首页 思想道德修养与法律基础课实践训练手册



思想道德修养与法律基础课实践训练手册思想道德修养与法律基础课实践训练手册 《思想道德修养与法律基础》 实践训练手册 系部: 班级: 组名: 组长: reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty ...

思想道德修养与法律基础课实践训练 手册 华为质量管理手册 下载焊接手册下载团建手册下载团建手册下载ld手册下载 《思想道德修养与法律基础》 实践训练手册 系部: 班级: 组名: 组长: reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 使用说明 本手册为《思想道德修养与法律基础》实践教学辅导和 评价 LEC评价法下载LEC评价法下载评价量规免费下载学院评价表文档下载学院评价表文档下载 用书。团队协作是本课程的主要教学组织形式。开学初,每个班级进行团队组建,分5-6组,每个小组成员不超过8人,推选小组长1名,本手册为小组长保管,可以指定某个小组成员记录。本手册共分七个部分。 第一部分为团队信息和成员信息 登记表 调解登记表下载应聘登记表下载调解登记表下载调解登记表下载调解登记表下载 。第一次课后,每个班级进行团队组建,进行分组。由全体小组成员讨论产生本组组长、组名和小组LOGO,由小组长进行信息填写。 第二部分为团队课堂讨论记录表。课堂讨论是本课程主要教学方法。讨论主题可能提前布置,各小组可以在课前提前完成记录表,亦可在课上讨论时现场完成。讨论要求全员参与,并轮流安排成员做总结发言。 第三部分为团队项目汇报记录表。每个小组每学期至少要做3-4次学习项目汇报。需要小组成员针对某一课题,分工协作,课下搜集资料,形成成果,制作PPT,并推选汇报人在课上汇报。主要考察汇报人的表达、 课件 超市陈列培训课件免费下载搭石ppt课件免费下载公安保密教育课件下载病媒生物防治课件 可下载高中数学必修四课件打包下载 制作、汇报内容等项,由老师和其他小组成员进行现场点评,进行成绩评定。成绩作为团队成员的集体成绩,作为个人成重要绩参考。 第四部分为团队志愿服务记录表。每个团队在一学期里至少参加一次志愿服务活动,并做记录。志愿服务内容和形式不限。 第五部分为团队社会调查记录表。每个团队在一学期里至少完成一次社会调查,并做记录。调查主题可老师制定也可自选。开学初开始准备。 第六部分为电影观感和读书笔记记录表。要求每个团队成员一学期至少各完成1篇。多完成的部分算作额外加分项目。 第七部分为团队成员期末成绩认定表。学生的期末成绩由5部分构成。期末成绩=平时成绩*20%+团队成绩*60%+个人感悟*10%+自我鉴定*10%。其中其他奖励*10%为额外加分项目,参加的各类活动、竞赛的证明和各类获奖证书等都可作为成绩参考。 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 团队信息登记 组 名 组 长 联系方式 成员 团 队LOGO 粘 贴 处 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 团队成员信息登记 序 姓 学 班级 校内 特长 联系 号 名 号 职务 任职 爱好 方式 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 团队课堂讨论记录表1 讨论主题 时 间 周次: 星期 第 节 记录员 发言人 过 程 记 录 成绩评定 结 优 良 论 合格 不合格 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 团队课堂讨论记录表2 讨论主题 时 间 周次: 星期 第 节 记录员 发言人 过 程 记 录 成绩评定 结 优 良 论 合格 不合格 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 团队课堂讨论记录表3 讨论主题 时 间 周次: 星期 第 节 记录员 发言人 过 程 记 录 成绩评定 结 优 良 论 合格 不合格 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 团队课堂讨论记录表4 讨论主题 时 间 周次: 星期 第 节 记录员 发言人 过 程 记 录 成绩评定 结 优 良 论 合格 不合格 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 团队课堂讨论记录表5 讨论主题 时 间 周次: 星期 第 节 记录员 发言人 过 程 记 录 成绩评定 结 优 良 论 合格 不合格 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 团队课堂讨论记录表6 讨论主题 时 间 周次: 星期 第 节 记录员 发言人 过 程 记 录 成绩评定 结 优 良 论 合格 不合格 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 团队课堂讨论记录表7 讨论主题 时 间 周次: 星期 第 节 记录员 发言人 过 程 记 录 成绩评定 结 优 良 