首页 Lecture 2 英汉句式结构对比

Lecture 2 英汉句式结构对比


Lecture 2 英汉句式结构对比null Lecture 2 英汉句式结构对比1. 英语基本句型1. 英语基本句型 ⑴ SV= (主+谓) ⑵ SVO= (主+ 谓+ 宾) ⑶ SVOC= (主+ 谓+ 宾+ 宾补) ⑷ SVOO= (主+ 谓+间接宾语 + 直 接宾语) ⑸ SVP= (主+ 系+ 表)英语句子变体英语句子变体1. Extension of Basic English Sentences(扩展):Adding modified words or phrases or clauses as at...

Lecture 2 英汉句式结构对比
null Lecture 2 英汉句式结构对比1. 英语基本句型1. 英语基本句型 ⑴ SV= (主+谓) ⑵ SVO= (主+ 谓+ 宾) ⑶ SVOC= (主+ 谓+ 宾+ 宾补) ⑷ SVOO= (主+ 谓+间接宾语 + 直 接宾语) ⑸ SVP= (主+ 系+ 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf )英语句子变体英语句子变体1. Extension of Basic English Sentences(扩展):Adding modified words or phrases or clauses as attributive or adverbial. The other key to controlling stress is to realize that there are other troublesome parts of your life over which you can have little or no control. 2. Combination of Basic English Sentences(组合) It is a common way to put all kinds of basic English sentences together in terms of connectives and punctuation. null3. Omission of Basic English Sentences (省略) Generally speaking, some elements or words or phrases of basic English sentences could be omitted. No Admittance Except on Business. 4. Inversion of basic English sentence. (倒装) The window opened and in came a gentle breeze. On the top of the hill stands an old temple. 2. 汉语对应句式2. 汉语对应句式(1)上帝笑了。(S+V) God smiles. (2) 我常看“中国好声音”。(S+V+O) I often watch “the Voice of China”. (3) 我听到有人在抽泣。(S+V+O+C) I heard someone sobbing . (4) 成功给与我力量。(S+V+O+O) Success gave me strength. (5)大学生活如此难忘。(S+V+C) College life is so unforgettable. 3. 汉语特殊句式 3. 汉语特殊句式今天食堂吃饺子。 叉子吃不好吃筷子吧。 吃食堂味道不好。 Jiaozi are served in the canteen today. (今天食堂有饺子吃) Eat with chopsticks if you can’t (do it well) with a fork. (用叉子吃不好就用筷子吃吧) The food served in the canteen doesn’t taste good. (在食堂吃的饭菜味道不好) 4.英语 vs. 汉语:主语显著vs.话题显著4.英语 vs. 汉语:主语显著vs.话题显著English is a subject-prominent language in which the grammatical units of subject and predicative are basic to the structure of sentences and in which sentences usually have subject-predicate structure. Chinese is a topic-prominent language in which the grammatical units of topic and comment are basic to the structure of sentences. null中国传统哲学主张“天人合一”,“万物与我为一”,反映在语言上就是施事主体可以蕴涵在行为事件的主观表现中。因此在句子构造中,汉语并不把主语看成必要的成分。如王力所言:“就句子结构而论,西洋语言是法治的,中国语言是人治的,法治的不管主语用得着用不着,总要呆板地追求句子形式的一律,人治的用得着就用,用不着就不用,只要能使人听懂说话人的意思,就算了。” 英语是注重主语的语言,是英语民族“主客二分”的哲学思维方式在语言中的反映。nullTopic (主题)——Comment(评述) Theme(主位)——Rheme(述位) 5. 汉语话题的种类 5. 汉语话题的种类1). 动作承受者作话题 《蝙蝠侠》我看过。 I’ve watched The Batman. 世界杯踢完了。 World Cup is over. 交通 规则 编码规则下载淘宝规则下载天猫规则下载麻将竞赛规则pdf麻将竞赛规则pdf 人人要遵守。 Everyone should observe the rules of the road . 别人家里鸡零狗碎的事情你都知道,真是个顺风耳呀! You know all the bits and pieces of trifles of other families. You are really well informed. null2). 双话题 评委要求很高。 The judge is quite demanding. 参赛选手信心满满。 The contestants are very confident. null3). 动词或动词短语作话题。 做饭,他有一手。 He is much experienced in cooking. 使用细菌武器意味着违反国际法。 