首页 保险丝盒测试标准_中文_12.11



保险丝盒测试标准_中文_12.11 CONFIDENTIAL: This document is property of LEAR. It cannot be reproduced, delivered or disclosed to third parties without prior consent from LEAR Corporation Author: Mary Rose A. Poro Date : 21 Dec 2007 SPEC GROUP No ISSUE File: JB_Product_Validatio...

CONFIDENTIAL: This document is property of LEAR. It cannot be reproduced, delivered or disclosed to third parties without prior consent from LEAR Corporation Author: Mary Rose A. Poro Date : 21 Dec 2007 SPEC GROUP No ISSUE File: JB_Product_Validation_Specification SGE P 07-00023 02 Page : 1 of 24 TITLE: JB Validation Specification CURRENT RELEASE Geely Lear China Project Lead Mech Mngr Lab Engr Author NAME M. Desabille N. Medallo Hector Uy Mary Rose Poro SIGNATURE COPY: REVISION HISTORY ISSUE CHANGE DESCRIPTION DATE AUTHOR 00 01 02 03 04 Initial release Change per Lear Specification Added some tests per Lear Wuhan’s direction 11/07/07 11/22/07 12/21/07 M. Poro M. Poro M. Poro Lear Automotive Services (Netherlands) B.V. COVER PAGE CONFIDENTIAL: This document is property of LEAR. It cannot be reproduced, delivered or disclosed to third parties without prior consent from LEAR Corporation Author: Mary Rose A. Poro Date : 21 Dec 2007 SPEC GROUP No ISSUE File: JB_Product_Validation_Specification SGE P 07-00023 02 Page : 2 of 24 TITLE: JB Validation Specification Lear Automotive Services (Netherlands) B.V. TABLE OF CONTENTS 目录 COVER PAGE .............................................................................................................................................................. 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 目录 ..................................................................................................................................... 2 1.0 PURPOSE 目的 .................................................................................................................................................... 3 2.0 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 产品描述 ................................................................................................................ 3 4.2.2 Power Dissipation 功率耗散 ................................................................................................................... 5 4.2.3 135% Short Circuit Test 135%短路测试 ............................................................................................. 7 4.2.4 135% Fuse Load Test 135%保险丝负载测试 ........................................................................... 7 4.2.5 Dielectric Test 绝缘测试 ........................................................................................................................... 8 4.2.6 Insulation Resistance Test 绝缘阻抗测试 ............................................................................................ 9 4.2.7 Temperature Rise 温升测试 .................................................................................................................... 9 4.3 Environmental Tests 环境测试 .................................................................................................................... 10 4.3.1 Thermal Shock Resistance Test 耐热冲击测试 ................................................................................ 10 4.3.2 Low Temperature Exposure Test 低温暴露测试 .............................................................................. 11 4.3.3 High Temperature Exposure Test 高温暴露测试 ............................................................................. 12 4.3.4 Perform Humidity – Temperature Cycle Test 温湿循环测试 ......................................................... 13 4.3.5 Dust Test 灰尘测试 .................................................................................................................................. 15 4.3.6 Salt Spray Test 盐雾试验 ....................................................................................................................... 