首页 “安康杯”“十个一”活动实施方案[1]



“安康杯”“十个一”活动实施方案[1]“安康杯”“十个一”活动实施方案[1] 渠县卷硐乡煤矿 开展“安康杯”十个一活动实施方案 矿属各部门、区队、班组: 根据县总工会、县安监局渠工发,2013,3号《关于开展2013年度全县“安康杯”竞赛活动的通知》精神,为认真围绕我矿全年安全生产工作安排,强化员工安全教育,进一步完善各项安全生产规章制度,实施安全管理战略。强力推进安全教育活动,提高员工安全意识。结合我矿实际,制定“安康杯”竞赛十个一活动实施方案. 一、 指导思想 紧扣“弘扬企业安全文化,加强班组安全管理”的主题,全力实施安全管理、重在落实,...

“安康杯”“十个一”活动实施方案[1] 渠县卷硐乡煤矿 开展“安康杯”十个一活动实施方案 矿属各部门、区队、班组: 根据县总工会、县安监局渠工发,2013,3号《关于开展2013年度全县“安康杯”竞赛活动的通知》精神,为认真围绕我矿全年安全生产工作安排,强化员工安全教育,进一步完善各项安全生产规章制度,实施安全管理战略。强力推进安全教育活动,提高员工安全意识。结合我矿实际,制定“安康杯”竞赛十个一活动实施方案. 一、 指导思想 紧扣“弘扬企业安 全文 企业安全文化建设方案企业安全文化建设导则安全文明施工及保证措施创建安全文明校园实施方案创建安全文明工地监理工作情况 化,加强班组安全管理”的主题,全力实施安全管理、重在落实,强化现场,狠反“三违”,进一步树立安全为天的思想,强化员工安全教育,安全学习、安全培训,全面提升员工的安全意识、风险意识、竞争意识,共创安全生产良好局面。 二、 活动目标 拓展“安康杯”竞赛十个一活动项目,培育员工对安全知识的自学、互学、运用能力,切实提高员工的安全意识和现场安全风险预控能力,全面提升安全生产管理水平。 三、 活动领导小组 为保证“安康杯”竞赛十个一活动顺利进行,我矿成立“安康杯”竞赛活动领导小组。 组 长,邓良平 副组长,刘 彬、徐世文 and actual case whether match; by is located land right nature; property status, whether has damage or quality problem; property using situation, rental or use; reference around similar property price, judge assessment value of rationality; whether exists property disputes, and seized, and freeze, and mortgage, and demolition, and transformation, limit situation. 2. to land right mortgage of, survey people should verified following information: land right card by contains Ming information (right people, and location, and nature, and term, and area,) and actual case whether match; land nature; land flat situation; ground buildings situation; reference around similar land price, judge assessment value of rationality; mortgage real whether has other mortgage right or notice registration established prior; whether exists property disputes, and seized, and freeze, and mortgage, limit situation. 3. other chattels, ownership, the value of the mortgage should be implemented, and whether factors such as easy handling. (C) pledge of collateral investigation procedures, investigators should enforce collateral value, convenience custody and disposition, pledge rights effective identification, registration, etc. (D) guarantee investigation to ensure that the procedures, the investigation shall, in accordance with the borrower's standards to investigate the guarantor evaluation assurance. 15th information audit survey people deal with borrowers and qualification provided by the guarantor, financial status, proof of identity, the authenticity of the data carefully reviewed, verified, rationality and effectiveness. Include: (a) the borrower data auditing 1. corporate clients should focus on assessing various types of licenses, certificates, financial reporting, powers of Attorney and other text and a real plea related information. 2. small business class customers also should focus on the review of the borrower to provide evidence of business, financial position and actual control of credit, property, and more 成 员: 杨世国、廖亿贵、唐小兵、苏邑希、张学树、陈光明、秦波 郑真友、廖中友 四、 活动内容及“十个一”活动工作 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 。 ,一,、“读一本安全生产知识书” 工作计划 幼儿园家访工作计划关于小学学校工作计划班级工作计划中职财务部门工作计划下载关于学校后勤工作计划 根据我矿员工状况和生产实际制定 学习计划 暑假学习计划表英语学习计划表教师国语学习计划中学生学习计划安排表新员工学习计划表 和读书计划。 1、学习书目 按照学习与生产相结合的原则,根据不同阶段的生产任务,组织全矿员工进行学习,学习主要书目有, ,1, 矿井质量标准化及考核评级办法实施细则 ,2, 卷硐乡煤矿2013年矿井灾害应急预案 ,3, 煤矿工人安全生产培训读本 ,4, 煤矿井下防爆电器设备检查标准细则 ,5, 新版煤矿安全规程 ,6, 手指口述操作法,危险源辨识 ,7, 煤矿工人安全知识50条 ,8, 煤矿安全生产法律法规 ,9, 各岗位工种安全生产责任制 ,10, 卷硐乡煤矿《安全考核奖惩办法》 ,11, 煤矿职工安全手册 对以上书目将根据生产实际,作为班前会学习的安全教育与培训内容。 2、学习方式和要求 and actual case whether match; by is located land right nature; property status, whether has damage or quality problem; property using situation, rental or use; reference around similar property price, judge assessment value of rationality; whether exists property disputes, and seized, and freeze, and mortgage, and demolition, and transformation, limit situation. 