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民办学校年鉴报告书民办学校年鉴报告书 濉溪县民办学校年度检查报告书 (二〇〇 年度) 学 校 名 称 : (盖章) 办学许可证号: 号 学 校 负 责 人: 学 校 地 址 : 报 告 日 期 : 年 月 日 濉 溪 县教 育 局 to develop the details of the project quality assurance systems and quality assurance goals and supervise the quality inspection departments. Quali...

民办学校年鉴报告书 濉溪县民办学校年度检查报告书 (二〇〇 年度) 学 校 名 称 : (盖章) 办学许可证号: 号 学 校 负 责 人: 学 校 地 址 : 报 告 日 期 : 年 月 日 濉 溪 县教 育 局 to develop the details of the project quality assurance systems and quality assurance goals and supervise the quality inspection departments. Quality Department is supervising quality assurance Department, directly responsible to the Chief Engineer, by controlling the raw materials, sample testing and construction process and quality control purposes. Quality Department the right to endanger the quality of construction and operation to be rejected or stopped. Substandard raw materials and not conducive to construction quality of technology ... 14.2.3 quality supervision and inspection system in order to ensure quality, the project shall be to establish a series of systems: quality assurance program; Construction technical supervision systems; Construction site management system; Construction triage and technical implementation of the programme; Quality of project reports; Site acceptance of materials, sample testing; Concrete test and mixture ratio determination; Other inspection system of supervision engineer is required. 14.2.4 quality management measures 1, job training to enhance staff quality consciousness, enhance quality, ensure quality assurance goals. 2, according to the scientific, standardized, procedures, standardized operation, implementation of personnel, posts, site inspection and acceptance procedures. 3, technicians and construction team leader before the familiar with the drawings, quality standards and quality requirements specified in the contract, while explicitly project developed by the Ministry of construction and the quality objectives. 4, technical Department Chief Engineer leading the project construction organization plan, submitted to the audit supervision engineer. 5, quality manageme 一、基本情况 学校名称 民办或 办学类型 公有民办 主管部门 学校举办者 法定代 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 人 学校负责人 办学地址 邮 编 联系电话 传 真 电子信箱 单位网址 开户银行 开户帐号 自有 亩 自有 平方米 教学用房 校园占地面积 建筑面积 租赁 亩 租赁 平方米 外聘 教职工总数 人 人 兼职教师 电 话 电 话 内设部门 电 话 电 话 电 话 办学类型:指幼儿园、小学、初中、高中、职业学校 n team leader before the familiar with the drawings, quality standards and quality requirements specified in the contract, whized operation, implementation of personnel, posts, site inspection and acceptance procedures. 3, technicians and constructiondardconsciousness, enhance quality, ensure quality assurance goals. 2, according to the scientific, standardized, procedures, sta ction system of supervision engineer is required. 14.2.4 quality management measures 1, job training to enhance staff qualityinspe uality of project reports; Site acceptance of materials, sample testing; Concrete test and mixture ratio determination; Otherupervision systems; Construction site management system; Construction triage and technical implementation of the programme; Qical sorder to ensure quality, the project shall be to establish a series of systems: quality assurance program; Construction technaw materials and not conducive to construction quality of technology ... 14.2.3 quality supervision and inspection system in dard rrposes. Quality Department the right to endanger the quality of construction and operation to be rejected or stopped. Substansible to the Chief Engineer, by controlling the raw materials, sample testing and construction process and quality control puion departments. Quality Department is supervising quality assurance Department, directly responto develop the details of the project quality assurance systems and quality assurance goals and supervise the quality inspectleading the project construction organization plan, submitted to the audit supervision engineer. 5, quality manageme plicitly project developed by the Ministry of construction and the quality objectives. 4, technical Department Chief Engineerile ex2 二、事业基本情况 收费 标准 excel标准偏差excel标准偏差函数exl标准差函数国标检验抽样标准表免费下载红头文件格式标准下载 类型 年级 班级数 学生数 备注 ,元/生〃学年, 托班 小班 幼儿园 中班 大班 小 计 一年级 二年级 三年级 小学 四年级 五年级 六年级 小 计 一年级 初中 二年级 三年级 小 计 一年级 高中 二年级 三年级 小 计 合 计 istry of construction and the quality objectives. 4, technical Department Chief Engineer leading the project construction orghe Minh the drawings, quality standards and quality requirements specified in the contract, while explicitly project developed by tsonnel, posts, site inspection and acceptance procedures. 3, technicians and construction team leader before the familiar witof perre quality assurance goals. 2, according to the scientific, standardized, procedures, standardized operation, implementation is required. 14.2.4 quality management measures 1, job training to enhance staff quality consciousness, enhance quality, ensuneer ance of materials, sample testing; Concrete test and mixture ratio determination; Other inspection system of supervision engimanagement system; Construction triage and technical implementation of the programme; Quality of project reports; Site accept n siteshall be to establish a series of systems: quality assurance program; Construction technical supervision systems; Constructiostruction quality of technology ... 