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所有演习样板所有演习样板 AOXING Ship Management Name of ship: SC QING DAO Date:23-SEP-2008 Serial No.: 0809 Rev. No.:4.0 Form: SQR-C/O015 船舶应急演习记录 Shipboard Emergency Drills Record 演习项目Item of drill: 保安演习,船舶应急脱离码头 演习日期/时间Date/Time: 23-SEP-2008 演习经过(应符合SOLAS公约的要求)Details...

所有演习样板 AOXING Ship Management Name of ship: SC QING DAO Date:23-SEP-2008 Serial No.: 0809 Rev. No.:4.0 Form: SQR-C/O015 船舶应急演习 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 Shipboard Emergency Drills Record 演习项目Item of drill: 保安演习,船舶应急脱离码头 演习日期/时间Date/Time: 23-SEP-2008 演习经过(应符合SOLAS公约的要求)Details of exercises (should be complying with SOLAS) 1) 保安演习 地点:BELAWAN 锚地。 时间:1540-1555 (除当值人员全体参加) 2) 船舶脱离码头应急演习 地点:BELAWAN 锚地。(除当值人员全体参加) 1600 当值水手发现缆绳松脱, 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 当值驾驶员Duty AB found mooring line out of bite reported to duty officer 1601 立刻停止货物操作,通知机舱紧急备车并通知船长Stopped cargo operation ,inform E/R SBE and call master 1602 发出紧急警报,并申请外部带缆艇Sound emergence alarm ,require mooring boat assistant 1610 关闭所有阀门,落水孔,通风口,做好防火,防污染准备Shut all the valve and plug the scuppers. suit with the require of the firefighting and prevention of pollution 1615 启用备用缆绳,将船系妥 Use the spare ropes made fast vessel 1618 重新检查确认船舶已安全系妥Make sure vessel in position and was fast safely 1620 解除警报恢复货物操作Sound dismiss signal resume cargo operation 3)人落水应急演习 地点:SOUTH CHINA SEA LAT:05?35.2N LONG:106?54.5E 全体船员参加(当班人员除外) 1500 2/O当值时发现有人自左舷甲板落水,立即操左满舵施WILLIAMSON旋回,并通知 机舱备车及通知船长。2/O found one A/B overboard from port side, order duty A/B hard to port to make WILLIAMSON turn, and inform engine room , call master immediately. 1501 2/O打开烟雾信号连救生圈将其投入水中人落水上风处,并拉响警报— — —。2/O throw the life-boat with smoking signal to the sea from wind-side, and sound man-over-board signal. 1502 船长上驾驶台指挥。Captain come to bridge and taken over. 1504 人员携带毛毯 担架 氧气复苏仪等到达集合地点集合待命。All crews stationed at muster station with blanket、stretcher and oxygen resuscitator . 1505 船长命令救助艇做好放艇准备,并要求救护队做好救护准备。Captain order S/B rescue-boat for lower, and rescue party prepared first-aid. 1510 模拟救助艇下水后自下风舷靠近落水者,并救上艇。rescue-boat lower to sea and close to the O/B A/B from leeside and pick up him. (simulative) 1515 经救护队救护落水人员苏醒。O/B A/B awaked under rescue party’s first-aid actions. 1520 演习结束,回收艇及解除备车。Sound dismiss signal. 1525 大副讲解。C/O explained the MOB procedure. 4),救生筏释放,Liferaft release 1530 打开盒子取出钓钩 remove the pin open the hook caver take out the hook 1531 操作吊机将救生筏移出舷外,拉动PANITER(模拟)operate crane shift liferaft out of the vessel ,pull the painter 1532 救生筏打开,人员登筏(模拟)liferaft was open ,crew get in 1533 放至水面 割断PANITER 离开大船 (模拟)lower to water level cut painter leave the vessel 1535 回收 固定救生筏 secured liferaft 5)、1) 弃船和救生应急演习 ABANDON SHIP DRILL 地点:阿拉伯海 LAT:05?39.2N LONG:106?56.3E 全体船员参加(当班人员除外) 1500 拉响警报???????? 并用广播告诉全体船员弃船演习,到艇甲板集合.;Sounded abandon ship signal. Muster at embarkation deck. 1501 船长命令二副按应急程序向公司发报并向沿岸国搜救中心发出求救信号(模 拟);Captain order 2/O sent distress message to company and concerned stations. 