业业地为党工作~从未发生行车责任事故和质量责任事故~出色地完成了每一次邮运任务。 1996年9月10日~陈有万同志担任西宁至黄南藏族自治州河南县的邮件运输任务~11日返回途中经海拔3600多米的麦秀山时~陈有万突然患脑出血~半身麻木。在右手、右脚都不听使唤的情况下~他在崎岖难行的山路上行驶了5个半小时~把邮车和邮件安全无损地送回州上。汽车开进州邮电局后~陈有万终于支持不住~倒在了方向盘上。虽经过医院全力抢救~终因他体力耗尽。抢救时机已过~在昏迷了20多天后~于10月2日不幸去世~年仅49岁。 13、根据下述内容~拟写一份报告。 ××县马山乡双河粮站于1991年6月20日晚因突降暴雨~半夜一点左右山洪暴发~冲毁了仓库两座~冲走稻麦等粮食×××公斤~冲垮宿舍平房八间。事前~气象站未发出准确预报~所以事情刚发生时全所职工措手不及~公私财产损失严重。目前大雨仍时断时续~粮站职工正在全力抢救国家财产。已有×万公斤粮食转移到安全处。马山乡粮所需将上述情况报告××县粮食局。 14、根据下述内容拟写请示和批复。 ××市副食品公司考虑到生产不断发展、人民生活水平逐步提高的情况下~小食品的经营范围已日益扩大~这对繁荣市场~满足群众需要~回笼货币~都有一定的作用。为了进一步加强对小食品经营的领导~搞好市场供应~拟增设小食品科。所需人员在本公司现有人员中调剂解决。为此~准备向市商业管理委员会写一份请示。要求在一九××年四月十五日发出~发文字号是:×副字[19××]第38号。 ××市商业管理委员会接到上述请示后~经研究~批准副食品公司成立小食品科~于一九××年六月六日以“×商×字[19××]第21号”文件给予批复。按此内容写一份批复。 15、根据下述内容拟写请示和批复。 某研究所筹建生物工程实验室~但资金尚缺100万元~拟向省科技厅请示拨款~请代该研究所拟写这份请示~再代该省科技厅拟写同意该研究所拨款请示的批复。 16、根据下列材料~起草一份请求上级机关拔款维修幼儿园的请示。写作要求:内容单一、明确、中心突出,格式正确~语言准确、通顺、简明。 ?××厂技校教职员工很多~他们需要入托的子女也很多。 rent pconstruction mixture ratio. Concrete slump control in the context of design drawings, according to the minimum value in diffegregate size determines the rate, water consumption, and then using absolute volume method to calculate the quantity of sand rse agility of cement, water/cement ratio is determined, in accordance with construction requirements, workability, slump, sand coaaracteristics and construction of concrete requirements, according to design requirements to determine the strength and durabial cher provides of module 0.2 Shi, Are required to adjust the mix proportion of concrete. concrete mix design, according to materate, points warehouse stacked, regularly detection its containing water rate. sand fine degrees module regularly check, if ovaggregng; on mixing and conservation water, with test mortar strength of method for test; aggregate by fine Orthopedic, and in the ipped site Hou, on its volume security, and consistency, fine degrees, do directed analysis, the index qualified rear can usient shdesign gravel material must for chemical nature and the physical properties experiment, meet requirements rear can using, cemnsport and security and to skid the rain equipment. 7.6 concrete construction quality control (1) raw materials and tie than of trach as library, material should be higher than the outside elevation and feature waterproof and drainage facilities. 4) means ter pumps for maintenance, inspection, maintenance, ensure the equipment in good condition. 3) cement temporary facilities sund waof aggregates and construction site. Yuqian to dig drainage ditches, equipped with a sufficient number of submersible pumps ato cover with plastic sheeting; heavy rain opened pouring concrete is strictly prohibited. 2) keep drainage facilities clear crete pouring rain, slump in moderation decreases, new pouring concreteconstruction measure 1) during the rainy season to prevent settlement of formwork scaffolding during construction, loose; cons strictly prohibited. When pouring concrete, is strictly prohibited in the cabin with water. Concrete suspension and theses iprocess, hierarchy, order, material thickness, vibrating strictly according to the requirements. Substandard concrete warehou free falling height is greater than 2m, setting the sliding tube feeding. (3) quality control of concrete in concrete pouringrete transport. Concrete delivery process should shorten the transport time; stop bleeding and excessively reducing collapse; conc st recording, as information. (2) transport of concrete quality control horizontal transport mainly used concrete mixer truckressive strength of 7d, 14d, 28D, and do a tegrade concrete, according to the normative sample, a set of three specimens, in standard curing condition, measuring the comp-graded concrete, each pouring a same-arts. According to the different parts, with l~48 ?技校79年复校时~为了解决教职员工的子女入托的问题~上级曾经拔一万多元作为开办费~购买了设备、教具等。 ?随着技校规模扩大~入园幼儿已经增加了135名~原幼儿住房显得十分拥挤。 ?1979年复校时~教职员工的年龄大~年轻的同志不多~当时入托幼儿仅27名~校领导利用原四十年代的旧式平房开办了幼儿园。 ?该幼儿园与其他兄弟单位幼儿园相比~条件很差~而且室内生活设施也不配套~无洗澡及活动的设备~对儿童健康非常不利。 ?现幼儿园年久失修~室内墙壁暗淡无光~石灰剥落~顶棚水迹斑斑~部分地板塌陷~已严重影响幼儿园教学活动的正常开展。 ?经请人预算~维修费约需×万多元~特地报告请求上级能拔×万元的款~给予修理补助。 ?儿童是祖国的花朵~孩子是祖国的未来~使他们健康成长是我们每个人每个领导应尽的义务。