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新版PEP小学英语四年级上册《Unit6 A Let’s talk》教学设计


新版PEP小学英语四年级上册《Unit6 A Let’s talk》教学设计新版PEP小学英语四年级上册《Unit6 A Let’s talk》教学设计 新版PEP四上Unit6 A Let’s talk 教材内容分析: 本部分学习的核心句型是:How many people are there in your family? Three.教材通过Amy和陈杰谈论家庭相册的情景,让学生感知上述句型的语义及语用情景。 本课学习的内容是句型:How many people are there in your family?及其回答。 学情分析: 学生在三年级的时候已经学习了数字:on...

新版PEP小学英语四年级上册《Unit6 A Let’s talk》教学设计
新版PEP 小学 小学生如何制作手抄报课件柳垭小学关于三违自查自纠报告小学英语获奖优质说课课件小学足球课教案全集小学语文新课程标准测试题 英语 关于好奇心的名言警句英语高中英语词汇下载高中英语词汇 下载英语衡水体下载小学英语关于形容词和副词的题 四年级上册《Unit6 A Let’s talk》教学设计 新版PEP四上Unit6 A Let’s talk 教材内容分析: 本部分学习的核心句型是:How many people are there in your family? Three.教材通过Amy和陈杰谈论家庭相册的情景,让学生感知上述句型的语义及语用情景。 本课学习的内容是句型:How many people are there in your family?及其回答。 学情分析: 学生在三年级的时候已经学习了数字:one、 two、 three 、four、 five、six、 seven、 eight、 nine、 ten、 twelve、 thirteen、 fourteen、 fifteen、 sixteen、 seventeen、 eighteen、 nineteen、 twenty等关于数量的表达,并能在实际情境中运用句型How many „ can/do you see? 讨论看到和拥有物品的数量,运用句型How old are you? I’m„ 讨论年龄。 家庭成员:father(dad)、mother(mum)、brother、sister、grandpa(grandfather)、grandma(grandmother)等关于直系亲属称呼的单词,并能在实际情境中运用句型This is my„ He is my„ She is my.. Who’s that man/woman/boy/girl? He/She is„ Is he/she your„? Yes, he/she is. No, he/she isn’t. 来讨论家庭成员。 形容词:pretty, long, short, tall, big, small, strong, thin, quiet,friendly, cute, ’s he/she? He’s„ and „ He/She has„并能在实际情境中讨论、描述人lovely等及句型Who 物的特征。 身体部位:hair, face, ear, eye, nose, mouth, arm, hand, head, leg, foot, body等身体部位的单词。 名词:teacher,pupil,student以及句型:This is„ He is a„等介绍职业和社会群体的称呼。 教学目标: 1.知识目标: a)能听懂会说句型:How many people are there in your family? Three. My family has six people. But that’s only five. b)能够听说、认读单词:parents, people,but, little, puppy. 2.能力目标: a)能够在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话大意。 b)能够用正确的语音、语调朗读对话,并能够进行角色表演。 c)能够在情境中恰当运用句型:How many people are there in your family? 询问并回答家中 有几位家庭成员。 d)能够在情景中恰当运用句型:My family has six people. But that’s only five. e)能够在语境中理解生词:parents, people,but, little, puppy的意思,并能够正确发音。 3. 情感目标: a) 能够了解英语国家中家庭成员之间的称呼习俗以及把宠物视作庭成员的文化特征。 b)能够体会并表达对家庭生活的热爱之情。 教学重难点: 1. 教学重点: a) 能够在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话大意,用正确的语音、语调朗读对话并能够进行角色表演。 b) 能够听懂会说句型:How many people are there in your family? My family has six people. /„But that’s only five.并能在情境中恰当运用句型询问并回答家中有几位家庭成员。 C) 能够在语境中理解生词:parents, people,but, little, puppy的意思,并能够正确发音。 2.教学难点: a) 能在不同的情境中恰当运用句型How many people are there in your family? My family has six people. /„询问并回答家中有几位家庭成员。 b) 能够在语境中理解生词:parents, people,but, little, puppy的意思,并能够正确发音。 教具准备:PPT、学生的全家福照片、调查表、陈杰&Amy图片 Teaching steps: 课前交流: Catch the words T: Boys and girls. Before class let’s relax! Let’s play a game: catch the words. Ss:快速说出你看到的单词或者短语。 【设计目标:通过让学生在游戏中快速说出看到的单词,让学生回顾、复习已学词汇,为本课学习新内容做好铺垫。同时,通过游戏的形式激发学生学习英语的积极性,创造良好的氛围,使学生快速进入英语学习。】 Step1 Warm up 1) Free talk T: Class begins. First let’s enjoy a video. Watch and think: What’s it about? S: Family! (观看央视公益广告《family》) T: Who do you think about when you see the word “family”? Ss: father, mother„ T: Oh, family members. Father and mother are parents.(点击 PPT呈现parents) 【设计目标:通过设置思考性的问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 :What’s it about? 