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水果拼盘亲子活动水果拼盘亲子活动 “水果大比拼”活动方案 strict implementation of the principle of double handling. Through the Government housing, land division system inquiry real estate mortgage registration, can be handled by an account executive. CDs, bonds, bank acceptance bills and oth...

水果拼盘亲子活动 “水果大比拼”活动 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 strict implementation of the principle of double handling. Through the Government housing, land division system inquiry real estate mortgage registration, can be handled by an account executive. CDs, bonds, bank acceptance bills and other valued document pledges, pledge of movable property as well as unable to query through the system of real estate mortgage, you must double the mortgage, pledge registration, queries andall levels of the Bank shall not and the borrowers ' credit operations entered into by the parties, such as non-rich text contract (Agreement), shall not be in the format of the contract (Agreement) free to agree special terms, effectively preventing individual credit legal risk. Personal credit business relates to arrive (MS) charge registratio strict implementation of the principle of double handling. Through the Government housing, land division system inquiry real estate mortgage registration, can be handled by an account executive. CDs, bonds, bank acceptance bills and other valued document pledges, pledge of movable property as well as unable to query through the system of real estate mortgage, you must double the mortgage, pledge registration, queries andall levels of the Bank shall not and the borrowers ' credit operations entered into by the parties, such as non-rich text contract (Agreement), shall not be in the format of the contract (Agreement) free to agree special terms, effectively preventing individual credit legal risk. Personal credit business relates to arrive (MS) charge registratio strict implementation of the principle of double handling. Through the Government housing, land division system inquiry real estate mortgage registration, can be handled by an account executive. CDs, bonds, bank acceptance bills and other valued document pledges, pledge of movable property as well as unable to query through the system of real estate mortgage, you must double the mortgage, pledge registration, queries andall levels of the Bank shall not and the borrowers ' credit operations entered into by the parties, such as non-rich text contract (Agreement), shall not be in the format of the contract (Agreement) free to agree special terms, effectively preventing individual credit legal risk. Personal credit business relates to arrive (MS) charge registratio 更多图片可在网上查看 一、活动背景 每一个孩子,都有自己独特的个性和品质,每一种水果,都有属于它自己的颜色和心情,每一个创作,都有属于它自己的创意和价值。赤日炎炎,绿柳抚风,迎来了一个热情挥洒的夏日,一个创意风发的平台。在这个小小舞台上,我们可以淋漓尽致地展现自己,创作属于自己的小小作品,让自己的笑容更自信。 二、活动主 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 “暑假透清凉,水果也疯狂”。