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《UEI美华英语口语篇》 口语短句下c-d


《UEI美华英语口语篇》 口语短句下c-d《UEI美华英语口语篇》 口语短句下c-d -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- 《UEI美华英语口语篇》 口语短句下c篇 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------...

《UEI美华英语口语篇》 口语短句下c-d
《UEI美华英语口语篇》 口语短句下c-d -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- 《UEI美华英语口语篇》 口语短句下c篇 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- Lesson 321 The city is growing 1.The city is growing.这城市发展迅速啊。 2.It's groiing dark.天渐渐黑了。 3.He is growing old.他渐渐老了。 4.How quickly it's growing.!小婴儿长得多快啊。 5.Let's grow some flowers.咱们种些花吧。 Lesson 322 China is a developing country. 1.China is a developing country.中国是个发展中国家。 2.The United STates is a developed country.美国是一个发达国家。 3.The child is developing well.这孩子发育良好。 4.Heavey industry is developing slowly.重工业发展缓慢。 5.Light industry is developing fast.轻工业发展迅速。 Lesson 323 That depends. 1.That depends.看情形再说吧。 2.You many depend upon it.放心好了。 3.I can't depend on anybody.我无法依靠任何人。 4.Can I depend on you?我可以信任你吗, 5.I depend on your coming.我肯定你会来的。 Lesson 324 It's very famous. 1.It's very famous.它非常有名。 2.The town is very famous.这座城市很有名。 3.He's a famous writer.他是位著名的作家。 4.France is famous for its wine.法国以其美酒而闻名。 5.Brazil is famous for football.巴西因为足球而闻名天下。 Lesson 325 I'm afraid so. 1.I'm afraid so.恐怕是这样。 2.I'm afraid of his coming.我真害怕他来。 3.I'm afraid of hurting you.我怕伤害你。 4.Don't be afraid!别害怕~ 5.I'm afraid I am late.我恐怕要迟到了。 Lesson 326 Delicious! 1.Delicious!味道好极了~ 2.It's delicious!味道真是太好了。 3.The soup is delicious.汤的味道美极了。 4.It must be delicious.一定很好吃。 5.It smells delicious.闻起来真香。 Lesson 327 The examination is near. 1.The examination is near.很快就要考试了。 2.Christmas is near.圣诞节就要到了。 3.He's my near friend.他是我亲密的朋友。 4.Do you live nearby?你住在附近吗, 5.It's near the station.离车站很近。 Lesson 328 I've no future. 1.I've no future.我没什么前途了。 2.You have a great furture!你很有前途~ 3.The future belongs to you.未来属于你们。 4.There's no future.不会有未来了。 5.Wish you a bright future!祝您前途无量。 Lesson 329 Take whatever you want. 1.Take whatever you want.想要什么尽管拿。 2.Do whatever you like!做任何你们喜欢做的事吧~ 3.Whatever you order!想要什么尽管点~ 4.Whatever you say!不管你说什么都听你的吧~ 5.Keep calm,whatever happens.无论发生什么都要保持冷静。 Lesson 330 The traffic is heavy now. 1.The traffic is heavy now.现在交通很拥挤。 2.The traffic is to 3.I ran into a traffic jam.我遇上了交通堵塞了。 4.There's light traffic now.现在车辆不多。 5.There's a lot of traffic.现在车辆很多。 Lesson331 Control yourself! 1.Control yourself!你要克制自己~ 2.I couldn't control myself.我气得无法控制自己。 3.Everything is under control.事情都在掌握之中。 4.It's out ouf control.事态失控了。 5.He's beyond control.他太失控了。 Lesson 332 He's sensitive. 1.He's sensitive.他很敏感。 2.Don't be so sensitive.别那么爱过敏嘛。 3.You're too sensitive.你太敏感了。 4.It's sensitive question.这是个敏感的问 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 。 5.The instrument is sensitive.这仪器很灵敏。 Lesson 333 Keep silent! 