首页 学生学籍信息采集电子版教程



学生学籍信息采集电子版教程学生学籍信息采集电子版教程 一、 首先第一步打开在群共享下载的学生学籍信息采集电子版excel文档: 鼠标左键双击右边的图标: 二、 改变excel文档里面宏的安全性(调到最低): intensive development. (5) have different emphasis: for development, "with development, the emphasis on" way, from space, multiple groups from a single radiation-b...

学生学籍信息采集电子版教程 一、 首先第一步打开在群共享下载的学生学籍信息采集电子版excel文档: 鼠标左键双击右边的图标: 二、 改变excel文档里面宏的安全性(调到最低): intensive development. (5) have different emphasis: for development, "with development, the emphasis on" way, from space, multiple groups from a single radiation-belt open development. Spatial structure of 2, the prominent cultural city protection elements on the development of the whole city and culture series supporting role, with natural landscapes and green for the background, according to the combined city, urban Group organization structure, set up a decentralized development patterns, building ... Three rivers: the Yangtze, jinsha River and minjiang rivers, cities in three rivers based on development along the Yangtze River, city on the River, River in the city. Multiple groups: the relatively compact area layout, each district consists of multiple groups, and the area has both integrated urban functions, and have their own characteristics and perimeter formation Li Zhuang, Li Zhuangdong characteristic tour area and Hong Kong in group, consists of 17 groups. Band: modern features gathering along the Yangtze River belt. Dvn group in the upper reaches of the jinsha River along the river continues to the East to South stream groups, layout along the city's main commercial, business, administrative, cultural and creative research and development in science and education function of modern service and port equipment manufacturing, liquor, and other features and modern industry. 2.5-2 spatial planning figure 2.6 in Yibin city, Central City urban development vision vision 点文档的第二行工具,再点宏(M),在点安全性(S)。选择最低: 三、 开始填写:(红色的项一定要填写,黑色的项可填可不填) 注意:文档填完后一定将文档的名字改为您孩子的姓名,最好加上班级,因为同一个年级有同名同姓的学生。 填写:请注意你的第一项如果是出生日期,也就是说最下面滚动条没有移到最前面,请您移到以后再填。 第一项:学校的标识码,这一项是固定不变的,为2142001616 intensive development. (5) have different emphasis: for development, "with development, the emphasis on" way, from space, multiple groups from a single radiation-belt open development. Spatial structure of 2, the prominent cultural city protection elements on the development of the whole city and culture series supporting role, with natural landscapes and green for the background, according to the combined city, urban Group organization structure, set up a decentralized development patterns, building ... Three rivers: the Yangtze, jinsha River and minjiang rivers, cities in three rivers based on development along the Yangtze River, city on the River, River in the city. Multiple groups: the relatively compact area layout, each district consists of multiple groups, and the area has both integrated urban functions, and have their own characteristics and perimeter formation Li Zhuang, Li Zhuangdong characteristic tour area and Hong Kong in group, consists of 17 groups. Band: modern features gathering along the Yangtze River belt. Dvn group in the upper reaches of the jinsha River along the river continues to the East to South stream groups, layout along the city's main commercial, business, administrative, cultural and creative research and development in science and education function of modern service and port equipment manufacturing, liquor, and other features and modern industry. 2.5-2 spatial planning figure 2.6 in Yibin city, Central City urban development vision vision 第二项:姓名 ,请您填写您孩子的姓名,一定要按照户口本上或身份证上面的名字填写,因为我们的学籍系统和公安部的信息挂钩,如果你填错了,有可能不能上学籍。 第三项:性别,此项是有选择的项(点一下就会出现)。请一定不要手填,直接选择就行。 