首页 实验一:单管交流放大电路实验报告



实验一:单管交流放大电路实验报告实验一:单管交流放大电路实验报告 实验一 单级交流放大电路 实验日期: 2013.10.25 成 绩: 一、实验目的及要求 1熟悉电子元件和模拟电路实验箱; 2.掌握放大电路静态工作点的调试方法及其对放大电路性能的影响; 3.学习测量放大电路Q点,Av,ri,ro的方法,了解共射极电路特性; 4.学习放大电路的动态性能。 二、仪器用具 1(示波器 2.信号发生器 3.数字万用表 三、实验原理 图1.1基本放大电路 图1.2工作稳定的放大电路 feel free to listen ...

实验一:单管交流放大电路实验报告 实验一 单级交流放大电路 实验日期: 2013.10.25 成 绩: 一、实验目的及要求 1熟悉电子元件和模拟电路实验箱; 2.掌握放大电路静态工作点的调试方法及其对放大电路性能的影响; 3.学习测量放大电路Q点,Av,ri,ro的方法,了解共射极电路特性; 4.学习放大电路的动态性能。 二、仪器用具 1(示波器 2.信号发生器 3.数字万用 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 三、实验原理 图1.1基本放大电路 图1.2工作稳定的放大电路 feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receive, reply, action, reminders, feedback and so on. By year end, handled the crowd calls 1076, 94.7% feedback rate. By Mayor calls active coordination to solve a large number of bears on the immediate interests of the people and issues of great lives, but also for leadership research and decision to collect a lot of good ideas and suggestions, by all sectors of the community alike. Second, start Municipal Government Affairs Hall built. On May 11, we built and launched the city-government lobby, were settled in 12 departments, strict implementation of first asking duty system, service system, system of gratuitous, "receiving, internal coordination, head of the window handle, limited time concluded" one-stop service. By the end of today to accept various types of 3,273, originally of up to 100%. Running Government Affairs Hall, the convenience of the masses, promoting open Government, improve the investment environment and solve their practical problems, and so did a lot of work, masses, serve the community for the Government to play a very good "window, link, model". Third, create a city government public affairs network. We rely on the Government Web site, was completed on May 24, the province's first public affairs network. Over 图1.3小信号放大电路 图1.4 输入电路测量 图1.5输出电阻测量 四、实验步骤(包括实验结果与数据处理) 1.转接电路与简单测量 feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receive, reply, action, reminders, feedback and so on. By year end, handled the crowd calls 1076, 94.7% feedback rate. By Mayor calls active coordination to solve a large number of bears on the immediate interests of the people and issues of great lives, but also for leadership research and decision to collect a lot of good ideas and suggestions, by all sectors of the community alike. Second, start Municipal Government Affairs Hall built. On May 11, we built and launched the city-government lobby, were settled in 12 departments, strict implementation of first asking duty system, service system, system of gratuitous, "receiving, internal coordination, head of the window handle, limited time concluded" one-stop service. By the end of today to accept various types of 3,273, originally of up to 100%. Running Government Affairs Hall, the convenience of the masses, promoting open Government, improve the investment environment and solve their practical problems, and so did a lot of work, masses, serve the community for the Government to play a very good "window, link, model". Third, create a city government public affairs network. We rely on the Government Web site, was completed on May 24, the province's first public affairs network. Over 图1.1 基本放大电路 (1)用万用表判断试验箱上三极管V的极性和好坏,电解电容C的极性和好坏。 (2)按图1.1所示,连接电路(注意:接线前先测量+12V电源,关断电源后再连线),将RP的阻值调到最大。 2.静态测量与调整 (1)接线完毕仔细检查,确定无误后接通电源。改变Rp,记录Ic分别为2mA、3mA、4mA、5mA的三极管V的?值。 Rb/k Rc/k Vb/mv Vc/mv Β= IbIc1131000 1194000 692.897 60.744 50.2 1131000 1195000 694.556 51.334 51.4 1131000 1189000 689.72 114.007 53.4 注意:a.Ib和Ic一般可用间接测量法,即通过测Vc和Vb,Rc和Rb计算出Ib和Ic(注意:图1.2中Ic为支路电流)。此法虽不直观,但操作比较简单,建议初学者采用。 B.直接测量法,即将微安表和毫安表直接串联在基极(集电极)中测量。 此法直观,但操作不当容易损坏器件和仪表。不建议初学者采用。 (2)按图1.2连线,调整Rp使VE=2.2V,计算并填表1.1 feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receive, reply, action, reminders, feedback and so on. By year end, handled the crowd calls 1076, 94.7% feedback rate. By Mayor calls active coordination to solve a large number of bears on the immediate interests of the people and issues of great lives, but also for leadership research and decision to collect a lot of good ideas and suggestions, by all sectors of the community alike. Second, start Municipal Government Affairs Hall built. On May 11, we built and launched the city-government lobby, were settled in 12 departments, strict implementation of first asking