16 4.3.7 Water Test 防水测试 ................................................................................................................................ 18 4.3.8 Multiple Environment Compatibility Test 复合环境能力测试 ........................................................ 18 4.3.9 Dew Condensation Test 结露测试 ....................................................................................................... 20 4.4 Mechanical Tests 机械测试 .......................................................................................................................... 21 4.4.1 Terminal Insertion Test 端子插入测试 ................................................................................................ 21 4.4.2 Terminal Retention Test 端子保持力 ................................................................................................... 21 4.4.3 Component Insertion / Removal Test 组件插入/拔出力测试 ......................................................... 22 4.4.4 Connector Pull Test 连接器拉脱测试 .................................................................................................. 23 4.4.5 Perform Drop Test 跌落测试 ................................................................................................................. 24 4.4.6 Vibration Test 振动测试 ......................................................................................................................... 25 4.4.7 Detaching Force of Upper Cover Test 测试上盖分离力 .................................................................. 27 4.4.8 Holding Force of Cover Test 盖子保持力测试 ................................................................................... 28 4.4.9 Bolt/Nut Tightening Torque 螺栓/螺母拧紧扭矩 ............................................................................... 29 4.5 Chemical or Fluid Tests 化学或液体测试 .................................................................................................. 30 4.6 Thermal Test 端子测试 .................................................................................................................................. 31 4.6.1 Thermal Mapping 热分布测试 ............................................................................................................... 31 5.0 APPENDICES 附录 ............................................................................................................................................ 31 5.1 Appendix A – Voltage Drop Test Lead Location and Set-up .............................................................. 31 附录 A-电压跌落测试引线布局和装置 .................................................................................................................. 32 5.2 Appendix B – Geely JB DV/PV Reliability Test Profile ......................................................................... 32 附录 B-吉利 JB DV/PV 可靠性测试框图 .............................................................................................................. 32 CONFIDENTIAL: This document is property of LEAR. It cannot be reproduced, delivered or disclosed to third parties without prior consent from LEAR Corporation Author: Mary Rose A. Poro Date : 21 Dec 2007 SPEC GROUP No ISSUE File: JB_Product_Validation_Specification SGE P 07-00023 02 Page : 3 of 24 TITLE: JB Validation Specification Lear Automotive Services (Netherlands) B.V. 1.0 PURPOSE 目的 This test method for Electrical Junction Boxes (JB) , aims at assuring standardizing its product validation. This is intended to evaluate specific characteristics as a supplement to normal material inspections, dimensional checking and in-process controls and should in no way adversely influence other inspection operations. 