首页 五星级酒店管家服务程序(三)



五星级酒店管家服务程序(三)五星级酒店管家服务程序(三) 以下内容只有回复后才可以浏览 Standard: 标准: 在任何情况下,前厅部员工都应礼貌地接待每All guests should be served and treated in a courteous manner at all times, as they are the most important 位客人,因为客人是饭店最重要的人。所有员persons in the hotel. All associates should strive to 工都应尽力满足客人需要以...

五星级酒店管家服务程序(三) 以下内容只有回复后才可以浏览 Standard: 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 : 在任何情况下,前厅部员工都应礼貌地接待每All guests should be served and treated in a courteous manner at all times, as they are the most important 位客人,因为客人是饭店最重要的人。所有员persons in the hotel. All associates should strive to 工都应尽力满足客人需要以使客人在本饭店fulfill guest needs whenever possible, in order to 居住愉快。在对客服务时,应将喜来登对客服make their stay a most enjoyable one. SGSS should be 务满意标准作为工作的准则。 the guideline for all interactions with guests. 程序: Procedures: 1. The guest is the most important person in the hotel. 1. 客人是整个服务过程中最重要的人。 2. The guest is not dependent on us -We are 2. 客人并不依靠我们—我们依靠客人。 dependent on the guests. 3. 客人并不会打扰我们的工作,客人是我们3. The guest is not an interruption of our work, he/she 工作的意义所在。 is the purpose of it. 4. 客人在本饭店居住是给我们一个展现优质4. The guest does us a favor when he/she stays in our 服务的机会。 hotel, we are not doing him a favor by serving him. 5. 客人在本饭店的需求我们将尽力满足并努5. The guest is one who brings his/her needs, it is our 力提供物超所值的服务。 job to exceed his/her expectations. 6. 客人期待饭店能提供最热心、周到的服务。 6. The guest is deserving of the most courteous and attention treatment we can give. 标准: Standard: 我们会利用任何机会(如观察、倾听客人的陈述,We will be collecting Guests Needs and Preferences at 分析并准确记录恰当的信息的方式)来收集客人的every opportunity by observations, listening to the 需求与嗜好并记录在客人资料库中,以便在客人开Guests, analyzing and accurately recording pertinent 口之前为客人提供服务。 information into our Guest History. We are obtaining this in order to provide the services and needs of our Guests before they need to ask. 程序: Procedures: 1. 所有的专职管家将仔细倾听和记录所有1. All Butlers will listen carefully in detail and 客人的要求和问题的细节。 record all Guest Request and questions. 2. 每一个班次的领班/专职管家应该把所有2. Shift leader/Butlers of each shift will 客人的喜好以一种有组织的方式整合并consolidate all Needs and Preferences into the 记录在OPERA系统里,客人的喜好应该OPERA system, guest profile in an organized 包括以下内容: manner. The guest preference shall go into the o 抵达需求 following categories: o 每日所需 o Arrival needs o 喜好 o 产生的问题 o Daily actions o 解决结果 o 礼物 o Preference 3. 以下是客人需求与喜好的一些例子: o Problems a. 喜欢香蕉 o Solutions b. 喜欢百事可乐,不喜欢可口可乐 o Gifts c. 喜欢睡在床的右边 3. The following are some examples of needs and d. 喜欢喝卡布其诺 preferences of Guests: a. Likes Bananas e. 爱看报纸《今日美国》 b. Likes Pepsi, do not like Coco Cola c. Sleeps on the Right Side of the Bed f. 喜欢在餐后喝 Bailey酒 d. Likes Cappuccino g. 要求加毛毯 e. Prefers USA Today newspaper f. Enjoys Bailey’s on the Rocks after h. 喜欢中国戏剧 dinner. g. Requires extra Blanket 4. 除了倾听,所有的专职管家要求做到通过检查h. Enjoys Chinese Opera 客房来收集客人的喜好。然后,再次记录在交班本4. Other than listening, all Butlers are required to 上。 observe Guest needs and preferences by inspecting Guest Room. Again, record on Log 5. 收集客人的需求与喜好是所有员工的责任。例Book. 如,客房服务员应该在观察或接到客人的要求后告5. Collection of Guest Needs and Preferences will 知专职管家客人的喜好。然后,专职管家将把得到be the responsibility of all Associates. For 的那些客人的喜好记录在交班本上 。 example, Room Attendants should advise Butlers on certain observations or request 6. 为了更好地收集所有客人的喜好,必须倾听并received from the Guests. Butler will then 记录下所有客人的喜好和问题。 record in logbook whilst gaining knowledge of those guests. 6. Listen and write down ALL Guest request and questions, in order to proper obtain all Preferences. 标准: Standard: Butler shall make courtesy call to guests the night 专职管家应在客人离店前晚致问候电话,以了before their departure in order to check guest 解客人的意见并为其离店提供各种服务。 comments and offer various services concerning departure arrangement. 