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防伪税控开票子系统防伪税控开票子系统 防伪税控开票子系统V6.15升级操作说明 一、安装注意事项: 1、不论金税卡类型如何,升级到防伪税控开票子系统V6.15后,严禁回退安装V6.13版防伪税控开票子系统。 2、若金税卡类型为AI3型,务必在升级到V6.15前将已开具的发票打印完毕。对于升级前未打印的发票,升级到V6.15后,正常情况下可以打印,但若遇到特殊情况导致发票为“修复”状态,则打印出的这些发票密文有误,将无法认证。 3、使用上网机进行远程抄报的用户,若在升级防伪税控开票子系统V6.15前已经抄税并生成报税文件,建...

防伪税控开票子系统 防伪税控开票子系统V6.15升级操作 说明 关于失联党员情况说明岗位说明总经理岗位说明书会计岗位说明书行政主管岗位说明书 一、安装注意事项: 1、不论金税卡类型如何,升级到防伪税控开票子系统V6.15后,严禁回退安装V6.13版防伪税控开票子系统。 2、若金税卡类型为AI3型,务必在升级到V6.15前将已开具的发票打印完毕。对于升级前未打印的发票,升级到V6.15后,正常情况下可以打印,但若遇到特殊情况导致发票为“修复”状态,则打印出的这些发票密文有误,将无法认证。 3、使用上网机进行远程抄报的用户,若在升级防伪税控开票子系统V6.15前已经抄税并生成报税文件,建议先完成本次抄报税并及时清卡后再进行升级安装,避免因为防伪税控开票子系统版本问题造成抄报税出现异常。 4、使用上网机进行远程抄报的用户必须同时升级开票机和上网机的防伪税控开票子系统程序,使开票机和上网机的防伪税控开票子系统程序版本一致,否则将无法正常进行远程抄报。 、升级步骤如下: 二 【第一步】升级前需确认“防伪税控开票子系统”未启动,即已退出防伪税控开票子系统。 【第二步】鼠标双击升级光盘中的“kp-setup.exe”文件,在安装程序弹出的选择设置语言窗口中选择默认的“中文(简体)”,如图1所示,并点击“确定”按钮。 图1 【第三步】在弹出的防伪税控开票子系统安装程序界面,如图2所示,点击“下一步”按钮,开始开票子系统的升级安装。(在升级安装过程中,部分操作步骤可能程序加载稍为缓慢,请用户耐心等待片刻) shock, and acute organ function failure, and more organ function obstacles integrated levy, and heart sudden stopped, and breathing sudden stopped, and serious humoral within environment disorder, critical illness of causes, and pathology physiological, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment common life support technology (as cycle breathing support, and nutrition support,) and emergency technology of application; Various monitoring equipment and rescue equipment (such as defibrillators, ventilators) operation and applications; Common monitoring techniques (such as body temperature, SpO2, end-expiratory carbon dioxide partial pressure, ECG, blood pressure, blood gas analysis, and so on) operation and application. Familiar: blood purification techniques, such as blood flow, CRRT, Swan-Ganz catheter indications, how and cardiac output monitoring; Artificial low temperature indication and implementation. About: Intra-Aortic Balloon counterpulsation (IABP) indications and methods of operation. 2. basic requirements: (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease on contract number (?) various organ function not full 10 acute breathing distress integrated levy (ARDS) more than 2 more organ function obstacles integrated levy (MODS) 5 shock 5 heart sudden stopped, and breathing sudden stopped 2 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clinical operation technology name contract times (?) guardianship instrument using 30 by skin Center vein reset tube operation 5 by skin outsideand cases: the number of disease cases (?) gastrointestinal hemorrhage 2 cirrhosis and acute pancreatitis in liver encephalopathy 1 2 1 2 1 diabetes hemorrhagic disease of anemia hyperthyroidism, acute renal failure, 2 DIC 1 1 (2) technical requirements for clinical operations: operation technical cases (? .. . 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: anesthesia implementation and management contract number (?) local infiltration anesthesia of management 2 vertebral tube anesthesia of management 10 body anesthesia of management 10 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clinical operation technology name contract times (?) around neural block operation 2 supporting jaw method (open gas road) 10 technique artificial ventilation (using anesthesia machine) 5 ball SAC-mask breathing device 5 fast tracheal within intubation operation 10 artery puncture reset tube operation 5 heart electric monitoring 10 pulse oxygen monitoring 10 has create blood pressure monitoring 10 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: anesthesia implementation and management contract number vertebral tube anesthesia of implementation 2 body anesthesia of implementation 2 arm bundle neural block 2 (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: clinical operation technology name contract times mechanical ventilation (anesthesia breathing machine) 10 control sex low blood pressure 2 by skin Center vein puncture reset tube 2 (3) language, and teaching, and research, capacity of requirements: reading professional language literature, assist clinical teaching (theory class and internship class) participation clinical research activities. (Six) emergency ICU 1. Rotary purpose master 图2 【第四步】系统运行升级程序并弹出欢迎使用航天信息产品界面,如图3 所示,此时点击“是”按钮。 图3 【第五步】系统自动进行数据备份,然后进行系统升级,如图4所示。 shock, and acute organ function failure, and more organ function obstacles integrated levy, and heart sudden stopped, and breathing sudden stopped, and serious humoral within environment disorder, critical illness of causes, and pathology physiological, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment common life support technology (as cycle breathing support, and nutrition support,) and emergency technology of application; Various monitoring equipment and rescue equipment (such as defibrillators, ventilators) operation and applications; Common monitoring techniques (such as body temperature, SpO2, end-expiratory carbon dioxide partial pressure, ECG, blood pressure, blood gas analysis, and so on) operation and application. Familiar: blood purification techniques, such as blood flow, CRRT, Swan-Ganz catheter indications, how and cardiac output monitoring; Artificial low temperature indication and implementation. About: Intra-Aortic Balloon counterpulsation (IABP) indications and methods of operation. 