The use of bacteriological weapons means the violation of international law. 4). 从句作话题 奥巴马能否连任,我们拭目以待。 We wait and see whether Obama will be re-elected. 你昨天买的水果,一半的味道都不好。 Half of the apples you bought yesterday do not taste well. null5). 地点作话题 火车上人满为患。 The train is overcrowded. 教堂里鸦雀无声。 The church is in dead silence. 洗衣盆里堆着一大堆脏衣服。 There were heaped dirty clothes in the washing tub. null 6). 时间作话题 明天是个大喜的日子。 Tomorrow is a red-letter day. 现在正下着毛毛细雨。 It is drizzling at the moment. null 北宋时,苏东坡在咏湖的诗篇中,首次把西湖比作古代美女西施。 Su Dongpo, a poet of the Northern Song Dynasty, in his poem compared the West Lake to an ancient Chinese beauty named Xishi. 从前海边的一个村子里住着个老渔民。 Once there lived an old fisherman in a village by the sea. null7)方式做话题 这么快他就洗好了衣服。 He finished washing at an admirable speed. 8) 工具做话题 三条长绳,他们把个小伙子捆得像只粽子。 With the three long ropes they trussed the young man up like a fowl. 一块洗衣板养活一家人。 The whole family was kept alive with a washing board. null这把刀我用来切肉。With the knife I slice meat. 我用这把刀切肉。I use this knife to slice meat. 切肉我用这把刀。To slice meat I use this knife. 这把刀我切肉用。This knife is use to slice meat by me. 这把刀我用它切肉。As for this knife, I slice meat with it. 刀我切肉用这把。 As for this knife, I slice meat with this one. 肉我用这把刀切。 Meat is sliced with this knife by me. 6. 汉语中的无主句 (zero-subject)6. 汉语中的无主句 (zero-subject)小心地滑! Caution! Wet floor! 2) 需要定期维修 Regular maintenance is necessary. 3) 又过了几个月,看见他们手上带了结婚戒指。 Months later, rings appeared glistening on their fingers. null4) 自然而然地也能感觉到十分的秋意。 And an intense feeling of autumn will of itself well up inside you. 5) 来沙尘暴了。 The sandstorm set in. 6) 弄得不好,就会前功尽弃。 If things are not properly handled, our labor will be totally lost. 7)累得我站不起来了。 I am so exhausted that I can’t stand up null8)吓得小女孩哭起来了。 The little girl was scared to tears. 9)只有慎之又慎,才能避免犯不必要的 错误。 Being very careful, you(we) can avoid making unnecessary mistakes. null英语汉语主谓结构话题结构转换7. 翻译策略7. 翻译策略7.1 英译汉 7.1.1 英语“主谓结构”转为汉语的“话题—评 述”结构 1) His criminal record disqualified him from being admitted to the university. 他有犯罪前科,所以没被那所大学录取。 2) Two guards, cold and aloof, stood in front of the gate. 门口站着两个卫兵,严峻冷漠。 null3) The money absolutely must not be paid before the receipt has been signed. 这笔钱,在收据没签字前绝不能付。 4) He offered this car for a million yuan. 这辆车他要价一百万。 5) Her manner was gentle, while she was pretty in a freckle-faced, red-haired little girl sort of way, she would turn few heads in the streets. 她举止文雅,面有雀斑,满头红发,像个小女孩那么可爱,单走在街上引不起多少注意。 null6) Strong economic and environmental factors recommended rectifying the city’s water shortage and pollution now, before it is too late. 无论是从重大的经济因素,还是环保因素考虑,人们都要从现在矫正城市的缺水与污染状况,而不要到为时已晚时再付诸行动。 null7) I have come across a great many bright and diligent young friends who have done exceedingly well in their studies, but are pretty weak in English. They can not even write a letter in correct English. When I asked them why, they said they were not interested in English language. 我见过许多年轻的朋友,聪明用功,成绩优异,而英文水平却很差,甚至写一封信也难得通顺,问其故则说其兴趣不在英文方面。 