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小学趣味数学题及答案小学趣味数学题及答案 1.小华的爸爸1分钟可以剪好5只自己的指甲。他在5分钟内可以剪好几只自己的指甲, 2.小华带50元钱去商店买一个价值38元的小汽车,但售货员只找给他2元钱,这是为什么, 3.小军说:“我昨天去钓鱼,钓了一条无尾鱼,两条无头的鱼,三条半截的鱼。你猜我一共钓了几条鱼,”同学们猜猜小军一共钓了几条鱼, 4.6匹马拉着一架大车跑了6里,每匹马跑了多少里,6匹马一共跑了多少里, 5.一只绑在树干上的小狗,贪吃地上的一根骨头,但绳子不够长,差了5厘米。你能教小狗用什么办法抓着骨头呢, 6.王某...

小学趣味 数学 数学高考答题卡模板高考数学答题卡模板三年级数学混合运算测试卷数学作业设计案例新人教版八年级上数学教学计划 题及答案 1.小华的爸爸1分钟可以剪好5只自己的指甲。他在5分钟内可以剪好几只自己的指甲, 2.小华带50元钱去商店买一个价值38元的小汽车,但售货员只找给他2元钱,这是为什么, 3.小军说:“我昨天去钓鱼,钓了一条无尾鱼,两条无头的鱼,三条半截的鱼。你猜我一共钓了几条鱼,”同学们猜猜小军一共钓了几条鱼, 4.6匹马拉着一架大车跑了6里,每匹马跑了多少里,6匹马一共跑了多少里, 5.一只绑在树干上的小狗,贪吃地上的一根骨头,但绳子不够长,差了5厘米。你能教小狗用什么办法抓着骨头呢, 6.王某从甲地去乙地,1分钟后,李某从乙地去甲地。当王某和李某在途中相遇时,哪一位离甲地较远一些, 7.时钟刚敲了13下,你现在应该怎么做, 8.在广阔的草地上,有一头牛在吃草。这头牛一年才吃了草地上一半的草。问,它要把草地上的草全部吃光,需要几年, equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm-40mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power 9.妈妈有7块糖,想平均分给三个孩子,但又不愿把余下的糖切开,妈妈怎么办好呢, 10.公园的路旁有一排树,每棵树之间相隔3米,请问第一棵树和第六棵树之间相隔多少米, 11.把8按下面方法分成两半,每半各是多少,算术法平均分是____,从中间横着分是____,从中间竖着分是____. 12.一个房子4个角,一个角有一只猫,每只猫前面有3只猫,请问房里共有几只猫, 13.一个房子4个角,一个角有一只猫,每只猫前面有4只猫,请问房里共有几只猫, 14.小军、小红、小平3个人下棋,总共下了3盘。问他们各下了几盘棋,(每盘棋是两个人下的) 15.小明和小华每人有一包糖,但是不知道每包里有几块。只知道小明给了小华8块后,小华又给了小明14块,这时两人包里的糖的块数正好同样多。同学们,你说原来谁的糖多,多几块, 答案: 1.20只,包括手指甲和脚指甲 240mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power-with base length in 20mm Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 2.因为他付给售货员40元,所以只找给他2元; 3.0条,因为他钓的鱼是不存在的; 4.6里,36里; 5.只要教小狗转过身子用后脚抓骨头,就行了。 6.他们相遇时,是在同一地方,所以两人离甲地同样远; 7.应该修理时钟; 8.它永远不会把草吃光,因为草会不断生长; 9.妈妈先吃一块,再分给每个孩子两块; 10.15米; 11.4,0,3. 12.4只; 13.5只; 14.2盘; 15.原来小华糖多;14-8=6块,因为多给了6块两人糖的块数正好同样多,所以原来小华比小明多12块。 340mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power-e welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should b equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 数学趣味故事 消防 一天,数学家觉得自己已受够了数学,于是他跑到消防队去宣布他想当消防员。消防队长说:"您看上去不错,可是我得先给您一个测试。" 消防队长带数学家到消防队后院小巷,巷子里有一个货栈,一只消防栓和一卷软管。消防队长问:"假设货栈起火,您怎么办,"数学家回答:"我把消防栓接到软管上,打开水龙,把火浇灭。" 消防队长说:"完全正确~最后一个问题:假设您走进小巷,而货栈没有起火,您怎么办,"数学家疑惑地思索了半天,终于答道:"我就把货栈点着。" 消防队长大叫起来:"什么,太可怕了~您为什么要把货栈点着," 数学家回答:"这样我就把问题化简为一个我已经解决过的问题了。" ------------------------ 数学家的幽默 440mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power-with base length in 20mm Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 一名统计学家遇到一位数学家,统计学家调侃数学家说道: 你们不是说若X,Y且Y,Z,则X,Z吗~那么想必你若是喜欢一个女孩,那么那个女孩喜欢的男生你也会喜欢罗~," 数学家想了一下反问道: 那么你把左手放到一锅一百度的开水中,右手放到一锅零度的冰水里想来也没事吧~因为它们平均不过是五十度而已~" ------------------------ 测谎器 爸爸有一个测谎器,他问儿子:"你今天数学成绩如何呢," 儿子答道:"90分。"测谎器响了。 儿子又改说:"70分。"测谎器还是响了。 540mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power-e welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should b equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 爸爸很生气地叫道:"我以前都是90分以上。"这时,测谎器没有响却翻倒了。 ------------------------ 关心 教授是个和善而幽默的老头,班上有个高大强壮的体育生。每次上课当教授的声音响起时,体育生开始睡觉,直至下课准时醒来。 有一天体育生迟到了,教授亲切地对他说:"Jack,以后请不要迟到,这会影响你正常睡眠的。" ------------------------ 数数 儿子今年三岁,已懂得从一数到十,也知道五比一大;我也随时找机会教他,问他小狗小猫哪个大。 640mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power-with base length in 20mm Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 有一次,我左手拿一块巧克力,右手拿两块巧克力,问他: "哪一边比较多,"。儿子不回答,我耐心地继续追问,儿子突然放声大哭,说:" 两边都很少啊~" ------------------------ 逻辑学的用处 有个学生请教爱因斯坦逻辑学有什么用。 