2. basic requirements: (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease on contract number (?) various organ function not full 10 acute breathing distress integrated levy (ARDS) more than 2 more organ function obstacles integrated levy (MODS) 5 shock 5 heart sudden stopped, and breathing sudden stopped 2 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clinical operation technology name contract times (?) guardianship instrument using 30 by skin Center vein reset tube operation 5 by skin outsideand cases: the number of disease cases (?) gastrointestinal hemorrhage 2 cirrhosis and acute pancreatitis in liver encephalopathy 1 2 1 2 1 diabetes hemorrhagic disease of anemia hyperthyroidism, acute renal failure, 2 DIC 1 1 (2) technical requirements for clinical operations: operation technical cases (? .. . 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: anesthesia implementation and management contract number (?) local infiltration anesthesia of management 2 vertebral tube anesthesia of management 10 body anesthesia of management 10 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clinical operation technology name contract times (?) around neural block operation 2 supporting jaw method (open gas road) 10 technique artificial ventilation (using anesthesia machine) 5 ball SAC-mask breathing device 5 fast tracheal within intubation operation 10 artery puncture reset tube operation 5 heart electric monitoring 10 pulse oxygen monitoring 10 has create blood pressure monitoring 10 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: anesthesia implementation and management contract number vertebral tube anesthesia of implementation 2 body anesthesia of implementation 2 arm bundle neural block 2 (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: clinical operation technology name contract times mechanical ventilation (anesthesia breathing machine) 10 control sex low blood pressure 2 by skin Center vein puncture reset tube 2 (3) language, and teaching, and research, capacity of requirements: reading professional language literature, assist clinical teaching (theory class and internship class) participation clinical research activities. (Six) emergency ICU 1. Rotary purpose master 图4 【第六步】当升级程序提示“安装程序已完成在计算机中安装 防伪开票”,如图5所示,点击“完成”按钮。 图5 【第七步】在弹出的防伪税控开票子系统安装程序界面中,如图6所示,再次点击“完成”按钮,开始远程抄报客户端的升级。 图6 【第八步】点击“下一步”按钮,开始安装远程抄报客户端一般纳税人版程序,如图7所示。 shock, and acute organ function failure, and more organ function obstacles integrated levy, and heart sudden stopped, and breathing sudden stopped, and serious humoral within environment disorder, critical illness of causes, and pathology physiological, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment common life support technology (as cycle breathing support, and nutrition support,) and emergency technology of application; Various monitoring equipment and rescue equipment (such as defibrillators, ventilators) operation and applications; Common monitoring techniques (such as body temperature, SpO2, end-expiratory carbon dioxide partial pressure, ECG, blood pressure, blood gas analysis, and so on) operation and application. Familiar: blood purification techniques, such as blood flow, CRRT, Swan-Ganz catheter indications, how and cardiac output monitoring; Artificial low temperature indication and implementation. About: Intra-Aortic Balloon counterpulsation (IABP) indications and methods of operation. 2. basic requirements: (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease on contract number (?) various organ function not full 10 acute breathing distress integrated levy (ARDS) more than 2 more organ function obstacles integrated levy (MODS) 5 shock 5 heart sudden stopped, and breathing sudden stopped 2 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clinical operation technology name contract times (?) guardianship instrument using 30 by skin Center vein reset tube operation 5 by skin outsideand cases: the number of disease cases (?) gastrointestinal hemorrhage 2 cirrhosis and acute pancreatitis in liver encephalopathy 1 2 1 2 1 diabetes hemorrhagic disease of anemia hyperthyroidism, acute renal failure, 2 DIC 1 1 (2) technical requirements for clinical operations: operation technical cases (? .. . 