首页 幼儿园_岗位责任制度



幼儿园_岗位责任制度幼儿园_岗位责任制度 幼儿园园长岗位责认制 幼儿园园长负责幼儿园的全面工作,主要职责如下: 1、贯彻执行国家的有关法律、法规、方针、政策和上级主管部门规定。 2、制定幼儿园工作目标、规定和工作计划,组织实施并做出总结。 3、领导教育、卫生、保健、后勤及安全保卫工作,负责建立并组织执行各项规章制度。 4、负责聘任、调动工作人员。指导检查和评估教师及其他工作人员的工作,并给予奖惩。 5、负责工作人员的政治思想工作,组织文化业务学习,并为他们的政治和文化、业务进修创造必要的条件。 6、关心和逐步改善工作人...

幼儿园_岗位责任制度 幼儿园园长岗位责认制 幼儿园园长负责幼儿园的全面工作,主要职责如下: 1、贯彻执行国家的有关法律、法规、方针、政策和上级主管部门规定。 2、制定幼儿园工作目标、规定和工作 计划 项目进度计划表范例计划下载计划下载计划下载课程教学计划下载 ,组织实施并做出总结。 3、领导教育、卫生、保健、后勤及安全保卫工作,负责建立并组织执行各项规章制度。 4、负责聘任、调动工作人员。指导检查和评估教师及其他工作人员的工作,并给予奖惩。 5、负责工作人员的政治思想工作,组织文化业务学习,并为他们的政治和文化、业务进修创造必要的条件。 6、关心和逐步改善工作人员的生活、工作条件,维护他们的合法权益。 7、定期召开园务工作会议和教职工代表会议,加强民主管理和监督。 8、管理好园舍、设备和财产,努力改善办学条件。 9、加强对财务人员的管理,合理安排使用经费。 10、负责检查、抽查、视察全园各部门的工作。 11、负责组织和指导家长工作,加强与社区联系和合作,争取各方面的支持和配合。 connection: connecting two pieces of PVC pipe you want after removing the cutting burrs, evenly coated with special PVC glue, inserted in a sleeve, inserted after a specified depth, gently twist the casing in order to distribute the adhesive evenly on the connecting surface of the casing. (3) construction of junction box: junction box should be strictly in accordance with the electric construction drawing accurately installed at the specified location, the error shall not exceed 2 cm, bottom box of the same indoor installation height difference should not be greater than 5 mm, side installation sockets of the same model of height difference is not more than 1 mm. Junction box fixed, lamp box nails nail directly on the template, conduit Circular box and pipe blocking strong cement mortar so as not to enter. 77 (86)-plastic junction box filled with foamed polystyrene Board, and a cross-shaped with two sets of wire fixing junction boxes, guarantees that it will not shift; junction box with cable pipe lock connection. (4) Concealed within the PVC line pipe in concrete floor surface should have a certain margin and 18th wire, PVC wire tube and floor surface reinforcement binding firm, lashing PVC wire casing joints before and after 100MM you must set a fixed point, the rest fixed spacing should not exceed 1.5 m. PVC conduit when laying in the shear walls and columns, should be as close to the outer surface cladding4.1.6.2 bracket and hanger installation requirements: used steel supports and hangers should be straight, no significant distortions. After cutting the length deviation 幼儿园教师岗位责任制 幼儿园教师对本班工作全面负责: 1、教师对本班幼儿的安全负责,严格执行安全制度,防止事故的发生。 2、依据教育纲要,结合本班幼儿的年龄特点和个体差异,制定教育工作目标、计划,并组织实施做好总结。 3、对幼儿要坚持正面教育,要耐心、细致、态度和蔼。仪表整洁、大方,以身作则,处处作幼儿表率。严禁体罚和变相体罚幼儿。 4、观察分析幼儿发展情况,认真填写观察 记录 混凝土 养护记录下载土方回填监理旁站记录免费下载集备记录下载集备记录下载集备记录下载 。 5、指导和配合保育员管理好幼儿的生活和做好幼儿卫生保健工作。 6、为幼儿创设良好的物质和精神环境,发挥环境教育作用。 7、积极参加业务学习和教研活动,积极进行教改实验的立项与研究。 8、坚持勤俭办园原则,制作和管理本班玩教具。 9、做好家长联系工作,了解幼儿家庭教育环境,商讨符合幼儿特点的教育 措施 《全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观全国民用建筑工程设计技术措施》规划•建筑•景观软件质量保证措施下载工地伤害及预防措施下载关于贯彻落实的具体措施 。与家长共同配合,完成教育任务。 10、定期向主管园长 汇报 关于vocs治理的情况汇报每日工作汇报下载教师国培汇报文档下载思想汇报Word下载qcc成果汇报ppt免费下载 工作,并接受其检查与指导。 connection: connecting two pieces of PVC pipe you want after removing the cutting burrs, evenly coated with special PVC glue, inserted in a sleeve, inserted after a specified depth, gently twist the casing in order to distribute the adhesive evenly on the connecting surface of the casing. (3) construction of junction box: junction box should be strictly in accordance with the electric construction drawing accurately installed at the specified location, the error shall not exceed 2 cm, bottom box of the same indoor installation height difference should not be greater than 5 mm, side installation sockets of the same model of height difference is not more than 1 mm. Junction box fixed, lamp box nails nail directly on the template, conduit Circular box and pipe blocking strong cement mortar so as not to enter. 77 (86)-plastic junction box filled with foamed polystyrene Board, and a cross-shaped with two sets of wire fixing junction boxes, guarantees that it will not shift; junction box with cable pipe lock connection. (4) Concealed within the PVC line pipe in concrete floor surface should have a certain margin and 18th wire, PVC wire tube and floor surface reinforcement binding firm, lashing PVC wire casing joints before and after 100MM you must set a fixed point, the rest fixed spacing should not exceed 1.5 m. PVC conduit when laying in the shear walls and columns, should be as close to the outer surface cladding4.1.6.2 bracket and hanger installation requirements: used steel supports and hangers should be straight, no significant distortions. After cutting the length deviation 幼儿园保育员岗位责任制 1、重视幼儿安全工作,严格执行安全制度,防止各类事故的发生。 