首页 TOEFL_OG_托福官方指南_词汇注释



TOEFL_OG_托福官方指南_词汇注释 TOEFL Official Guide Reading Section huangxiaohong@pku.edu.cn 2010-08 目录 Applied Arts and Fine Arts............................................................................................ 2 The Origins of Cetaceans..................................

TOEFL Official Guide Reading Section huangxiaohong@pku.edu.cn 2010-08 目录 Applied Arts and Fine Arts............................................................................................ 2 The Origins of Cetaceans.............................................................................................. 4 Desert Formation........................................................................................................ 5 Early Cinema .............................................................................................................. 5 Aggression ................................................................................................................. 6 Artisans and Industrialization ....................................................................................... 8 Swimming Machines ................................................................................................. 10 Nineteenth-Century Politics in the United States........................................................... 11 The Expression of Emotions ....................................................................................... 12 Geology and Landscape ............................................................................................. 13 Applied Arts and Fine Arts rigid 坚固的;僵硬的,严格的 stretcher 担架 canvas 画布 taut 拉紧的;整洁的 tightly stretched, not slack deteriorate (使)恶化,瓦解,质量下降 crack 裂缝,裂开 discolor 褪色 intrude upon 打扰,侵入 conception 观念,构想;怀孕 cannonball 炮弹 hoof 蹄 aesthetic intentions/tastes 审美意图/品味 compromise 折衷,妥协,让步 brace 支柱,支撑物;大括号(n.);加固,使绷紧;鼓起勇气;做好准备(v.) in the early Italian Renaissance occupation 职业;占有 In addition pertain to: be connected with, be relevant to, in reference to 关于 infuriate 激怒 overdue 过期的,迟到的,未兑的 long overdue 早就应该,……太迟 reproduce 繁殖;复制 (be) inferior to 次于,不如…… refine, unrefined tallow: fat from animals alkali sulfuric acid stearin 硬脂 rancid odor 腐臭油脂味 be derived from palm 手掌;棕榈;荣誉勋章,胜利 It is often taken for granted that this is also true for (the maker of fine-art objects). This assumption misses a significant difference between the two (disciplines). These laws are universal in (their application), regardless of (cultural beliefs, geography, or climate). locomotion=movement,移动 paralysis=lose the ability to move 麻痹,瘫痪 arbitrary decision 武断;任意的决定 … can vary only within certain limits fibrous root system 纤维状的根系统 profusely + adj. 丰富地,繁茂地 soil erosion … are especially well suited to (this purpose). leach 过滤,水浸,萃取 Although we now tend to refer to … according to …, it was once common to think of … in terms of (function). Approaching … from the point of view of (function), we can divide them into simple categories. There is no way around the fact that … must be …. … are thus bound by …, which pertain to … …, for example, are unusual because they depart from the norm. … is not the basic form but the incidental details that do not obstruct …’s primary function. Scholars offer three related but different opinions about this puzzle. All three of them have strengths and weaknesses, but none adequately answers all of the questions (the paintings) present. One opinion is that …. Because …, it is probable that …. Unfortunately, this explanation fails to explain (the hidden locations ….). obliterate 删除,擦去 Inca 印加人,南美洲印第安人的一个部落 This idea is explicitly(明白地,清楚地)/implicitly(含蓄地,暗示地) refuted by (the fact that …). The Origins of Cetaceans 国家地理.演化足迹.