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: anesthesia implementation and management contract number (?) local infiltration anesthesia of management 2 vertebral tube anesthesia of management 10 body anesthesia of management 10 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clinical operation technology name contract times (?) around neural block operation 2 supporting jaw method (open gas road) 10 technique artificial ventilation (using anesthesia machine) 5 ball SAC-mask breathing device 5 fast tracheal within intubation operation 10 artery puncture reset tube operation 5 heart electric monitoring 10 pulse oxygen monitoring 10 has create blood pressure monitoring 10 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: anesthesia implementation and management contract number vertebral tube anesthesia of implementation 2 body anesthesia of implementation 2 arm bundle neural block 2 (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: clinical operation technology name contract times mechanical ventilation (anesthesia breathing machine) 10 control sex low blood pressure 2 by skin Center vein puncture reset tube 2 (3) language, and teaching, and research, capacity of requirements: reading professional language literature, assist clinical teaching (theory class and internship class) participation clinical research activities. (Six) emergency ICU 1. Rotary purpose master 图7 【第九步】点击“完成”,所有升级安装结束,退出升级程序,如图8所示。 图8 【第十步】升级完成后,重新双击桌面的防伪税控开票子系统图标,系统提示是否进行数据备份,如图9所示,此时请点击“”按钮选择备份路径,然后点击“备份”按钮。 图9 , 说明: shock, and acute organ function failure, and more organ function obstacles integrated levy, and heart sudden stopped, and breathing sudden stopped, and serious humoral within environment disorder, critical illness of causes, and pathology physiological, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment common life support technology (as cycle breathing support, and nutrition support,) and emergency technology of application; Various monitoring equipment and rescue equipment (such as defibrillators, ventilators) operation and applications; Common monitoring techniques (such as body temperature, SpO2, end-expiratory carbon dioxide partial pressure, ECG, blood pressure, blood gas analysis, and so on) operation and application. Familiar: blood purification techniques, such as blood flow, CRRT, Swan-Ganz catheter indications, how and cardiac output monitoring; Artificial low temperature indication and implementation. About: Intra-Aortic Balloon counterpulsation (IABP) indications and methods of operation. 2. basic requirements: (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease on contract number (?) various organ function not full 10 acute breathing distress integrated levy (ARDS) more than 2 more organ function obstacles integrated levy (MODS) 5 shock 5 heart sudden stopped, and breathing sudden stopped 2 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clinical operation technology name contract times (?) guardianship instrument using 30 by skin Center vein reset tube operation 5 by skin outsideand cases: the number of disease cases (?) gastrointestinal hemorrhage 2 cirrhosis and acute pancreatitis in liver encephalopathy 1 2 1 2 1 diabetes hemorrhagic disease of anemia hyperthyroidism, acute renal failure, 2 DIC 1 1 (2) technical requirements for clinical operations: operation technical cases (? .. . 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: anesthesia implementation and management contract number (?) local infiltration anesthesia of management 2 vertebral tube anesthesia of management 10 body anesthesia of management 10 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clinical operation technology name contract times (?) around neural block operation 2 supporting jaw method (open gas road) 10 technique artificial ventilation (using anesthesia machine) 5 ball SAC-mask breathing device 5 fast tracheal within intubation operation 10 artery puncture reset tube operation 5 heart electric monitoring 10 pulse oxygen monitoring 10 has create blood pressure monitoring 10 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: anesthesia implementation and management contract number vertebral tube anesthesia of implementation 2 body anesthesia of implementation 2 arm bundle neural block 2 (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: clinical operation technology name contract times mechanical ventilation (anesthesia breathing machine) 10 control sex low blood pressure 2 by skin Center vein puncture reset tube 2 (3) language, and teaching, and research, capacity of requirements: reading professional language literature, assist clinical teaching (theory class and internship class) participation clinical research activities. (Six) emergency ICU 1. Rotary purpose master 此处请根据提示信息进行数据备份~若不慎点击了“取消”按钮~也不影响整个升级过程~可继续执行。 【第十一步】系统自动进行数据复制,然后依次提示更新打印模板(例如提示更新专用发票打印模板和专用发票2000版的打印模板,如图10和图11所示),此时都点击“确认”按钮进行更新即可。(注:若有提示是否更新清单打印模版时,请点击“放弃”。) 图10 图11 , 说明: 此处用户应根据提示信息依次点击“确认”按钮进行打印模版更新~若不慎点击了“放弃”按钮~会导致打印出的发票显示不正常~此时需联系当地防伪税控服务单位通过手工方式对打印模版进行更新。 【第七步】更新模板后自动弹出进入系统界面,左上角的版本号为:6.15.100115.SP1,如图12所示。 