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狗狗博客Dog With a Blog第一季第三集中英对照剧本


狗狗博客Dog With a Blog第一季第三集中英对照剧本狗狗博客Dog With a Blog第一季第三集中英对照剧本 Dialogue: 让我来给你讲个故事 一个恐怖得让人不安的故事I am going to tell you a story--a dark and disturbing story. Dialogue: 来段恐怖而让人不安的音乐Cue dark and disturbing music! Dialogue: 公车的轮子转啊转The wheels on the bus go round and round Dialogue: 另一种 不一样的不安...

狗狗博客Dog With a Blog第一季第三集中英对照剧本
狗狗博客Dog With a Blog第一季第三集中英对照剧本 Dialogue: 让我来给你讲个故事 一个恐怖得让人不安的故事I am going to tell you a story--a dark and disturbing story. Dialogue: 来段恐怖而让人不安的音乐Cue dark and disturbing music! Dialogue: 公车的轮子转啊转The wheels on the bus go round and round Dialogue: 另一种 不一样的不安Different... kind of disturbing. Dialogue: 在这个故事里 发生了很不好很不好的事And in this story, a bad, bad thing happens. Dialogue: 火烧眉毛的那种可怕And I'm talking butt-scooting- on-hot-asphalt bad! Dialogue: -我想要支香蕉 -呃- I want a banana! - Uhh! Dialogue: -别这样 -我想吃披萨- Stop that! - I want pizza! Dialogue: 泰勒 挪过去点 这是我的位置Tyler, scoot over! You're in my space! Dialogue: 再挪我就挪下车了I have nowhere to go but out. Dialogue: 下去的时候注意安全Remember to tuck and roll. Dialogue: 我们就不能安静地Can't we just settle down Dialogue: 玩一个汽车游戏and play one of those fun car games Dialogue: 比如“我们都是木头人”like "Who can be quiet the longest"? Dialogue: 我想做最乖的木头人I want to be quiet the longest! Dialogue: -混蛋 -类人猿- Jerk! - Troglodyte! Dialogue: 哈 开什么玩笑啊 听都听不懂你在说什么Ha! Joke's on you! I don't even know what that means! Dialogue: -听得懂“你个大猩猩”吗 -嘿- How about "Monkey-face chimp-boy"? - Hey! Dialogue: 我想要个大猩猩I want a monkey-face chimp-boy! Dialogue: 我们就不能全家一起做点什么吗Can't we ever do something as a family? Dialogue: 我们是一起丢垃圾的一家人We're throwing trash as a family. Dialogue: 别乱丢垃圾了 班尼特 帮帮我Stop throwing trash! Bennett, back me up here. Dialogue: 班尼特Bennett! Dialogue: 孩子们在乱丢垃圾啊The kids are throwing trash! Dialogue: 但他们打断马勒的音乐了吗 没有 是其他人But were they interrupting Mahler? No. Someone else did that. Dialogue: 孩子们 朝老爸丢垃圾Kids, throw some trash at your father. Dialogue: 不不不 这明显不是那件很不好的坏事No, no, no, this obviously is not the bad, bad thing. Dialogue: 如果你是条狗 满车垃圾就是件绝妙的事Car full of trash? That's a great thing if you're a dog! Dialogue: 嘿 看看我 我是个斯坦明治Hey, look at me! I'm a stanwich! Dialogue: 好吧 到一定时候总得有人杀死一只知更鸟 对吧Okay, at some point someone is going to kill a mockingbird, right? Dialogue: {\a\fs}(注:艾芙莉在看《杀死一只知更鸟》) Dialogue: 因为这个案子实在太费时间了Because this trial is really dragging on. Dialogue: 你不想捡个球什么的吗Don't you want to fetch or something? Dialogue: 我对文学很有兴趣的 我又不是个傻Hey, I can be interested in literature you know I'm not just a dumb-- Dialogue: -太好了 你在这里 -怎么了 琳赛- Good. You're here. - Lindsay, what's wrong? Dialogue: 艾芙莉最好的朋友琳赛Avery's best friend lindsay. Dialogue: 艾芙莉根本就不用问她怎么了Avery really didn't have to ask what's wrong-- Dialogue: 反正琳赛会告诉她的She'll tell ya. Dialogue: 出了严重的问题 我不知道该怎么办了I have a terrible problem don't know what to do about it. Dialogue: 但你超能解决问题 所以我就来找你了But you're a really good problem Solver so I thought I'd come to you. Dialogue: 快来帮我解决吧So come and deal with this problem solve! Dialogue: 慢点 你老是这样Slow down. You always do this to me. Dialogue: 你说得越来越快害得我也越来越快You start talking fast and I start talking fast, Dialogue: 你知道我们太容易被影响了and you know we feel