null8) She was not an existence, an experience, a passion, a structure of sensations, to anybody but herself. (Thomas Hardy Tess of the D’urbervilles) 她的存在,她的经历,她的激情,她的感觉,这一切,除了她自己,不属于任何人。 null7.1.2 英语“主谓结构”转为汉语的无主句 The interview with the actor was conducted after he has achieved a great success and got a prize. 采访这位演员,是在他功成名就得奖之后。 2)I was made completely upset. 搞得我心乱如麻。 Customers from Asian and Pacific regions are welcome to Pudong of Shanghai to invest, establish and develop business contacts. 热烈欢迎亚太地区的客商来上海浦东投资,建立和发展贸易关系。 null4)Measures have been taken to prevent SARS from spreading quickly. 已经采取了措施来避免非典迅速蔓延。 5)Do as the Romans do. 入乡随俗。 6) Water can be shown as containing impurities. 能够 证明 住所证明下载场所使用证明下载诊断证明下载住所证明下载爱问住所证明下载爱问 ,水含有杂质。 7)The unpleasant noise must be immediately put an end. 必需立即中止这种恼人的噪音。 null7.2 汉译英 7.2.1 汉语的“话题—评述”结构转为英语的“主谓结构” 1) 过河拆桥绝对没有好下场。 Those who kick the ladder will certainly come to no good end. 婚姻的事,年轻人都自己做主。 The young people will make their own decision on marriage. null3) 凡是已经发现的错误,我们都已经采取了或正在采取纠正的步骤。没有发现的,一经发现,我们就准备改正。 We are taking or have taken steps to correct all the mistakes discovered, and we are ready to correct those not yet discovered as soon as they come to light. With regard to all the mistakes having been discovered, steps have been taken or are being taken to correct. As for those not yet discovered, they will be corrected as soon as they come to light. null4) 对干部和共产党员来说,廉政建设要作为大事来抓。 Cadres and party members should consider it of prime importance to build a clean government. null5) 青年作家周晓枫的 散文 散文的阅读技巧警察的散文五分钟的朗诵散文文学类文本阅读之散文写人叙事类散文阅读 《鸟群》以鸟情喻人情,摹写细腻,感受深刻,入选99年度最佳散文之列,可谓当之无愧。 Yong writer Zhou Xiaofeng’s “Birds” expresses human emotions by revealing the birds’ feelings. His descriptions are detailed and his understandings profound. It fully deserves to be considered among the best prose of 1999. null6) 接着,他继续设想,鸡又生鸡,用鸡卖钱,钱买母牛,母牛繁殖,卖牛得钱,用钱放债,这么一连串的发财 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 ,当然也不能算是生产的计划。 He went on indulging in wishful thinking. Chickens would breed more chickens. Selling them would bring him money. With this he would buy cows. The cows would breed too and selling oxen he would make more money. With the money, he would become a money-lender. Such a succession of steps for getting rich, of course had nothing at all to do with production. null7.1.2 汉语“无主句”在英译文中添加主语。 1)热得太全身冒汗。 The heat made him sweat like a pig. 2) 不能做官当老爷,脱离群众,脱离下面的干部。 You should not act like overlords, nor divorcing your- self from the masses and lower-ranking cadres. 3) 打得赢就打,打不赢就走。 Fight when you can win, move away when you cannot. Exercises Exercises The research was conducted by the nuclear research departments of Tsinghua University and led to very positive result. 清华大学核研究机构进行了此项研究,并取得了积极的成效。 null2. No scholars parallel him in such posthumous splendor .null
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