2. to land right mortgage of, survey people should verified following information: land right card by contains Ming information (right people, and location, and nature, and term, and area,) and actual case whether match; land nature; land flat situation; ground buildings situation; reference around similar land price, judge assessment value of rationality; mortgage real whether has other mortgage right or notice registration established prior; whether exists property disputes, and seized, and freeze, and mortgage, limit situation. 3. other chattels, ownership, the value of the mortgage should be implemented, and whether factors such as easy handling. (C) pledge of collateral investigation procedures, investigators should enforce collateral value, convenience custody and disposition, pledge rights effective identification, registration, etc. (D) guarantee investigation to ensure that the procedures, the investigation shall, in accordance with the borrower's standards to investigate the guarantor evaluation assurance. 15th information audit survey people deal with borrowers and qualification provided by the guarantor, financial status, proof of identity, the authenticity of the data carefully reviewed, verified, rationality and effectiveness. Include: (a) the borrower data auditing 1. corporate clients should focus on assessing various types of licenses, certificates, financial reporting, powers of Attorney and other text and a real plea related information. 2. small business class customers also should focus on the review of the borrower to provide evidence of business, financial position and actual control of credit, property, and more 以班前会学习和员工自学的方式进行,统一给员工发放学习 笔记 哲学笔记pdf明清笔记pdf政法笔记下载课堂笔记下载生物化学笔记PDF 本,员工必须认真做好笔记,企业将不定期进行抽查,对认真学习做笔记的员工给予50元奖励。否则,视其情节进行处罚,具体视分值情况给予一定奖罚,。 3、组织形式 根据各班组的员工状况,成立早、中、夜三个读书小组 各读书小组组长负责组织本班员工的学习,根据各区队、班组的总体安排,利用班前会有计划、有目的、有针对性地进行学习并督促检查学习,记录情况,对在学习中出现的问题及时上报并加以解决,通过学习,培养员工读书、学习、笔记、总结的习惯和兴趣,增强员工安全意识,提高员工的专业技能水平。 4、 学习时间 根据我矿员工培训计划安排,每月安排员工系统全面地有针对性地学习。同时,做好每天的安全教育学习笔记,每日一题的提问记录,每周一评的学习记录。 ,二,、“提一条安全生产建议”工作计划 安全生产建议是一项对安全生产起到积极地推动作用活动,每位员工在各自的岗位上,对每班工作的工序、生产环境最有发言权,对在工作中、生产管理中发现的优点及缺陷是深有体会的。 为了广泛开展为安全生产提合理化建议,使每个员工牢固树立安全理念,积极参与安全生产管理,为安全生产献计献策,制定以下工作计划。 and actual case whether match; by is located land right nature; property status, whether has damage or quality problem; property using situation, rental or use; reference around similar property price, judge assessment value of rationality; whether exists property disputes, and seized, and freeze, and mortgage, and demolition, and transformation, limit situation. 2. to land right mortgage of, survey people should verified following information: land right card by contains Ming information (right people, and location, and nature, and term, and area,) and actual case whether match; land nature; land flat situation; ground buildings situation; reference around similar land price, judge assessment value of rationality; mortgage real whether has other mortgage right or notice registration established prior; whether exists property disputes, and seized, and freeze, and mortgage, limit situation. 3. other chattels, ownership, the value of the mortgage should be implemented, and whether factors such as easy handling. (C) pledge of collateral investigation procedures, investigators should enforce collateral value, convenience custody and disposition, pledge rights effective identification, registration, etc. (D) guarantee investigation to ensure that the procedures, the investigation shall, in accordance with the borrower's standards to investigate the guarantor evaluation assurance. 15th information audit survey people deal with borrowers and qualification provided by the guarantor, financial status, proof of identity, the authenticity of the data carefully reviewed, verified, rationality and effectiveness. Include: (a) the borrower data auditing 1. corporate clients should focus on assessing various types of licenses, certificates, financial reporting, powers of Attorney and other text and a real plea related information. 