shock, and acute organ function failure, and more organ function obstacles integrated levy, and heart sudden stopped, and breathing sudden stopped, and serious humoral within environment disorder, critical illness of causes, and pathology physiological, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment common life support technology (as cycle breathing support, and nutrition support,) and emergency technology of application; Various monitoring equipment and rescue equipment (such as defibrillators, ventilators) operation and applications; Common monitoring techniques (such as body temperature, SpO2, end-expiratory carbon dioxide partial pressure, ECG, blood pressure, blood gas analysis, and so on) operation and application. Familiar: blood purification techniques, such as blood flow, CRRT, Swan-Ganz catheter indications, how and cardiac output monitoring; Artificial low temperature indication and implementation. About: Intra-Aortic Balloon counterpulsation (IABP) indications and methods of operation. 2. basic requirements: (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease on contract number (?) various organ function not full 10 acute breathing distress integrated levy (ARDS) more than 2 more organ function obstacles integrated levy (MODS) 5 shock 5 heart sudden stopped, and breathing sudden stopped 2 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clinical operation technology name contract times (?) guardianship instrument using 30 by skin Center vein reset tube operation 5 by skin outsideand cases: the number of disease cases (?) gastrointestinal hemorrhage 2 cirrhosis and acute pancreatitis in liver encephalopathy 1 2 1 2 1 diabetes hemorrhagic disease of anemia hyperthyroidism, acute renal failure, 2 DIC 1 1 (2) technical requirements for clinical operations: operation technical cases (? .. . 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: anesthesia implementation and management contract number (?) local infiltration anesthesia of management 2 vertebral tube anesthesia of management 10 body anesthesia of management 10 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clinical operation technology name contract times (?) around neural block operation 2 supporting jaw method (open gas road) 10 technique artificial ventilation (using anesthesia machine) 5 ball SAC-mask breathing device 5 fast tracheal within intubation operation 10 artery puncture reset tube operation 5 heart electric monitoring 10 pulse oxygen monitoring 10 has create blood pressure monitoring 10 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: anesthesia implementation and management contract number vertebral tube anesthesia of implementation 2 body anesthesia of implementation 2 arm bundle neural block 2 (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: clinical operation technology name contract times mechanical ventilation (anesthesia breathing machine) 10 control sex low blood pressure 2 by skin Center vein puncture reset tube 2 (3) language, and teaching, and research, capacity of requirements: reading professional language literature, assist clinical teaching (theory class and internship class) participation clinical research activities. (Six) emergency ICU 1. Rotary purpose master 图12 至此升级工作全部完成,可以根据实际情况进行其它业务操作。 三、在安装过程中,可能会出现一些提示信息,具体如下: 1、如果提示信息为“开票系统正在运行,请手工关闭后重试”,则请企业点击“否”按钮退出升级操作,然后先退出防伪税控开票子系统,再重新执行以上升级步骤。 2、如果提示信息为‘系统没有检测到以前版本存在,请使用完整安装盘完全安装~’, 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 明您目前的计算机中尚未安装防伪税控开票软件,请检查确认。 3、如果提示信息为“您使用的金税卡可能是ISA类型,操作系统是Win9X,暂不升级~如果您使用的非ISA类型金税卡,请联系服务单位升级”,表明您使用的金税卡可能是ISA类型,且操作系统是Win9X,此种情况下暂无需升级。如果您的金税卡是非ISA类型,也出现该提示,请联系当地防伪税控服务单位进行确认后升级。 4、如果提示信息为“在升级安装前,您必须备份数据,选择“是”重新备份;选择“否”安装程序关闭。” 表明您目前的计算机中开票软件所在磁盘空间满,无法进行备份,此时可选择“否”关闭安装程序,清理出足够的备份空间后再进行备份。 shock, and acute organ function failure, and more organ function obstacles integrated levy, and heart sudden stopped, and breathing sudden stopped, and serious humoral within environment disorder, critical illness of causes, and pathology physiological, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment common life support technology (as cycle breathing support, and nutrition support,) and emergency technology of application; Various monitoring equipment and rescue equipment (such as defibrillators, ventilators) operation and applications; Common monitoring techniques (such as body temperature, SpO2, end-expiratory carbon dioxide partial pressure, ECG, blood pressure, blood gas analysis, and so on) operation and application. Familiar: blood purification techniques, such as blood flow, CRRT, Swan-Ganz catheter indications, how and cardiac output monitoring; Artificial low temperature indication and implementation. About: Intra-Aortic Balloon counterpulsation (IABP) indications and methods of operation. 