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小学英语优秀教师课堂实录小学英语优秀教师课堂实录 主题概述: 《What are you going to do ? 》是北京版小学英语教材第五册的七单元,内容为询问某人打算做什么及回答。本科内容用四课时完成,本节课时第一课时,为新授课。 教师以旧带新,用学过的动词短语导入新的知识,扩大了信息量。层层递进,分散了难点,突出了重点,仍称的过渡自然,为学生的学习搭设了平台。教师鼓励学生积极参与,大胆表达,使学生在轻松、自信的学习过程中获得成功的体验。课堂上体现出教师对学生良好习惯的培养及学习方法的渗透。培养学生的自信心,再擦奴中让学生学...

小学英语优秀教师课堂实录 主 快递公司问题件快递公司问题件货款处理关于圆的周长面积重点题型关于解方程组的题及答案关于南海问题 概述: 《What are you going to do ? 》是北京版小学英语 教材 民兵爆破地雷教材pdf初中剪纸校本课程教材衍纸校本课程教材排球校本教材中国舞蹈家协会第四版四级教材 第五册的七单元,内容为询问某人打算做什么及回答。本科内容用四课时完成,本节课时第一课时,为新授课。 教师以旧带新,用学过的动词短语导入新的知识,扩大了信息量。层层递进,分散了难点,突出了重点,仍称的过渡自然,为学生的学习搭设了平台。教师鼓励学生积极参与,大胆表达,使学生在轻松、自信的学习过程中获得成功的体验。课堂上体现出教师对学生良好习惯的培养及学习方法的渗透。培养学生的自信心,再擦奴中让学生学会合作、学会学习。 精彩课堂实录: Step 1. Warming up (准备) 1. Greeting. T: Good morning , boys and girl. S: Good morning , teacher. T : Let’s sing a song . Which song do you like best ? S: < One two three>. T: OK. Let’s sing together. 2. Do oral practice. 1) T : Now let’s do oral practice. Who will be a small teacher today ? S: I am a small teacher today . I’ll say something my new pencil-box. (Show her pencil-box to the pupils.) 2) T: She did very well . Let’s ask some questions to her. S1: Do you like this pencil-box ? Small teacher : Yes, I like it very much . S2: Who bought is for you ? Small teacher : My mother bought it for me last year. S3: Where did she buy it ? Small teacher : She bought it in Dong An shopping mall. S4 : How much is it ? Small teacher : Maybe it’s thirty yuan . T: Oh, this pencil-box is beautiful. It’ s cheap but nice. You did very well. Small teacher : Thank you , teacher. Step 2. Revision(复习导入) 1. T: Please look at these pictures and try to say . (教师边说边将图片贴在 黑板上) T: Try to say a phrase about the picture. (指导学生看图说动词短语,个人与集体交叉练习) Ss : Play football, watch TV , play the piano , play chess …… 2. T: Now let’s play a game. Please look at these pictures carefully. What is missing ? T: Are you ready ? Ss : All right. (第一组:play football, play basketball, play chess, play cards , play the pian o.) (第二组:play computer game, watch TV, see a film, post a letter, do some shopping .) 3. T: Just now you did very well. Let’s make sentence using these phrases. T: I’m going to … T: He’s/She’s going to … (教师示范后,指导学生分组练习) T: Please do it in you group .(学生四人一组练习造句) T: Who can make a sentence ? S: Let me try. 4. 1) T: Please look at these pictures and answer the question. T: What are you going to do ? (教师以提问的方式导入本课句型的学习,学生可以任意选一幅图或随意说) S: I’m going to play football. T: What is he / she going to do ? (教师指黑板上的图提问) (S-S学生之间的问答) (T-Ss教师与学生之间俄问答) 2) T : Please listen and answer it. T: What are you going to do after school ? (教师将时间状语贴在黑板上,在学生练习的基础上自然引出时间状语从句) S: I’m going to …. 