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unit 9nullnullHoliday and Celebrations 商务英语综合教程Business English A Comprehensive CourseUnit 9 :nullTeaching ArrangementBackground InformationSentence Analysis—Intensive ReadingSentence Paraphrase—Reading and WritingKey to ExerciseHomeworkPre-reading Activities In...

unit 9
nullnullHoliday and Celebrations 商务英语综合教程Business English A Comprehensive CourseUnit 9 :nullTeaching ArrangementBackground InformationSentence Analysis—Intensive ReadingSentence Paraphrase—Reading and WritingKey to ExerciseHomeworkPre-reading Activities Intensive Reading Extensive Reading Reading & Writing HomeworkPilgrim Indians New EnglandnullWords and ExpressionsDictationQuestions & AnswersDiscussionAcquaint yourself with some relevant new words.Finish the listening exercises on page 201 and page 208.Finishing the matching exercises on page 201.Topic 1 & Topic 2nullAt Christmas, many families prepare lists of people to send cards and to give presents so that they can plan what to buy and do their shopping early. Some people are well aware of the approximate value of the gifts they received in previous years, and they feel a sense of exchange or the obligation to give something of similar value. If their gift is to expensive, it will embarrass the receiver, whose own gift may be worth less. If it is too cheap, it may embarrass the giver. Some gift-giving can therefore involve good memories and careful calculations. Other people worry less about the value and pay more attention to finding the right gift. They notice the tastes and interests of others and try to choose something unique to the receiver.BackDictation null 1. Pilgrim Also known as Pilgrim Father. It refers to the pioneers of British colonization of North America. A group of 102 people led by English Puritans fleeting religious persecution sailed in the Mayflower and founded the colony of Plymouth, Massachusetts, in 1620.BackBackground Informationnull 2. Indians Here it refers to American Indians. American Indians is a member of any of the groups of indigenous peoples of North, Central, and South America, especially those of North America.BackBackground Informationnull 3. New England It is an area on the Northeast coast of the U.S., composing the states of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Connecticut.BackBackground InformationnullPoint 1 Point 2 Point 3 Point 4 Point 5Point 6 Point 7 Point 8 Point 9 Point 10Point 11 Point 12 Point 13 null 1. Holiday was very important for us: they “glue” us to people around us by being a common experience, a socially meaningful historical event or a cultural or religious celebration. (para. 1)Sentence Analysis—Intensive ReadingBack下一页上一页null“-ful” is a suffix which usually has four meanings: 1)(froming adjectives from nouns) full of Eg: sorrowful 2)(froming adjectives from adjectives or from Latin stems with little change of sense) Eg: grateful 3)(forming adjectives from verbs) apt to; able to; accustomed to Eg: forgetful, watchful 4)(pl.-fuls) forming nouns denoting the amount needed to fill the specified container, holder, etc. Eg: bucketful, handful返回null 2. It is our common territory, the ground we all stand on. (para. 1)Sentence Analysis—Intensive ReadingBack下一页上一页null1) Territory is the synonym of country, nation, and state. Their differences lie in: (1)Country refers to a nation or state with its land or population.国家 Eg: a) The country will elect a new president this year. b) New Zealand is an agricultural and grazing country. c) This conflict split the country in two. (2)Nation is a sovereign state, country.侧重指主权国家,也指定居、团结于一个政府之下,通常讲一种语言的人民 Eg: a) No agreement was reached between the two nations. b) The country is becoming one of the world’s most powerful industrial nation. c) Premier spoke on radio to the nation.返回null(3)State refers to a country considered as a political organization.国家,侧重指国家的政权或政府 Eg: a) Education is provided by the State. b) Germany in the 1930s was a violent, aggressive, authoritarian, and militaristic state. c) Should industry by controlled by the state? (4)Territory is land that is owned or controlled by a particular government, ruler, or military force. Eg: a) We crossed the river into enemy territory.领土,版图,领地 b) territory is an area of land under the jurisdiction of a governmental authority. c) From north to south, the territory of China spans over 49 latitudes, stretching from the center of the Heilongjiang River north of the town of Mohe to the Zengmu Reef at the southernmost tip of the Nansha Islands.返回null2) Note that in the sentence It is our common territory, the ground we all stand on. the ground we can stand on is an Appositive Clause.