1502 全体船员到达集合站;电机员检查应急照明; 船长命令大副,三副清点人数,检查着 装和携带设备物品; All concerned crew members with lifejacket mustered at muster station, Captain ordered C/O & 3/O checked crews number and equipments. 1503 大副、三副回报:除规定坚守岗位船员外并检查所有其他船员穿着救生衣正确携带设 备物品到达集合站; 应急照明正常; C/O and 3/O rolled call the crews numbers reported to captain that all crew members had been summoned at life boat station with TWO WAY VHF, SART, EPIRB and life-saving article, crews suitable dressed, checked lifejackets were in good condition correctly donned. 1504船长命令准备放艇; Captain ordered prepared for lower the life-boat. 1507 船长下令驾驶台人员及机舱人员携带有关重要文件撤离并最后发送求救信号; Captain ordered bridge crews taken concerned document disembarked ship and sent the final distress signals.(模拟) 1510 拉一长声演习结束;. Sound the dismiss signal 1512-1520 各物品归位, 船长,大副讲评本次演习效果,二副讲解无线电救生设备.三副 检查各人的救生衣灯及口哨,无缺失。检查应急照明系统,工作正常。Restored goods concerned to original position .Capt & C/O commented and appraised this drill,2/O explained wireless life-saving appliance,3/O checked all lights& whistles with lifejackets,in good condition. Checked the emergence lights worked in good order 6) 舵机失灵应急操舵演习 地点:SOUTH CHINA SEA LAT:05?39.8N LONG:106?56.5E 全体船员参加(当班人员除外) 1600 二副报告发现自动舵故障,转换手操舵也没舵效并立即报告船长,通知机舱备车。 2/O found auto-pilot fail. Hand steering disabled, Call master immediately and inform E/R S/B. 1601 船长上驾驶台,命令一水到舵机房启用应急操舵同时广播通知有关人员VHF02保持 通信 联系。Master come to bridge and order A/B go to steering gear room and broadcast to ship, and kept communication on CH 02 1604 AB C/O C/E E/E 全部到达现场。A/B’C/O C/E are present at steering gear room. 1605 船长命令启动人工舵并测试左右满舵及航向把定。Captain order start emergency procedure. Tested hard to port , hard to starboard and steady. All in good order. 1610船长指挥校正舵角正常。Adjusted the rudder angle and course under captain’s command. Satisfactory. 1615 船长解除警报,演习结束。并要求大副/轮机长培训舵机房操舵程序。Sound dismiss signal. 1615-1630大副/轮机长培训舵机房操舵程序。 C/O and C/E explain the emergency steering procedure 7) 溢油演习, 货物PALM OIL,地点6左货舱,状态:装货作业因换仓阀没打开 演习地点: STRAT OF HORMUZ LAT:26?09.6N LONG:055?26.6E 全体船员参加(除当班人员外) 1400 甲板当班报告6左货舱溢油并拉响警报?? ??,并附以广播指明位置; 同时通知岸 上立即停泵 Duty man found oil spilled at COT 6P,Report to duty officer, duty officer informed shore stopped pump and reported to captain, sound oil spillage signal and broadcast the location at COT 6P. 1402 大副命令当班水手立即打开空舱阀门及检查各落水口, C/O order duty A/B open other empty tank valve and check all scupper . 1405 所有船员携带防污器材到达集合地点待命,大副点名并报告船长; All crews with OPA equipments mustered at muster station, C/O rolled called crews and reported to captain 1409 大副报告岸泵已停,命令关闭进口阀,船长命令启动空气泵将甲板溢油泵至5左,并用 其他 器具回收溢油; C/O reported that the shore stopped pump, all valves closed. Master ordered pump the spilled oil into COT 5P by welding pump. And use OPA equipment collected the spillage oil. 1410用锯末破布等清除甲板油污; Use sawdust and rag cleaned the spot. 1415 报告港口当局,三副带领回收溢油小组随时准备放艇下水回收溢油; Reported to port authority , 3/O stand by lead the oil collect team lower boats to collected oil from sea. 1425 溢漏货油已全部回收及清洁干净;由于措施得当对海面未造成污染。