3).教师出示时间状语卡片next Friday, next Saturday, tomorrow T: Please read after me. Ss : Read the phrases.(个人集体相结合,让学生反复记忆。) (教师让学生熟悉人称的变化后,自然地加入时间状语。层层递进,分散难点。在不讲语法的条件下,让学生感悟出现的时间状语是表示将来时的。) Step 3. Do some exercises(做练习) 1. Guessing game. T: Now let’s play a guessing game. (指导学生做猜句子的练习,为后面做信息沟练习作铺垫。教师此时要讲清游戏的要求,并和一组学生示范后再组织学生练习) (一个学生到前面任选一幅图,小声对教师说I’m going to …) T: What is he / she going to do after class ?(向一个学生提问) S1: He’s going to play football. S : No.(被猜的学生答后,学生们接着猜。) (此后让学生来问答。) (在猜句子的练习中,让学生不仅学会回答问题,也要学会提问,为后面的交际练习做些语言上的准备。) 2. Ormation gap. (信息沟练习) 1). T: Please take out your paper. Listen to the rule. S: OK. (做此练习前,教师要讲清操作的方法和注意事项,学生两人为一组) (Student A and student B互相不要看对方的片子) (A上面没有的内容请你用英文来拿B纸的同学,B上面没有的内容问A拿纸的同学,必须用英语问答) ( 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 可以用自己的方式) 2) Teacher and one pupil do it for the class. 3) Do it in pairs. 4) Ask some pupils to do . Step 4 Learn the text(学习课文) 1. T: Look at the picture and ask some questions. What do you want to know ? (教师出示课文主题图,引导学生看图质疑。) 2. 学生听两遍课文录音。 3. T: Please ask and answer some questions. (学生听录音后做问答练习,检查学生听录音后的理解情况。) S1: Who are they ? S2: They’re Betty and Wang Fang. S3: Where are they ? S4: They’re in the school. S5: What is Wang Fang going to do after class ? S6 : What’s the matter ? (学生听录音跟读,读两遍) 4. T: Please read the words.(看单词卡片读,读时注意语音规则的渗透) T: Matter him together. 5. Let’s say something about the picture with your own words. (学生用自己的话复述课文) 6.Please open your books and read it by yourself. (学生认真看书,认读课文,鼓励学生大声朗读) 7.Listen to the tape and read the text. (学生听录音,看书,模仿读课文) 8.Read the text in pairs.(学生分角色朗读) 9. T: Who can read the text ? 10. Ask some pupils to act the text. Step 5 Do some exercises(扩展练习) 1. 学生拿出小记者采访记录表 T: Look at the chart. Ask your friends or other teacher to fill it. T: what is he /she going to do ? What time ? (采访你的朋友或周围的老师,什么时候打算做什么) 2.教师讲清要求,提示学生要注意礼貌。 3.学生开始活动。(比一比看哪位小记者工作又快又好) 4. Do it in pairs.(四人小组交流。让学生有展示自己成果的机会。) 5. Ask some pupils to do it. (3~5人介绍自己的一位朋友) Step 6. Summary(小结) 1. T: Which sentence we learned just now ? (引导学生小结本课的主要句型) T: What are you going to do after school ? T: What is he / she going to do after school ? He/ She is going to … 2. 学生总结应该注意的地方。 3. T: Which word or phrase do you remember ? Step 7 Homework(作业) 1. Listen to the tape and read the text. 2. Make a dialogue with your classmates. 3. Copy the words and phrases. 板书 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 Unit Seven What are you going to do ? Pictures (动词短语)I’m going go … What is he / she going to do ? He / She is going to … 听后感: 本节课的教学成功地利用教参这个载体,努力挖掘教材的潜力,为学生创设真实的语言环境,让学生在情境中穴,活动中练,生活中用;并鼓励学生积极参与,大胆表达,使学生在轻松自信的学习过程中获得成功的体验,培养学生的自信心。