impressionable. Dialogue: -在你意识到 -我们俩已经越说越快了- And before you know it... - We both start talking fast. Dialogue: 所以我们俩的关系才那么好啊And that's why we're such good friends! Dialogue: -就是啊 -就是啊- I know! - I know! Dialogue: 好了 是什么事啊Okay, so what's the problem? Dialogue: 那个本来该穿学校吉祥物服装的孩子The kid who normally wears the school mascot costume Dialogue: 返校比赛那天来不了了can't be here for the homecoming game. Dialogue: 然后我就告诉提芙 艾尔和莱拉 So I told Tiff and El and Layla, you know-- Dialogue: 啦啦队那些人From the pep squad. Dialogue: 我可以顶替他因为我希望她们喜欢我That I would be the mascot because I really want them to like me. Dialogue: 特别是提芙和莱拉 艾尔就算了 受不了她的头发Especially Tiff and Layla-- El can be cut with that hair of hers... Dialogue: 和闪瞎眼的手机that crazy bling-dot-phone-- Dialogue: 我穿不了这个 艾芙莉I can't wear this costume, Avery, Dialogue: -我就是穿不了 -为什么- I just can't. - Well, why not? Dialogue: 你自己闻闻Take a whiff. Dialogue: 啊 你干嘛让我闻啊Aaaah! Why would you do that? Dialogue: 我们是朋友啊I thought we were friends! Dialogue: 这玩意儿怎么了What happened in this? Dialogue: “B?O?鲍勃” 这个男孩"B.O. Bob," The kid who wears it, Dialogue: 穿它穿了太多次了wore it one too many times. Dialogue: 这闻起来像臭袜子或是谁的腋窝This smells like dirty sweat socks and arm pits. Dialogue: 不是什么大事I don't see the problem. Dialogue: 所以他才叫“狐臭鲍勃”That's how "B.O. Bob" Got his name-- Dialogue: {\a\fs}(注:B.O.=body odour狐臭) Dialogue: 穿这服装之前 他只是鲍勃而已Before this costume, he was just "Bob"-- Dialogue: 开心的受欢迎的那个鲍勃Happy, popular bob. Dialogue: 那他怎么不穿了 他哪儿去了Why can't he wear it? Where is he? Dialogue: 他在我们正东方向六英里左右About six miles due east. Dialogue: 看他奶奶呢Visiting his grandmother. Dialogue: 你得帮我找人扮猎狗吉祥物You have to help me find someone to be the terrier mascot. Dialogue: 嘿 我可以啊Hey, I could be the mascot. Dialogue: 我找不到人来忍受这件熏人的服装I just don't who I'm gonna get to wear this stinky dog costume. Dialogue: 我连服装都不用 我“天生丽质”啊I don't even need the costume. I was born to play this part! Dialogue: 不就是演我自己吗 我没问题Sure it's typecasting, but I'm cool with it. Dialogue: 我答应了她们的I promised the pep squad, Dialogue: 我真的希望她们能喜欢我and I really want those girls to like me. Dialogue: 琳赛 那些自以为是的啦啦队员怎么看你不重要Look, it shouldn't matter what those pep snobs think of you, Lindsay. Dialogue: 你的独一无二的价值You're a unique individual with Dialogue: 用不着她们认可value that has nothing to do with their approval. Dialogue: -她们就知道你会这么说 -是吗- They said you'd say something like that. - Really? Dialogue: 天哪她们还说了我 她们知道我的名字啊They talked about me? They know my name? Dialogue: 差不多吧 她们叫你艾佛里Well, sort of. They called you "Ivory." Dialogue: 她们差点就说对我的名字了They almost know my name! Dialogue: 我们得找个人在返校节上扮猎犬吉祥物啊We have to find someone to be the terrier at the homecoming. Dialogue: 喂 这里有条狗 有条狗Hello! La dog, a-woof, a-woof. Dialogue: 得是个有勇气 有激情It has to be someone with real spirit and enthusiasm... Dialogue: 有运动细胞Someone athletic... Dialogue: 最重要的是 得让人觉得他像条狗But most importantly, someone who can be believable as a dog. Dialogue: 真的假的 这有点狗身攻击啊Seriously? 