鲸的演变之谜. National.Geographic.Evolutions.The.Walking.Whale. cetaceans 鲸类 porpoise 小鲸,海豚 (whale, dolphin) sea otters 海獭 pinniped 鳍脚亚目哺乳动物 seal 海豹 walrus 海象 limb 肢,脚 hind legs 后肢 gill 鳃 hind 后面的 fluke: the two parts that constitute the large triangular tail of a whale. blowhole 喷水孔,通气孔 intermediate, transitional river deposits 河流沉积物 archaeocyte 原始细胞 sediment 沉淀物 vestigial 退化的,残余的 rear 后部 propulsion 推进力 the action of propelling The presence of … cannot disguise their affinities with …. However, unlike the cases of …, … It is not easy to envision what … look like. How was the gap between … and … bridged? It should be obvious that … Desert Formation … have in recent decades been increasing at an alarming pace. It has been estimated that … is threatened by the process. subsequent=ensue penetration …, resulting in …. aridity 干旱,贫瘠 …pressure on … is often far in excess of …capacity, and … results. … as population densities haven grown. Since … necessitates the prior …. devoid of be susceptible to trampling 践踏,伤害 pulverization 粉碎,摧毁 soil salinization 土壤盐渍化 evaporate 蒸发,消失 crustal layer The extreme seriousness of (desertification) results from (the vast areas of land) and (the tremendous numbers of people affected), as well as from (the great difficulty of reversing or even slowing down the process). deterioration 恶化,变坏 Early Cinema parlor 客厅,休息室 arcade 拱廊,长廊商场 successive 连续的,依次的,相继的 exhibitor maximize their profits readily 容易地,很快地,乐意地,欣然地 showman 马戏团的老板,玩杂耍的人 vaudeville theaters: Vaudeville is a type of entertainment consisting of short acts such as comedy, singing, and dancing. Vaudeville was especially popular in the early part of the twentieth century. 杂耍,轻歌舞剧 makeshift storefront theaters 临时的;临街的店面 fairgrounds 露天场地 a mass audience With the advent of …, …became (the ultimate form of mass consumption)/. Previously, … spectacles 公开展示,场面,奇观,景象,眼镜 minstrel shows 吟游诗人(minstrel) slide-and-lantern shows spectator 观众 differ significantly from… technological marvel lifelike reproduction 逼真的再现/复制品 commonplace 普通的东西;平凡的;老生常谈 strips of celluloid 赛璐珞,明胶;电影 minuscule 很小的 scores of 大量,许多 Aggression Psychologists have adopted several approaches to understanding (aggressive behavior in people ). engage in 参与,从事 … appear to be involved in … hypothalamus 下丘脑 instinctive, inborn, innate, natural In response to certain stimuli, …. trigger apparently moderate 温和主义者,稳健派;节制,使缓和;主持会议;中等的,适度的 offshoot 分支,衍生物,支派 sociobiology 社会生物学 … suggests that … desirable 有吸引力的,值得向往的,令人满意的,值得拥有的 view … as … Consider Darwin’s theory of evolution. Darwin held that …. The sociobiological view has been attacked on numerous grounds. One is that …. Another is that (there are too much variation among people to believe that they are dominated by aggressive impulses). outwit 瞒骗,以智取胜 … appears to be the dominant factor in (human survival). psychodynamic 心理动力的,精神动力的 Theorists adopting the psychodynamic approach hold that (inner conflicts are crucial for understanding human behavior, including aggression). Sigmund Freud, for example, believed that … The Freudian perspective, in a sense, sees us as (“steam engines”). Children normally desire to vent aggressive impulses on other people. gratify all of their demands … repress 压制,抑制 analogy 相似,类比 psychoanalysts 心理分析者 catharsis 洗涤,净化,精神发泄,导泻 purge 净化,清除 Catharsis: in psychodynamic theory, the purging of strong emotions or the relieving of tensions. Some studies suggest that (catharsis) leads to (reduction of tension and a lowered likelihood of future aggression). Other studies, however, suggest that (letting some steam escape actually encourages more aggression later on). the cognitive approach. Cognitive psychologists assert that (our behavior is influenced by our values, by the ways in which we interpret our situations, and by choice). For example, people who believe that … are likely to (act …), whereas people who believe that (…), or who think that (…), are less likely to (behave aggressively). One cognitive theory suggests that … aggravating 加重,使恶化;激怒 … and painful events trigger unpleasant feelings. These feelings, in turn, can lead to …, (but not automatically). (Cognitive factors intervene). People decide whether they will (act aggressively or not) on the basis of factors such as (their experiences with … and their interpretation of other people’s motives). Supporting evidence comes from research showing that (aggressive people often distort other people’s motives). For example, they assume that (other people mean to harm them when they do not). Artisans and Industrialization artisan 工匠,手艺人 craftworker apprentice 学徒 journeyman 熟练工人 master 主要的,精通的 regimented 严格控制 mill 磨坊 revealingly 透露内情的,启发人的 printer 印刷工 momentum 动力 collapse 倒塌,崩溃 tend the sheep tactics 策略 disrupt (使)混乱,中断,瓦解,分裂;干扰,妨碍,打断(=upset) spearhead 