让学生有目的性的观看公益广告视频 《family》,根据学生的回答引出本课课题Family。紧接着通过设置开放性问题:Who do you think about when you see the word “family”? 引导学生回顾有关家庭成员的词汇。同时,引出呈 现词汇parents,让学生感知理解其词义。】 Step 2 Presentation 1)引出教学答句:My family has„ people. T: Look~This is my family. This is my father. And this is my mother. They are my parents. ( 课件 超市陈列培训课件免费下载搭石ppt课件免费下载公安保密教育课件下载病媒生物防治课件 可下载高中数学必修四课件打包下载 呈现教师的家庭相册,介绍家庭成员,教学单词parents) Ss: ... T: One, two, three, four, five. My family has five people. My parents, my husband, my baby and me.(课件呈现句型:My family has five people.并教学) Ss: ... 2)引出教学问句:How many people are there in your family? T: How many people are there in your family? (板书教读How many people are there in your family?) Ss: My family has people. 师生问答四位后,引导学生问另一学生:How many people are there in your family? S1: My family has people. My „ and me. Ss:小组问答练习。 【设计目标:紧跟话题family,通过课件呈现教师自己的家庭相册的情景,在师生交流中介绍家庭成员自然引出新词parents,people及句型: My family has„ people. How many people are there in your family? 并进行教学。强调there的发音,分因素突破读音难点。】 3)进入文本,处理对话教学。 T: Look! Who are they? (课件呈现Amy 和Chen Jie的图片) Ss: Amy and Chen Jie. (板书人物头像:Amy , Chen Jie) T: Amy and Chen Jie are talking about their families. How many people are there in Amy’s family? How many people are there in Chen Jie’s family? Do you want to know? Let’s ask them together. Cheng Jie,Cheng Jie, how many people are there in your family? Amy ,Amy ,how many people are there in your family? Ss: Cheng Jie,Cheng Jie, how many people are there in your family? Amy ,Amy ,how many people are there in your family? (利用板书人物头像的情景引导学生运用句型Cheng Jie/ Amy,How many people are there in your family? 进行询问。) a)第一遍阅读:带着问题看视频 T: Now let’s watch the cartoon and find out the answers. Ss:带着问题观看课文视频 Watch and find: 1. How many people are there in your family, Chen Jie? 2. How many people are there in your family, Amy? T: How many people are there in Chen Jie’s family? Ss: Three. (点击课件呈现答案) T: Who are they? Ss: Father, mother and Chen Jie. Chen Jie’s parents and Chen Jie. (点击课件呈现图片)Is he/she right? Ok. Who will T: be Chen Jie? S1: Me! T: How many people are there in your family, Chen Jie? S1: Three. T: Who are they? S1: My parents and me. T: Chen Jie’s family has three people. What about Amy? How many people are there in Amy’s family? Let’s ask Amy together. How many people are there in your family, Amy? Who will be Amy? S1: Six. T: Is„ right?(点击课件呈现答案)Yes, your right. Amy’s family has six people. b)第二遍阅读:自主阅读,从文中圈出Amy的家庭成员。 Read and circle. Amy’s family has six people. Who are they? T: Amy’s family has six people. Who are they? Please open your books. Turn to Page 58. Read and circle her family members. Ss: „ T: Amy’s family has six people. Who are they? Who will be Amy? S1: My dad, my mum, my sister, my baby brother and me. T: Where can you find? Let’s see together. S1:指出出处(课件呈现圈出的答案出处:My dad, my mum, my sister, my baby brother and me. 教学:baby brother。) T: But that’s only five.(句卡教读)Can you read the sentence? Pay attention to the word. Can you read it? Ss: ...(课件通过以旧带新it’s parents that’s/ family only ,让生试读新词that’s, only,But that’s only five.