'cause now it's just insulting. Dialogue: 艾伦Ellen? Dialogue: 艾伦Ellen-- Dialogue: 你的车像个灾区啊Your car is a disaster area. Dialogue: 对 我也在想该换一辆新的了Yes, I think it's time for a new one, too. Dialogue: -我没说啊 -你就是这意思- I didn't say that. - You implied it. Dialogue: 班尼特 这车也太破了 斯坦撞了两次啊Bennett, it's worn down, Stan crashed it twice. Dialogue: 我每次去洗车And every time I drive by the car wash, Dialogue: 他们都装作关门了They pretend to be closed. Dialogue: 好了 我知道你想干嘛Okay, I-I can see what you're doing here. Dialogue: 你想让我帮你洗车You want me to help you clean the car. Dialogue: -你说就是了 -我不需要帮助- Just ask. - I don't want help. Dialogue: -好的我知道了 -我需要辆新车- Good, because I got this thing-- - I want a new car. Dialogue: 艾伦Ellen. Dialogue: 一辆不会让别的妈妈叫我“臭伦”的车One I can drive without the other moms calling me "Smellen." Dialogue: 哇 太有才了That is very clever. Dialogue: 我是说 太伤人了I mean, very hurtful. Dialogue: 你知道这车有多糟糕吗You know how bad this car is? Dialogue: 后座下面住着一家子负鼠There's a family of possums living under the back seat. Dialogue: -哪有什么负鼠啊 -小心点 它们可凶了- There are no possums back there. - Be careful. They're vicious. Dialogue: 这下好了 我的脑袋粘住了Okay, and now my head is stuck to the ceiling. Dialogue: -这是什么啊 泡泡糖吗 -有这个可能- What is this, gum? - That's one theory. Dialogue: 好 我们去整辆新车Fine. We'll get a new car. Dialogue: 我为什么不行 Why not me? Dialogue: 干嘛要一个穿破烂猎犬吉祥物服装的臭小孩Why not a real dog instead of some stinky kid in a lame terrier costume? Dialogue: 斯坦 东格伦代尔中学的人老嘲笑我们的吉祥物Stan, look, East Gllendale always pulls pranks on our mascots. Dialogue: 他们会剃了你的毛送你上去弗雷斯诺的车They could take you and shave you and put you on a bus to Fresno, Dialogue: 然后我们就再也见不到你了and we'd never see you again. Dialogue: 虽然你会认识啦啦队的美女们Although you get in with those girls on the pep squad, Dialogue: 也可能喜欢弗雷斯诺and you might like Fresno. Dialogue: 不开玩笑了 那不值得 我不想失去你No, it's not worth it. I can't risk losing you. Dialogue: 艾芙莉 那将是我闪耀的时刻啊It would be my moment to shine, Avery. Dialogue: 那是我终于可以实现明星梦想的机会啊Finally, my chance to be a star like I've always wanted! Dialogue: 我曾有过一次机会 但却被无情的抢走了I had that chance once, but it was cruelly snatched away from me. Dialogue: 一旦节目放送出去 小朋友Once this commercial airs, my little friend, Dialogue: 你就出名啦You'll be famous. Dialogue: 你会有来自世界各地的粉You'll have fans all over the---- Dialogue: 那狗是干嘛的Who is that dog? Dialogue: 赶走这只狗 我要那只 它才是明星啊Get this dog out of here. Get me that dog! He's a star! Dialogue: 哎 要是我能做那些狗做不了的事就好了Man, I wish I could do something that dogs typically don't do. Dialogue: 真遗憾 斯坦 很多事都会出岔子I'm sorry, Stan. Too many things could go wrong. Dialogue: 有事要出岔子啦Something could go wrong? Dialogue: 听上去很赞啊 我要加入Sounds like fun-- I'm in! Dialogue: 我想在返校节上扮猎狗吉祥物I want to be the terrier mascot for the homecoming. Dialogue: 很好啊 东格伦代尔野猪队有一头真的猪Oh, cool. The East Glendale Razorbacks have always had a real pig. Dialogue: 我们也可以有只真的狗We should have a real dog. Dialogue: 但我不想让它被洒满金花But I don't want him to get covered in frosting Dialogue: 然后被送到贝克斯菲尔德去and put on a train to Bakersfield! Dialogue: 没错 也去贝克斯菲尔德That's right-- they do that, too. Dialogue: 现在不会了 两个学校都在打击恶作剧行为Not anymore. Both schools are cracking down on pranks. Dialogue: 整吉祥物的人会被开除Anyone who messes with the mascot gets expelled. Dialogue: 以前好多学生都被剃头了Too many kids getting shaved. Dialogue: 不过倒是没人去剃“狐臭鲍勃”的头Although they never shaved "B.O. Bob." Dialogue: 你愿意去吗Would you? Dialogue: 拜托 艾芙莉 泰勒说了没问题的Come on, Avery! Tyler says it's safe! Dialogue: 而且这种事舍我其谁啊And I'm so perfect for it! Dialogue: 我妈妈有四分之一的猎犬血统I'm even one-eighth-terrier on my