矛头,先锋(n.);当……的先锋,带头(v.) As master craftworkers, they imparted knowledge of (their trade) to (apprentices). merchant capitalists give way to (machinery) tended by (unskilled and semiskilled laborers). labor force be accustomed to doing sth. (Cheap transportation networks, the rise of cities, and the availability of capital and credit) all stimulated (the shift to factory production). The creation of (…) did not occur easily. (…) be responsible not only for teaching …, but also for providing … and supervising their moral behavior. alternate with Also, … did not …, but rather …. (The new methods of) involves (a new and stricter sense of time). (…) necessitate (a more regimented schedule). discard old habits, adopt the new attitudes (Industrialization) not only (produced a fundamental change in the way work was organized; it transformed (the very nature of work). obedience to 服从;权威;管辖 With the loss of (personal freedom) also came (the loss of standing in the community). … sensed their decline in status. In this newly emerging (economic order), … carpenter 木匠 engage in collective action … feel a strong bond with … agitation 煽动,兴奋 antagonism 敌意,对抗 had little immediate impact (Workers) were united in (resenting the industrial system and their boss of status), but they were divided by (ethnic and racial antagonisms, gender, conflicting religious perspectives, occupational differences, political party loyalties, and disagreement over tactics). extremes of wealth Swimming Machines tuna 金枪鱼 mackerel 鲭 billfish 长嘴鱼 marlin 枪鱼 sailfish, swordfish 旗鱼 courtship 求爱 As a result, practically/virtually every aspect of (…). Interestingly enough, …. compact 紧凑的,结实的,小巧的 …, in fact, are nearly ideal from (an engineering) point of view. lie flush with, do not protrude flush 齐平的 protrude 突出,伸出 sleek, slick 光滑的 transparent lid 盖子;眼睑;限制 (reduce) drag 拉力,反作用力(n.) groove, depression 凹槽 be tucked into smooth contour 轮廓;等高线 stiff 硬的,僵直的;彻底地,极其 supersonic aircrafts keel 龙骨脊 fin, finlet 鱼鳍,小鳍 gill 鳃 corselet 盔甲,胸甲 Accordingly, …. bladder 膀胱,囊状物 sac 囊,袋 … help fish remain buoyant 有浮力的;心情愉快的;趋于上涨的 increases the amount of forward thrust swirls in the water 旋转,涡流 eddy: circular currents 漩涡 maintain … Nineteenth-Century Politics in the United States immeasurably 不可测量地 + v. declaration redefine sap 元气,精力;削弱,破坏,消耗;挖掘;使干枯,使大伤元气 humanitarian 人道主义的,博爱的 legislation 法律 the Whig party 辉格党 A and B hold different attitudes toward the changes brought about by …. A tend to view (society) as … A and B differed not only in their attitudes toward (…) but also about (how … should be in people’s lives). In keeping with this philosophy of (…), A also reject the idea that (moral beliefs are the proper sphere of government action). (Religion and politics), they believe, should be kept clearly separate, and they generally opposed (humanitarian legislation). B, in contrast, view (…) positively. Indeed In particular, … exclusively ensure equal opportunity In some ways the (…) of the two is similar. appeal to disproportionate 不成比例地 be isolated/alienated from … semi subsistence languishing 渐渐衰弱的,萎谢的,懒洋洋的 The Expression of Emotions despondent 沮丧的,没有精神的,失望的 Smiling is apparently a universal sign of friendliness and approval. Baring the teeth in a hostile way, as noted by Charles Darwin in the nineteenth century, maybe a universal sign of anger. Most investigators concur that certain facial expression suggest the same emotion in all people. Moreover, people in diverse cultures recognize the emotions manifested by the facial expressions. … generally agree on … give rise to The facial-feedback hypothesis argues, however, that the causal relationship between emotions and facial expressions can also work in the opposite direction. According to this hypothesis, …. Psychological research has given rise to some interesting findings concerning … What are the possible links between facial expressions and emotion? arousal 唤起,觉醒 be relevant to 有关 Geology and Landscape epitome 梗概,摘要;缩影,化身;节录;象征 … are often regarded as the epitome of … orogeny 山岳之形成 fracture 断裂 be subjected to 受制于 bombard 炮轰,攻击 split 分离,裂开 debris 碎片,残骸 residue seep 渗漏 shatter 打碎,使散开,损坏 comparatively 比较地,相当地
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