进行由词到句的学习) T: But that’s only five. It means ... Ss: Guess. T: Yes. You’re right. There are six people in Amy’s family. Amy’s father, Amy’s mother, Amy’s sister, Amy’s baby brother and Amy. But that’s only five. Who else? Ss: ...(学生如果不会,让其上前从课件上指出即可。) T: Oh. And little puppy! Amy’s little puppy is coming. (教学puppy可用课件用发音规 则引导学习:duck but puppy little puppy ) Ss: repeat T: Amy, who else? (句卡:And my little puppy!) Ss:齐读 T: How many people are there in Amy’s family? Now you will be Amy. Answer together. Ss: Six. My dad, my mum, my sister, my baby brother, My little puppy and me. (顺势说 一说介绍时把me放最后的原因。) T: How many people are there in Amy’s family? Ss: Six. Amy’s dad, Amy’s mum, Amy’s sister, Amy’s baby brother, Amy’s little puppy and Amy. T: little puppy is one people of Amy’s family. Don’t forget. In the west, pet is one of their family. Look!(课件呈现西方国家宠物当作家庭成员的温馨图片, 介绍西方家庭将 宠物视作家庭成员的文化特征。) Ss: 欣赏 【设计目标:本部分通过两个不同层次问题的设置:Watch and find和Read and circle引导学 生由浅入深的理解文本内容。同时,在文本情境中让学生理解、学习baby brother,But that’s only five. And my little puppy! 及文化知识:介绍西方家庭将宠物视作家庭成员的文化特征。 并引导学生运用发音规则,由词到句的学习,突破本课教学难点。】 Step 3 Practice 1)对话练习 ? Listen and repeat ? Read by yourselves. ?Act it out. ?复述陈杰和Amy 的家庭成员。 2)拓展辅助文本,进一步了解: What are they like? 通过拓展文本,滚动复现描述人物特征的 知识点 高中化学知识点免费下载体育概论知识点下载名人传知识点免费下载线性代数知识点汇总下载高中化学知识点免费下载 ,增加语言的输入量,为语言输出做准备。 T: Do you want to know more about Amy’s family and Chen Jie’s family? What are their parent’s like? First let’s read the passage from Chen Jie and Amy. Then finish the information about Chen Jie and Amy. If you don’t know. Please ask each other. 拓展文本: 3)描述Amy和陈洁的家庭照加文段:课件呈现陈杰和Amy家庭介绍的支架。 T: Now you will be Chen Jie/ Amy. Can you introduce your family? Ss: ... 【设计目标:本部分的练习分为四个部分:朗读并分角色表演对话;根据对话内容复述文本; 引导学生通过任务阅读两篇关于Chen Jie和Amy的家庭介绍的文本,进一步深入介绍Chen Jie s he like? What’s she like? 和Amy 的家庭成员。从而进一步加大了语言的输入量,滚动复现What’ What are they like? 使学生在原有的基础上实现了语言知识的衔接和递进,解决了学生对于目标 语言输入量的不足,,为后面的综合语言运用做好了充分的铺垫。】 Step4 Production 1.Talk about your family. (总结板书,使学生明确要从三个方面去描述、讨论自己的family。) T: Boys and girls. Chen Jie’s family has three people. Chen Jie’s parents and Chen Jie. Her father is tall and strong. He has big eyes and small nose. Her mother is pretty. She is a teacher. How about your family? How many people are there in your family? Who are they? What are they like? Please talk about your family from the three parts. Ss: „根据提供的支架,组织语言。 话题语言支架: How many people are there in your family? Who are they? What are they like? 2.完成自己的家庭信息。 3. 语言输出:介绍自己的家庭 T: Ok. It’s time to show. Ss:展示 情感渗透: 情感渗透:a family full of love一个充满爱意 T:A family full of love. Please remember wherever life takes you, your family will always be there for you. We love our families, please say to your family loudly that you love them. 【设计目标:在拓展语用环节引导学生从How many people are there in your family? Who are they? What are they like? 三个方面根据实际情况和提供的语言支架,组织语言书写自己的家 family full of love ,we love our families!庭信息,并进行交流互动,让学生深刻体会到了A 从而实现了听、说、读、写学生综合语言运用能力的培养和情感目标的达成。】 Homework 1. Listen and repeat the dialogue. 2. Introduce your family to your classmates after class. How many people are there in your family? My family has… people. What are they like? Who are they? family He/She is… He/She has… My parents and me.
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