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流体力学试题及答案流体力学试题及答案 全国2002年4月高等教育自学考试 工程流体力学试题 课程代码:02250 一、单项选择题(每小题1分,共20分)在每小题列出的四个选项中只有一个选项是符合题目要求的,请将正确选项前的字母填在题后的括号内。 1.若流体的密度仅随( )变化而变化,则该流体称为正压性流体。 A.质量 B.体积 C.温度 D.压强 2.亚声速流动,是指马赫数( )时的流动。 A.等于1 B.等于临界马赫数 C.大于1 D.小于1 3.气体温度增加,气体粘度( ) A.增加 B.减小 C.不变...

流体力学试题及答案 全国2002年4月高等教育自学考试 工程 路基工程安全技术交底工程项目施工成本控制工程量增项单年度零星工程技术标正投影法基本原理 流体力学试题 课程代码:02250 一、单项选择题(每小题1分,共20分)在每小题列出的四个选项中只有一个选项是符合题目要求的,请将正确选项前的字母填在题后的括号内。 1.若流体的密度仅随( )变化而变化,则该流体称为正压性流体。 A.质量 B.体积 C.温度 D.压强 2.亚声速流动,是指马赫数( )时的流动。 A.等于1 B.等于临界马赫数 C.大于1 D.小于1 3.气体温度增加,气体粘度( ) A.增加 B.减小 C.不变 D.增加或减小 4.混合气体的密度可按各种气体( )的百分数来计算。 A.总体积 B.总质量 C.总比容 D.总压强 5.某单位购买了一台提升汽车的油压升降机(如图一所示),原设计操纵方法是:从B管进高压油,A管排油时平台上升(图一的左图);从A管进高压油,B管排油时平台下降。在安装现场工人不了解原设计意图,将A、B两管联在一起成为C管(图一的右图)。请你判断单靠一个C管通入高压油或排油,能操纵油压机升降吗?你的判断:( ) A.可以 B.不能动作 C.能升不能降 D.能降不能升 6.在一个储水箱的侧面上、下安装有两只水银U形管测压计(如图二),当箱顶部压强p=1个大气压时,两测压计0 水银柱高之差?h=h-h=760mm(Hg),如果顶部再压入一部分空气,使p=2个大气压时。则?h应为( ) 120production and non-production areas and non-production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm is located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken farms of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outbreaks have occurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize pollution to the environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the broiler (2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet GA requirements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closed-end and open-end, closed henhouse four-week window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to control and easy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house. General no power ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. Design of building structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainly related to the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilation air is designed to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of fresh A.?h=-760mm(Hg) B.?h=0mm(Hg) C.?h=760mm(Hg) D.?h=1520mm(Hg) 7.流体流动时,流场各空间点的参数不随时间变化,仅随空间位置而变,这种流动称为( ) A.定常流 B.非定常流 C.非均匀流 D.均匀流 8.流体在流动时,根据流体微团( )来判断流动是有旋流动还是无旋流动。 A.运动轨迹是水平的 B.运动轨迹是曲线 C.运动轨迹是直线 D.是否绕自身轴旋转 9.在同一瞬时,流线上各个流体质点的速度方向总是在该点与此线( ) A.重合 B.相交 C.相切 D.平行 10.图示三个油动机的油缸的内径D相等,油压P也相等,而三缸所配的活塞结构不同,三个油动机的出力F,F,12 F的大小关系是(忽略活塞重量)( ) 3 A.F=F=F 123 B.F>F>F 123 C.FF 132 ion. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet GA requirements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building tyn General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the broiler (2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproductuctioppropriate environmental measures to minimize pollution to the environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop constron the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outbreaks have occurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take a ationcare and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken farms of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situ a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm is located in the field is downwind, broodproduction areas and water sources are on -production areas and non-production and nonintroduction of fresh n: therainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilation air is designed to exclude as much as possible residential air pollutioindex and building cost index based on both, mainly related to the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and donal advantages are subject to external influence. Design of building structure is built on chicken the best environment of ratinatural resource and energy saving the hen house. General no power ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Dis easy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside ofweek window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to control and -end, closed henhouse four-end and open-the construction of closedpe of 2 www.4juan.com 各类考试历年试题答案免费免注册直接下载 全部WORD文档 11.三个容积完全相等的容器,联接如图示,先将阀门a,b关闭,阀门c开启。压强计p指示为0。将容器I充入压缩空气,绝对压强为300KPa,容器?抽成真空度为30KPa。先关闭阀门c,再开启阀门a和b。这时,压强计p的读数应该是(设当地大气压是100KPa) A.56.7KPa B.76.7KPa C.90.0KPa D.110.0Kpa 12.下列说法中,正确的说法是( ) A.理想不可压均质重力流体作定常或非定常流动时,沿流线总机械能守恒 B.理想不可压均质重力流体作定常流动时,沿流线总机械能守恒 C.理想不可压均质重力流体作非定常流动时,沿流线总机械能守恒 D.理想可压缩重力流体作非定常流动时,沿流线总机械能守恒 13.在缓变流的同一有效截面中,流体的压强分布满足( ) A.+Z=C B.p=C C. + D. +Z+ 14.当圆管中流体作层流流动时,动能修正系数α等于( ) A.1 B.2 C.3 D.2000 15.如图所示,容器若依次装着水与汽油,假定二者均为理想流体,且H=常数,液面压强为 大气压,则从管口流出的水与汽油之间的速度关系是( ) production and non-production areas and non-production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and 第 3 页 dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm is located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken farms of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outbreaks have occurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize pollution to the environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the broiler (2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet GA requirements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closed-end and open-end, closed henhouse four-week window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to control and easy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house. General no power ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. Design of building structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainly related to the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilation air is designed to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of fresh A.v>v 水油 B.v?