All oil cleared and collected. No oil overboard and no pollution due to take action in timely. 1435进一步检查事故原因;并结合事故的教训强化值班 制度 关于办公室下班关闭电源制度矿山事故隐患举报和奖励制度制度下载人事管理制度doc盘点制度下载 , Discuss the accident and learn the experience. 1440 大副讲评,船长向公司报告事故经过,恢复作业;人员防护基本装备及其注意事项。 Sound dismiss signal. 8)消防演习 Fire-fighting drill 演习地点: STRAT OF HORMUZ LAT:26?15.6N LONG:055?40.6E 全体船员参加 1450 船长发出消防演习警报,油漆间着火. Sound the signal for fire-fighting drill, Location : paint store . 1452 全体船员到达集合点集合,由大副点名。见甲板水出. All concerned crew members with fire-fighting equipments mustered at muster station, 1453 消防皮龙二根接妥并出水,二副模拟向公司进行应急报告; 测试应急通信; Two jets sea water sprayed out from fire hose, 2/O reported to company. 1455 大副报告船长,除规定值班人员外所有其他人员按消防部署到达集合站. C/O reported that all crews present in spot. 1456 船长命令大副检查人员是否到齐及着装,所带器材是否符合要求; 船长命令大副指 挥探火队探火,探明火情,并检查所有通风孔是否关闭。Captain order check firemen’s outfits, fire-fighting equipment, and detected fire, close all vent. 1458 大副报告船长:人员到齐,着装,所带器材符合要求;应急通信正常; 所有阀门是已关 闭.C/O reported that all in good orders. 1459 大副命令消防队冷却火灾周围;隔离队隔离附近易燃易爆物,救护队技术队备妥应 急;探火队员进行探火;C/O ordered cooled the paint store outside wall, separated inflammable substance from adjacent fire spot, C/COOK prepared first-aid and stand by, fire-men detected fire. 1501 探火队员在消防队的掩护下进入火场探火;Two fire-men enter fire place detected fire. 1504 探火队员回报:油漆间着火,没有发现受伤人员及其它可疑东西,但需要更进一步的 灭火。Fire-men reported that paint store paint on fire need further firefighting . 1505 大副在船长命令下指挥灭火队进入现场灭火打开固定喷水系统,隔离队开启皮龙水 和喷洒甲板。Fire-fighting team extinguished fire,start the fix water spry system, separate team use sea water cooling store outside wall. 1510 灭火队报告,火已得到控制。已无明火。Reported that fire under control. 1511 船长命令再次检查泵舱四周有无气体泄漏和危险品,和复燃的可能。Captain ordered fire-men detected again. 1514 大副指挥探火人员再次进入火场探火,回报经检查无任何气体泄露,舱壁及甲板温度 已明显 下降。Fire-men entered fire place detected again. 1518大副报告火灾被扑灭,无复燃的可能性,并密切监视火灾现场. C/O reported the fire had been extinguished. Re-fire impossible. Kept sharp watch. 1520 船长命令大副指挥清理现场,保证通风,严密监视。Master order tidy the spot and fan, keep a continues watch. 1522 清理现场,现场通风 The spot tidied and opened vent. 1527 船长命令测氧测爆; Checked the Oxygen and explosibility 1529 探火队员回报: 测氧21% 测爆0一切正常,;Oxygen 21% explosibility 0 大副报告测氧为21%测爆为0,船长命令清理火场四周; 1530 清理现场并向公司报告一切恢复正常;保留一人继续监视火场四周;Remain mess boy kept watch. 1535 拉一长声结束消防演习。Sound the dismiss signal. 10)失电应急演习 演习地点: STRAT OF HORMUZ LAT:26?20.6N LONG:055?55.6E 全体船员参加(除当班人员外) 1540在航行途中,突然发生发电机跳电造成主机自行停车,值班轮机员立即报告驾驶台。 (模拟) During voyage , main engine stopped due to electric break down, duty engineer informed to bridge. 1542 驾驶员悬挂失控号型,用VHF16发布安全信息,自动舵转为手操舵。(模拟) Duty officer hoist the out of control shape and send related message by VHF, Auto steering changed to hand steering. 1545 机舱人员在轮机长的带领下进行检查发现是超负荷跳电。Engine checked the trouble under C/E’s command, found the generator jumped due to overload. 