首页 湖南省安装工程取费表



湖南省安装工程取费表湖南省安装工程取费表 序号 序号 费用名称 计算基础与计算式 费率(%) 金额(元) , 直接工程费 一,二,三 1 一 直接费 ?,?,?,? 2 ? 按定额估价表计算的人工费 3 ? 按定额估价表计算的材料费 4 ? 按定额估价表计算的机械费 5 ? 按定额估价表计算的其它费 6 二 其他直接费 一×其他直接费费率 7 3 三 现场经费 一×现场经费费率 8 7.38 , 间接费 ,×间接费费率 9 14.83 , 计划利润 ,×利润费率 10 10 , 单独计取的费用 ?,?,?,? 11 ? ...

湖南省安装工程取费表 序号 序号 费用名称 计算基础与计算式 费率(%) 金额(元) , 直接工程费 一,二,三 1 一 直接费 ?,?,?,? 2 ? 按定额估价表计算的人工费 3 ? 按定额估价表计算的材料费 4 ? 按定额估价表计算的机械费 5 ? 按定额估价表计算的其它费 6 二 其他直接费 一×其他直接费费率 7 3 三 现场经费 一×现场经费费率 8 7.38 , 间接费 ,×间接费费率 9 14.83 , 计划利润 ,×利润费率 10 10 , 单独计取的费用 ?,?,?,? 11 ? 特殊保健费 ,×特殊保健费费率 1.06 12 ? 远地施工增加费 ,×远地施工增加费费率 1.69 13 ? 施工机构迁移费 按实际发生数计算 14 spot welding, spot welding fittings mat must be placed firmly before, to avoid forced groups to arise, additional stress caused by crack. (5) the Groove position welds and welding the same welding process should be adopted, by qualified Welders and welding. Tack weld should be evenly distributed, there is generally no less than 2-3, length should be to 10-15mm, uniform distribution, wall thickness of no more than 2/3. (6) the tack should ensure good penetration and fusion, and free of porosity, slag and other defects. (7) to ensure the bottom bead molding well to reduce stress concentration, tack should be a smooth transition to the base metal and welds polished at both ends should be generated. (8) unless the process or inspection required-welded, but each seam continuous welding finish, otherwise again before welding, to preheat the weld. (9) the welding arc scraped surface is strictly prohibited, without any introduction arc welding on the surface. (10) should ensure that the arc and arc welding of quality, arc should fill crater, multi-pass welding joint should be staggered. (11) Tig welding should be ventilated in advance, expired after welding should be delayed, and should ensure that the welding in the welding process melts to get effective protection of argon gas. (12) when using the multi-pass welding, weld before should be cleaned, after making sure that no defects, and again the next. (13) the weld should be a smooth transition to the base metal and weld both ends ground into slope. (14) card with the welding, the material should be identical to the base metal, and at the time of demolition cards should not damage materials and residues in the welding scar on the base metal polished fixed flush to the base metal. (15) the finished weld, weld ? 副食品价格调节基金 ,×副食品价格调节基金费率 0.2 15 , 价差调整 ?,?,?,? 16 ? 次材调整 (一,二)×次材系数 17 ? 主材价差 18 ? 人工费调整 工日数×(28,19.7) 28/19.7 19 ? 机械费调整 ?×机械费调整系数 20 , 预算外点工(建设方签证点工数) 点工数×点工价:× 21 , 协商定价 协商定价费按市场价格确定 22 , 施工现场安全、文明施工及职业卫生增加费 一×现场安全、文明施工及卫生增加费费率 23 1.2 , 包干费 (,,,,,)×包干费系数 24 , 计税前的工程总造价 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 25 , 优惠 ,×优惠率 26 , 税金 (,,,)×税率 27 3.413 , 劳动保险基金 (,,,,,)×劳保基金率 28 3.5 , 单位工程造价 ,,,,,,, 29 经济指标(元/平方米) ,/建筑面积 30 spot welding, spot welding fittings mat must be placed firmly before, to avoid forced groups to arise, additional stress caused by crack. (5) the Groove position welds and welding the same welding process should be adopted, by qualified Welders and welding. Tack weld should be evenly distributed, there is generally no less than 2-3, length should be to 10-15mm, uniform distribution, wall thickness of no more than 2/3. (6) the tack should ensure good penetration and fusion, and free of porosity, slag and other defects. (7) to ensure the bottom bead molding well to reduce stress concentration, tack should be a smooth transition to the base metal and welds polished at both ends should be generated. (8) unless the process or inspection required-welded, but each seam continuous welding finish, otherwise again before welding, to preheat the weld. (9) the welding arc scraped surface is strictly prohibited, without any introduction arc welding on the surface. (10) should ensure that the arc and arc welding of quality, arc