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趣味化学题!!趣味化学题!! 日化知识问答 洗涤剂的主要成分是什么, 古代的“澡豆” 是把把猪的 的污血洗净,撕除脂肪后研磨成糊状,再加入豆粉、香 料等,均匀地混合后,经过自然干燥便成可作洗涤用途的澡豆。 A.肝脏 B胰腺 C肾上腺 D甲状腺 3. 洗涤棉料的衣服饰物应选择 的合成洗涤剂或肥皂。 A强碱性 B弱碱性 C中性 D弱酸性 E强酸性 4 下列哪项是中性洗涤剂, A 肥皂 B 香皂 C洗手液 D洗衣粉 E上海硫磺皂 5乳液适用于油性还是干性皮肤, 6.丝瓜水和小黄瓜水对皮肤各有什么作用, 7. 有种眼药涂在...

趣味化学题!! 日化知识问答 洗涤剂的主要成分是什么, 古代的“澡豆” 是把把猪的 的污血洗净,撕除脂肪后研磨成糊状,再加入豆粉、香 料等,均匀地混合后,经过自然干燥便成可作洗涤用途的澡豆。 A.肝脏 B胰腺 C肾上腺 D甲状腺 3. 洗涤棉料的衣服饰物应选择 的合成洗涤剂或肥皂。 A强碱性 B弱碱性 C中性 D弱酸性 E强酸性 4 下列哪项是中性洗涤剂, A 肥皂 B 香皂 C洗手液 D洗衣粉 E上海硫磺皂 5乳液适用于油性还是干性皮肤, 6.丝瓜水和小黄瓜水对皮肤各有什么作用, 7. 有种眼药涂在脂肪粒上可以消脂肪粒,它的名字是, 8.内衣适合用 洗涤, A洗衣粉 B洗衣液 c肥皂 9下列哪项对去除杯壁上的茶渍有特殊功效, A牙膏 B洗面奶 C纯碱 D香皂 10.用浓茶水擦睫毛可使睫毛增长,是因为茶叶中含有哪种成分, 11.隔离霜和防晒霜有区别吗, 12. 使用防晒霜最需要注意什么值, 13大宝SOD蜜中的SOD作用是什么, 14挑选防晒霜时最好先在自己的哪个部位试用一下, 15.隔离霜的基本功效是隔离哪三样东西, 16. 牙齿黄,可以把 嚼碎后含在嘴里,并刷牙三分钟,很有效。 A大枣 B大豆 C 瓜子 D花生 17. 有助于去除黑头。 A白砂糖 B赤砂糖 C盐 D酒精 D醋 18. .插花时,在水里滴上一滴 ,可以维持好几天。 A白砂糖 B酒精 C盐 D洗洁精 D醋 19夏天足部容易出汗,每天用 泡脚可有效应对汗脚。 A淡盐水 B浓盐水 C酱油 D酒精 D醋 20.84消毒液的主要成分是什么, 21.油精属于日化产品吗, 22.选出下列与其他四项有明显区别的一项. A.大宝 B.雅倩 C美加净 D泊莱雅 E郁美净 23世界上第一袋洗衣粉诞生在哪个国家, 24.洗衣粉能与消毒液混用吗, 25洗衣时,衣物和洗衣粉放入盆内的正确顺序是什么, 26古代常用于做洗涤剂的一种落叶乔木是什么, of government departments and dynamic supervision, where power and responsibility manifests to determine matters of administrative authority, must be moved into administrative service center to carry out "one-stop" service for enterprises, and the masses start to make ... ... Administrative approval "process optimization, shortest time and link the least, best service, people's satisfaction." Three is to solve the problem. To accelerate the land changes in hanging work, town street, used to speed up the project area places progress, ensure the quality of reclamation, ensure a smooth transition through acceptance. Should focus on illegal and inefficient idle land clearing work to occupy basic farmland, along the main traffic visual range, fringe and other key areas of focus to illegal land clearing, demolition or confiscation of buildings and facilities, according to law, we must resolutely be removed and confiscated. The work to be included in the land, Street of town housing, law enforcement and assessment content, linked to the use of assessment results suggest the County and cadres. Especially the town street must govern, manage cadres well, thorough investigation of regulation violation of illegal construction. While to caught national shantytown transformation of opportunities, using good relaxed town settled in conditions, and people to money linked, and improve shed modified currency of placed proportion, policy, according to "villagers voluntary, and village Board independent, and tablets district Guide, and township 27.列出十个以上日化产品的品牌。 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 面活性剂 B B C 油性皮肤 丝瓜水调节皮肤水油平衡、小黄瓜水补充皮肤水分。 