同位语从句 (1)Appositive clause is usually followed by some nouns such as news, idea, fact, promise, question, doubt, thought, hope, message, suggestion, possibility etc. Apposite clause intends to denote the content of the noun it follows. Eg: a) I heard the news that our team had won. b) I had no idea that you were here. (2)Apposite clause can be introduced by that, whether, how, when, where etc., but it cannot be introduced by if or which. Eg: a) I have no idea when he will be back. b) He must answer the question whether he agrees to if or not. (3)It is important to distinguish apposite clause form attributive clause. Apposite clause intends to denote the content of the noun it follows; while attributive clause intends to modify its antecedent. Eg: The news that I have passed the exam is true. (appositive clause) The news that I he told me just now is true. (attributive clause) 返回null 3. But what happens if we leave our history and cultural traditions behind before we acquire a set of news ones and we find ourselves in a cultural and social vacuum? (para. 2)Sentence Analysis—Intensive ReadingBack下一页上一页null1) Acquire is the synonym of get, gain, and obtain. Their differences lie in: (1)Get means coming into the state of having; or becoming the owner or receiver of.获得,得到,收到 Eg: a) You may have to get help form your local health department. b) People get interest from the money they deposit in the bank. c) A lot of people got gold during the Gold Rush. (2)Gain refers to getting by labor, earning, or getting by effort or merit as in competition.获得,使赢得,使博得 Eg: a) The democrats finally gained support from most of the people. b) He gained a fortune after his uncle’s death. c) Feeling lonely, she tried to gain pleasure form books.返回null(3)Obtain means the getting possession, especially by some effort; or procuring.得到,获得 Eg: a) The spaceman obtained soil samples from the moon. b) She obtained her Master’s degree on literature in Oxford University. c) Sugar is obtained by crushing and processing sugar cane. (4)Acquire is the getting or gaining by one’s own efforts or actions; or getting or coming to have one’s own.获得,学到 Eg: a) He acquired his education in Yale. b) A bad habit is easily acquired but broken up with difficulty. c) The pirates acquired a lot of property by snatching.返回null2) The usage of find oneself+prepositions (such as at, in) has two meanings: (1)to realize in a particular situation, especially a bad one which is out of expectation Eg: They suddenly found themselves without a defender for the match. (2)to realize that someone has arrived somewhere without intending to Eg: After wandering around, we found ourselves on the way back home.返回null 4. It seems to be wandering in-between the worlds, looking for something to hook to. (para. 2)Sentence Analysis—Intensive ReadingBack下一页上一页nullLooking for sth to hook to is the “-ing” participle phrases现在分词短语, which means two actions, both wandering in-between the worlds and looking for sth to hook to, happen at the same time. Eg: a) I phoned again, making sure ij had the right number. b) He didn’t argue with her, knowing it would be useless. 返回null 5. A holiday can create the intellectual context for learning, and it is through this learning that the emotional integration might occur. (para. 2)Sentence Analysis—Intensive ReadingBack下一页上一页null1) Occur is the synonym of happen and take place.发生,被想到,出现,存在 (1)Occur means coming to mind; existing. Eg: a) Suddenly a good idea occurred to her. b) The phenomenon is possible in theory, but it never seemed to occur in reality. c) It never occurred to him that his father would object to his going abroad. (2)Happen means occurring by chance or without plan or coming by occasion.发生,碰巧,偶然出现 Eg: a) Traffic jams usually happen during rush hours. b) There happened to be few customers then. c) If you happen to see him, ask him or phone me. (3)Take place means occurring to happening.产生,发生,进行 Eg: a) The next attack took place four hours later. b) Profound political changes have been taking place in the country. c) What took place after that?返回null2) Note that the it is an empty it, or anticipatory形式主语, to make this sentence a Cleft Sentence分裂句. The purpose of using the anticipatory it here is emphasizing this learning. 返回null 6. Striving for cultural and emotional meaning, for the sense of felling connected in order to survive emotionally, to fill in the void brought about by landing in a different country, I tried to become part of this country by joining its holidays. (para. 3)Sentence Analysis—Intensive ReadingBack下一页上一页null1) Note that striving for…is also an “-ing” participle phrase here which serves as a casual adverb. 