首页 科普版四年级英语下册三疑三探教案



科普版四年级英语下册三疑三探教案科普版四年级英语下册三疑三探教案 校长寄语 小学阶段是人一生中的重要阶段。人生的理想在这一阶段树立~学习习惯在这一阶段养成~美好的童年生活在这一阶段度过。亲爱的老师们~我们的工作就是为学生的一生可持续发展作奠基工程。在实践这一伟大而神圣的工程中请遵循: 育人原则: 千教万教~教人求真, 千学万学~学做真人。 育人目标: 情感、态度、价值真观。 学习方式: 自主、合作、探究。 培养模式: 学思结合、知行统一、因材施教。 小学英语课程标准 根据全国小学英语课程发展的实际~以及2001年出台的《英语课程...

科普版四年级英语下册三疑三探 教案 中职数学基础模块教案 下载北师大版¥1.2次方程的根与系数的关系的教案关于坚持的教案初中数学教案下载电子教案下载 校长寄语 小学阶段是人一生中的重要阶段。人生的理想在这一阶段树立~学习习惯在这一阶段养成~美好的童年生活在这一阶段度过。亲爱的老师们~我们的工作就是为学生的一生可持续发展作奠基工程。在实践这一伟大而神圣的工程中请遵循: 育人原则: 千教万教~教人求真, 千学万学~学做真人。 育人目标: 情感、态度、价值真观。 学习方式: 自主、合作、探究。 培养模式: 学思结合、知行统一、因材施教。 小学英语课程 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 根据全国小学英语课程发展的实际~以及2001年出台的《英语课程标准》对小学英语教学的指导性不够突出~对小学英语 1 的具体学习内容目标要求得不够具体~小学阶段词汇表、语法项目没有分别列出,对小学英语教学和评价指导力度不够~缺乏可操作性建议和案例~等等问题~修订后的英语课程标准在小学阶段主要体现如下特点: 一、理念更先进 1(更符合社会发展对人才的需求。修订稿中首次将英语课程的性质界定为具有工具性和人文性双重性质。语言学习不仅是为了培养学生交流、沟通的能力~更重要的是在语言学习的过程中~加强人格品质和道德情操的修养。一个人如果具有较强的语言交际能力、较高的综合人文素养~他会更快地适应社会变化~更好地服务于社会。工具性与人文性并重的理念符合社会发展对人才培养的需求。 2(更符合语言学习的规律。修订稿在面向全体学生、突出学生主体、尊重个体差异的基础上~更注重了语言学习的渐进性和持续性。不仅体现在基本理念的调整上~也体现在了课程内容的设置和各级目标的描述中。语言学习是一个长期积累的过程~学生的学习必然经历由浅入深、由易到难的渐进深入过程。修订稿强调了语言学习的渐进性和持续性~更符合语言学习的规律。 二、目标更清晰 就小学英语教学而言~修订稿在对原有语言知识、语言技能、情感态度、学习策略、文化意识目标微调的基础上~在技能教学参考中~对各项技能教学的目的、技能要求以及主要活动都 2 给予了分级描述~还明确了小学阶段语法教学的内容与要求~列出了小学阶段应掌握的423个基本词汇~这些也是以往教学中老师们感到比较模糊或困惑的地方~这次课标的修订能使老师们在教学中更好地把握教学目标。 三、方法更具体 课标对于一线老师而言~不仅是理念的引领~也是方法的指导~老师们看了后知道做什么、怎么做。如实施建议中对教学和评价都给出了具体的、符合实际的建议~同时评价方式与方法的举例非常详尽~不仅例举了各项技能不同级别的评价 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 ~还有对评价方案的评析~对老师们在教学中的评价操作具有很强的指导性。再如修订稿中的课堂教学用语更具体、更符合实际教学需要~语言也更具有时代气息。 备课要求 1、教学过程的四大环节:设疑自探、解疑合探、质疑再探、 3 运用拓展四个环节后必须有时控~并且每个环节旁边必须有自己的个性化设计,添加或删去,~并且每个环节要体现师生互动、生生互动~不能太简单,质疑再探环节要有问题预设,运用拓展环节有学生自编题。添加的内容写在每个课时教学过程边留的空白处~要注意排版整齐、美观、成行、不斜。 2、教学反思分“教师的教”和“学生的学 ”“改进措施”三个方面写~如: ?教师的教 ?学生的学 ?改进措施 每个方面结合“三疑三探”教学实践过程中成功、不足和改进来写~具体对照西峡县“三疑三探”课堂评价标准内容进行反思~每个方面至少两行。 3、备课修改一律用黑色笔迹。 教学 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 小学四年级英语下册教学计划 一、教学目的 1、激发学生学习英语的兴趣~培养他们学习英语的积极态度~使他们初步建立学习英语的自信心, 2、培养学生具有一定的语感和良好的语音、语调书写基础~以及良好的学习习惯, 4 3、使他们初步具备用英语进行简单日常交流的能力。 4、同时培养学生的观察、记忆、思维、想象和创造能力。 5、适当介绍中西方文化~培养学生的爱国主义精神~增强世界意志~为学生的进一步学习奠定良好的基础。 二、教材分析 本教材的设计和编写体现了外语教学思想的继承和发展。在分析、研究许多种国内外小学英语教材的基础上~取其精华~博采众长~形成了本套教材特有的编写体系。同时~有吸收了当今国内外英语作为外语教学的理论和成功经验~把这些教学理论和实践经验同我国的小学外语教学实际相结合~以形成我国小学英语的外语教学模式和教学方法。 本册教材具有以下几个特点: 1、注重学生语言运用能力的培养~突出语言的实践性和交际性~同时也突出语言的真实性和实用性。 2、注重学生自学能力和学习策略的培养~为学生的进一步学习或终身学习奠定基础。 3、注重中外文化的双向交流~使学生通过学习~培养未来跨文化交际所需要的能力。 4、注重学生学习兴趣的培养~以不同方式最大限度的激发学生的学习动机。 5、注重融合学科内容~加强学科之间的整合和渗透~让学生通过英语学习来获得其他学科的知识。 6、注重教材的灵活性和可操作性~以满足不同层次的学 5 生的需求。 7、注重教学资料的配套~为学生提供良好的英语学习环境~帮助学生拓展自我发展的空间。 8、注重中小学各阶段的衔接~以保证各学段的顺利过渡~全面提 高中 高中语文新课程标准高中物理选修31全套教案高中英语研修观课报告高中物理学习方法和技巧高中数学说课稿范文 小学英语教学的整体质量。 三、教学措施 1、认真备课~钻研教材~抓紧课堂教学~做到当堂内容当堂掌握。 2、运用各种不同的肢体语言来辅助教学。 3、在课堂上多开展一些有趣的活动、游戏让学生在活动中学习英语~在生活中学习英语。 4、多为学生营造一些学习氛围~如:创设英语角等等。 5、要求学生在课余时间尽量的运用已经学习的英语进行对话。 6、多看英语画报~多读英语故事~多看英语书籍。 7、多与学生交流~进行口语交际训练。 四、主要教学目标: 1、能听懂、会说12组会话~并能进行简单的交流。 2、能听、说、认读60个单词和词组并能听、说、读、写61个单词和24个句子,包括学校、时间、衣服、天气、购物、农场动物、数字、颜色等几个话题,~并简单运用。 3、能听、做6个TPR活动。 4、能学会3个小制作。 6 5、能唱8首歌曲。 6、能听、说、唱7首歌谣。 7、能完成6个自我评价活动。 8、能听懂6个幽默小故事。 9、能了解6项简单的中西方文化知识。 五、方法措施 1、认真备课~钻研教材~进行课堂的有效教学~提高课堂效率~做到当堂内容当堂掌握。 2、创新运用各种不同英语教学法来辅助教学~如:情景教学法、直接教学法和TPR全身反应法~并开展一些有趣的活动、游戏让学生在轻松的氛围中学习英语。 3、创设英语情景和环境~使学生们在一定的英语语言环境里习得“第二语言”。做到“生活中有英语~英语中有生活”。 4、鼓励学生大胆说英语~相信希望生的进步~树立学生的信心~培养学生朗读和书写的习惯。 5、注重教材的灵活性和可操作性~以满足不同层次的学生的需求。帮助英语基础不好的学生~提升英语基础好的学生。 6、练习形式多种多样~手、脑、眼、肢体并用~静态、动态结合~基本功操练与自由练习结合~单项和综合练习结合。通过大量地实践~使学生具有良好地语音、语调、书写和拼读地基础~开展学生简单的日常用语交流活动。 六、班级情况分析 四年级从上个学期的情况来看在英语学习上掌握较好~主 7 要表现为学习成绩层次上很均匀~英语学习兴趣很高~口语朗读上较为扎实。在教学上我最多的是在个别辅导之余引导他们分组相互学习~师徒结队~共同进步。 - 教学进度表 时间 计划进度 实际进度 备注 8 四年级英语(下册)教案 第一课时 1 Teaching Topic: Lesson 1 Whose watch is it? Goal request:,教学目的, New words : watch whose think man ask beautiful right remember Some useful expressions : - Whose watch is it? 9 -I think it’s that man’s watch. Key difficulty:,教学重难点, Master these words: watch whose think man ask beautiful right remember And master these useful expressions : - Whose watch is it? -I think it’s that man’s watch. Teaching times: ,教学课时, 1 Teaching method: three doubts three searches Teaching preparation and method: cards, radio Teaching process: Step 1 Warmer ,5 minutes, First, let the Ss look at these new words : watch whose think man ask beautiful right remember, let the Ss through these cards and try to read these new words , and let the Ss know the meaning of these words . 10 Step 2 设疑自探,10 minutes, let the Ss look at the part 1, in this part let the Ss try to read this part and try to ask and answer these questions : - Whose watch is it? -I think it’s that man’s watch. Step 3 解疑合探,10 minutes, 1 When we learned about this part , we master these useful expressions and words: (1) - Whose watch is it? -I think it’s that man’s watch. (2) New words: 2 Practice the dialogue and act in pairs. useful expressions : - Whose watch is it? -I think it’s that man’s watch. Step 4 质疑再探,7 minutes, 1 In this part, let the Ss look at the part 1, let’ s talk : Do you have any questions about the dialogue ? 11 2 Can you use “watch whose think man ask beautiful right remember? 3 Please act out the dialogue with your partner . Step5 运用拓展,8 minutes, Show some exercises on the blackboard,let the students finish it. Bb writting desgin:,板书设计, Lesson 1 Whose watch is it? watch whose think man ask beautiful right remember - Whose watch is it? -I think it’s that man’s watch. 教后反思 第二课时 Lesson 1 Whose watch is it? Goal request:,教学目的, New words : watch whose think man ask beautiful right remember Some useful expressions : - Whose watch is it? -It’s Tom’s watch. 12 Key difficulty:,教学重难点, Master these words: watch whose think man ask beautiful right remember And master these useful expressions : - Whose watch is it? -It’s Tom’s watch. Teaching times: ,教学课时, 2 Teaching method: three doubts three searches Teaching preparation and method: cards, radio Teaching process: Step 1 Warmer ,5 minutes, First, let the Ss look at these new words : watch whose think man ask beautiful right remember ;let the Ss through these cards and try to read these new words , and let the Ss know the meaning of these words . Step 2 设疑自探,10 minutes, 13 let the Ss look at Let’s learn, in this part let the Ss try to read this part and try to act it out the useful expressions: - Whose watch is it? -It’s Tom’s watch. In this part , let the Ss master these useful expressions . Step 3 解疑合探,10 minutes, 1 When we learned about this part , we master these useful expressions and words: - Whose watch is it? -It’s Tom’s watch. The new words: watch whose think man ask beautiful right remember 2 Practice the dialogue at Page 2 and act it out in pairs . Step 4 质疑再探,7 minutes, 1 In this part, let the Ss look at the part 1, let’ stalk : - Whose watch is it? -It’s Tom’s watch. 2 Please act out the dialogue with your partner . 14 3 Let’s sing .Sing the song 《Fishes, where are you?》 Step5 运用拓展,8 minutes, Choose the right answer: 1 - _____watch is it? -It’s Tom’s watch. A. Where B. Who C. Whose 2 - ___ this your watch? - Yes, it is. A. That B.Is C. Whose 3 –Are they in the box? - No,they ______. A. are B. aren’t C. am Bb writing desgin:,板书设计, Lesson 1 Whose watch is it? watch whose think man ask beautiful right remember - Whose watch is it? -It’s Tom’s watch. 教后反思 第三课时 1 Teaching Topic: Lesson 1 Whose watch is it? Goal request:,教学目的, New words : watch whose think man ask beautiful right 15 remember Some useful expressions : - Whose watch is it? -It’s Tom’s watch. Key difficulty:,教学重难点, Master these words: watch whose think man ask beautiful right remember And master these useful expressions : - Whose watch is it? -It’s Tom’s watch. Teaching times: ,教学课时, 3 Teaching method: three doubts three searches Teaching preparation and method: cards, radio Teaching process: Step 1 Warmer ,5 minutes, First, let the Ss look at these new words : new classroom grade way glass they table behind . Let the Ss through these cards and try to read these new words , and let the Ss know the meaning of these words . Step 2 设疑自探,10 minutes, 1 Let the Ss look at pictures on page 2 and ask:Whose 16 watch is it?Then get the Ss try to read the text and try to answer these questions : (1) Whose watch is it? (2) Whose cup is it? (3) Whose basket is it? Give the Ss five minutes to read the text and answer these questions . - Whose ___ is it? –It’s __’s ____. 2 In this part , let the Ss master these new words and useful expressions : watch whose think man ask beautiful right remember - Whose watch is it? -It’s Tom’s watch. Lucy’s cup Jim’s basket Eve’s bottle their desk our clock Step 3 解疑合探,10 minutes, let the Ss look at Read for fun, in this part let the Ss try to read this part and try to understand the passage: Let the Ss master the following useful expressions; Lucy’s cup Jim’s basket Eve’s bottle their desk our clock Step 4 质疑再探,7 minutes, 1 In this part, let the Ss practise in pairs. 17 - Whose watch is it? -It’s Tom’s watch. 2 Let’s act . Step 5 运用拓展,8 minutes, Show some exercises on the blackboard,let the students finish it. 1 -The glasses are on _____ nose. A. your B. you C. yours 2 - ________ can you see? - Three. A. How many B. What C. Who Bb writting desgin:,板书设计, Lesson 1 Whose watch is it? - Whose watch is it? -It’s Tom’s watch. 