首页 JAL日本航空公司的一些面试问题及相关英语词汇



JAL日本航空公司的一些面试问题及相关英语词汇JAL日本航空公司的一些面试问题及相关英语词汇 JAL日本航空公司的一些面试问题(中英文对照) 1.请做一下自我介绍 2.你为什么想当一名乘务员, 3.你父母对你当乘务员怎么看, 4.你从何时起想成为一名空中乘务员的, 5.你为什么认为你可以做一名空乘, 6.如果你被录用,你会与我们共事多久, 7.如果乘客提议结伴旅行,你会怎么做, 8.请你说一说学分达到平均分以上的原因, 9.你以前做过兼职吗, 10.你在学校生活期间的特殊活动是什么, 11.学校生活给你印像最深的是什么, 12.在上大学前你做什么, ...

JAL日本航空公司的一些面试问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 及相关 英语 关于好奇心的名言警句英语高中英语词汇下载高中英语词汇 下载英语衡水体下载小学英语关于形容词和副词的题 词汇 JAL日本航空公司的一些面试问题(中英文对照) 1.请做一下自我介绍 2.你为什么想当一名乘务员, 3.你父母对你当乘务员怎么看, 4.你从何时起想成为一名空中乘务员的, 5.你为什么认为你可以做一名空乘, 6.如果你被录用,你会与我们共事多久, 7.如果乘客提议结伴旅行,你会怎么做, 8.请你说一说学分达到平均分以上的原因, 9.你以前做过兼职吗, 10.你在学校生活期间的特殊活动是什么, 11.学校生活给你印像最深的是什么, 12.在上大学前你做什么, 13.你打算在此工作多久, 14.你对工作时间以外的超时工作怎么看, 15.请说一说本人的职业观, 16.你决意离职的动机是什么, 17.你向其它公司申请了吗, 18.你认为自己的英语实力如何, 19.你有资格证和特殊技能吗, 20.你认为自己的性格如何, 21.你的优点和缺点是什么, 22.学生时代印象最深的是什么事, 23.你喜欢什么俱乐部活动, 24.你有学位吗, 25.你的大学成绩如何, 26.你最喜欢哪一课, 27.你在大学的专业是什么, 28.你毕业于哪一所高中(大学),(要记住自己学校的英文名字,反正我觉得我们学校的 英文名字超级长。。累哈哈) 29.你理想中的女性形象应该如何, 30.你认为自己的能力中具有竞争力的是什么, 31.你最近关心什么, 32.大学时做过什么活动, 33.请说一说你所知道的鸡尾酒的种类, 34.你的英语水平如何, 35.你在休息日做什么, 36.做为社会的一员,你的梦想是什么, 37.请谈一谈你对恋爱结婚和通过媒人介绍结婚的看法 38。今天心情如何, 如果遇到素质很差的客人你怎么办,有经验吗, 39.你的兴趣是什么, 40.如果有紧急或者特殊状况你该如何处理,有类似经验吗,〉 41.你如何保持健康, 42.放弃别的航空公司而要和我们一起工作的理由是什么, 43.你是属于保守型的,还是属于自由奔放型的, 44.迄今为止,什么事情给你留下了最深刻的印象, 45.如果小孩打扰乘客,你该如何去做, 46.你对吸烟问题如何看, 47.你有座右铭吗, 知道JAL, 从哪里知道的, 是第一考空乘还是考过其他航空公司, 为什么要当空乘,对空乘的理解是什么, 觉得空乘需要具备那些方面素质, 现在是干什么的,大学里学的是什么专业, 觉得你的专业对你将来做空乘有什么帮助, 最大的理想是什么, 对日本的理解是什么, 喜欢日本, 介绍一下上海, 怎么看待上海, 出过国, 去旅游过吗, 随便介绍介绍去过的地方并说说哪里给你留下了深刻的印象, 说说对你来说现在什么是最困难的事情, 说说你的兴趣爱好, 你朋友对你这个人的看法, 和朋友们的关系怎么样, 如果JAL里面的日本空乘很难相处你会怎么办, 怎么把关系协调好, 如果你是空乘飞机上有个,,,,哭了旁边的乘客向你投诉你怎么办, 如果有乘客已经喝醉了但是他还是问身为空乘的你要更多的啤酒你会怎么做, 会日语, 学了多久, can you work under pressure , what is your greatest strength , what is your greatest weakness what have you done to correct your weaknesses , what is your biggest failure how do you handle change when you are in charge how do you motivate people describe a time when you resolved a conflict how do you handle conflict about previous employment what is the hardest thing you ever did in your current job ? why have you held so many jobs do you consider yourself a loyal employee what did you like about your last job what did you dislike about your last job what was your favorite job what was your least favorite job what have you learned from previous jobs how long will you stay with our airline what would your coworkers say about you what would your previous supervisors say about you what were the people like at your last company what did you dislike about your last employer if you could change one thing about your last employer what would it be were you satisfied with your performance at your last job was your previous employer satisfied with your performance have you ever been fired ?if you had, why ? have you ever been asked to resign from another job how many sick days did you take last year about personality and motivation were you ever under a great deal of pressure what kinds of decisions are most difficult for you why do you want to be a flight attendant where else are you interviewing have you applied to other airlines what are your outstanding qualities what interests you most about being a flight attendant what can you do for us that others can,t describe a difficult problem you,ve dealt with. what do you think will be the biggest challenge of being a flight attendant what is the best part of being a flight attendant do you have any natural talent or skill something that comes easy to you what do you like to do in your spare time how would you handle an abrasive captain or coworker have you ever been described as stubborn or hardheaded by whom do you ever freeze in social situations have you ever worked with someone who talked too much how did you handle it are you skilled at sizing people up have you ever been part of a problem have you ever had to support the directives of higher management even when you disagreed