mother's side! Dialogue: 在这里 波士顿猎犬Ah, there they are: the boston terriers. Dialogue: 呃别管那只猫 那是七十年代的事情了Uh, ignore the cats. It was the seventies. Dialogue: 话说回来 如果不冒点险 你将度过怎样的一辈子呢Well, I mean, what kind of life do you lead if you don't take any risks? Dialogue: 你那种Yours. Dialogue: 或许是时候改变了And maybe it's time I changed that. Dialogue: 斯坦 我去告诉啦啦队我找到她们要的猎犬了All right, Stan, I'll tell the pep squad they've got their terrier. Dialogue: 太好了All right! Dialogue: 知道吗 也许是时候And you know what? Maybe it's time Dialogue: 试着去做我一直想做的事了that I try something that I've always wanted to do-- Dialogue: 杂耍Juggling! Dialogue: 什么What?! What?! Dialogue: 杂耍一直是我的梦想It's always been a dream of mine, Dialogue: 不过我一直很害怕But I have been too afraid. Dialogue: 让风险见鬼去吧To heck with the risk! Dialogue: 如果水果摔烂了 让它烂去吧If fruit gets bruised, so be it. Dialogue: 哇 看哪Wow, look at that! Dialogue: 这风险值了My first risk has paid off! Dialogue: 我要出名了I'm gonna be a star! Dialogue: 我再也不会放过任何一个机会了I'm not leaving anything to chance. Dialogue: 我没事 洗衣筐阻碍了我的着陆I'm okay! The laundry basket broke my fall! Dialogue: 嘿 也许上场的时候我能用用这个旧橄榄球头盔Hey, maybe I could work this old football helmet into the act. Dialogue: 我太喜欢我的新车了I love my new car. Dialogue: -你闻闻 -对 它有一股- Just smell it! - Yeah, it's got a really-- Dialogue: 别说话 闻闻No! I mean smell it! Dialogue: 闻闻这里Get your nose in there. Dialogue: 对 亲爱的 太好闻了Yeah-- yeah. Honey, that's real good. Dialogue: 这是全新开始的气息It's the smell of a new start. Dialogue: 我们全家可以开车出去玩 去享受彼此在一起的时光We can have family outings and really enjoy each other. Dialogue: 我真是太“享受”你突然爆发的疯狂力量了I enjoyed your sudden burst of crazy strength. Dialogue: 在卖车那儿克洛伊和教堂的安德森夫妇聊得很开心Chloe had so much fun at the dealership talking to the Andersons from church. Dialogue: 有趣的是他们买了和我们一样的车So funny they were buying the same car as us. Dialogue: 对吧 克洛伊Right, Chloe? Dialogue: 克洛伊Chloe!!! Dialogue: 这真的不是你们的错It's really not your fault. Dialogue: 妈妈和爸爸总这样Mommy and daddy do this all the time. Dialogue: 然后我就会得到一个新洋娃娃And then I get a new doll. Dialogue: 我想念以前那辆车I miss the old car. Dialogue: 有薯条和巧克力的味道It smelled like french fries and chocolate. Dialogue: 宝贝 别再新车里吃零食好吗Honey, no snacks in the new car, okay? Dialogue: -但是爸爸 -克洛伊 把甜甜圈给我- But daddy... - Chloe, just give me the donut hole. Dialogue: -但是爸爸 -克洛伊 快点- But daddy... - Chloe! Come on. Dialogue: 爸爸Daddy. Dialogue: 那时我在狗狗公园最喜欢的泥球That was my favorite dirt ball from the dog park. Dialogue: -噢 -别在我的新车里 别- Ohh! - Not in my new car, you don't! Dialogue: 对啊 我想用一只真的狗做吉祥物肯定很棒Yeah, I thought it would be awesome to have a real dog as the mascot. Dialogue: 所以我带来了斯坦So I volunteered Stan. Dialogue: 就是想为猎犬队还有你们这些You know, just doing my little bit to support the Terriers Dialogue: 美女们尽我的绵薄之力and you great gals on the pep squad, of course. Dialogue: 你是谁来着Who are you again? Dialogue: 就是我啊It's me. Dialogue: 艾佛里Ivory. Dialogue: 艾芙莉 坏消息Avery, I've got terrible news! Dialogue: 你好提芙 你好莱拉 你好艾尔Oh, hi, Tiff. Hi, Layla. Hi, El. Dialogue: 艾芙莉 坏消息Avery, I've got terrible news! Dialogue: 琳赛 怎么了Lindsay, what's wrong? Dialogue: 东格伦代尔的人绑架了斯坦East Glendale kidnapped Stan! Dialogue: 斯坦被绑架啦Stan's been kidnapped?! Dialogue: 他们把他锁在更衣室了They took him through the locker room. Dialogue: 他们就留了张条子They