论 合格 不合格 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 团队课堂讨论记录表8 讨论主题 时 间 周次: 星期 第 节 记录员 发言人 过 程 记 录 成绩评定 结 优 良 论 合格 不合格 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 团队课堂讨论记录表9 讨论主题 时 间 周次: 星期 第 节 记录员 发言人 过 程 记 录 成绩评定 结 优 良 论 合格 不合格 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 团队课堂讨论记录表10 讨论主题 时 间 周次: 星期 第 节 记录员 发言人 过 程 记 录 成绩评定 结 优 良 论 合格 不合格 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 团队项目汇报记录表1 汇报人 汇报时间 周次: 星期 第 节 汇报主题 主 要 内 容 简 要 评 价 评定等级 优秀 良好 合格 不合格 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 团队项目汇报记录表2 汇报人 汇报时间 周次: 星期 第 节 汇报主题 主 要 内 容 简 要 评 价 评定等级 优秀 良好 合格 不合格 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 团队项目汇报记录表3 汇报人 汇报时间 周次: 星期 第 节 汇报主题 主 要 内 容 简 要 评 价 评定等级 优秀 良好 合格 不合格 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 团队项目汇报记录表4 汇报人 汇报时间 周次: 星期 第 节 汇报主题 主 要 内 容 简 要 评 价 评定等级 优秀 良好 合格 不合格 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 团队志愿服务记录表1 时 间 地 点 活动主题 参与人员 过 程 记 录 感 悟 收 获 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 团队志愿服务记录表2 时 间 地 点 活动主题 参与人员 过 程 记 录 感 悟 收 获 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 团队社会 调查报告 行政管理关于调查报告关于XX公司的财务调查报告关于学校食堂的调查报告关于大米市场调查报告关于水资源调查报告 调查主题: 拟解决主要问题: 导 言 研究目的和意义 调查时间 调查地点 调 参与人员 调查方式 查 调查对象(被调查者的基本情况,如年级、系部、专业、性别、年龄等构 基 成情况): 本 情 况 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 调查主要过程描述: 过 程 描 述 概述结果: 原因分析: 小 结 与 建 建议对策: 议 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 团队成员优秀电影观后感1 电影名称 观影人 观影时间 主 要 内 容 及 感 悟 收 获 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 团队成员优秀电影观后感2 电影名称 观影人 观影时间 主 要 内 容 及 感 悟 收 获 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 团队成员优秀电影观后感3 电影名称 观影人 观影时间 主 要 内 容 及 感 悟 收 获 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 团队成员优秀电影观后感4 电影名称 观影人 观影时间 主 要 内 容 及 感 悟 收 获 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 团队成员优秀电影观后感5 电影名称 观影人 观影时间 主 要 内 容 及 感 悟 收 获 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 团队成员优秀电影观后感6 电影名称 观影人 观影时间 主 要 内 容 及 感 悟 收 获 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 团队成员优秀电影观后感7 电影名称 观影人 观影时间 主 要 内 容 及 感 悟 收 获 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 团队成员优秀电影观后感8 电影名称 观影人 观影时间 主 要 内 容 及 感 悟 收 获 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 