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自考英语本科《高级英语》考点精析 考点精析 Lesson one Rock Superstars : What do they tell us about ourselves and our society ? # Sprinkling its contents over the first few rows of sweltering listeners. sprinkle v. to scatter in drops or small grains 喷/洒/撒 eg: Sprinkle...

考点精析 Lesson one Rock Superstars : What do they tell us about ourselves and our society ? # Sprinkling its contents over the first few rows of sweltering listeners. sprinkle v. to scatter in drops or small grains 喷/洒/撒 eg: Sprinkle sand along the icy path . 把沙子撒在冰封的路上. # They surge to follow him , eager to be touched by a few baptismal drops . surge v. to move ,esp.forward ,in or like powerful waves 汹涌,澎湃 eg: The crowd surged past him . 人潮从他身边汹涌而过. n. strong,wavelike ,forward movement 波涛,巨浪 eg: The surge crashed against the coast .汹涌的波涛拍打着海岸. # How do you feel about all this adulation and hero worship ? adulation n. praise that is more than necessary or deserved 奉承,谄媚 eg: He received many adulations from his colleagues .他受到许多同事的奉承. adulate v. praise more than is truthful to win favor 奉承,逢迎 eg:The leader are easily adulated . 领导容易受逢迎. # Do you share Chris Singer's almost religious reverence for Bob Dylan ? reverence n. great respect 尊敬,崇敬 eg:They show great reverence to him .他们对他极为尊敬. v. admire or respect 尊敬,崇敬 eg: He was still reverenced by people after many years . 多年以后他仍然受到人们的尊敬. reverent adj. having a feeling of reverence 崇敬的 eg:This is a reverent behavior . 这是一种崇敬的行为. # It's just that Elvis managed to embody the frustrated teenage spirit of the 1950s. embody v. express 表达 eg: Words embody thought . 文字表达思想. embodiment n. someone or something in which something is embodied . 化身,体现 eg : Dove is the embodiment of peace . 鸽子是和平的象征. # He spoke of change and of the bewilderment of the older generation. bewilderment n. confusion 困惑 eg: Imagine my bewilderment when she said that . 她说那句话时你可以想像我多困惑. bewilder v. confuse 迷惑 eg: Big city 's traffic bewilders me . 大城市的交通使我不知所措. bewildering adj. very confusing 令人迷惑不解的 eg: What she had said was bewildering to me . 她所说的令我迷惑不解. bewildered adj. completely puzzled 迷惑不解 eg: He was bewildered by her question . 他被她的问题弄得不知所措. 难句详解 @ "jagger ," he said , " grads a half-galloon jug of water and runs along the front platform , sprinkling its contents over the first few rows of sweltering listeners . " sprinkling 是现在分词作状语, 表示伴随发生的动作. 现在分词作状语时, 通常表示主语正在进行的另一动作, 对谓语表示的主要动作加以修饰或作为陪衬. 例如: We worked there for a week , helping them to prepare for the international conference . 注意: 分词这样用时, 所表示的必须是主语的一个动作或状态. 试比较下列句子: Standing on the mountain , one could see the whole city . (正确) Standing on the mountain , the whole city could be seen . (错误) "one"是动作的发出者, 可以用现在分词作伴随状语. @ "Ooh," gasped a girl dressed in black . dressed in black 是过去分词作定语, 可变为定语从句who was dressed in black. @They think he is sick ,sick ,sick . They think his performance is disgusting . @ How can you stand that stuff ? stand : bear, tolerate 忍受 eg:1. This work will hardly stand close examination . 这项工作经不起仔细检验. 2.No one can stand his behaviour . 没人能忍受他的行为. @ Bob Dylan and the Band were tuning for a concert . tune: set a musical instrument at proper musical level 给乐器调音 @ Do you share Chris Singer's almost religious reverence for Bob Dylan ? share: to be among those who have an opinion 同意, 赞同 eg: 1.We can't share your faith that everything will be all right . 对于你那一切会平安无事的信念,我们不能同意. 2. Do you share my advice ?你同意我的建议吗? @ Or are you drawn somehow to this strange clown , draw : attract 吸引 eg: 1.The film is drawing big audience . 电影吸引了大量观众. 2.They feel drawn towards her . 他们被她吸引住了. somehow 是副词, 表示" 不知是什么原因" , " 不知怎么地". eg: Somehow he made the same mistake again . 不知怎么地,他又犯了同样的错误. @ It is they alone who combine invention and exaggeration . It is...who...强调句型,强调谓语以外的部分,只能用连词 that 和 who (指人),不能用 when,where ,why 等. 强调谓语用助动词 do, does , did 帮助强调. 例: 1.It was on this street that I saw him last time .