点一下出现下拉的三角箭头, 然后点一下下拉的三角箭头,选择男或女 第四项:出生日期,此项请一定注意填写的格式,比如说2007年10月30日出生的学生,他就应该填写——20071030. intensive development. (5) have different emphasis: for development, "with development, the emphasis on" way, from space, multiple groups from a single radiation-belt open development. Spatial structure of 2, the prominent cultural city protection elements on the development of the whole city and culture series supporting role, with natural landscapes and green for the background, according to the combined city, urban Group organization structure, set up a decentralized development patterns, building ... Three rivers: the Yangtze, jinsha River and minjiang rivers, cities in three rivers based on development along the Yangtze River, city on the River, River in the city. Multiple groups: the relatively compact area layout, each district consists of multiple groups, and the area has both integrated urban functions, and have their own characteristics and perimeter formation Li Zhuang, Li Zhuangdong characteristic tour area and Hong Kong in group, consists of 17 groups. Band: modern features gathering along the Yangtze River belt. Dvn group in the upper reaches of the jinsha River along the river continues to the East to South stream groups, layout along the city's main commercial, business, administrative, cultural and creative research and development in science and education function of modern service and port equipment manufacturing, liquor, and other features and modern industry. 2.5-2 spatial planning figure 2.6 in Yibin city, Central City urban development vision vision 第五项:出生地行政区划代码,此项格式是行政区划代码后面加上6个零,组成12位的数,如果不是12位数就是错误的。 比如说:出生地是武汉市江汉区,您就应该填写420103000000 江岸区:420102000000 ,硚口区:420104000000 汉阳区:420105000000 ,武昌区:420106000000 青山区:420107000000 ,洪山区:420111000000 东西湖区:420112000000 ,汉南区:420113000000 蔡甸区:420114000000 其他区或省市的可以百度查一下,实在不知的可以将身份证的前6位加上6个零进行填写。 第六项:籍贯,此项填写中文,写孩子出生地或祖居或本人出生的地方,现多用于父辈以上的居住地。中国籍的籍贯要具体到区县级。外籍学生填写国外。 第七项:民族,此项是有选择的项(点一下就会出现)。请一定不要手填,直接选择就行。 点一下出现下拉的三角箭头 然后点一下下拉的三角箭头,选择实际的民族 intensive development. (5) have different emphasis: for development, "with development, the emphasis on" way, from space, multiple groups from a single radiation-belt open development. Spatial structure of 2, the prominent cultural city protection elements on the development of the whole city and culture series supporting role, with natural landscapes and green for the background, according to the combined city, urban Group organization structure, set up a decentralized development patterns, building ... Three rivers: the Yangtze, jinsha River and minjiang rivers, cities in three rivers based on development along the Yangtze River, city on the River, River in the city. Multiple groups: the relatively compact area layout, each district consists of multiple groups, and the area has both integrated urban functions, and have their own characteristics and perimeter formation Li Zhuang, Li Zhuangdong characteristic tour area and Hong Kong in group, consists of 17 groups. Band: modern features gathering along the Yangtze River belt. Dvn group in the upper reaches of the jinsha River along the river continues to the East to South stream groups, layout along the city's main commercial, business, administrative, cultural and creative research and development in science and education function of modern service and port equipment manufacturing, liquor, and other features and modern industry. 2.5-2 spatial planning figure 2.6 in Yibin city, Central City urban development vision vision 第八项:国籍/地区,此项是有选择的项(点一下就会出现)。请一定不要手填,直接选择就行。 点一下出现下拉的三角箭头 然后点一下下拉的三角箭头,选择实际的国籍 第九项:身份证件类型,此项是有选择的项(点一下就会出现)。请一定不要手填,直接选择就行。 请注意:1、外籍学生选择护照这一项,后面的身份证号就填护照的号码。 2、香港籍学生选择香港特区护照/身份 证明 住所证明下载场所使用证明下载诊断证明下载住所证明下载爱问住所证明下载爱问 这一项,后面的身份证号就 填香港特区护照的号码。 3、澳门籍学生选择澳门特区护照/身份证明这一项,后面的身份证号就 填澳门特区护照的号码。 4、台湾籍学生选择台湾居民来往大陆通行证这一项,就填台湾居民来 往大陆通行证的号码。 5、没有身份证的学生,又不是外籍的学生,选择其他这一项,然后后 面的身份证号可以不填,但是父母的身份证必须填写上去,要不就 无法上学籍,而且还要填写一张无身份证证明,学校审核盖章备案。 然后点一下下拉的三角箭头,选择实际的身份证件类型: intensive development. (5) have different emphasis: for development, "with development, the emphasis on" way, from space, multiple groups from a single radiation-belt open development. Spatial structure of 2, the prominent cultural city protection elements on the development of the whole city and culture series supporting role, with natural landscapes and green for the background, according to the combined city, urban Group organization structure, set up a decentralized development patterns, building ... Three rivers: the Yangtze, jinsha River and minjiang rivers, cities in three rivers based on development along the Yangtze River, city on the River, River in the