校老师的活动锻炼了学生的语言表达能力,让每个学生有平等的表现自己的机会。小记者采访等等活动,让学生在小组活动中相互学习,学会与他人合作。 沈峰课堂教学实录——《Let’s go by taxi》 [ 2010-9-20 19:51:00 | By: 小呆 ] 0 推荐 一、教学分析 本课内容是《牛津小学英语4B Unit 6 Let’s go by taxi》。 本课的教学目标: 1.认知目标: (1)能听懂、会说How do we go there,Shall we go „,Is this bus for „,及其应答。(2)能听懂,会说theatre , taxi 等单词。 2.技能目标: (1)学会表达去某处,以及如何对别人的建议进行回答。 (2)培养学生的观察、记忆、想象能力。 3.情感目标:激发学生的学习兴趣,发展自主学习的能力,渗透责任教育,对世界文化感兴趣。 二、教学策略 语言的实质是交际,交际的环境是生活。课开始,沈峰老师利用借班上课这一情境,通过和孩子们互致问候,为本课教学创设了轻松和谐的学习氛围;接着通过:This is the first time for me to come to Nanjing. After class where shal l I go,适时地引导孩子们充当我的导游,从而引出新课的内容。随后,沈峰老师创设情境,激发孩子们学习的兴趣,引导他们在活动中自主学习,从而加深了对知识的理解和掌握。 三、课堂实录 (一)在轻松的氛围中导入 T: Class begins ! S: Stand up ! T: How are you ? S: Fine , thanks . T: Nice to meet you . S: Nice to meet you , too. T: Who’s the boy with black hair / big eyes ? S: He is … T: Who’s that woman /man ? S: She’s /He’s … T: Let’s sing the song < Who’s that girl ?>together . T: Now you may ask me some questions. S1: What’s your name ? T: My name is Shen Feng. S2: How old are you ? T: A secret . S3: What’s your job ? T: A teacher. S4: Do you like yellow ? T: Yes , I do . ( 通过师生间的集体问候,让学生不由自主地进入了一个英语环境,随后的个别交谈,因为有了有趣的话题,加上老师亲切的体态、语言,使学生放松了紧张的心情,拉近了师生间的距离,为下一步的英语教学创设了轻松和谐的学习氛围。) 二、在真实的情境中呈现 T: This is the first time for me to come to Nanjing. After class where sh all I go ? S: Let’ s go to the hospital . T: Is that a good place ? S: Let’s go to the supermatket / park ? T: How do we go there ? S: Shall we go there by bus /car ? T: (板书) :Let’s go „ . How do we go there ? Shall we go „ by „? ( 明确学习目标,集中学生注意力,让学生定向参与) T: This is my friend .Who’s he ? He’s David .He doesn’t come with me .Because he is very busy .Look , what’s he going to do ? (出示幻灯片) T: Where does David go at 7:00 am./ 11:00 /3:00 … S: He goes to the hospital / station /… T: Read after me , hospital / station / … T: Please see the movie about David . Then answer my questions. (放映课文的动画录像) T: Where will they go ? S: They’ll go to the theatre . T: How do they go ? S: By taxi . T: Now , please read after the tape . T: Please practice in pairs. „ T: I know there are No.2 bus, No.5 bus and No.18 bus in Nanjing . But I don’t know where they go . Let me guess now . T: ( No.2) Is this bus for the hospital ? S: No, it isn’t . T: Now read after me,“Is this bus for „”( 板书) (学生的学习过程同时也应是亲自实践的过程,缺少学生主体参与实践安的学习活动,不利于学生知识技能的提高。沈老师设计的开放性的活动,让学生在活动中学习,使学生加深了对知识的理解。) 三、在趣味活动中运用 T: Do you want to know about the bus in Nanjing? S: Yes. T: Look, these are famous places of Nanjing . Which bus can take us the re. Please connect. No.1 中山陵 No.2 莫愁湖 No.3 夫子庙 No.4 雨花台 S1: ( No.1 bus )Is this bus for Fuzi Temple ? S2: Is No.4 bus for Mochou Park? S3: „(学生们回答踊跃) T:Please open your books, listen to the tape carefully . T: Wonderful ! Now , please read after Miss Shen. T: (出示幻灯) Please according to the situations , make up some dialogu es . 