2. small business class customers also should focus on the review of the borrower to provide evidence of business, financial position and actual control of credit, property, and more 1、 安全生产建议内容,安全、生产、经营、班组建设、材料消耗经济技术创新等方面。 2、根据我矿的扩建工程实际及各工种岗位,对员工提出的安全生产建议及时登记,经过论证,对可采纳,有使用价值的及时推广和应用。 3、建立安全生产建议奖励机制,对提出的安全生产建议的员工给予奖励。通过活动,全面提高员工的主人翁意识和参与安全生产经营的能力。 ,三,、“查一起事故隐患或违章行为”工作计划 安全是煤矿的头等大事,员工个人的不安全因素及不规范操作给安全生产带来的极大危害。为使员工按章操作,查隐患,堵漏洞,提高安全生产意识,结合本矿生产实际制定工作计划。 1、 加强对员工安全教育及培训,牢固树立“安全第一、预防为主”的安全理念,通过班前会、黑板报、大力宣传违章操作就是自杀,违章指挥就是杀人的意识。 2、 针对各班组的生产作业场所,通过班前会,危险源辨识,使员工在下井前做到危险预知。 3、 加强现场管理,落实责任,严格执行各工种、各岗位责任制,及现场正规操作法。 4、 认真对待员工查到的安全隐患,并及时落实整改,作好记录。 5、 对及时制止“三违”处理安全隐患的员工,给予一定的分值奖 励。通过查隐患、堵漏洞制止违章活动,在员工中形成人人抓“安全”,个个反“三违”的安全生产的良好氛围。 and actual case whether match; by is located land right nature; property status, whether has damage or quality problem; property using situation, rental or use; reference around similar property price, judge assessment value of rationality; whether exists property disputes, and seized, and freeze, and mortgage, and demolition, and transformation, limit situation. 2. to land right mortgage of, survey people should verified following information: land right card by contains Ming information (right people, and location, and nature, and term, and area,) and actual case whether match; land nature; land flat situation; ground buildings situation; reference around similar land price, judge assessment value of rationality; mortgage real whether has other mortgage right or notice registration established prior; whether exists property disputes, and seized, and freeze, and mortgage, limit situation. 3. other chattels, ownership, the value of the mortgage should be implemented, and whether factors such as easy handling. (C) pledge of collateral investigation procedures, investigators should enforce collateral value, convenience custody and disposition, pledge rights effective identification, registration, etc. (D) guarantee investigation to ensure that the procedures, the investigation shall, in accordance with the borrower's standards to investigate the guarantor evaluation assurance. 15th information audit survey people deal with borrowers and qualification provided by the guarantor, financial status, proof of identity, the authenticity of the data carefully reviewed, verified, rationality and effectiveness. Include: (a) the borrower data auditing 1. corporate clients should focus on assessing various types of licenses, certificates, financial reporting, powers of Attorney and other text and a real plea related information. 2. small business class customers also should focus on the review of the borrower to provide evidence of business, financial position and actual control of credit, property, and more ,四,、“写一条安全生产体会”工作计划 为了提高广大员工的安全生产意识,通过员工个人或身边发生的事故及亲身经历,深刻体会安全生产给企业发展增添活力,给个人收入、家庭幸福带来的欢乐,剖析事故原因,体会事故给企业带来的损失和危害,给自己带来的痛苦和家庭幸福造成的影响,结合我矿的生产实际,制定工作计划。 1、 以典型事例为主,强化教育、使员工从思想深处认识到安全生产的重要性,从而激发员工安全生产的积极性。 2、 结合我矿近年来发生的几起事故,通过事故人的亲身经历和发生事故后,给企业、个人收入、家庭幸福带来的损失和痛苦,通过实实在在的事故案例,使员工受到教育。 3、 事故人针对自身的违章行为及产生后果写出体会,剖析事故原 因,杜绝其他员工在工作中的违章行为。 4、 组织员工讨论,深刻反思,查找事故根源,寻求解决问题的思路和方法。 通过活动,使全体员工从思想深处意识到安全生产的重要性,达到“要我安全”向“我要安全”的飞跃。 ,五,、“做一件预防工作的实事”工作计划 针对我队的生产实际,制定工作计划。 1、 强化现场管理,严格执行各岗位生产责任制。 2、 强化班前会教育,做到危险预知,安全确认,规范各工种岗位标准,上标准岗,干标准活,消除不安全隐患。 and actual case whether match; by is located land right nature; property status, whether has damage or quality problem; property using situation, rental or use; reference around similar property price, judge assessment value of rationality; whether exists property disputes, and seized, and freeze, and mortgage, and demolition, and transformation, limit situation. 