为了尽快改善幼儿园现有的活动场所和居住条件~给幼儿健康成长创造一个较好的生活环境~技校领导研究决定~必须对很难维持正常生活的房屋和场所进行分期维修~并增添部分设备。 ?市×幼儿园是先进典型~园内活动场所宽敞~每人拥有15平方米的活动场所~二层楼房的宿舍~木头地板~大玻璃~采光和通风都很好。还有儿童活动晴雨操场~电视室、儿童阅览室、盥洗室~每天都有热水供洗澡。有壁灯、吊灯、还有吊扇。 17、根据下述内容~拟写一份公函。 滨湖市纺织品公司于×年×月×日与东方针织厂签定了一份供货合同~由东方针织厂供应滨湖市纺织品公司100公分大红色腈纶运动服五百套~80公分蓝色腈纶运动服六百套~于×年×月×日前交货。现在~交货时间已过八天~东方针织厂仍未交货~眼下又正值销售旺季~所以滨湖市纺织品公司向东方针织厂发出“请迅速履行供货合同的函”~请对方认真履行合同~迅速发货。 18、某市人民政府准备在12月份举办招商洽淡会~特邀请其对口城市广西柳州市参加。请代为起草一份公函~以表恳切邀请之意。 19、根据下列素材拟写公函 要求:格式规范~内容具体~表达准确~简练通畅~语气得体。 北京××学院拟利用今年暑期组织25名在校学生赴河北省清河县杨二庄乡进行社会实践活动。为此~以该院名义向该县人民政府发函联系有关事宜:活动的主要内容是在力达学校开办暑期辅导班~由该院大学生辅导该校学生学习英语、数学、写作、书法和计算机操作~为期1个月~每天安排6节文化课~另有适量体育和娱乐活动。为了保证实践活动顺利进行~需要安排该院学生和2名带队教师,男女各1人,的食宿和接站事宜,具体接站时间听电话通知,~并协助力达学校做好辅导班学生的报名和辅导期间的管理工作。 20、××县根据该县气候条件和特点~决定推广烤烟种植项目。为解决烤烟种植过程中的技术问题~××县农科所决定请××省农科所派技术专家来县里进行专业培训。共举办5期培训班~每期100人。参训学员为具有高中以上文化程度的农业技术骨干。请代××县农科所写一份请求函~再代××省农科所写一份答复函。 21、根据下面这份函的内容~起草一份答复此函的复函。 写作要求:内容要明确~中心要突出:格式要正确~写法要规范,可只写标题、主送机关、正文、发文机关和发文时间几个项目,,语言要准确、简明、得体~书写要清楚。 ××地区统计局关于商请代培统计人员的函 ××字[1985]×号 ××市统计局: 得悉你市将于近期举办统计工作人员学习班~系统培训统计人员。我地区拟派十名统计人员,地区两名~每县一名,随班学习~请你市代培。如蒙同意~将是对我地区统计工作的有力支持。代培所需费用由我地区如数拔付。可否~即请函复。 ××省××地区统计局 nts, according to design requirements to determine the strength and durability of cement, water/cement ratio is determined, imix proportion of concrete. concrete mix design, according to material characteristics and construction of concrete requiremet the ts containing water rate. sand fine degrees module regularly check, if over provides of module 0.2 Shi, Are required to adjusength of method for test; aggregate by fine Orthopedic, and in the aggregate, points warehouse stacked, regularly detection iar strncy, fine degrees, do directed analysis, the index qualified rear can using; on mixing and conservation water, with test mortysical properties experiment, meet requirements rear can using, cement shipped site Hou, on its volume security, and consistethe ph7.6 concrete construction quality control (1) raw materials and tie than design gravel material must for chemical nature and elevation and feature waterproof and drainage facilities. 4) means of transport and security and to skid the rain equipment. tside ensure the equipment in good condition. 3) cement temporary facilities such as library, material should be higher than the ouge ditches, equipped with a sufficient number of submersible pumps and water pumps for maintenance, inspection, maintenance, drainaouring concrete is strictly prohibited. 2) keep drainage facilities clear of aggregates and construction site. Yuqian to dig oncrete pouring rain, slump in moderation decreases, new pouring concrete to cover with plastic sheeting; heavy rain opened pconstruction measure 1) during the rainy season to prevent settlement of formwork scaffolding during construction, loose; cictly prohibited in the cabin with water. Concrete suspension and thestrictly according to the requirements. Substandard concrete warehouses is strictly prohibited. When pouring concrete, is strating sliding tube feeding. (3) quality control of concrete in concrete pouring process, hierarchy, order, material thickness, vibrransport time; stop bleeding and excessively reducing collapse; concrete free falling height is greater than 2m, setting the the t ete quality control horizontal transport mainly used concrete mixer truck transport. Concrete delivery process should shortenondition, measuring the compressive strength of 7d, 14d, 28D, and do a test recording, as information. (2) transport of concrgrade concrete, according to the normative sample, a set of three specimens, in standard curing c-graded concrete, each pouring a same-context of design drawings, according to the minimum value in different parts. According to the different parts, with l~4the and then using absolute volume method to calculate the quantity of sand construction mixture ratio. Concrete slump control in rdance with construction requirements, workability, slump, sand coarse aggregate size determines the rate, water consumption,n acco9 ×年×月×日 受函单位接到上述来函后~经局办公会议研究~同意代培~并有下述事项告知对方:住宿问题无法解决,代培人员可单独编组~指定一名组长,代培费用按实际参加人数均摊~于学习班结束时结算,拟于三月中旬开学~具体开学日期和报到地点另定。 22、起草一份答复此函的复函。 ××省人民政府办公厅关于申请拔款维修省府机关办公室的函 ×发×字[1991]28号 省财政厅: 省府机关办公室多是五十、六十年代修建的~不少门窗破烂~漏水严重~急需维修。为保证省府机关正常办公~请拔给房屋修善费十万元。是否同意~即请答复。 ××省人民政府办公厅 一九九一年×月×日 23、起草一份答复此函的复函。 ××省人民政府办公厅 关于商请办理直通香港运输车辆有关牌证的函 ×发×字[199×]×号 ××省人民政府办公厅: ××省人民政府同意国营××农场与香港××陆运公司合作经营××直通运输公司~经营××往返香港的进出口物资运输业务。为有利于开展正常的业务活动~请协助办理该公司直通香港的100部各类运输车辆在贵省境内行驶的有关牌证。 妥否~请函复。 ××省人民政府办公厅 一九九×年×月×日 24、北京市人民政府收到江苏省人民政府《关于商洽商贸协作关系事宜的函》,苏政发„2003?×号,~经研究~同意合作并给予函复~请代拟这篇复函。 25、请按简报的编排形式~以“金融动态”为报头~为××市人民银行设计一份简报,正文内容可以省略,。 26、下面是《××印刷厂核定××××年度流动资金定额的 工作计划 幼儿园家访工作计划关于小学学校工作计划班级工作计划中职财务部门工作计划下载关于学校后勤工作计划 》的材料。请根据计划写作的要求~合理安排材料的顺序~适当增设必要的小题~使之成为一份规范的计划。 1、总的时间为一个月~自即日起到×月底止结束。 2、核资工作分三步进行:第一步~各部门自查自核~财务科配合协助,第二步~全厂平衡~汇总上报,第三步~建立健全制度~深入动员~做好执行定额的思想准备。 3、在去年核资的基础上~结合增产节约运动中揭露的问题~发动群众挖掘资金潜力,按照正常生产最低需要的原则和加速资金周转的要求~从紧核定资金定额~通过核资~认真建立健全制度~进一步提高企业管理水平。 4、这次核资采取分级归口、自查自核、专业部门协助的办法进行。具体做法是: ,1,定额的计算~以第一季度生产计划为依据, ,2,一切不参加正常周转的呆滞、积压物资和供、产、销各个环节上不正常因素所需的额外资金~不包括在核定定额范围内, ,3,凡原材料供应方式、地点、价格发生变动~产品生产周期和存放期限变化~或者销售条件和结算方式的改变~均据实予以调整, ,4,供应正常~可以保证供应或有其他代用品的原材料物料~一律不计算保险日数, ,5,各项定额均须分项计算~并计算系数。如纸张分品种计算~油墨应分书版墨、色墨、一般墨及高档墨计算~一般原材料和辅助材料应分小类计算。同时~应认识计算定额负债,包括税金、应付工资等,~以防止资金使用上的浪费。 ial cher provides of module 0.2 Shi, Are required to adjust the mix proportion of concrete. concrete mix design, according to materate, points warehouse stacked, regularly detection its containing water rate. sand fine degrees module regularly check, if ovaggregng; on mixing and conservation water, with test mortar strength of method for test; aggregate by fine Orthopedic, and in the ipped site Hou, on its volume security, and consistency, fine degrees, do directed analysis, the index qualified rear can usient shdesign gravel material must for chemical nature and the physical properties experiment, meet requirements rear can using, cemnsport and security and to skid the rain equipment. 7.6 concrete construction quality control (1) raw materials and tie than of trach as library, material should be higher than the outside elevation and feature waterproof and drainage facilities. 4) means ter pumps for maintenance, inspection, maintenance, ensure the equipment in good condition. 3) cement temporary facilities sund waof aggregates and construction site. Yuqian to dig drainage ditches, equipped with a sufficient number of submersible pumps ato cover with plastic sheeting; heavy rain opened pouring concrete is strictly prohibited. 2) keep drainage facilities clear crete pouring rain, slump in moderation decreases, new pouring concreteconstruction measure 1) during the rainy season to prevent settlement of formwork scaffolding during construction, loose; cons strictly prohibited. When pouring concrete, is strictly prohibited in the cabin with water. Concrete suspension and theses iprocess, hierarchy, order, material thickness, vibrating strictly according to the requirements. Substandard concrete warehou free falling height is greater than 2m, setting the sliding tube feeding. (3) quality control of concrete in concrete pouringrete transport. Concrete delivery process should shorten the transport time; stop bleeding and excessively reducing collapse; conc st recording, as information. (2) transport of concrete quality control horizontal transport mainly used concrete mixer truckressive strength of 7d, 14d, 28D, and do a tegrade concrete, according to the normative sample, a set of three specimens, in standard curing condition, measuring the comp-graded concrete, each pouring a same-arts. According to the different parts, with l~4rent pconstruction mixture ratio. Concrete slump control in the context of design drawings, according to the minimum value in diffegregate size determines the rate, water consumption, and then using absolute volume method to calculate the quantity of sand rse agility of cement, water/cement ratio is determined, in accordance with construction requirements, workability, slump, sand coaaracteristics and construction of concrete requirements, according to design requirements to determine the strength and durab10 5、根据上级关于核定流动资金定额通知的精神~提出我厂核定××××年度流动资金定额工作计划。 6、×月×日至×日。财务科内部测算~开始拟定资金归口管理办法~厂部动员。 7、×月×日至×日。各部门准备资料~发动有关群众讨论~自查自核。 8、×月×日至×日。财务科综合平衡~上报方案。