1.Keep silent1请保持安静~ 2.Silence is gold.沉默是金。 3.Why are you so silent?为什么这么沉默呢, 4.It's so silent.真够安静的 5.What a silent night!多么宁静的夜晚呀~ Lesson 334 Your pulse is regular. 1.Your pulse is regular.您的脉搏正常。 2.I have a regular diet.我的饮食是有规律。 3.I'm not a regular lawyer.我不是正式的律师。 4.He has no regular work.他没有正式的工作。 5.It's my regular work.这是我日常的工作。 Lesson 335 Did you catch my idea? 1.Did you catch my idea?听明白我的意见了吗, 2.I don't catch your meaning.我没理解你的意思。 3.Will the disease catch?这病传染吗, 4.I've caught a cold.我感冒了。 5.I'll catch up with you.我会赶上你们的。 Lesson 336 Time is very precious. 1.Time is very precious.时间是非常宝贵的。 2.Each life is precious.生命都是非常宝贵的。 3.It's a precious diamond.这是珍贵的宝石。 4.This is my precious car.这是我的宝贝汽车。 5.You're very precious to me.你在我心中占有着重要的地位。 Lesson 337 My house faces the park. 1.My house faces the park.我的房子面向公园。 2.Face up to th ereality!面对现实吧~ 3.Face up to the difficulties!你要面对困难。 4.Go and wash your face!去洗洗你的脸~ 5.You must face up to life.你要敢于面对生活。 Lesson 338 Just for exmple. 1.Just for example.只是做个例子。 2.Take it for example,please.请以此为例。 3.Please give an example.请举个例子。 4.It's good example.这是个好例子。 5.There're many examples.有很多实例。 Lesson 339 It's private. 1.It's private.这是保密的。 2.It's private party.这是一次私人聚会。 3.It's a private conversation.这是私人间的谈话。 4.It's private school.这是私立学校。 5.Let's talk in private.咱们私下谈谈吧。 Lesson 340 No sweat! 1.No sweat!没问题。 2.Oh,no sweat!哦,没什么~ 3.It's a real sweat.这可是件苦差事啊。 4.You wil sweat over it.你会后悔的。 5.It's not worth the sweat.不值得费那个力气。 Lesson 341 Let's save his face. 1.Let's save his face.给他留点面子吧。 2.God sa3.I'd better save my breath.我最好保持沉默。 4.Save some for tomorrow.留些明天吃吧。 5.Save some for me~给我留点~ Lesson 342 He lost his temper. 1.He lost his temper.他发脾气了。 2.He has a short temper.他脾气很暴躁。 3.She has a calm temper.她性情很平各。 4.Learn to control your temper.你要学会控制自己的脾气。 5.She's in a good temper.她心情很好。 Lesson 343 It's a shame! 1.It's a shame!真是可耻。 2.Shame on you~你真丢人。 3.Have you no shame?你难道不知道羞耻吗, 4.What a shame!真不像话。 5.You should feel shameful.你应该感到羞愧。 Lesson 344 Can I drive you home? 1.Can I drive you home?我开车送你回家好吗, 2.Drive wit hcaution!小心点开车~ 3.Can you drive a car?你会开车吗, 4.This car drives well.这部车子好开。 5.Let's go for a drive1咱们开车去兜兜风吧~ Lesson 345 Everything is possible. 1.Everything is possible.任何事都可能发生。 2.It's possilbe.这是有可能的。 3.I'll help you if possible.可能的话,我会帮你。 4.Come as quickly as possible.尽可能快点来。 5.Leave as early as possible.尽可能早点走。 Lesson 346 It's impossible. 1.It's impossible.那是不可能的。 2.It's impossible for me.对我来说这是不可能的。 3.Nothing is impossible.没有不可能的事。 4.It's an impossible story.这不可能是真事。 5.Absolutely impossible!绝对不可能~ Lesson 347 It's obvious. 1.It's obvious.这很明显。 2.It's obvious to everyone.大家都清楚这一点。 3.It's the obvious answer.这是明摆着的出路。 4.His nervousness is obvous.他显然十分紧张。 5.Obviously.she needs help.很显然她需要帮助。 Lesson 348 Don't bother me! 1.Don't bother me1别打扰我~ 2.Don't bother about it.别为这事操心了。 3.Sorry to bother you.