1(你上学要迟到了,只好。。。。。。 2(你的同学突然生病了,你和几位同学送他去医院。 3(你和同学本来约好骑自行车去图书馆,忽然天下雨了。 4(你和奶奶本来准备步行去公园,但奶奶累了,只好。。。。。。 (Situation 1) S1: Taxi ! Taxi ! S2: ( a driver) Morning ! S1: I am late for school. Is the taxi for my school? S2: …… „„ (表演时学生喜欢的课堂活动,他们运用已有的英语知识,发挥自己的创造力和想象力,依据情境编演对话。表演提高了他们学英语的积极性,体现了合作学习的教育理念) T: Next homework . 1. Listen and read after the tape . 2. Discuss the plan for May Day . T: The bell is ringing . It’s time to say goodbye. S: Goodbye. 小学英语教学过程设计谈 沈峰 根据《英语课程 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 》对英语教学的要求,英语教学过程应大致包含以下环节: 1) 准备教学(Warming up,brain storm,recycling„.) ; 2) 呈现新的语言材料(Presentation); 3) 语言练习(Practice) 4) 语言的实际应用(Production) 5) 小结(Summary) 教学环节的作用与设计 1) 准备教学(Warming up): 作用:?安定学生情绪,激发学习热情; ?复习与本节课学习内容有关的旧知识,为学习新内容做准备。 2) 呈现新的语言材料(Presentation): 新语言材料的引入是指在要求学生运用所学的新语言之前,呈现给学生的新的语言材料,让学生获得第一次感知(输入),使学生在学习的第一时间知道所学语言音、形和义。 呈现的方式应注意以下几点: ?采用整体呈现的方式。 ?根据语言材料创设一个较符合学生生活实际的情境,激活学生;同时提出问题,引发学生主动探究,激发他们参与学习活动。在教学设计时,这一项是比较难的。 ?进行最初步的语言操练。 3) 语言练习(Practice): 新语言材料的练习可以分为两个阶段:一是机械性练习,二是有意义的练习。 机械性练习:这阶段的练习是语言技能的训练,训练目的是纠正发音和语调,熟悉句型结构,使学生通过练习,能准确地模仿和重复说出新学的语言。这一阶段训练要注意的是如何使训练能够吸引学生积极、主动参与。教师在设计这一阶段教学活动时要使语言有意义。这一阶段教师控制较多。 意义的练习:这阶段的练习是介于机械性练习(控制性)和交际性练习(非控制性)练习之间,起着承上启下的作用。这个阶段的语言活动是从注意语言的形式转向注意语言内容和意义,使学生的认知从知识的外部特征转向知识内在联系。在这一阶段训练要注意的是教师逐渐减少控制,要有生生互动。 4) 语言的实际应用(Production): 这是一个语言输出的阶段,展示成果的阶段,在这个阶段,学生要用他们所学的知识和技能来完成一个任务。这个阶段的语言活动通常可以在小组或结队练习中完成。这一阶段的练习应该有以下特点: ?贴近生活的语言使用环境; ?交谈的双有信息差; ?解决实际问题; ?发挥学生的自主性和创造性; ?学生可以表达自己的真实情感。 5) 小结(Summary) 小结是课堂活动不可缺少的一个环节,小结的方式很多,在小结的时候教师要注意小结方式不要太生硬,最好是留有悬念,在布置作业的时候,要注意把课体内的学习延伸到课外。 注意:活动间的逻辑关系,过渡衔接。 沈峰老师讲座:追求效益的课堂教学追求什么, 一、关注:教师关注学生的情况 ?师生之间真实的情感交流和真正的沟通 有的老师认为,课堂就是要活跃,于是就会充分的展示和表现自己。那么你的展示和表现让学生高兴了吗,关注学生情况是要让学生关心英语本身的东西,如也许他觉得老师的语音、语调好等。在公开课过程中,一般学生容易紧张,如果在课的开始询问“Are you happy?”这样的问题就显得唐突。沈老师的做法:尽量不唱歌,不做张扬的运动,做个慢热型的人,让学生和自己对话,努力让对话有内容,像乒乓球样有个来回,做到真正的沟通。 ?安全感的教学氛围与成就感 安全感来自教师的体态语、口语,来自老师对待学生的态度。对于学生的错误,不嘲笑,不重复,努力帮助学生补救。 成就感来自于语言本身。培养学生运用语言的能力,在语言的运用中获得满足感。沈老师的做法:精神鼓励,让你觉得这样的表扬对于你特别的珍贵。基于课本的内容应该掌握,而需要动一动脑回答正确的,全班掌声鼓励。 ?重视学生情感培养,方法引导,习惯养成 沈老师做法: 1、阅读生词不教,让学生根据上下文来猜,猜不出才教。 2、长文章,若听,那么教会学生做信息记录。 3、对于复述课文,组织学生找key words,然后进行复述。 二、关注:学生的学习过程 ?问题: 1、学生在课堂上学到了什么, 2、怎么学的, 3、还可以学得更好吗, 沈老师做了个调查,在6A书上任意抽一篇未学过的文章让学生去读,他们真的一点都不会吗,第一遍读,遇到不会的随便他,跳过也好,乱读也罢。第二遍读,让他想一想,根据已有的知识储备试读,你发现很多词他们能自己读出来。再问一问一些词的意思,他们也并不是全然不会。这个调查告诉我们,对于课文教学(所只第一课时)我们并不是要将学生完全当成一张白纸在教,也许他们远比你想象的要懂得多。教师在教学时更应该关注学生的学习过程,要能根据学生的实际情况做环节的调整。 三、关注:活动的设计 ?与学习过程相关联 目的:通过活动让学生习得语言 ?体现学生的认知特点 ?活动关注:多样性、层次性、趣味性 在活动过程中我们关注得最多的是多样性和趣味性,忽略得最多的是层次性。