首页 《文明与我同行》主题班会活动方案



《文明与我同行》主题班会活动方案《文明与我同行》主题班会活动方案 六,1,中队 活动时间:2009年9月6日 活动主题:使学生知道讲文明是中华民族的传统美德,教育学生讲文明,爱文明,养成良好的文明习惯,营造良好的学习环境。提高学生文明素养,为迎接建国60周年作准备。 活动目的:通过本次主题班会活动,培养学生良好的道德品质,从演出时的文明礼仪要求入手,让学生体验分析,从校园文明、社会文明、家庭文明方面着手,提高自身的文明修养,做一名讲文明、懂礼仪的学生。 活动准备: 1(学生查阅资料,学习文明问候用语。 2(搜集有关文明的诗歌、小品、...

《文明与我同行》主题班会活动 方案 气瓶 现场处置方案 .pdf气瓶 现场处置方案 .doc见习基地管理方案.doc关于群访事件的化解方案建筑工地扬尘治理专项方案下载 六,1,中队 活动时间:2009年9月6日 活动主题:使学生知道讲文明是中华民族的传统美德,教育学生讲文明,爱文明,养成良好的文明习惯,营造良好的学习环境。提高学生文明素养,为迎接建国60周年作准备。 活动目的:通过本次主题班会活动,培养学生良好的道德品质,从演出时的文明礼仪要求入手,让学生体验分析,从校园文明、社会文明、家庭文明方面着手,提高自身的文明修养,做一名讲文明、懂礼仪的学生。 活动准备: 1(学生查阅资料,学习文明问候用语。 2(搜集有关文明的诗歌、小品、文明歌曲等。 3(搜集有关社会文明的FLASH动画。 4(请老师讲有关文明方面的笑话。 活动过程: 主持人宣布主题班会开始: 1(从老师的笑话中体会课堂上的文明,学生自己发表看法。 (全班朗诵《班级公约》,由班长领读。 2 3(诗歌朗诵《让文明与我同行》。 4(考考你的小游戏。 5(男女小合唱《文明我们爱你》。 6(换位思维,今天我当老师来说说你希望你的学生是怎样做到文明的。 7(看有关社会文明的FLASH动画,从中体会社会文明。 8(玩吹气球的游戏。 9(观看动画《关爱母亲》,体会家庭文明。 10(小品《今晚老师睡寝室》,体会师生之间同学之间的情谊。 11(全班宣誓《六(1)班共勉 誓词 入党誓词语音军令状宣誓词销售誓师大会宣誓词企业誓师大会宣誓词公司誓师大会宣誓词 》。 12(班主任讲话。 13.主持人宣布主题班会结束。 adership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, 2, to further improve research, solve thoroughly, not solid, the effect is not obvious. The major issues and enterprises it is a matter of security bureau year development, the vital interests of the problem, determine the research topic, by members of the Party led research. Basic research to see the truth, to the truth, do not say hello, not pre arranged. After the investigation to submit the research report. 3, insist on grassroots party members take the lead in implementing the line. <. In the construction of work style building long-term mechanism views > and < on the depth of the grassroots, the people, promoting harmony activities notice >, more mines and enterprises, solve the masses of grassroots leaders, mine is not enough. 4, contact a crowd. Combined with the "grassroots cadres contact farmers" activities and each cadres to contact a people, by 《与文明携手,与道德同行》主题班会设计方案 六,2,中队 活动时间:2009年9月6日 活动准备: 要求学生学习《公民道德建设纲要》,《中学生日常行为 规范 编程规范下载gsp规范下载钢格栅规范下载警徽规范下载建设厅规范下载 》等。收集一些日常生活中不讲文明、缺乏公德的事例和好人好事,并在班会课上讨论。 活动过程: 一、创设情景,引入主题: (展示行人顺手丢掉瓜皮果屑,另一路人被滑倒的图片,有条件可以采用多媒体手段来播放相应的公益广告录像片段或者图片) 主持人:图片中的事是我们大家司空见惯的,已经熟视无睹了,甚至可以说是麻木了的,但这件事又不得不引起我们对文明、对道德的深思。 二、文明,就差这一点 主持人:仔细想想,在我们的日常生活中还存在着与上面的图中展示内容类似的许多与文明不合拍的现象,下面我们再看一些图。 (继续展示几幅发人深思的漫画图片,指出社会上一些缺乏公共道德,不讲文明的事例。) 学生活动:参与讨论,联系实际列举我们生活中一些不文明现象。 (展示一个还在姗姗学步的小孩子挣脱妈妈的手,去拾起地上的果皮投进垃圾桶,回过头来满脸笑容的图片,或者播放相应的多媒体片段) 主持人:通过大家的列举和观看图片,其实大家已经知道:文明,就差这一点~ 三、我们怎么办, 主持人:文明始终是我们社会发展的主流。相信大家在平时也见过不少体现了我们良好道德素质的事情,下面就请同学们积极发言,谈谈你见过的好人好事,也可以提出你对道德方面某些事情的看法,或者谈谈你有何感受,或者说说我们该怎么办。 学生活动:参与讨论,踊跃发言。 主持人:我们已经听过了许多同学的精彩发言,下面我们请老师来谈谈~ 班主任发言:一个国家一个民族的真正强大,除了要有先进的物质文明,还要她的国民有良好的思想道德素质。我们中学生就是祖国的未来,我们都希望为国家的富强贡献力量,可是仅有专业知识是远远不够的,我们还要具备良好的社会公德。只有这样,我们才是文明的现代人,我们的社会才是个文明的现代社会。同学们,让我们从现在做起,从身边做起,严于律己,做文明学生。 