不好意思,我要打搅你一下。 4.Sorry to have bothered you.不好意思,打扰你了。 5.What's bothering you?什么困扰着你, Lesson 349 I really regret it. 1.I really regret it.我真的非常后悔。 2.I regret doing it.我很后悔做了这件事。 3.I have no regrets.我丝毫也不后悔。 4.You'll regret it.你会后悔的。 5.I regret what I said.我后悔不该说那些话。 Lesson 350 I can't handle it. 1.I can't handle it.我没办法对付这件事。 2.I can't handle this alone.我无法单独处理这件事。 3.I can't handle the children.我管不住孩子们。 4.How to handle it?怎么操作呢, 5.This car handles well.这车开起来很灵便。 Lesson 351 I'll treat you. 1.I'll treat you.我请你。 2.I'll treat you to dinner.我请你吃饭。 3.It's my treat!我请客~ 4.It's my treat this time!这次我请客~ 5.Don't treat me as an idiot!别把我当傻瓜。 Lesson 352 It's very urgent. 1.It's very urgent.情况十分紧急。 2.Is it urgent?你问他:急吗, 3.It's an urgen4.It's an urgent cry for help~这是紧急呼救~ 5.It's urgent tha twe should operate!咱们立即行动起来吧。 Lesson 353 I feel awful. 1.I feel awful.我难受极了。 2.It's an awful accident!好可怕的事故~ 3.Oh,how awful!噢,太糟糕了。 4.What an awful day!真是糟糕的一天。 5.He's awfully sick.他病得很厉害 Lesson 354 Is it useful? 1.Is it useful?有用吗, 2.It's very useful.这很有用。 3.It's very useful to me.这对我很有帮助。 4.He's a useful member.他是个很得力的队员。 5.Try to do something useful.试着去做点有益的事吧。 Lesson 355 I really have to go. 1.I really have to go.我真得走了。 2.I have to rush.我必须要赶时间。 3.I have to stay at home.我不得不呆在家里。 4.You don't have to do it.你不必一定做。 5.I have to go by bus.我不得不坐公车去。 Lesson 356 I'm improving. 1.I'm improving.我好多了。 2.My work is improving.我的工作渐有起色。 3.My health is improving.我的健康善正在好转。 4.I'll improve it.我会加以改进。 5.I want to improve my English.我想提高英语能力。 Lesson 357 I admire his courage. 1.I admire his courage.我佩服他的勇气。 2.I admire her bravery.我饮佩她的勇敢。 3.I admire him fo rhis success.我很钦佩他的成功。 4.We all admire him.我们都对他钦佩不已。 5.I admire his humor.我很钦佩他的幽默感。 Lesson 358 Here is the bill. 1.Here is the bill.这是帐单 。 2.I'll pay the bill.我来付帐。 3.Have you paid the bill?你结帐了吗, 4.The bill is too big for me.帐单数目太大,我付不起。 5.Will you bill me later?过后再把帐单送给我好吗, Lesson 359 It's really shocking! 1.It's really shocking1这真令人震惊。 2.It's quite a shock.这可真是个大的打击。 3.It's a terrible shock to me!这对我可是个大打击~ 4.He's in shock.他正处于休克状态。 5.You'll get a shock.你会触电的。 Lesson 360 I dislike western food. 1.I dislike western food.我不喜欢西餐。 2.I dislike cats.我不喜欢猫。 3.I dislike big cities.我不喜欢大城市。 4.I dislike selfish people.我讨厌自私的人。 5.I dislike him strongly.我对他有着强烈的反感。 Lesson 361 No,comment. 1.No comment.无可奉告。 2.No comment,I'm afraid.恐怕我无可奉告。 3.Any comments?有什么看法, 4.Have you any comments?您对此有什么评价, 5.I can comments on it !我对此没什么可说的。 Lesson 362 Please sign the papers. 1.Please sign the papers.请签署文件。 2.The papers aren't signed.文件上没有答名。 3.Sign your name here.请在这里答名字。 4.I'm signing for the parcel.我正在签收包裹。 5.I'd better sign off now.我得就此停笔了。 Lesson 363 It's significant! 1.It's significant1真是意味深长啊。 2.I don't think it's significant.我想这没有什么意3.What a significant remark!真 是意味深长的一番话呀~ 4.It'll be a significant speech.这将是一次有重大意义的演说。 5.He gave me a significant smile.