想‘拼’就拼,‘拼’出精彩,拼出时尚,拼出美好生活” 三、活动目的: strict implementation of the principle of double handling. Through the Government housing, land division system inquiry real estate mortgage registration, can be handled by an account executive. CDs, bonds, bank acceptance bills and other valued document pledges, pledge of movable property as well as unable to query through the system of real estate mortgage, you must double the mortgage, pledge registration, queries andall levels of the Bank shall not and the borrowers ' credit operations entered into by the parties, such as non-rich text contract (Agreement), shall not be in the format of the contract (Agreement) free to agree special terms, effectively preventing individual credit legal risk. Personal credit business relates to arrive (MS) charge registratio 对外:1、通过活动丰富同学们的暑期生活,让孩子们从各种电脑游戏诱惑里解脱出来,体验纯真生活,同时也丰富同学们的课余生活,增强同学们的创新能力。 2、通过家长和孩子们一起合作制作水果拼盘,给家长与孩子提供了一个展示才艺与交流的平台,既能锻炼孩子的动手能力、创新能力,又能很好地培养孩子的协作精神,体验到与妈妈之间浓浓的亲情,进一步激发孩子爱妈妈、爱亲人的美好情感。 3、通过活动实践,让亲子一起动手拼彻创意,能展现学生与家长们的动手能力和艺术风采;烘托当代青少年的健康、活泼、创新的精神风貌 4、向同学们介绍一些水果蔬菜的营养价值,提醒大家吃适量水果的重要性,让家长也学会爱自己,调节生活节奏,补充营养水分和放松心情。 对内:为回馈老生,吸引新生,趁暑期为校区创收,培养家长群,为秋季招生埋下种子 四、活动口号:享受水果拼盘,享受拼的乐趣。 五、机构 活动主办单位: 活动参与主体: 六、活动准备 比赛准备:水果拼盘实物及照片、各种洗好的水果、毛巾、牙签 餐具若干、几盘切碎的水果,塑料桌布,水果刀、小切板、平面的水果盘 少量装饰用的东西(比如酒店的小雨伞啦,蔬菜的造型啦,可以放在拼盘边上增加拼盘的美观),纱布,创口贴及药水。 销售准备:宣传手册,抽奖箱,纪念品,10元体验课申请单,报名表,收据,笔若干,照相机或摄像机 注意:活动结束后请家长和孩子一起收拾桌上、地上的果皮,保持班级干净七、活动安排 1、集合比赛时间: 2、集合比赛地点: 3、评委: 4、人员安排: strict implementation of the principle of double handling. Through the Government housing, land division system inquiry real estate mortgage registration, can be handled by an account executive. CDs, bonds, bank acceptance bills and other valued document pledges, pledge of movable property as well as unable to query through the system of real estate mortgage, you must double the mortgage, pledge registration, queries andall levels of the Bank shall not and the borrowers ' credit operations entered into by the parties, such as non-rich text contract (Agreement), shall not be in the format of the contract (Agreement) free to agree special terms, effectively preventing individual credit legal risk. Personal credit business relates to arrive (MS) charge registratio 前台接待: 解说参观: 主持(暖场): 活动素材收集: 拍照: 摄像: 采访(录音或文字留存): 安全维护: 销售:只要参加当日活动的家庭,每个孩子都可参加我们的10元/100元体验课(3天),当场报暑期课程达_____课时的可享受____折优惠 5、活动流程: Step1:活动前 大扫除 A、学生家长前台接待,登记(负责人: ), B、带家长参观校区,并进行讲解,了解学生情况,参观完带领家长学生到指定场地就坐(负责人: ) C、活动前的暖场(负责人: ) 备注:暖场用的宣传视频,宣传 ppt 关于艾滋病ppt课件精益管理ppt下载地图下载ppt可编辑假如ppt教学课件下载triz基础知识ppt ,音乐,若等待时间过长要求一名老师,带已经到的学生玩小游戏,唱歌或跳舞 Step2:活动中 (1) 主持人欢迎到场同学和家长,介绍学校的校长与老师,(主持词:„„我们今天将在这里与 大家度过一个愉快的下午或晚上„„),介绍学校的相关情况,介绍今天的活动规则和奖项 设置 (2) 流程(热身游戏—分组—水果拼盘创作—评奖---颁奖—吃水果—发纪念品) A、热身游戏:(„„主持词„„)玩数字抱团游戏,玩几个回合,然后最后一回合报可以 把学生人数平均分成三-四组的数字,游戏随机分组(按照4个家庭一组。若到场人数较 少则改为两个家庭一组) B、水果拼盘制作(40分钟左右):每组发一个小牌子,先写队名,然后依次发盘子、手套 等相关工具。每支参赛队伍将根据自己的想法及特长制作水果拼盘。(制作前可以让每 组用英语去挑选水果并随机回答老师的英语提问,把英语氛围也带到游戏中去,如果不 想用英文,也可以中文与孩子们交流各种水果的颜色味道形状和营养价值,充分发挥孩 子们的想象力,也可以通过切片展示各种水果可以切出什么样的形状) C、团队创意解说:(„„主持词„„) 参赛队伍派出一名选手根据自己团队及团队水果拼 盘的特点进行创意解说。评委根据选手团队意识、形象气质、语言表达能力及水果拼盘 的创意解说等方面的综合表现酌情给分。 