教后反思 第四课时 18 Lesson 2 What colour are the trousers? Teaching material analysic:,教材分析, 1. In this text, let the Ss master these new words: shirt trousers hair sock his shorts orange shoe - Teaching material analysic:,教材分析, 1. In this text, let the Ss master these new words: 2.Master these new words: shirt trousers hair sock his shorts orange shoe Goal request:,教学重点, 1.Master these new words : shirt trousers hair sock his shorts orange shoe 2. Master these useful expressions: -What colour are the trousers? -They’re blue. Key difficulty:,教学难点, Master these new words and these useful expressions. Teaching times:1,教学课时, Teaching method:,教学方法,three doubts three searches Teaching preparation and method:,教学用具, cards, radio Teaching process: 19 Step 1 Warmer,5 minutes, Good morning~first let the Ss look at these cards : shirt trousers hair sock his shorts orange shoe -What colour are the trousers? -They’re blue. Let the Ss master these new words and expressions , let the Ss look at these cards and try to read these again and again . Step 2 设疑自探,10 minutes, 1.First , let the Ss look at the dialogue for two times~ underline the main words ,phrases and sentences they can’ t read and understand.The teacher collect them and write tnem on the Bb, next solve these problems together. 2. Ask them to understand the problems in their groups first. Step 3 解疑合探,10 minutes, 1. Read the dialogue first and try to answer these questions: If they have any other questions ,let them speak out. 2. Get some of the Ss to try to ask and act in pairs. 3. Practise in different ways. 4.Get some pairs to present in groups. Pay attention to add their evaluations. If they have any questions, please 20 give them more helps. Step 4质疑再探,7 minutes, The teacher asks: Do you have any questions? If they have some, help them to solve it. Step5运用拓展,8 minutes, 1.Let the Ss to finish the part 2: Let’s learn: -What colour are the trousers? -They’re blue. 2.Help the Ss practise it. 3. Practise in pairs. 4. Ask some Ss to present the dialogue in front of the class. Bb Desgin :,板书设计, Lesson 2 What colour are the trousers? -What colour are the trousers? -They’re blue. 教后反思 21 第五课时 Lesson 2 What colour are the trousers? Teaching material analysic:,教材分析, In this text, let the Ss master new words ,then let the Ss master the useful expressions . shirt trousers hair sock his shorts orange shoe -What colour are the coats? -They’re blue. Key difficulty:,教学重点, Let the Ss can use the main dialogue. -What colour are the coats? -They’re blue. Teaching times: ,教学课时, Teaching method:,教学方法, three doubts three searches Teaching preparation and method:,教学用具, cards,radio Teaching process: Step 1 Warmer,5 minutes, Ask the Ss to say the Chinese meanings of the following words: shirt trousers hair sock his shorts orange shoe 22 Then let them read these words and try to remember them. Step 2 设疑自探,10minutes, 1. Ask them to listen to the tape for two times,underline the words, phrases and sentences they don’t know and understand. Then collect their questions and write them on the Bb,next help them to solve it. 2. Let the Ss try to recite the dialogue: -What colour are the trousers? -They’re blue. Step 3 解疑合探,10 minutes, 1. Get some Ss to solve the problems. 2. Go through the Chinese meanings in different groups. Ask some groups to present them to the whole class. Pay attention to add their evaluations. If they have any questions, please give them more helps. 3. Let the Ss master the following new words: shirt trousers hair sock his shorts orange shoe Step 4质疑再探,7 minutes, Let the Ss know the meaning of this dialogue, and let the Ss can use it. then let the Ss practise the dialogue several times. Step 5运用拓展,8 minutes, 23 Show some exercises on the blackboard,let the students finish it. 1. -What colour __ the trousers? -They’re blue. A. is B. are C. of 2. –I can’t find my dog._____ is it? A. What B. Where C. Who Bb writting desgin:,板书设计, Lesson 2 What colour are the trousers? -What colour are the coats? -They’re blue. 教后反思 第六课时 Lesson 2 What colour are the trousers? Teaching material analysic:,教材分析, 24 In this text, let the Ss master these new words and main dialogue: shirt trousers hair sock his shorts orange shoe -What colour are the trousers? -They’re blue. Goal request:,教学重点, In this text, let the Ss master the main dialogue: -What colour are the trousers? -They’re blue. And master the new words: shirt trousers hair sock his shorts orange shoe master these :,教学难点, Let the Ss master the dialogue and can use it. Teaching times:,教学课时,3 Teaching method: ,教学方法,three doubts three searches Teaching preparation and method:,教学用具,cards,radio Teaching process: Step 1 Warmer,5 minutes, Ask and answer like this : A: -What colour are the trousers? B:-They’re blue. C: -What colour are the coats? D:-They’re red. 25 Step 2 设疑自探,10 minutes, Give the Ss three minutes to read the text: Look at the pictures on page 8 9 &10 ,what do you want to ask ? And then get the Ss try to answer these questions like this : A: -What colour are the trousers? B:-They’re blue. C: -What colour are the coats? D:-They’re red. Step 3 解疑合探,10 minutes, 1 The teacher give the Ss five minutes to read the text and try to answer these questions . 2 Do you understand the dialogue? 3 Talk about these sentences and try to understand them . 4 Help the Ss act the dialogue. Step 4 质疑再探,7 minutes, 1 Give the Ss five minutes to read the dialogue, and let the Ss can use it. 2 Let the Ss act the dialogue. 26 Step 5运用拓展,8 minutes, Excises in class: 1. -What colour are the __? -They’re blue. A. coats B. coat C. cat 2.- Miss Zhang is a teacher.She works _____ a school. A. in B. on C. at Bb writting desgin:,板书设计, Lesson 2 What colour are the trousers? shirt trousers hair sock his shorts orange shoe -What colour are the trousers? -They’re blue. 教后反思 第七课时 1 Teaching Topic: Lesson 3 They are in class three Goal request:,教学目的, 27 New words : class behind grade glass glasses Some useful expressions : A: What class are they in? B: They are in class three. Key difficulty:,教学重难点, Master these words: class behind grade glass glasses And master these useful expressions : A: What class are they in? B: They are in class three. Teaching times: ,教学课时, 1 Teaching method: three doubts three searches Teaching preparation and method: cards, radio Teaching process: Step 1 Warmer ,5 minutes, First, let the Ss look at these new words : class behind grade glass glasses ,let the Ss through these cards and try to read these new words , and let the Ss know the meaning of these words . 28 Step 2 设疑自探,10 minutes, let the Ss look at the part 1, in this part let the Ss try to read this part and try to ask and answer these questions : A: What class are they in? B: They are in class three. Step 3 解疑合探,10 minutes, 1 When we learned about this part , we master these useful expressions and words: (1) A: What class are they in? B: They are in class three. (2) New words:class behind grade glass glasses 2 Practise the dialogue and act in pairs . useful expressions : A: What class are they in? B: They are in class three. Step 4 质疑再探,7 minutes, 1 In this part, let the Ss look at the part 1, let’ s talk : Do you have any questions about the dialogue ? 2 Can you use “class behind grade glass glasses ? 29 3 Please act out the dialogue with your partner . Step5 运用拓展,8 minutes, Show some exercises on the blackboard ,let the students finish it. Bb writting desgin:,板书设计, Lesson 3 They are in class three A: What class are they in? B: They are in class three. 教后反思 第八课时Lesson 3 They are in class three Goal request:,教学目的, New words : class behind grade glass glasses Some useful expressions : A: Are they in Grade Four? B: Yes, they are. Key difficulty:,教学重难点, Master these words: class behind grade glass glasses And master these useful expressions : A: Are they in Grade Four? B: Yes, they are. 30 Teaching times: ,教学课时, 2 Teaching method: three doubts three searches Teaching preparation and method: cards, radio Teaching process: Step 1 Warmer ,5 minutes, First, let the Ss look at these new words : class behind grade glass glasses ;let the Ss through these cards and try to read these new words , and let the Ss know the meaning of these words . Step 2 设疑自探,10 minutes, let the Ss look at Let’s learn, in this part let the Ss try to read this part and try to act it out the useful expressions: A: Are they in Grade Four? B: Yes, they are. In this part , let the Ss master these useful expressions . Step 3 解疑合探,10 minutes, 1 When we learned about this part , we master these useful expressions and words: A: Are they in Grade Four? 31 B: Yes, they are. The new words: class behind grade glass glasses 2 Practise the dialogue at Page 2 and act it out in pairs . Step 4 质疑再探,7 minutes, 1 In this part, let the Ss look at the part 1, let’stalk : A: Are they in Grade Four? B: Yes, they are. 2 Please act out the dialogue with your partner . 3 Let’s chant . 《Are you in Class One?》 Step5 运用拓展,8 minutes, Choose the right answer: 1 -Who is she? -Sorry, I _____ know. A. am not B. don’t C. isn’t 2 - Welcome to Luoyang. - ___________ . A. OK B. Yes C. Thank you. 3 A: What class __ they in? B: They are in class three. A. are B. is C. of Bb writing design:,板书设计, 32 Lesson 3 They are in class three A: Are they in Grade Four? B: Yes, they are. 