四、讲文明知识问答: (主持人出题,用卡片或者多媒体手段展示题目,有问答题、有给图片或者录像片段找其中不文明现象并指出应该如何做的题目) 学生活动:分组抢答,评出优胜组。 五、班主任寄语: 同学们,大家都列举了一些日常生活中的缺乏公德、不讲文明的例子,也讲了一些值得我们学习的好人好事,还学习了公民道德建设知识。说明大家都细心观察了生活,注意到了社会中的不文明现象和应该怎么做文明公民。其实,在平adership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, 2, to further improve research, solve thoroughly, not solid, the effect is not obvious. The major issues and enterprises it is a matter of security bureau year development, the vital interests of the problem, determine the research topic, by members of the Party led research. Basic research to see the truth, to the truth, do not say hello, not pre arranged. After the investigation to submit the research report. 3, insist on grassroots party members take the lead in implementing the line. <. In the construction of work style building long-term mechanism views > and < on the depth of the grassroots, the people, promoting harmony activities notice >, more mines and enterprises, solve the masses of grassroots leaders, mine is not enough. 4, contact a crowd. Combined with the "grassroots cadres contact farmers" activities and each cadres to contact a people, by 常学习生活中的,自习课纪律良好,每位同学都在认真学习;教室、校园卫生整洁,有一个安静的舒适的学习和活动环境;师生关系、同学关系和谐等等;这些我们日常生活中点点滴滴的小事中就已经体现了道德、文明建设的真谛,那就是从行为习惯养成入手。 俗语有云,一滴水可以反映太阳的光辉。同样的,我们随便的一句话、一个动作乃至一个眼神,都展现着一个班、一个学校的学生的总体素质,展现着一个城市市民的总体素质,展现着一个地方公民的道德水平。因此遵守社会公德,从身边小事做起,养成良好的行为习惯,才能成为文明礼貌、助人为乐的好学生、好公民。 主持人:相信同学们已经立志要做一个有道德、讲文明的好公民、好学生,那么,让我们拿出勇气,庄重地许下诺言~做一个文明礼貌、助人为乐、爱护公物、保护环境、遵纪守法的好学生、好公民~ adership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, 2, to further improve research, solve thoroughly, not solid, the effect is not obvious. The major issues and enterprises it is a matter of security bureau year development, the vital interests of the problem, determine the research topic, by members of the Party led research. Basic research to see the truth, to the truth, do not say hello, not pre arranged. After the investigation to submit the research report. 3, insist on grassroots party members take the lead in implementing the line. <. In the construction of work style building long-term mechanism views > and < on the depth of the grassroots, the people, promoting harmony activities notice >, more mines and enterprises, solve the masses of grassroots leaders, mine is not enough. 4, contact a crowd. Combined with the "grassroots cadres contact farmers" activities and each cadres to contact a people, by 《文明与我同行》主题班会活动方案 五,2,中队 活动时间:2009年9月6日 活动目的: 围绕国庆,落实常规,突出引导学生学会用“您好”、“老师好”、“谢谢”等常规用语,进一步规范学生的语言和行为,建设和谐的班级、校园和社会。 活动准备: 1.请各宿舍准备一位代表发言,用欣赏的眼光去观察周围的每一位的同学,发现周围舍友身上的优点,文明的行为和习惯,在班会课上介绍给全班同学。 2.到教室、宿舍和食堂用数码相机拍摄学生的文明行为和不文明的行为,作为做 课件 超市陈列培训课件免费下载搭石ppt课件免费下载公安保密教育课件下载病媒生物防治课件 可下载高中数学必修四课件打包下载 的素材,给学生更多的视觉冲击。 3.制作课件。 4.学生准备诗歌朗诵。 5.班会课前让宣传组同学布置好黑板。 活动过程: 一、感受校园的美丽,表扬好人好事,净化学生心灵 1.