2) Note that brought is “-ed” participle to modify the noun void before it. As pre-modifiers, transitive “-ed” participles usually denote a passive meaning or a sense of completion. This is distinguished from “-ing” participles express an active meaning or a sense of incompletion. Compare: Frozen food a freezing wind A bored visitor a boring journey The spoken language a speaking bird A recorded talk a recording machine返回null 7. I left the table physically stuffed, yet strangely empty. (para. 4)Sentence Analysis—Intensive ReadingBack下一页上一页nullNote the usage of yet: 1) When yet is used as an adverb, it means (1)until now or until a particular time Eg: The dish hasn’t been ready yet. (2)but or in spite of sth Eg: a simple yet effective system (3)in the future, in spite of the way that things seem now Eg: The plan could yet succeed. (4)even or still Eg: yet another reason to be cautious 2) When yet is used as a conjunction, it is used to introduce a statement that is surprising after what you have just said. Eg: She is a little weird, yet you can’t help liking her. In this sentence, yet is used as a conjunction to combine two clauses, and it is used to introduce a statement which is contrary to the previous statement.返回null 8. There is no better learning and teaching----and starting from that first year, I would enrich my teaching materials about Thanksgiving and expand the assignment to the students. (para. 6)Sentence Analysis—Intensive ReadingBack下一页上一页nullIt is easy to confuse expand, extend, spread and stretch. 1) Expand means developing, swelling, dilating, or increasing in bulk or importance. Eg: a) Heat expands metal.发展,使膨胀,使扩张,扩大 b) He expanded his business into new areas. c) The writer expanded his short story into a novel. 2) Extend refers to widening, broadening, or making longer in time or space.延长,延伸,扩展,扩大 Eg: a) The government extended the road to the next town. b) The developing countries have greatly extended their influence in world affairs. c) Now we have obtained permission to extend the field of our research.返回null3) Spread means stretching out, causing to be longer or wider, making or becoming more widely known, or having a wider effect.伸展,展开,传播,散步,蔓延 Eg: a) The investment in agriculture has not been evenly spread. b) We can spread ideas more rapidly in an age of instant communication. c) I would love bread spread with butter. 4) Stretch means extending to full length, lengthening, widening or enlarging by tension.伸出,伸长,使延伸 Eg: a) The rope must be stretched straight. b) She stretched the piece of elastic to its fullest extent. c) The painter stretched the canvas tightly over the frame.返回null 9. The etymology of the world “turkey” would become a cross-linguistic and cross-cultural adventure, a glance into my classroom languages and history, and an arena for anthropological and linguistic research. (para. 6)Sentence Analysis—Intensive ReadingBack下一页上一页null1) Note the prefix “cross”, which mainly has two meanings: (1)denoting movement or position across sth a) denoting movement or interaction Eg: cross-pollinate b) denoting position across sth or passing from side to side eg: cross-channel, cross-country (2)describing the form or figure of a cross Eg: crossbones 2) Note the prefix “anthropo-”, which means human or relating to humankind Eg: anthropology 返回null 10. The more I learned about American Indians, the more I felt detached from the image I had formed of them back in Russia. (para. 8)Sentence Analysis—Intensive ReadingBack下一页上一页nullNote the comparative structure “the more…the more” used here. “The more…the more” is commonly used to denote two parallel processes on a proportional increase. In this construction, the first part constitutes a subordinate clause, while the second the main clause. Eg: The older I get, the happier I become. Compare it with the “more and more” structure. “more and more” is a coordinate adverb phrase commonly used as pre-modifier in adjective or adverb phrases. In contrast with “the more…the more”, “more and more” is usually used to denote one process that is on a continual increase. Eg: His health is getting better and better.返回null 11. As an outsider, I felt the story was an attempt to cover what really happened after the turkey has been eaten, but as an insider, I was grateful for the happy ending of the story, because this legend helped perpetuate the American hospitality and openness to newcomers, which I myself had benefited from. (para. 8)Sentence Analysis—Intensive ReadingBack下一页上一页null1) Attempt means making on effort at; trying; endeavoring.企图,试图 Eg: a) A long time has elapsed since I had attempted any serious study on linguistics. b) She attempted to go on with her work in the office, but she could not. c) The criminal attempted escaping from the prison. 2) Endeavor refers to making an effort; attempting earnestly; trying hard.努力,尽力;尝试 a) IN the lecture, the professor endeavored to attract his students’ attention. b) They must endeavor to do better. c) No matter how she endeavored, she failed in the final exam. 返回null3) Strive means making a great effort; trying very hard.努力;力争 Eg: a) She strived to give the impression that she was a good teacher. b) The president is striving for re-election. c) Historians should strive after objectivity. 4) Struggle refers to making strong efforts against difficulties; trying hard.努力;尽力 Eg: a) A lot of people struggle for their daily bread. b) She struggled to free herself from her attackers. c) He often listens to music to struggle against his loneliness. 