爱因斯坦问他:"两个人从烟囱 里爬出去,一个满脸烟灰,一个干干净净,你认为哪一个该去洗澡," "当然 是脏的那个。"学生说。 "不对。脏的那个看见对方干干净净,以为自己也不会脏, 哪里会去洗澡," ------------------------ 740mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power-e welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should b equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 求职记趣 陈立言去应征一份工作。经理问他道:「你要求多少工资一年,」 「以我的工作能力,应值年薪一万八千元。」陈立言道。 经理注视了他一会才说:「值年薪一万八千元,你计算清楚没有,一年只有365天,你每天睡觉花了八小时,则一年共花去122天。365天减去121天。再者,你每天除山作外有八小时是休息及娱乐的,即一年共有122天。那麽,243天减去121天了,只余下121天了。但是,一共有52个星期,星期天不用上班,因此121天减去52天便剩下69天。同时,逢星期六下午是放假的,则一年一共26天,所以69天减去26天余下43天。再减公司给予的两星期年假只剩下29天。别忘了每天有一小时午餐时间即一年是15天。用29减15余下14天。再除去新历年、旧历年、中秋节、复活节、感恩节以及圣诞节等等公众假期共10天,这就是说,一年只工作4天。你认为值一万八千元吗,」 ------------------------ 840mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power-with base length in 20mm Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 教授说.... 有一天某教授突然停止授课,语重心长的对大家说: 如果坐在中间谈天的同学,能像坐在后面玩牌的同学那样安静的话,那么在前面睡觉的同学就不会受到干扰了. ------------------------ 查票 老教授搭乘火车旅行,列车长前来查票时,他竟找不到票,老教授急得满头大汗,列车长说:找不到就算了,再补张票好了。 老教授:这怎么可以,找不到那张票,我就不知道我要去哪里啊~ 940mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power-e welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should b equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. ------------------------ 碑文的奥秘 古希腊亚历山大里亚的著名数学家刁藩都,人们只知道他是公元3世纪的人,其年龄和生平史籍上都没有明确的记载。但是,在他的墓碑上可以得知一二,而且它告诉人们,他终年是84岁。 刁藩都的墓碑是这样的: 刁藩都长眠于此,倘若你懂得碑文的奥秘,它会告诉你刁藩都的寿命。诸神赐予他的生命的1/6是童年,再过了生命的1/12,他长出了胡须,其后刁藩都结了婚,不过还不曾有孩子,这样又度过了一生的1/7,再过5年,他获得了头生子,然而他的爱子竟然早逝,只活了刁藩都寿命的一半,丧子以后,他在数学研究中寻求慰藉,又度过了4年,终于也结束了自己的一生。 ------------------------ 问答 1040mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power-with base length in 20mm Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 老师:"我给同学们出两个问题,谁只要回答出第一个问题,就不要求他回答第二个问题了。现在我问第一个问题:谁知道自己有多少根头发," 小丽:"我知道,我有99999根头发。" 老师:"你是怎么知道的," 小丽:"老师,这是第二个问题了,你不能要求我回答了。" ------------------------ 悖论问题 我正与同学讨论一悖论问题:村里唯一的理发师每月一定要给自己不理发的人理发,问理发师的头谁理,真难~若是理发师自己理发,就是给自己理发的人理发,若是理发师自己不理发,就是不给自己不理发的人理发,好深奥啊~讨论半天毫无结果。 1140mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power-e welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should b equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 后排同学钱某插过来一句话:"这还不简单,理发师秃头呗~" ------------------------ 多少次 老师在课堂上提问:"西班牙在十五世纪发生了多少次战争," "六次。"一个学生很快就答出来了。 "哪六次,"老师又问。 "第一次、第二次、第三次、第四次、第五次和第六次。" ------------------------ 数学家 世界上有两种数学家: 会数数的和不会数数的. 1240mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power-with base length in 20mm Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should be welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, 6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover. 世界上有两种人: 一种相信世界上的人分为两种, 一种不相信. 世界上有两种人: 一种可以被归类于两种人之一, 一种不可以. 1340mm, welding should be solid, welding in the welding parts with preservatives. 6.3.2 electrical power-e welded without special instructions, weld enclosure bottom corners, with base length in 20mm6.3 for the Cabinet fixed the leg bolts should use the original Cabinet. 6.3.1 electrical distribution cabinets should b equipment requirements, facilitate the introduction of cables and ducts. 6.2.9 outdoor cabinets, make appropriate rain cover.
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