教后反思 第九课时 1 Teaching Topic: Lesson 3 They are in class three Goal request:,教学目的, New words : class behind grade glass glasses Some useful expressions : A: What class are you in? B: I’m in Class 1,Grade 4. Key difficulty:,教学重难点, Master these words: class behind grade glass glasses And master these useful expressions : A: What class are you in? B: I’m in Class 1,Grade 4. Teaching times: ,教学课时, 3 Teaching method: three doubts three searches Teaching preparation and method: 33 cards, radio Teaching process: Step 1 Warmer ,5 minutes, First, let the Ss look at these new words : class behind grade glass glasses. Let the Ss through these cards and try to read these new words , and let the Ss know the meaning of these words . Step 2 设疑自探,10 minutes, 1 Let the Ss look at pictures on page 13 14&15 and ask some questions. Then get the Ss try to read the text and try to answer these questions : (1) Are they in Grade Four? (2) What class are you in? Give the Ss five minutes to read the text and answer these questions . -Yes, _____. –I’m in ________ . 2 In this part , let the Ss master these new words and useful expressions : class behind grade glass glasses A: What class are you in? B: I’m in Class 1,Grade 4. Step 3 解疑合探,10 minutes, let the Ss look at Read for fun, in this part let the Ss 34 try to read this part and try to understand the passage: Step 4 质疑再探,7 minutes, 1 In this part, let the Ss practise in pairs. A: What class are you in? B: I’m in Class 1,Grade 4. 2 Let’s act . Step 5 运用拓展,8 minutes, Show some exercises on the blackboard,let the students finish it. Lesson 3 They are in Class Three. Read 《Grandma’s glasses》 Bb writting desgin:,板书设计, Lesson 3 They are in class three A: What class are you in? B: I’m in Class 1,Grade 4. 教后反思 第十课时 Lesson 4 Where are you from? Teaching material analysic:,教材分析, 1. In this text, let the Ss master these new words: about welcome to our school at be all Chinese 35 A: Where are you from? B: I’m from Yunnan. 2.Master these new words: about welcome to our school at be all Chinese Goal request:,教学重点, 1.Master these new words : about welcome to our school at be all Chinese 2. Master these useful expressions: A: Where are you from? B: I’m from Yunnan. Key difficulty:,教学难点, Master these new words and these useful expressions. Teaching times:1,教学课时, Teaching method:,教学方法,three doubts three searches Teaching preparation and method:,教学用具, cards, radio Teaching process: Step 1 Warmer,5 minutes, Good morning~first let the Ss look at these cards : about welcome to our school at be all Chinese Let the Ss master these new words and expressions , let the Ss look at these cards and try to read these again and again . 36 Step 2 设疑自探,10 minutes, 1.First , let the Ss look at the dialogue for two times~ underline the main words ,phrases and sentences they can’ t read and understand.The teacher collect them and write tnem on the Bb, next solve these problems together. 2. Ask them to understand the problems in their groups first. Step 3 解疑合探,10 minutes, 1. Read the dialogue first and try to answer these questions: If they have any other questions ,let them speak out. 2. Get some of the Ss to try to ask and act in pairs. 3. Practise in different ways. 4.Get some pairs to present in groups. Pay attention to add their evaluations. If they have any questions, please give them more helps. Step 4质疑再探,7 minutes, The teacher asks: Do you have any questions? If they have some,help them to solve it. Step5运用拓展,8 minutes, 1.Let the Ss to finish the part 2: Let’s learn: A: Where are you from? B: I’m from ____. 37 2.Help the Ss practise it. 3. Practise in pairs. 4. Ask some Ss to present the dialogue in front of the class. Bb Desgin :,板书设计, Lesson 4 Where are you from? A: Where are you from? B: I’m from Yunnan. 教后反思 第十一课时 Lesson 4 Where are you from? Teaching material analysic:,教材分析, In this text, let the Ss master new words ,then let the Ss master the useful expressions . A: Where are you from? B: I’m from ____. about welcome to our school at be all Chinese Key difficulty:,教学重点, Let the Ss can use the main dialogue. A: Where are you from? B: I’m from Yunnan. A: Are you from Yunnan? B: Yes, I am. 38 Teaching times: ,教学课时, Teaching method:,教学方法, three doubts three searches Teaching preparation and method:,教学用具, cards,radio Teaching process: Step 1 Warmer,5 minutes, Ask the Ss to say the Chinese meanings of the following words: about welcome to our school at be all Chinese Then let them read these words and try to remember them. Step 2 设疑自探,10minutes, 1. Ask them to listen to the tape for two times,underline the words, phrases and sentences they don’t know and understand. Then collect their questions and write them on the Bb,next help them to solve it. 2. Let the Ss try to recite the dialogue: A: Where are you from? B: I’m from Yunnan. A: Are you from Yunnan? B: Yes, I am. Step 3 解疑合探,10 minutes, 1. Get some Ss to solve the problems. 2. Go through the Chinese meanings in different groups. Ask some groups to present them to the whole class. Pay 39 attention to add their evaluations. If they have any questions, please give them more helps. 3. Let the Ss master the following new words: about welcome to our school at be all Chinese Step 4质疑再探,7 minutes, Let the Ss know the meaning of this dialogue, and let the Ss can use it. then let the Ss practise the dialogue several times. Step 5运用拓展,8 minutes, Show some exercises on the blackboard,let the students finish it. 1.-Are you from Bejing? -_____ A. Yes, it is. B. No, I am. C. Yes, we are. 2. –I can see a _________. A. bird B. birds C. some birds Bb writting desgin:,板书设计, Lesson 4 Where are you from? A: Where are you from? B: I’m from Yunnan. A: Are you from Yunnan? B: Yes, I am. 教后反思 40 第十二课时 Lesson 4 Where are you from? Teaching material analysic:,教材分析, In this text, let the Ss master these new words and main dialogue: about welcome to our school at be all Chinese A: Where are you from? B: I’m from Yunnan. A: Are you from Yunnan? B: Yes, I am. Goal request:,教学重点, In this text, let the Ss master the main dialogue: A: Where are you from? B: I’m from Yunnan. A: Are you from Yunnan? B: Yes, I am. And master the new words: about welcome to our school at be all Chinese master these :,教学难点, Let the Ss master the dialogue and can use it. Teaching times:,教学课时,3 Teaching method: ,教学方法,three doubts three searches Teaching preparation and method:,教学用具,cards,radio Teaching process: Step 1 Warmer,5 minutes, 41 Ask and answer like this : A: Where are you from? B: I’m from______. A: Are you from _____? B: Yes, I am. Step 2 设疑自探,10 minutes, Give the Ss three minutes to read the text: Look at the pictures on page 20 21 &22 ,what do you want to ask ? And then get the Ss try to answer these questions like this : A: Where are you from? B: I’m from______. A: Are you from _____? B: Yes, I am. Step 3 解疑合探,10 minutes, 1 The teacher give the Ss five minutes to read the text and try to answer these questions . 2 Do you understand the dialogue? 3 Talk about these sentences and try to understand them . 4 Help the Ss act the dialogue. Step 4 质疑再探,7 minutes, 1 Give the Ss five minutes to read the dialogue, and let the Ss can use it. 42 2 Let the Ss act the dialogue. Step 5运用拓展,8 minutes, Excises in class: 1. A: Where are you ____? B: I’m from Yunnan. A. to from B. from C. the from 2.- Where are my ___? A. cat B. cats C. big cat Bb writting desgin:,板书设计, Lesson 4 Where are you from? about welcome to our school at be all Chinese A: Where are you from? B: I’m from______. A: Are you from _____? B: Yes, I am. 教后反思 Lesson5 What are these, Teaching material analysis: ,教材分析, In this text, we will learn the new words: these those tiger walk jump mom talk The useful expressions: (1) What are these? They’re 43 dolls. (2) What are those? They’re dolls. (3) Can I help you? Yes, we want some toys. (4) I want one. Here you are. Goal request: ,教学目的, In this text, let the students know and mast the useful expressions: (1) What are these\ those? They’re dolls. Key difficulty: ,重点难点,In this text, let the students know and mast the useful expressions: (1) What are these\ those? They’re ... Teaching times: ,教学时间, 3 Teaching method: ,教学方法three doubts three searches Teaching preparation and method: :(教学工具) cards Teaching process: ,教学过程, Step 1 Warmer (5 minutes) T: Good morning class. S: Good morning Miss Wang . T: Hello, Jiang shan! S1: Hello, Miss Wang! T: Look at here, what’s this? S1: It’s a doll. T: What’s that? S2:It’s a book. I’m very glad to see you have already mast the expression 44 “What’s this\ that…?” Ok, they are single; today we will go on learning another expression, Lesson 5 What are these? Step 2 设疑自探一,3minutes, Show these cards to the students. these those tiger walk jump mom talk Please tell me the questions about the new words: S1: How to read the new words? S2: What’s meaning of the words? Try to read them with the pronunciations by yourselves and guess the meaning. Step 3 解疑合探一,5minutes, Give the students some time then let some of them try to read the words . 1.First, the teacher can ask them to discuss with their classmates. 2.Next,find some Ss try to read the new words ,if there is sth wrong, the teacher should help her/him. 3.Then the Ss read the words after the teacher some times, read after some times ,read freely . Step 4设疑自探二,5minutes, T: Turn to page 48 and look at the text. Please tell me the questions about the text. 45 S1: How to read the text? S2: What’s meaning of the text? 教师补充问题: (1) What does Tom want to buy? (2) Are there some bears? (3) Can the panda walk? (4) Is it fun? Give the students five minutes, try to solve the Qs. Step 4解疑合探二,15minutes, Ask some students try to answer. If they have some difficulties they can discuss in group. 1) The teacher chooses some Ss to stand up and explain it. If there is something wrong, the teacher should correct it. 2) The teacher read the text. Then let Ss read after the teacher. Then let the Ss read the dialogue by themselves, after that choose one or two teams to stand up and act it out. S1: Can I help you? S2: Yes ,we want some toys . S3: What are those? Are they bears ? S1: No ,they’ re pandas . S1: Look !The panda can walk . S2: What fun !I want one . S1: Here you are. S3:Thank you . 