should fill crater, multi-pass welding joint should be staggered. (11) Tig welding should be ventilated in advance, expired after welding should be delayed, and should ensure that the welding in the welding process melts to get effective protection of argon gas. (12) when using the multi-pass welding, weld before should be cleaned, after making sure that no defects, and again the next. (13) the weld should be a smooth transition to the base metal and weld both ends ground into slope. (14) card with the welding, the material should be identical to the base metal, and at the time of demolition cards should not damage materials and residues in the welding scar on the base metal polished fixed flush to the base metal. (15) the finished weld, weld 单位工程造价(大写) 零元 spot welding, spot welding fittings mat must be placed firmly before, to avoid forced groups to arise, additional stress caused by crack. (5) the Groove position welds and welding the same welding process should be adopted, by qualified Welders and welding. Tack weld should be evenly distributed, there is generally no less than 2-3, length should be to 10-15mm, uniform distribution, wall thickness of no more than 2/3. (6) the tack should ensure good penetration and fusion, and free of porosity, slag and other defects. (7) to ensure the bottom bead molding well to reduce stress concentration, tack should be a smooth transition to the base metal and welds polished at both ends should be generated. (8) unless the process or inspection required-welded, but each seam continuous welding finish, otherwise again before welding, to preheat the weld. (9) the welding arc scraped surface is strictly prohibited, without any introduction arc welding on the surface. (10) should ensure that the arc and arc welding of quality, arc should fill crater, multi-pass welding joint should be staggered. (11) Tig welding should be ventilated in advance, expired after welding should be delayed, and should ensure that the welding in the welding process melts to get effective protection of argon gas. (12) when using the multi-pass welding, weld before should be cleaned, after making sure that no defects, and again the next. (13) the weld should be a smooth transition to the base metal and weld both ends ground into slope. (14) card with the welding, the material should be identical to the base metal, and at the time of demolition cards should not damage materials and residues in the welding scar on the base metal polished fixed flush to the base metal. (15) the finished weld, weld 费 率 其他直接费率:3/一般土建工程其他直接费率(%),0/其他直接费率(%) 现场经费率:7.38/一类工程(%),6.44/二类工程(%),5.4/三类工程(%),4.05/四类工程(%),3/五类工程(%),0/(%) 间接费费率:14.83/一类工程(%),12.51/二类工程(%),7.61/三类工程(%),6.87/四类工程(%),4.03/五类工程(%),0/(%) 利润费率:10/一类工程(%),8/二类工程(%),6/三类工程(%),5/四类工程(%),4/五类工程(%),0/(%) 特殊保健费费率:1.06 (%)、0 (%) 远地施工增加费费率:1.69/一类工程(25-50KM)(%),1.66/二类工程(25-50KM)(%),1.61/三类工程(25-50KM)(%),1.60/四类工程(25-50KM)(%),1.56/五类工程(25-50KM)(%),2.26/一类工程(50KM外)(%),2.21/二类工程(50KM外)(%),2.15/三类工程(50KM外)(%),2.14/四类工程(50KM外)(%),2.08/五类工程(50KM外)(%),0/(50KM外)(%) 副食品价格调节基金费率:0.2(%),0(%) 次材系数:0(%),0.1(%),0.2(%),0.3(%) 税率:3.413/市区(%),3.348/县(市)镇(%),3.22/其他地区(%),0/税金系数(%) 劳动保险基金费率:0(%)、3.5(%) 优惠率:0(%),5(%),6(%),7(%),8(%) 械费调增系数:2000年10月1日前:0/机械费调增系数(%) 机 2000年10月1日—>2001年9月30日执行: 8/一般土建工程(%),8/地基强夯工程(%),8/构件运输安装工程(%),6/单独承担打桩工程的机械钻孔灌注桩(%),10/单独承担打桩工程的人工挖孔桩(%),10/单独承担打桩工程的人工成孔桩(%),10/单独承担打桩工程的人工锚杆(%),10/单独承担打桩工程的人工帷幕(%),18/单独承担打桩工程的机械打预制桩(%),21/单独承担打桩工程的机械打孔灌注桩(%) 2001年10月1日—>……:0/机械费调增系数(%) 临时设施费率:以直接工程费为计费基础的工程费率范围(3,2):3 (%),2.5(%)2(%),0(%) 冬雨季增加费率:以直接工程费为计费基础的工程费率范围(2.4,1.6):0,1.6~2.4 施工管理费率:0,5~12 一般土建工程(12,4) 土石方工程(8,4) spot welding, spot welding fittings mat must be placed firmly before, to avoid forced groups to arise, additional stress caused by crack. (5) the Groove position welds and welding the same welding process should be adopted, by qualified