金霉素软膏 C A 维生素E 有 SPF值(或防晒系数) 防止皮肤氧化 手腕 隔离紫外线,隔离脏空气,隔离彩妆 D C D A 次氯酸钠 不属于 D 德国 不能 先放洗衣粉,溶化后再放衣物。 皂角树 霸王、郁美净、美加净、大宝、宫灯、隆力奇、强生、白猫、纳爱斯、小护士、佳洁士 成年人每天应吃多少盐?答:6g到15g足够 制作松花蛋需要加哪种化学物质,(两个即可)答:氢氧化钠 氢氧化钾 在熬骨头汤的时候往汤里加醋会使得营养更容易吸收 是因为使得哪两种元素溶解在骨头汤 里,答:磷和钙 为了保证安全 庆典中的气球用什么气体充, 氢气 B.氦气 C.氮气 D、氧气 答案 :B 5.煤气中毒由那种气体引起, of government departments and dynamic supervision, where power and responsibility manifests to determine matters of administrative authority, must be moved into administrative service center to carry out "one-stop" service for enterprises, and the masses start to make ... ... Administrative approval "process optimization, shortest time and link the least, best service, people's satisfaction." Three is to solve the problem. To accelerate the land changes in hanging work, town street, used to speed up the project area places progress, ensure the quality of reclamation, ensure a smooth transition through acceptance. Should focus on illegal and inefficient idle land clearing work to occupy basic farmland, along the main traffic visual range, fringe and other key areas of focus to illegal land clearing, demolition or confiscation of buildings and facilities, according to law, we must resolutely be removed and confiscated. The work to be included in the land, Street of town housing, law enforcement and assessment content, linked to the use of assessment results suggest the County and cadres. Especially the town street must govern, manage cadres well, thorough investigation of regulation violation of illegal construction. While to caught national shantytown transformation of opportunities, using good relaxed town settled in conditions, and people to money linked, and improve shed modified currency of placed proportion, policy, according to "villagers voluntary, and village Board independent, and tablets district Guide, and township A、硫化氢 B.二氧化碳 C.一氧化碳 D.甲烷 答案 C 6.煤矿爆炸是什么气体引起, 答:甲烷 7、西气东输的气体是什么, 答案 甲烷 8(鸡蛋放在什么液体里保鲜, A,清水 B、石灰水 C、盐水 D、食醋水 答案 B 9、冰箱除异味利用了活性炭的什么特性, A 吸附性 B 聚沉性 C与异味反应 答案 A 10、硬水与软水的区别? 答案 硬水含钙镁等盐离子 软水不含 11、水果中的什么物质与乙醇反应 从而解酒, A葡萄糖 B有机酸 C维生素 D果糖 答案 B 12、衣服上的油垢可以用什么来除去, A汽油 B酒精 C食醋 答案 A 13.炒菜时爆锅过程 油为什么忽然沸腾, 答案 打破过热状态 14、下列取自蔬菜最多的盐类是, A 钠盐 B钾盐 C碘盐 D 氯化物 答案 B 15、赤潮的形成和水体的富营养化与那种元素的排放有关 多选 A氮 B钙 C氧 D 磷 答案 AD 16、头发经过烫染受到损伤后需要补充下列那种化学物质, A 维生素 B氨基酸 C葡萄糖 D纤维素 答案 B 17、豆腐不能与菠菜一起煮着吃的原因, 答案 形成草酸钙 易产生结石 18、下列为碱性事物的是 多选 A 牛奶 B苹果 C面粉 D鱼类 答案 AB 19、医生用什么药使运动员很快消除疼痛 答案 氯乙烷(C2H5Cl),这是一种没有颜色、极易挥发(沸点13.l ?)的液体。当把它喷到受 伤部位时,立即挥发。在挥发时要吸收热量,从而使皮肤表面温度骤然降低,使感觉变得迟钝, 因而起到了镇痛和局部麻醉的作用。这就是医学上?quot;冷冻麻醉"疗法。 