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妇幼保健知识讲座妇幼保健知识讲座 主讲人:元潭乡卫生院_____杨超群 你健康吗, 20世纪70年代,联合国世界卫生组织(WHO)在世界保健大宪章中对保健做了如下定义:“健康不仅是身体没有病,还要有完整的生理、心理状态和社会的适应能力”。 (1)身体无病:这是健康的最基本条件; (2)心理健康:心态决定了人生的一切,良好的心理是一切的保证; (3)身体健康:维持机体各组织的细胞,使功能协调作用完善。 (4)适应社会的能力:当今社会的三大特征:“速度、多变、危机”,对策:“学习、改变、创业”。 健康的十条标准: (1...

妇幼保健知识讲座 主讲人:元潭乡卫生院_____杨超群 你健康吗, 20世纪70年代,联合国世界卫生组织(WHO)在世界保健大宪章中对保健做了如下定义:“健康不仅是身体没有病,还要有完整的生理、心理状态和社会的适应能力”。 (1)身体无病:这是健康的最基本条件; (2)心理健康:心态决定了人生的一切,良好的心理是一切的保证; (3)身体健康:维持机体各组织的细胞,使功能协调作用完善。 (4)适应社会的能力:当今社会的三大特征:“速度、多变、危机”,对策:“学习、改变、创业”。 健康的十条 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 : (1)精力充沛,能从容不迫地应付日常生活的压力而不感到过分紧张,你可以从事你渴望做的一切工作。 (2)处事乐观,态度积极,乐于但责任,严于律已宽以待人; (3)应变能力强,能够较好的适应环境的各种变化; (4)对于一般感冒和传染病有抵抗能力; (5)体重标准,身体均称,站立时身体各部位协调 (6)眼睛明亮,反映敏捷无炎症; (7)头发有光泽,无头屑或较少; (8)牙齿清洁,无龉齿、无疼痛,牙龈色正常无出血现象 (9)肌肉、皮肤有弹性,走路感觉轻松; and contract product specifications, models, scale to match. Trunking, fittings and testing requirements for iron: a variety of trunking material, specifications, provisions of the model should comply with the design document, the surface should be smooth, flat, no deformation, fracture. Embedded metal raceways, cable boxes, junction boxes and iron pipe surface coating or plating a uniform, complete, not deformation and damage. All kinds of material quality and specifications of iron should be in line with quality standards, without distortion, distortion, burrs, breakage or damage. Surface treatment and coating of iron should be uniform and complete, with smooth surface, no shedding, bubbles and other defects. Cable testing requirements are as follows: projects using twisted-pair cable, should comply with the design specifications and contract requirements. Signs attached to the cable, the label content should be complete and clear. Cable sheath intact, the cable should be accompanied by a quality inspection certificate. If user requests shall be accompanied by the technical guidance of the bulk cable. Connector test requirements are as follows: wire modules and information part of the socket, and other sockets should be complete, check whether the plastic material meet the design requirements. Cabling (10)善于休息,睡眠好。 我们应该知道,未来的生活的质量取决于我们现在对待身体的方式。因此,从现在开始,我们要真正尊重自己的身体,善待自己的身体,给她以细致的关爱与呵护。 我们应该做什么, 哪些人容易得乳腺癌, 有乳腺癌家族史的人。 一侧已患乳腺癌的人。 终身未生育、未哺乳或高龄生育的人。 月经初潮早于13岁,绝经年龄迟于55岁的人。 营养过剩,中年后明显发胖的人。 长期应用激素药物,接触有害、有毒物和射线的人。 发现早期乳腺癌的意义 早期乳腺癌的治愈率,高达80-90%,到晚期就只有40%左右。 如何早期发现乳腺癌, 提示1:乳房自检 步骤1: 对镜子,双手叉腰,观察双乳房外形、轮廓有无异常。 步骤2: 举起双臂,观察双乳房外形、皮肤、乳头、轮廓有无异常。 