程序: Procedures: 1. Butler of afternoon shift shall check system 1. 专职管家应从系统中核查客人的信息 guest information to identify the next day’s 以确定在自己工作楼区明天预计离店 departure guests within his working station. 的客人。 2. Butler of afternoon shift shall make courtesy 2. 中班的专职管家应在晚上9点前晚致 call any time before 9 pm in order to obtain 问候电话,以了解客人的意见并为其 guest comments and offer departure 离店提供服务,例如早晨叫醒服务及 services, such wakeup call, car arrangement. 安排车辆接送。 3. Upon making the courtesy call, the standard 3. 在致以问候电话时,标准用语如下: phrase can be: “Jones先生,我是您的专职管家John。我们的 记录显示您明天将要离店。我现在打电话给您“Mr Jones, this is your Butler John. Our record shows that you will be leaving tomorrow. I am 只是借此机会向您选择并入住我们饭店表示calling you now just wish to take this opportunity to 万分感谢。我同时也希望知道我能为您明天的say it is great pleasure to have you with us and thank 离店安排提供社么帮助,例如叫早,整理行李,you for having chosen our hotel. I also wish to know 客房内离店手续的办理和车辆的安排。” if I can be of assistance of your departure 4. 最重要的是专职管家应尽量与客人进arrangement, such wakeup call, packing service, in 行面对面的问候,无论何时都应确保room check out and car arrangement.” 表达我们真诚的感谢。 4. Most important of all, Butler shall always 5. 专职管家应确保客人提出的要求都将 try to make face-to-face courtesy call 由相应的不同部门跟进。 whenever possible to ensure our sincere 6. 专职管家应将问候电话记录在宾客问 appreciation being passed through. 候电话记录表上,以便于第二天的早 班专职管家能够在客人离店时跟进客5. Butler shall ensure whatever guest requests to be 人所要求的服务及送别。 followed up various departments accordingly. 6. Butler shall make record on Guest Courtesy Call Log form so that Butler of the next day’s morning shift will be able to follow up with required butler services and farewell guest upon their leaving. 标准: Standard: Butlers will accept and deliver all Laundry & Dry 专职管家要以专业周到的态度接受和送返所Cleaning Request in a Professional and courteous 有送洗或干洗的要求。 manner. 程序: Procedures: 1、 The Laundry Attendant who delivers all 1、 所有需要把已清洁或干洗的衣物送回给客Laundry/Dry Cleaning items back to the Guests will 人的洗衣房的员工,需要与楼面专职管家联系 contact the Floor Butler and pass on all the 并把洗完的衣物交给他。 completed items. 2、 楼面专职管家要检查所有衣物并立刻指出2、 The Floor Butler will inspect all items and point 任何存在的问题,并向洗衣房领班或经理报out any concerns immediately and rectify them with 告。 the Laundry Shift leader or Manager. 3、 专职管家要一样样的把洗好的衣物送返客3、 The Butler will then one by one deliver the 房。 laundered items to the Guest Room. 4、 如果客人在客房里,专职管家要用下面例4、 If the guest is present in the room the Butler will 子中的用语有礼貌的与客人交谈: politely use the following example in talking to the A、***先生,抱歉打扰您,我们已经把您的衣guests: 物洗/干洗好了。 A “Sorry to disturb you Mr. Jones, we have your B、我可以为您把他们放入橱中吗, laundry/Dry Cleaning.” 5、 如果客人要求你帮他们把衣物放入橱中或B “May I place them in the closet for you?” 抽屉中,你要为他们放好,要小心处理客人衣5、 Offer to the guests if they require you to put 物或其他私人物品。参照打开行李的做法。 away their items in closet, drawer’s etc. Always use 6、 如果客人不在房中,进房程序参照进入无care when handling guests clothing and other 人房间的标准。 personal items. Refer to unpacking of items! 7、 把悬挂的衣物放入橱中,把篮子里的衣物6、 If the guests in not present in the room, enter 放在沙发边上除非客人的资料库或喜好表明room following the standard for entering an 有另外不同的摆放。 unoccupied room. 8、 无论何时可能的情况下,在稍后遇见客人7、 Place the hankered items in the closet, and the 的时候询问客人对洗衣/干洗是否满意。 basket items on the end Sofa, unless guest History or preferences state otherwise. 9、 在交班单上记录所有需要记录在客人资料 库里的要求。 8、 Whenever possible if you meet the guests later inquire if all Laundry/Dry Cleaning items were to their satisfaction. 9、 Record all requests in the guest Preference log sheet, which will be recorded in Guest History. Standard: We will be collecting Guests Needs and 标准: Preferences at every opportunity by observations, 我们会利用任何机会(如观察、倾听客人的陈listening to the Guests, analyzing and accurately 述,分析并准确记录恰当的信息的方式)来收recording pertinent information into our Guest 集客人的需求与嗜好并记录在客人资料库中,History, We are obtaining this in order to provide 以便在客人开口之前为客人提供服务。 