46 The boys the girls and the teacher act out. Boys: Can I help you? Girls: Yes ,we want some toys . T: What are those? Are they bears ? Girls: No ,they’ re pandas . Boys: Look !The panda can walk . Girls: What fun !I want one . Boys: Here you are. Girls: Thank you . They can also give their some help in a right time. 3)Now ,look at my Qs, who can answer? Qs1:He wants to buy some toys . Qs2:No . Qs3:Yes . Qs4:Yes . Step 5质疑再探(7minutes) T:Do you have any questions about this dialogue?If you have another questions please put up quickly,first think about by yourself then you can talk about with your classmates or ask your teacher. Step 6运用拓展(8 minutes) , ,1. 如果你想知道这些东西是什么~你应该说:?????? ________ A. What are these? B. What are those? 47 , ,2. 如果你是营业员~应该怎么和客户打招呼:??????________ A. Can I help you? B. Can you help me? , ,3. 如果你想要一样东西~你应该说:??????________ A. I like … B. I want … , ,4. 如果妈妈给你买了你喜欢的东西~你应该说:??????________ A. Thank you very much. B. Here you are. Bb writting desgin: ,板书设计, Lesson5 What are these, What are these? They’re dolls. What are those? They’re dolls. 教后反思: Let’s learn, Let’s sing, Let’s act 48 Step 1 Warmer,5minutes, T: Good morning class. S: Good morning Miss Wang. T: Do you rember the dialogue we have learned in lesson5? Please follow me . …… This dialogue between Q ,Woman and T, you need mast these words .Besides that you must can retell this dialogue. Ok , this class we go on learning lesson5, OK? Step 2 设疑自探(10inutes) Write the words on the blackboard. toy cars , toy planes , teddy bears , toy cats T: Look at these sentences: A: What are these? B: They are toy cars. A:What are those? B:They are toy planes. When you see these, do you have any questions? Get the Ss to say : 1.What’s the meaning of these sentences and the words ? 2. How to use them? Read them and try to solve them by yourself. Step3.解疑合探(10minutes) 1. Give the Ss five minutes to look at Let’s learn and try to read it. 49 2. Read the dialogue after the teacher. 3. Practice this dialogue. a):What are these? They are toy cars. What are those? They are toy planes. b):What are these? They are teddy bears. What are those? They are toy cats. c) What are these? They are toy jeeps. What are those? They are toy bikes. a. First in groups of boys and girls. b. Then the Left and the right. c.Ask some pairs to stand up to act out. d. In groups of two with your deskmates. e. Have a competation, get some pairs to act out and find out the winners. 4.T: You did a good job just now. Now look at Let’s act , can you do it? S: Yes. Then the teacher act the seller ,the Ss act the customer .Then exchange . T: Ok, let’s have a try. Then ask some groups act out . 5.The teacher: Maybe you are tired, now let’s relax. Please listen to the tape and Let’s sing, look at your book, page 27 ,try it, please. Step 4质疑再探(7 minutes) 50 Ok, we have finished this lesson,do you have any questions yet? If you have some difficults please put up your hands. You can talk with your classmates in a group, you can also get help with your teacher. S:买东西时有没有其他的说法, Let Ss try to solve by themselves,if they can’t ,the teacher should help them. 买东西时还可以说:“What can I do for you?” Step 5运用拓展(8 minutes) Do you mast the words and dialogue in this lesson? Next please try to do this work. 一、补全对话: ---____________________? ---Yes ,please .I want two ____(苹果). ---Here you are . ---____________. 二、和你的好朋友一起做一个买东西的对话。 Bb writting desgin: (板书设计) Lesson5 What are these, A: What are these? B: They are toy cars. A:What are those? B:They are toy planes. 教后反思: 51 Teaching process(教学过程) Step1.设疑自探(5分钟) Look at the pictures of this passage, what do you want to ask? Get the Ss to list: What’s meaning of the text? Get the Ss to read the passage as quickly as possible, then get some of them to have a try. Step2.解疑合探(20分钟) T: Look at the passage. In this lesson I have some questions , when you read it ,try to find out the answers to the questions. (1) Where are Ann and Tim ? (2) Who goes to the market with them ? (3) What can they see in the market ? (4) Can the parrots talk ? (5) Who wants to buy a parrot? (6) Who’s buys them a parrot ? (7)Who wants to have a friend ? (8)How many parrots do they buy ? Now read the passage in groups, try to find out the 52 meaning of each sentence and also find out the answers to the questions. After 8minutes, let’s stop. Let some Ss to stand up and explain the meaning of each picture. After that let the Ss answer these questions. (1) Where are Ann and Tim ? They are in the market . (2) Who goes to the market with them ? Their mother . (3) What can they see in the market ? They can see some parrots . (4) Can the parrots talk ? Yes , they are . (5) Who wants to buy a parrot? Ann and Tom . (6) Who’s buys them a parrot ? Their mother . (7)Who wants to have a friend ? The parrot . (8)How many parrots do they buy ? Tow . Step3质疑再探,8分钟) 53 T: Do you have any other questions? Let Ss try to solve by themselves, if they can’t ,the teacher should help them. Step4运用拓展(9分钟) 选择: 1.___I help you? A. Can B. can C. is 2. Here you ____ A. is B. are C. am 3. They ___toy cars. A. is B. are C. can 4. Are they___? A. bear B. cat C. bears 5.___ are these? A. What B. How C. Where Bb writting desgin: (板书设计) Lesson5 What are these, The questions: (1) Where are Ann and Tim ? (2) Who goes to the market with them ? (3) What can they see in the market ? (4) Can the parrots talk ? (5) Who wants to buy a parrot? 54 (6) Who’s buys them a parrot ? (7)Who wants to have a friend ? (8)How many parrots do they buy ? 教后反思: Lesson6 Revision Teaching material analysic: (教材分析) In this lesson~we will learn: (1) Some new words: the USA the UK welcome these those about (2) Know the pattern: 1. Whose watch is it? 2. What colour are the trousers? 3. What class are they in? 4. What are you from? 5. What are these? Goal request: (目标要求) Master the words: the USA the UK welcome these those about Key difficulty: (重点难点) In this part, let the students mast how to use to express the ability. the useful expression: 1. Whose watch is it? 55 2. What colour are the trousers? 3. What class are they in? Teaching times(教学时间):3 Teaching method(教学方法): three doubts three searches Teaching preparation and method: cards, radio Teaching process: (教学过程) Step 1:Warmer(2 minutes) T: Good morning class. S: Good morning Miss Wang. T: Please listen to me carefully. S1: What can you see, S2: I can see some birds . S1: How many can you see? S2: I can see three . S1: Can you see any eggs ? S2: Yes ,I can . OK! Very good! This lesson we will learn Lesson6 Revision Step 2 设疑自探一,3minutes, Next show these cards to the students: the USA the UK welcome these those about Please tell me the questions about the new words. S1: How to read the new words? S2: What’s meaning of the words? Try to read them with the pronunciations by yourselves and guess the meaning. 56 Step 3 解疑合探一,5minutes, Give the students some time then let some of them try to read the words . 1.First, the teacher can ask them to discuss with their classmates. 2.Next,find some Ss try to read the new words ,if there is sth wrong, the teacher should help her/him. 3.Then the Ss read the words after the teacher some times, read after some times ,read freely . Step 4设疑自探二,5minutes, T: Turn to page 32 and look at the text. Please tell me the questions about the text. S1: How to read the text? S2: What’s meaning of the text? Now ,look at my questions : 1)What is Cathy from? 2)What class is Cathy in? 3)What are these in the box? 4)What colour are they? Step 4解疑合探二,15minutes, Ask some students try to answer. If they have some difficulties they can discuss in group. Now read the passage in groups, try to find out the meaning of each sentence and also find out the answers 57 to the questions. After 8minutes, let’s stop. Let some Ss to stand up and explain the meaning of each picture. In this part pay attention to these sentences: 1.I’m from the USA. 2.I’m in Class Five,Grade Four. 3.They are shoes . 4.They are brown . 5.They’re my sister’s. After that let the Ss answer these questions. 1. What is Cathy from? She is from the USA . 2. What class is Cathy in? She is in Class Five,Grade Four. 3. What are these in the box? They are shoes . 4. What colour are they? They are brown . 5.Whose shoes are they? They are Kate’s sister’s. Step3质疑再探,8分钟) T: Now we have learned all the passage, do you have any other questions? 58 Let Ss try to solve by themselves,if they can’t ,the teacher should help them. Step4运用拓展(9分钟) 一、找出不同类的词。 , ,1. A. duck B. chick C. goat , ,2. A. sheep B. fox C. tiger , ,3. A. see B. you C. count , ,4. A.car B. plane C.doll , ,5. A. we B. them C. they 二、写出下列词的完整形式。 1. I’m =________ 2. he’s=________ 3. she’s=________ 4.they’re=________ 5. isn’t=_________ 6. aren’t=________ 7. it’s=_________ 8. we’re=_________ Bb writting desgin: (板书设计) Lesson6 Revision Words: the USA the UK welcome these those about Patterns: 1. Whose watch is it? 2. What colour are the trousers? 3. What class are they in? 教后反思: Lesson6 Revision 59 Teaching material analysic: (教材分析) In this lesson~we will learn: (1) Some new words: the USA the UK welcome these those about (2) Know the pattern: 1. What colour are the trousers? 