2.0 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 产品描述 This specification is written for Engine Junction Box. The specification defines test procedures, minimum performance requirements and an acceptance criterion for the said box used in automotive vehicles. This Engineering Specification is also an extension to the released drawings on JB or a supplement and the requirements herein must be met in addition to all other requirements of the part drawing. It is also intended to evaluate specific characteristics as a supplement to normal material inspections, dimensional checking, and in-process controls, and should no way adversely influence to other inspection operations. 3.0 TEST MATRIX 测试矩阵 See Appendix B.见附录 B 4.0 TEST ITEM PLAN 测试项目 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 4.1 Inspection 检查 4.1.1 Visual Check 可视化检查 Test item 测试项目 Standard 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 Test Item No. Quality Rank Visual Check 可视化检查 SGEP-07-00023-00 4.1.1 C Purpose 目的 A visual check is performed to inspect the component for possible damage that may have occurred during an environmental test. Use appropriate physical and/or visual techniques and aids such as microscope etc. There shall be no visible distortion in the assemblies. 进行目视检查是为了检查零件 在环境测试阶段可能出现的损伤。使用合适的物理或目视工具和辅助工具,如:显微镜等。 Test Condition 测试条件 Inspect the module housing and connector pin for any damage or unusual condition that could have been caused by environmental stress or module handling. Things to look for are listed below. Notify the Test and/or Design Engineer of any anomalies that could affect module performance. Visual checks shall be performed when required, or immediately after and at two (2) hours and/or 24 hours following the environmental test, as appropriate, and/or as specified. 检查模块外壳和连接器引脚上的任何损伤或 环境应力/模块处理造成的特殊条件。下面列出了检查项目。必须给测试/ 设计 领导形象设计圆作业设计ao工艺污水处理厂设计附属工程施工组织设计清扫机器人结构设计 工程 路基工程安全技术交底工程项目施工成本控制工程量增项单年度零星工程技术标正投影法基本原理 师告知可能影 响模块性能的异常。当有要求时,必须在环境测试后的 2 小时和/或 24 小时立即进行目视检查。 CONFIDENTIAL: This document is property of LEAR. It cannot be reproduced, delivered or disclosed to third parties without prior consent from LEAR Corporation Author: Mary Rose A. Poro Date : 21 Dec 2007 SPEC GROUP No ISSUE File: JB_Product_Validation_Specification SGE P 07-00023 02 Page : 4 of 24 TITLE: JB Validation Specification Lear Automotive Services (Netherlands) B.V. Confirmation 确认 Conduct a visual inspect to look for the following defects: 目视检查以下缺陷: • Warping or cracking of housing. 外壳翘曲或裂化 • Gaps of 1 mm on closing line or hinges. 闭合线或者铰接处 1mm 间隙 • Bent connector pins. 接插件端子弯曲。 • Excessive corrosion of connector pins. 接插件端子过度腐蚀。 • There shall be no plastic flow or terminal fusing. 不应有塑胶流纹或者端子熔化。 • Audible rattles upon “hand” shaking of module. 用手晃动模组不应有响声。 • Dripping of liquid (water and other) out of housing. 不应有液体从外壳流出。 • Foul odor and/or smoke emanating from module. 不应有臭味或者烟尘从模组发出。 • Visible changes in color, gloss and surface structure. 色泽和表面结构变化。 • Corrosion. 腐蚀。 • Other defects. 其它缺陷。 • Etc. 等等。 lf one or more defects are detected; the occurrence shall be reported to the responsible engineer who will evaluate the importance of the defect/s found. 如果检测到一个或多个缺陷,需报告给负责的工程师,他将评估缺陷的重要性。 Notes 备注 Do not open the module housing to conduct this inspection.检查时不打开模块的外壳 4.2 Electrical Tests 电气测试 4.2.1 Voltage Drop 电压降 Test item 测试项目 Standard 标准 Test Item No. Quality Rank Voltage Drop Test 电压降测试 SGEP-07-00023-00 4.2.1 Purpose 目的 To check if there is an excessive resistance in high amperage circuits and to check whether there is a good connection or bad.检查高电流电路中是否有过多电阻,检查连接是否完好。 