2. to land right mortgage of, survey people should verified following information: land right card by contains Ming information (right people, and location, and nature, and term, and area,) and actual case whether match; land nature; land flat situation; ground buildings situation; reference around similar land price, judge assessment value of rationality; mortgage real whether has other mortgage right or notice registration established prior; whether exists property disputes, and seized, and freeze, and mortgage, limit situation. 3. other chattels, ownership, the value of the mortgage should be implemented, and whether factors such as easy handling. (C) pledge of collateral investigation procedures, investigators should enforce collateral value, convenience custody and disposition, pledge rights effective identification, registration, etc. (D) guarantee investigation to ensure that the procedures, the investigation shall, in accordance with the borrower's standards to investigate the guarantor evaluation assurance. 15th information audit survey people deal with borrowers and qualification provided by the guarantor, financial status, proof of identity, the authenticity of the data carefully reviewed, verified, rationality and effectiveness. Include: (a) the borrower data auditing 1. corporate clients should focus on assessing various types of licenses, certificates, financial reporting, powers of Attorney and other text and a real plea related information. 2. small business class customers also should focus on the review of the borrower to provide evidence of business, financial position and actual control of credit, property, and more 3、 认真学习煤矿三大规程,按章操作。 4、 对施工现场的环境全面细致的检查,查找事故隐患,寻找生产中存在的漏洞,发现问题及时解决与处理,做好交接班,把不安全因素消灭在萌芽状态中。 (六)、“看一场安全生产录像或电影”工作计划 根据矿工会、组宣科的安排和阶段性生产实际,及时安排全队员工观看安全生产录像或电影,制定工作计划。 1、 组织员工观看手指口述操作法录像,并结合各工种岗位,规范收支口述操作法标准,做到安全确认。 2、 利用班前会组织员工观看矿下发的事故案例光盘,并结合生产实际进行讨论。 3、 结合典型事故案例进行分析,吸取事故教训,从中学会避免事故,消除事故的方法,进一步提高员工的安全意识和危险源辨识能力,从而达到及时发现、及时处理、及时预防,确保安全生产。 4、 “接受一次安全生产知识培训”工作计划 结合矿培训工作的具体安排及我矿阶段性的工作任务,对员工进行安全生产知识培训,工作计划如下, 1. 利用班前会对各项安全生产法律法规进行学系统地组织教育培训。 2. 有技术员进行讲解,做好每天的安全教育培训记录,每日一题、每周一评,提问考核有专项纪录,按照矿培训科的安排组织好员工的每月一考。 and actual case whether match; by is located land right nature; property status, whether has damage or quality problem; property using situation, rental or use; reference around similar property price, judge assessment value of rationality; whether exists property disputes, and seized, and freeze, and mortgage, and demolition, and transformation, limit situation. 2. to land right mortgage of, survey people should verified following information: land right card by contains Ming information (right people, and location, and nature, and term, and area,) and actual case whether match; land nature; land flat situation; ground buildings situation; reference around similar land price, judge assessment value of rationality; mortgage real whether has other mortgage right or notice registration established prior; whether exists property disputes, and seized, and freeze, and mortgage, limit situation. 3. other chattels, ownership, the value of the mortgage should be implemented, and whether factors such as easy handling. (C) pledge of collateral investigation procedures, investigators should enforce collateral value, convenience custody and disposition, pledge rights effective identification, registration, etc. (D) guarantee investigation to ensure that the procedures, the investigation shall, in accordance with the borrower's standards to investigate the guarantor evaluation assurance. 15th information audit survey people deal with borrowers and qualification provided by the guarantor, financial status, proof of identity, the authenticity of the data carefully reviewed, verified, rationality and effectiveness. Include: (a) the borrower data auditing 1. corporate clients should focus on assessing various types of licenses, certificates, financial reporting, powers of Attorney and other text and a real plea related information. 