1550 电机员立即拉开副闸刀,重新配电,恢复供电。E/E immediately started to running the generator and commence to supply electric. 1600启动发电辅机海,淡水泵和辅机燃油增压泵,确保发电辅机正常运行和供电;同时启 动舵机,恢复操舵。启动为主机服务的各种油水泵以及恢复主机各种控制和保安系 统工作,然后启用主机,并启动废气锅炉的给水泵和空气压缩即,主机恢复正常运 转后,启动分油机,伙食冰机,日用海淡水泵和空调机等各种辅助设备和日常生活 设备。 Engine checked all pump and machines , running the main engine resume to running all equipment. 1610 恢复各种航行设备和通信正常运行,电告驾驶台,驾驶员降下失控号型,解除安全 信息。Duty officer turn on all navigation equipment, working satisfactory, lower down the shapes and released the out of control message. 1620 演习结束,船舶进行正常航行。Sound dismiss signal. 11)封闭舱室人员伤亡急救演习 地点:STRAT OF HORMUZ LAT:26?20.6N LONG:055?55.6E (当班人员除外) 1630 拟泵匠进入泵房 检修 外浮顶储罐检修方案皮带检修培训教材1变电设备检修规程sf6断路器检修维护检修规程柴油发电机 泵匠因有毒气体晕倒。P/M fainted by noxious gases during working at pump room. (simulative) 1631 负责在外看护的水手长立即大声呼救并拉响警报。The watchman(bosun) alarmed ,reported to duty officer and captain. 1633 相关人员携带急救器材及呼吸器赶到现场,The released crews stationed at the pump room. 1634 大副命令ABA ABC佩带呼吸器对讲机进入泵房施救,并命令救护队准备好氧气复苏 仪及相关器材。C/O order A/B-A & A/B-B with BA entered to pump room for help P/M. and prepared oxygen resuscitator . 1636 ABA在泵房报告,泵匠昏迷需担架抬离,A/B-A reported P/M fainted and need gave first aid at outside. 1638 泵匠被移上泵房担架,水手长指挥人员将担架提升至泵房外,P/M was taken out by two A/B. 1639 救护队将泵匠抬至上甲板通风处施救,Rescue party gave first-aid immediately. 1645 泵匠苏醒,大副命令急救队继续监护。P/M come to himself. 1650 演习结束,大副讲评。Sound dismiss signal and C/O explain the closed space entering and working procedure. 12)人员伤亡急救演习 地点: SOUTH CHINA SEA全体船员参加(当班人员除外) 1400 拟泵匠进入泵房检修泵匠因有毒气体晕倒。P/M fainted by noxious gases during working at pump room. (simulative) 1401 负责在外看护的水手长立即大声呼救并拉响警报。The watchman(bosun) alarmed ,reported to duty officer and captain. 1403 相关人员携带急救器材及呼吸器赶到现场,The released crews stationed at the pump room. 1404 大副命令ABA ABC佩带呼吸器对讲机进入泵房施救,并命令救护队准备好氧气复苏 仪及相关器材。C/O order A/B-A & A/B-B with BA entered to pump room for help P/M. and prepared oxygen resuscitator . 1406 ABA在泵房报告,泵匠昏迷需担架抬离,A/B-A reported P/M fainted and need gave first aid at outside. 1408 泵匠被移上泵房担架,水手长指挥人员将担架提升至泵房外,P/M was taken out by two A/B. 1409 救护队将泵匠抬至上甲板通风处施救,Rescue party gave first-aid immediately. 1415 泵匠苏醒,大副命令急救队继续监护。P/M come to himself. 1420 演习结束,大副讲评。Sound dismiss signal and C/O explain the closed space entering and working procedure . 13) 船舶碰撞演习 演习地点: SOUTH CHINA SEA 全体船员参加(除当班人员外) 1440 警报响起,除值班人员外所有船员到集合点集合。 General alarm sounded. All crew mustered at muster station, all present except deck and engine duty crew. 1441 船长通知进行碰撞演习模拟碰撞的位置在船头。Master announced collision drill and simulate collision at forecastle. 1442 紧急行动—通知机舱,停车,船长估算破坏情况及危险性、稳性,检查所有的间隔 空间并测量所有的舱室,船长指示确保船员的安全,关闭所有的水密门。估算倾覆 危险、研究破舱稳性,堵漏队待命,救生艇备妥为紧急使用,并与她船联系,递交 碰撞通知书附带相关的救助信息。船长报告公司。