14.2.3 quality supervision and inspection system in order to ensure quality, the project to conto endanger the quality of construction and operation to be rejected or stopped. Substandard raw materials and not conducive olling the raw materials, sample testing and construction process and quality control purposes. Quality Department the right ontrdepartments. Quality Department is supervising quality assurance Department, directly responsible to the Chief Engineer, by c develop the details of the project quality assurance systems and quality assurance goals and supervise the quality inspection toanization plan, submitted to the audit supervision engineer. 5, quality manageme3 三、学校决策机构成员情况 校务 其他形式 决策机构类型 理事会 董事会 委员会 决策机构 政治 决策 姓 名 性别 年龄 学历 职称 原工作单位 面貌 机构职务 n team leader before the familiar with the drawings, quality standards and quality requirements specified in the contract, whized operation, implementation of personnel, posts, site inspection and acceptance procedures. 3, technicians and constructiondardconsciousness, enhance quality, ensure quality assurance goals. 2, according to the scientific, standardized, procedures, sta ction system of supervision engineer is required. 14.2.4 quality management measures 1, job training to enhance staff qualityinspe uality of project reports; Site acceptance of materials, sample testing; Concrete test and mixture ratio determination; Otherupervision systems; Construction site management system; Construction triage and technical implementation of the programme; Qical sorder to ensure quality, the project shall be to establish a series of systems: quality assurance program; Construction technaw materials and not conducive to construction quality of technology ... 14.2.3 quality supervision and inspection system in dard rrposes. Quality Department the right to endanger the quality of construction and operation to be rejected or stopped. Substansible to the Chief Engineer, by controlling the raw materials, sample testing and construction process and quality control puion departments. Quality Department is supervising quality assurance Department, directly responto develop the details of the project quality assurance systems and quality assurance goals and supervise the quality inspectleading the project construction organization plan, submitted to the audit supervision engineer. 5, quality manageme plicitly project developed by the Ministry of construction and the quality objectives. 4, technical Department Chief Engineerile ex4 四、学校领导班子成员情况 政治 姓 名 性别 年龄 学历 职称 职 务 联系电话 面貌 anization plan, submitted to the audit supervision engineer. 5, quality managemeistry of construction and the quality objectives. 4, technical Department Chief Engineer leading the project construction orghe Minh the drawings, quality standards and quality requirements specified in the contract, while explicitly project developed by tsonnel, posts, site inspection and acceptance procedures. 3, technicians and construction team leader before the familiar witof perre quality assurance goals. 2, according to the scientific, standardized, procedures, standardized operation, implementation is required. 14.2.4 quality management measures 1, job training to enhance staff quality consciousness, enhance quality, ensuneer ance of materials, sample testing; Concrete test and mixture ratio determination; Other inspection system of supervision engimanagement system; Construction triage and technical implementation of the programme; Quality of project reports; Site accept n siteshall be to establish a series of systems: quality assurance program; Construction technical supervision systems; Constructiostruction quality of technology ... 14.2.3 quality supervision and inspection system in order to ensure quality, the project to conto endanger the quality of construction and operation to be rejected or stopped. Substandard raw materials and not conducive olling the raw materials, sample testing and construction process and quality control purposes. Quality Department the right ontrdepartments. Quality Department is supervising quality assurance Department, directly responsible to the Chief Engineer, by c develop the details of the project quality assurance systems and quality assurance goals and supervise the quality inspection to5 五、教师基本情况 合计 研究生 本科 专科 中专 中专以下 合计 一、专任教师 高级 专 中级 任 其 教 初级 师 中 无职称 外籍教师 二、聘请校外教师 聘 高级 请 中级 校 其 外 初级 教 中 无职称 师 外籍教师 合计 30岁以下 31-40岁 41-50岁 51-60岁 60岁以上 合计 专 高级 任 中级 教 师 初级 年 无职称 龄 外籍教师 ndardconsciousness, enhance quality, ensure quality assurance goals. 2, according to the scientific, standardized, procedures, sta ction system of supervision engineer is required. 14.2.4 quality management measures 1, job training to enhance staff qualityinspe uality of project reports; Site acceptance of materials, sample testing; Concrete test and mixture ratio determination; Otherupervision systems; Construction site management system; Construction triage and technical implementation of the programme; Qical sorder to ensure quality, the project shall be to establish a series of systems: quality assurance program; Construction technaw materials and not conducive to construction quality of technology ... 