他给我一个意味深长的微笑。 Lesson 364 I doesn't satisfy me. 1.It doesn't satisfy me.这令我很不满意。 2.Nothing satisfies him.任何事都不能使他满足。 3.I'm satisfied with your work.我对你的工作很满意。 4.Are you staisfied?您满意吗, 5.Now,are you satisfied?现在你满意了, Lesson 365 Behave yourself! 1.Behave yourself!规矩点~ 2.Please behave yourself.请你礼貌点。 3.He behaves badly.他的举上很不得体。 4.You behaved very well.你 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 现得非常好。 5.How's your new car behaving?你的新车跑得怎么样, Lesson 366 I'm so excited! 1.I'm so excited!我真是太兴奋啦~ 2.Don't get excited!别激动~ 3.Don't excite yourself!你冷静点~ 4.The children are very excited.孩子们都很激动。 5.What are you so excited about?什么事让你如此兴奋, Lesson 357 I'll discuss it with you. 1.I'll discuss it with you.我想和你讨论这一点。 2.Let's discuss the poroblem.咱们讨论一下问题吧。 3.Let's discuss when to go.咱们商量一下什么时候去吧。 4.We're discussing the game.我们在谈论那场比赛。 5.What does the article discuss?这文章讲的是什么, Lesson 368 Don't blame it on him! 1.Don't blame it on him!朋友说:别怪他~ 2.Stop blaming yourself.别再责任自己了。 3.Blame me if I don't.我要是不这样做,随你怎么责备我好了。 4.I don't blame you.对他说:我不怪你。 5.You can't blame anyone.你不能怪任何人。 Lesson 369 I wonder at your strength! 1. I Wonder at you stength!你的力气真让我吃惊~ 2.What a wonder!真想不到~ 3.I wonder who he is.我想知道谁。 4.No wonder you were late.难怪你迟到了。 5.No wonder you're so tired.难怪你累坏了。 Lesson 370 She lives all alone. 1.She lives all alone.她独自一个人生活。 2.Are you all alone?就你一个人吗, 3.I'm alone in the house.我独自一个人在家里。 4.He alone knows the secret.只有他知道秘密。 5.I'm not alone in this opinion.不只是我一个人有这种想法。 Lesson 371 What's the date today? 1.What's the date today?今天是几号, 2.My passport is out of date.我的护照过期作废了。 3.It's right up to date.很时髦。 4.I have a date tonight.我今晚有个约会。 5.I'll date you for the dance.我要约你去跳舞。 Lesson 372 Small world! 1.Small world!这世界真小~ 2.It's too small for me.这对我来说太小了。 3.It's just a small mistake.只是小小的错误。 4.It's just a small matter.那只是件小事而已。 5.There're only small differences.只有很小的差异。 Lesson 373 He's the big cheese. 1.He's the big cheese.他是个有权威的要人。 2.It's big enough.这足够大了。 3.It's too big for4.It's big decision.这是个重大决定。 5.He likes to talk big.他喜欢说大话。 Lesson 374 Never too old to learn! 1.Never too old to learn!活到老学到老嘛~ 2.It'll be like good old times.过去的美好时光又将重现了。 3.How old are you?你多大了, 4.We're old friends.我们是老朋友了。 5.He's too old for you.他岁数太大了。 Lesson 375 You look very young. 1.You look very young.你看起来很年轻。 2.You look so young.你看起来非常年轻。 3.Listen to me,Young man!听我说,小伙子~ 4.It's a book for the young.这本 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf 是给年轻人看的。 5.He is young for his age.他比实际年龄显得小。 Lesson 376 Your dream will come true. 1.Your dream will come true.你的梦想会实现的。 2.Our dream will come true.我们的梦想会实现的。 3.My dream has come true.我的梦想实现了。 4.Good night !Sweat dreams!晚安~祝你做个好梦~ 5.It will be a bad dream.这将是一场恶梦。 Lesson 377 Wish you happiness! 1.Wish you happiness!祝你幸福~ 2.Wish you good luck!祝好好运。 3.Wish you a pleasant journey!愿你一路顺风~ 4.Wish you success!