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小学数学知识集锦小学数学知识集锦 一、小学生数学法则知识归类 (一)笔算两位数加法,要记三条1、相同数位对齐;2、从个位加起;3、个位满10向十位进1。 (二)笔算两位数减法,要记三条1、相同数位对齐;2、从个位减起;3、个位不够减从十位退1,在个位加10再减。 (三)混合运算计算法则1、在没有括号的算式里,只有加减法或只有乘除法的,都要从左往右按顺序运算;2、在没有括号的算式里,有乘除法和加减法的,要先算乘除再算加减;3、算式里有括号的要先算括号里面的。 (四)四位数的读法1、从高位起按顺序读,千位上是几读几千,百位上...

小学 小学生如何制作手抄报课件柳垭小学关于三违自查自纠报告小学英语获奖优质说课课件小学足球课教案全集小学语文新课程标准测试题 数学知识集锦 一、小学生数学法则知识归类 (一)笔算两位数加法,要记三条1、相同数位对齐;2、从个位加起;3、个位满10向十位进1。 (二)笔算两位数减法,要记三条1、相同数位对齐;2、从个位减起;3、个位不够减从十位退1,在个位加10再减。 (三)混合运算计算法则1、在没有括号的算式里,只有加减法或只有乘除法的,都要从左往右按顺序运算;2、在没有括号的算式里,有乘除法和加减法的,要先算乘除再算加减;3、算式里有括号的要先算括号里面的。 (四)四位数的读法1、从高位起按顺序读,千位上是几读几千,百位上是几读几百,依次类推;2、中间有一个0或两个0只读一个“零”;3、末位不管有几个0都不读。 (五)四位数写法1、从高位起,按照顺序写;2、几千就在千位上写几,几百就在百位上写几,依次类推,中间或末尾哪一位上一个也没有,就在哪一位上写“0”。 (六)四位数减法也要注意三条1、相同数位对齐;2、从个位减起;3、哪一位数不够减,从前位退1,在本位加10再减。 (七)一位数乘多位数乘法法则1、从个位起,用一位数依次乘多位数中的每一位数;2、哪一位上乘得的积满几十就向前进几。 (八)除数是一位数的除法法则1、从被除数高位除起,每次用除数先试除被除数的前一位数,如果它比除数小再试除前两位数;2、除head-end processing to be connected into a thread. With hood protection: using special steel wire protective cap to protect the steel wire to prevent screw thread bump or contaminated with dirt. Classification code according to the specifications and type (2), connector connector steel steel wire under the screw head caps in place ? ? joints tighten ? mark ? intented for operation steel in place: carry the yarn inspection of steel bars to stay connected. Connector tighten: with a wrench and pipe wrench tighten the connector. Mark: Mark already screwed joints, apart from not tighten the joints of steel bar connection diagram: 2, steel connection in steel connections, steel specifications should be consistent with connection sleeve specifications and ensure yarn and threads clean and intact within the connecting sleeve. Alignment axis when connecting reinforcement the steel twisted into the corresponding connection socket. Joint splicing is complete, two head pushing each other in the sleeve of the central location, sleeve at each end Ruth clasp 1~2 clasp, extended number of exposed threaded joints without restrictions, but there are clearly marked, to check whether the enter sleeve length to meet the requirements. Reinforced joints applied after tightening torque tightening torque wrench by not less than the table value check Check, and mark. Joint of rolling straight threads rebar diameter tightening torque values/mm ? 18~20 ? 22~25 ? 28~32/tightening torque values (N • m) 160 230 300 Note: when different diameter rebar 数除到哪一位,就把商写在那一位上面;3、每求出一位商,余下的数必须比除数小。 (九)一个因数是两位数的乘法法则1、先用两位数个位上的数去乘另一个因数,得数的末位和两位数个位对齐;2、再用两位数的十位上的数去乘另一个因数,得数的末位和两位数十位对齐;3、然后把两次乘得的数加起来。 (十)除数是两位数的除法法则1、从被除数高位起,先用除数试除被除数前两位,如果它比除数小,2、除到被除数的哪一位就在哪一位上面写商;3、每求出一位商,余下的数必须比除数小。 (十一)万级数的读法法则1、先读万级,再读个级;2、万级的数要按个级的读法来读,再在后面加上一个“万”字;3、每级末位不管有几个0都不读,其它数位有一个0或连续几个零都只读一个“零”。(十二)多位数的读法法则1、从高位起,一级一级往下读;2、读亿级或万级时,要按照个级数的读法来读,再往后面加上“亿”或“万”字;3、每级末尾的0都不读,其它数位有一个0或连续几个0都只读一个零。 (十三)小数大小的比较比较两个小数的大小,先看它们整数部分,整数部分大的那个数就大,整数部分相同的,十分位上的数大的那个数就大,十分位数也相同的,百分位上的数大的那个数就大,依次类推。 (十四)小数加减法计算法则计算小数加减法,先把小数点对齐(也就是把相同的数位上的数对齐),再按照整数加减法则进行计算,最head-end processing to be connected into a thread. With hood protection: using special steel wire protective cap to protect the steel wire to prevent screw thread bump or contaminated with dirt. Classification code according to the specifications and type (2), connector connector steel steel wire under the screw head caps in place ? ? joints tighten ? mark ? intented for operation steel in place: carry the yarn inspection of steel bars to stay connected. Connector tighten: with a wrench and pipe wrench tighten the connector. Mark: Mark already screwed joints, apart from not tighten the joints of steel bar connection diagram: 2, steel connection in steel connections, steel specifications should be consistent with connection sleeve specifications and ensure yarn and threads clean and intact within the connecting sleeve. Alignment axis when connecting reinforcement the steel twisted into the corresponding connection socket. Joint splicing is complete, two head pushing each other in the sleeve of the central location, sleeve at each end Ruth clasp 1~2 clasp, extended number of exposed threaded joints without restrictions, but there are clearly marked, to check whether the enter sleeve length to meet the requirements. Reinforced joints applied after tightening torque tightening torque wrench by not less than the table value check Check, and mark. Joint of rolling straight threads rebar diameter tightening torque values/mm ? 18~20 ? 22~25 ? 28~32/tightening torque values (N • m) 160 230 300 Note: when different diameter rebar 后在得数里对齐横线上的小数点位置,点上小数点。 (十五)小数乘法的计算法则计算小数乘法,先按照乘法的法则算出积,再看因数中一共几位小数,就从积的右边起数出几位,点上小数点。 (十六)除数是整数除法的法则除数是整数的小数除法,按照整数除法的法则去除,商的小数点要和被除数小数点对齐,如果除到被除数的末尾仍有余数,就在余数后面添0再继续除。 (十七)除数是小数的除法运算法则除数是小数的除法,先移动除数小数点,使它变成整数;除数的小数点向右移几位,被除数小数点也向右移几位(位数不够在被除数末尾用0补足)然后按照除数是整数的小数除法进行计算。 (十八)解答应用题步骤1、弄清题意,并找出已知条件和所求问题,分析题里的数量关系,确定先算什么,再算什么,最后算什么; 2、确定每一步该怎样算,列出算式,算出得数;3、进行检验,写出答案。 (十九)列方程解应用题的一般步骤1、弄清题意,找出未知数,并用X 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 示;2、找出应用题中数量之间的相等关系,列方程;3、解方程;4、检验、写出答案。 (二十)同分母分数加减的法则同分母分数相加减,分母不变,只把分子相加减。 (二十一)同分母带分数加减的法则带分数相加减,先把整数部分和head-end processing to be connected into a thread. With hood protection: using special steel wire protective cap to protect the steel wire to prevent screw thread bump or contaminated with dirt. Classification code according to the specifications and type (2), connector connector steel steel wire under the screw head caps in place ? ? joints tighten ? mark ? intented for operation steel in place: carry the yarn inspection of steel bars to stay connected. Connector tighten: with a wrench and pipe wrench tighten the connector. Mark: Mark already screwed joints, apart from not tighten the joints of steel bar connection diagram: 2, steel connection in steel connections, steel specifications should be consistent with connection sleeve specifications and ensure yarn and threads clean and intact within the connecting sleeve. Alignment axis when connecting reinforcement the steel twisted into the corresponding connection socket. Joint splicing is complete, two head pushing each other in the sleeve of the central location, sleeve at each end Ruth clasp 1~2 clasp, extended number of exposed threaded joints without restrictions, but there are clearly marked, to check whether the enter sleeve length to meet the requirements. Reinforced joints applied after tightening torque tightening torque wrench by not less than the table value check Check, and mark. Joint of rolling straight threads rebar diameter tightening torque values/mm ? 18~20 ? 22~25 ? 28~32/tightening torque values (N • m) 160 230 300 Note: when different diameter rebar 分数部分分别相加减,再把所得的数合并起来。 (二十二)异分母分数加减的法则异分母分数相加减,先通分,然后按照同分母分数加减的法则进行计算。 (二十三)分数乘以整数的计算法则分数乘以整数,用分数的分子和整数相乘的积作分子,分母不变。 (二十四)分数乘以分数的计算法则分数乘以分数,用分子相乘的积作分子,分母相乘的积作分母。 (二十五)一个数除以分数的计算法则一个数除以分数,等于这个数乘以除数的倒数。 (二十六)把小数化成百分数和把百分数化成小数的方法把小数化成百分数,只要把小数点向右移动两位,同时在后面添上百分号;把百分数化成小数,把百分号去掉,同时小数点向左移动两位。 (二十七)把分数化成百分数和把百分数化成分数的方法把分数化成百分数,通常先把分数化成小数(除不尽通常保留三位小数),再把小数化成百分数;把百分数化成小数,先把百分数改写成分母是100的分数,能约分的要约成最简分数。二、小学数学口决定义归类1、什么是图形的周长,围成一个图形所有边长的总和就是这个图形的周长。2、什么是面积,物体的表面或围成的平面图形的大小叫做他们的面积。3、加法各部分的关系:一个加数=和-另一个加数4、减法各部分的关系:减数=被减数-差 被减数=减数+差5、乘法各部分之间的关系:一个因数=积?另一个因数6、除法各部分之间的关系:除数=被除数?商 被除数=商×除数7、角(1)什么是角,从一点引head-end processing to be connected into a thread. With hood protection: using special steel wire protective cap to protect the steel wire to prevent screw thread bump or contaminated with dirt. Classification code according to the specifications and type (2), connector connector steel steel wire under the screw head caps in place ? ? joints tighten ? mark ? intented for operation steel in place: carry the yarn inspection of steel bars to stay connected. Connector tighten: with a wrench and pipe wrench tighten the connector. Mark: Mark already screwed joints, apart from not tighten the joints of steel bar connection diagram: 2, steel connection in steel connections, steel specifications should be consistent with connection sleeve specifications and ensure yarn and threads clean and intact within the connecting sleeve. Alignment axis when connecting reinforcement the steel twisted into the corresponding connection socket. Joint splicing is complete, two head pushing each other in the sleeve of the central location, sleeve at each end Ruth clasp 1~2 clasp, extended number of exposed threaded joints without restrictions, but there are clearly marked, to check whether the enter sleeve length to meet the requirements. Reinforced joints applied after tightening torque tightening torque wrench by not less than the table value check Check, and mark. Joint of rolling straight threads rebar diameter tightening torque values/mm ? 18~20 ? 22~25 ? 28~32/tightening torque values (N • m) 160 230 300 Note: when different diameter rebar 出两条射线所组成的图形叫做角。(2)什么是角的顶点,围成角的端点叫顶点。(3)什么是角的边,围成角的射线叫角的边。(4)什么是直角,度数为90?的角是直角。(5)什么是平角,角的两条边成一条直线,这样的角叫平角。(6)什么是锐角,小于90?的角是锐角。(7)什么是钝角,大于90?而小于180?的角是钝角。(8)什么是周角,一条射线绕它的端点旋转一周所成的角叫周角,一个周角等于360?.8、(1)什么是互相垂直,什么是垂线,什么是垂足,两条直线相交成直角时,这两条线互相垂直,其中一条直线叫做另一条直线的垂线,这两条直线的交点叫做垂足。(2)什么是点到直线的距离,从直线外一点向一条直线引垂线,点和垂足之间的距离叫做这点到直线的距离。9、三角形(1)什么是三角形,有三条线段围成的图形叫三角形。(2)什么是三角形的边,围成三角形的每条线段叫三角形的边。(3)什么是三角形的顶点,每两条线段的交点叫三角形的顶点。(4)什么是锐角三角形,三个角都是锐角的三角形叫锐角三角形。(5)什么是直角三角形,有一个角是直角的三角形叫直角三角形。(6)什么是钝角三角形,有一个角是钝角的三角形叫钝角三角形。(7)什么是等腰三角形,两条边相等的三角形叫等腰三角形。(8)什么是等腰三角形的腰,有等腰三角形里,相等的两个边叫做等腰三角形的腰。(9)什么是等腰三角形的顶点,两腰的交点叫做等腰三角形的顶点。(10)什么是等腰三角形的底,在等腰三角形中,与其它两边不相等的边叫做等腰三角形的底。 head-end processing to be connected into a thread. With hood protection: using special steel wire protective cap to protect the steel wire to prevent screw thread bump or contaminated with dirt. Classification code according to the specifications and type (2), connector connector steel steel wire under the screw head caps in place ? ? joints tighten ? mark ? intented for operation steel in place: carry the yarn inspection of steel bars to stay connected. Connector tighten: with a wrench and pipe wrench tighten the connector. Mark: Mark already screwed joints, apart from not tighten the joints of steel bar connection diagram: 2, steel connection in steel connections, steel specifications should be consistent with connection sleeve specifications and ensure yarn and threads clean and intact within the connecting sleeve. Alignment