left a note and everything. Dialogue: 怎么办啊 艾尔你的头发真赞What are you gonna do?! El, your hair looks fantastic, Dialogue: 很有光泽啊 该怎么办啊so full of moisture. What are you doing do?!! Dialogue: 我不知道 这全是我错I don't know. This is all my fault! Dialogue: 你似乎很失落啊You seem upset. Dialogue: 我们得走了We're gonna go. Dialogue: 我真是太蠢了 竟然拿斯坦的安全开玩笑I was so stupid to risk Stan's safety to begin with. Dialogue: 现在我无论如何也要把他救回来And now I'm gonna take any risk necessary to get him back. Dialogue: 无论如何 我都在所不惜Whatever rule I have to break, it doesn't matter. Dialogue: 你干嘛要把我从更衣室弄出来Why did you stick me out of the locker room? Dialogue: 我正在研究乐队是怎么运转的呢I was working out my half time routined with the band! Dialogue: 听着 Check it-- Dialogue: 斯坦Stan! Dialogue: 我在假装你被东格伦代尔绑架了I'm pretending you've been kidnapped by east glendale. Dialogue: 这恶作剧太棒了It's the perfect prank. Dialogue: 她们要有大麻烦了They're gonna get in a ton of trouble! Dialogue: 但是现在我没法加入动员会啦But now I can't be a part of the pep rally. Dialogue: 对啊 这会让你在比赛前的回归更耀眼Right! Which will make your triumphant return at the big game Dialogue: 更激动人心that much more dramatic. Dialogue: 想想看 英雄般的吉祥物Think about it: the heroic mascot, Dialogue: 从恶人的魔爪中逃了出来having escaped from the evil clutches of his tormentors, Dialogue: 决不让人们失望refuses to let the crowd down. Dialogue: 我喜欢I love it! Dialogue: 我或许应该一瘸一拐地Hey, maybe I'll come in with a limp, right? Dialogue: 带着沧桑的眼神回来对吧And a far-away look. Dialogue: 当人们问我发生了什么时 我会说And when people ask me what happened I'll say, Dialogue: “痛苦得不堪回首”"It's just too painful to talk about." Dialogue: 但别忘了你不可以说话But you can't say anything, remember? Dialogue: 噢 对 对啊Oh, right! Right. Dialogue: 那就一瘸一拐好了 还有沧桑的眼神Then just the limp and the...faraway look. Dialogue: 再走一点 好孩子Just a little bit more... good boy... Dialogue: 再走一点 一点Little bit... little bit... Dialogue: -好的 -哇- Good! - Whoa! Dialogue: -那是 -没错 东格伦代尔的猪- Is that--? - Yep, the East Glendale pig. Dialogue: 他们绑架了斯坦 所以我偷来了他们的猪Those guys kidnapped Stan, so I stole the pig Dialogue: 这样就可以把斯坦交换回来了so we can trade it to get Stan back. Dialogue: 就是这样 别招惹艾芙莉?詹宁斯That's right. You don't mess with avery jennings. Dialogue: 你偷了我的狗 我就偷你的猪You steal my dog, I steal your pig. Dialogue: 我什么都敢做I am risking everything. Dialogue: 我要上四个球了I'm going four balls! Dialogue: 她偷了猪之后能玩四个球了She stole the pig and went four balls! Dialogue: 太不妙了This is bad! Dialogue: 但这依旧不是那件很不好的坏事But it's still not the bad, bad thing. Dialogue: 斯坦Stan?! Dialogue: 你没事吧You're okay! Dialogue: 谢天谢地 我太担心你了Thank goodness! I've been so worried about you. Dialogue: 发生了什么What happened? Dialogue: 痛苦得不堪回首It's just too painful to talk about. Dialogue: 斯塔没被绑架 只是个让人们Stan was never gone. It was a prank... Dialogue: 摸不着头脑的恶作剧罢了to mess with their minds. Dialogue: 我做了什么What was I thinking? Dialogue: 我冒了个大险 现在我要被开除了I took this huge risk, and now I'm gonna be expelled. Dialogue: 我没法去法学院念书了I won't get into law school, Dialogue: 所以我也就没法成为继布坎南之后的and I definitely won't become the first juggling president Dialogue: 又一位杂耍总统了since Buchanan. Dialogue: {\a\fs}(注:美国第十五任总统) Dialogue: 你们想在新车里兜个风吗You guys want to go for a ride in the new car? Dialogue: 它有个天窗 还配备了座位加热器和杯座It's got a sun roof and seat heaters and cup holders, Dialogue: 每一个 