duty system, service system, system of gratuitous, "receiving, internal coordination, head of the window handle, limited time concluded" one-stop service. By the end of today to accept various types of 3,273, originally of up to 100%. Running Government Affairs Hall, the convenience of the masses, promoting open Government, improve the investment environment and solve their practical problems, and so did a lot of work, masses, serve the community for the Government to play a very good "window, link, model". Third, create a city government public affairs network. We rely on the Government Web site, was completed on May 24, the province's first public affairs network. Over3 图1.2工作稳定放大电路 、表1.1 实测 实测计算 VBE(V) VCE(V) Rb(k?) Ib( A ) Ic(mA) 0.645 3.202 20.3 559.6 1.640 3.动态研究 (1)按图1.3所示电路接线,调Rb使Vc为6V。 接至放大电路的A点,(2)将信号发生器的输出信号调到f=1Hz,Vp-p为500mV, 经过R1,R2衰减(100倍),Vi点得到5mA的小信号,观察Vi和Vo端波形,并比较相位。 (3)信号源频率不便,逐渐加大信号幅度,观察Vo不失真时的最大值并填表1.2。 表1.2 实测 实测计算 估算 Vi(mV) Vo(V) Av Av 5 0.3 60 6 0.46 76 8 0.56 70 feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receive, reply, action, reminders, feedback and so on. By year end, handled the crowd calls 1076, 94.7% feedback rate. By Mayor calls active coordination to solve a large number of bears on the immediate interests of the people and issues of great lives, but also for leadership research and decision to collect a lot of good ideas and suggestions, by all sectors of the community alike. Second, start Municipal Government Affairs Hall built. On May 11, we built and launched the city-government lobby, were settled in 12 departments, strict implementation of first asking duty system, service system, system of gratuitous, "receiving, internal coordination, head of the window handle, limited time concluded" one-stop service. By the end of today to accept various types of 3,273, originally of up to 100%. Running Government Affairs Hall, the convenience of the masses, promoting open Government, improve the investment environment and solve their practical problems, and so did a lot of work, masses, serve the community for the Government to play a very good "window, link, model". Third, create a city government public affairs network. We rely on the Government Web site, was completed on May 24, the province's first public affairs network. Over 图1.3小信号放大电路 (3 )保持Vi=5mA不变,空载时调Vc到6V,放大电路接入负载RL,接表1.3中给定不同参数的情况下测量Vi和Vo,并将计算结果填表中。 表1.3 给定参数 实测 实测计算 估算 Rc RL Vi(mV) Vo(V) Av Av 5K1 5K1 5 0.12 24 5K1 2K2 5 0.06 12 2K1 5K1 5 0.05 10 2K 2K2 5 0.02 4 (4)Vi=5mV(Rc=5.1K 断开负载RL),减少Rp,使Vc<4V,可观察到(Vo的波形)饱和失真:增大Rp,使Vc》9V,将R1由5.1K改为510?(即:使Vi=50mV) ,可观察到(Vo波形)截止失真,将测量结果填入表1.4。 feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receive, reply, action, reminders, feedback and so on. By year end, handled the crowd calls 1076, 94.7% feedback rate. By Mayor calls active coordination to solve a large number of bears on the immediate interests of the people and issues of great lives, but also for leadership research and decision to collect a lot of good ideas and suggestions, by all sectors of the community alike. Second, start Municipal Government Affairs Hall built. On May 11, we built and launched the city-government lobby, were settled in 12 departments, strict implementation of first asking duty system, service system, system of gratuitous, "receiving, internal coordination, head of the window handle, limited time concluded" one-stop service. By the end of today to accept various types of 3,273, originally of up to 100%. Running Government Affairs Hall, the convenience of the masses, promoting open Government, improve the investment environment and solve their practical problems, and so did a lot of work, masses, serve the community for the Government to play a very good "window, link, model". Third, create a city government public affairs network. We rely on the Government Web site, was completed on May 24, the province's first public affairs network. Over5 表1.4 Rp Vb Vo Vc 输出波形情况 小 3.899 3.26 3.234 合适 1.24 10.217 0.6317 大 0.717 11.586 0.146925 4.测放大电路输入,输出电阻。 (1)输入电阻测量 在输入端接一个5K1电阻如图1.4,测量Vs和Vf,即可计算ri。 