city. Multiple groups: the relatively compact area layout, each district consists of multiple groups, and the area has both integrated urban functions, and have their own characteristics and perimeter formation Li Zhuang, Li Zhuangdong characteristic tour area and Hong Kong in group, consists of 17 groups. Band: modern features gathering along the Yangtze River belt. Dvn group in the upper reaches of the jinsha River along the river continues to the East to South stream groups, layout along the city's main commercial, business, administrative, cultural and creative research and development in science and education function of modern service and port equipment manufacturing, liquor, and other features and modern industry. 2.5-2 spatial planning figure 2.6 in Yibin city, Central City urban development vision vision 第十项:港澳台侨外,此项是有选择的项(点一下就会出现)。请一定不要手填,直接选择就行。请根据实际情况选择。 如果学生有中国的身份证,请选择否。 第十一项:健康状况,此项是有选择的项(点一下就会出现)。请一定不要手填,直接选择就行。请根据实际情况选择。 注意选择残疾这一项的学生必须是有残疾证的。 一般的学生选择健康或良好就行。 第十二项:政治面貌,此项是有选择的项(点一下就会出现)。这一项我们全校学生都选择群众。 intensive development. (5) have different emphasis: for development, "with development, the emphasis on" way, from space, multiple groups from a single radiation-belt open development. Spatial structure of 2, the prominent cultural city protection elements on the development of the whole city and culture series supporting role, with natural landscapes and green for the background, according to the combined city, urban Group organization structure, set up a decentralized development patterns, building ... Three rivers: the Yangtze, jinsha River and minjiang rivers, cities in three rivers based on development along the Yangtze River, city on the River, River in the city. Multiple groups: the relatively compact area layout, each district consists of multiple groups, and the area has both integrated urban functions, and have their own characteristics and perimeter formation Li Zhuang, Li Zhuangdong characteristic tour area and Hong Kong in group, consists of 17 groups. Band: modern features gathering along the Yangtze River belt. Dvn group in the upper reaches of the jinsha River along the river continues to the East to South stream groups, layout along the city's main commercial, business, administrative, cultural and creative research and development in science and education function of modern service and port equipment manufacturing, liquor, and other features and modern industry. 2.5-2 spatial planning figure 2.6 in Yibin city, Central City urban development vision vision 第十三项:身份证件号,这一项是与前面第九项身份证件类型对应的, 请注意:1、外籍学生选择护照这一项,后面的身份证号就填护照的号码。 2、香港籍学生选择香港特区护照/身份证明这一项,后面的身份证号就 填香港特区护照的号码。 3、澳门籍学生选择澳门特区护照/身份证明这一项,后面的身份证号就 填澳门特区护照的号码。 4、台湾籍学生选择台湾居民来往大陆通行证这一项,就填台湾居民来 往大陆通行证的号码。 5、没有身份证的学生,又不是外籍的学生,选择其他这一项,然后后 面的身份证号可以不填,但是父母的身份证必须填写上去,要不就 无法上学籍。 外籍学生和无身份证学生还要填写一张无身份证证明,学校审核盖章备案。一般的学生就填18位的身份证号码就行,请注意身份证号码在学生的户口本或身份证上有,请一定不要填写错误,填完后一定检查一遍。 第十四项:户口性质,此项是有选择的项(点一下就会出现)。请一定不要手填,直接选择就行。请根据实际情况选择。 这一项只有2个选择,非农业户口和农业户口。 intensive development. (5) have different emphasis: for development, "with development, the emphasis on" way, from space, multiple groups from a single radiation-belt open development. Spatial structure of 2, the prominent cultural city protection elements on the development of the whole city and culture series supporting role, with natural landscapes and green for the background, according to the combined city, urban Group organization structure, set up a decentralized development patterns, building ... Three rivers: the Yangtze, jinsha River and minjiang rivers, cities in three rivers based on development along the Yangtze River, city on the River, River in the city. Multiple groups: the relatively compact area layout, each district consists of multiple groups, and the area has both integrated urban functions, and have their own characteristics and perimeter formation Li Zhuang, Li Zhuangdong characteristic tour area and Hong Kong in group, consists of 17 groups. Band: modern features gathering along the Yangtze River belt. Dvn group in the upper reaches of the jinsha River along the river continues to the East to South stream groups, layout along the city's main commercial, business, administrative, cultural and creative research and development in science and education function of modern service and port equipment manufacturing, liquor, and other features and modern industry. 