20、为什么酒越陈越香 答案 乙醇与乙酸发生化学反应形成具有香味的酯类 21、铅笔上的H和B表示什么意思, 答案H 表示hard 粘土多 B是black 石墨多 22、如何处理打破的水银温度计, 答案 用吸管吸取颗粒较大的水银 剩余的撒上硫磺粉末 of government departments and dynamic supervision, where power and responsibility manifests to determine matters of administrative authority, must be moved into administrative service center to carry out "one-stop" service for enterprises, and the masses start to make ... ... Administrative approval "process optimization, shortest time and link the least, best service, people's satisfaction." Three is to solve the problem. To accelerate the land changes in hanging work, town street, used to speed up the project area places progress, ensure the quality of reclamation, ensure a smooth transition through acceptance. Should focus on illegal and inefficient idle land clearing work to occupy basic farmland, along the main traffic visual range, fringe and other key areas of focus to illegal land clearing, demolition or confiscation of buildings and facilities, according to law, we must resolutely be removed and confiscated. The work to be included in the land, Street of town housing, law enforcement and assessment content, linked to the use of assessment results suggest the County and cadres. Especially the town street must govern, manage cadres well, thorough investigation of regulation violation of illegal construction. While to caught national shantytown transformation of opportunities, using good relaxed town settled in conditions, and people to money linked, and improve shed modified currency of placed proportion, policy, according to "villagers voluntary, and village Board independent, and tablets district Guide, and township 23、为什么抗菌素类的药物宜在饭后服用, 抗菌素药类大部分是胺类化合物,人空腹服用后药物易被胃中胃酸分解,既降低药效,又对胃 壁产生较大的刺激作用。而饭后服用药物,由于胃酸被食物冲淡,药物就不会被胃酸分解,因 此抗菌素药物一般在饭后服用。 24、蜂蜜最好用多少度的水冲服, 答案四十到六十度 25、牙龈出血应多吃什么, A 维生素 B铁元素 C蛋白质 D葡萄糖 4洗衣粉适合洗(ABCD)类织物 A棉 B麻 C化纤 D混纺 ,《手洗用餐具洗洁精》规定:餐具洗洁精小包装上应有(ABCD) A产品名称 B有效卫生许可证和生产许可证 C产品净含量 D产品有效成分、性能、使用 说明 关于失联党员情况说明岗位说明总经理岗位说明书会计岗位说明书行政主管岗位说明书 7餐具洗洁精PH测定需要用到那些仪器(ABC) A温度计 B分析天平 C PH计 D恒温水浴锅 判断: 8国标中规定的餐具洗洁精中总活性物测定方法与洗衣粉的相同(正确) 9洗衣粉过了保质期还可以继续使用(正确) 10用无磷洗衣粉洗衣服对人无害处,而用有磷洗衣粉对人有害处(错误) 11洗洁精是不是越稠越好(不是) 12含(B)的水可以清洗掉水果蔬菜表面的农药 A酸性洗涤剂 B碱性洗涤剂 C中性洗涤剂 13牙膏是不是要经常换用不同的品牌使用(是) 14说出洗衣粉包装袋上标注的3项条目(例如:使用方法) 15牙刷应该多久换一个比较合理(B) A一周 B三个月 C一年 16列举15项你熟悉的日用化学品 17洗发水是不是感觉洗的越干净越好(不是) 18洁面乳中含有下面那些成分(ABC) A 表面活性剂 B 防腐剂 C镇静消炎 抗敏剂 19用植物油香皂替代沐浴乳洗泡泡浴是不是更有益与健康,(是) 20一天的刷牙次数应不多于几次(C) A一次 B二次 C三次 21空气清新剂人体大量吸入后会会有那些不良反应(ABC) A会产生呼吸困难和头痛 B刺激眼睛 C接触皮肤后,还可能导致脱皮,引发麻疹。 22洗碗液中大多含有那两种物质(碳酸钠和磷酸盐) 23化学洗涤剂的洗污能力主要来什么(自表面活性剂) of government departments and dynamic supervision, where power and responsibility manifests to determine matters of administrative authority, must be moved into administrative service center to carry out "one-stop" service for enterprises, and the masses start to make ... ... Administrative approval "process optimization, shortest time and link the least, best service, people's satisfaction." Three is to solve the problem. To accelerate the land changes in hanging