axis when connecting reinforcement the steel twisted into the corresponding connection socket. Joint splicing is complete, two head pushing each other in the sleeve of the central location, sleeve at each end Ruth clasp 1~2 clasp, extended number of exposed threaded joints without restrictions, but there are clearly marked, to check whether the enter sleeve length to meet the requirements. Reinforced joints applied after tightening torque tightening torque wrench by not less than the table value check Check, and mark. Joint of rolling straight threads rebar diameter tightening torque values/mm ? 18~20 ? 22~25 ? 28~32/tightening torque values (N • m) 160 230 300 Note: when different diameter rebar (11)什么是等腰三角形的底角,底边上两个相等的角叫等腰三角形的底角。(12)什么是等边三角形,三条边都相等的三角形叫等边三角形,也叫正三角形。(13)什么是三角形的高,什么叫三角形的底,从三角形的一个顶点向它的对边引一条垂线,顶点和垂足之间的线段叫做三角形的高,这个顶点的对边叫三角形的底。(14)三角形的内角和是多少度,三角形内角和是180?.10、四边形(1)什么是四边形,有四条线段围成的图形叫四边形。(2)什么是平等四边形,两组对边分别平行的四边形叫做平行四边形。(3)什么是平行四边形的高,从平行四边形一条边上的一点到对边引一条垂线,这个点和垂足之间的线段叫做四边形的高。(4)什么是梯形,只有一组对边平行的四边形叫做梯形。(5)什么是梯形的底,在梯形里互相平等的一组边叫梯形的底(通常较短的底叫上底,较长的底叫下底)。(6)什么是梯形的腰,在梯形里,不平等的一组对边叫梯形的腰。(7)什么是梯形的高,从上底的一点往下底引一条垂线,这个点和垂足之间的线段叫做梯形的高。(8)什么是等腰梯形,两腰相等的梯形叫做等腰梯形。11、什么是自然数,用来表示物体个数的0、1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8、9、10„„是自然数(自然数都是整数)。12、什么是四舍五入法,求一个数的近似数时,看被省略的尾数最高位上的数是几,如果是4或者比4小,就把尾数舍去,如果是5或者比5大,去掉尾数后,要在它的前一位加1。这种求近似数的方法,叫做四舍五入法。13、加法意义和运算定律(1)什么是加法,把两个数合并成一个数的运算叫加法。(2)什么是加数,相加的两个数叫加数。(3)什么是和,head-end processing to be connected into a thread. With hood protection: using special steel wire protective cap to protect the steel wire to prevent screw thread bump or contaminated with dirt. Classification code according to the specifications and type (2), connector connector steel steel wire under the screw head caps in place ? ? joints tighten ? mark ? intented for operation steel in place: carry the yarn inspection of steel bars to stay connected. Connector tighten: with a wrench and pipe wrench tighten the connector. Mark: Mark already screwed joints, apart from not tighten the joints of steel bar connection diagram: 2, steel connection in steel connections, steel specifications should be consistent with connection sleeve specifications and ensure yarn and threads clean and intact within the connecting sleeve. Alignment axis when connecting reinforcement the steel twisted into the corresponding connection socket. Joint splicing is complete, two head pushing each other in the sleeve of the central location, sleeve at each end Ruth clasp 1~2 clasp, extended number of exposed threaded joints without restrictions, but there are clearly marked, to check whether the enter sleeve length to meet the requirements. Reinforced joints applied after tightening torque tightening torque wrench by not less than the table value check Check, and mark. Joint of rolling straight threads rebar diameter tightening torque values/mm ? 18~20 ? 22~25 ? 28~32/tightening torque values (N • m) 160 230 300 Note: when different diameter rebar 加数相加的结果叫和。(4)什么是加法交换律,两个数相加,交换加数的位置后,它的和不变,这叫做加法交换律。14、什么是减法,已知两个数的和与其中的一个加数,求另一个加数的运算叫做减法。15、什么是被减数,什么是减数,什么叫差,在减法中已知的和叫被减数,减去的已知数叫减数,所求的未知数叫差。16、加法各部分间的关系:和=加数+加数 加数=和-另一加数17、减法各部分间的关系:差=被减数-减数 减数=被减数-差 被减数=减数+差18、乘法(1)什么是乘法,求几个相同加数的和的简便运算叫乘法。(2)什么是因数,相乘的两个数叫因数。(3)什么是积,因数相乘所得的数叫积。(4)什么是乘法交换律,两个因数相乘,交换因数的位置,它们的积不变,这叫乘法交换律。(5)什么是乘法结合律,三个数相乘,先把前两个数相乘,再同第三个数相乘,或者先把后两个数相乘,再同第一个数相乘,它们的积不变,这叫乘法结合律。19、除法(1)什么是除法,已知两个因数的积与其中的一个因数,求另一个因数的运算叫除法。(2)什么是被除数,在除法中,已知的积叫被除数。