步骤3: and contract product specifications, models, scale to match. Trunking, fittings and testing requirements for iron: a variety of trunking material, specifications, provisions of the model should comply with the design document, the surface should be smooth, flat, no deformation, fracture. Embedded metal raceways, cable boxes, junction boxes and iron pipe surface coating or plating a uniform, complete, not deformation and damage. All kinds of material quality and specifications of iron should be in line with quality standards, without distortion, distortion, burrs, breakage or damage. Surface treatment and coating of iron should be uniform and complete, with smooth surface, no shedding, bubbles and other defects. Cable testing requirements are as follows: projects using twisted-pair cable, should comply with the design specifications and contract requirements. Signs attached to the cable, the label content should be complete and clear. Cable sheath intact, the cable should be accompanied by a quality inspection certificate. If user requests shall be accompanied by the technical guidance of the bulk cable. Connector test requirements are as follows: wire modules and information part of the socket, and other sockets should be complete, check whether the plastic material meet the design requirements. Cabling 用拇指和食指挤压乳头检查流出的液体。 步骤4: 仰卧平躺,肩部稍垫高,举起右手臂,用手触摸对侧腋下、乳房尾叶有无肿块。 步骤5: 用手触摸对侧乳房,转小圈,尽量覆盖所有的区域,轻压感觉皮肤下的改变,重压感觉深部乳房组织的改变。发现以下情况应及时找专科医生检查双侧乳房不对称乳房有肿块、硬结乳房皮肤有凹陷、水肿、红肿、乳头溢液、溢血、凹陷、偏斜、乳晕区皮肤增厚、瘙痒、脱屑腋窝淋巴结有肿大。 乳房出现哪些情况应就医, 乳腺肿块是乳腺肿瘤的主要症状,80,以上的肿块是病人自己偶然发现的。只有一少部分是在查体时被医生发现的。乳腺肿块也见于乳腺增生症、乳腺结核等。 乳腺的剧烈疼痛伴有触痛常为乳腺的炎症性 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 现,见于急性乳腺炎和乳腺脓肿。临床上出现局部疼痛,常与月经周期有关。一般多见于乳腺的单纯性和囊性增生。 乳头溢液在妇女非哺乳期间,发生乳头溢液多属病理性的,这种乳头异常分泌约占各种乳腺疾病的5-8,。其中最常见的病因是导管内乳头状瘤。约占半数病例。 覆盖不正常的细胞。 3、避免自行使用阴道药物,如治疗阴道感染的药剂、润滑剂或杀精膏等,因为这类药物会影响切片样本,覆盖不正常的细胞。 妇科检查前的准备工作 4、穿便于穿脱的衣着。 and contract product specifications, models, scale to match. Trunking, fittings and testing requirements for iron: a variety of trunking material, specifications, provisions of the model should comply with the design document, the surface should be smooth, flat, no deformation, fracture. Embedded metal raceways, cable boxes, junction boxes and iron pipe surface coating or plating a uniform, complete, not deformation and damage. All kinds of material quality and specifications of iron should be in line with quality standards, without distortion, distortion, burrs, breakage or damage. Surface treatment and coating of iron should be uniform and complete, with smooth surface, no shedding, bubbles and other defects. Cable testing requirements are as follows: projects using twisted-pair cable, should comply with the design specifications and contract requirements. Signs attached to the cable, the label content should be complete and clear. Cable sheath intact, the cable should be accompanied by a quality inspection certificate. If user requests shall be accompanied by the technical guidance of the bulk cable. Connector test requirements are as follows: wire modules and information part of the socket, and other sockets should be complete, check whether the plastic material meet the design requirements. Cabling 5、在做子宫盆腔部位B超检查前半小时至1小时需要饮水,并且要憋尿憋到最大的限度。