2. basic requirements: (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease on contract number (?) various organ function not full 10 acute breathing distress integrated levy (ARDS) more than 2 more organ function obstacles integrated levy (MODS) 5 shock 5 heart sudden stopped, and breathing sudden stopped 2 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clinical operation technology name contract times (?) guardianship instrument using 30 by skin Center vein reset tube operation 5 by skin outsideand cases: the number of disease cases (?) gastrointestinal hemorrhage 2 cirrhosis and acute pancreatitis in liver encephalopathy 1 2 1 2 1 diabetes hemorrhagic disease of anemia hyperthyroidism, acute renal failure, 2 DIC 1 1 (2) technical requirements for clinical operations: operation technical cases (? .. . 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: anesthesia implementation and management contract number (?) local infiltration anesthesia of management 2 vertebral tube anesthesia of management 10 body anesthesia of management 10 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clinical operation technology name contract times (?) around neural block operation 2 supporting jaw method (open gas road) 10 technique artificial ventilation (using anesthesia machine) 5 ball SAC-mask breathing device 5 fast tracheal within intubation operation 10 artery puncture reset tube operation 5 heart electric monitoring 10 pulse oxygen monitoring 10 has create blood pressure monitoring 10 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: anesthesia implementation and management contract number vertebral tube anesthesia of implementation 2 body anesthesia of implementation 2 arm bundle neural block 2 (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: clinical operation technology name contract times mechanical ventilation (anesthesia breathing machine) 10 control sex low blood pressure 2 by skin Center vein puncture reset tube 2 (3) language, and teaching, and research, capacity of requirements: reading professional language literature, assist clinical teaching (theory class and internship class) participation clinical research activities. (Six) emergency ICU 1. Rotary purpose master 上海爱信诺航天信息有限公司 服务热线:34069911、8009880919 公司网址 :http//:www.aisino.sh.cn shock, and acute organ function failure, and more organ function obstacles integrated levy, and heart sudden stopped, and breathing sudden stopped, and serious humoral within environment disorder, critical illness of causes, and pathology physiological, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment common life support technology (as cycle breathing support, and nutrition support,) and emergency technology of application; Various monitoring equipment and rescue equipment (such as defibrillators, ventilators) operation and applications; Common monitoring techniques (such as body temperature, SpO2, end-expiratory carbon dioxide partial pressure, ECG, blood pressure, blood gas analysis, and so on) operation and application. Familiar: blood purification techniques, such as blood flow, CRRT, Swan-Ganz catheter indications, how and cardiac output monitoring; Artificial low temperature indication and implementation. About: Intra-Aortic Balloon counterpulsation (IABP) indications and methods of operation. 2. basic requirements: (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease on contract number (?) various organ function not full 10 acute breathing distress integrated levy (ARDS) more than 2 more organ function obstacles integrated levy (MODS) 5 shock 5 heart sudden stopped, and breathing sudden stopped 2 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clinical operation technology name contract times (?) guardianship instrument using 30 by skin Center vein reset tube operation 5 by skin outsideand cases: the number of disease cases (?) gastrointestinal hemorrhage 2 cirrhosis and acute pancreatitis in liver encephalopathy 1 2 1 2 1 diabetes hemorrhagic disease of anemia hyperthyroidism, acute renal failure, 2 DIC 1 1 (2) technical requirements for clinical operations: operation technical cases (? .. . 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: anesthesia implementation and management contract number (?) local infiltration anesthesia of management 2 vertebral tube anesthesia of management 10 body anesthesia of management 10 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clinical operation technology name contract times (?) around neural block operation 2 supporting jaw method (open gas road) 10 technique artificial ventilation (using anesthesia machine) 5 ball SAC-mask breathing device 5 fast tracheal within intubation operation 10 artery puncture reset tube operation 5 heart electric monitoring 10 pulse oxygen monitoring 10 has create blood pressure monitoring 10 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: anesthesia implementation and management contract number vertebral tube anesthesia of implementation 2 body anesthesia of implementation 2 arm bundle neural block 2 (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: clinical operation technology name contract times mechanical ventilation (anesthesia breathing machine) 10 control sex low blood pressure 2 by skin Center vein puncture reset tube 2 (3) language, and teaching, and research, capacity of requirements: reading professional language literature, assist clinical teaching (theory class and internship class) participation clinical research activities. (Six) emergency ICU 1. Rotary purpose master 附件:防伪税控开票子系统V6.15新增改进功能说明 第一章 概述 目前,个体工商户的纳税人识别号为身份证号码加2位顺序码,即为17位和20位的税号,为了解决个体工商户认定为一般纳税人后不用更换原纳税人识别号即可正常使用增值税防伪税控系统的问题,航天信息股份有限公司根据国家税务总局要求,修改了防伪税控开票子系统,修改后的防伪税控开票子系统版本为V 6.15.100115.SP1。 