我上次就是在这条街上看到他的. 2.It was Mr. Li who repaired the desks and chairs on Sunday .是李先生在星期日修理了这些桌椅. 3.I do apologize for what i have done . 我对我所做的事情表示道歉. 4.He did come yesterday . 昨天他确实来了. @ It's just that Elvis managed to embody ... manage to : succeed in dealing with a difficult action 成功 eg: 1.She managed to carry the heavy box . 她成功地搬起那个重箱子. 2.How can you manage to work out this problem ? 你是怎样成功地解决这个问题的? @ Rock music is really a sociological expression rather than a musical force . rather than: more, in a greater degree 倒不如 eg:1.John ought to go rather than jean. 约翰比琼更应该去. 2. These shoes are comfortable rather than pretty . 这些鞋不好看可是舒服. @ Newpapers editorialized against him . Newspapers carry the editors' articles attcking him . @ These rock musicians mirror feelings and beliefs . They reflect emotions and outlooks . @ What do we give them in return ? in return : in exchange , in payment for 作为回报 eg:1.Give her some roses in return for her kindness . 送她一些玫瑰花答谢她的好意. 2. We invited him to have dinner in return for his help . 我们请他吃晚饭, 作为他对我们帮助的回报. @ Who never conceived of us billion-dollar babies . conceive of : think of , consider eg: 1. It's difficult to conceive of travelling to the moon .很难想像去月球旅行的情景. 2.In the old times the earth was conceived of as flat . 古时候地球被认为是平的. Lesson Two four choices for young people 考点精析 # Our generation views the adult world with great skepticism . skepticism n. doubt , believing without certainty 怀疑态度 eg: We all have skepticism about his motive . 我们都对他的动机表示怀疑. skeptical adj. unwilling to believe , distrustful 怀疑的,不相信的 eg: I'm skeptical about the team's chance of winning . 我不相信这个队会有机会赢. # Apprently he speaks for a lot of his contemporaries . contemporary adj. belonging to the same time 同时代的 eg: Were you contemporary with that musician ? 你和那位音乐家是同时代的人吗? n. a person born or living at the same time as another 同时代的人 eg: Jack and i were contemporaries at college. 杰克和我同时读大学. # This is one of the oldest expedients . expedient n. a plan , idea or action 权宜之计 eg: As I have forgotten my key , the only expedient is to climb in through the window . 我忘了带钥匙,权宜之计只有从窗户爬进去了. adj. useful or helpful for a purpose 有用的, 有利的. eg: She thought it expedient not to tell her mother where she had been . 她认为不告诉她母亲她去哪里比较妥当. # It always has been the strategy of choice for people who find the world too brutal or too complex to be endured . brutal adj. cruel 残忍的 eg: She can not bear his brutal behavior . 她无法容忍他残忍的行为. brutality n. crulty 残忍 eg: We can't put up with his brutality .我们无法忍受他的残忍. brutalize v. make brutal 使变残忍 eg: he was brutalized by his former experience . 以前的经历使他变得残忍. brute n. a cruel person 残忍的人 eg: We all wait to punish the brute . 我们都想惩罚那个残忍的人. # Some of us find it distasteful . distasteful adj. disagreeable , unpleasant 讨厌的,令人不愉快的 eg: The very idea of cheating him is distasteful to me .就是要骗他这个念头,我已经觉得倒胃口了. distaste : n. dislike 厌恶 eg: He turned away in distaste .他厌恶地走开了. # But in general the stream of migration is flowing the other way . migration n. migrating 迁移,移民 eg: A huge migration of people went to U.S.A.大量移民涌至美国. migrate v. move from one place to another 迁移,迁居 eg: Some birds migrate from the north to the south of the country in winter . 一些鸟在冬天从北方迁到南方. migratory adj. having teh habit of migrating 有迁移习惯的,漂泊的 eg:migratory tribes 游牧部落 migrant n. one who migrates , esp. a bird 移居者,候鸟 # This strategy is always popular among those who have no patience with the tedious workings of the democratic process or who believe that the basic institutions can only be changed by force . tedious adj. long and tiring , uninteresting 冗长的,疲劳的,沉闷的,乏味的 eg: I struggled to finish the tedious book . 我勉强读完了那本乏味的 关于书的成语关于读书的排比句社区图书漂流公约怎么写关于读书的小报汉书pdf . tedium n. boredom 单调,乏味 eg: He has got used to the tedium of life here . 他已经习惯了这里单调的生活. # usually symbolized by some dashing and charismatic figue . symbolize v. represent by one or more symbols 象征,以符号表示 eg: Dove symbolizes peace .