with it have you ever lied have you ever found a work policy or rule to be distasteful how did you handle it why do you want to work for our airline what kind of experience do you have are you willing to be based wherever the company sends you what would you like to be doing ten years from now what are your qualifications what is your biggest accomplishment what are your career goals how does a flight attendant job fit into your career goals what personal characteristic best describes you. do you prefer to work alone or with others do you consider yourself a team player describe your team style. are you self motivated what motivates you describe your relationship with peers. what kind of people do you prefer to work with describe your personality how do you handle criticism were you ever unfairly criticized about skills do you read write and/or speak a foreign language are you willing to learn a foreign language are you a leader or a follower what have you learned from your previous jobs what kind of employee are you what was your favorite subject in school what was your least favorite subject in school what do you think are the most important components of a practical leadership philosophy whose leadership qualities have you most respected have you incorporated his/her leadership qualities have you ever had an unexpected leadership role? how did it work out whom do you most admire other questions how long has our airline been in existence how do you feel about the airline industry how do you feel about being away from home frequently how do you feel about relocating how do you feel about unions what do you feel is the role of unions ha-base jal这样称呼上海基地 ca—cabin attendant 客室乘务员。 在jal从来不用flight attendant这个词,即使我也知道意思是一样的。但是日本人只认识ca。 oversea,based crew 外籍乘务员 tokyo training center 东京的训练基地,要记得,是在东京的 tokyo 东京 osaka 大阪 nagoya 名古屋 fukuoka 福冈 ( 是日航上海乘目前飞到的四个日本的城市) narita international airport 东京成田国际机场 kansai international airport 大阪关西国际机场 centrair 名古屋中国国际机场的呢称 oneworld alliance 寰宇一家航空聯盟(去年10月,jal申请加入此联盟) 三大航空联盟的两外两家是sky team和 star alliance cabin 客舱 compartment 日本人简称com,指的是客舱的前舱中舱后舱等等的舱这个词。 overhead compartment 行李架 jal一般不说。。。。storage,stowage。虽然意思是一样的。 seat back 座椅靠背 table 小桌板 window shade 遮阳板 foot rest 搁脚架 以上几个估计不说大家也都知道,呵呵 接下来是要注意的特别说法: pa----passenger address,但是jal通常认为pa的意思是,passenger announcement指机内广播。。 galley 飞机上的厨房 lavatory 飞机上的厕所 meal cart 餐车(关于这个车子应该怎么说的问题,发觉每个公司都说法不一样,有叫trolly,cart,weagon很多很多种说法,但是在jal,对于封闭的餐车和饮料车,我们都说cart.) liquor cart 饮料车 千万不要说成drink cart 日本人会晕,她们只认这个词。 weagon 飞机上面用来发放报纸和点心的折叠式推车,开放式的。 beverages 饮料(虽说是和drink没有区别的词,但是在jal,bev特指热茶咖啡等热饮,说果汁等等,用bev日本人也会晕) meal tray 餐盘 entrée 这个词其实是法文还是什么文,总之jal用来特指餐盘上面的热食。 curtain 窗帘,只jal的飞机上面,用来格开厨房和客舱的帏幕 stopper and latch 推车的刹车和各种门上的插销,比较难懂,jal很重视安全,要求所有使用或不使用的车子都要随时固定,以防止气流颠簸,引发伤害。这个时候就会要求乘务员随时 secure stopper and latch。 turbulence 颠簸 ground speed 飞行速度 altitude 飞行高度 celsius 摄氏 日本人从来不说centigrade,哈哈 fahrenheit 华氏 emergency 紧急情况 evacuation 逃生 first aid 救济救护 slide 滑梯 raft 救生筏 life vest 救生衣 第一轮补充: scheduled flight 定期航班 aisle (两排作为之间的)通道,过道 bucket seat 凹背单人坐椅(这个说法jal没有,不过大家也学着,总有用的) cutlery 餐具 cockpit 驾驶舱(这个超级常用,我怎么忘记了呢) armrest 坐椅扶手 claim 提取(行李) manifest (list) 货物(旅客)清单,舱单 excursion 短途旅行 embarkation 登机 transit lounge 过境/中转(旅客)候机厅 ————————————from dear revivalleaf 再补充几个临时想到的: pic:pilot in command指机长 co-pilot 副机,副驾驶 c class 商务舱 business class 或者是executive class y class 经济舱 economy class first class 头等舱 up,grade 升舱 turn table 行李转盘,一般很多日本人会说成time table,完全变味。 第二轮补充,加first aid用语若干,from dear riona0: nausea 恶心,晕机 faint 昏厥 bleed 流血 fracture 骨折 shock 休克 sickness 恶心 tablet 药片 indigestion 消化不良 splint 夹板 bandage 绷带 plaster 膏药 gauze 纱布 symptom 症状 vomit 呕吐 dizzy 头晕目眩 pulse 脉搏 drowsy 昏昏入睡 infect 感染 sore (身体上的)痛处,创伤 collapse 虚脱,衰弱 unconscious 没有知觉 glucose 葡萄糖 injection 注射 diabetes 糖尿病 first-aid kit 急救箱 emergency landing 紧急着陆 nose bleeding 流鼻血 deep shock 深度昏迷 pain killers 止痛药 sick bag 清洁袋
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