(3)什么是除数,在除法中,已知的一个因数叫除数。(4)什么是商,在除法中,求出的未知因数叫商。20、乘法各部分的关系:积=因数×因数 一个因数=积?另一个因数21、(1)除法各部分间的关系:商=被除数?除数 除数=被除数?商(2)有余数的除法各部分间的关系:被除数=商×除数+余数22、什么是名数,通常量得的数和单位名称合起来的数叫名数。23、什么是单名数,只带有一个单位名称的数叫单名数。24、什么是复名数,有两个或两个以上单位名称的数叫复名head-end processing to be connected into a thread. With hood protection: using special steel wire protective cap to protect the steel wire to prevent screw thread bump or contaminated with dirt. Classification code according to the specifications and type (2), connector connector steel steel wire under the screw head caps in place ? ? joints tighten ? mark ? intented for operation steel in place: carry the yarn inspection of steel bars to stay connected. Connector tighten: with a wrench and pipe wrench tighten the connector. Mark: Mark already screwed joints, apart from not tighten the joints of steel bar connection diagram: 2, steel connection in steel connections, steel specifications should be consistent with connection sleeve specifications and ensure yarn and threads clean and intact within the connecting sleeve. Alignment axis when connecting reinforcement the steel twisted into the corresponding connection socket. Joint splicing is complete, two head pushing each other in the sleeve of the central location, sleeve at each end Ruth clasp 1~2 clasp, extended number of exposed threaded joints without restrictions, but there are clearly marked, to check whether the enter sleeve length to meet the requirements. Reinforced joints applied after tightening torque tightening torque wrench by not less than the table value check Check, and mark. Joint of rolling straight threads rebar diameter tightening torque values/mm ? 18~20 ? 22~25 ? 28~32/tightening torque values (N • m) 160 230 300 Note: when different diameter rebar 数。25、什么是小数,仿照整数的写法,写在整数个位的右面,用圆 点隔开,用来表示十分之几、百分之几、千分之几„„的数叫小数。 head-end processing to be connected into a thread. With hood protection: using special steel wire protective cap to protect the steel wire to prevent screw thread bump or contaminated with dirt. Classification code according to the specifications and type (2), connector connector steel steel wire under the screw head caps in place ? ? joints tighten ? mark ? intented for operation steel in place: carry the yarn inspection of steel bars to stay connected. Connector tighten: with a wrench and pipe wrench tighten the connector. Mark: Mark already screwed joints, apart from not tighten the joints of steel bar connection diagram: 2, steel connection in steel connections, steel specifications should be consistent with connection sleeve specifications and ensure yarn and threads clean and intact within the connecting sleeve. Alignment axis when connecting reinforcement the steel twisted into the corresponding connection socket. Joint splicing is complete, two head pushing each other in the sleeve of the central location, sleeve at each end Ruth clasp 1~2 clasp, extended number of exposed threaded joints without restrictions, but there are clearly marked, to check whether the enter sleeve length to meet the requirements. Reinforced joints applied after tightening torque tightening torque wrench by not less than the table value check Check, and mark. Joint of rolling straight threads rebar diameter tightening torque values/mm ? 18~20 ? 22~25 ? 28~32/tightening torque values (N • m) 160 230 300 Note: when different diameter rebar
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