那么我们的层次性体现在:由易到难。词?句?段?篇;听说?模仿?套用?活用。 四、关注:课堂的实效 ?是否解决了问题, ?学生在语言上是否有收获, ?是否体现了以下过程: 基于教材?超越教材?面向真世界 始于课堂?走出课堂?融入社会 牛津小学英语3A-6B全册句型荟萃 [ 2010-9-28 9:09:00 | By: 小呆 ] 1 推荐 1 What’s in /near/on/under/behind/beside „? There is a„/ There are some„ . 2 What can you do? I can„ What can he/she/** do? He/She can„ 3 What are you doing? I am „ What is he doing,He is„ What is she doing,She is„ What is ** doing,** is„ What are you doing,We are„ What are they doing,They are„ What are **and*** doing,They are„ 4 What do you have? I have„ What do you have? We have„ What do they have? They have„ What do **and *** have? They have„ What does he have? He has„ What does she have? She has„ What does ** have? ** has„ like 同上 5 What shape is the„? It’s „ 6 What day is it today? It’s„ 7 What lessons do you have in the morning? We have„ What lessons does he have in the morning? He has„ 8 What subject do you like best? I like„ What subject does she like best? She likes„ 9 What’s „plus„? It’s„ What’s„minus„? It’s„ 10 What’s wrong with you? I’ve got a„ 11 What does „ usually do„? He/She usually„ 12 What time is it? It’s„ It’s time for„ 13 What time do you „? I „at„ 14 What’s the score? It’s„ 15 What does this sign mean? It means you shouldn’t„ 16 What would you like as a birthday present? I’d like„ 17What did you do on „? I „ What else did you do? I„ 18What songs did you sing? We sang„ 19What do people usually do at„? They„人们通常在„„节做什么,他们通常„„ 20What’s the matter? I’m tired/hot/thirsty.你有什么事情,我累了/热了/渴了。 I’m not doing well in„我在„„方面做得不好。 21What’s the weather like there in„? It’s„ 在这儿的„„天气怎么样,这儿„„ 22What about „?„„怎么样, 23What are we going to do„? We’re going to „ 我们在„„(时间)将去做什么, 24What for? I want to„干什么用,我想„„ 25What’s his/her telephone/fax number? It’s„ 他/她的电话/传真号码是多少,是„ 26What’s his/her e-mail address?他/她的电子邮箱地址是„„ 27What school does he/she go to? He/She goes to„他/她去什么学校上学,他/她去 28What’s his/her favourite subject/sport/food?他/她最喜欢的科目/体育/食物是什么, 29What’s his/her favourite season?Why? Because„他/她最喜欢的季节是什么,为什么,因为„„ 30What are his/her hobbies?他/她的爱好是什么, 31What’s his/her penfriend’s name?他/她的笔友的名字是什么, 32What time do you usually„? I „ at„ 你通常在什么时间做(事情),我在„„ What time did you„? I „ at„你(过去)什么时间做(事情),我在„„ 33What’s your/his/her job? 你的/他的/她的工作是什么, I’m/He’s/She’s a„ 我/他/她是一名„„ What’re their jobs? They’re „他们的工作是什么,他们是„„ 34What’s this/that(in English)? It’s„这个/那个是什么(用英语怎么说),它是„„ What’re these/those? They’re„ 这些/哪些是什么,它们是„„ 35Whose„is it/are they? It’s/They’re mine/his/hers/ours.某物是谁的,它是/它们是我的/他的/她的/我们的。 Whose „is it/ are they? It’s/They’re**’s.某物是谁的,它是/它们是某某人的。 36Whose„is„,yours or mine? „is, I think. 谁的某物比较(形比),你的还是我的,我想是„„ Whose„ is„, **’s or ***’s? **’s is, I think. 