2. small business class customers also should focus on the review of the borrower to provide evidence of business, financial position and actual control of credit, property, and more 3. 根据本矿阶段性工作,有针对性的组织员工学习有关安全方面的知识,做到教育培训与生产实际相结合,通过安全生产知识培训是员工在学习中受到教育,在工作中不断提高安全生产技能。 (八)、“忆一次安全事故教训”工作计划 结合我矿近年来发生的几起工伤事故,通过事故的教训,为了提高员工的安全生产意识和防范能力,制定工作计划。 1、“3.9”提升事故 2、“3.15”片邦事故 通过以上两起事故,组织员工从事故起因进行分析,深入剖析事故与责任人的因果关系,接受事故教训,提高“三不”伤害意识,达到教育员工提高防范意识,避免事故的目的。 (九)、“当一天安全检查员”工作计划 安全是煤矿生产的头等大事,根据各班的生产实际及施工地点情况,员工的不安全操作行为,大力推行手指口述操作法,达到本质安全,提高员工安全生产意识,制定工作计划。 1、 加强教育和学习,使每个员工从思想深处提高安全生产意识,营造人人保安全的良好氛围。 2、 安全检查是消灭隐患制止违章作业,违章指挥、违反劳动纪律的必然途径,队将不定期组织班组员工进行自查、自纠,充当安全检查员,对查出的问题及时整改,对于查出问题未及时整改的人员或班组在当天的得分上给予一定的处罚。 3、 通过开展员工当一天安全检查员活动,从思想上提高认识,理and actual case whether match; by is located land right nature; property status, whether has damage or quality problem; property using situation, rental or use; reference around similar property price, judge assessment value of rationality; whether exists property disputes, and seized, and freeze, and mortgage, and demolition, and transformation, limit situation. 2. to land right mortgage of, survey people should verified following information: land right card by contains Ming information (right people, and location, and nature, and term, and area,) and actual case whether match; land nature; land flat situation; ground buildings situation; reference around similar land price, judge assessment value of rationality; mortgage real whether has other mortgage right or notice registration established prior; whether exists property disputes, and seized, and freeze, and mortgage, limit situation. 3. other chattels, ownership, the value of the mortgage should be implemented, and whether factors such as easy handling. (C) pledge of collateral investigation procedures, investigators should enforce collateral value, convenience custody and disposition, pledge rights effective identification, registration, etc. (D) guarantee investigation to ensure that the procedures, the investigation shall, in accordance with the borrower's standards to investigate the guarantor evaluation assurance. 15th information audit survey people deal with borrowers and qualification provided by the guarantor, financial status, proof of identity, the authenticity of the data carefully reviewed, verified, rationality and effectiveness. Include: (a) the borrower data auditing 1. corporate clients should focus on assessing various types of licenses, certificates, financial reporting, powers of Attorney and other text and a real plea related information. 2. small business class customers also should focus on the review of the borrower to provide evidence of business, financial position and actual control of credit, property, and more 解安全检查员工作的艰辛与责任的重大,在今后的工作中,更加尊重支持安全检查员的工作,接受他们的监督,确保安全生产。 4、 当天的安全员所提出的合理化建议,一经采纳,各队上将视建议对生产所做贡献的大小给以一定的得分奖励。 (十)、“开展一次安全生产签名活动”工作计划 安全签名活动是提高全员安全生产意识,增强企业凝聚力,加强员工团结,宣传企业文化的重要形式。对于加强企业安全管理,教育员工关心企业发展,提高员工主人翁意识,起到重要作用,制定工作计划。 1、 组织员工在安全生产誓词上签名。 2、 组织员工在全国安全年生产月“关爱生命、安全发展”上签名。 3、 组织群众安全监督检查员在“群众安全监督检查员誓词”上签名。 通过以上各项签名活动,提高安全生产意识,做出自己承诺,确保安全生产。 二0一三年四月二十六日 抄报,县总工会 县安监局 县煤管局行业工会 and actual case whether match; by is located land right nature; property status, whether has damage or quality problem; property using situation, rental or use; reference around similar property price, judge assessment value of rationality; whether exists property disputes, and seized, and freeze, and mortgage, and demolition, and transformation, limit situation. 