Immediate actions--- inform engine room, stop engine, master informed assessment of damage and likely Danger, assessment of stability, inspections of all internal spaces and sound all tanks, Crew safety is the paramount need,Closed all the watertight doors, assessment of capsizing and study of damage stability, Repair team stand by, lifeboat ready for any emergency, communication with other ship and render collision notice with Assistance information. And master reported to company current condition. 1455 经过检查,发现船头破裂,船艏舱进水,计算船舶稳性、破舱稳性正常。 C/O found ship bow broken and water come to fore slop tank, calculated the stability and damage stability, satisfy, 1456船长收到公司指示:维持船舶航行到XX船厂修理,保证船员安全,随时与公司联系。 Master received company’s order : ship proceed to XX shipyard for repair and Crew safety is the paramount need. Communication with company any times. 1458 船长按照公司指令操作。 Master do action according company’s order 1500 演习结束,Sound dismiss signal. 1500-1510大副讲解碰撞相关的知识。 C/O explain the collision procedure 14)主机失灵应急演习 演习地点:SOUTH CHINA SEA 全体船员参加(除当班人员 外) 1520 在航行途中,突然发生发电机跳电造成主机自行停车,值班轮机员立即报告驾驶台。 (模拟) During voyage , main engine stopped due to electric break down, duty engineer informed to bridge. 1522 驾驶员悬挂失控号型,用VHF16发布安全信息,自动舵转为手操舵。(模拟) Duty officer hoist the out of control shape and send related message by VHF, Auto steering changed to hand steering. 1525 机舱人员在轮机长的带领下进行检查发现是超负荷跳电。Engine checked the trouble under C/E’s command, found the generator jumped due to overload. 1530 电机员立即拉开副闸刀,重新配电,恢复供电。E/E immediately started to running the generator and commence to supply electric. 1540启动发电辅机海,淡水泵和辅机燃油增压泵,确保发电辅机正常运行和供电;同时启 动舵机,恢复操舵。启动为主机服务的各种油水泵以及恢复主机各种控制和保安系 统工作,然后启用主机,并启动废气锅炉的给水泵和空气压缩即,主机恢复正常运 转后,启动分油机,伙食冰机,日用海淡水泵和空调机等各种辅助设备和日常生活 设备。 Engine checked all pump and machines , running the main engine resume to running all equipment. 1600 恢复各种航行设备和通信正常运行,电告驾驶台,驾驶员降下失控号型,解除安全 信息。Duty officer turn on all navigation equipment, working satisfactory, lower down the shapes and released the out of control message. 1610 演习结束,船舶进行正常航行。Sound dismiss signal. 15) GROUNDING&STRANDING DRILL(1300-1335): 1300: Emergency signal sounding&Broadcast Ship Grounding in shallow water. 1302: All crews mustered at main deck Immediately, Chief mate roll call & checked each person’s post &task , report to bridge. 1305-1320: Closed all watertight door,chief mate checked cargo condition, pump man sounding ballast tank&bilge tank, engineer checked all oil tank, Third mate&Bosun sounded depth of the water around ship&Checked sea bed condition,Ship are aground on soft bottom . Engine department checked Main engine&all machines. All are found in good condition&No flooding. 1325:Confirmed Ship Grounding at low water , and ship is on loading condition & can not pumping out any ballast water to refloat. So stop engine &wait high tide. 1330:Assumed it is high water & vessel refloat by himself. 1332:Alarm release. 1. SHIP SECURITY INCIDENT DRILL: 1335-1345: Chief mate introduce to the crew members drilled: Business areas of the companyand sea areas haunted by pirates and/or armed attacks, General requirements on counter-measures to be taken when encountering pirates and /or armed attacks. 