各部门酝酿讨论资金归口办法~开会听取汇报。 9、×月×日至×日。向上级办理资金交拨~公布资金归口办法。 27、划分层次~增设小标题~拟写文章标题。 我店位于和平路口~曾是两起两落的“潮汕酒家”。开业三个月~亏损六万多。1983年12月底改为“喜相逢酒家”后~半年盈利达八万元。在同样的设备、同等的营业面积的条件下~为什么前亏而后盈,我们看有三条基本经验。以前的“潮汕酒家”~既以“潮菜”为主~又想做大生意~搞中高档菜式~结果环境、位臵和技术、菜色等方面都不具备经营中高档的条件~因而碰了钉子。改名为“喜相逢酒家”后~吸取以前的教训~坚持以中低档、散餐、便食为主~搞大众化~不企求承揽豪华宴席~而做到价廉物美~薄利多销。我们把平均毛利率控制在40%以内~低于市府规定的酒家、宾馆的毛利率可取45%的标准。为了提高菜肴的质量~我们高价聘请了香港名厨主灶掌勺~并引进马来西亚的“沙爹牛肉”、香港的“金牌霸王鸡”和潮汕大菜等名肴。此外还根据时令~不断创造新的菜色~鱼、虾、禽、肉、蛋和蔬菜等餐料~均选购新鲜上品。当天未销售的菜~第二天不再出售~从而受到顾客的欢迎。我们改变了以前干活“打大捞”和分配上的平均主义~制订了计分、打卡的考勤制度和服务公约、卫生标准、敬业尊客、仪表仪容等岗位负责和具体要求~奖勤罚懒~奖先罚后。职工上班迟到早退、与顾客吵嘴或受到顾客投诉者~则实行经济处罚。为了保证服务质量~我们订出了正副经理每天轮流到餐厅值班的制度~值班经理必须认真观察职工工作情况和精神状态~征求顾客的意见~接受顾客的投诉和批评~发现问题及时处理~并且要将当天情况作好记录~搞好交接班~玩忽职守者~也按规定受罚。领导以身作则~群众自然不敢怠慢。“喜相逢酒家”博采众长~虚心学习香港和本市其他酒家的先进管理经验~制订服务规范、操作规范~对服务员进行严格要求、严格训练。我们在开业前~先对全体职工进行了两个多月的岗位培训~从服务员的意义、工作的程序、要求~到怎样排碗碟、怎样上菜、怎样接待顾客等~一一进行较系统的学习、训练~开业后~又坚持每星期一、三、五对服务员进行班前班后一小时的轮训~学习业务条例和进行“五讲四美”等道德品质教育~组织大家练习基本操作要领~要对一整套服务程序达到娴熟、快捷、轻巧、稳当。对学习情况实行考核~按成绩优劣评分定级。由于坚持了教育和训练~服务员的思想和业务素质不断提高~每天从早晨六点钟开始营业~直至深夜二点收市~全天营业达十八个小时~但服务员没有一个叫苦的~个个保持着饱满的工作情绪~热情地接待好每一位顾客~招徕了越来越多的客人上门光顾。 十一、公文评析,只列出部分题目, 1、请从各自所在的单位找出一份文件~运用所学的公文写作知识~指出其内容和格式是否规范。 2、指出下列文稿存在的问题。 通 知 刘??同志: 兹定于一九九九年六月十五日在西郊粮库召开第一次筹备委员会工作会议~请勿必准时到会参加。 ? ?街道办事处 1999年6月8日 3、指出下列文件在格式、内容、语言表达等方面的问题~并将全文改写一遍。 ? ?县工商行政管理局 ? ? 县 公 安 局 ,98,?发?号——————————————————————————————————— 全县各旅店业: nts, according to design requirements to determine the strength and durability of cement, water/cement ratio is determined, imix proportion of concrete. concrete mix design, according to material characteristics and construction of concrete requiremet the ts containing water rate. sand fine degrees module regularly check, if over provides of module 0.2 Shi, Are required to adjusength of method for test; aggregate by fine Orthopedic, and in the aggregate, points warehouse stacked, regularly detection iar strncy, fine degrees, do directed analysis, the index qualified rear can using; on mixing and conservation water, with test mortysical properties experiment, meet requirements rear can using, cement shipped site Hou, on its volume security, and consistethe ph7.6 concrete construction quality control (1) raw materials and tie than design gravel material must for chemical nature and elevation and feature waterproof and drainage facilities. 4) means of transport and security and to skid the rain equipment. tside ensure the equipment in good condition. 3) cement temporary facilities such as library, material should be higher than the ouge ditches, equipped with a sufficient number of submersible pumps and water pumps for maintenance, inspection, maintenance, drainaouring concrete is strictly prohibited. 2) keep drainage facilities clear of aggregates and construction site. Yuqian to dig oncrete pouring rain, slump in moderation decreases, new pouring concrete to cover with plastic sheeting; heavy rain opened pconstruction measure 1) during the rainy season to prevent settlement of formwork scaffolding during construction, loose; cictly prohibited in the cabin with water. Concrete suspension and thestrictly according to the requirements. Substandard concrete warehouses is strictly prohibited. When pouring concrete, is strating sliding tube feeding. (3) quality control of concrete in concrete pouring process, hierarchy, order, material thickness, vibrransport time; stop bleeding and excessively reducing collapse; concrete free falling height is greater than 2m, setting the the t ete quality control horizontal transport mainly used concrete mixer truck transport. Concrete delivery process should shortenondition, measuring the compressive strength of 7d, 14d, 28D, and do a test recording, as information. (2) transport of concrgrade concrete, according to the normative sample, a set of three specimens, in standard curing c-graded concrete, each pouring a same-context of design drawings, according to the minimum value in different parts. According to the different parts, with l~4the and then using absolute volume method to calculate the quantity of sand construction mixture ratio. Concrete slump control in rdance with construction requirements, workability, slump, sand coarse aggregate size determines the rate, water consumption,n acco11 根据上级指示精神~对全县旅店业进行一次整顿。