2、负责本班房舍、设备、室内外环境的清洁卫生及消毒工作。 3、在教师指导下管理好幼儿的一日生活。 4、在医务人员及教师指导下,做好幼儿的卫生保健工作。 5、在教师指导下,做好各项教育活动的准备工作及配合教师组织幼儿教育活动。 6、负责保管本班幼儿衣物和本班设备用具。 7、配合教师制作玩教具。 8、注意观察幼儿的活动、饮食、体温、情绪、精神等状况,发现问题及时处理。 9、坚持正面教育,对幼儿耐心、细心,态度和蔼。 10、以身作则,为幼儿作表率,严禁体罚和变相体罚。 connection: connecting two pieces of PVC pipe you want after removing the cutting burrs, evenly coated with special PVC glue, inserted in a sleeve, inserted after a specified depth, gently twist the casing in order to distribute the adhesive evenly on the connecting surface of the casing. (3) construction of junction box: junction box should be strictly in accordance with the electric construction drawing accurately installed at the specified location, the error shall not exceed 2 cm, bottom box of the same indoor installation height difference should not be greater than 5 mm, side installation sockets of the same model of height difference is not more than 1 mm. Junction box fixed, lamp box nails nail directly on the template, conduit Circular box and pipe blocking strong cement mortar so as not to enter. 77 (86)-plastic junction box filled with foamed polystyrene Board, and a cross-shaped with two sets of wire fixing junction boxes, guarantees that it will not shift; junction box with cable pipe lock connection. (4) Concealed within the PVC line pipe in concrete floor surface should have a certain margin and 18th wire, PVC wire tube and floor surface reinforcement binding firm, lashing PVC wire casing joints before and after 100MM you must set a fixed point, the rest fixed spacing should not exceed 1.5 m. PVC conduit when laying in the shear walls and columns, should be as close to the outer surface cladding4.1.6.2 bracket and hanger installation requirements: used steel supports and hangers should be straight, no significant distortions. After cutting the length deviation 幼儿园保健医岗位责任制 1、协助园领导组织实施有关卫生保健方面的法规、规章制度,并监督执行。 2、贯彻“预防为主”的方针,根据季节和流行病的特点,及时采取措施做好疾病的预防工作。 3、负责幼儿疾病的门诊治疗,对发病的幼儿及时治疗护理,对病情较重的及时送医院治疗。 4、组织安排幼儿及职工体格检查,及时进行健康分析,做好评价记录,疾病统计及矫治工作。 5、指导各部门的卫生消毒工作,并建立检查记录,定期公布。 6、指导保教人员对幼儿的生活护理、晨检及全日观察、体育锻炼。 7、向全体工作人员及家长宣传幼儿保健常识、安全常识、指导安全工作。 connection: connecting two pieces of PVC pipe you want after removing the cutting burrs, evenly coated with special PVC glue, inserted in a sleeve, inserted after a specified depth, gently twist the casing in order to distribute the adhesive evenly on the connecting surface of the casing. (3) construction of junction box: junction box should be strictly in accordance with the electric construction drawing accurately installed at the specified location, the error shall not exceed 2 cm, bottom box of the same indoor installation height difference should not be greater than 5 mm, side installation sockets of the same model of height difference is not more than 1 mm. Junction box fixed, lamp box nails nail directly on the template, conduit Circular box and pipe blocking strong cement mortar so as not to enter. 77 (86)-plastic junction box filled with foamed polystyrene Board, and a cross-shaped with two sets of wire fixing junction boxes, guarantees that it will not shift; junction box with cable pipe lock connection. (4) Concealed within the PVC line pipe in concrete floor surface should have a certain margin and 18th wire, PVC wire tube and floor surface reinforcement binding firm, lashing PVC wire casing joints before and after 100MM you must set a fixed point, the rest fixed spacing should not exceed 1.5 m. PVC conduit when laying in the shear walls and columns, should be as close to the outer surface cladding4.1.6.2 bracket and hanger installation requirements: used steel supports and hangers should be straight, no significant distortions. After cutting the length deviation 幼儿园炊事人员岗位责任制 1、严格执行厨房卫生和本园厨房卫生消毒制度,严格执行炊具、餐具清洗消毒工作。 2、钻研烹调技术,根据幼儿年龄特点,制作营养丰富、可口多样饮食,保证幼儿摄取足够的营养和热量。 3、严格执行卫生 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 ,保证饮食质量,在烹调过程中防止污染,严防幼儿食物中毒。 4、严格遵守开饭时间,做好饭菜、汤点等食品的保管工作。 5、协助管理员保管好食物、蔬菜,注意节约、卫生;安全使用餐具、炊具。 6、主动了解家长、教师、幼儿对伙食的意见,不断改进工作,提高伙食质量。 7、坚持勤俭节约的方针,节约使用煤、水、电及各种物品。 