防伪税控开票子系统V 6.15.100115.SP1(以下简称开票子系统V6.15)与原V6.13相比,主要有以下区别: 1、销方纳税人识别号增加了对17位和20位税号的支持,即支持15位、17位和20位税号。 其中个体工商户企业的销方税号为17位或20位,必须使用AI3新型金税卡及开票子系统V6.15,并且在安装过程中需要根据企业从税局获得的《企业发行结果通知书》输入地区编号。 2、购方纳税人识别号增加了对17位的支持,即支持15位、17位、18位和20位税号,对于增值税普通发票其购方纳税人识别号也可以为空。与此同时,客户编码设置、发票管理中的购方纳税人识别号也做了相应的修改。 3、如果企业使用的金税卡为AI3新型金税卡,且开票子系统软件为V6.15,则不论销方税号如何,生成的专用发票和普通发票密文区的密文均扩展为108个字符,分4行显示,每行显示27个字符,同时由于密文区空间有限,取消了加密版本号,将密文区原有的发票代码和号码打印在发票右上角、开票日期的上方。 4、对于目前已使用防伪税控开票子系统的15位税号的一般纳税人,其开票系统软件也可以升级到V6.15后使用。如果该企业使用的是AI3新型金税卡,则升级前开具的发票密文为84个字符,升级后开具的发票密文为108个字符;如果该企业使用的是非新型金税卡,则无论升级前后,开具的发票密文都是84个字符。 5、删除“发票管理/发票开具管理/发票填开”下的“废旧物资发票填开”菜单和“发票管理/发票开具管理/未开发票作废”下的“废旧物资发票作废”菜单。 第二章 新增改进功能 2.1 系统设置 在系统设置模块,主要对客户编码功能中允许输入的税号位数进行了改进,“税号”栏可以输入15、17、18、20位的纳税人识别号,也可以为空。对于输入的税号按第一章的规则进行校验,如果输入的税号不满足以上校验规则时,系统会提示错误信息,如图2-1所示,无法继续执行操作。 shock, and acute organ function failure, and more organ function obstacles integrated levy, and heart sudden stopped, and breathing sudden stopped, and serious humoral within environment disorder, critical illness of causes, and pathology physiological, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment common life support technology (as cycle breathing support, and nutrition support,) and emergency technology of application; Various monitoring equipment and rescue equipment (such as defibrillators, ventilators) operation and applications; Common monitoring techniques (such as body temperature, SpO2, end-expiratory carbon dioxide partial pressure, ECG, blood pressure, blood gas analysis, and so on) operation and application. Familiar: blood purification techniques, such as blood flow, CRRT, Swan-Ganz catheter indications, how and cardiac output monitoring; Artificial low temperature indication and implementation. About: Intra-Aortic Balloon counterpulsation (IABP) indications and methods of operation. 2. basic requirements: (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease on contract number (?) various organ function not full 10 acute breathing distress integrated levy (ARDS) more than 2 more organ function obstacles integrated levy (MODS) 5 shock 5 heart sudden stopped, and breathing sudden stopped 2 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clinical operation technology name contract times (?) guardianship instrument using 30 by skin Center vein reset tube operation 5 by skin outsideand cases: the number of disease cases (?) gastrointestinal hemorrhage 2 cirrhosis and acute pancreatitis in liver encephalopathy 1 2 1 2 1 diabetes hemorrhagic disease of anemia hyperthyroidism, acute renal failure, 2 DIC 1 1 (2) technical requirements for clinical operations: operation technical cases (? .. . 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: anesthesia implementation and management contract number (?) local infiltration anesthesia of management 2 vertebral tube anesthesia of management 10 body anesthesia of management 10 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clinical operation technology name contract times (?) around neural block operation 2 supporting jaw method (open gas road) 10 technique artificial ventilation (using anesthesia machine) 5 ball SAC-mask breathing device 5 fast tracheal within intubation operation 10 artery puncture reset tube operation 5 heart electric monitoring 10 pulse oxygen monitoring 10 has create blood pressure monitoring 10 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: anesthesia implementation and management contract number vertebral tube anesthesia of implementation 2 body anesthesia of implementation 2 arm bundle neural block 2 (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: clinical operation technology name contract times mechanical ventilation (anesthesia breathing machine) 10 control sex low blood pressure 2 by skin Center vein puncture reset tube 2 (3) language, and teaching, and research, capacity of requirements: reading professional language literature, assist clinical teaching (theory class and internship class) participation clinical research activities. (Six) emergency ICU 1. Rotary purpose master 图2-1 输入的企业税号不合法 2.3 发票管理 在发票管理模块中,主要对发票填开、申请单填开菜单做了以下修改: 1、发票填开与红字发票申请单填开时,对纳税人识别号按照第一章“说明”中所列的规则进行校验,如果输入的税号不符合规则,则在发票、申请单填开后点击打印时分别出现图2-2、图2-3所示提示信息。 图2-2 发票填开后提示税号非法 图2-3 申请单填开后提示税号非法 2、如果企业使用的是AI3新型金税卡,则开具出的发票密文扩展到108个字符,仍分4行显示,每行显示27个字符。发票查询与打印时密文区不再显示加密版本、发票代码与发票号码,如图2-4所示。发票打印时,将密文区原有的发票代码与发票号码打印在发票右上角、开票日期的上方,如图2-5所示。 