我们经过研究决定要召开一次全县旅店业负责人会议。现将有关事项通知如下: 一、会议时间:1998年3月12日在县政府第一招待所报到~会期两天。 二、参加会议人员:全县国营、集体、个体旅店业来一名负责人~不得缺席~否则按停业处理或取缔。并请各派出所、工商所负责人出席会议。 三、差旅费自理。 特此通知。 报:县政府办公室、地区工商局、行署公安处三科 送:各派出所、工商所存。 一九九八年三月二日 4、评析下列通报。 ,1,分析正文的结构与写法,,2,指出段落划分存在的问题。 国务院办公厅关于??省??县红星玻璃钢厂 擅自制作和出售国徽的通报 各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府办公厅: 据反映~??省??县红星玻璃钢厂1983年6月向各地函称:本厂系用玻璃钢材料制作中华人民共和国国徽~自从去年生产了直径为67公分的国徽以来~已经有25个省、市、自治区数百个单位前来定货~还根据一些单位的要求~试生产了直径一米的国徽~欢迎订购等等。国徽是中华人民共和国的象征。国徽的制发是一件非常严肃的事件。前中央人民政府办公厅和国务院办公厅都曾规定~县级以上各级人民政府悬挂的国徽由中央人民政府办公厅和国务院办公厅统一制发~并对悬挂国徽的机关和各级政府悬挂国徽的尺寸作了具体规定。??省??县红星玻璃钢厂未经授权、自定规格、擅自制作和出售国徽是错误的。请??省人民政府办公厅立即前往制止~对已经出售和制出的不合格国徽应当全部就地立即销毁。 请各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府办公厅认真检查一下本地区有关类似情况~一经发现~应当立即纠正。 国务院办公厅,印, 一九八三年?月?日 5、阅读分析下列文稿~说明其优点。 吉林省人民政府关于增拨防汛抢险救灾用油的请示 国务院: 今年入汛以来~我省气候异常~旱涝交错~灾害的突发性、阶段性十分明显。进入主汛期以后~出现3次较大的降雨过程~使我省白城、长春、四平、吉林等地区十多个县发生了洪涝灾害。特别是进入8月份以后~嫩江连续发生两次大洪水~更加重了灾害程度,灾情统计待汇总核实后另文报告,。 近30多天~为战胜嫩江洪峰~确保沿江城镇、铁路、油田和人民生命财产的安全~白城地区的镇赉、大安、前郭、扶余等县,市,以及吉林省驻军~每天出动12万多人、?5万多台机动车辆~日夜抢修加固堤坝~运送抢险物资~现已耗用柴油3700吨~汽油2000吨。 根据省防汛指挥部通告~嫩江洪水消退到安全水位要到9月下旬。目前抗洪抢险的重点~已由加高、加实、加固堤坝~转为在200多公里长的堤坝上防风浪、抢险段~避免渗水滑坡。抗洪战线长~洪峰消退慢~抢险工程量大~恢复生产、重建家园和修复水毁工程的任务十分艰巨。为此~特请国家增拨防汛抢险抗洪救灾用柴油5000吨、汽油5000吨。 以上请示~请予审批。 aracteristics and construction of concrete requirements, according to design requirements to determine the strength and durabial cher provides of module 0.2 Shi, Are required to adjust the mix proportion of concrete. concrete mix design, according to materate, points warehouse stacked, regularly detection its containing water rate. sand fine degrees module regularly check, if ovaggregng; on mixing and conservation water, with test mortar strength of method for test; aggregate by fine Orthopedic, and in the ipped site Hou, on its volume security, and consistency, fine degrees, do directed analysis, the index qualified rear can usient shdesign gravel material must for chemical nature and the physical properties experiment, meet requirements rear can using, cemnsport and security and to skid the rain equipment. 7.6 concrete construction quality control (1) raw materials and tie than of trach as library, material should be higher than the outside elevation and feature waterproof and drainage facilities. 4) means ter pumps for maintenance, inspection, maintenance, ensure the equipment in good condition. 3) cement temporary facilities sund waof aggregates and construction site. Yuqian to dig drainage ditches, equipped with a sufficient number of submersible pumps ato cover with plastic sheeting; heavy rain opened pouring concrete is strictly prohibited. 2) keep drainage facilities clear crete pouring rain, slump in moderation decreases, new pouring concreteconstruction measure 1) during the rainy season to prevent settlement of formwork scaffolding during construction, loose; cons strictly prohibited. When pouring concrete, is strictly prohibited in the cabin with water. Concrete suspension and theses iprocess, hierarchy, order, material thickness, vibrating strictly according to the requirements. Substandard concrete warehou free falling height is greater than 2m, setting the sliding tube feeding. (3) quality control of concrete in concrete pouringrete transport. Concrete delivery process should shorten the transport time; stop bleeding and excessively reducing collapse; conc st recording, as information. (2) transport of concrete quality control horizontal transport mainly used concrete mixer truckressive strength of 7d, 14d, 28D, and do a tegrade concrete, according to the normative sample, a set of three specimens, in standard curing condition, measuring the comp-graded concrete, each pouring a same-arts. According to the different parts, with l~4rent pconstruction mixture ratio. Concrete slump control in the context of design drawings, according to the minimum value in diffegregate size determines the rate, water consumption, and then using absolute volume method to calculate the quantity of sand rse agility of cement, water/cement ratio is determined, in accordance with construction requirements, workability, slump, sand coa12 吉林省人民政府 一九××年×月××日 6、分析下列文稿的结构和写法。 