2. What class are they in? 3. What are you from? Goal request: (目标要求) Master the words: the USA the UK welcome these those about Key difficulty: (重点难点) In this part, let the students mast how to use to express the ability. the useful expression: 1. What colour are the trousers? 2. What class are they in? 3. What are you from? Teaching times(教学时间):3 Teaching method(教学方法): three doubts three searches Teaching preparation and method: cards, radio Teaching process: (教学过程) Step 1:Warmer(2 minutes) T: Good morning class. S: Good morning Miss Wang. 60 T: Please listen to me carefully. S1: What colour is the clock, S2: It’s red. S1: What colour are the shoes, S2:They are green. OK! Very good! This lesson we will learn Lesson6 Revision Step 2 设疑自探一,3minutes, Next show these cards to the students: the USA the UK welcome these those about Please tell me the questions about the new words. S1: How to read the new words? S2: What’s meaning of the words? Try to read them with the pronunciations by yourselves and guess the meaning. Step 3 解疑合探一,5minutes, Give the students some time then let some of them try to read the words . 1.First, the teacher can ask them to discuss with their classmates. 2.Next,find some Ss try to read the new words ,if there is sth wrong, the teacher should help her/him. 3.Then the Ss read the words after the teacher some times, read after some times ,read freely . Step 4设疑自探二,5minutes, T: Turn to page 21 and look at the text. Please tell me the questions about the text. 61 S1: How to read the text? S2: What’s meaning of the text? Now ,look at my questions : 1) What colour are the socks, 2) What colour is the dress, 3) What colour are the trousers, Step 4解疑合探二,15minutes, Ask some students try to answer. If they have some difficulties they can discuss in group. Now read the passage in groups, try to find out the meaning of each sentence and also find out the answers to the questions. After 8minutes, let’s stop. Let some Ss to stand up and explain the meaning of each picture. In this part pay attention to these sentences: 1. They are brown . 2. It’s blue 3.They are brown. After that let the Ss answer these questions. 1. What colour are the socks, They are brown . 2. What colour is the dress, It’s blue 62 3. What colour are the trousers, They are brown. Step3质疑再探,8分钟) T: Now we have learned all the passage, do you have any other questions? Let Ss try to solve by themselves,if they can’t ,the teacher should help them. Step4运用拓展(9分钟) 连线 棕色 yellow 绿色 orange 蓝色 red 红色 green 黄色 white 黑色 brown 白色 blue 橘色 black Bb writting desgin: (板书设计) Lesson6 Revision Patterns: 1. What colour are the trousers? 2. What colour is the dress, 教后反思: 63 Lesson6 Revision Teaching material analysic: (教材分析) In this lesson~we will learn: (1) Some new words: the USA the UK welcome these those about (2) Know the pattern: 1. What grade are you in? 2. Where are you from? 3. What are these? Goal request: (目标要求) Master the words: 64 the USA the UK welcome these those about Key difficulty: (重点难点) In this part, let the students mast how to use to express the ability. the useful expression: 1. What grade are you in? 2. Where are you from? 3. What are these? Teaching times(教学时间):3 Teaching method(教学方法): three doubts three searches Teaching preparation and method: cards, radio Teaching process: (教学过程) Step 1:Warmer(2 minutes) T: Good morning class. S: Good morning Miss Wang. T: Please listen to me carefully. S1:Are you from the USA, S2:No,I’m not. S1: Where are you from, S2:I’m from China. OK! Very good! This lesson we will learn Lesson6 Revision Step 2 设疑自探一,3minutes, Next show these cards to the students: the USA the UK welcome these those about Please tell me the questions about the new words. S1: How to read the new words? S2: What’s meaning of the words? 65 Try to read them with the pronunciations by yourselves and guess the meaning. Step 3 解疑合探一,5minutes, Give the students some time then let some of them try to read the words . 1.First, the teacher can ask them to discuss with their classmates. 2.Next,find some Ss try to read the new words ,if there is sth wrong, the teacher should help her/him. 3.Then the Ss read the words after the teacher some times, read after some times ,read freely . Step 4设疑自探二,5minutes, T: Turn to page 36 and look at the text. Please tell me the questions about the text. S1: How to read the text? S2: What’s meaning of the text? Now ,look at my questions : 1. What grade are you in? 2. Where are you from? 3. What are these? Step 4解疑合探二,15minutes, Ask some students try to answer. If they have some difficulties they can discuss in group. Now read the passage in groups, try to find out the 66 meaning of each sentence and also find out the answers to the questions. After 8minutes, let’s stop. Let some Ss to stand up and explain the meaning of each picture. In this part pay attention to these sentences: 1. I’m in Grade Four . 2. I’m from Henan. 3.They are elephants. After that let the Ss answer these questions. 1. What grade are you in? I’m in Grade Four . 2. Where are you from? I’m from Henan. 3. What are these? They are elephants. Step3质疑再探,8分钟) T: Now we have learned all the passage, do you have any other questions? Let Ss try to solve by themselves,if they can’t ,the teacher should help them. Step4运用拓展(9分钟) 选择 Are you from Henan? 67 ___________ No,I am. B.Yes,we are. C.Yes,you are What are these? _____________ A.They’re bears. B.They are bear. C.It’s bear. Bb writting desgin: (板书设计) Lesson6 Revision Patterns: 1. What grade are you in? 2. Where are you from? 3. What are you these? 教后反思: 第7课 第一课时 Lesson 7 Let’s go shopping, OK? Teaching material analysis:,教材分析, In this text, let the Ss master these new words: meet Friday evening call up tomorrow very ill study. 68 Goal request:,教学重点, Master these new words: meet Friday evening call up tomorrow very ill study. Master these useful expressions: -Let’s go swimming, OK?-OK. Key difficulty:,教学难点, Master these new words and these useful expressions. Teaching times:1,教学课时, Teaching method:,教学方法,three doubts three searches Teaching preparation and method:,教学用具, cards, radio Teaching process: Step 1 Warmer,5 minutes, Good morning~first let the Ss look at these cards : meet Friday evening call up tomorrow very ill study. -Let’s go swimming, OK? -OK. Let the Ss master these new words and expressions, let the Ss look at these cards and try to read these again and again . Step 2 设疑自探,10 minutes, 1.First , let the Ss look at the dialogue for two times~ 69 underline the main words ,phrases and sentences they can’ t read and understand. The teacher collect them and write them on the Bb, next solve these problems together. 2. Ask them to understand the problems in their groups first. Step 3 解疑合探,10 minutes, 1. Read the dialogue first and try to answer these questions: If they have any other questions, let them speak out. 2. Get some of the Ss to try to ask and act in pairs. 3. Practise in different ways. 4.Get some pairs to present in groups. Pay attention to add their evaluations. If they have any questions, please give them more helps. If they have any questions, please give them more helps. Step 4质疑再探,7 minutes, The teacher asks: Do you have any questions? If they have some questions, help them to solve it. Step5运用拓展,8 minutes, 1.Let the Ss to finish the part 2: Let’s learn: -Let’s go swimming/shopping/football, OK? -OK. 2.Help the Ss practice it. 70 3. Practice in pairs. 4. Ask some Ss to present the dialogue in front of the class. Bb Design :,板书设计, Lesson 7 Let’s go shopping, OK? -Let’s go swimming/shopping/football, OK? -OK. 教后反思 第二课时 Lesson 7 Let’s go shopping, OK? Teaching material analysis:,教材分析, In this text, let the Ss master new words ,then let the Ss master the useful expressions . meet Friday evening call up tomorrow very ill study. -Let’s go swimming, OK? 71 -OK. Key difficulty:,教学重点, Let the Ss can use the main dialogue. -Let’s go swimming, OK? -OK. Teaching times: ,教学课时, Teaching method:,教学方法, three doubts three searches Teaching preparation and method:,教学用具, cards, radio Teaching process: Step 1 Warmer,5 minutes, Ask the Ss to say the Chinese meanings of the following words: meet Friday evening call up tomorrow very ill study. Then let them read these words and try to remember them. Step 2 设疑自探,10minutes, 1. Ask them to listen to the tape for two times, underline the words, phrases and sentences they don’t know and understand. Then collect their questions and write them on the Bb, next help them to solve it. 2. Let the Ss try to recite the dialogue: -Let’s go swimming, OK? 72 -OK. Step 3 解疑合探,10 minutes, 1.Get some Ss to solve the problems. 2. Go through the Chinese meanings in different groups. Ask some groups to present them to the whole class. Pay attention to add their evaluations. If they have any questions, please give them more helps. 3. Let the Ss master the following new words: meet Friday evening call up tomorrow very ill study. Step 4质疑再探,7 minutes, Let the Ss know the meaning of this dialogue, and let the Ss can use it. then let the Ss practise the dialogue several times. Step 5运用拓展,8 minutes, Show some exercises on the blackboard, let the students finish it. 1. -What colour __ the trousers? -They’re blue. A. is B. are C. of 2. –I can’t find my dog._____ is it? A. What B. Where C. Who Bb writing design:,板书设计, -Let’s go swimming, OK? 73 -OK. 