鸽子象征着和平. symbol n. a sign , shape or object which represents a person ,idea , value , etc.象征,符号 eg: In the picture the tree is the symbol of life .这幅画中树是生命听象征. symbolic adj. using a symbol 象征的 eg: The power of Mikado in Japan is symbolic . 日本天皇的权利是象征性的. # It has the even greater appeal of simplicity simplicity n. the state of being simple 简单,朴素,单纯,率直 eg : He believes everything with childlike simplicity .他以孩子般的天真去相信一切事情. simplify v. make simple 简化 eg : That will simplify my task . 那将会简化我的工作. simple adj. plain , easy to understand 简朴的, 简单的 eg: The plan sounds simple enough but it won't be so simple to put it into action . 这个计划听起来很简单, 但若要将他付诸实现恐怕没有那么简单. # They lived , in bitter disillusionment ... disillussionment n. freedom from illusions 醒悟/幻想破灭 eg : Now she is in a state of complete disillusionment .现在她彻底醒悟了. disillusion v. free from a wrong idea , tell or show the truth to 使觉醒,晓以事实 eg : She doesn't know her father is a thief , and I don't want to disillusion her . 她不知道她父亲是个小偷, 我也不想把这事告诉她, 令她难过. disillusioned adj. disappointed 大失所望 eg : She is disilusioned with her friends . 她对她的朋友大失所望. # I am not , of course , suggesting that revolutions accomplish nothing . accomplish v. succeed in doing , finish successfully 成功完成 eg : We tried to arrange a peace but accomplished nothing . 我们试图调停以求和平, 但没有成功. accomplishment n. something completely and successfully done 成就 eg : He is known for his accomplishment in improving the country's hopitals . 他在改善全国医院的方面卓有成就. # It lacks glamour . glamour n. charm 魅力 eg : glamour of moonlight 迷人的月光 glamorous adj. full of charm 有魅力的 eg : glamorous singers有魅力的歌星 # It depends on the exasperating and uncertain instruments of persuasion and democratic decision making . exasperate v. irritate , make ill feeling 激怒,引起愤怒 eg : It is exasperating to fail the exam . 考试不及格令人恼火. exasperation n. irritation and anger 恼火,愤怒 eg : He shouted in exasperation . 他愤怒地大喊. 难句详解 @ He speaks for a lot of his contemporaries . A lot of students contemporary with him at college have the same ideas with him . @ Their attitude might be summed up about like this . sum up : express briefly , form a judgement of 总结 初级经济法重点总结下载党员个人总结TXt高中句型全总结.doc高中句型全总结.doc理论力学知识点总结pdf eg : 1. The teacher summed up the result of the exam .老师总结了考试结果. 2.He quickly summed her up . 他很快对她下了评论. @ These conclusions strike me as reasonable . The conclusions leave me an impression that they are reasonable . @ drop out : give up , withdraw 放弃,退出 eg : 1. John dropped out of the basketball team . 约翰不参加篮球队了. 2. We should help those who drop out of university because of economic reasons . 我们应该帮助那些由于经济原因从大学退学的学生. @ Its practioners batten on the society . batten on : thrive at the expense of others 损及某人而自肥 eg: It is not fair to batten on one's relatives . 占自己亲戚的便宜以自肥是不光彩的. @ This strategy also has ancient antecedents . This is not the first time we use this method . We had the similar strategies in the old times . @ to contribute something to the general community contribute ...to... : help , donate 贡献,捐献 eg : 1. They contribute money to the Red Cross . 他们向红十字会捐钱. 2. We should contribute to the development of our country . 我们应该为国家的发展做贡献 @ Whose revolutions did not come off . come off : happen , succeed 发生, 成功 eg : 1. The sports meet comes off tomorrow .运动会明天举行. 2. Did your experiment come off ? 你的试验成功了吗? @ some clearly do change things for the better . do 是助动词, 起强调作用. eg : 1. we do want to help you . 我们确实是要帮助你. 2. He did finish the work on time . 他的确准时完成了工作. @ cleansed of all human meanness cleanse of : get rid of , make clean 去掉 eg : He has cleansed of the wrong ideas . 他已经清除了错误的观念. @ The ecnomic machinery had broken down ... break down : become useless , collapse 损坏,破裂 eg : 1. The bus broke down half way . 半路汽车出毛病了. 2.Negotiations have broken down . 谈判已破裂. @ of keeping our cities from becoming uninhabitalbe keep...from... 