我们客厅里怎么会有头猪and each one of the... what is a pig doing in our family room?! Dialogue: 嘿 看哪 一头猪Hey, look at that! A pig! Dialogue: 我喜欢新猪猪I love my new pig! Dialogue: 这可不合适This is not kosher. Dialogue: 好吧 发生了什么All right, what happened? Dialogue: -我本来 -这些你们都知道了- Well, I was trying to... - You guys already know all this. Dialogue: 你不必听艾芙莉解释给爸爸妈妈 对吧You don't have to have Avery explain it all to mom and dad, right? Dialogue: 你还会杂耍You can juggle? Dialogue: 我要管它叫“大个儿默里”I'm naming him "Big Murray." Dialogue: 不 不 你们忽略了最重要的问题No, no. You're missing the big picture. Dialogue: -我可能会被开除 -我也是啊- I could be expelled! - Me too! Dialogue: 所以我们应该告诉大家斯坦自己逃回家了I just say we tell everyone Stan escaped and found his way home. Dialogue: 然后放了这头猪 这样就没人知道艾芙莉偷了它We let the pig go, and nobody will ever know avery took him. Dialogue: 我们不能放了它We can't just let a pig go. Dialogue: 没人管的猪在帕萨迪纳走不远An unsupervised pig would not last two minutes in Pasadena. Dialogue: 我知道了 我们得在他们发现之前偷偷把猪送回去I've got it. We have to sneak him back before they know he's gone. Dialogue: 你们不能带走大个儿默里You can't take Big Murray! Dialogue: 它比大猩猩好多了He's so much better than monkey-face chimp-boy. Dialogue: 拜托Hey! Dialogue: 送它回去才是正确的选择We have to. It's the right thing to do. Dialogue: 马上告诉东格中学到底发生了什么The right thing to do is to call the other school immediately, Dialogue: 才是正确的选择tell them exactly what happened, Dialogue: 他们的猪在我们这儿and that we have their pig. Dialogue: 你疯了吗 女士Are you out of your mind, woman?! Dialogue: 这不是做正确事的时候This is not the time to do the right thing! Dialogue: 过去两天我都在冒险I have been taking risks for the last two days, Dialogue: 我可不能现在功亏一篑And I am not getting off this train now! Dialogue: 好 我们偷偷把猪送回去Okay, we're sneaking the pig back. Dialogue: 叫你“女士”而不是“妈妈” 我是不是有麻烦了Am I in trouble for calling you "Woman" Instead of "Mom"? Dialogue: 我们不能在光天化日下带它在街上走 不行Okay, we can't just lead him down the street in broad daylight. No. Dialogue: “把猪猪送回家”行动需要一点可靠的策划Operation "Bring home the bacon" is gonna take some real planning. Dialogue: 天一黑 我们突击队就行动As soon as it gets dark, we go commando. Dialogue: 爸爸 我觉得你不是这个意思吧Dad, I don't think that means what you think it means. Dialogue: 我希望他不是这个意思Boy, I hope not. Dialogue: 好的 九点整把目标放进车里Okay, at , we place the target in the car Dialogue: 游到东格伦代尔and swim to East Glendale. Dialogue: 这时候 如果在独自行动时我怀疑有不明物体出现Now, if I suspect a blown floater on this O.P.O., Dialogue: 我就弄个金丝雀陷阱I will plant a canary trap, Dialogue: 干掉它 潇洒搞定dry-clean it, go totally joe! Dialogue: 你说的那些东西I have no idea what any of that means-- Dialogue: 我从来都没听说过which I've never said before-- Dialogue: 但我喜欢你眼中的火焰But I like the fire in your eye! Dialogue: 我听你这男人的I am with this man. Dialogue: 叫你“这男人” 我是不是有麻烦了Am I in trouble for calling you "This man"? Dialogue: 没有 怎么会 亲爱的No, no, not at all, sweetie! Dialogue: 我随时准备投入战斗I'm pumped! I'm ready for action! Dialogue: 我得穿我的高领毛衣还有滑雪面罩I'm gonna need my black turtleneck, my ski mask, Dialogue: 带上我的多功能特别工具套装and my special ops utility pack. Dialogue: 就是男士钱包My man purse. Dialogue: 等等 你说把猪放进车里Wait a minute. You said place the pig in the car. Dialogue: 不可能把我们五个和一头猪同时装在你车里There's no way we're gonna fit all of us and that pig in your car. Dialogue: 不会吧Noooo. Dialogue: 