ri=[Vi/(Vs-Vi)] ?R 图1.4 输入电阻测量 (2)输出电阻测量(见图1.5) feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receive, reply, action, reminders, feedback and so on. By year end, handled the crowd calls 1076, 94.7% feedback rate. By Mayor calls active coordination to solve a large number of bears on the immediate interests of the people and issues of great lives, but also for leadership research and decision to collect a lot of good ideas and suggestions, by all sectors of the community alike. Second, start Municipal Government Affairs Hall built. On May 11, we built and launched the city-government lobby, were settled in 12 departments, strict implementation of first asking duty system, service system, system of gratuitous, "receiving, internal coordination, head of the window handle, limited time concluded" one-stop service. By the end of today to accept various types of 3,273, originally of up to 100%. Running Government Affairs Hall, the convenience of the masses, promoting open Government, improve the investment environment and solve their practical problems, and so did a lot of work, masses, serve the community for the Government to play a very good "window, link, model". Third, create a city government public affairs network. We rely on the Government Web site, was completed on May 24, the province's first public affairs network. Over 图1.5 输出电阻测量 在输出端接入电阻作为负载,选择合适的RL值使放大电路输出不失真(接示波器监视),测量带负载时的Vo,即可计算出ro。将上述测量及计算结果填入表1.5中。 表1.5 测算输入电阻(设: Rs=5K1) 测算输出电阻 实测 测算 估算 实测 测算 估算 Vs(mV) Vi(mV) ri ri Vo Vo Ro(kΩ) Ro(kΩ) RL=? RL= 0.2 0.064 2.001 2.0 1.6 3.2 52 50 五、讨论与结论(对实验现象、实验故障及处理方法、实验中存在的问题等进行 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 和讨论,对实验的进一步想法或改进意见。 (1)由于实验箱年代过久,实验不易操作,还有对示波器的功能不够熟悉,导致输不出波形。 (2)熟悉示波器的使用,耐心的调试。 六、实验原始数据 计算β 表1-1 表1.2 feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receive, reply, action, reminders, feedback and so on. By year end, handled the crowd calls 1076, 94.7% feedback rate. By Mayor calls active coordination to solve a large number of bears on the immediate interests of the people and issues of great lives, but also for leadership research and decision to collect a lot of good ideas and suggestions, by all sectors of the community alike. Second, start Municipal Government Affairs Hall built. On May 11, we built and launched the city-government lobby, were settled in 12 departments, strict implementation of first asking duty system, service system, system of gratuitous, "receiving, internal coordination, head of the window handle, limited time concluded" one-stop service. By the end of today to accept various types of 3,273, originally of up to 100%. Running Government Affairs Hall, the convenience of the masses, promoting open Government, improve the investment environment and solve their practical problems, and so did a lot of work, masses, serve the community for the Government to play a very good "window, link, model". Third, create a city government public affairs network. We rely on the Government Web site, was completed on May 24, the province's first public affairs network. Over7 表1-3 表1-4 表1.5 feel free to listen to their voices and help the masses solve problems, we were officially opened on May 10 "12345" Mayor calls, formulated rules and regulations, equipped with a full-time staff, a 24-hour on-duty system, people to call to receive, reply, action, reminders, feedback and so on. By year end, handled the crowd calls 1076, 94.7% feedback rate. By Mayor calls active coordination to solve a large number of bears on the immediate interests of the people and issues of great lives, but also for leadership research and decision to collect a lot of good ideas and suggestions, by all sectors of the community alike. Second, start Municipal Government Affairs Hall built. On May 11, we built and launched the city-government lobby, were settled in 12 departments, strict implementation of first asking duty system, service system, system of gratuitous, "receiving, internal coordination, head of the window handle, limited time concluded" one-stop service. By the end of today to accept various types of 3,273, originally of up to 100%. Running Government Affairs Hall, the convenience of the masses, promoting open Government, improve the investment environment and solve their practical problems, and so did a lot of work, masses, serve the community for the Government to play a very good "window, link, model". Third, create a city government public affairs network. We rely on the Government Web site, was completed on May 24, the province's first public affairs network. Over
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