2.5-2 spatial planning figure 2.6 in Yibin city, Central City urban development vision vision 第十五项:户口所在地行政区划,此项与出生地行政区划类似的格式,将户口本上的所在地的行政区划码加上6个零,比如说户口所在地在江汉区,就填写420103000000,江岸区:420102000000 ,硚口区:420104000000,汉阳区:420105000000 ,武昌区:420106000000,青山区:420107000000 ,洪山区:420111000000,东西湖区:420112000000 ,汉南区:420113000000 其他区或省市的可以百度查一下,实在不知的可以将身份证的前6位加上6个零进行填写。没有户口的学生的上述两项指标可填写父母一方的“户口性质”“户口所在地”,如果父母一方也属于黑户,则可以按照祖父祖母的属性填写。 第十六项:班号,此项的格式是入学的年 + 现在所在的年级 + 两位数的班号。 注意此项一定是7位数字,如果不是7位的一定是错误的。 比如说一年级1班的学生,就应该填写2013101(2013年入的小学,1为他所在的年级,01是指他是一班的学生) 再举一下例子:五年级6班的学生,就应该填2009506. 注意:现在的一年级是2013年入的学 , 二年级时2012年入的学 三年级时2011年入的学 , 四年级时2010年入的学 五年级时2009年入的学 , 六年级时2008年入的学 intensive development. (5) have different emphasis: for development, "with development, the emphasis on" way, from space, multiple groups from a single radiation-belt open development. Spatial structure of 2, the prominent cultural city protection elements on the development of the whole city and culture series supporting role, with natural landscapes and green for the background, according to the combined city, urban Group organization structure, set up a decentralized development patterns, building ... Three rivers: the Yangtze, jinsha River and minjiang rivers, cities in three rivers based on development along the Yangtze River, city on the River, River in the city. Multiple groups: the relatively compact area layout, each district consists of multiple groups, and the area has both integrated urban functions, and have their own characteristics and perimeter formation Li Zhuang, Li Zhuangdong characteristic tour area and Hong Kong in group, consists of 17 groups. Band: modern features gathering along the Yangtze River belt. Dvn group in the upper reaches of the jinsha River along the river continues to the East to South stream groups, layout along the city's main commercial, business, administrative, cultural and creative research and development in science and education function of modern service and port equipment manufacturing, liquor, and other features and modern industry. 2.5-2 spatial planning figure 2.6 in Yibin city, Central City urban development vision vision 第十七项:入学年月,此项是4位年加上2位的月,月份都是09月 注意:现在的一年级是2013年入的学(201309) , 二年级时2012年入的学(201209) 三年级时2011年入的学 (201109), 四年级时2010年入的学(201009) 五年级时2009年入的学 (200909), 六年级时2008年入的学(200809) 举例现在的6年级学生,就应该填写200809,注意千万不要写2008.9 格式错误无法通过。 第十八项:入学方式,此项是有选择的项(点一下就会出现)。请一定不要手填,直接选择就行。请根据实际情况选择。 一般的学生就选择就近入学,转学来的学生选择义务教育阶段其他,其他的选项请不要选。 intensive development. (5) have different emphasis: for development, "with development, the emphasis on" way, from space, multiple groups from a single radiation-belt open development. Spatial structure of 2, the prominent cultural city protection elements on the development of the whole city and culture series supporting role, with natural landscapes and green for the background, according to the combined city, urban Group organization structure, set up a decentralized development patterns, building ... Three rivers: the Yangtze, jinsha River and minjiang rivers, cities in three rivers based on development along the Yangtze River, city on the River, River in the city. Multiple groups: the relatively compact area layout, each district consists of multiple groups, and the area has both integrated urban functions, and have their own characteristics and perimeter formation Li Zhuang, Li Zhuangdong characteristic tour area and Hong Kong in group, consists of 17 groups. Band: modern features gathering along the Yangtze River belt. Dvn group in the upper reaches of the jinsha River along the river continues to the East to South stream groups, layout along the city's main commercial, business, administrative, cultural and creative research and development in science and education function of modern service and port equipment manufacturing, liquor, and other features and modern industry. 2.5-2 spatial planning figure 2.6 in Yibin city, Central City urban development vision vision 第十九项:就读方式,此项是有选择的项(点一下就会出现)。