shock, and acute organ function failure, and more organ function obstacles integrated levy, and heart sudden stopped, and breathing sudden stopped, and serious humoral within environment disorder, critical illness of causes, and pathology physiological, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment common life support technology (as cycle breathing support, and nutrition support,) and emergency technology of application; Various monitoring equipment and rescue equipment (such as defibrillators, ventilators) operation and applications; Common monitoring techniques (such as body temperature, SpO2, end-expiratory carbon dioxide partial pressure, ECG, blood pressure, blood gas analysis, and so on) operation and application. Familiar: blood purification techniques, such as blood flow, CRRT, Swan-Ganz catheter indications, how and cardiac output monitoring; Artificial low temperature indication and implementation. About: Intra-Aortic Balloon counterpulsation (IABP) indications and methods of operation. 2. basic requirements: (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease on contract number (?) various organ function not full 10 acute breathing distress integrated levy (ARDS) more than 2 more organ function obstacles integrated levy (MODS) 5 shock 5 heart sudden stopped, and breathing sudden stopped 2 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clinical operation technology name contract times (?) guardianship instrument using 30 by skin Center vein reset tube operation 5 by skin outsideand cases: the number of disease cases (?) gastrointestinal hemorrhage 2 cirrhosis and acute pancreatitis in liver encephalopathy 1 2 1 2 1 diabetes hemorrhagic disease of anemia hyperthyroidism, acute renal failure, 2 DIC 1 1 (2) technical requirements for clinical operations: operation technical cases (? .. . 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: anesthesia implementation and management contract number (?) local infiltration anesthesia of management 2 vertebral tube anesthesia of management 10 body anesthesia of management 10 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clinical operation technology name contract times (?) around neural block operation 2 supporting jaw method (open gas road) 10 technique artificial ventilation (using anesthesia machine) 5 ball SAC-mask breathing device 5 fast tracheal within intubation operation 10 artery puncture reset tube operation 5 heart electric monitoring 10 pulse oxygen monitoring 10 has create blood pressure monitoring 10 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: anesthesia implementation and management contract number vertebral tube anesthesia of implementation 2 body anesthesia of implementation 2 arm bundle neural block 2 (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: clinical operation technology name contract times mechanical ventilation (anesthesia breathing machine) 10 control sex low blood pressure 2 by skin Center vein puncture reset tube 2 (3) language, and teaching, and research, capacity of requirements: reading professional language literature, assist clinical teaching (theory class and internship class) participation clinical research activities. (Six) emergency ICU 1. Rotary purpose master 图2-4 发票查询 图2-5 发票票样 , 说明: 如果企业使用的金税卡为非新型金税卡时~则发票密文仍为84个字符~且仍按原来的方式显示密文区信息~即查询及打印时在密文区右侧显示加密版本号、发票代码与发票号码。 3、删除“发票管理/发票开具管理/发票填开”下的“废旧物资发票填开”菜单,如图2-6所示。 图2-6 删除废旧物资发票填开菜单 4、删除“发票管理/发票开具管理/未开发票作废”下的“废旧物资发票作废”菜单,如图2-7所示。 shock, and acute organ function failure, and more organ function obstacles integrated levy, and heart sudden stopped, and breathing sudden stopped, and serious humoral within environment disorder, critical illness of causes, and pathology physiological, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment common life support technology (as cycle breathing support, and nutrition support,) and emergency technology of application; Various monitoring equipment and rescue equipment (such as defibrillators, ventilators) operation and applications; Common monitoring techniques (such as body temperature, SpO2, end-expiratory carbon dioxide partial pressure, ECG, blood pressure, blood gas analysis, and so on) operation and application. Familiar: blood purification techniques, such as blood flow, CRRT, Swan-Ganz catheter indications, how and cardiac output monitoring; Artificial low temperature indication and implementation. About: Intra-Aortic Balloon counterpulsation (IABP) indications and methods of operation. 2. basic requirements: (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease on contract number (?) various organ function not full 10 acute breathing distress integrated levy (ARDS) more than 2 more organ function obstacles integrated levy (MODS) 5 shock 5 heart sudden stopped, and breathing sudden stopped 2 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clinical operation technology name contract times (?) guardianship instrument using 30 by skin Center vein reset tube operation 5 by skin outsideand cases: the number of disease cases (?) gastrointestinal hemorrhage 2 cirrhosis and acute pancreatitis in liver encephalopathy 1 2 1 2 1 diabetes hemorrhagic disease of anemia hyperthyroidism, acute renal failure, 2 DIC 1 1 (2) technical requirements for clinical operations: operation technical cases (? .. . 