2. to land right mortgage of, survey people should verified following information: land right card by contains Ming information (right people, and location, and nature, and term, and area,) and actual case whether match; land nature; land flat situation; ground buildings situation; reference around similar land price, judge assessment value of rationality; mortgage real whether has other mortgage right or notice registration established prior; whether exists property disputes, and seized, and freeze, and mortgage, limit situation. 3. other chattels, ownership, the value of the mortgage should be implemented, and whether factors such as easy handling. (C) pledge of collateral investigation procedures, investigators should enforce collateral value, convenience custody and disposition, pledge rights effective identification, registration, etc. (D) guarantee investigation to ensure that the procedures, the investigation shall, in accordance with the borrower's standards to investigate the guarantor evaluation assurance. 15th information audit survey people deal with borrowers and qualification provided by the guarantor, financial status, proof of identity, the authenticity of the data carefully reviewed, verified, rationality and effectiveness. Include: (a) the borrower data auditing 1. corporate clients should focus on assessing various types of licenses, certificates, financial reporting, powers of Attorney and other text and a real plea related information. 2. small business class customers also should focus on the review of the borrower to provide evidence of business, financial position and actual control of credit, property, and more “安康杯”竞赛“十个一”活动记录 时间 地点 主持人 参加人数 活动主题, 活动内容, 活动效果, and actual case whether match; by is located land right nature; property status, whether has damage or quality problem; property using situation, rental or use; reference around similar property price, judge assessment value of rationality; whether exists property disputes, and seized, and freeze, and mortgage, and demolition, and transformation, limit situation. 2. to land right mortgage of, survey people should verified following information: land right card by contains Ming information (right people, and location, and nature, and term, and area,) and actual case whether match; land nature; land flat situation; ground buildings situation; reference around similar land price, judge assessment value of rationality; mortgage real whether has other mortgage right or notice registration established prior; whether exists property disputes, and seized, and freeze, and mortgage, limit situation. 3. other chattels, ownership, the value of the mortgage should be implemented, and whether factors such as easy handling. (C) pledge of collateral investigation procedures, investigators should enforce collateral value, convenience custody and disposition, pledge rights effective identification, registration, etc. (D) guarantee investigation to ensure that the procedures, the investigation shall, in accordance with the borrower's standards to investigate the guarantor evaluation assurance. 15th information audit survey people deal with borrowers and qualification provided by the guarantor, financial status, proof of identity, the authenticity of the data carefully reviewed, verified, rationality and effectiveness. Include: (a) the borrower data auditing 1. corporate clients should focus on assessing various types of licenses, certificates, financial reporting, powers of Attorney and other text and a real plea related information. 2. small business class customers also should focus on the review of the borrower to provide evidence of business, financial position and actual control of credit, property, and more “安康杯”竞赛“十个一”活动具体时间安排如下, 时间 活动内容 5月份 6月份 7月份 8月份 9月份 10月份 11月份 and actual case whether match; by is located land right nature; property status, whether has damage or quality problem; property using situation, rental or use; reference around similar property price, judge assessment value of rationality; whether exists property disputes, and seized, and freeze, and mortgage, and demolition, and transformation, limit situation. 