团队成员读书笔记1 书籍名称 书籍类别 书籍来源 主 要 内 容 及 感 悟 收 获 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 团队成员读书笔记2 书籍名称 书籍类别 书籍来源 主 要 内 容 及 感 悟 收 获 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 团队成员读书笔记3 书籍名称 书籍类别 书籍来源 主 要 内 容 及 感 悟 收 获 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 团队成员读书笔记4 书籍名称 书籍类别 书籍来源 主 要 内 容 及 感 悟 收 获 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 团队成员读书笔记5 书籍名称 书籍类别 书籍来源 主 要 内 容 及 感 悟 收 获 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 团队成员读书笔记6 书籍名称 书籍类别 书籍来源 主 要 内 容 及 感 悟 收 获 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 团队成员读书笔记7 书籍名称 书籍类别 书籍来源 主 要 内 容 及 感 悟 收 获 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 团队成员读书笔记8 书籍名称 书籍类别 书籍来源 主 要 内 容 及 感 悟 收 获 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 团队成员读书笔记9 书籍名称 书籍类别 书籍来源 主 要 内 容 及 感 悟 收 获 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 团队成员读书笔记10 书籍名称 书籍类别 书籍来源 主 要 内 容 及 感 悟 收 获 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 团队成员读书笔记11 书籍名称 书籍类别 书籍来源 主 要 内 容 及 感 悟 收 获 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 团队成员读书笔记12 书籍名称 书籍类别 书籍来源 主 要 内 容 及 感 悟 收 获 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 团队成员读书笔记13 书籍名称 书籍类别 书籍来源 主 要 内 容 及 感 悟 收 获 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 团队成员读书笔记14 书籍名称 书籍类别 书籍来源 主 要 内 容 及 感 悟 收 获 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 团队成员期末成绩认定表1 姓 名 学号 总成绩 出勤情况 满勤 ( ) 缺勤 ( ) 次 平时成绩 随堂发言 ( )次 (依据席卡盖章统计) 团队汇报 历次成绩 代表团队 代表团队 团队成绩 ( )次 ( )次 主题发言 项目汇报 志愿活动 有( ) 无( ) 社会调查 有( ) 无( ) 电影观感 ( )次 个人感悟 读书笔记 ( )次 遵守课堂纪律,多数时间认真听讲 是( ) 否( ) 每周到图书馆看书不少于2小时 是( ) 否( ) 自我鉴定 每周到体院馆锻炼不少于4小时 是( ) 否( ) 每学期至少聆听一次讲座 是( ) 否( ) 其他奖励 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 团队成员期末成绩认定表2 姓 名 学号 总成绩 出勤情况 满勤 ( ) 缺勤 ( ) 次 平时成绩 随堂发言 ( )次 (依据席卡盖章统计) 团队汇报 历次成绩 代表团队 代表团队 团队成绩 ( )次 ( )次 主题发言 项目汇报 志愿活动 有( ) 无( ) 社会调查 有( ) 无( ) 电影观感 ( )次 个人感悟 读书笔记 ( )次 遵守课堂纪律,多数时间认真听讲 是( ) 否( ) 每周到图书馆看书不少于2小时 是( ) 否( ) 自我鉴定 每周到体院馆锻炼不少于4小时 是( ) 否( ) 每学期至少聆听一次讲座 是( ) 否( ) 其他奖励 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 团队成员期末成绩认定表3 姓 名 学号 总成绩 出勤情况 满勤 ( ) 缺勤 ( ) 次 平时成绩 随堂发言 ( )次 (依据席卡盖章统计) 团队汇报 历次成绩 代表团队 代表团队 团队成绩 ( )次 ( )次 主题发言 项目汇报 志愿活动 有( ) 无( ) 社会调查 有( ) 无( ) 电影观感 ( )次 个人感悟 读书笔记 ( )次 遵守课堂纪律,多数时间认真听讲 是( ) 否( ) 