主持人发言:金秋九月,我们来到了美丽的省锡中,我们的校园是这样的 美丽。看课件上学校风景照片。 2.不仅我们的校园美丽,我们的同学更美丽。 宿舍代表发言,表扬好人好事。 3.面对这美丽的校园,我们不禁要激动地歌颂我们美丽的学校。 四人诗朗诵——《校园四季》 二、在这美丽的校园里也会经常看到这样不和谐的画面 看课件上的照片 主持人发言:面对这样的现象,我们不禁要高声呼吁:请珍视自己的行为,adership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, 2, to further improve research, solve thoroughly, not solid, the effect is not obvious. The major issues and enterprises it is a matter of security bureau year development, the vital interests of the problem, determine the research topic, by members of the Party led research. Basic research to see the truth, to the truth, do not say hello, not pre arranged. After the investigation to submit the research report. 3, insist on grassroots party members take the lead in implementing the line. <. In the construction of work style building long-term mechanism views > and < on the depth of the grassroots, the people, promoting harmony activities notice >, more mines and enterprises, solve the masses of grassroots leaders, mine is not enough. 4, contact a crowd. Combined with the "grassroots cadres contact farmers" activities and each cadres to contact a people, by 请珍爱自己的荣誉,莫让圣洁的校园,沾染世俗的尘埃,莫让校园的文明, 因你而暗淡 三、国人文明的缺失(看课件) 四、水到渠成,讨论我们应该有怎样的文明行为和习惯 1、学生讨论。 2、主持人发言: 3、学生诗朗诵——《文明离我们有多远》 五、总结归纳,我们应该养成哪些文明习惯(看课件) 主持人结束语:中国是一个有着五千年历史的文明古国,中华民族素来是一个温文尔雅,落落大方,见义勇为,谦恭礼让的文明礼仪之邦。一个人的举手投足、音容笑貌,无不体现一个人的气质与素养。荀子云:“不学礼无以立,人无礼则不生,事无礼则不成,国无礼则不宁。” 文明礼仪是我们学习、生活的根基,是我们健康成长的臂膀。 让文明的气息洋溢在学校的每个角落 六、班主任小结。 adership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, 2, to further improve research, solve thoroughly, not solid, the effect is not obvious. The major issues and enterprises it is a matter of security bureau year development, the vital interests of the problem, determine the research topic, by members of the Party led research. Basic research to see the truth, to the truth, do not say hello, not pre arranged. After the investigation to submit the research report. 3, insist on grassroots party members take the lead in implementing the line. <. In the construction of work style building long-term mechanism views > and < on the depth of the grassroots, the people, promoting harmony activities notice >, more mines and enterprises, solve the masses of grassroots leaders, mine is not enough. 4, contact a crowd. Combined with the "grassroots cadres contact farmers" activities and each cadres to contact a people, by 《文明与我同行》主题班会活动方案 五,1,中队 一( 活动主题: 使学生知道讲文明是中华民族的传统美德,教育学生讲文明,爱文明,养成良好的文明习惯,提高学生文明素养,营造良好的学习环境。 二( 活动目的: 通过本次主题班会活动,培养学生良好的道德品质,从演出时的文明礼仪要求入手,让学生体验分析,从校园文明、社会文明、家庭文明方面着手,提高自身的文明修养,做一名讲文明、懂礼仪的学生。 三( 活动准备: 1( 学生查阅资料,学习文明问候用语。 2( 搜集有关文明的诗歌、小品、文明歌曲等。 3( 搜集有关社会文明的FLASH动画。 4( 请老师讲有关文明方面的笑话。 四( 活动过程: 主持人宣布主题班会开始: 1( 从老师的笑话中体会课堂上的文明,学生自己发表看法。 2( 全班朗诵《班级公约》,由班长领读。 3( 诗歌朗诵《让文明与我同行》。 4( 考考你的小游戏。 5( 男女小合唱《文明我们爱你》。 6( 换位思维,今天我当老师来说说你希望你的学生是怎样做到文明的。 