因为只有膀胱充盈到一定程度,才能将子宫从盆腔深处挤到下腹部,用B超观察到子宫及卵巢。 (一)健康者防癌普查 35岁以上已婚妇女没有任何症状者,应定期作防癌检查,18岁以前有性生活史;性生活紊乱、有多个性伙伴、性生活频繁者 早婚多孕多育者;人流次数多宫颈损伤者;与高危男性有性接触史者(如阴茎癌、前列腺癌或本人与患宫颈癌妇女有性生活者)有吸烟史,长期口服避孕药时间?8年。筛查适应人群 (二)患者妇科检查 有慢性宫颈炎症和糜烂者,尤其糜烂面较深(颗粒型、乳突型、溃疡型)宫颈有接触性出血;阴道分泌物增多水样、有异味,尤其是血性分泌物,或绝经后有前述症状者,某些病毒感染者(如人乳头瘤病毒HPV、单纯疱疹病毒II型,巨细胞病毒等) 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 受孕前要排除遗传和环境方面的不利因素: 遗传和环境是影响优生的两大因素。凡是夫妇双方之一有遗传病家族史,夫妇双方之一为遗传病或染色体病患者或携带者,女方年龄过大,有生过畸形儿、智力低下儿,或有习惯性流产、死胎、死产等情况,都需在计划受孕前找从事遗传学的专业人员或掌握一定遗传学知识的临床医师进行遗传咨询。 孕前保健的内容: 环境中有毒有害物质,会损伤生殖功能,包括影响月经异常、精子异常、不孕或生育能力下降、自然流产、死胎、死产、早产、新生儿出生缺陷等。 (三)维护健康 建立健康生活方式,为未来的新生命创造优良的小环境。维护母体健康:母体是孕育新生命的小环境,其健康状况和生活方式将会对新生命发生直接and contract product specifications, models, scale to match. Trunking, fittings and testing requirements for iron: a variety of trunking material, specifications, provisions of the model should comply with the design document, the surface should be smooth, flat, no deformation, fracture. Embedded metal raceways, cable boxes, junction boxes and iron pipe surface coating or plating a uniform, complete, not deformation and damage. All kinds of material quality and specifications of iron should be in line with quality standards, without distortion, distortion, burrs, breakage or damage. Surface treatment and coating of iron should be uniform and complete, with smooth surface, no shedding, bubbles and other defects. Cable testing requirements are as follows: projects using twisted-pair cable, should comply with the design specifications and contract requirements. Signs attached to the cable, the label content should be complete and clear. Cable sheath intact, the cable should be accompanied by a quality inspection certificate. If user requests shall be accompanied by the technical guidance of the bulk cable. Connector test requirements are as follows: wire modules and information part of the socket, and other sockets should be complete, check whether the plastic material meet the design requirements. Cabling 的影响。 (四)调整避孕方法 计划受孕决定后,要调整避孕方法。如果采用口服避孕药避孕者,应停药;如放置宫内节育器避孕者,应取出节育器。 孕期 保 健 早期、定期产前检查的意义 1、全面了解孕妇健康情况及妊娠全过程,及早发现并发症,保障母儿健康。 2、及时了解胎儿生长发育情况_优生。 3、对孕妇进行孕期营养、胎教、自我监护、母乳喂养、自然分娩等知识指导。 4、发现胎位正常与否,确定分娩原则。 及时了解母亲的身体状态和胎儿的生长发育情况。 早孕反应一般有哪些症状? (1)停经(2)嗜睡、乏力;(3)食欲不振和食欲异常;(4)晨起呕吐。 (5)头晕、恶心 怎样计算预产期?一般按末次月经第一日算起,月份减3或加9,日数加7。孕期营养应注意哪些? (1)饮食品种多样化;(2)饮食应富于营养,易于消化;(3)多吃钙、铁丰富的食品; 其次为乳腺囊性增生和乳管扩张症。约15,病人为乳腺癌。