教后反思 第三课时 Lesson 7 Let’s go shopping, OK? Teaching material analysic:,教材分析, In this text, let the Ss master new words ,then let the Ss master the useful expressions . meet Friday evening call up tomorrow very ill study. -Let’s go swimming, OK? -OK. 74 master these :,教学难点, Let the Ss master the dialogue and can use it. Teaching times:,教学课时,3 Teaching method: ,教学方法,three doubts three searches Teaching preparation and method:,教学用具,cards,radio Teaching process: Step 1 Warmer,5 minutes, Ask and answer like this : -Hello. This is 746309. -Hello. It’s Jim here. Is that you, LanLan? -Yes. -Let’s go swimming, OK? -OK. Step 2 设疑自探,10 minutes, Give the Ss three minutes to read the text: Look at the pictures on page 38 39 &40 ,what do you want to ask ? Step 3 解疑合探,10 minutes, 1 The teacher give the Ss five minutes to read the text and try to answer these questions . 2 Do you understand the dialogue? 3 Talk about these sentences and try to understand them . 4 Help the Ss act the dialogue. 75 Step 4 质疑再探,7 minutes, 1 Give the Ss five minutes to read the dialogue, and let the Ss can use it. 2 Let the Ss act the dialogue. Step 5运用拓展,8 minutes, Excises in class: 1. -What colour are the __? -They’re blue. A. coats B. coat C. cat 2.- Miss Zhang is a teacher. She works _____ a school. A. in B. on C. at 3. -Let’s go_____, OK? -OK. A. swimming B. swim C. swims Bb writing design:,板书设计, Lesson 7 Let’s go shopping, OK? meet Friday evening call up tomorrow very ill study. -Let’s go swimming/shopping/football, OK? -OK. 教后反思 76 第四课时 1 Teaching Topic: Lesson 8 Do you have a ruler? Goal request:,教学目的, New words: ruler long use say of foot body people also deer Some useful expressions: - Do you have a pen? -Yes, I do. /No, I don’t Key difficulty:,教学重难点, Master these words: ruler long use say of foot body people also deer And master these useful expressions: - Do you have a pen? 77 -Yes, I do. /No, I don’t Teaching times: ,教学课时, 五 Teaching method: three doubts three searches Teaching preparation and method: cards , radio Teaching process: Step 1 Warmer ,5 minutes, First, let the Ss look at these new words : ruler long use say of foot body people also deer; let the Ss through these cards and try to read these new words , and let the Ss know the meaning of these words . Step 2 设疑自探,10 minutes, let the Ss look at Let’s learn, in this part let the Ss try to read this part and try to act it out the useful expressions: - Do you have a pen? -Yes, I do. /No, I don’t In this part, let the Ss master these useful expressions . 78 Step 3 解疑合探,10 minutes, 1 When we learned about this part , we master these useful expressions and words: - Do you have a pen? -Yes, I do. /No, I don’t The new words: ruler long use say of foot body people also deer 2 Practice the dialogue at Page 45 and act it out in pairs . Step 4 质疑再探,7 minutes, 1 In this part, let the Ss look at the part 2, let’ s learn : - Do you have a pen? -Yes, I do. /No, I don’t 2 Please act out the dialogue with your partner. 3 Let’s sing .Sing the song《I have two hands》 Step5 运用拓展,8 minutes, Choose the right answer: 1 What colour _____ shoes? A. is my B. are him C. are his 79 2 –Whose ruler is it? - It’s ______. A. Peter B. Peter’s C. Peters Bb writing design:,板书设计, Lesson 8 Do you have a ruler? - Do you have a pen? -Yes, I do. /No, I don’t The new words: ruler long use say of foot body people also deer 教后反思 Teaching times: ,教学课时, 六 Teaching method: three doubts three searches Teaching preparation and method: cards, radio Teaching process: Step 1 Warmer ,5 minutes, First, let the Ss look at these new words : ruler long use say of foot body people also deer ;let the Ss through these cards and try to read these new words , and let the 80 Ss know the meaning of these words . Step 2 设疑自探,10 minutes, let the Ss look at Let’s learn, in this part let the Ss try to read this part and try to act it out the useful expressions: - Do you have a pen? -Yes, I do. /No, I don’t In this part , let the Ss master these useful expressions . Step 2 设疑自探,10 minutes, 1 Let the Ss look at pictures on page 45 and ask:Do you have a pencil? Then get the Ss try to read the text and try to answer these questions: - Do you have a pen? -Yes, I do. /No, I don’t Give the Ss five minutes to read the text and answer these questions . 2 In this part, let the Ss master these new words and useful expressions : The new words: ruler long use say of foot body people also deer Step 3 解疑合探,10 minutes, 81 let the Ss look at Read for fun, in this part let the Ss try to read this part and try to understand the passage Step 4 质疑再探,7 minutes, 1 In this part, let the Ss practice in pairs. - Do you have a pen? -Yes, I do. /No, I don’t 2 Let’s act. Step 5 运用拓展,8 minutes, Show some exercises on the blackboard, let the students finish it. 1 -The glasses are on _____ nose. A. your B. you C. yours 2 - ________ can you see? - Three. A. How many B. What C. Who Bb writing design:,板书设计, Lesson 8 Do you have a ruler? - Do you have a pen? -Yes, I do. /No, I don’t The new words: ruler long use say of foot body people also deer 教后反思 82 第9课 第一课时 Lesson 9 I like summer Teaching material analysis:,教材分析, 1. In this text, let the Ss master these new words: snow winter favourite season summer spring autumn busy Goal request:,教学重点, 2.Master these new words: snow winter favourite season summer spring autumn busy Master these useful expressions: -Do you like spring? -Yes, I do. / No, I don’t Key difficulty:,教学难点, Master these new words and these useful expressions. Teaching times:1,教学课时, Teaching method:,教学方法,three doubts three searches Teaching preparation and method:,教学用具, cards, radio Teaching process: 83 Step 1 Warmer,5 minutes, Good morning~first let the Ss look at these cards :snow winter favourite season summer spring autumn busy Useful expressions: -Do you like spring? -Yes, I do. / No, I don’t Let the Ss master these new words and expressions, let the Ss look at these cards and try to read these again and again. Step 2 设疑自探,10 minutes, 1.First , let the Ss look at the dialogue for two times~ underline the main words ,phrases and sentences they can’ t read and understand. The teacher collect them and write them on the Bb, next solve these problems together. 2. Ask them to understand the problems in their groups first. Step 3 解疑合探,10 minutes, 1. Read the dialogue first and try to answer these questions: If they have any other questions, let them speak out. 2. Get some of the Ss to try to ask and act in pairs. 3. Practise in different ways. 84 4.Get some pairs to present in groups. Pay attention to add their evaluations. If they have any questions, please give them more helps. Step 4质疑再探,7 minutes, The teacher asks: Do you like spring? If they have some questions, help them to solve it. 3. Practice in pairs. 4. Ask some Ss to present the dialogue in front of the class. Bb Design :,板书设计, Lesson 9 I like summer -Do you like spring? -Yes, I do. / No, I don’t 教后反思 85 第二课时 Lesson 9 I like summer Teaching material analysis:,教材分析, In this text, let the Ss master new words , then let the Ss master the useful expressions : snow winter favourite season summer spring autumn busy -Do you like spring? -Yes, I do. / No, I don’t Key difficulty:,教学重点, Let the Ss can use the main dialogue. -Do you like spring? -Yes, I do. / No, I don’t Teaching times: ,教学课时, Teaching method:,教学方法, three doubts three searches Teaching preparation and method:,教学用具, cards, radio Teaching process: Step 1 Warmer,5 minutes, Ask the Ss to say the Chinese meanings of the following words: snow winter favourite season summer spring autumn 86 busy Then let them read these words and try to remember them. Step 2 设疑自探,10minutes, 1. Ask them to listen to the tape for two times, underline the words, phrases and sentences they don’t know and understand. Then collect their questions and write them on the Bb, next help them to solve it. 2. Let the Ss try to recite the dialogue: -Do you like spring? -Yes, I do. / No, I don’t Step 3 解疑合探,10 minutes, 1.Get some Ss to solve the problems. 2. Go through the Chinese meanings in different groups. Ask some groups to present them to the whole class. Pay attention to add their evaluations. If they have any questions, please give them more helps. 3. Let the Ss master the following new words: snow winter favourite season summer spring autumn busy Step 4质疑再探,7 minutes, Let the Ss know the meaning of this dialogue, and let the Ss can use it. then let the Ss practise the dialogue 87 several times. Step 5运用拓展,8 minutes, Show some exercises on the blackboard, let the students finish it. 1. -What colour __ the trousers? -They’re blue. A. is B. are C. of 2. –Do you like autumn? -_____ A. Yes, I can B. Yes, I do C. Yes, I like Bb writing design:,板书设计, -Do you like spring? -Yes, I do. / No, I don’t 教后反思 88 第三课时 Lesson 9 I like summer Teaching material analysic:,教材分析, In this text, let the Ss master new words, then let the Ss master the useful expressions . snow winter favourite season summer spring autumn busy -Do you like spring? -Yes, I do. / No, I don’t master these :,教学难点, Let the Ss master the dialogue and can use it. Teaching times:,教学课时,3 Teaching method: ,教学方法,three doubts three searches Teaching preparation and method:,教学用具,cards,radio Teaching process: Step 1 Warmer,5 minutes, snow winter favourite season summer spring autumn busy -Do you like spring? -Yes, I do. / No, I don’t Step 2 设疑自探,10 minutes, Give the Ss three minutes to read the text: Look at the pictures on page51 52 &53 ,what do you want 89 to ask ? Step 3 解疑合探,10 minutes, 1 The teacher give the Ss five minutes to read the text and try to answer these questions . 2 Do you understand the dialogue? 3 Talk about these sentences and try to understand them . 