返回null 12. It makes us feel at home, in a familiar environment rather than an alien one, and which creates the feeling of security and of peace----an absolutely necessary emotionally foundation of well-being. (para. 9)Sentence Analysis—Intensive ReadingBack下一页上一页nullNote the usage of rather than. It is the following two meanings: 1) more than or to a greater degree than someone or sth else Eg: I think it is a talk rather than a lecture. 2)instead of someone or sth else Eg: Rather than squeezing your own apples, have you tried buying packs of apple juice?返回null 13. The cultural information, along with the motivation to survive emotionally, to get out of the immigration crisis and of acculturation-related depression, of loneliness and of isolation, works through the mind to the heart and together with real food and food for the soul, becomes the source of release and relief. (para. 10)Sentence Analysis—Intensive ReadingBack下一页上一页null1) Motivation is the synonym of motive, impulse and incentive. (1) Motivation refers to the eagerness and willingness to do sth without needing to be told or forced to do it; or the reason why you want to do sth.动机,动力,原因 Eg: a) What was your motivation for becoming a lawyer? b) He is an intelligent student, but he lacks motivation. c) What is the motivation behind this sudden change? (2) Motive means inciting to motion or action.动机,动因,目的 Eg: a) She said her motive for the attack was a fear of being attacked. b) The police suggested that the motive for the crime was jealousy. c) I thought she had several motives for doing it.返回null(3) Impulse is the force that impels one to act without planning or reflection or the sudden force that causes motion.冲动,推动,刺激 Eg: a) He almost yielded to an unexpected impulse to dance in the street. b) I felt an irresistible impulse to buy a new car. c) She always acts on impulse. (4) Incentive means tending to incite, or to action.动机,刺激,鼓励 Eg: a) Profit sharing is a good incentive for employees. b) The government promised lower taxes as an incentive to attract new business. c) Hope for promotion is an incentive to hard work.返回null2)Pay attention to the word crisis. Its plural form is irregular, which is crisis. Some similar examples are as follows: Goose---geese ox----oxen mouse----mice Stratum----strata thesis----these analysis----analyses Phenomenon----phenomena basis----bases medium----media返回null2)Loneliness is the noun form for lonely. Lonely is the synonym of lonesome, solitary and alone. (1)Lonely means standing apart from others of its kind; unhappy at being alone; or unfrequented.孤独的,单独的,孤寂的 Eg: a) The lonely tree on the cliff was bent by the sea wind. b) I felt extremely lonely during my first month in the foreign country. c) Many whales got grounded on a lonely stretch of beach. (2)Lonesome refers to having or causing a lonely feeling or being desolate.寂寞的,孤独的,荒凉的 Eg: a) You must keep up your spirits and not be lonesome when I am not home. b) She was lonesome while her husband was on a business trip to London. c) His departure smote my lonesome heart more than anything else.返回null(3)Solitary is characterized by loneliness or lack of companions.孤独的,人迹稀少的 Eg: a) The old man leads to a solitary life. b) They stopped at the solitary inn high on the mountain. c) In the solitary valley was found a tribe of people still leading a primitive life. (4)Alone means being apart from anything or anyone else.单独的,孤独的 Eg: a) The young mother was anxious about leaving her baby alone in the house. b) As soon as the girl found herself alone in the dark room, she broke into crying. c) She was sitting alone when we came in. 4)The usage of the phrase release and relief is alliteration.押头韵 Alliteration refers to the appearance of the same initial consonant sound in two or more words, such as “proud as a peacock” and “blind as a bat”. Alliteration is often used in poetry to give emphasis to words that are related in meaning. Other examples are: Eg: a) forgive and forget b) repeat and reinforce c) twists and turns返回nullSentence Paraphrase—Reading and WritingPoint 1 Point 2 Point 3Point 4 Point 5 null 1. Gone are the Christmas trees, the Santa-on-his-sleigh, the red, the green, and blue color themes. (para. 2)Sentence Paraphrase—Reading and WritingBack下一页上一页nullAn inversion structure is used in this sentence. There are two types of inversion: full inversion and partial inversion. Full inversion means reversal of the subject and the whole predicate; partial inversion means reversal of the subject and the operator only. The structure here is full inversion. Eg: a) There was a sudden gust of wind, and away went his hat. (Full Inversion) b) Bang, bang, bang came three reports of firecrackers. (Full inversion) c) Not only did he complain about the food, he also refused to pay for it. (Partial Inversion) d) So dangerous were the avalanches that skiing had to be stopped. (Partial Inversion)返回null 2. It is uncommon for organizations to emphasiz
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