首页 汽车设计_王望予 机械工业出版社 课后答案

汽车设计_王望予 机械工业出版社 课后答案


汽车设计_王望予 机械工业出版社 课后答案汽车设计_王望予 机械工业出版社 课后答案 第一章 汽车总体设计 1-2:前置前驱优点:前桥轴荷大,有明显不足转向性能,越过障碍能力高,乘坐舒适性高,提高机动性,散热好,足够大行李箱空间,供暖效率高,操纵机构简单,整车m小,低制造难度 后置后驱优:隔离发动机气味热量,前部不受发动机噪声震动影响,检修发动机方便,轴荷分配合理,改善后部乘坐舒适性,大行李箱或低地板高度,传动轴长度短。 1-3:汽车的主要参数分几类,各类又含有哪些参数:汽车的主要参数分三类:尺寸参数, )尺寸参数:外廓尺寸、轴距、轮距、前悬、后悬、货...

汽车设计_王望予 机械工业出版社 课后答案
汽车设计_王望予 机械工业出版社 课后答案 第一章 汽车总体设计 1-2:前置前驱优点:前桥轴荷大,有明显不足转向性能,越过障碍能力高,乘坐舒适性高,提高机动性,散热好,足够大行李箱空间,供暖效率高,操纵机构简单,整车m小,低制造难度 后置后驱优:隔离发动机气味热量,前部不受发动机噪声震动影响,检修发动机方便,轴荷分配合理,改善后部乘坐舒适性,大行李箱或低地板高度,传动轴长度短。 1-3:汽车的主要参数分几类,各类又含有哪些参数:汽车的主要参数分三类:尺寸参数, )尺寸参数:外廓尺寸、轴距、轮距、前悬、后悬、货车车头长质量参数和汽车性能参数1 度和车厢尺寸。2)质量参数:整车整备质量、载客量、装载质量、质量系数、汽车总质量、轴荷分配。3)性能参数:(1) 动力性参数:最高车速、加速时间、上坡能力、比功率和比转距 (2) 燃油经济性参数(3) 汽车最小转弯直径(4) 通过性几何参数(5) 操纵稳定性参数(6) 制动性参数(7) 舒适性 1-6、具有两门两座和大功率发动机的运动型乘用车(跑车),不仅仅加速性好,速度又高,这种车有的将发动机布置在前轴和后桥之间。试分析这种发动机中置的布置MATCH_ word word文档格式规范word作业纸小票打印word模板word简历模板免费word简历 _1714681778196_0有哪些优点和缺点,(6分) 优点:(1)将发动机布置在前后轴之间,使整车轴荷分配合理; (2)这种布置方式,一般是后轮驱动,附着利用率高; (3)可使得汽车前部较低,迎风面积和风阻系数都较低; (4)汽车前部较低,驾驶员视野好 缺点:(1)发动机占用客舱空间,很难设计成四座车厢; (2)发动机进气和冷却效果差 第二章离合器设计 2-3后备系数β:反映离合器传递发动机最大转矩的可靠程度。 选择β的根据: 1)摩擦片摩损后, 离合器还能可靠地传扭矩 2)防止滑磨时间过长(摩擦片从转速不等到转速相等的滑磨过程) 3)防止传动系过载 4)操纵轻便 2-4膜片弹簧弹性特性有何特点,影响因素有那些,工作点最佳位置如何确定,答;膜片弹簧有较理想的非线形弹性特性,可兼压紧弹簧和分离杠杆的作用。结构简单,紧凑,轴向尺寸小,零件数目少,质量小;高速旋转时压紧力降低很少,性能较稳定,而圆柱螺旋弹簧压紧力降低明显;以整个圆周与压盘接触,压力分布均匀,摩擦片接触良好,磨损均匀;通风散热性能好,使用寿命长;与离合器中心线重合,平衡性好。影响因素有:制造工艺,制造成本,材质和尺寸精度。 2-5今有单片和双片离合器各一个,它们的摩擦衬片内外径尺寸相同,传递的最大转距Tmax也相同,操纵机构的传动比也一样,问作用到踏板上的力Ff是否也相等,如果不相等,哪个踏板上的力小,为什么,答:不相等。因双片离合器摩擦面数增加一倍,因而传递转距的能力较大,在传递相同转距的情况下,踏板力较小。 第三章 机械式变速器设计 3-1分析3-12所示变速器的结构特点是什么,有几个前进挡,包括倒档在内,分别说明各strengthen the supervision of the muck transport, prevent sediment pollution. Dead, six renovation shop business, Jeeves, outdoor advertising. Especially outside the shop management, Jeeves serious problems, and some put down the street as the freight yard, some stores are shed, shed have stalls stall parking vehicles and pedestrians are unable to move. This must make great efforts to solve, and resolutely remediation