CONFIDENTIAL: This document is property of LEAR. It cannot be reproduced, delivered or disclosed to third parties without prior consent from LEAR Corporation Author: Mary Rose A. Poro Date : 21 Dec 2007 SPEC GROUP No ISSUE File: JB_Product_Validation_Specification SGE P 07-00023 02 Page : 5 of 24 TITLE: JB Validation Specification Lear Automotive Services (Netherlands) B.V. Test Condition 测试条件 The unit shall be considered as a black box. Voltage drop shall be measured at LOAD CURRENT from the end of a wire 75 mm long connected to the INPUT of a function, and to the end of a wire 75 mm long connected to the OUTPUT of the same function. Fuses and relays shall be replaced by shunts. The voltage drops of the shunts may be subtracted from the total voltage drop. In the event of non-removable switching elements (such as FETs and soldered relays), a value specified by the component supplier will be subtracted from the value of the circuit. 在连接到输入功能端的 75 毫米 长的线末端,和连接到输出相同功能端的 75 毫米长的线末端的负载电流处测量电压降。用 分流器替换保险丝和继电器。分流器的电压降需要从总电压降中减去。在非移动的开关元 件(如:FETs 和固态继电器)的情况下,从电路电压降值减去零件供应商指定的值。 Special conditions:特殊条件 Temperature 温度 +23°C±2°C. Operating condition: At normal load current specified in Normal Load Cycle 工作条件:额定负 载循环指定的额定负载电流。 Refer to Appendix A for the test diagram. 测试框图见附录 A。 Confirmation 确认 After each test the maximum voltage drop for each circuit shall be less than:每个测试后确认每 个电路的最大压降必须小于: - 20 mV/A for currents lower than 10 A 低于 10A 的电路:20 mV/A - 15 mV/A for currents between 10 A and 20 A 10A 和 20A 之间的电路:15 mV/A - 10 mV/A for current higher than 20 A 大于 20A 的电路: 10 mV/A Notes 4.2.2 Power Dissipation 功率耗散 Test item 测试项目 Standard 标准 Test Item No. Quality Rank Power Dissipation 功率耗散 SGEP-07-00023-00 4.2.2 Purpose 目的 This test checks how much power is dissipated as the box is in operation. 检测工作中保险丝盒 的连接是否完好 CONFIDENTIAL: This document is property of LEAR. It cannot be reproduced, delivered or disclosed to third parties without prior consent from LEAR Corporation Author: Mary Rose A. Poro Date : 21 Dec 2007 SPEC GROUP No ISSUE File: JB_Product_Validation_Specification SGE P 07-00023 02 Page : 6 of 24 TITLE: JB Validation Specification Lear Automotive Services (Netherlands) B.V. Test Condition 测试条件 1.Before and after the test, measure and record the voltage drop from input to output, 1. Before and after the test, measure and record the voltage drop from input to output, then subtract the voltage drop of the fuse, relay, wires, buss bars and other components at rated current (see Appendix A, Figure 4, for more detail).测试前和测试 后,测量并记录额定电流条件下输入端与输出端之间的压降,并减去保险丝、继电器、 母线棒和其他零件的电压降。 2. Secure the JB in vehicle position / orientation.将保险丝盒固定在汽车的位置和方向上。 3. Ensure that each space in the JB is filled with the appropriate component (fuse, relay, , module, .. etc.). Every terminal shall be mated to its corresponding mating terminal and connector.确保保险丝盒上每个空位都装配了合适的零件(保险丝、继电器、模块 等)。每个端子必须与其配对的端子和连接器配合。 4. Remove and reinstall all components (fuse, relay, … etc.) 10 times.拔出和插入所有零件 10 次(保险丝、继电器等)。 5. Conduct test at 125ºC ± 3ºC (engine compartment mounted). 在 125ºC ± 3ºC 下进行测 试。 6. Apply max vehicle steady state load current to each component in the JB simultaneously, 45 minutes and 15 minutes OFF for 300 hours. Apply vehicle intermittent load current to each component, the last 5 minutes of each 45-minute ON cycle.给保险丝盒上的零件砸在最大汽车稳态负载电流,同时保持 45 分钟打开,然后 15 分钟断开,总计 300 小时。给每个零件加载间歇汽车电流,每 45 分钟 ON 的最后 5 分 钟。 Note the increase in temperature above the ambient throughout the JB. 注明保险丝盒上高于环境温度的温度增加值。 Confirmation 确认 1. The voltage drop before the test shall be less than or equal to : (number of crimps x 0.5mV/Amp) + (number of terminal interfaces x 1.0mV/Amp). 测试前电压降应该小于或者 等于(压接数量 x 0.5mV/Amp) + (端子接口数量 x 1.0mV/Amp) 2. The voltage drop after test completion shall be less than or equal to: (number of crimps x 1.0 mV/Amp) + (number of terminal interfaces x 2.0 mV/Amp). 测试后电压降应该小于或 者等于(压接数量 x 1.0mV/Amp) + (端子接口数量 x 2.0mV/Amp) 3. The temperature of the JB shall not increase above the ambient temperature by more than 50ºC max and/or the JB temperature shall never exceed its material deflection temperature at 460kPa (66 psi).保险丝盒增加的温度不能超过环境温度的最大 50℃以上, 或者保险丝盒的温度不能超过 460kPa (66 psi)下 材料 关于××同志的政审材料调查表环保先进个人材料国家普通话测试材料农民专业合作社注销四查四问剖析材料 的变形温度。 4. There shall be no visible distortion in the assemblies.