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项目摘要格式项目摘要格式 格式文件一 出口买方信贷项目受理申请函 (请使用电脑填写和制作本申请函) 公司发文编号: 致:中国进出口银行 申请公司名称: 公 司 地 址: 联系人姓名: 电话: 传真: 一、项目介绍(介绍项目背景及内容、出口商与进口商就该项目的商谈情况以及目前的进展 阶段等,如果本页空白不够请另加页) 1、项目名称: 2、项目性质: ?国家项目 ?私人项目 3、项目进展情况: ?正在投标,投标截止日期: ?已经中标,开标日期: ?签署了合作备忘录,签署日期: ?草签了商务合同,草签日...

项目摘要格式 格式文件一 出口买方信贷项目受理申请函 (请使用电脑填写和制作本申请函) 公司发文编号: 致:中国进出口银行 申请公司名称: 公 司 地 址: 联系人姓名: 电话: 传真: 一、项目介绍(介绍项目背景及内容、出口商与进口商就该项目的商谈情况以及目前的进展 阶段等,如果本页空白不够请另加页) 1、项目名称: 2、项目性质: ?国家项目 ?私人项目 3、项目进展情况: ?正在投标,投标截止日期: ?已经中标,开标日期: ?签署了合作备忘录,签署日期: ?草签了商务 合同 劳动合同范本免费下载装修合同范本免费下载租赁合同免费下载房屋买卖合同下载劳务合同范本下载 ,草签日期: 4、合同金额/投标金额: 万美元;中国制造部分比例: % 设备部分价格: 万美元;土建部分价格: 万美元 5、项目建设期(交货期): 年 补充文字说明: 二、项目各方情况介绍(简要介绍贸易有关方面的情况,有关详细 资料 新概念英语资料下载李居明饿命改运学pdf成本会计期末资料社会工作导论资料工程结算所需资料清单 可单独附后) 1、进口商(在此主要介绍进口商的主要背景情况,包括公司成立日期、公司性质、上级主管 部门、公司组织机构、企业规模、经营范围、资产财务状况等): 进口商名称(中英文): 公司性质: ?国家公司 ?私人公司 公司上年度的营业额: 万美元 公司现雇员总人数: 万人 补充文字说明: 2、出口商(在此主要介绍出口商的背景情况,包括公司成立日期、公司性质、上级主管部门、公司组织机构、企业规模、经营范围、资产财务状况、近年的进出口额、出口创汇以及在执行该出口项目的履约能力): 出口商名称: 公司上级主管单位: 公司上年度的进口额: 万美元 公司上年度的出口额: 万美元 补充文字说明: 3、供货商(介绍主要供货商的成立、规模、制造能力及交货 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 等情况): 国内生产厂家:(国内生产厂家名称: 公司上级主管单位: 公司上年度营业额: 万元 (国内生产厂家名称: 公司上级主管单位: 公司上年度营业额: 万元 进口部件国外生产厂家国别及名称: 补充文字说明: 三、 项目经济效益 分析 定性数据统计分析pdf销售业绩分析模板建筑结构震害分析销售进度分析表京东商城竞争战略分析 (简单初步估算出口项目的经济效益情况,主要考察两个经济指标,即利润率和换汇成本) A:出口总收汇金额: 万美元 折合成人民币: 万元 (采用的汇率1美元, 元) B:出口总成本: 万元 其中收购成本(含税): 万元 其他费用: 万元 C:出口退税: 万元 D:利润: 万元 (利润:A,B,C) E:换汇成本: 元/美元 (换汇成本:B,C)/A 四、信贷条件(介绍进口商所要求提供的信贷条件) 1、合同定金: 万美元(原则上要求进口商现汇支付合同金额的15%) 2、申请贷款金额: 万美元(原则上不超过合同金额的85%) 3、还款期(不含提款期): 年;提款期(建设期): 年 4、拟定借款人: 5、拟定担保人: 6、国内担保机构是否已出具出口买方信贷担保承保意向: (是 (否 如已有担保意向,请填写出具出口买方信贷保险意向的机构名称: ,并将该意向函附后。 注:如果出口商可以提供有关进口国的情况介绍、借款人的资信情况介绍、担保人的资信情况介绍、出口项目的可行性研究 报告 软件系统测试报告下载sgs报告如何下载关于路面塌陷情况报告535n,sgs报告怎么下载竣工报告下载 、出口商务合同或出口意向书、出口买方信贷担保意向书、有关主管部门对出口项目的批准文件以及其他与本出口项目的有关的可以促进进出口银行对项目了解的资料,请一并附上。 申请公司法人签字: 姓名: 公章: 公司填表日期: 年 月 日 银行签收日期: 年 月 日 银行项目编号: 格式文件六 BUYER'S CREDIT APPLICATION TO CHINA EXIM BANK Please type the requested information. Processing of your application may be delayed if the requested information is not provided Introduction: During the time when a trade contract is being negotiated between the foreign Buyer and the Chinese Supplier, the Borrower intending to utilize the Buyer's Credit shall submit to the Export and Import Bank of China this application for Buyer's Credit arrangement. The Buyer's Credit loan shall not exceed 80% of the total contract value for ship trading projects and 85% for trade of complete sets of equipment or other mechanical and electrical products. The repayment term of the credit shall be determined according to the actual need but in general, within ten (10) years as from the starting point of the loan to the date the principle together with the accrued interest and fees are fully repaid. 0. Applicant. The applicant for a credit arrangement may be any responsible non-financial enterprise or financial institution acceptable to the EXIMBANK. The formal applicant for a buyer's credit must be the borrower. EXIMBANK requests the applicant to provide the following information: Applicant name: Contact Person: Phone #: Position title: Fax #: Address: Gross sales revenue in last fiscal year: US$ Number of employees: 2. Supplier. The "supplier" is the Chinese company that manufactures the goods and/or performs the services to be exported. Please provide the information about the Chinese Supplier. Supplier's name: Contact Person: Phone #: Position title: Fax #: Address 3. Guarantor. The "guarantor" is a bank or a government