work, town street, used to speed up the project area places progress, ensure the quality of reclamation, ensure a smooth transition through acceptance. Should focus on illegal and inefficient idle land clearing work to occupy basic farmland, along the main traffic visual range, fringe and other key areas of focus to illegal land clearing, demolition or confiscation of buildings and facilities, according to law, we must resolutely be removed and confiscated. The work to be included in the land, Street of town housing, law enforcement and assessment content, linked to the use of assessment results suggest the County and cadres. Especially the town street must govern, manage cadres well, thorough investigation of regulation violation of illegal construction. While to caught national shantytown transformation of opportunities, using good relaxed town settled in conditions, and people to money linked, and improve shed modified currency of placed proportion, policy, according to "villagers voluntary, and village Board independent, and tablets district Guide, and township 洗洁精对食物油脂有较好的去除能力,但对皮肤有一定损伤,故每次接触时间一般不宜超过多少分钟(B) A30 B40 C60 25洗洁精的存放在什么条件下最好(B) A低温 见光 B常温 避光 C低温 避光 D常温见光 26眼部化妆品打开后一般可以正常使用多久(C) A一个月 B三个月 C六个月 D一年 27用洗洁精浸泡洗涤时,将洗洁精用水稀释成200,500倍(洗涤浓度以0.2%至0.5%为宜),浸泡时间以(A)为宜,然后用海绵或抹布擦洗后,用流动清水冲洗干净 A 2分钟到5分钟B10分钟C15分钟 28洗洁精的稠度主要与哪些因素有关系(ABC) A精的原料 B无机盐的加入 C 温度 29洗洁精可以用来洗什么(ABC) A餐具、果蔬 B厨房的一些器具(如炊具等) C许多金属、搪瓷、陶瓷、塑料一类的用具 30防晒霜的防晒功效来自于它的什么成分(A) A防晒剂 B表面活性剂 C乳化剂 31物理防晒剂防晒的原理是什么(物理防晒剂主要是靠反射作用,屏蔽掉紫外线来达到防晒的目的) 32说出3种牙膏中的主要成分 33牙膏为什么具有一定的止血能力() 34牙痛时用什么止痛见效最快(花椒) 35说出几种你喜欢的牙膏品牌及生产企业 36下列那种皮肤只适合用物理防晒霜(B) A油性皮肤:B痘痘型 C干性皮肤 D敏感性皮肤 37洗涤棉料的衣服饰物应选择:(A) A. 弱减性的合成洗涤剂或肥皂 B弱酸性的合成洗涤剂或肥皂C中性的合成洗涤剂或肥皂 38衣料在水中浸泡或洗涤干燥后有时会发生尺寸的变化(称缩水)是为什么呢(因为衣料纤维充分吸收水分时,水分子进入纤维内部使纤维体积膨胀,由于纤维直径增加的多,而长度增加的少,所以纤维织成的纱线变粗,在衣料中的弯曲程度增加,迫使衣料收缩) 39工业清洗剂常用表面活性剂有(ABC) A阳离子表面活性剂/阴离子表面活性剂B两性表面活性剂C /非离子表面活性剂 40: 洗碗机的洗涤剂主要分为哪三种(洗碗粉、漂洗剂、专用盐) 1 当你发现在潮湿的气候条件下,苔藓枯死;雪松呈褐色伤斑,棉花叶片发白;即各种植物出现“烟斑病”。请问这是那种气体污染的迹象: of government departments and dynamic supervision, where power and responsibility manifests to determine matters of administrative authority, must be moved into administrative service center to carry out "one-stop" service for enterprises, and the masses start to make ... ... Administrative approval "process optimization, shortest time and link the least, best service, people's satisfaction." Three is to solve the problem. To accelerate the land changes in hanging work, town street, used to speed up the project area places progress, ensure the quality of reclamation, ensure a smooth transition through acceptance. Should focus on illegal and inefficient idle land clearing work to occupy basic farmland, along the main traffic visual range, fringe and other key areas of focus to illegal land