the services and needs of our Guests before they need to ask. 程序: Procedures: 1. All Butlers will listen carefully in detail and 1、专职管家应认真听客人的陈述并记录客人所 record all Guest Request and questions. 有的需求与问题。 2. Record all needs and preferences of each Guest 2、每天都将每位客人的需求与喜好输入客人的into the Guest History log book on a daily basis. 资料库中。 3. Shift leader/Butlers on overnight shift will 3、值夜班和领班或专职管家应在Fidelio系统中consolidate all Needs and Preferences into the 组织好客人的需求与喜好。 Fidelio system in an organized manner. 4、下列是一些客人的需求和喜好的例子: 4. The following are some examples of needs and a. 喜欢 preferences of Guests: b. 喜欢百事可乐,不喜欢可口可乐 a. Likes Bananas c. 喜欢睡在床的右侧 b. Likes pepsi, do not like Coco Cola d. 喜欢CAPPUCCINO c. Sleeps on the Right Side of the Bed e. 喜欢报纸《今日美国》 d. Likes Cappuccino f. 餐后喜欢喝冰冻BAILEY e. Prefers USA Today newspaper g. 需要加羊毛毯 f. Enjoys Bailey’s on the Rocks after dinner. h. 喜欢京剧 g. Requires extra Blanket 5、除了倾听,专职管家在检查客房时要注意观h. Enjoys Chinese Opera 察客人的需求与喜好,并记录在交班本上。 5. Other than listening, all Butlers are required to 6、 所有的员工都有责任收集客人的需求和喜observe Guest needs and preferences by inspecting 好,比如房间服务员应将其观察到的,或是客Guest Room. Again, record on Log Book. 人提出的要求告知专职管家,然后专职管家应6. Collection of Guest Needs and Preferences will 将获得的客人信息记录在交接本上。 be the responsibility of all Associates. For example, 7、 鼓励客人将客房中的客人喜好卡填好。 Room Attendants should advise Butlers on certain observations or request received for the Guests. 8、 为了得到客人正确的喜好,请仔细倾听客人Butler will then record in logbook whilst gaining 所有的要求和问题并记录下来。 knowledge of those guests. 7. Encourage All Guests to provide their preferences by completing the Preference card in the room. 8. Listen and write down All Guest request and questions, in order to properly obtain all Preferences. 标准:所有前厅部员工在开始当班前必须做好Standard: 准备工作,对饭店住处确保及时了解及更新,All Butler associates will be fully prepared to 正确解答客人问题。 answer guest inquiries at the commencement of their shift, and will have updated information on hotel facilities readily accessible, to meet guest’s requests at all times. 程序: Procedures: 1(在签到本上签到。 1. Complete timesheet sign on arrival at work 2. Arrive at the specific workstation at least 15 2(正确着装。 minutes prior to of shift, in full and correct 3(阅读部门交班本并签名。 uniform. 4(参加由宾馆服务经理和当班主管主持的部门3. Read and sign the department logbook. 交班会。 4. Attend beginning of shift briefing conducted 5(确保所有相关信息和报告均已正确交接,包by the Guest Service Manager and duty shift 括抵店、住店以及离店贵宾 leader. 的信息,跟踪报告上未完成的内容,对部门未5. Ensure all information and reports are 完成事宜跟进。 handed over from the previous shift including arrivals, departures, VIPs in house or due to 6(确保使用正确的密码进入前台系统。 arrive, items outstanding to action on the trace report, Update relevant information on 7(如所在区域有Micros终端,也应进入主屏whiteboard. 幕。 6. Check computer terminal is logged on to the 8(阅读饭店事件表,如有变动需标注在前厅部sign in screen. 留言白板上。 7. Check micros terminal is logged on of 9(了解当班宾客服务经理和当日值班经理名available. 单。 8. Read and initial daily event orders and update information on the white board where 10(确保营业备品数量,包括(笔、留言单等。) necessary. Check Guest Service Manager and Duty 9.11(确保电脑终端工作正常,设备整洁。 Manager roster to see who is on duty during 12(以交接班检查表为指导,确保无任何事情shift. 遗漏。 10. Ensure adequate supplies of stationary at workstation, including(pens, message pads, and other paper material, etc.)are readily available at workstation. 11. Ensure workstation is clean and tidy. 12. Take over last shift’s duty according to a copy of checklist to ensure nothing being missed out. [/replyview][/replyview][/replyview][/replyview][/replyview][/replyview]
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