谁的某物是比较(形比),某人的还是某人的,我想是„„ 37Who’s „than **? ***is.谁比某人(形比),某某人。 38Who’s„, „or„? **is„.谁(形比),某人还是某某人, 39Who runs/jumps/swims„, **or ***?谁跑得/跳得/游得(形比),**还是***, 40Who do you want to write to?你想写给谁, 41Which season do you like best? I like„你最喜欢那个季节,我最喜欢„„ 42Which one? The one in/with the„哪一个,那个(特征)。 43Where is „? He/She/It is in/on/under/behind/beside„某某人在哪儿,他/她在(地点)。 44Where are you from? I’m from„你从哪儿来,我从(城市)。 45Where’s your„? It’s next to/in front of/on/in/between/under the„ 你的某物在哪儿,它在(地点)。 Where are your„? They’re„你的某物(复数)在哪儿,它们在„„ 46When’s your birthday? My birthday’s on the„of„ 你的生日是什么时候,我的生日是在(月日)。 When was it? It was on the„of„它在什么时候,在(时间) 47When can we watch it?我们什么时候可以观看, 48When’s„? It’s in„它在什么时候,它在(月)。 49How do you feel now? I feel„ I can get a/some„ for you. 你现在感觉怎么样,我感觉(形容词)。我可以给你带过去一/一些(某物)给你。 50How do/did you /they/**and***spend one’s weekends? I/We/They often„ 你/你们/他们/**和***怎么样度过周末,我/我们/他们经常/过去(做某事)„„ How does he/she/** spend his/her weekends? He/She often„ 他/她/**怎样度过他/她们的周末,他/她„„ 51How do you go to (the)„? I go to (the)„by/on„ 你怎样去(地点),我乘(交通工具)去。 52How about you?你呢, 53How are you? I’m„你怎么样,我(形容词)。 How is he/she/**?He/She is„ 他/她怎么样,他/她„„ 54How many kilos? „kilo(s),please.多少斤,(基数词)斤。 55How many „are there? There are„/There is„ 这儿有多少(某物),这儿有(数量)。 56How many„can you see? I can see„你能看见多少(某物),我能看见(数量)。 57How many „ lessons do you have (in a week)?你(一个星期)有多少节课, 58How much is it/are they? It’s /They’re„yuan.它/它们多少钱,它/它们(元)。 59How old are you/is he /is she/is**? I’m/He’s/She’s„你/他/她多大了, 60How far is it from here? It’s about a kilometer away.从这儿到那儿有多远,有大约1公里远。 创设情景,“玩中学,用中学” 著名特级教师 鲍当洪 《 Where are you from》精彩课堂实录(1) [主题概述] 《Where are you from》选自《新交际英语》第五册第三单元,内容为 询问某人是何地人或是哪国人的日常交际用语,通过对话学习,使学生 更加明确“Where are you from?” “Where is he from?” “Where is she from?” “Where do you come from?” “Where does he/ she come from?” “Where do they come from?” 这些功能句型在实际生活中的应用。 为了让课堂更加充实,鲍老师增加了“May I know your name? ” What country do you like? Why?” 这些句型。在课堂教学中,采用不同的方法和手段,不断地激发学生的学习兴趣,使学生能够真正地做到自主 的学习,并且在组内能与同学很好地合作,互相帮助,从而也培养了他 们与人交往的能力。其中有两点非常值得我们借鉴: 一、自主性学习在本节英语课中的体现 英语语言教学大师Michael West 曾提出: “外语是学会的,不是教会 的”. 本节课充分地体现了学生们的自主学习。课上,鲍老师在教会几 个外国国家名称后,设计了“What country do you like? Why?” 这小组练习,让同学们在小组里自主表达,自主学习,发展学生综合运用 语言的能力。体验、实践、参与、合作与交流的学习方式使语言学习的 过程成为学生形成积极的情感态度,主动思维和大胆实践,提高跨文化 意识和形成自主学习能力的过程,使自主学习和交流真正成为这节英语 课的灵魂。 二、任务型教学在本课中的应用。 鲍老师尝试着把任务型的教学理念融入到自己的课堂中。在英语教学中,大信息量的输入能够使学生们自始至终地对英语课保持新鲜感。在学完新课的拓展练习里,教师力求既有新意,又能和复习地知识联系上,设计了“交新朋友”这信息沟活动,给学生设计了不同的12个身份,创造了给学生交流的一个机会,学生通过运用“May I know your name? ” “ What’s your job? ” “How old are you” “Where d you come from” “What country do you like?” 这些句型,他们主 动去问,在真实的场景中,在轻松的环境中不受任何约束地体会语言、理解并大胆地运用语言达到脱口而出的效果,既活跃了课堂,也增加了学生学习语言的兴趣。 