祝你成功。 5.Wish you a Happy New Year!祝你新年快乐~ Lesson 378 It hurts! 1.It hurts!疼死了~ 2.I won't hurt you.我不会伤害你。 3.Did Mike hurt himself?迈克受伤了吗, 4.Are you badly hurt?你伤得厉害吗, 5.It won't hurt to say sorry.说一声“对不起”没什么不好。 Lesson 379 True or false? 1.True or false?对还是错, 2.Is it true or false?这是正确的还是错误, 3.It's false.做错了。 4.It's false impression.这是一个假象。 5.It's just a false alarm.这只一场虚惊。 Lesson 380 That's not fair! 1.That's not fair!不公平~ 2.You must play fair.你必须公正处事。 3.The teacher isn't fair.这老师不公正。 4.The punishment is quite fair.这次处罚十分公正。 5.It's fair to everyone.对每一个人都是公平的的。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- 《UEI美华英语口语篇》 口语短句下d篇 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- Lesson 281 How I envy you! 1.How I envy you!我好羡慕你呀~ 2.How I envy them!我好羡慕他们~ 3.I do envy your good luck.我真是羡慕你的好运气。 4.It will be envied.这会遭人妒忌。 5.My success feeds his envy.他忌妒我的成功。 Lesson 282 I'm very disappointed. 1.I'm very disappointed.我很失望。 2.This is very disappointing.这可真令人失望。 3.The weather is disappointing.这天气真令人失望。 4.The holidays are so disappointing.这个假期真是太令人失望啦。 5.Sorry to disappoint you.对不起,我使您失望了。 Lesson 283 It's al1.It's almost ten o'clock.快到下点了。 2.Dinner is almost ready.饭差不多准备好了。 3.I've almost finished it.我快到做完了。 4.I almost ran all the way.我几乎是一路跑过来的。 5.I almost didn't recognize you.我几乎认不出你了。 Lesson 284 I go along with you. 1.I go along with you.我赞同你的想法。 2.I go along with that.我同意这个看法。 3.Do you go along with me?你同意我的想法吗, 4.Nobody goes along with me.没有人赞同我的想法。 5.Nobody goes along with that.没有赞同这个想法。 Lesson 285 I'll manage somehow. 1.I'll manage somehow.我总有办法应付过去的。 2.Can you manage it?你能处理得了吗, 3.I can manage.我能应付得了。 4.More than I can manage.我有点应付不了。 5.Can you manage children well?你能管好孩子们吗, Lesson 286 She is a thoughtful girl. 1.She is a thoughtful girl.她是个为人着想的女孩。 2.You're very thoughtful.你很会为别人着想。 3.You're very thoughtful.你很体贴人。 4.It's very thoughtful of you.你真体贴人。 5.It's not thoughtful of him.你不满地说:他不为人着想。 Lesson 287 Any objection? 1.Any objection?有没有反对意见, 2.Is there any objection?有什么反对意见吗, 3.I have no objection.我不反对。 4.I have a strong objection.我强烈反对。 5.It's my only objection.审我唯一不赞成的地方。 Lesson 288 Are you still hesitating? 1.Are you still hesitating?你还是拿不定主意吗, 2.He hesitates at nothing.他作什么决定都毫不犹豫。 3.Don't hesitate any longer.别再犹豫不决了。 4.I hesitate to make a decision.我正犹豫着不愿作出决定。 5.I hesitate to tell him.我正犹豫着不愿告诉他。 Lesson 289 Another two days slipped by! 1.Another two days slipped by!又过了两天~ 2.How time slips away!真是时不飞逝呀~ 3.The years slipped by!岁月在不知不觉中逝去~ 4.She has slipped badly recently.情况越来越糟。 5.I made a slip in spelling.我不留神拼错了。 Lesson 290 Can you prove! 1.Can yo prove it?你能 证明 住所证明下载场所使用证明下载诊断证明下载住所证明下载爱问住所证明下载爱问 吗, 2.How can you prove it?你怎么证明呢, 3 I prove it to you!我将向你证明这一点~ 4.It will prove useful.以后会有用的。 5.The fact fill prove it.事实会证明的。 Lesson 291 What do you propose? 1.What do yo propose?你有什么建议, 2.I propose you go there.