strict implementation of the principle of double handling. Through the Government housing, land division system inquiry real estate mortgage registration, can be handled by an account executive. CDs, bonds, bank acceptance bills and other valued document pledges, pledge of movable property as well as unable to query through the system of real estate mortgage, you must double the mortgage, pledge registration, queries andall levels of the Bank shall not and the borrowers ' credit operations entered into by the parties, such as non-rich text contract (Agreement), shall not be in the format of the contract (Agreement) free to agree special terms, effectively preventing individual credit legal risk. Personal credit business relates to arrive (MS) charge registratio D、评奖:由主持人宣布本次比赛名次。 E、嘉宾颁奖(奖项如何设置) F、全体合影,分组合影(„„主持词„„) G、吃水果(„„主持词„„) H、亲子整理活动现场(音乐声起) I、抽奖(„„主持词„„大奖免费学一期课程一人加电影票,半折学一期加电影票,电影 票) J、发纪念品及10元体验课申请单的填写、课程咨询及销售(„„主持词„„) Step3:活动后 跟单, 销售,收钱, 水果拼盘比赛评分标准 实际 项目评评分等级及分值 得分 项目 比赛要求 分 A B C D 仪表 5 着装整齐、规范、卫生 5 4 3 2-0 一种水果得5分,每增加一种 水果种 35 水果加5分,以此类推,5种35 30 25 20-0 类 及以上为35分 具有创新型、干净、清爽、摆 拼盘样 30 放整齐、观赏性好 、引人注30 20 10 5-0 式 目 水果搭 20 搭配合理,符合营养健康要求 20 15 10 5-0 配 拼盘名 名称新颖(不超过10字)制作 称 10 时间在60分钟内完成,未在10 8 5 4-0 制作时 限制时间内完成酌情扣分 间限制 strict implementation of the principle of double handling. Through the Government housing, land division system inquiry real estate mortgage registration, can be handled by an account executive. CDs, bonds, bank acceptance bills and other valued document pledges, pledge of movable property as well as unable to query through the system of real estate mortgage, you must double the mortgage, pledge registration, queries andall levels of the Bank shall not and the borrowers ' credit operations entered into by the parties, such as non-rich text contract (Agreement), shall not be in the format of the contract (Agreement) free to agree special terms, effectively preventing individual credit legal risk. Personal credit business relates to arrive (MS) charge registratio 总计 100 部分主持词参考: 各位家长朋友,大家好。感谢你们在百忙之中能抽出时间来参加这次亲子活动,对此我们表示衷心地感谢与热烈的欢迎。下面请大家以热烈的掌声欢迎我们的xx校长致词。 感谢xx老师的 讲话 地质灾害应急演练讲话经济运行调度会讲话志愿服务队成立讲话校长高三动员讲话经济指标调度会讲话 ,下面,我宣布亲子水果拼盘活动现在开始。 活动开始前请家长仔细听比赛规则: 1. 比赛开始前,请家长和孩子一起将比赛所需物品在桌子上摆好,在三十分钟内完成水果拼盘。 2. 作品在三十分钟内完成后。请把水果拼盘作品放到指定位置,参加评选。 3. 比赛结束后,我们将评选出各个奖项若干名。 4.:评比标准 卫 生:考察参赛家庭是否干净卫生地进行水果的处理及拼盘。 创 意:考验参赛家庭的想象力与别具匠心,主题鲜明。 整体造型:看水果拼盘的外型是否美观,让人眼前一亮。 色 彩:颜色、色调的搭配是否合理、雅观。 经 济:看是否浪费了较多的水果。 速 度:每组家庭要在规定时间内完成拼盘。 现在,比赛开始~ 一场水果拼盘亲子比赛开展的热火朝天。 最后进入了激烈而又紧张的评比环节 评比采用家长投票,教师代表的形式,投给自已最喜爱的亲子水果拼盘,但家长不能投自已的参赛作品。 现在激动人心的时刻到了,大家都想知道比赛的结果吧,首先感谢今天的家长评委们,你们辛苦了,在你们公平公正的评分下,结果已经出来了。 strict implementation of the principle of double handling. Through the Government housing, land division system inquiry real estate mortgage registration, can be handled by an account executive. CDs, bonds, bank acceptance bills and other valued document pledges, pledge of movable property as well as unable to query through the system of real estate mortgage, you must double the mortgage, pledge registration, queries andall levels of the Bank shall not and the borrowers ' credit operations entered into by the parties, such as non-rich text contract (Agreement), shall not be in the format of the contract (Agreement) free to agree special terms, effectively preventing individual credit legal risk. Personal credit business relates to arrive (MS) charge registratio
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