鲍老师追求语言、语调自然,态度亲切、大方,风格友善幽默,能利用当时的情景所说英语,灵活地驾御了课堂,同时丰富了学生的知识面,达到了拓展而又不脱节与教材。鲍老师非常注重学生的亲身实践和真实体验,激发学生的积极性,培养学生运用知识的能力,使每名学生都得到充分发展。 [精彩课堂实录] Step 1. Warming up. T: Hello, children. Ss: Hello, Johnson. T: Wang Yuteng. How are you today? S1: I’m not very well. (The boy looked ill.) T: I’m sorry to hear that. Take care of yourself. S1: Thank you, sir. T: What are you going , Wu Haining? S2: I’m havving an English class. T: Well done. You’re having an English class. You’re listening to me. Is Lu Haikong listening to me, Bao Qiwen? S. Yes, she is. T:Good boy! You’re all good at English. You can go to the other countries. Today we’re going to talk about countries. China is a country. Understand? (Ss: Yes.) T: Say after me. “Country.” (Ss: Country.) T: Great. We know there are many countries in the world. So we will talk about some countries this class. Look. How to spell “countries.” We put “y” into “I” from “country” first, then add ‘es” after “I”, understand? (Ss: Yes.) T: Wonderful. Step 2. Presentaion and practice (1) 1. Teach the new patterns: May I know your name? T: Yes. We know countries. Excuse me, Wang Hao. What’s your mother’s name? B(紧张): My mother’s name is „.Sorry, I don’t know. T: It doesn’t matter. Do you know my name? S: Yes. Your name is Bao Danghong. T: You know my name. Thank you. But you should remember your mother’s name. I know you love your mother. Tell me your mother’s name next time. Be a good boy. See? S: Thank you, Johnson. [评:学生太紧张,一时不能回答老师的问题,老师用语言给予鼓励, 给他加油。因此,在英语课堂教学中,坚持对学生进行诱导、疏导和指 导,对于尊重和确立学生的主题地位、使学生主动发展、实行“两主” 课堂教学、提高语言能力是十分重要的。] T: You’re welcome. Excuse me. Ye Jiachen, may I know your mother’s name? (S:Mm„? ) T: May I know your mother’s name? It’s means “What’s your mother’s name? S: Oh, I see. Her name is Chen Yuhua. T: May I know your grandma’s name? Chen Qi? S: My grandma’s name is Tan Lanlan. T: Good. Look at the blackboard. Read after me. May I have your name? My name is Jack. Ss: May I know your name? My name is Jack. (老师马上板书这新句 型,然后带读. ) [评:课堂教学是学生学习英语的主阵地。每堂课,作为老师都力争通 过各种途径为课堂上添加点色彩。鲍老师新增加了“May I know your name?” 的句型,从学生实际出发,鼓励学生根据句型,丰富、补充了 教学内容。] 2( Group work. T: You did a good job. Do you want to know your classmates well? You can ask them their father’s, their mother’s their uncle’s name „ Now please use “May I have your „’s name? Or What’s your’s „name? “ to practice in group. Now begin. (2分钟时间操练) T: Well, now I want some of you to show us your dialogue. Who wants to have a try? [评:在小组练习的基础上,每组叫一位同学起来进行对话,检查新句 型的情况,这练习加深学生间的了解,加深了友谊。] S1: May I know your father’s name. Zhang Jiahong? S2: His name is zhang Hua. May I have your mother’s name, Liu Jiaqi? S3: Her name