7( 看有关社会文明的FLASH动画,从中体会社会文明。 8( 玩吹气球的游戏。 9( 观看动画《关爱母亲》,体会家庭文明。 10( 小品《今晚老师睡寝室》,体会师生之间同学之间的情谊。 11( 全班宣誓《五(2)班共勉誓词》。 12( 班主任讲话。 主持人宣布主题班会结束。 adership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, 2, to further improve research, solve thoroughly, not solid, the effect is not obvious. The major issues and enterprises it is a matter of security bureau year development, the vital interests of the problem, determine the research topic, by members of the Party led research. Basic research to see the truth, to the truth, do not say hello, not pre arranged. After the investigation to submit the research report. 3, insist on grassroots party members take the lead in implementing the line. <. In the construction of work style building long-term mechanism views > and < on the depth of the grassroots, the people, promoting harmony activities notice >, more mines and enterprises, solve the masses of grassroots leaders, mine is not enough. 4, contact a crowd. Combined with the "grassroots cadres contact farmers" activities and each cadres to contact a people, by 《美丽与文明同行》班会方案 四(1)中队 班会目标: 构建和谐校园,引导广大学生爱家乡,寻找“美丽的家乡风光”、“美丽的家乡文化”、“美丽的家乡精神”和“美丽的家乡人物”, 捕捉家乡每个角落的行为美,从我做起、从现在做起,自觉遵守社会公德,维护公共秩序,讲究公共卫生,为建设“富裕、文明、秀美、和谐”的新楚州而努力。 班会过程: 一、我爱楚州 在美丽的淮河之滨,有一座、交通便利、秀甲江南的城市,那便是生我们、养我们,素有“百里黄金地,江南聚宝盆”之称的——楚州。 这里是历史文化名城,是一代伟人周恩来的故乡。我们为我们是楚州人而感到骄傲,我们为我们是楚州人而感到自豪~ 二、我知晓、我参与、我奉献 目前,为了改变城市面貌,改善人居环境和投资环境,提升城市品位,提高人民生活水平,楚州全体市民正在大搞爱国卫生活动,以创建“全国卫生城市”、“全国文明城市”、“ 中国绿化城市”和“国家环保模范城市”。 城市的清洁卫生离不开全体市民的辛勤劳动,为了楚州的天更蓝,水更清,草更绿,我们身为楚州的一份子,也要为我们楚州市创建国家卫生城市出一份力~ 下面,我宣布四(2)班《美丽与文明同行》主题班会现在开始~ 校园的清洁卫生和我们息息相关。在校园里乱扔果皮纸屑、随地吐痰,不仅影响到校园的美观,也关系到我们的健康。维护校园的优美环境是我们应尽的义务和 责任 安全质量包保责任状安全管理目标责任状8安全事故责任追究制幼儿园安全责任状占有损害赔偿请求权 。 那么同学们在行动上做得怎么样呢,请欣赏小品《放学后》 第一场:值日生刚打扫完校道,把垃圾拿去倒。学生A吃完香蕉,随手就把香蕉皮扔在地上。学生B正唱着轻快的歌儿经过,不小心踩到香蕉皮,摔了个四脚朝天。学生B爬起来之后,拍拍屁股,骂了一句“他妈的,真倒霉”,就离开了。 第二场:学生C背着书包准备回家,当他经过这个地方时,差点也踩到香adership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, 2, to further improve research, solve thoroughly, not solid, the effect is not obvious. The major issues and enterprises it is a matter of security bureau year development, the vital interests of the problem, determine the research topic, by members of the Party led research. Basic research to see the truth, to the truth, do not say hello, not pre arranged. After the investigation to submit the research report. 3, insist on grassroots party members take the lead in implementing the line. <. In the construction of work style building long-term mechanism views > and < on the depth of the grassroots, the people, promoting harmony activities notice >, more mines and enterprises, solve the masses of grassroots leaders, mine is not enough. 4, contact a crowd. Combined with the "grassroots cadres contact farmers" activities and each cadres to contact a people, by 蕉皮,但他并没有立即离开,而是弯下腰把香蕉皮捡起来,经过垃圾桶的时候,把它扔了进去,然后高高兴兴地回家去。 