一般认为血性溢液的60,有癌的可能(浆液、乳汁样或水样者良性病变可能性大:伴有肿块者应疑为恶性(无肿块的非血性乳头溢液常为良性:年龄在50岁以上者癌性的可能性大(而良性病变则多发生在40岁以下;药物性乳头溢 and contract product specifications, models, scale to match. Trunking, fittings and testing requirements for iron: a variety of trunking material, specifications, provisions of the model should comply with the design document, the surface should be smooth, flat, no deformation, fracture. Embedded metal raceways, cable boxes, junction boxes and iron pipe surface coating or plating a uniform, complete, not deformation and damage. All kinds of material quality and specifications of iron should be in line with quality standards, without distortion, distortion, burrs, breakage or damage. Surface treatment and coating of iron should be uniform and complete, with smooth surface, no shedding, bubbles and other defects. Cable testing requirements are as follows: projects using twisted-pair cable, should comply with the design specifications and contract requirements. Signs attached to the cable, the label content should be complete and clear. Cable sheath intact, the cable should be accompanied by a quality inspection certificate. If user requests shall be accompanied by the technical guidance of the bulk cable. Connector test requirements are as follows: wire modules and information part of the socket, and other sockets should be complete, check whether the plastic material meet the design requirements. Cabling 液多为双侧性。呈清亮浆液或乳汁样分泌物,停药后可自愈(常见药物有雌激素、氯丙嗪及避孕药等。 乳房出现哪些情况应就医, 桔皮样、乳头回缩、皮肤凹陷、湿疹样乳腺癌、炎性乳癌、超声、CT.MRI 钼钯X摄片 提示1:接受专业检查 乳腺疾病筛查准则20~40岁:每月乳腺自查一次,每三年请专科医生检查一次,40岁:作为乳房摄片的基线,40岁以上每月乳腺自查一次每年请专科医生检查一次,每年乳房摄片筛查一次,克服认识上的误区正确就诊,最佳就诊时间:月经净后4~7天,水肿、错误就诊心理:害羞、麻痹、乱投医;乳腺体表容易诊断、早期代价,就诊途径: 外科?普外乳腺专业、治疗、责任心、随访 提示2:局部运动: 自我按摩 提示3:清洁与保养 淋浴时作水疗,勿用香皂洗乳房,配戴合适的乳罩 忌受强力挤压,不要长期使用激素类药物和“丰乳膏”。 提示4:健乳食品 海带,碘,海带,甲鱼,泥鳅,黄鱼,海参等。各种坚果,酸奶,红豆,橙,葡萄,西柚,番茄等。水果,芹菜,椰菜,椰菜花等蔬菜都是很好的健康食品。两个乳房发育高峰期:青春期,妊娠哺乳期。鱼,肉,鲜奶,木瓜,黄豆等丰胸食品,是提高丰挺度的最自然的方法: 提示5:爱肝 怒伤肝,肝气郁结殃及乳房。如何疏肝?深呼吸+经络按摩,宽心又顺气。 and contract product specifications, models, scale to match. Trunking, fittings and testing requirements for iron: a variety of trunking material, specifications, provisions of the model should comply with the design document, the surface should be smooth, flat, no deformation, fracture. Embedded metal raceways, cable boxes, junction boxes and iron pipe surface coating or plating a uniform, complete, not deformation and damage. All kinds of material quality and specifications of iron should be in line with quality standards, without distortion, distortion, burrs, breakage or damage. Surface treatment and coating of iron should be uniform and complete, with smooth surface, no shedding, bubbles and other defects. Cable testing requirements are as follows: projects using twisted-pair cable, should comply with the design specifications and contract requirements. Signs attached to the cable, the label content should be complete and clear. Cable sheath intact, the cable should be accompanied by a quality inspection certificate. If user requests shall be accompanied by the technical guidance of the bulk cable. Connector test requirements are as follows: wire modules and information part of the socket, and other sockets should be complete, check whether the plastic material meet the design requirements. Cabling 心理调适。