4 Help the Ss act the dialogue. Step 4 质疑再探,7 minutes, 1 Give the Ss five minutes to read the dialogue, and let the Ss can use it. 2 Let the Ss act the dialogue. Step 5运用拓展,8 minutes, Excises in class: 1. -What colour are the __? -They’re blue. A. coats B. coat C. cat 2.- Miss Zhang is a teacher. She works _____ a school. A. in B. on C. at 3. -Let’s go_____, OK? -OK. A. swimming B. swim C. swims Bb writing design:,板书设计, Lesson 9 I like summer 90 snow winter favourite season summer spring autumn busy -Do you like spring? -Yes, I do. / No, I don’t 教后反思 第四课时 1 Teaching Topic: Lesson 10 Are you washing your face? Goal request:,教学目的, New words: wash face cook clean draw picture supper give Some useful expressions: 91 - Are you washing your face? -Yes, I am. /No, I’m not Key difficulty:,教学重难点, Master these words: wash face cook clean draw picture supper give And master these useful expressions: - Are you washing your face? -Yes, I am. /No, I’m not Teaching times: ,教学课时, 五 Teaching method: three doubts three searches Teaching preparation and method: cards , radio Teaching process: Step 1 Warmer ,5 minutes, First, let the Ss look at these new words : wash face cook clean draw picture supper give ; let the Ss through these cards and try to read these new words , and let the Ss know the meaning of these words . 92 Step 2 设疑自探,10 minutes, let the Ss look at Let’s learn, in this part let the Ss try to read this part and try to act it out the useful expressions: - Are you washing your face? -Yes, I am. /No, I’m not. In this part, let the Ss master these useful expressions . Step 3 解疑合探,10 minutes, 1 When we learned about this part , we master these useful expressions and words: - Are you washing your face? -Yes, I am. /No, I’m not The new words: wash face cook clean draw picture supper give 2 Practice the dialogue at Page 57 and act it out in pairs . Step 4 质疑再探,7 minutes, 1 In this part, let the Ss look at the part 2, let’ 93 s learn : - Are you washing your face? -Yes, I am. /No, I’m not 2 Please act out the dialogue with your partner. 3 Let’s chant . Step5 运用拓展,8 minutes, Choose the right answer: 1 It’s _____.I can eat moon cakes . A. spring B. summer C. autumn 2 –Whose ruler is it? - It’s ______. A. Peter B. Peter’s C. Peters Bb writing design:,板书设计, Lesson 10 Are you washing your face? The new words: wash face cook clean draw picture supper give - Are you washing your face? -Yes, I am. /No, I’m not 教后反思 94 Teaching times: ,教学课时, 六 Teaching method: three doubts three searches Teaching preparation and method: cards, radio Teaching process: Step 1 Warmer ,5 minutes, First, let the Ss look at these new words : wash face cook clean draw picture supper give ;let the Ss through these cards and try to read these new words , and let the Ss know the meaning of these words . Step 2 设疑自探,10 minutes, let the Ss look at Let’s learn, in this part let the Ss try to read this part and try to act it out the useful expressions: - Are you washing your face? -Yes, I am. /No, I’m not In this part , let the Ss master these useful expressions . Step 2 设疑自探,10 minutes, 1 Let the Ss look at pictures on page 57 and ask:Are you cooking lunch? Then get the Ss try to read the text and try to answer 95 these questions: Give the Ss five minutes to read the text and answer these questions . 2 In this part, let the Ss master these new words and useful expressions : The new words: wash face cook clean draw picture supper give Step 3 解疑合探,10 minutes, let the Ss look at Read for fun, in this part let the Ss try to read this part and try to understand the passage Step 4 质疑再探,7 minutes, 1 In this part, let the Ss practice in pairs. - Are you washing your face? -Yes, I am. /No, I’m not 2 Let’s act. Step 5 运用拓展,8 minutes, Show some exercises on the blackboard, let the students finish it. 1 -The glasses are on _____ nose. A. your B. you C. yours 2 - ________ can you see? 96 - Three. A. How many B. What C. Who Bb writing design:,板书设计, Lesson 10 Are you washing your face? The new words: wash face cook clean draw picture supper give - Are you washing your face? -Yes, I am. /No, I’m not 教后反思 11课 第一课时 Lesson 11 What are you doing? Teaching material analysis:,教材分析, 1. In this text, let the Ss master these new words: ball them football basketball their water heavy flower Goal request:,教学重点, 2.Master these new words: ball them football basketball their water heavy flower 97 Master these useful expressions: -What are you doing? -I’m reading. Key difficulty:,教学难点, Master these new words and these useful expressions. Teaching times:1,教学课时, Teaching method:,教学方法,three doubts three searches Teaching preparation and method:,教学用具, cards, radio Teaching process: Step 1 Warmer,5 minutes, Good morning~first let the Ss look at these cards : ball them football basketball their water heavy flower Useful expressions: -What are you doing? -I’m reading. Let the Ss master these new words and expressions, let the Ss look at these cards and try to read these again and again. Step 2 设疑自探,10 minutes, 1.First , let the Ss look at the dialogue for two times~ underline the main words ,phrases and sentences they can’ t read and understand. The teacher collect them and 98 write them on the Bb, next solve these problems together. 2. Ask them to understand the problems in their groups first. Step 3 解疑合探,10 minutes, 1. Read the dialogue first and try to answer these questions: If they have any other questions, let them speak out. 2. Get some of the Ss to try to ask and act in pairs. 3. Practise in different ways. 4.Get some pairs to present in groups. Pay attention to add their evaluations. If they have any questions, please give them more helps. Step 4质疑再探,7 minutes, The teacher asks: What are you doing? If they have some questions, help them to solve it. 3. Practice in pairs. 4. Ask some Ss to present the dialogue in front of the class. Bb Design :,板书设计, Lesson 11 What are you doing? -What are you doing? -I’m reading/drawing/writing. 99 教后反思 第二课时 Lesson 11 What are you doing? Teaching material analysis:,教材分析, In this text, let the Ss master new words , then let the Ss master the useful expressions : ball them football basketball their water heavy flower -What are you doing? -I’m reading /drawing /writing. Key difficulty:,教学重点, Let the Ss can use the main dialogue. -What are you doing? -I’m reading/drawing/writing. 100 Teaching times: ,教学课时, Teaching method:,教学方法, three doubts three searches Teaching preparation and method:,教学用具, cards, radio Teaching process: Step 1 Warmer,5 minutes, Ask the Ss to say the Chinese meanings of the following words: ball them football basketball their water heavy flower Then let them read these words and try to remember them. Step 2 设疑自探,10minutes, 1. Ask them to listen to the tape for two times, underline the words, phrases and sentences they don’t know and understand. Then collect their questions and write them on the Bb, next help them to solve it. 2. Let the Ss try to recite the dialogue: -What are you doing? -I’m reading/drawing/writing. 101 Step 3 解疑合探,10 minutes, 1.Get some Ss to solve the problems. 2. Go through the Chinese meanings in different groups. Ask some groups to present them to the whole class. Pay attention to add their evaluations. If they have any questions, please give them more helps. 3. Let the Ss master the following new words: ball them football basketball their water heavy flower Step 4质疑再探,7 minutes, Let the Ss know the meaning of this dialogue, and let the Ss can use it. then let the Ss practise the dialogue several times. Step 5运用拓展,8 minutes, Show some exercises on the blackboard, let the students finish it. 1. - _____ are you talking about? -A football game. A. What B. Who C. Where 2. –Do you like autumn? -_____ A. Yes, I can B. Yes, I do C. Yes, I like Bb writing design:,板书设计, 102 -What are you doing? -I’m reading/drawing/writing. 教后反思 第三课时 Lesson 11 What are you doing? Teaching material analysic:,教材分析, In this text, let the Ss master new words, then let the Ss master the useful expressions . ball them football basketball their water heavy flower -What are you doing? -I’m reading/drawing/writing. master these :,教学难点, Let the Ss master the dialogue and can use it. Teaching times:,教学课时,3 Teaching method: ,教学方法,three doubts three searches Teaching preparation and method:,教学用具,cards,radio 103 Teaching process: Step 1 Warmer,5 minutes, ball them football basketball their water heavy flower -What are you doing? -I’m reading/drawing/writing. Step 2 设疑自探,10 minutes, Give the Ss three minutes to read the text: Look at the pictures on page61 62 &63 ,what do you want to ask ? Step 3 解疑合探,10 minutes, 1 The teacher give the Ss five minutes to read the text and try to answer these questions . 2 Do you understand the dialogue? 3 Talk about these sentences and try to understand them . 4 Help the Ss act the dialogue. Step 4 质疑再探,7 minutes, 1 Give the Ss five minutes to read the dialogue, and let the Ss can use it. 2 Let the Ss act the dialogue. Step 5运用拓展,8 minutes, Excises in class: 1. -What colour are the __? 104 -They’re blue. A. coats B. coat C. cat 2.- Miss Zhang is a teacher. She works _____ a school. A. in B. on C. at 3. -Let’s go_____, OK? -OK. A. swimming B. swim C. swims Bb writing design:,板书设计, ball them football basketball their water heavy flower -What are you doing? -I’m reading/drawing/writing. 教后反思 105 Lesson12 Revision Teaching material analysis: (教材分析) In this lesson~we will learn: (1) Some new words: idea computer lunch fast catch outside (2) Know the pattern: 1. Let’s go shopping, OK? 2. Do you have a pen? 3. Do you like spring? 