Welders and welding. Tack weld should be evenly distributed, there is generally no less than 2-3, length should be to 10-15mm, uniform distribution, wall thickness of no more than 2/3. (6) the tack should ensure good penetration and fusion, and free of porosity, slag and other defects. (7) to ensure the bottom bead molding well to reduce stress concentration, tack should be a smooth transition to the base metal and welds polished at both ends should be generated. (8) unless the process or inspection required-welded, but each seam continuous welding finish, otherwise again before welding, to preheat the weld. (9) the welding arc scraped surface is strictly prohibited, without any introduction arc welding on the surface. (10) should ensure that the arc and arc welding of quality, arc should fill crater, multi-pass welding joint should be staggered. (11) Tig welding should be ventilated in advance, expired after welding should be delayed, and should ensure that the welding in the welding process melts to get effective protection of argon gas. (12) when using the multi-pass welding, weld before should be cleaned, after making sure that no defects, and again the next. (13) the weld should be a smooth transition to the base metal and weld both ends ground into slope. (14) card with the welding, the material should be identical to the base metal, and at the time of demolition cards should not damage materials and residues in the welding scar on the base metal polished fixed flush to the base metal. (15) the finished weld, weld 仿古建筑工程(9,6) 市政道路工程(9,6) 市政桥涵工程(11,7) 市政隧道工程(12,8) 市政地铁工程(12,8) 市政防洪堤防工程(9,6) 市政排水工程(9,6) 市政给排水构筑物工程(11,7) 利润费率:0,4~9 一般土建工程(9,4) 土石方工程(7,4) 仿古建筑工程(7,5) 市政道路工程(6,4) 市政桥涵工程(8,5) 市政隧道工程(9,6) 市政地铁工程(9,6) 市政防洪堤防工程(6,4) 市政排水工程(6,4) 市政给排水构筑物工程(9,5) 工程相关费率:2.22/长沙、衡阳、株洲、湘潭、岳阳地区(%),2.24/其他地区工程相关费率(%),0 /工程相关费率(%) 基本养老保险费率:0(%),3.5(%) 安全文明费率:0.98/一般土建工程专业(%),0.66/其他专业(%),0/安全文明费率(%) 人工工资定额单价:19.7/建筑、园林绿化工程,15.61/市政工程,22/安装工程 人工工资审批单价:28/长沙、株洲、湘潭地区,25/岳阳、常德、娄底、怀化、郴州、衡阳、益阳地区,22/邵阳、永州、张家界、湘西自治洲地区 spot welding, spot welding fittings mat must be placed firmly before, to avoid forced groups to arise, additional stress caused by crack. (5) the Groove position welds and welding the same welding process should be adopted, by qualified Welders and welding. Tack weld should be evenly distributed, there is generally no less than 2-3, length should be to 10-15mm, uniform distribution, wall thickness of no more than 2/3. (6) the tack should ensure good penetration and fusion, and free of porosity, slag and other defects. (7) to ensure the bottom bead molding well to reduce stress concentration, tack should be a smooth transition to the base metal and welds polished at both ends should be generated. (8) unless the process or inspection required-welded, but each seam continuous welding finish, otherwise again before welding, to preheat the weld. (9) the welding arc scraped surface is strictly prohibited, without any introduction arc welding on the surface. (10) should ensure that the arc and arc welding of quality, arc should fill crater, multi-pass welding joint should be staggered. (11) Tig welding should be ventilated in advance, expired after welding should be delayed, and should ensure that the welding in the welding process melts to get effective protection of argon gas. (12) when using the multi-pass welding, weld before should be cleaned, after making sure that no defects, and again the next. (13) the weld should be a smooth transition to the base metal and weld both ends ground into slope. (14) card with the welding, the material should be identical to the base metal, and at the time of demolition cards should not damage materials and residues in the welding scar on the base metal polished fixed flush to the base metal. (15) the finished weld, weld
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