1345: Pirates are found on the bridge, and report to the master and SSO, Sound the warning and gather the crew members. 1347-1600:Drill the procedures for contingency responses as regulated in the ship security plan when encountering pirates and/or armed attacks; Simulate how to retreat the crew members to the pre-arranged safe areas.Arrange some members to lock the important places(without telling them the locations) and check whether they have performed the locking. 16) 货物投弃应急 演习地点: East Coast of indian Ocean 全体船员参加(除当班人员外) 1515 : 船舶发生触礁事件并发现有货物溢出漂浮在海面上,当班驾驶员立即通知船长。 The ship grounding, caused oil spilled and floaded on offing,Duty officer call master immediately. 1516: 船长发出报警,同时用广播通知全船,警报及广播测试正常。Sounded the signal and notified all crew through broadcast.Alarm and broadcast tested in good order. 1517-1545: 全船人员立即按照应变部署表展开行动:船长为总指挥,大副为现场指挥。 二 副立即悬挂操作能力受限信号,用鸣汽笛警告附近来往船只并使用VHF发布受限消 息,并做好相关的记录:值班水手负责操舵。同时船长操作车钟,使主机降速;机舱 相关人员立即到机舱检查自己相关机器的情况,二管轮开启三台发电机;大幅迅速到 货控室察看货舱的液位和船舶的横倾纵倾,发现2左的液位明显的下降,船舶向右倾 斜10度并不断上升,大幅将情况报告给船长,船长命令大幅满速往左边压载舱压水, 并叫水手长,及水手接软管到右旋的总货管,软管的另一端放到舷外海水中,泵匠准 备好货物的管路,随时准备抛货。其他人员关好相应得门窗。随着船舶的横倾不断的 增大,船舶有沉没危险。船长把实际情况汇报给公司和当地海事部门并命令抛弃2右 的货物。同时三副指挥放救助艇,携带并使用围油栏。大幅启动液压泵和货泵,2右 的货物开始排出舱外。船舶和横倾慢慢变小直至恢复到正常状态。All crew mustered at muster station, all present except deck and engine duty crew. General commander - capt , command spot -c/o. 2/o hoist the control restricted shape and send related message by VHF,and recorded the fact. The duty helmsman in charge of operating helm .Capt lowed down m/e. Engineers checked up m/e and all machines,2/e turned on 3 generators; c/o checked cargo condition , foud cot 2p obviously lowed down the cargo level, list to s up 10 degrees and raised directionally. c/o reported the capt all conditions ,capt commanded c/o to ballast p w.b.t, informed bosun and sailors connect tubel onto starboard main cargo pipe, the other end of tubel took into sea, p/m s/b pipeline, at any moment ready for jettison cargo. Closed all the watertight doors。It was sunk dangerous for the ship ,as the list increased .Capt reported the conditions for the correlative department ,and commanded jettison of cargao.At one time 3/0 lead to lower the rescue boat and collected oil.C/O started hydraulic pressure pump and cargo pump,the cargo in the 2S started discharge out of the vessel. The ship recovered the normal conditions,with list reducing. 1545-1555: 全船船员清理好现场。船长和大幅对此次演习分别作出讲评并讲解如何处理甲 板上的可燃气体等应注意的一些事项。Remain mess boy kept watch.Capt and c/o explained separately. 演习评价Evaluation of exercises 大副C/O: YANG YONG 船长Master:GUI RONGLAI Note: 依据SQM-06/SQP-06, 根据“年度应急演习 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 ”实施演习,一份自存,保存2年。According to SQM-06/SQP-06, to be carried out according to the “Emergency Exercises Plan”, one kept on board by C/O for 2 year.
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