请一定不要手填,直接选择就行。此项只有走读和住校两个选项,我们学校的学生都选择走读这一项。 第二十项:现住址,此项填学生现在的住址。 注意地址不要写的太长,会导致出现打印问题,直接写市区住的小区几门几号就行。 第二十一项:通信地址,此项可以和现住址的地址一样。(可以直接复制线住址,粘贴在这一项上,但必须填写) 第二十二项:家庭地址,此项可以和现住址的地址一样。(可以直接复制线住址,粘贴在这一项上,但必须填写) 第二十三项:联系电话,此项可以填写手机号码或座机电话。 intensive development. (5) have different emphasis: for development, "with development, the emphasis on" way, from space, multiple groups from a single radiation-belt open development. Spatial structure of 2, the prominent cultural city protection elements on the development of the whole city and culture series supporting role, with natural landscapes and green for the background, according to the combined city, urban Group organization structure, set up a decentralized development patterns, building ... Three rivers: the Yangtze, jinsha River and minjiang rivers, cities in three rivers based on development along the Yangtze River, city on the River, River in the city. Multiple groups: the relatively compact area layout, each district consists of multiple groups, and the area has both integrated urban functions, and have their own characteristics and perimeter formation Li Zhuang, Li Zhuangdong characteristic tour area and Hong Kong in group, consists of 17 groups. Band: modern features gathering along the Yangtze River belt. Dvn group in the upper reaches of the jinsha River along the river continues to the East to South stream groups, layout along the city's main commercial, business, administrative, cultural and creative research and development in science and education function of modern service and port equipment manufacturing, liquor, and other features and modern industry. 2.5-2 spatial planning figure 2.6 in Yibin city, Central City urban development vision vision 第二十四项:邮政编码,此项填住址所在地的邮政编码。 第二十五项:是否独生子女,此项是有选择的项(点一下就会出现)。请一定不要手填,直接选择就行。有亲生的兄弟姐妹的选否,没有的选是。 第二十六项:是否受过学前教育。此项是有选择的项(点一下就会出现)。请一定不要手填,直接选择就行。 第二十七项:是否留守儿童。此项是有选择的项(点一下就会出现)。请一定不要手填,直接选择就行。一定要根据实际情况选择。 第二十八项:是否需要申请资助,此项是有选择的项(点一下就会出现)。请一定不要手填,直接选择就行。在首次信息采集时都选择否,上报后在根据具体 情况修改,并填写相应的 表格 关于规范使用各类表格的通知入职表格免费下载关于主播时间做一个表格详细英语字母大小写表格下载简历表格模板下载 。 intensive development. (5) have different emphasis: for development, "with development, the emphasis on" way, from space, multiple groups from a single radiation-belt open development. Spatial structure of 2, the prominent cultural city protection elements on the development of the whole city and culture series supporting role, with natural landscapes and green for the background, according to the combined city, urban Group organization structure, set up a decentralized development patterns, building ... Three rivers: the Yangtze, jinsha River and minjiang rivers, cities in three rivers based on development along the Yangtze River, city on the River, River in the city. Multiple groups: the relatively compact area layout, each district consists of multiple groups, and the area has both integrated urban functions, and have their own characteristics and perimeter formation Li Zhuang, Li Zhuangdong characteristic tour area and Hong Kong in group, consists of 17 groups. Band: modern features gathering along the Yangtze River belt. Dvn group in the upper reaches of the jinsha River along the river continues to the East to South stream groups, layout along the city's main commercial, business, administrative, cultural and creative research and development in science and education function of modern service and port equipment manufacturing, liquor, and other features and modern industry. 2.5-2 spatial planning figure 2.6 in Yibin city, Central City urban development vision vision 第二十九项:是否享受一补,此项是有选择的项(点一下就会出现)。请一定不要手填,直接选择就行。这一项在首次信息采集时都选择否,上报后在根据具体情况修改,并填写相应的 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 格。 第三十项:是否孤儿。此项是有选择的项(点一下就会出现)。请一定不要手填,直接选择就行。此项以当地有认定资格的部门出具的证明为准填写。 第三十一项:是否烈士或优抚子女,此项是有选择的项(点一下就会出现)。请一定不要手填,直接选择就行。此项以当地有认定资格的部门出具的证明为准填写。 