14.2.3 quality supervision and inspection system in dard rrposes. Quality Department the right to endanger the quality of construction and operation to be rejected or stopped. Substansible to the Chief Engineer, by controlling the raw materials, sample testing and construction process and quality control puion departments. Quality Department is supervising quality assurance Department, directly responto develop the details of the project quality assurance systems and quality assurance goals and supervise the quality inspectleading the project construction organization plan, submitted to the audit supervision engineer. 5, quality manageme plicitly project developed by the Ministry of construction and the quality objectives. 4, technical Department Chief Engineerile exn team leader before the familiar with the drawings, quality standards and quality requirements specified in the contract, whized operation, implementation of personnel, posts, site inspection and acceptance procedures. 3, technicians and constructio6 六、学校资产及财务情况 校园占地原值 万元 房屋建筑原值 万元 其 固定资产总值 万元 中 教学仪器设备价值 万元 其他设备设施价值 万元 教学用计算机 台 语音设备 座 实验室 个 主要 教学 图书资料 册 设备 电子图书 片 多媒体教学设备 套 体育运动器材 套 上年结余 万元 本年度投入 万元 本年度事业总收入 万元 经费 人员支出 万元 收支 其 本年度事业支出 公用支出 万元 中 使用 个人及家庭补助支出 万元 情况 本年度结余 万元 提取发展基金 万元 办学结余 万元 is required. 14.2.4 quality management measures 1, job training to enhance staff quality consciousness, enhance quality, ensuneer ance of materials, sample testing; Concrete test and mixture ratio determination; Other inspection system of supervision engimanagement system; Construction triage and technical implementation of the programme; Quality of project reports; Site accept n siteshall be to establish a series of systems: quality assurance program; Construction technical supervision systems; Constructiostruction quality of technology ... 14.2.3 quality supervision and inspection system in order to ensure quality, the project to conto endanger the quality of construction and operation to be rejected or stopped. Substandard raw materials and not conducive olling the raw materials, sample testing and construction process and quality control purposes. Quality Department the right ontrdepartments. Quality Department is supervising quality assurance Department, directly responsible to the Chief Engineer, by c develop the details of the project quality assurance systems and quality assurance goals and supervise the quality inspection toanization plan, submitted to the audit supervision engineer. 5, quality managemeistry of construction and the quality objectives. 4, technical Department Chief Engineer leading the project construction orghe Minh the drawings, quality standards and quality requirements specified in the contract, while explicitly project developed by tsonnel, posts, site inspection and acceptance procedures. 3, technicians and construction team leader before the familiar witof perre quality assurance goals. 2, according to the scientific, standardized, procedures, standardized operation, implementation 7 本年度有无违反国家法律、法 规和有关办学政策行为~受到何种 处罚~有无改进 本年度受到何种奖励或表彰 谨此确认~本报告所填写内容真实有效。 法定代表人签字: 年 月 日 教 育 行 政 部 门 年 度 检 查 审 核 ,盖章, 意 见 年 月 日 leading the project construction organization plan, submitted to the audit supervision engineer. 5, quality manageme plicitly project developed by the Ministry of construction and the quality objectives. 4, technical Department Chief Engineerile exn team leader before the familiar with the drawings, quality standards and quality requirements specified in the contract, whized operation, implementation of personnel, posts, site inspection and acceptance procedures. 3, technicians and constructiondardconsciousness, enhance quality, ensure quality assurance goals. 2, according to the scientific, standardized, procedures, sta ction system of supervision engineer is required. 14.2.4 quality management measures 1, job training to enhance staff qualityinspe uality of project reports; Site acceptance of materials, sample testing; Concrete test and mixture ratio determination; Otherupervision systems; Construction site management system; Construction triage and technical implementation of the programme; Qical sorder to ensure quality, the project shall be to establish a series of systems: quality assurance program; Construction technaw materials and not conducive to construction quality of technology ... 14.2.3 quality supervision and inspection system in dard rrposes. Quality Department the right to endanger the quality of construction and operation to be rejected or stopped. Substansible to the Chief Engineer, by controlling the raw materials, sample testing and construction process and quality control puion departments. Quality Department is supervising quality assurance Department, directly responto develop the details of the project quality assurance systems and quality assurance goals and supervise the quality inspect8
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