不要No, no, no... Dialogue: 不要No, no, no! Dialogue: 你不是说我们应该全家开车出去玩You said should have a family outing Dialogue: 并好好享受和彼此的时光吗and really enjoy each other. Dialogue: 现在跟你在一起我就很享受I'm enjoying you right now. Dialogue: 你享受吗Are you enjoying me? Dialogue: 我不说了I'm going dark. Dialogue: 那头猪在后面干什么What is that pig doing back there?! Dialogue: - 她在做窝吧 - 我的车啊- I think she's nesting. - My car! Dialogue: -我美丽的新车啊 -别管你的车了- My beautiful new car! - Forget the car. Dialogue: 我不能让这次“猪猪门”事件毁了我的前程Look, I'm not letting my future get derailed by swinegate. Dialogue: 对 他们肯定会这么叫的That's right. That's what they'll call it. Dialogue: 原谅我的喋喋不休 我超紧张 今天还没吃水果呢I'm sorry I snapped. I'm tense and I've had no fresh fruit today. Dialogue: 后面怎么了What is going on back there?! Dialogue: 亲爱的 这么点距离他造成不了多少破坏It's a short ride, honey. How much damage can he do? Dialogue: 他到底在干嘛What on earth is he doing?! Dialogue: 我想“他”刚刚生孩子了I think "He" Just had babies! Dialogue: 大个儿默里当妈妈了Big Murray's a mommy! Dialogue: 泰勒 把小猪裹在毯子里 太有趣了 猪在毯子里Tyler. Wrap the little pigs in a blanket. That's funny-- pigs in the blanket. Dialogue: 这次行动真是太震撼了I'm so spritzed out by this mission. Dialogue: 真不敢相信我竟然错过了我这辈子一直想亲眼见证的事情I can't believe I'd miss something I've wanted to see my entire life-- Dialogue: 猪的降生a pig birth. Dialogue: 你其实还能闻得到You can still smell it if you want. Dialogue: 我想给它们取名字I want to name them. Dialogue: 我们怎么辨认公母呢How can we tell the boys from the girls? Dialogue: 显然我们分不清Apparently we can't. Dialogue: 难以置信 一头猪在我的新车上生孩子了Unbelievable. Pig birth all over my new car? Dialogue: 我怎么摆脱“臭伦”这个名号啊So much for getting rid of the nickname "Smellen." Dialogue: 我要永远当“臭伦”了 你好臭伦 你好玛丽 I'll be "Smellen" forever. "Hi, Smellen." "Hi, Mary." Dialogue: 你好臭伦 你好瑞贝卡"Hello, Smellen." "Hello, Rebecca." Dialogue: -你好 - 好了好了- "Hello..." - Hey, hey, hey, hey! Dialogue: 跟我走 士兵You stay with me, soldier! Dialogue: 我也要去I'm coming too. Dialogue: 我想跟大个儿默里 小菲利斯 I wan to say good-bye to Big Murray, little Phyllis, Dialogue: 小哈罗德和大卫说再见tiny Harold and Daveed. Dialogue: 好吧斯坦 你看着车All right, stan, you guard the car. Dialogue: 我当总统的希望岌岌可危My presidency hangs in the balance. Dialogue: 这不是犯罪 是掩饰It's never the crime; it's always the cover-up. Dialogue: 没问题 我看着车That's right, I'm guarding the car, Dialogue: 这是行动最重要的部分the most important part of the mission. Dialogue: 好无聊啊Man, I'm bored. Dialogue: 嘿 这儿停着一辆车Hey, there is a van parked out here. Dialogue: 我检查一下I'm gonna go check out back, Dialogue: 以防有人在吉祥物上捣乱make sure no one's messing with the mascots. Dialogue: 噢 该转移他的注意力Uh-oh. Gotta distract him. Dialogue: 哟 兄弟 去哪儿啊Yo, dude! Where ya goin'? Dialogue: 谁在说话Who said that? Dialogue: 谁和这狗在一起Is someone with this dog? Dialogue: 这里 在车下面 我卡住了Here! Under the car! I'm stuck! Dialogue: 我是说上面 我在车顶上I mean up here. I'm on top of the car. Dialogue: 怎么回事啊 谁在说话O-kay. What's goin' on here? Who's saying that? Dialogue: 我在你后面I'm behind you. Dialogue: 上面I'm over you! Dialogue: 下面I'm under you. Dialogue: 我是你可怕的噩梦I'm your worst nightmare. Dialogue: 我沿路跑了 你永远都抓不到我I'm running down the street! You'll never catch me! Dialogue: 难怪他当不了银行的保安Well, I guess we see why he's not guarding a bank. Dialogue: 击掌 击掌High five! High five! Dialogue: 艾芙莉 艾芙莉 冷静点Avery! Avery! Chill