clearing, demolition or confiscation of buildings and facilities, according to law, we must resolutely be removed and confiscated. The work to be included in the land, Street of town housing, law enforcement and assessment content, linked to the use of assessment results suggest the County and cadres. Especially the town street must govern, manage cadres well, thorough investigation of regulation violation of illegal construction. While to caught national shantytown transformation of opportunities, using good relaxed town settled in conditions, and people to money linked, and improve shed modified currency of placed proportion, policy, according to "villagers voluntary, and village Board independent, and tablets district Guide, and township A(SO2 B.CO2 C.NO2 D.O3 2丁香、垂柳萎靡不振,出现“白斑病”说明空气中有哪种气体污染, A(SO2 B.CO2 C.NO2 D.O3 3 根据我国空气污染的特点,目前计入空气污染指数的项目暂不包含的是: A(CO2 B.SO2 C.氮的氧化物 D.总悬浮物 4.酱油中没有的成分是: A(氨基酸 B.糖类 C.食盐 D.脂肪酸 5.生产面粉的车间严禁吸烟,主要原因是: A(防止火灾 B.防止爆炸 C.保护环境 D.保护工人免受尼古丁毒害 6.用自来水养鱼时,将水注入鱼缸以前需在阳光下曝晒一段时间,目的是: A.使水的硬度变小 B.使水中次氯酸分解 C.起到杀菌作用 D.增加水中O2的含量 7目前国外一些专家认为( )是复活水: A.白开水 B.凉开水 C.茶水 D.矿泉水 8下列食物中碱性最强的是: A.苹果 B.牛奶 C.鸡蛋清 D.番茄 9俗称“人造小太阳”的强光灯所采用的气体是: A(氩气 B.氖气 C.氦气 D.氙气 of government departments and dynamic supervision, where power and responsibility manifests to determine matters of administrative authority, must be moved into administrative service center to carry out "one-stop" service for enterprises, and the masses start to make ... ... Administrative approval "process optimization, shortest time and link the least, best service, people's satisfaction." Three is to solve the problem. To accelerate the land changes in hanging work, town street, used to speed up the project area places progress, ensure the quality of reclamation, ensure a smooth transition through acceptance. Should focus on illegal and inefficient idle land clearing work to occupy basic farmland, along the main traffic visual range, fringe and other key areas of focus to illegal land clearing, demolition or confiscation of buildings and facilities, according to law, we must resolutely be removed and confiscated. The work to be included in the land, Street of town housing, law enforcement and assessment content, linked to the use of assessment results suggest the County and cadres. Especially the town street must govern, manage cadres well, thorough investigation of regulation violation of illegal construction. While to caught national shantytown transformation of opportunities, using good relaxed town settled in conditions, and people to money linked, and improve shed modified currency of placed proportion, policy, according to "villagers voluntary, and village Board independent, and tablets district Guide, and township
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