时,叫此时的管路为水力光滑管。 0 δ 0 D.J=J p 5.如题5图所示,排水管的断面平均流速v=2.0m/s,则管道出口的局部水头损失为( ) A.0.102m B.0.204m C.0.306m D.0.408m 题5图 6.欲使水力最优梯形断面渠道的水深和底宽相等,则渠道的边坡系数m应为( ) A.1,4 B.1,2 C.3,4 D.1 7.棱柱形渠道发生M型水面曲线时,水流的特性为( ) 2 A.Frh B.Fr>l h>h cc C.Frl h 实验室 17025实验室iso17025实验室认可实验室检查项目微生物实验室标识重点实验室计划 测定法、__________和经验方法三种。 20(采用国际单位制进行量纲分析时,对于不可压缩流体,三个基本量纲分别是__________。 三、名词解释题(本大题共5小题,每小题3分,共15分) 21(不可压缩流体 22(流线 23(当量粗糙 24(短管 25(自流井 四、简答题(本大题共3小题,每小题5分,共15分) 26(图示一有压管道,小管直径d=0.2m,大管直径d=0.4m,A点压强水头为7mHO,B点压强水头为4mHO,AB22 已知大管断面平均流速v=1m/s,B点比A点高1m(求管中水流的方向。 B production and non-production areas and non-production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and 第 17 页 dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm is located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken farms of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outbreaks have occurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize pollution to the environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the broiler (2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet GA requirements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closed-end and open-end, closed henhouse four-week window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to control and easy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house. General no power ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. Design of building structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainly related to the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilation air is designed to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of fresh 27(如图所示一密闭水箱,箱壁上连接一圆柱形外管嘴。已知液面压强p=14.7kPa,管嘴内径d=50mm,管嘴中心0 线到液面的高度H=1.5m,管嘴流量系数=0.82,试求管嘴出流量Q( , 28(已知图示渠段下游为无穷远,上游水深小于正常水深。试对其进行分区,定性画出水面曲线并标出曲线名称。 五、计算题(本大题共3小题,每小题10分,共30分) 29(如图所示开口盛水容器,容器壁上设有半径R=0.4m的半球盖AB(已知球形盖中心点的水深h=1.6m,不计半 43球盖自重,试求半球盖连接螺栓所受的总拉力和总切力。(球体体积公式为) πR3 330(如图所示,管道内水流经水平对称分岔管道流入大气。已知流量Q=0.2m/s,干管直径d=300mm,支管直径l ,,30:d=d=100mm,分岔角,不计水头损失,试求水流对分岔管的作用力。 23 advantages are subject to external influence. Design of building structure is built on chicken the best environment of ratinatural resource and energy saving the hen house. General no power ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Dis easy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside ofweek window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to control and -end, closed henhouse four-end and open-the construction of closedpe of ion. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet GA requirements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building tyn General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the broiler (2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproductuctioppropriate environmental measures to minimize pollution to the environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop constron the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outbreaks have occurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take a ationcare and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken farms of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situ a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm is located in the field is downwind, broodproduction areas and water sources are on -production areas and non-production and nonintroduction of fresh n: therainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilation air is designed to exclude as much as possible residential air pollutioindex and building cost index based on both, mainly related to the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and donal 18 www.4juan.com 各类考试历年试题答案免费免注册直接下载 全部WORD文档 331(如图所示溢流坝泄流模型剖面。已知溢流坝最大下泄流量为Q=850m/s,若采用长度比尺λ=50的模型进行实pl 验,试求模型的最大泄流量Q(如测得模型坝脚处收缩断面流速v=2.65m/s,模型的堰上水头H=10.8cm,mmm 试求原型相应的流速v和堰上水头H( pp production and non-production areas and non-production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and 第 19 页 dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm is located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken farms of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outbreaks have occurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize pollution to the environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the broiler (2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet GA requirements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closed-end and open-end, closed henhouse four-week window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to control and easy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house. General no power ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. Design of building structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainly related to the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilation air is designed to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of fresh 2010年10月全国自考流体力学参考答案 end and open-the construction of closedpe of ion. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet GA requirements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building tyn General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the broiler (2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproductuctioppropriate environmental measures to minimize pollution to the environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop constron the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outbreaks have occurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take a ationcare and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken farms of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situ a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm is located in the field is downwind, broodproduction areas and water sources are on -production areas and non-production and nonintroduction of fresh n: therainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilation air is designed to exclude as much as possible residential air pollutioindex and building cost index based on both, mainly related to the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and donal advantages are subject to external influence. Design of building structure is built on chicken the best environment of ratinatural resource and energy saving the hen house. General no power ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Dis easy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside ofweek window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to control and -end, closed henhouse four-20 www.4juan.com 各类考试历年试题答案免费免注册直接下载 全部WORD文档 production and non-production areas and non-production areas and water sources are on a chicken farm in the wind, net road and 第 21 页 dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm is located in the field is downwind, brood care and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken farms of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situation on the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outbreaks have occurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take appropriate environmental measures to minimize pollution to the environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop construction General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the broiler (2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproduction. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet GA requirements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building type of the construction of closed-end and open-end, closed henhouse four-week window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to control and easy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside of natural resource and energy saving the hen house. General no power ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Disadvantages are subject to external influence. Design of building structure is built on chicken the best environment of rational index and building cost index based on both, mainly related to the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and drainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilation air is designed to exclude as much as possible residential air pollution: the introduction of fresh the construction of closedpe of ion. Construction, and energy savings funds (3) meet GA requirements in chicken farm 2, chicken coop chicken coop building tyn General requirements (1) to meet the needs of the broiler (2) left room for technological transformation, ease of reproductuctioppropriate environmental measures to minimize pollution to the environment, building the second design 1. chicken coop constron the ground, trying to avoid the endemic or outbreaks have occurred in area 7. Avoid contaminated areas of the city, take a ationcare and adult care homes apart, brood care in chicken farms of the upper hand to the 6. Understand the poultry epidemic situ a chicken farm in the wind, net road and dirt road separating uncrossed, dung farm is located in the field is downwind, broodproduction areas and water sources are on -production areas and non-production and nonintroduction of fresh n: therainage, lighting and other factors. 3, ventilation air is designed to exclude as much as possible residential air pollutioindex and building cost index based on both, mainly related to the hen house ventilation, warmth, cooling, water supply and donal advantages are subject to external influence. Design of building structure is built on chicken the best environment of ratinatural resource and energy saving the hen house. General no power ventilation, sufficient artificial lighting is used. Dis easy to manage. Windows that open sheds sheds are used outside ofweek window, using artificial light, mechanical ventilation for energy Coop, microclimate environment is easy to control and -end, closed henhouse four-end and open-22
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