agency who agrees to perform the related obligations for the Borrower if the Borrower can not. Please complete the information below if a guarantor is proposed. Guarantor's name: Contact Person: Phone #: Position title: Fax #: Address: 4. Status of Export Contract. Check the box below which indicates the status of the contract for the sale of the export items. ? Contract awarded to exporter ? Contract under negotiation ? Bid submitted. Bid open day: ? Bid in preparation. Bid deadline: ? Contract already signed 5. Description of Export Items. Briefly describe the goods and services, including but not limited to the type, quantity, number and capacity (if applicable), contract price, and supplier (contractor). If the export items are to be used in a project, complete the information below. After EXIMBANK's initial review of the application, EXIMBANK may request supplemental project information. Project name and location: Project purpose: Project capacity: Primary contractor: Estimated total project cost: $ Civil construction portion: Local financing portion (if there is local finance) Financing bank which provide local funds: Construction start date (month/year): Project completion date (month/year): 6. Contract Price. The "contract price" is the amount to be shown in the supplier's invoice related to goods to be exported from China and services to be performed by Chinese companies. If there is more than one supplier, the contract price is the sum of the suppliers' invoice amounts. The "eligible foreign content" is the portion of the contract price representing components to be purchased by the supplier outside China and incorporated into the items to be exported. 6a. Contract Price: $ (including eligible foreign component) 6b. Eligible Foreign content: $ Identify the source and briefly describe foreign content.______________________________________________________ 7. Financed Amount. EXIMBANK will lend an amount related to the contract price no greater than 85% of the contract price. 7a. Cash Payment (minimum 15% of contract price): $ 7b. Financed Portion (maximum 85% of contract price): $ 8. Credit Terms. Repayment of principal is generally required on a semiannual basis beginning six months after the starting point. The "starting point" is generally the event that marks the fulfillment of the exporter's contractual responsibility. 8a. Construction period: ____________________years 8b. Grace period: ____________________________years 8c. Principal repayment Term: years 9. Interest rate. Mark the box below which indicate the kind of interest rate to be adopted. ? CIRR (Commercial Interest Reference Rate) to be published monthly by OECD. ? six month Libor + margin (to be negotiated and agreed upon between the Lender and Borrower) 10. Credit Information. Enclose with the application the following information on the borrower and, if any, guarantor. Provide an explanation for any items not available. Following EXIMBANK's initial review of the application, EXIMBANK may request supplemental credit information. 10a. Background data. Concise description of company origin, legal status, ownership, affiliates, facilities, and business activities. 10b. Financial Statements. Independently audited balance sheets, income statement, and cash flow statements, in English, for the last three fiscal years, If the most recent fiscal year ended more than nine months prior to the application date, provide interim statements, include the auditor's opinion and notes to the financial statements. Applicant signature: _____________________ Name: Title: Exim Bank would be pleased to assist you in applying for financial support. If you have any questions, please contact the Buyer Credit Department 1st division (Telephone: 0086-10-62278899 ext. 2509-2512 or Fax: 0086-10-62272614). 