看完这个小品,大家有什么感想呢, 是啊,保持校园卫生与整洁,人人有责。我们来看看下面这些同学是怎么做的,(下课铃一响,一同学“天女散花”,同学们三三两两到操场上玩耍,有的同学若无其事,好象没看见,有的同学捡了自己班的,对其他班的纸不管,有的将自己班的纸踢到了相邻班的清洁区。) 此时,你打算怎样劝阻这些同学呢, 刚才的小品只是反映了几个同学偶尔的行为,那么我们更多的同学在平时是怎样保护环境的呢,课前大家做了一份调查问卷,我们有请班长李正茂同学来给我们做调查结果汇报。 我们的校园是美丽而整洁的,她给我们带来了温馨和舒适,犹如家的感觉, 然而我们也不时地地看到,在教室里、楼道上、操场上,仍有我们随意乱扔的易拉罐、塑料袋、纸等杂物。 从刚才的调查结果来看,同学们的环保意识是很强的,但行动力远远不够。下面请各小队献计献策,用什么办法可以使我们的队员从行动上来保护校园的环境卫生呢, 宣传小队:我们宣传小队爱动脑,创作了一些公益广告词,准备插到校园的各个角落,时刻提醒大家。下面就请欣赏我们的“广而告之”。 生1:青青的草,怕你的脚~脚步轻轻,草儿青青。 生2:我怕疼,请你不要踩我~ 生3:当你望着那绿油油的草和五颜六色的花时,你会发觉:眼中有绿色,心中才快乐~ 生4:你是否知道,你举手之劳就会为环保献上自己的一份力量,只要你弯弯腰,动动手,我们的校园就会少一份白色的无奈,多一份绿色的希望。 生5:只要你用双手种下一棵小树,撑起一片绿荫,校园将变得更加亮丽~ 生6:拾起一片垃圾,留下一方洁净。 绿化小队:我们是绿化小分队,创建美丽的、舒适的校园环境是我们的目标。请听诗歌朗诵:《春天里,我们去植树》 adership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, 2, to further improve research, solve thoroughly, not solid, the effect is not obvious. The major issues and enterprises it is a matter of security bureau year development, the vital interests of the problem, determine the research topic, by members of the Party led research. Basic research to see the truth, to the truth, do not say hello, not pre arranged. After the investigation to submit the research report. 3, insist on grassroots party members take the lead in implementing the line. <. In the construction of work style building long-term mechanism views > and < on the depth of the grassroots, the people, promoting harmony activities notice >, more mines and enterprises, solve the masses of grassroots leaders, mine is not enough. 4, contact a crowd. Combined with the "grassroots cadres contact farmers" activities and each cadres to contact a people, by 巡视小队:我们巡视小队要把对校园的爱心,化为一点一滴细小的环保行为, 让绿色走进每个人心中。 生:我们每天利用课余时间,自觉去维护校园的整洁和卫生。 生:我们监督班里、班外、包干区平时的卫生情况,发现问题,及时清理。 生:我们会提醒大家把垃圾扔进垃圾筒。 生:我们发现卫生死角,及时报告,处理 生:我们要从我做起,做到“两见两主动”, 一、见到地上有杂物主动拾起,二、见到有人乱扔杂物主动制止。(用快板 形式表演) 公共场所请注意,讲究卫生要牢记。 若将弃物扔在地,又脏又乱真可气。 乱吐痰液甩鼻涕,落地成灰入口鼻。 病菌侵入人身体,生病住院碍学习。 弃物丢进果皮箱,空气清爽环境美。 吐痰入桶多文明,真是利人又利己。 文明小队:我们文明小队的队员和绿化队员们同心协力,共创美好校园。请 欣赏《校园文明新童谣》 一点儿 每天早晨起早点儿,黄帽领巾戴齐点儿。 见到老师礼貌点儿,打扫卫生积极点儿。 楼道走路安静点儿,上课听讲专心点儿。 发言声音洪亮点儿,作业写得工整点儿。 帮助同学热心点儿,同学之间友善点儿。 接受批评虚心点儿,改正错误及时点儿。 益智游戏多玩点儿,课外好书多读点儿。 爱护花草细心点儿,文明歌谣记牢点儿。 拍手歌 你拍一,我拍一,常洗澡来常换衣; 你拍二,我拍二,问好敬礼要有样儿; adership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, 2, to further improve research, solve thoroughly, not solid, the effect is not obvious. The major issues and enterprises it is a matter of security bureau year development, the vital interests of the problem, determine the research topic, by members of the Party led research. Basic research to see the truth, to the truth, do not say hello, not pre arranged. After the investigation to submit the research report. 