30%的乳腺疾病与频繁的人工流产有关, 每哺乳一个孩子患上乳腺癌的几率将降低10% 提示6:避孕、流产伤害乳房 吸烟:口气不爽,唇上皱纹,焦油,尼古丁,女人每天吸烟超过5支,且服用药物避孕,那么她患乳腺疾病的几率至少是其他女性的两倍,而吸烟史超过10年的女性患乳腺肿瘤的几率是其他女性的3倍以上,饮酒过多:每日饮酒一杯或一杯以上者,患乳腺肿瘤的危险性比很少饮酒者高45% 提示7:烟、酒 妊娠,哺乳期是乳房的第二次发育期。哺乳会将乳癌的患病率降低10%。不要拒绝生育,顺其自然做母亲,享受哺乳。 提示8:享受生育、享受哺乳 提示9:BRA 胸罩的型号要与乳房大小相适应、材质要柔软,透气性能强,以棉质丝质为好、肩带不能太细太窄、不要戴超过12小时,夜间就寝时应把胸罩取下,使乳房和胸、背部肌肉放松,有利于局部血液循环。 1、对象与时间:在停经12周内确诊为早孕的妇女 孕早期保健——及早确诊妊娠及建立《山东省孕产妇 手册 华为质量管理手册 下载焊接手册下载团建手册下载团建手册下载ld手册下载 》;保护胚胎免受有毒有害因素的影响;警惕异位妊娠,正确处理自然流产;筛查高危妊娠,并列入高危妊娠管理。充实孕期保健内容:孕早期危急征象 及其提示的疾病,危急征象,提示疾病,阵发性腹痛、阴道流血、腰背酸痛,早期流产、急腹痛、急性失血症状、昏厥、眼花、宫外孕、酸中毒症状、尿酮体阳性、妊娠剧吐。 孕中期保健 1、对象与时间:妊娠13周-27周 and contract product specifications, models, scale to match. Trunking, fittings and testing requirements for iron: a variety of trunking material, specifications, provisions of the model should comply with the design document, the surface should be smooth, flat, no deformation, fracture. Embedded metal raceways, cable boxes, junction boxes and iron pipe surface coating or plating a uniform, complete, not deformation and damage. All kinds of material quality and specifications of iron should be in line with quality standards, without distortion, distortion, burrs, breakage or damage. Surface treatment and coating of iron should be uniform and complete, with smooth surface, no shedding, bubbles and other defects. Cable testing requirements are as follows: projects using twisted-pair cable, should comply with the design specifications and contract requirements. Signs attached to the cable, the label content should be complete and clear. Cable sheath intact, the cable should be accompanied by a quality inspection certificate. If user requests shall be accompanied by the technical guidance of the bulk cable. Connector test requirements are as follows: wire modules and information part of the socket, and other sockets should be complete, check whether the plastic material meet the design requirements. Cabling 2、内容: 每隔4周产前检查一次,有异常增加复查次数,询问孕妇健康状况,了解胎动出现时间测体重、血压,预测妊娠期高血压疾病的高危人,测量宫高、腹围,听胎心,20周起绘妊娠图,每月进行血、尿常规检查有异常增加次数,纠正贫血,孕18-24周做一次B超检查,了解胎儿有无畸形及发育情况,发现高危孕妇建议到大医院定期产前检查。 健康教育:出现腹痛、阴道出血、浮肿、严重呕吐、发烧等情况及时检查,并告知孕妇注意观察胎动。 孕中期营养 怀孕13—27周为孕中期,胎儿迅速增长,母体内要逐步储存一定量能量,蛋白质,脂肪。钙铁等营养素膳食中 1、适当增加鱼 禽 蟹 瘦肉,海产品的摄入量 2、适当增加奶类的摄入量 3、常吃含铁丰富的的食物 4、适当的身体活动,维持体重的适宜增长 5、少吃刺激性食物 比孕早期增加的营养素:蛋白质15克,热能200kcal 钙1000mg 铁25mg锌16.5mg VA900mg VB21.7mg vb12 2.6mg VC130mg 叶酸600mg 粮谷类300—350mg 不少于250g 经常食用 一些粗杂粮 山米 麦片 玉米等 奶及奶制品,250g 大豆类及坚果50g 动物性食物(禽肉 畜 鱼 虾 蛋 等 )150—250g 蔬菜水果类 蔬菜(蔬菜300—600g 其中有色蔬菜不少于蔬菜1,2 水果控制在200---250g 油25-30g 糖 15g 盐,6g 饮水1200ml。 