文秘教研室关于改革《公文写作》考试方法的请示 行管系: 《公文写作》是秘书专业的主干专业课之一~实践性很强~在学生的知识与能力结构中占有重要地位。因此~教师一直比较注重学生的课后练习环节。然而在以往的考试中~该课程平时成绩占学期成绩的比例偏低,20%,~期末卷面成绩比例偏高,80%,~不利于调动学生课后练习的积极性~也难以科学合理地反映学生的学习效果。根据我院的教学改革精神~为了实现《公文写作》课程的教学目标~促使学生认真完成平时的写作练习~提高写作能力~经过慎重考虑~文秘教研室拟对该课程实行考试方法改革。 《公文写作》课程考试方法改革的总体思路是~在总结以往教学实践经验的基础上~进一步加强写作训练环节~注重指导学生开展课后练习~相应地调整考核方法。在具体操作上~拟将平时成绩与期末卷面成绩的比例由20%?80%~调整为40%?60%。我们认为~加大平时练习力度、调整平时成绩与期末考试成绩的比例~对于提高学生的学习积极性~增强写作能力具有积极意义~同时也有利于更加准确合理地反映学生该课程的学习成绩。 以上意见如无不妥~请批准。 行管系文秘教研室 二OO一年三月二日 7、评析下面这份公文。 要求:列点指出文中的主要错误~并简要说明理由。 关于××仓库急需修建下水道的请示报告 ,9×,×字×号 市商业局负责同志: 你好:我公司新建仓库~位于××公路以西和××厂以南的通道~由于地势低~东北两方高处的水一股劲儿地往仓库方向流积。大雨之时~仓库周围内部积水之深~可以游泳~既影响仓库基脚~又危及仓储商品。现在因为雨季即将来临~为防万一~急需修建下水道~决定要人民币××万元~特此报告。 附件一份 ××市蔬菜公司党支部 九×年×月×日 8、根据公文写作要求~分条列项指出下面公文文稿中的主要错误~并简要说明理由 关于区教育局校办企业管理科更名的请示报告 区委、区政府、区经委: 经局务会议讨论通过~决定将局校办企业管理科更名为××区校办工业总公司~原该科科长张××同志任总经理。 以上请示如无不当~请即批复。 ××区教育局 1995年六月九日 9、指出下列文稿的不当之处~并且改写全文。 请示报告 局领导: 我们处一九九二年已经购买过六台286计算机~多年来一直不停地使用~今年以来已经很明显地不能使用了。致使我们的工作效率无法提高~必须重新购买一些计算机。为此~要求局里拨款十二万元~打算购买八台586计算机和数量相当的打印机。无论如何~望批准购买。另外~财务科的保险柜密码锁也严重失灵~ mix proportion of concrete. concrete mix design, according to material characteristics and construction of concrete requiremet the ts containing water rate. sand fine degrees module regularly check, if over provides of module 0.2 Shi, Are required to adjusength of method for test; aggregate by fine Orthopedic, and in the aggregate, points warehouse stacked, regularly detection iar strncy, fine degrees, do directed analysis, the index qualified rear can using; on mixing and conservation water, with test mortysical properties experiment, meet requirements rear can using, cement shipped site Hou, on its volume security, and consistethe ph7.6 concrete construction quality control (1) raw materials and tie than design gravel material must for chemical nature and elevation and feature waterproof and drainage facilities. 4) means of transport and security and to skid the rain equipment. tside ensure the equipment in good condition. 3) cement temporary facilities such as library, material should be higher than the ouge ditches, equipped with a sufficient number of submersible pumps and water pumps for maintenance, inspection, maintenance, drainaouring concrete is strictly prohibited. 2) keep drainage facilities clear of aggregates and construction site. Yuqian to dig oncrete pouring rain, slump in moderation decreases, new pouring concrete to cover with plastic sheeting; heavy rain opened pconstruction measure 1) during the rainy season to prevent settlement of formwork scaffolding during construction, loose; cictly prohibited in the cabin with water. Concrete suspension and thestrictly according to the requirements. Substandard concrete warehouses is strictly prohibited. When pouring concrete, is strating sliding tube feeding. (3) quality control of concrete in concrete pouring process, hierarchy, order, material thickness, vibrransport time; stop bleeding and excessively reducing collapse; concrete free falling height is greater than 2m, setting the the t ete quality control horizontal transport mainly used concrete mixer truck transport. Concrete delivery process should shortenondition, measuring the compressive strength of 7d, 14d, 28D, and do a test recording, as information. (2) transport of concrgrade concrete, according to the normative sample, a set of three specimens, in standard curing c-graded concrete, each pouring a same-context of design drawings, according to the minimum value in different parts. According to the different parts, with l~4the and then using absolute volume method to calculate the quantity of sand construction mixture ratio. Concrete slump control in rdance with construction requirements, workability, slump, sand coarse aggregate size determines the rate, water consumption,n acconts, according to design requirements to determine the strength and durability of cement, water/cement ratio is determined, i13 不太安全~应当更换新的保险柜~请顺便追加拨款四千元~请一并批准。 ××局××处 1999年9月 10、修改下列复函。 