connection: connecting two pieces of PVC pipe you want after removing the cutting burrs, evenly coated with special PVC glue, inserted in a sleeve, inserted after a specified depth, gently twist the casing in order to distribute the adhesive evenly on the connecting surface of the casing. (3) construction of junction box: junction box should be strictly in accordance with the electric construction drawing accurately installed at the specified location, the error shall not exceed 2 cm, bottom box of the same indoor installation height difference should not be greater than 5 mm, side installation sockets of the same model of height difference is not more than 1 mm. Junction box fixed, lamp box nails nail directly on the template, conduit Circular box and pipe blocking strong cement mortar so as not to enter. 77 (86)-plastic junction box filled with foamed polystyrene Board, and a cross-shaped with two sets of wire fixing junction boxes, guarantees that it will not shift; junction box with cable pipe lock connection. (4) Concealed within the PVC line pipe in concrete floor surface should have a certain margin and 18th wire, PVC wire tube and floor surface reinforcement binding firm, lashing PVC wire casing joints before and after 100MM you must set a fixed point, the rest fixed spacing should not exceed 1.5 m. PVC conduit when laying in the shear walls and columns, should be as close to the outer surface cladding4.1.6.2 bracket and hanger installation requirements: used steel supports and hangers should be straight, no significant distortions. After cutting the length deviation 瓦疃幼儿园岗位责任制度 瓦疃幼儿园 2012.2 connection: connecting two pieces of PVC pipe you want after removing the cutting burrs, evenly coated with special PVC glue, inserted in a sleeve, inserted after a specified depth, gently twist the casing in order to distribute the adhesive evenly on the connecting surface of the casing. (3) construction of junction box: junction box should be strictly in accordance with the electric construction drawing accurately installed at the specified location, the error shall not exceed 2 cm, bottom box of the same indoor installation height difference should not be greater than 5 mm, side installation sockets of the same model of height difference is not more than 1 mm. Junction box fixed, lamp box nails nail directly on the template, conduit Circular box and pipe blocking strong cement mortar so as not to enter. 77 (86)-plastic junction box filled with foamed polystyrene Board, and a cross-shaped with two sets of wire fixing junction boxes, guarantees that it will not shift; junction box with cable pipe lock connection. (4) Concealed within the PVC line pipe in concrete floor surface should have a certain margin and 18th wire, PVC wire tube and floor surface reinforcement binding firm, lashing PVC wire casing joints before and after 100MM you must set a fixed point, the rest fixed spacing should not exceed 1.5 m. PVC conduit when laying in the shear walls and columns, should be as close to the outer surface cladding4.1.6.2 bracket and hanger installation requirements: used steel supports and hangers should be straight, no significant distortions. After cutting the length deviation connection: connecting two pieces of PVC pipe you want after removing the cutting burrs, evenly coated with special PVC glue, inserted in a sleeve, inserted after a specified depth, gently twist the casing in order to distribute the adhesive evenly on the connecting surface of the casing. (3) construction of junction box: junction box should be strictly in accordance with the electric construction drawing accurately installed at the specified location, the error shall not exceed 2 cm, bottom box of the same indoor installation height difference should not be greater than 5 mm, side installation sockets of the same model of height difference is not more than 1 mm. Junction box fixed, lamp box nails nail directly on the template, conduit Circular box and pipe blocking strong cement mortar so as not to enter. 77 (86)-plastic junction box filled with foamed polystyrene Board, and a cross-shaped with two sets of wire fixing junction boxes, guarantees that it will not shift; junction box with cable pipe lock connection. (4) Concealed within the PVC line pipe in concrete floor surface should have a certain margin and 18th wire, PVC wire tube and floor surface reinforcement binding firm, lashing PVC wire casing joints before and after 100MM you must set a fixed point, the rest fixed spacing should not exceed 1.5 m. PVC conduit when laying in the shear walls and columns, should be as close to the outer surface cladding4.1.6.2 bracket and hanger installation requirements: used steel supports and hangers should be straight, no significant distortions. After cutting the length deviation
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