2. to land right mortgage of, survey people should verified following information: land right card by contains Ming information (right people, and location, and nature, and term, and area,) and actual case whether match; land nature; land flat situation; ground buildings situation; reference around similar land price, judge assessment value of rationality; mortgage real whether has other mortgage right or notice registration established prior; whether exists property disputes, and seized, and freeze, and mortgage, limit situation. 3. other chattels, ownership, the value of the mortgage should be implemented, and whether factors such as easy handling. (C) pledge of collateral investigation procedures, investigators should enforce collateral value, convenience custody and disposition, pledge rights effective identification, registration, etc. (D) guarantee investigation to ensure that the procedures, the investigation shall, in accordance with the borrower's standards to investigate the guarantor evaluation assurance. 15th information audit survey people deal with borrowers and qualification provided by the guarantor, financial status, proof of identity, the authenticity of the data carefully reviewed, verified, rationality and effectiveness. Include: (a) the borrower data auditing 1. corporate clients should focus on assessing various types of licenses, certificates, financial reporting, powers of Attorney and other text and a real plea related information. 2. small business class customers also should focus on the review of the borrower to provide evidence of business, financial position and actual control of credit, property, and more and actual case whether match; by is located land right nature; property status, whether has damage or quality problem; property using situation, rental or use; reference around similar property price, judge assessment value of rationality; whether exists property disputes, and seized, and freeze, and mortgage, and demolition, and transformation, limit situation. 2. to land right mortgage of, survey people should verified following information: land right card by contains Ming information (right people, and location, and nature, and term, and area,) and actual case whether match; land nature; land flat situation; ground buildings situation; reference around similar land price, judge assessment value of rationality; mortgage real whether has other mortgage right or notice registration established prior; whether exists property disputes, and seized, and freeze, and mortgage, limit situation. 3. other chattels, ownership, the value of the mortgage should be implemented, and whether factors such as easy handling. (C) pledge of collateral investigation procedures, investigators should enforce collateral value, convenience custody and disposition, pledge rights effective identification, registration, etc. (D) guarantee investigation to ensure that the procedures, the investigation shall, in accordance with the borrower's standards to investigate the guarantor evaluation assurance. 15th information audit survey people deal with borrowers and qualification provided by the guarantor, financial status, proof of identity, the authenticity of the data carefully reviewed, verified, rationality and effectiveness. Include: (a) the borrower data auditing 1. corporate clients should focus on assessing various types of licenses, certificates, financial reporting, powers of Attorney and other text and a real plea related information. 2. small business class customers also should focus on the review of the borrower to provide evidence of business, financial position and actual control of credit, property, and more
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