格式文件一 出口买方信贷项目受理申请函 (请使用电脑填写和制作本申请函) 公司发文编号: 致:中国进出口银行 申请公司名称: 公 司 地 址: 联系人姓名: 电话: 传真: 一、项目介绍(介绍项目背景及内容、出口商与进口商就该项目的商谈情况以及目前的进展阶段等,如果本页空白不够请另加页) 1、项目名称: 2、项目性质: (国家项目 (私人项目 3、项目进展情况: (正在投标,投标截止日期: (已经中标,开标日期: (签署了合作备忘录,签署日期: (草签了商务合同,草签日期: 4、合同金额/投标金额: 万美元;中国制造部分比例: % 设备部分价格: 万美元;土建部分价格: 万美元 5、项目建设期(交货期): 年 补充文字说明: 二、项目各方情况介绍(简要介绍贸易有关方面的情况,有关详细资料可单独附后) 1、进口商(在此主要介绍进口商的主要背景情况,包括公司成立日期、公司性质、上级主管部门、公司组织机构、企业规模、经营范围、资产财务状况等): 进口商名称(中英文): 公司性质: (国家公司 (私人公司 公司上年度的营业额: 万美元 公司现雇员总人数: 万人 补充文字说明: 2、出口商(在此主要介绍出口商的背景情况,包括公司成立日期、公司性质、上级主管部门、公司组织机构、企业规模、经营范围、资产财务状况、近年的进出口额、出口创汇以及在执行该出口项目的履约能力): 出口商名称: 公司上级主管单位: 公司上年度的进口额: 万美元 公司上年度的出口额: 万美元 补充文字说明: 3、供货商(介绍主要供货商的成立、规模、制造能力及交货记录等情况): 国内生产厂家:(国内生产厂家名称: 公司上级主管单位: 公司上年度营业额: 万元 (国内生产厂家名称: 公司上级主管单位: 公司上年度营业额: 万元 进口部件国外生产厂家国别及名称: 补充文字说明: 项目经济效益分析(简单初步估算出口项目的经济效益情况,主要考察两个经济指标,即利润率和换汇成本) A:出口总收汇金额: 万美元 折合成人民币: 万元 (采用的汇率1美元, 元) B:出口总成本: 万元 其中收购成本(含税): 万元 其他费用: 万元 C:出口退税: 万元 D:利润: 万元 (利润:A,B,C) E:换汇成本: 元/美元 (换汇成本:B,C)/A 四、信贷条件(介绍进口商所要求提供的信贷条件) 1、合同定金: 万美元(原则上要求进口商现汇支付合同金额的15%) 2、申请贷款金额: 万美元(原则上不超过合同金额的85%) 3、还款期(不含提款期): 年;提款期(建设期): 年 4、拟定借款人: 5、拟定担保人: 6、国内担保机构是否已出具出口买方信贷担保承保意向: (是 (否 如已有担保意向,请填写出具出口买方信贷保险意向的机构名称: ,并将该意向函附后。 注:如果出口商可以提供有关进口国的情况介绍、借款人的资信情况介绍、担保人的资信情况介绍、出口项目的可行性研究报告、出口商务合同或出口意向书、出口买方信贷担保意向书、有关主管部门对出口项目的批准文件以及其他与本出口项目的有关的可以促进进出口银行对项目了解的资料,请一并附上。 申请公司法人签字: 姓名: 公章: 公司填表日期: 年 月 日 银行签收日期: 年 月 日 银行项目编号: 格式文件六 BUYER'S CREDIT APPLICATION TO CHINA EXIM BANK Please type the requested information. Processing of your application may be delayed if the requested information is not provided Introduction: During the time when a trade contract is being negotiated between the foreign Buyer and the Chinese Supplier, the Borrower intending to utilize the Buyer's Credit shall submit to the Export and Import Bank of China this application for Buyer's Credit arrangement. The Buyer's Credit loan shall not exceed 80% of the total contract value for ship trading projects and 85% for trade of complete sets of equipment or other mechanical and electrical products. The repayment term of the credit shall be determined according to the actual need but in general, within ten (10) years as from the starting point of the loan to the date the principle together with the accrued interest and fees are fully repaid. Applicant. The applicant for a credit arrangement may be any responsible non-financial enterprise or financial institution acceptable to the EXIMBANK. The formal applicant for a buyer's credit must be the borrower. EXIMBANK requests the applicant to provide the following information: Applicant name: Contact Person: Phone #: Position title: Fax #: Address: Gross sales revenue in last fiscal year: US$ Number of employees: 2. Supplier. The "supplier" is the Chinese company that manufactures the goods and/or performs the services to be exported. Please provide the information about the Chinese Supplier. Supplier's name: Contact Person: Phone #: Position title: Fax #: Address 3. Guarantor. The "guarantor" is a bank or a government agency who agrees to perform the related obligations for the Borrower if the Borrower can not. Please complete the information below if a guarantor is proposed. Guarantor's name: Contact Person: Phone #: Position title: Fax #: Address: 4. Status of Export Contract. Check the box below which indicates the