out. Dialogue: 才不 我冒了那么大险终于有回报了No way. I took a huge risk and it paid off. Dialogue: 感觉太好了 我们偷点别的再放回来吧I feel great! Let's steal something else and put it back. Dialogue: -快走 步骤三 -步骤三是什么- Move! Commence phase . - What's phase ? Dialogue: 我为了掩护自己干掉了你们I eliminate all of you to cover my tracks. Dialogue: 看来我摘取这些信息的网站有点小暴力Okay, maybe the website I got this from was a little hardcore. Dialogue: 我们赶紧回家吧Let's just go home. Dialogue: 低调点But let's be cool. Dialogue: 你不想让咱们成为焦点吧You don't want to draw any attention to ourselves. Dialogue: 如果我不低调呢When am I not cool? Dialogue: 顺利完成任务 大家伙干得好Mission accomplished. Fine work, everybody. Dialogue: 真是太刺激了That was really cool! Dialogue: 但和家里人一起倒是有点奇怪Which is weird, because I was with my family. Dialogue: 总之猪还回去了 斯坦也平安无恙I'm just happy that the pig is back, stan is Safe, Dialogue: 并且我年的总统选举也解除警报了and my presidential bid is no longer in jeopardy. Dialogue: 我说不定能玩玩保龄球瓶Oh, and I wonder if I can juggle pins? Dialogue: 你从哪儿弄来的Where did you get those? Dialogue: 我都能把七百多磅的猪从格伦代尔弄到帕萨迪纳来I want the -pound pig from Glendale to Pasadena Dialogue: 弄点保龄球瓶来不是小菜一碟吗And you want to know where I got bowling pins? Dialogue: 我不得不承认这次行动实在太刺激了I have to admit this whole operation was kind of exciting... Dialogue: 长官Commander. Dialogue: 美丽的女孩你迷上勇猛而危险的间谍了吗Is this where the beautiful girl falls for the dashing, dangerous spy? Dialogue: 你穿我的高领毛衣干嘛Why are you wearing my turtleneck? Dialogue: 刚才太急了我找不着我的了Well, we were in a hurry and I couldn't find mine, Dialogue: 我就拿了最上面so I just grabbed the first-- Dialogue: 管他呢 反正行动成功了不是吗Was the mission successful or not?! Dialogue: 对啊 你就是我勇猛而迷人的间谍Yes, you're still my dashing, handsome spy. Dialogue: 真不错 是不是啊This is great, huh? Dialogue: 我们一家子通力合作All of us working together, Dialogue: 我们四个齐力断金pulling this off as a unit, the four of us? Dialogue: 不该是我们五个吗Aren't there five of us? Dialogue: 克洛伊Chloe! Dialogue: 拜托Seriously? Dialogue: 你们都不能说话吗猪猪You guys don't talk at all? Dialogue: 你也不行吗 大卫Not even you, Daveed? Dialogue: 一句话也说不了Nothin'? Dialogue: 把克洛伊忘了在猪圈里Leaving Chloe in a pig pen? Dialogue: 仍旧不是那件很不好的坏事Still not the bad, bad thing. Dialogue: 事实上还挺萌的Actually, it's kind of a cute thing. Dialogue: 伙计们 “拯救克洛伊”行动开始Okay, gang, operation "Chloe grab" is a go! Dialogue: -班尼特 -怎么 亲爱的- Bennett? - Honey? Dialogue: 穿上外套 如果行动失败Cover up. If this goes south, Dialogue: 这毛衣在监狱里可保不了暖that sweater's not gonna be your friend in jail. Dialogue: 关于风险The thing about risk, Dialogue: 你承担的越多 回报就可能越大the more you put on the line, the bigger the payoff. Dialogue: 艾芙莉冒了很多险 都是值得的Avery risked a lot, and it all worked out. Dialogue: 她甚至和啦啦队打上交道了She even got in with those girls on the pep squad. Dialogue: 我为了扮吉祥物也冒了险And I took some risks to be mascot. Dialogue: 那实在是And it was... Dialogue: 太赞了...awesome! Dialogue: 正如我期待的那样It was everything I hoped it would be, Dialogue: 我的光荣时刻my moment of glory! Dialogue: 但那也是And that's... Dialogue: 那件很不好的坏事发生的时刻when the bad, bad thing happened. Dialogue: 玩滑板的 猪A skateboarding pig! Dialogue: 在那之后我就被冷落了No one paid attention to me after that. Dialogue: 不过至少我还是我们家庭中的明星But at least I'm still a star in my own family-- Dialogue: 大多数时候Most of the time.
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