关于联系进修教师的函 X X 大学教务处: 首先让我们以X X市工业学校的名义~向贵处表示衷心的感谢~过去你们为我校办学给予了很大的帮助。目前我校又面临一个很难解决的问题。 原来事情是这样的:我校新增设了计算机应用、会计电算化2个专业~对原有的个别专业进行了改造。而这方面的师资力量较差~决定派8位教师到贵校相关专业脱产进修一年。我校已与贵校有关部门多次商量~但是这些教师的住宿问题~至今也没有得到解决。提高教育质量的关键是师资。为提高我校教育质量~恳请贵校设法解决进修教师的临时住宿问题~以便他们安心学习。但是不知贵处是否有什么困难。再说一句~贵处如能解决我校进修教师的问题~我们将以我校领导的名义向贵校领导深表敬意。 致以崇高的敬礼: X X市工业学校,印章, 19X X年X X月X X日 11、以下是××部机关党委在“九八抗洪”期间编发的一篇简报的正文。 要求:,1,据此拟写标题~须指出所写标题种类,,2,简析该文写作特点。 自长江流域和松花江、嫩江流域遭受特大洪灾以来~××部广大干部职工情系灾区~紧急动员~踊跃捐款~以实际行动落实中央直属机关工委、中央国家机关工委《关于组织抗洪救灾捐款活动的通知》和唐家璇部长“行动要快~全力做好”的指示~为抗洪赈灾奉献爱心。 8月11日动员大会后~我部同志无论是党、团员还是普通群众~无论是在职人员还是离退休干部职工~纷纷争先恐后~伸出援助之手~为灾区人民尽一份绵薄之力。部机关党委领导同志率先捐款,各司局领导和驻外使馆大使、总领事、参赞都是本单位第一批捐款者,全部同志人人捐款~就连刚入部尚未领过工资的同志也向灾区人民奉献爱心。截至8月19日~××部所属各单位干部职工共捐款497万元。 离退休老同志在此次捐款赈灾活动中表现尤为突出。92岁高龄的著名法学家、国际法院前大法官倪征奥同志生病住院~当他听到捐款消息后~立即让孩子替他捐款2万元,一位93岁高龄的老同志~一直卧病在床~生活难以自理~经济也不宽裕~当他在病床上听说灾情后十分焦急~急忙告诉保姆替他捐献了2000元,一位离休干部近年来一直资助4名贫困大学生~老家还有身患癌症的弟弟需要接济~经济负担较重~但是仍然捐献了1000元,一位退休干部已双目失明~爱人没有工作~家庭条件比较艰苦~但是他在爱人的搀扶下坚持亲自到部里捐款~表达了一个残疾老人的爱心。有的老大使召开家庭会~决定每人都要捐款~保姆为此深受感动~也捐献了平日的积蓄。 灾情牵动着我驻外使领馆人员的心。他们说:“虽然远离祖国~不能战斗在抗洪救灾第一线~但是我们的心和祖国的脉搏一起跳动。”一方有难~八方相助。几天来~180多个驻外使领馆、团、处和驻香港公署干部职工共捐款人民币近300万元。 12、修改公文标题。 ,1,关于《普通高等学校学生管理条例》的通知 ,2,××省财政厅转发财政部加强基本建设拨款管理工作的通知 ,3,××市地方税务局关于开征个人收入调节税有关事项的公告 ,4,××省国家税务局关于建议把依法纳税列为国家考核企业的一个重要指标的请示报告 ,5,国务院转发国家医药管理局关于治理整顿医药市场意见的通知 ,6,某市某局关于批复某问题的函 ,7,同意你校关于建立行政学院的请示 ,8,某区教育局关于召开全区中小学校长会议的《通知》 gregate size determines the rate, water consumption, and then using absolute volume method to calculate the quantity of sand rse agility of cement, water/cement ratio is determined, in accordance with construction requirements, workability, slump, sand coaaracteristics and construction of concrete requirements, according to design requirements to determine the strength and durabial cher provides of module 0.2 Shi, Are required to adjust the mix proportion of concrete. concrete mix design, according to materate, points warehouse stacked, regularly detection its containing water rate. sand fine degrees module regularly check, if ovaggregng; on mixing and conservation water, with test mortar strength of method for test; aggregate by fine Orthopedic, and in the ipped site Hou, on its volume security, and consistency, fine degrees, do directed analysis, the index qualified rear can usient shdesign gravel material must for chemical nature and the physical properties experiment, meet requirements rear can using, cemnsport and security and to skid the rain equipment. 7.6 concrete construction quality control (1) raw materials and tie than of trach as library, material should be higher than the outside elevation and feature waterproof and drainage facilities. 4) means ter pumps for maintenance, inspection, maintenance, ensure the equipment in good condition. 3) cement temporary facilities sund waof aggregates and construction site. Yuqian to dig drainage ditches, equipped with a sufficient number of submersible pumps ato cover with plastic sheeting; heavy rain opened pouring concrete is strictly prohibited. 2) keep drainage facilities clear crete pouring rain, slump in moderation decreases, new pouring concreteconstruction measure 1) during the rainy season to prevent settlement of formwork scaffolding during construction, loose; cons strictly prohibited. When pouring concrete, is strictly prohibited in the cabin with water. Concrete suspension and theses iprocess, hierarchy, order, material thickness, vibrating strictly according to the requirements. Substandard concrete warehou free falling height is greater than 2m, setting the sliding tube feeding. (3) quality control of concrete in concrete pouringrete transport. Concrete delivery process should shorten the transport time; stop bleeding and excessively reducing collapse; conc st recording, as information. (2) transport of concrete quality control horizontal transport mainly used concrete mixer truckressive strength of 7d, 14d, 28D, and do a tegrade concrete, according to the normative sample, a set of three specimens, in standard curing condition, measuring the comp-graded concrete, each pouring a same-arts. According to the different parts, with l~4rent pconstruction mixture ratio. Concrete slump control in the context of design drawings, according to the minimum value in diffe14 ,9,某局关于走私贩私的指示 ,10,某市人民政府转发国家计委1982年2号文件的通知 ,11,某市某局关于全市上半年技术改造情况的反映 ,12,某省教委关于健全建立监考制度的指示 ,13,某局关于清仓核资工作结束总结报告 ,14,××大学关于98年义务献血工作情况好人好事总结的报告 ,15,××处申请购买一批计算机的报告 ,16,×大学关于新校园绿化工作计划的请示报告 13、指出下列公文用语在语法逻辑方面的错误~并进行修改。 ,1,各级政府在贯彻党的经济政策的同时~要注意贯彻党的农业政策。 ,2,他们把群众对这个问题的意见报告上去以后~有关领导同志表示基本上完全同意。 ,3,到本月末~这一重点工程项目已经全部完工~只有少数扫尾工程还在抓紧进行。 ,4,各地在安排计划中都积极争取这个重点工程项目~我们要建成这个重点工程项目~全部的工业总产值和经济效益都将有很大增长。 ,5,在社会主义条件下~为什么会出现吃“大锅饭”的弊端呢,这是因为实行按劳分配制度的结果。 ,6,大多数经过整顿验收合格的企业是合乎整顿要求的。 ,7,以上意见如有不当~着即批转各有关单位认真遵照执行。 ,8,这是一位多病的老工人的妻子。 ,9,我们一定要严厉打击少数腐败分子~把反腐败进行到底。 ,10,该犯持枪拒捕~当场将我武警战士刘晓阳同志击毙。 ,11,我们一定要采取措施~尽可能节省不必要的开支和浪费。 ,12,加强全面质量管理是目前我们能否搞好企业管理的一个最最首要的问题。 ,13,今年春节前后~全县预计能建造3级公路约五十多里左右。 ,14,离退休干部李永同志参加革命的确切年代是1938年8月12日。 ,15,北京市城区主要包括东城区、西城区、崇文区、宣武区等4个区组成。 14、修改公文语句。 1、 教育部关于应届大学毕业生分配工作的通知早已经印发~你校是否收到,请速了解答复。 2、省政府领导同志就在当场发表讲话。 3、你厂部分房屋产权应属我局所有。上次会上已经作出决定并记录在处理公事的记录里。 4、该批机器设备~不几天后就可运抵你厂。 5、我局接到全力防洪的紧急通知后~当时立刻就进行了研究~并采取了一系列具体措施。 6、由于考虑到今年财力较紧~扩建体育场的项目~打算等到明年再来进行安排。 7、关于去杭州市档案馆参观的有关事项的安排和处理~请直接和他们单位进行联系商量。 8、时令正当早春~气温骤降~希望各地做好防寒保苗工作了。 9、你县3月7日关于X X问题的来信收到了~内容也全知道了~经过研究答复如下: 10、现在介绍我局张X X同志~前往你厂了解X X情况~请你们接待商量并给予多多帮忙。 11、新建企业中~凡是不符合本规定者~不能给予登记。 context of design drawings, according to the minimum value in different parts. According to the different parts, with l~4the and then using absolute volume method to calculate the quantity of sand construction mixture ratio. Concrete slump control in rdance with construction requirements, workability, slump, sand coarse aggregate size determines the rate, water consumption,n acconts, according to design requirements to determine the strength and durability of cement, water/cement ratio is determined, imix proportion of concrete. concrete mix design, according to material characteristics and construction of concrete requiremet the ts containing water rate. sand fine degrees module regularly check, if over provides of module 0.2 Shi, Are required to adjusength of method for test; aggregate by fine Orthopedic, and in the aggregate, points warehouse stacked, regularly detection iar strncy, fine degrees, do directed analysis, the index qualified rear can using; on mixing and conservation water, with test mortysical properties experiment, meet requirements rear can using, cement shipped site Hou, on its volume security, and consistethe ph7.6 concrete construction quality control (1) raw materials and tie than design gravel material must for chemical nature and elevation and feature waterproof and drainage facilities. 4) means of transport and security and to skid the rain equipment. tside ensure the equipment in good condition. 3) cement temporary facilities such as library, material should be higher than the ouge ditches, equipped with a sufficient number of submersible pumps and water pumps for maintenance, inspection, maintenance, drainaouring concrete is strictly prohibited. 2) keep drainage facilities clear of aggregates and construction site. Yuqian to dig oncrete pouring rain, slump in moderation decreases, new pouring concrete to cover with plastic sheeting; heavy rain opened pconstruction measure 1) during the rainy season to prevent settlement of formwork scaffolding during construction, loose; cictly prohibited in the cabin with water. Concrete suspension and thestrictly according to the requirements. Substandard concrete warehouses is strictly prohibited. When pouring concrete, is strating sliding tube feeding. (3) quality control of concrete in concrete pouring process, hierarchy, order, material thickness, vibrransport time; stop bleeding and excessively reducing collapse; concrete free falling height is greater than 2m, setting the the t ete quality control horizontal transport mainly used concrete mixer truck transport. Concrete delivery process should shortenondition, measuring the compressive strength of 7d, 14d, 28D, and do a test recording, as information. (2) transport of concrgrade concrete, according to the normative sample, a set of three specimens, in standard curing c-graded concrete, each pouring a same-15
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