每周到图书馆看书不少于2小时 是( ) 否( ) 自我鉴定 每周到体院馆锻炼不少于4小时 是( ) 否( ) 每学期至少聆听一次讲座 是( ) 否( ) 其他奖励 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 团队成员期末成绩认定表4 姓 名 学号 总成绩 出勤情况 满勤 ( ) 缺勤 ( ) 次 平时成绩 随堂发言 ( )次 (依据席卡盖章统计) 团队汇报 历次成绩 代表团队 代表团队 团队成绩 ( )次 ( )次 主题发言 项目汇报 志愿活动 有( ) 无( ) 社会调查 有( ) 无( ) 电影观感 ( )次 个人感悟 读书笔记 ( )次 遵守课堂纪律,多数时间认真听讲 是( ) 否( ) 每周到图书馆看书不少于2小时 是( ) 否( ) 自我鉴定 每周到体院馆锻炼不少于4小时 是( ) 否( ) 每学期至少聆听一次讲座 是( ) 否( ) 其他奖励 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 团队成员期末成绩认定表5 姓 名 学号 总成绩 出勤情况 满勤 ( ) 缺勤 ( ) 次 平时成绩 随堂发言 ( )次 (依据席卡盖章统计) 团队汇报 历次成绩 代表团队 代表团队 团队成绩 ( )次 ( )次 主题发言 项目汇报 志愿活动 有( ) 无( ) 社会调查 有( ) 无( ) 电影观感 ( )次 个人感悟 读书笔记 ( )次 遵守课堂纪律,多数时间认真听讲 是( ) 否( ) 每周到图书馆看书不少于2小时 是( ) 否( ) 自我鉴定 每周到体院馆锻炼不少于4小时 是( ) 否( ) 每学期至少聆听一次讲座 是( ) 否( ) 其他奖励 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 团队成员期末成绩认定表6 姓 名 学号 总成绩 出勤情况 满勤 ( ) 缺勤 ( ) 次 平时成绩 随堂发言 ( )次 (依据席卡盖章统计) 团队汇报 历次成绩 代表团队 代表团队 团队成绩 ( )次 ( )次 主题发言 项目汇报 志愿活动 有( ) 无( ) 社会调查 有( ) 无( ) 电影观感 ( )次 个人感悟 读书笔记 ( )次 遵守课堂纪律,多数时间认真听讲 是( ) 否( ) 每周到图书馆看书不少于2小时 是( ) 否( ) 自我鉴定 每周到体院馆锻炼不少于4小时 是( ) 否( ) 每学期至少聆听一次讲座 是( ) 否( ) 其他奖励 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 团队成员期末成绩认定表7 姓 名 学号 总成绩 出勤情况 满勤 ( ) 缺勤 ( ) 次 平时成绩 随堂发言 ( )次 (依据席卡盖章统计) 团队汇报 历次成绩 代表团队 代表团队 团队成绩 ( )次 ( )次 主题发言 项目汇报 志愿活动 有( ) 无( ) 社会调查 有( ) 无( ) 电影观感 ( )次 个人感悟 读书笔记 ( )次 遵守课堂纪律,多数时间认真听讲 是( ) 否( ) 每周到图书馆看书不少于2小时 是( ) 否( ) 自我鉴定 每周到体院馆锻炼不少于4小时 是( ) 否( ) 每学期至少聆听一次讲座 是( ) 否( ) 其他奖励 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give 团队成员期末成绩认定表8 姓 名 学号 总成绩 出勤情况 满勤 ( ) 缺勤 ( ) 次 平时成绩 随堂发言 ( )次 (依据席卡盖章统计) 团队汇报 历次成绩 代表团队 代表团队 团队成绩 ( )次 ( )次 主题发言 项目汇报 志愿活动 有( ) 无( ) 社会调查 有( ) 无( ) 电影观感 ( )次 个人感悟 读书笔记 ( )次 遵守课堂纪律,多数时间认真听讲 是( ) 否( ) 每周到图书馆看书不少于2小时 是( ) 否( ) 自我鉴定 每周到体院馆锻炼不少于4小时 是( ) 否( ) 每学期至少聆听一次讲座 是( ) 否( ) 其他奖励 reduction in property value. Find warning signals, timely reporting or warning, develop and implement measures against customer transfers and other acts leading to loss or increase the difficulty of clearing. Personal credit business of late, agencies should be timely collection, if necessary, ask the right institutions to bring proceedings. Non-approved by head office, agencies at all levels shall not without the following: give
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