后加 doing sth 阻止 eg: 1.They kept him from carrying on the plan . 他们阻止他实施计划. 2. Keep the children from swimming in the river . 别让孩子到河里游泳. Lesson Three The use of Force 考点精析 # a big starled looking woman startle v. give a shock of surprise 使吃惊, 使惊愕 eg: She was startled to see him looking so sad 看到他这么悲伤,使她大为吃惊. # Very clean and apologetic who merely said apologetic adj. expressing regret 道歉的, 表示歉意的 eg: He was apologetic for coming late .他由于迟到表示歉意. apologize v. say one is sorry 道歉 eg: I apologized for stepping on her foot . 我因踩了她的脚而向她道歉. apology n. statement of being impolite 道歉,谢罪 eg : Please accept my apologies . 请接受我的道歉. # eyeing me up and down distrustfully eye n. organ of sight 眼睛 eg: Her children have blue eyes . 她的孩子的眼睛是蓝色的. v. observe , watch 观看 eg: He was eyeing me jealously . 他正妒嫉地看着我. # But i did not allow myself to be hurried or disturbed but speaking quietly and slowly I approached the child again . approach v. come near 接近 eg: As summer approached , the weather became hotter . 因为夏天渐近, 天气变得热了. n. way , method 方法 eg: this is the best approach to slove the problem . 这是解决问题的最好方法. # Both the mother and father almost turned themselves inside out in embarrassment and apology . embarrassment n. embarrassing or being embarrassed 窘迫,难堪 eg: John suffered much embarrassment . 约翰饱经窘迫. embarrass v. cause to feel awkward 使难堪 eg: She was embarrassed by what he said to her . 他的话使她很尴尬. embarrassing adj. 令人难堪的 eg: This is an embarrassing situation . 这是一个令人难堪的境地. # The mother admonished her severly . admonish v. warn or advise 告诫,劝告 eg: We admonished him to seek professional help .我们劝他向专业人士求助. # The parents were comtemptible to me . comtemptible adj. deserving or provoking contempt 可鄙的, 卑劣的 eg: That was a contemptible trick to play on a friend . 用那种手段欺骗朋友是可鄙的. contemptuous adj. showing contempt 表示轻蔑的, 蔑视的 eg: She is contemptutous of my humble home . 她看不起我家居简陋. contempt n. mental attitude of despising 轻视,蔑视 eg: i feel nothing but contempt for such dishonest behavior . 我蔑视这种不诚实的行为. # In the ensuing struggle they grew more and more abject , crushed , exhausted . ensue v. happen later 继而发生 eg: They said the building would be finished during the ensuing year . 他们说此大楼来年完工. # While the mother moved back and forth behind us raising and lowering her hands in an agony of apprehension . apprehension n. fear , unhappy feeling of future . 恐惧,忧虑 eg: she felt apprehension for the safety of her son . 她为儿子的安全感到忧虑 . apprehend v. fear 忧虑,恐惧 eg: Do you apprehend any difficulty ? 你怕有困难吗? apprehensive adj. worried 忧虑的 eg: He is apprehensive of further defeats . 他担心再失败. # But now I also had grown furious ---at a child . furious adj. violent , angry in an uncontrolled way 猛烈的, 狂怒的 eg: He will be furious with us if we are late . 如果我们迟到,他会很生气的. fury n. great anger 愤怒 eg: She couldn't speak for fury .她愤怒得说不出话来. 难句详解 @ but I motioned for him not to bother motion : indicate by a gesture 示意 eg:1. The teacher motioned to me to enter the classroom .老师示意我进教室. 2.She motioned to me to come nearer . 她示意我再走近一些. @ It was up to me to tell them . up to me : my duty 有责任,有义务 eg: 1.It is up to the students to study hard . 学生理应努力学习. 2.It is up to us to give them all the help we can . 我们理应竭尽所能给他们以帮助. @ She had magnificent blonde hair , in profusion . in profusion : in great supply , abundance 大量 eg : 1. The roses in the garden grow in profusion . 花园里的玫瑰花大量盛开. 2. He makes promises in profusion , but never realizes them . 他做过许多许诺 , 但从未实现. @ If only they wouldn't use the word " hurt " . if only 引起的惊叹句后边用虚拟语气, 从句动词使用相当于陈述语气的过去时态或过去将来时态. eg: 1. If only i had listened to your advice . 我要是听了你的建议就好了. 2. If only the letter had arrived in time . 信要及时到了就好了. @ For heaven's sake , i broke in . break in : enter by force , interrupt 插入, 闯入 eg: 1. Please don't break in on our conversation . 请不要打断我们的谈话. 2. thieves broke in his house last week . 小偷上周进入他的房子行窃. @ and possibly die of it die of :死于疾病/饥饿/悲伤 die from : 死于其他原因 eg: 1. In the old time many people died of hunger . 