总成零件上不能有可见的变形。 Notes CONFIDENTIAL: This document is property of LEAR. It cannot be reproduced, delivered or disclosed to third parties without prior consent from LEAR Corporation Author: Mary Rose A. Poro Date : 21 Dec 2007 SPEC GROUP No ISSUE File: JB_Product_Validation_Specification SGE P 07-00023 02 Page : 7 of 24 TITLE: JB Validation Specification Lear Automotive Services (Netherlands) B.V. 4.2.3 135% Short Circuit Test 135%短路测试 Test item 测试项目 Standard 标准 Test Item No. Quality Rank 135% Short Circuit Test135%短路测试 SGEP-07-00023-00 4.2.3 Purpose 目的 With the fuses removed, the box is tested with 135% current load to check if there is no terminal fusing.保险丝去拔出后,给保险丝盒加载 135%的电流负载以检查端子是否熔断。 Test Condition 测试条件 1. Secure the JB in vehicle position / orientation.将保险丝盒固定在汽车方位。 2. Ensure that each space in the JB is filled with the appropriate fuse and .确保保险丝盒 上每个空位都装配了合适的保险丝和···。 3. Remove all relay and modules and replace with shunts to complete the circuit.将继电 器和模块从保险丝盒中拔出,并用分流器替换之,组成电路。 4. Apply 110% load (wire rated current of input/output mated circuit) at 13.5 volt for 15 minutes followed by 135% load for 60 minutes to each circuit not protected by a fuse/ within the JB one at a time (example: pass through circuit, body harness to engine harness).在 13.5V 下给每个无保险丝保护的电路加载 110%的负载 15 分钟,然后加载 135%负载 60 分钟 Confirmation 确认 There shall be no plastic flow or terminal fusing. 不应该有塑胶流纹和端子熔化。 Notes 4.2.4 135% Fuse Load Test 135%保险丝负载测试 Test item 测试项目 Standard 标准 Test Item No. Quality Rank 135% Fuse Load Test 135%保险丝负载测试 SGEP-07-00023-00 4.2.4 Purpose 目的 This test checks if each fuse can withstand the 135% of the rated load of the circuit.检查保险丝 能否承受 135%的电路额定负载。 CONFIDENTIAL: This document is property of LEAR. It cannot be reproduced, delivered or disclosed to third parties without prior consent from LEAR Corporation Author: Mary Rose A. Poro Date : 21 Dec 2007 SPEC GROUP No ISSUE File: JB_Product_Validation_Specification SGE P 07-00023 02 Page : 8 of 24 TITLE: JB Validation Specification Lear Automotive Services (Netherlands) B.V. Test Condition 测试条件 1. Secure the JB in vehicle position / orientation.将保险丝盒固定在汽车方位 Ensure that each space in the JB is filled with the appropriate component (fuse, relay, , module, etc.) Every terminal shall be mated to its corresponding mating terminal and connector. 确保保险丝盒上每个空位都装配了合适的零件(保险丝、继 电器、模块等)。每个端子必须与其配对的端子和连接器配合。 2. Apply 110% load (rated value of fuse) at 13.5 volt for 15 minutes followed by 135% load to each fuse until failure. Repeat 4 more times with each fuse location. This test shall be done for each fuse position one at a time. 在 13.5V下给每个保险丝加载 110%的负载 15分钟,然后加载 135%的负载直到失效。每一个保险丝位 置重复 4 次。每个保险丝位置每次测试一个。 Confirmation 确认 There shall be no plastic flow or terminal fusing. 不应该有塑胶流纹和端子熔化 Notes 4.2.5 Dielectric Test 绝缘测试 Test item 测试项目 Standard 标准 Test Item No. Quality Rank Dielectric Test 绝缘测试 SGEP-07-00023-00 4.2.5 Purpose 目的 High rated voltage is applied for a specified time to determine the capability of insulating materials to withstand breakdown.在指定的时间内加载高额定电压,以确定绝缘材料承受破坏 的能力。 Test Condition 测试条件 1. Apply 500 V AC, 60 or 50 Hz for two (2) minutes between any two conductive parts designed to operate at different potentials.给任意两个导电零件之间加载 500V 交流电, 60 或 50 Hz 2 分钟。 2. Determine the leakage current. 确定漏电流。 Confirmation 确认 The leakage current shall not exceed 1 mA. 漏电流不超过 1mA Notes CONFIDENTIAL: This document is property of LEAR. It cannot be reproduced, delivered or disclosed to third parties without prior consent from LEAR Corporation Author: Mary Rose A. Poro Date : 21 Dec 2007 SPEC GROUP No ISSUE File: JB_Product_Validation_Specification SGE P 07-00023 02 Page : 9 of 24 TITLE: JB Validation Specification Lear Automotive Services (Netherlands) B.V. 4.2.6 Insulation Resistance Test 绝缘阻抗测试 Test ite
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