status of the contract for the sale of the export items. ? Contract awarded to exporter ? Contract under negotiation ? Bid submitted. Bid open day: ? Bid in preparation. Bid deadline: Contract already signed 5. Description of Export Items. Briefly describe the goods and services, including but not limited to the type, quantity, number and capacity (if applicable), contract price, and supplier (contractor). If the export items are to be used in a project, complete the information below. After EXIMBANK's initial review of the application, EXIMBANK may request supplemental project information. Project name and location: Project purpose: Project capacity: Primary contractor: Estimated total project cost: $ Civil construction portion: Local financing portion (if there is local finance) Financing bank which provide local funds: Construction start date (month/year): Project completion date (month/year): 6. Contract Price. The "contract price" is the amount to be shown in the supplier's invoice related to goods to be exported from China and services to be performed by Chinese companies. If there is more than one supplier, the contract price is the sum of the suppliers' invoice amounts. The "eligible foreign content" is the portion of the contract price representing components to be purchased by the supplier outside China and incorporated into the items to be exported. 6a. Contract Price: $ (including eligible foreign component) 6b. Eligible Foreign content: $ Identify the source and briefly describe foreign content.______________________________________________________ 7. Financed Amount. EXIMBANK will lend an amount related to the contract price no greater than 85% of the contract price. 7a. Cash Payment (minimum 15% of contract price): $ 7b. Financed Portion (maximum 85% of contract price): $ 8. Credit Terms. Repayment of principal is generally required on a semiannual basis beginning six months after the starting point. The "starting point" is generally the event that marks the fulfillment of the exporter's contractual responsibility. 8a. Construction period: ____________________years 8b. Grace period: ____________________________years 8c. Principal repayment Term: years 9. Interest rate. Mark the box below which indicate the kind of interest rate to be adopted. ? CIRR (Commercial Interest Reference Rate) to be published monthly by OECD. ? six month Libor + margin (to be negotiated and agreed upon between the Lender and Borrower) 10. Credit Information. Enclose with the application the following information on the borrower and, if any, guarantor. Provide an explanation for any items not available. Following EXIMBANK's initial review of the application, EXIMBANK may request supplemental credit information. 10a. Background data. Concise description of company origin, legal status, ownership, affiliates, facilities, and business activities. 10b. Financial Statements. Independently audited balance sheets, income statement, and cash flow statements, in English, for the last three fiscal years, If the most recent fiscal year ended more than nine months prior to the application date, provide interim statements, include the auditor's opinion and notes to the financial statements. Applicant signature: _____________________ Name: Title: Exim Bank would be pleased to assist you in applying for financial support. If you have any questions, please contact the Buyer Credit Department 1st division (Telephone: 0086-10-62278899 ext. 2509-2512 or Fax: 0086-10-62272614).
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