过去有许多人由于饥饿而死亡. 2. The soldier died from a wound . 士兵由于受伤不治而死. @ Insane fury of effort bred her terror of me . bred : P.P of " breed " , be the cause of 造成 eg: 1. War breeds misery and ruin . 战争造成苦难与灾害. 2.Waste gas of cars breeds air pollution . 汽车的尾气造成空气污染. @ I tried to hold my self down . hold down : control , keep down or under 控制 eg: 1. We must hold prices down . 我们必须控制物价. 2. Slave owners held slaves down before the emancipation . 奴隶获得解放之前受奴隶主的压迫 . @ she reduced it to splinters . reduce to : Change to , bring to certain condition 变成 eg: 1. He has been reduced almost to skeleton . 他瘦得几乎变成 了一个骨头架子. 2. The teacher reduced the noisy students to order. 老师使吵闹的学生恢复秩序. Lesson Four Die as You Choose 考点精析 # The need for laws on euthanasia can not be dodged for much longer . dodge v. move quickly to one side to avoid something . 闪避,躲避 eg: I dodged behind a tree so that he should not see me . 我躲在树后使他看不见我. n. quick movement to evade something 躲闪 eg: He made a sudden dodge to the left . 他突然向左一闪. # Euthanasia is condemned by the medical establishment condemn v. express strong disapproval of someone or some action 责备,谴责 eg : Most people are willing to condemn violence of any sort . 大部分人都极力谴责暴力. # Right now it is going over the arguments about euthanasia once again . argument n. disagreement , quarrel 意见不合, 争论 eg: The player had an argument with the referee. 运动员和裁判员进行了争论. argue v. express disagreement 争论,争吵 eg: Don't argue with me , my decision is final . 不要跟我争论, 这已经是我的最后决定了. arguable adj. that can be argued about 可争论的,可讨论的 eg: This question is still arguable .这个问题还可以讨论. # In which an anonymous doctor claimed to have killed a 20-year-old cancer patient at her own request . anonymous adj. without a name or with a name that is not made known 无名的,匿名的 eg: an anonymous letter 匿名信 an author who remains anonymous 一直不知名的作家 # Its author claims that he ( or she ) met the cancer patient for the first time . claim v. 1. state or assert 声称 2.demand or request 索要 eg : 1. Don't claim to know what you don't know . 不要强不知以为知 2. Has anyone claimed this watch ?有人来领这只表吗? # When Californians may vote on a proposed law legalizing euthanasia . legalize v. make lawful 使合法 eg : They legalize the sale of alcoholic drinks by doing so .他们这样做使贩酒合法化了. legal adj. allowed or made by law , lawful 法律上的, 合法的, 法定的 eg : Is euthanasia legal ? 安乐死合法吗? # active euthanasia -killing remains controversial . controversial adj. likely to cause argument or disagreement 引起争论的 eg : This is the controversial book . 这就是引起许多争论的那本书. controversy n. urgument about something over which there is much disagreement 争论 eg : The point in controversy is not whether we should do it , but whether we can do it . 争论的焦点不是我们该不该做, 而是我们能不能做. # It is not clear why the religious objections of others should intrude on his death . intrude v. enter without invitation 强行进入 eg: I hope I am not intruding .我希望没有打扰你. intrusion n. the act of intruding 闯入, 侵扰 eg : This is an intrusion upon other people's time . 这是侵扰别人的时间. intrusive adj. of or concerning intrusion 侵扰的 eg: It is intrusive to go into other people's privacy . 走进别人的隐私是一种侵扰. # Countries with an uninterrupted recent libertarian tradition have less to fear from setting some limited rules for voluntary euthanasia . libertarian n. a person who stands for freedom in matters of thought , religion , etc 自由论者 @ and almost never comes to light come to light : become known , be levealed or discovered 公布于众 eg : 1.At last his bribable behaviour came to light . 最后他的受贿行为被公布于众. 2. The result of the election came to light last week . 选举结果上周公布于众. @ Right now it is going over teh arguments about euthanasia once again . go over : examine the details of 检查细节 eg : 1.We must go over the accounts carefully before we settle them . 在结帐以前,我们必须将账目仔细核对一番. 2. Go over your homework carefully before you hand in . 交作业之前仔细检
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