孕晚期保健 and contract product specifications, models, scale to match. Trunking, fittings and testing requirements for iron: a variety of trunking material, specifications, provisions of the model should comply with the design document, the surface should be smooth, flat, no deformation, fracture. Embedded metal raceways, cable boxes, junction boxes and iron pipe surface coating or plating a uniform, complete, not deformation and damage. All kinds of material quality and specifications of iron should be in line with quality standards, without distortion, distortion, burrs, breakage or damage. Surface treatment and coating of iron should be uniform and complete, with smooth surface, no shedding, bubbles and other defects. Cable testing requirements are as follows: projects using twisted-pair cable, should comply with the design specifications and contract requirements. Signs attached to the cable, the label content should be complete and clear. Cable sheath intact, the cable should be accompanied by a quality inspection certificate. If user requests shall be accompanied by the technical guidance of the bulk cable. Connector test requirements are as follows: wire modules and information part of the socket, and other sockets should be complete, check whether the plastic material meet the design requirements. Cabling 1、对象与时间:妊娠28周-分娩 2、内容:妊娠28周-36周每隔2周产前检查一次,妊娠36周以后每周查一次。有异常增加复查次数 测体重、血压,监测妊娠期高血压疾病等晚期并发症, 健康教育:出现腹痛、阴道流水、等临产征兆,并告知孕妇注意观察胎动。 1 母体 代谢率增至最高,胎儿生长速度也达最高峰,此外 胎儿体内营养储存速度增加,要求孕晚期膳食应在孕中期饮食的基础上,进行相应的适当增加。 2 此期胎儿约存留蛋白质170克 母体约存留375克 要求蛋白质量要增加,尤其是优质蛋白质。 3 热能 除母体和胎儿生长需热能外,胎儿储存糖类及脂肪与肝脏,皮下,也需热能外,因此需要增加一定碳水化合物 ,但不需补充过多,尤其是孕晚期的最后一个月,要适当的限制脂肪和糖类的摄取,以免胎儿长的过大,由于能量增加VB1等维生素也要相应增加。 4 此期胎儿大脑发育高峰,需提供充足的必须脂肪,尤其是a—亚麻酸,还可多食用一些海鱼 and contract product specifications, models, scale to match. Trunking, fittings and testing requirements for iron: a variety of trunking material, specifications, provisions of the model should comply with the design document, the surface should be smooth, flat, no deformation, fracture. Embedded metal raceways, cable boxes, junction boxes and iron pipe surface coating or plating a uniform, complete, not deformation and damage. All kinds of material quality and specifications of iron should be in line with quality standards, without distortion, distortion, burrs, breakage or damage. Surface treatment and coating of iron should be uniform and complete, with smooth surface, no shedding, bubbles and other defects. Cable testing requirements are as follows: projects using twisted-pair cable, should comply with the design specifications and contract requirements. Signs attached to the cable, the label content should be complete and clear. Cable sheath intact, the cable should be accompanied by a quality inspection certificate. If user requests shall be accompanied by the technical guidance of the bulk cable. Connector test requirements are as follows: wire modules and information part of the socket, and other sockets should be complete, check whether the plastic material meet the design requirements. Cabling
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