接下来的中间的黑色字项目可以不填: 接着请点最下面的滚动条接着填写红色的项目: intensive development. (5) have different emphasis: for development, "with development, the emphasis on" way, from space, multiple groups from a single radiation-belt open development. Spatial structure of 2, the prominent cultural city protection elements on the development of the whole city and culture series supporting role, with natural landscapes and green for the background, according to the combined city, urban Group organization structure, set up a decentralized development patterns, building ... Three rivers: the Yangtze, jinsha River and minjiang rivers, cities in three rivers based on development along the Yangtze River, city on the River, River in the city. Multiple groups: the relatively compact area layout, each district consists of multiple groups, and the area has both integrated urban functions, and have their own characteristics and perimeter formation Li Zhuang, Li Zhuangdong characteristic tour area and Hong Kong in group, consists of 17 groups. Band: modern features gathering along the Yangtze River belt. Dvn group in the upper reaches of the jinsha River along the river continues to the East to South stream groups, layout along the city's main commercial, business, administrative, cultural and creative research and development in science and education function of modern service and port equipment manufacturing, liquor, and other features and modern industry. 2.5-2 spatial planning figure 2.6 in Yibin city, Central City urban development vision vision 第三十二项:成员1姓名,此项填写学生家长的名字 请根据学生家长的身份证上的名字填写。 第三十二项:成员1关系,此项是有选择的项(点一下就会出现)。请一定不要手填,直接选择就行。此项填写成员1(家长)与学生的关系。 后面的成员1关系说明不用填写(因为是黑色的项目) 第三十三项:成员1现住址,此项可以和刚填写现住址的地址一样。(可以直接复制线住址,粘贴在这一项上,但必须填写) 第三十四项:成员1户口所在地行政区划,格式参照第十五项,学生的户口所在地行政区划,但是填写的是家长的户口所在地 比如说家长的户口所在地在江汉区,就是江汉区的行政区划码加上6个零 也就是420103000000. 第三十五项:成员1联系电话,此项填写家长的联系方式,手机号码或带区号座机号码。 intensive development. (5) have different emphasis: for development, "with development, the emphasis on" way, from space, multiple groups from a single radiation-belt open development. Spatial structure of 2, the prominent cultural city protection elements on the development of the whole city and culture series supporting role, with natural landscapes and green for the background, according to the combined city, urban Group organization structure, set up a decentralized development patterns, building ... Three rivers: the Yangtze, jinsha River and minjiang rivers, cities in three rivers based on development along the Yangtze River, city on the River, River in the city. Multiple groups: the relatively compact area layout, each district consists of multiple groups, and the area has both integrated urban functions, and have their own characteristics and perimeter formation Li Zhuang, Li Zhuangdong characteristic tour area and Hong Kong in group, consists of 17 groups. Band: modern features gathering along the Yangtze River belt. Dvn group in the upper reaches of the jinsha River along the river continues to the East to South stream groups, layout along the city's main commercial, business, administrative, cultural and creative research and development in science and education function of modern service and port equipment manufacturing, liquor, and other features and modern industry. 2.5-2 spatial planning figure 2.6 in Yibin city, Central City urban development vision vision 第三十六项:成员1是否监护人,此项是有选择的项(点一下就会出现)。请一定不要手填,直接选择就行。 后面的黑色的项目不用填。 注意:如果学生信息中有身份证号,则监护人可以不用填写身份证号,身份证件类型选择“其他”即可;如果学生没有身份证号,则监护人必须填写身份证件号,如果父母没有户口,则可以填写祖父母或者外祖父母的身份证件。 接下来的成员2的相关信息可以仿照成员1的格式,但是注意一定是另一个家长的信息。比如成员1填的是父亲的信息,成员2就填母亲的信息。必须要填写2个成员。 最后一个项目:是否进城务工人员随迁子女。此项是有选择的项(点一下就会出现)。请一定不要手填,直接选择就行。 三、然后全部填完后,选择开始检查:(开始检查前一定已经刚宏的安全性调到低.) intensive development. (5) have different emphasis: for development, "with development, the emphasis on" way, from space, multiple groups from a single radiation-belt open development. Spatial structure of 2, the prominent cultural city protection elements on the development of the whole city and culture series supporting role, with natural landscapes and green for the background, according to the combined city, urban Group organization structure, set up a decentralized development patterns, building ... Three rivers: the Yangtze, jinsha River and minjiang rivers, cities in three rivers based on development along the Yangtze River, city on the River, River in the city. Multiple groups: the relatively compact area layout, each district