3, insist on grassroots party members take the lead in implementing the line. <. In the construction of work style building long-term mechanism views > and < on the depth of the grassroots, the people, promoting harmony activities notice >, more mines and enterprises, solve the masses of grassroots leaders, mine is not enough. 4, contact a crowd. Combined with the "grassroots cadres contact farmers" activities and each cadres to contact a people, by 你拍三,我拍三,别人东西不心贪儿; 你拍四,我拍四,说话从不带脏字; 你拍五,我拍五,友爱诚信好相处; 你拍六,我拍六,废纸杂物不乱丢; 你拍七,我拍七,护好教室课桌椅; 你拍八,你拍八,勤做好事人人夸; 你拍九,我拍九,饭前便后要洗手; 你拍十,我拍十,文明礼貌要坚持~ 快 板 一说节约用水好,淡水资源缺又少,放水时候水开小,用后龙头关关好,洗菜洗衣水别倒,再次利用别忘了,滴滴清水都是宝。 二说节约用电好,生活处处离不了,洗衣机、电视机、电冰箱、吸尘器,随手开关别忘了,空调温度控制好,随手关灯要做到。 三说爱护环境好,垃圾不要随手倒,干湿垃圾要分类,有害垃圾处理好,废电池、油漆桶,污染土地不得了。 再说小小一口痰,病毒细菌千千万,传播疾病太可恨,不要随地来吐痰。地球人人都知道,环境保护很重要,争做环保小卫士,地球一定换新貌。 adership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, 2, to further improve research, solve thoroughly, not solid, the effect is not obvious. The major issues and enterprises it is a matter of security bureau year development, the vital interests of the problem, determine the research topic, by members of the Party led research. Basic research to see the truth, to the truth, do not say hello, not pre arranged. After the investigation to submit the research report. 3, insist on grassroots party members take the lead in implementing the line. <. In the construction of work style building long-term mechanism views > and < on the depth of the grassroots, the people, promoting harmony activities notice >, more mines and enterprises, solve the masses of grassroots leaders, mine is not enough. 4, contact a crowd. Combined with the "grassroots cadres contact farmers" activities and each cadres to contact a people, by 《文明之花处处开》主题队会方案 三(2)班 活动目的: 通过本次队会活动,培养学生从现在做起,从自我做起,从—点一滴做起,努力提高自己的文明修养,做一个新时期讲文明的孩子。 活动准备: 1(布置中队长组织各小队队员排练有关讲文明、讲礼貌方面的节目。2(“文明少年”达标章若干个,光荣花若干朵。活动形式队会形式活动内容相声、歌舞、小品、快板等 活动过程 一、中队长以队会仪式组织开展活动。 二、由主持人组织活动过程。 三、男女主持人上场组织活动。 男女主持人(合):老师们,同学们,大家好~XX班“文明之花开心中”主题队会现在开始。女主持人:朝霞托着红日,徐徐从东方升起。 男主持人:一个光辉灿烂的日照洒满大地。 男女主持人合:我们高举队旗,唱着队歌,从小讲文明,讲礼貌。让我们齐唱《我们从小讲文明》。(男主持人指挥全体队员唱歌) 节目1女主持人:春风吹,阳光照,红领巾,胸前飘,语言美,会说话,行为美,等长辈。请欣赏相声《说话》(甲、乙两个队员分别从两边上,互相打招呼) 甲、乙:嗨,好久不见,您好~ 甲:哎~你说我会说话吗 乙:你怎么不会说话 甲:我„„我不是哑巴吧 乙:谁说你是哑巴啦 甲:可有人说我呀~ 乙:谁呀~ 甲:咱们邻居赵爷爷。 adership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, 2, to further improve research, solve thoroughly, not solid, the effect is not obvious. The major issues and enterprises it is a matter of security bureau year development, the vital interests of the problem, determine the research topic, by members of the Party led research. Basic research to see the truth, to the truth, do not say hello, not pre arranged. After the investigation to submit the research report. 