我建议你去那里。 3.I propose Susan for secretary.我建议让苏珊来做秘书。 4.I propose to go immediately.我建议马上去。 5.I propose an early start.我打算早早出发。 Lesson 292 It's an ideal place. 1.It's an ideal place.这是个理想的地方。 2.It's an ideal place for a date.这是个约会的好地方。 3.It's an ideal place for recreation.这是个休养的理想之地。 4.I haven't found my ideal.我还没有找到自己的理想。 5.He's ideal for me.他就是我理Lesson 293 I'm an ordinary man. 1.I'm an ordinary man.我是个平凡的人。 2.She's an ordinary girl.她是个很普通的女孩。 3.It's the most ordinary problem.这是最普遍的问题。 4.It's nothing out of the ordinary.这没有什么不寻常的。 5.His speech was just ordinary.他在演讲和很一般。 Lesson 294 What's the price of it? 1.What's the price of it?这要多少钱, 2.What price are you asking?你要什么价钱, 3.The price is too hight.价格太高了。 4.Prices are rising.价格在上涨。 5.I'll buy it at any price.我将不惜任何买下它。 Lesson 295 I'm proud of you. 1.I'm proud of you.我为你骄傲。 2.I'm very proud of my son.我很为儿子自豪。 3.I'm pround of my success.我为取得成功而自豪。 4.I'm proud to know you.认识你我感到很荣幸。 5.He is as proud as a peacock.他很高傲。 Lesson 296 I won't say no. 1.I won't say no.我不反对。 2.Don't say that.别那样说。 3.Say what's on your mind.把你的想法说出来。 4.What do you say?你以为如何, 5.Say no more!不用再说了~ Lesson 297 That's a good buy. 1.That's a good buy.买得很合算。 2.It's a good time to buy.现在是买入的好时机。 3.Where did you buy it?在哪儿买的, 4.Let's me buy you a drink.我你喝一杯。 5.I must buy a new shirt.我得买件新衬衫。 Lesson 298 You're falattering me. 1.You're flattering me.你过奖了。 2.You're only flattering me.佻是在奉承我。 3.The portrait flatters her.这幅画像比他本人美。 4.He flattered himself that she liked him!他那是自作多情。 5.I'm flattered.我有引起受宠若惊。 Lesson 299 You're so charming. 1.You're so charming.你真迷人。 2.What a charming lady!多迷人的女人啊。 3.She has a lot of charm.她很有吸引力。 4.He has great charm.他很有魅力。 5.He charms everyone.他赢得了每个人的好感。 Lesson 300 He's in a bad mood. 1.He's in a bad mood.他情绪不太好。 2.She's in a terrible mood.她心情不太好。 3.You're in a merry mood.你心情挺愉快的嘛。 4.I'm in no mood for joking.我没心思开玩笑。 5.They're a happy mood.他们心情很愉快。 Lesson 301 Hold the line,please. 1.Hold the line,please.请别挂断。 2.Stay on the line,please.请别挂机。 3.The line is still busy.电话还是占线。 4.Sorry,the line is engaged now.对不起,电话在占线。 5.You have a call on Line 5.五号线有你的电话。 Lesson 302 What brings you here? 1.What brings you here?什么风把你吹来了, 2.Bring me the book,please.请把那本书带给我。 3.Bring your girlfriend with you.把你女朋友一起带来吧。 4.May I bring you home?我可以陪你回家吗, 5.Bring the children back.把孩子们接回来吧。 Lesson 303 That will never do. 1.That will never do.那绝不行。 2.I've never been there.我从没去过那儿。 3.Never fear!别担心。 4.He never h5.Never mind.不要紧。 Lesson 304 Can't complain. 1.Can't complain.一切都好。 2.You're always complaining.你总是发牢骚。 3.Oh,I can't complain.真是好得没话说。 4.Don't complain any more!别再抱怨了~ 5.All of us are complaining.大家都在抱怨。 Lesson 305 Make yourself comfortable! 1.Make yourself comfortable!别客气啊~ 2.Please make yourself comfortable!请不要客气~ 3.I'm comfortable.我感觉良好。 4.We're very comfortable.我们感觉很舒适。 5.It's a comfortable bed.这是张舒适的床。 