consists of multiple groups, and the area has both integrated urban functions, and have their own characteristics and perimeter formation Li Zhuang, Li Zhuangdong characteristic tour area and Hong Kong in group, consists of 17 groups. Band: modern features gathering along the Yangtze River belt. Dvn group in the upper reaches of the jinsha River along the river continues to the East to South stream groups, layout along the city's main commercial, business, administrative, cultural and creative research and development in science and education function of modern service and port equipment manufacturing, liquor, and other features and modern industry. 2.5-2 spatial planning figure 2.6 in Yibin city, Central City urban development vision vision 然后出现提示输入学校标识码,我们学校的标识码是 2142001616 ,将这个复 制粘贴到里面 然后点确定. 如果出现:数据校验通过,可以上传,家长就可以将这个文档传给班主任了。 请一定要另存为自己孩子的名字。 intensive development. (5) have different emphasis: for development, "with development, the emphasis on" way, from space, multiple groups from a single radiation-belt open development. Spatial structure of 2, the prominent cultural city protection elements on the development of the whole city and culture series supporting role, with natural landscapes and green for the background, according to the combined city, urban Group organization structure, set up a decentralized development patterns, building ... Three rivers: the Yangtze, jinsha River and minjiang rivers, cities in three rivers based on development along the Yangtze River, city on the River, River in the city. Multiple groups: the relatively compact area layout, each district consists of multiple groups, and the area has both integrated urban functions, and have their own characteristics and perimeter formation Li Zhuang, Li Zhuangdong characteristic tour area and Hong Kong in group, consists of 17 groups. Band: modern features gathering along the Yangtze River belt. Dvn group in the upper reaches of the jinsha River along the river continues to the East to South stream groups, layout along the city's main commercial, business, administrative, cultural and creative research and development in science and education function of modern service and port equipment manufacturing, liquor, and other features and modern industry. 2.5-2 spatial planning figure 2.6 in Yibin city, Central City urban development vision vision 如果出现:部分数据不符合要求,单击确定查看。那就代表您填写的部分数据有问题,要进行修改,请你点确定看看你是哪一项出了错误。 比如说: 代表你的出生日期没写,(红色字头的项目请一定要填写) 代表你的出生日期格式不对,这张表上填的日期一定是年4位,月2位,日2位,中间不能有空格不能有符号,一定是20130901的格式。其他需要填写日期的都是以这样的格式。 代表你的出生地行政区划代码缺少数字,一定是6位行政区划代码加上6个零。户口所在地行政区划是同样的格式。 请注意班号一定是7位数(入学年4位加上1位年级数加上班号2位数) intensive development. (5) have different emphasis: for development, "with development, the emphasis on" way, from space, multiple groups from a single radiation-belt open development. Spatial structure of 2, the prominent cultural city protection elements on the development of the whole city and culture series supporting role, with natural landscapes and green for the background, according to the combined city, urban Group organization structure, set up a decentralized development patterns, building ... Three rivers: the Yangtze, jinsha River and minjiang rivers, cities in three rivers based on development along the Yangtze River, city on the River, River in the city. Multiple groups: the relatively compact area layout, each district consists of multiple groups, and the area has both integrated urban functions, and have their own characteristics and perimeter formation Li Zhuang, Li Zhuangdong characteristic tour area and Hong Kong in group, consists of 17 groups. Band: modern features gathering along the Yangtze River belt. Dvn group in the upper reaches of the jinsha River along the river continues to the East to South stream groups, layout along the city's main commercial, business, administrative, cultural and creative research and development in science and education function of modern service and port equipment manufacturing, liquor, and other features and modern industry. 2.5-2 spatial planning figure 2.6 in Yibin city, Central City urban development vision vision
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