3, insist on grassroots party members take the lead in implementing the line. <. In the construction of work style building long-term mechanism views > and < on the depth of the grassroots, the people, promoting harmony activities notice >, more mines and enterprises, solve the masses of grassroots leaders, mine is not enough. 4, contact a crowd. Combined with the "grassroots cadres contact farmers" activities and each cadres to contact a people, by 乙:他怎么说的呀 甲:挺机灵的孩子不会说话。 乙:你怎么不会说话,去问问赵爷爷呀。 甲:哎~你聋了,我说的一不是古文,二不是英文,都是话哩~噢,我明白了,你是老外吧,外国赵老头儿~ 乙:你是不会说话。 甲:怎么不会说话 乙:你说的话都是横着出来的。 甲:横着出来的我的嗓眼就这么细溜,横着出来有那么大的地方吗不信,你看~ 乙:行啦,行啦~人家赵爷爷是个比喻。 甲:比喻 乙:对~人家赵爷爷说你不会用文明礼貌用语。 甲:那我应该怎么说呀 乙:对长辈要称您,要叫赵爷爷。 甲:赵爷爷,您好~您吃饭了吗有事就叫我一声,别客气啦~ 乙:哼~是个有礼貌的孩子。 甲:赵爷爷您别生气,这孩子呀,的确不会说话哩~ 乙:你说谁呢节目2男主持人:《说话》这个相声告诉我们,跟别人说话时可真得讲究点。请看小品《礼貌小学生》。(人物:小记者,甲乙丙丁学生) 小记者问甲:请问,你到书店买书时,怎么对营业员阿姨说话 甲:阿姨,我想买书架上那套《小学生十万个为什么》,请您拿给我看看,好吗 小记者:好的。你真有礼貌。 甲:谢谢~ 小记者问乙:请问,当你在十字路口迷路时,你怎么问民警叔叔 (乙的表演略) 小记者:哗~有礼貌,顶呱呱~ 小记者问丙:请问,当你想向同学借笔用时,你怎么说 adership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, 2, to further improve research, solve thoroughly, not solid, the effect is not obvious. The major issues and enterprises it is a matter of security bureau year development, the vital interests of the problem, determine the research topic, by members of the Party led research. Basic research to see the truth, to the truth, do not say hello, not pre arranged. After the investigation to submit the research report. 3, insist on grassroots party members take the lead in implementing the line. <. In the construction of work style building long-term mechanism views > and < on the depth of the grassroots, the people, promoting harmony activities notice >, more mines and enterprises, solve the masses of grassroots leaders, mine is not enough. 4, contact a crowd. Combined with the "grassroots cadres contact farmers" activities and each cadres to contact a people, by (丙的表演略) 小记者:真会说话,同学一定会借给你。 小记者问丁:请问,如果有一位叔叔找你的爸爸,正好爸爸不在家,你怎么接持客人呢 (丙的表演略) 小记者:OK~你真是一个讲文明,有礼貌的好孩子。节目3女主持人:小雏鹰飞得高,红领巾胸前飘,讲文明,讲礼貌。请欣赏歌舞《歌声与微笑》。 (一小队的表演略)(男女主持人上场) 女主持人:优美的歌声引来三月百花开,少先队员采花来。 男主持人:要问采花干什么戴给争章达标的文明少年笑哈哈。 男女主持人合:请欢迎荣获争章达标的文明少年上场。(点名上场)请给文明少年授章、戴花。1(礼貌章(两人);2(礼仪章(两人);3(文明章(两人);4(自理章(两人)。让我们以热烈的掌声向他们祝贺。节目4女主持人:请我们的小歌星XX为他们献上一首歌《蜗牛与黄鹂鸟》。 (独唱表演略)男主持人:小歌星甜美的歌声,唱出了我们的热情,唱出了我们的心声。请大家说,文明礼貌用语指哪几个字 (男女主持人把“您好”“请”“对不起”“谢谢”“再见”十个字展示在场上。)节目5女主持人:请欣赏快板表演《假如》。(二小队的四名队员分别上场,扮演小顾客、小乘客、小游客、小观众) 小顾客:假如我是小顾客,买东西,按先后;说话时,先说情。要尊重售货员,不给别人添麻烦,添麻烦。 小乘客:假如我是小乘客,上汽车,不拥挤;在车上,不抢座;车到站,他先下,和和气气不争吵,不争吵。 小观众:假如我是小观众,看电影,看杂技,讲文明,守秩序,讲卫生,不吐痰,保持安静不起哄,不起哄。 小游客:假如我是小游客,上公园,看美景,爱花木,护文物,见外宾,不围观,文明游客我做到,我做到。 节目6女主持人:我们生长在充满阳光和鲜花的祖国的怀抱里,多么美好,多么幸福,让我们共同托起明天的太阳。请看魔术。