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: anesthesia implementation and management contract number (?) local infiltration anesthesia of management 2 vertebral tube anesthesia of management 10 body anesthesia of management 10 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clinical operation technology name contract times (?) around neural block operation 2 supporting jaw method (open gas road) 10 technique artificial ventilation (using anesthesia machine) 5 ball SAC-mask breathing device 5 fast tracheal within intubation operation 10 artery puncture reset tube operation 5 heart electric monitoring 10 pulse oxygen monitoring 10 has create blood pressure monitoring 10 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: anesthesia implementation and management contract number vertebral tube anesthesia of implementation 2 body anesthesia of implementation 2 arm bundle neural block 2 (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: clinical operation technology name contract times mechanical ventilation (anesthesia breathing machine) 10 control sex low blood pressure 2 by skin Center vein puncture reset tube 2 (3) language, and teaching, and research, capacity of requirements: reading professional language literature, assist clinical teaching (theory class and internship class) participation clinical research activities. (Six) emergency ICU 1. Rotary purpose master 图2-7 删除废旧物资发票作废菜单 shock, and acute organ function failure, and more organ function obstacles integrated levy, and heart sudden stopped, and breathing sudden stopped, and serious humoral within environment disorder, critical illness of causes, and pathology physiological, and clinical performance, and diagnosis, and identification diagnosis and treatment common life support technology (as cycle breathing support, and nutrition support,) and emergency technology of application; Various monitoring equipment and rescue equipment (such as defibrillators, ventilators) operation and applications; Common monitoring techniques (such as body temperature, SpO2, end-expiratory carbon dioxide partial pressure, ECG, blood pressure, blood gas analysis, and so on) operation and application. Familiar: blood purification techniques, such as blood flow, CRRT, Swan-Ganz catheter indications, how and cardiac output monitoring; Artificial low temperature indication and implementation. About: Intra-Aortic Balloon counterpulsation (IABP) indications and methods of operation. 2. basic requirements: (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: disease on contract number (?) various organ function not full 10 acute breathing distress integrated levy (ARDS) more than 2 more organ function obstacles integrated levy (MODS) 5 shock 5 heart sudden stopped, and breathing sudden stopped 2 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clinical operation technology name contract times (?) guardianship instrument using 30 by skin Center vein reset tube operation 5 by skin outsideand cases: the number of disease cases (?) gastrointestinal hemorrhage 2 cirrhosis and acute pancreatitis in liver encephalopathy 1 2 1 2 1 diabetes hemorrhagic disease of anemia hyperthyroidism, acute renal failure, 2 DIC 1 1 (2) technical requirements for clinical operations: operation technical cases (? .. . 2. basic requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: anesthesia implementation and management contract number (?) local infiltration anesthesia of management 2 vertebral tube anesthesia of management 10 body anesthesia of management 10 (2) clinical operation technology requirements: clinical operation technology name contract times (?) around neural block operation 2 supporting jaw method (open gas road) 10 technique artificial ventilation (using anesthesia machine) 5 ball SAC-mask breathing device 5 fast tracheal within intubation operation 10 artery puncture reset tube operation 5 heart electric monitoring 10 pulse oxygen monitoring 10 has create blood pressure monitoring 10 3. high requirements (1) learning disease species and the cases number requirements: anesthesia implementation and management contract number vertebral tube anesthesia of implementation 2 body anesthesia of implementation 2 arm bundle neural block 2 (2) clinical knowledge, and skills requirements: clinical operation technology name contract times mechanical ventilation (anesthesia breathing machine) 10 control sex low blood pressure 2 by skin Center vein puncture reset tube 2 (3) language, and teaching, and research, capacity of requirements: reading professional language literature, assist clinical teaching (theory class and internship class) participation clinical research activities. (Six) emergency ICU 1. Rotary purpose master
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