4. Are you washing your face? 5. What are you doing? Goal request: (目标要求) Master the words: idea computer lunch fast catch outside Key difficulty: (重点难点) In this part, let the students mast how to use to express the ability. the useful expression: 1. Let’s go shopping, OK? 2. Do you have a pen? 3. Do you like spring? 4. Are you washing your face? 5. What are you doing? Teaching times(教学课时):4 106 Teaching method(教学方法): three doubts three searches Teaching preparation and method: cards, radio Teaching process: (教学过程) Step 1:Warmer(2 minutes) T: Good morning class. S: Good morning Miss Wang. T: Please listen to me carefully. S1: Do you have a pen? S2: Yes, I do. S1: Are you washing your face? S2: No, I don’t. S1: What are you doing? S2: Reading . OK! Very good! This lesson we will learn Lesson12 Revision Step 2 设疑自探一,3minutes, Next show these cards to the students: idea computer lunch fast catch outside Please tell me the questions about the new words. S1: How to read the new words? S2: What’s meaning of the words? Try to read them with the pronunciations by yourselves and guess the meaning. Step 3 解疑合探一,5minutes, Give the students some time then let some of them try to read the words . 1. First, the teacher can ask them to 107 discuss with their classmates. 2. Next, find some Ss try to read the new words ,if there is sth wrong, the teacher should help her/him. 3. Then the Ss read the words after the teacher some times, read after some times , read freely . Step 4设疑自探二,5minutes, T: Turn to page 68 and look at the text. Please tell me the questions about the text. S1: How to read the text? S2: What’s meaning of the text? Now, look at my questions: 1) Does Eve like swimming? 2) Does Tom like summer? 3) What is Eve drawing? Step 4解疑合探二,15minutes, Ask some students try to answer. If they have some difficulties they can discuss in group. Now read the passage in groups, try to find out the meaning of each sentence and also find out the answers to the questions. After 8minutes, let’s stop. Let some Ss to stand up and explain the meaning of each picture. In this part pay attention to these sentences: 108 1. I like swimming. 2. I like summer . 3.I’m drawing a computer. After that let the Ss answer these questions. 1) Does Eve like swimming? I like swimming. 2) Does Tom like summer? I like summer 3) What is Eve drawing? I’m drawing a computer Step3质疑再探,8分钟) T: Now we have learned all the passage, do you have any other questions? Let Ss try to solve by themselves, if they can’t ,the teacher should help them. Step4运用拓展(9分钟) 一、找出不同类的词。 , ,1. A. duck B. chick C. goat , ,2. A. sheep B. fox C. tiger , ,3. A. see B. you C. count 109 , ,4. A. car B. plane C. doll , ,5. A. we B. them C. they 二、写出下列词的完整形式。 1. I’m =________ 2. he’s=________ 3. she’s=________ 4.they’re=________ 5. isn’t=_________ 6. aren’t=________ 7. it’s=_________ 8. we’re=_________ Bb writting desgin: (板书设计) Lesson12Revision Words: idea computer lunch fast catch outside Patterns: 1. Let’s go shopping, OK? 2. Do you have a pen? 3. Do you like spring? 4. Are you washing your face? 5. What are you doing? 教后反思: Lesson12 Revision 110 Teaching material analysic: (教材分析) In this lesson~we will learn: (1) Some new words: idea computer lunch fast catch outside (2) Know the pattern: 1. Let’s go shopping, OK? 2. Do you have a pen? 3. Do you like spring? 4. Are you washing your face? 5. What are you doing? Goal request: (目标要求) Master the words: idea computer lunch fast catch outside Key difficulty: (重点难点) In this part, let the students mast how to use to express the ability. the useful expression: 1. Let’s go shopping, OK? 2. Do you have a pen? 3. Do you like spring? 4. Are you washing your face? 5. What are you doing? 111 Teaching times(教学课时):5 Teaching method(教学方法): three doubts three searches Teaching preparation and method: cards, radio Teaching process: (教学过程) Step 1:Warmer(2 minutes) T: Good morning class. S: Good morning Miss Wang. T: Please listen to me carefully. S1: Do you have a pen? S2: Yes, I do. S1: Are you washing your face? S2: No, I don’t. S1: What are you doing? S2: Reading. OK! Very good! This lesson we will continue to learn Lesson12 Revision Step 2 设疑自探一,3minutes, Next show these cards to the students: Please tell me the questions about the new words. S1: How to read the new words? S2: What’s meaning of the words? Try to read them with the pronunciations by yourselves and guess the meaning. Step 3 解疑合探一,5minutes, Give the students some time then let some of them try to 112 read the words . 1 .First, the teacher can ask them to discuss with their classmates. 2. Next,find some Ss try to read the new words ,if there is sth wrong, the teacher should help her/him. 3.Then the Ss read the words after the teacher some times, read after some times ,read freely . Step 4设疑自探二,5minutes, T: Turn to page 21 and look at the text. Please tell me the questions about the text. S1: How to read the text? S2: What’s meaning of the text? Now ,look at my questions : 1) Does Eve like swimming? 2) Does Tom like summer? 3) What is Eve drawing? Step 4解疑合探二,15minutes, Ask some students try to answer. If they have some difficulties they can discuss in group. Now read the passage in groups, try to find out the meaning of each sentence and also find out the answers to the questions. 1) Does Eve like swimming? 113 2) Does Tom like summer? 3) What is Eve drawing? After 8minutes, let’s stop. Let some Ss to stand up and explain the meaning of each picture. In this part pay attention to these sentences: 1. I like swimming. 2. I like summer . 3.I’m drawing a computer. After that let the Ss answer these questions. 1) Does Eve like swimming? I like swimming. 2) Does Tom like summer? I like summer 3) What is Eve drawing? I’m drawing a computer Step3质疑再探,8分钟) T: Now we have learned all the passage, do you have any other questions? Let Ss try to solve by themselves, if they can’t ,the teacher should help them. 114 Step4运用拓展(9分钟) 连线 棕色 yellow 绿色 orange 蓝色 red 红色 green 黄色 white 黑色 brown 白色 blue 橘色 black Bb writing design: (板书设计) Lesson12Revision Words: idea computer lunch fast catch outside Patterns: 1. Let’s go shopping, OK? 2. Do you have a pen? 3. Do you like spring? 4. Are you washing your face? 5. What are you doing? 教后反思: 115 Lesson12 Revision Teaching material analysis: (教材分析) In this lesson~we will learn: (1) Some new words: idea computer lunch fast catch outside (2) Know the pattern: 1. Let’s go shopping, OK? 2. Do you have a pen? 3. Do you like spring? 4. Are you washing your face? 5. What are you doing? Goal request: (目标要求) Master the words: idea computer lunch fast catch outside Key difficulty: (重点难点) In this part, let the students mast how to use to express the ability. the useful expression: 1. Let’s go shopping, OK? 116 2. Do you have a pen? 3. Do you like spring? 4. Are you washing your face? 5. What are you doing? Teaching times(教学课时):5 Teaching method(教学方法): three doubts three searches Teaching preparation and method: cards, radio Teaching process: (教学过程) Step 1:Warmer(2 minutes) T: Good morning class. S: Good morning Miss Wang. T: Please listen to me carefully. S1: Do you have a pen? S2: Yes, I do. S1: Are you washing your face? S2: No, I don’t. S1: What are you doing? S2: Reading . OK! Very good! This lesson we will learn Lesson12 Revision Step 2 设疑自探一,3minutes, Next show these cards to the students: idea computer lunch fast catch outside Please tell me the questions about the new words. S1: How to read the new words? 117 S2: What’s meaning of the words? Try to read them with the pronunciations by yourselves and guess the meaning. Step 3 解疑合探一,5minutes, Give the students some time then let some of them try to read the words . 1. First, the teacher can ask them to discuss with their classmates. 2. Next, find some Ss try to read the new words ,if there is sth wrong, the teacher should help her/him. 3. Then the Ss read the words after the teacher some times, read after some times , read freely . Step 4设疑自探二,5minutes, T: Turn to page 68 and look at the text. Please tell me the questions about the text. S1: How to read the text? S2: What’s meaning of the text? Now, look at my questions: 1) Does Eve like swimming? 2) Does Tom like summer? 3) What is Eve drawing? Step 4解疑合探二,15minutes, Ask some students try to answer. If they have some difficulties they can discuss in group. 118 Now read the passage in groups, try to find out the meaning of each sentence and also find out the answers to the questions. After 8minutes, let’s stop. Let some Ss to stand up and explain the meaning of each picture. In this part pay attention to these sentences: 1. I like swimming. 2. I like summer . 3.I’m drawing a computer. After that let the Ss answer these questions. 1) Does Eve like swimming? I like swimming. 2) Does Tom like summer? I like summer 3) What is Eve drawing? I’m drawing a computer Step3质疑再探,8分钟) T: Now we have learned all the passage, do you have any other questions? Let Ss try to solve by themselves, if they can’t ,the 119 teacher should help them. Step4运用拓展(9分钟) 选择 1. Are you from Henan? ___________ No, I am. B. Yes, we are. C. Yes , you are 2What are these? _____________ A. They’re bears. B. They are bear. C. It’s bear. Bb writing design: (板书设计) Lesson12Revision Words: idea computer lunch fast catch outside Patterns: 1. Let’s go shopping, OK? 2. Do you have a pen? 3. Do you like spring? 4. Are you washing your face? 5. What are you doing? 教后反思: 120 121
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