(四小队的表演略) adership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, 2, to further improve research, solve thoroughly, not solid, the effect is not obvious. The major issues and enterprises it is a matter of security bureau year development, the vital interests of the problem, determine the research topic, by members of the Party led research. Basic research to see the truth, to the truth, do not say hello, not pre arranged. After the investigation to submit the research report. 3, insist on grassroots party members take the lead in implementing the line. <. In the construction of work style building long-term mechanism views > and < on the depth of the grassroots, the people, promoting harmony activities notice >, more mines and enterprises, solve the masses of grassroots leaders, mine is not enough. 4, contact a crowd. Combined with the "grassroots cadres contact farmers" activities and each cadres to contact a people, by (男女主持人上场) 男主持人:我们是祖国的小雏鹰, 女主持人:文明之花在心中开放, 男主持人:我们是21世纪的主人,女主持人:我们要做21世纪文明人。男主持人合:让我们插上文明的翅膀,飞向蓝天,飞向美好的未来。 四、辅导员讲话。呼号。退旗。 五、中队长宣布“文明之花开心中”主题队会结束。 adership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, 2, to further improve research, solve thoroughly, not solid, the effect is not obvious. The major issues and enterprises it is a matter of security bureau year development, the vital interests of the problem, determine the research topic, by members of the Party led research. Basic research to see the truth, to the truth, do not say hello, not pre arranged. After the investigation to submit the research report. 3, insist on grassroots party members take the lead in implementing the line. <. In the construction of work style building long-term mechanism views > and < on the depth of the grassroots, the people, promoting harmony activities notice >, more mines and enterprises, solve the masses of grassroots leaders, mine is not enough. 4, contact a crowd. Combined with the "grassroots cadres contact farmers" activities and each cadres to contact a people, by adership: Luo Mingjun, rectification time: before September 25th, insist for a long time) 1, 2, to further improve research, solve thoroughly, not solid, the effect is not obvious. The major issues and enterprises it is a matter of security bureau year development, the vital interests of the problem, determine the research topic, by members of the Party led research. Basic research to see the truth, to the truth, do not say hello, not pre arranged. After the investigation to submit the research report. 3, insist on grassroots party members take the lead in implementing the line. <. In the construction of work style building long-term mechanism views > and < on the depth of the grassroots, the people, promoting harmony activities notice >, more mines and enterprises, solve the masses of grassroots leaders, mine is not enough. 4, contact a crowd. Combined with the "grassroots cadres contact farmers" activities and each cadres to contact a people, by
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