is Chen Lin. What’s your aunt’s name, Lu Mingting? „ Step 3: Presentation and practice (2) Teach the new sentence patterns: Where are you from? Where do you come from, T: May I know your father’s name, Wu Yuyun? S: My father’s name is Wu Guoliang. T: Great! Wu Yuyun’s father is Wu Guoliang. Her father is from Zhejiang. So Wu Yuyun is from Zhejiang. I am from Zhuhai. Understand? (Ss: Yes!) T: Wonderful! Who can answer my question? Where are you from? S1: I’m from Hunan. S2: I'm from Qingdao. T: Do you like Qingdao beer? (S2: No, I don’t.) T: Right. Don’t drink too much beer. OK. Where are you from, Chen Mijia, S3: I’m from Hebei. T: Chen Mijia is from Hebei. She likes noodles very much. Where are you from, Wei Jing, S4: I’m from Zhongshan. T: Wow! Wei Jing is from zhongshan. Zhongshan is famous for Mr Sun Zhongshan. Now, look at the blackboard and read after me. Where are you from? I’m from Zhongshan. Where are you from? I’m from Hunan. (生跟读,师板书“Where are you from? I’m from Zhongshan.”) [评:通过班上学生的实际情况引进新句型,老师根据同学的老家的地 方,用简单的英语介绍那些地方的一些情况,使学生倍感亲切、自然、 兴趣浓,更容易接受,效果好。] T: Good! Where are you from, Zhuang Qihua? (S:I’m from Maoming.) T: Listen. If you want o know somebody where he is from, we can say “where do you come from?” The answer is: “I’m from „” or “I come from„”. [评:在教师的引导下,课堂上师生围绕“Where do you come from?” 这一问题愉悦地交流着。此时,教师将“Where do you come from? I come from Hunan.”句型板书在黑板上,也就是本课重点句型,不知不觉中, 学生已经完全能熟练掌握并运用。] T: Please read after me. Where do you come from? I come from Hunan. (生跟读) T:OK。 Where do you come from, Li Jiahe? (S: I come from Gansu.) T: Excuse me, Zhu Binghui, where do you come from? (S: I’m from Yunnan.) [评:通过刚学会的新句型,拓展同样表达的另一句型,增加学生的知 识量。] 2(Game. Where is he from? Where does she come from? T: That’s OK. We come from different cities. We come from different places. Can you speak your local languages? Now I want four of you to come to the front. (分两次,每次请4位同学出来,每人讲一句家乡话,让其他同学猜说 话的同学来自哪里。) S1: „ Where am I from? (She spoke the local language of Hunan. Then she asked her classmates.) S2: You’re from Hubei. (S1: Sorry. Where am I come from?) S3: You’re from Sichuan. (S1: No, I’m not from Sichuan.) T: All right. Where are you from, Yuan Xuan? (S1: I’m from Hunan.) T: Haha. But don’t eat too much hot pepper. It’s hot. It’s not good to eat hot food in Guangdong. [评:教师放映敏捷,马上提醒学生注意饮食,体现教师对学生的关爱。] S4: „Where am I from? (He spoke the local language of Shandong.) T: Great. Ou Yanghuaqing is from Hubei. So he’s clever. Do you know why? Because some one says, if a person comes from Hubei, he has 9 heads. See? [评: 让学生说家乡话,让其他同学猜,既活跃了课堂气氛,又巩固了 刚学的新句型,老师还引用了民间的说法,起到一定的愉悦效果。]
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