Lesson 306 Can I have a drink? 1.Can I have drink?我能来杯饮料吗, 2.Would you like a drink of water?你想喝点水吗, 3.Let's have another drink!咱们再喝一杯~ 4.Don't drink and drive.千万别酒后开车。 5.Sorry,I never drink/不好意思,我滴酒不沾。 Lesson 307 Let me expleain! 1.Let me expleain!让我解释一下~ 2.Explain why.你解释一下原因。 3.Can yo explain ti?请说明一下该如何做。 4.Can you explain it?你能解释一下吗, 5.Can you explain why you were late?能解释一下为什么迟到吗, Lesson 308 It makes me mad! 1.It makes me mad!我很生气~ 2.You must be mad!你一定是疯了~ 3.Don't get mad at me!别对我发脾气。 4.You're quite mad.你真是疯了。 5.It's mad plan.这是相极为冒险的 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 。 Lesson 309 We both want to go. 1.We both want to go.我们俩都想去。 2.Both of them are good.他们俩都很好。 3.Both of them are young.他们两个都很年轻。 4.My parents are both teachers.我父母教是教师。 5 They both like popular songs.他们俩都喜欢流行歌曲。 Lesson 310 It's rather a pity: 1.It's rather a pity.这真是太令人惋惜了。 2.It's rather cold today.今天确实很冷。 3.It's a rather good film.这确实是一部好电影。 4.You did rather badly.你确实做得太差劲了。 5.You're done rather well.你做得相当不错。 Lesson 311 I feel quite well. 1.I feel quite well.我感觉相当好。 2.I'm quite busy now.我现在相当忙。 3.She's quite a beauty.她是人相当漂亮的姑娘。 4.You look quite young.您看起来相当年轻。 5.Are you quite sure?你能完全肯定吗, Lesson 312 Are you angry with me? 1.Are yo uangry with me?你在生我的气吗, 2.Don't be angry with me.别生我的气了。 3.I'm angry with myself.我在生自己的气。 4.He's angry with me.他生我的气了。 5.Mum is angry with me.妈妈生我的气了。 Lesson 313 I'm lost. 1.I'm lost我迷路了。 2.I must have lost my way.我一定是迷路了。 3.I've lost interest.我已经失去兴趣了。 4.I must have lost it.我一定是把它弄丢了。 5 I've lost my necklace.我把项链丢了。 Lesson 314 Don't lie to me. 1.Don't lie to me.不要对我撒谎。 2.He's telling a lie!他在说谎1 3.He told a white lie!他说了个善意的谎言。 4.He lied to me.5.Why did you tell a lie?你为什么要撒谎, Lesson 315 Attention! 1.Attention!立正~ 2.Pay attention to me!请注意我的话~ 3.Attention please!请注意~ 4.Pay more attention to state affairs.多关心点国家大事。 5.Please give it your attention.谓对此多加注意。 Lesson 316 Only a little. 1.Only a little.只有一点。 2.A little better?好一点了吗, 3.Not even a little.一点也不。 4.Very little.非常少。 5.Please give me a little.给我一点吧。 Lesson 317 Don't crowd together. 1.Don't crowd together.别挤在一起。 2.Don't crowd around him.别围着他。 3.Memories crowded on my mind.往事涌上我心头啊。 4.The room became crowded.这屋子有些拥挤。 5.It's too crowded.真是太拥挤了。 Lesson 318 Please copy my actions. 1.Please copy my actions.请摹仿我的动作。 2.Try to copy her style.试着摹仿她的风格。 3.Is it a copy?这是复制品吗, 4.It's a perfect copy.这是个完美的仿造品。 5.I'm copying the papers.我正在复印文件。 Lesson 319 What else can I do? 1.What else can I do?我还能做什么呢, 2.What else do you want?你还想要什么, 3.Nothing else happened.没再发生什么事。 4.Nothing else,thank you!不要别的了,谢谢你。 5.Look at something else.看看其它的东西吧。 Lesson 320 None of us like her. 1.None of us like her.我们都不喜欢她。 2.None of us said anything.没人说什么。 3.It's none of your business!这不关你的事~ 4.No.None at all.一点儿都没有了。 5.I like none of them.我都不喜欢。
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