Street order. The key positions, key areas, to strengthen routine inspections at the same time, it is necessary to implement the responsibility, to send someone to defend, to prevent the rebound of refusing to obey the management of shop management, Zhandao business operators to strict penalties; the problem is serious, according to the law to revoke or suspend business license; to refuse to obey, must be resolutely banned according to law. To lawfully punish households Outside advertising, focusing on remediation without approval, old damaged, seriously affect the appearance and safety of advertising facilities, to ban illegal landingLight boxes, billboards and mobile billboards landing; shops along the street to do "one family, one" of the plaque, do tidy. The illegal posting and freely distribute small ads to be punished in accordance with the law, the communications company of the relevant departments to provide illegal small advertising telephone number must be firmly sealed, on the dissemination of illegal small advertising to encourage the public to report, and strive to achieve the prevention and treatment. 档的换档方式,那几个采用锁销式同步器换档,那几个档采用锁环式同步换档器,分析在同一变速器不同档位选不同结构同步器换档的优缺点,答:结构特点:档位多,改善了汽车的动力性和燃油经济性以及平均车速。工友5个前进档,换档方式有移动啮合套换档,同步器换档和直齿滑动齿轮换档。同步器换档能保证迅速,无冲击,无噪声,与操作技术和熟练程度无关,提高了汽车的加速性,燃油经济性和行驶安全性。结构复杂,制造精度要求高,轴 向尺寸大 3-2、为什么中间轴式变速器的中间轴上齿轮的螺旋方向一律要求取为右旋,而第一轴、第二轴上的斜齿轮螺旋方向取为左旋, 答:(1)斜齿轮传递转矩时,要产生轴向力并作用到轴承上。(2%) (2)在设计时,力求使中间轴上同时工作的两对齿轮产生的轴向力平衡,以减小轴承负荷,提高轴承寿命。(2%)3图为中间轴轴向力的平衡图(2%) (4) 中间轴上齿轮的螺旋方向取为右旋,而第一轴、第二轴上的斜齿轮螺旋方向取为左旋后,图中轴向力Fa1和Fa2可相互平衡,第一轴、第二轴上斜齿轮所产生的轴向力由箱体承担。(2%) 3-3为什么变速器的A对齿轮的接触强度有影响,并说明是如何影响的,答:中心距A是一个基本参数,其大小不仅对变速器的外型尺寸,体积和质量大小都有影响,而且对齿轮的接触强度有影响。中心距越小,齿轮的接触应力越大,齿轮寿命越短,最小允许中心距应当由保证齿轮有必要的接触强度来确定。 第四章 万向传动轴设计 4-2什么样的转速是转动轴的临界转速,影响临界转速的因素有那些,答:临界转速:当传动轴的工作转速接近于其弯曲固有振动频率时,即出现共振现象,以至振幅急剧增加而引起传动轴折断时的转速;影响因素有:传动轴的尺寸,结构及支撑情况等。 4-3说明要求十字轴向万象节连接的两轴夹角不宜过大的原因是什么,答:两轴间的夹角过大会增加附加弯距,从而引起与万向节相连零件的按区振动。在万向节主从动轴支承上引起周期性变化的径向载荷,从而激起支撑出的振动,使传动轴产生附加应力和变形从而降低传动轴的疲劳强度。为了控制附加弯距,应避免两轴间的夹角过大 第五章 驱动桥设计 5-1、主减速器设计 一、结构型式 按齿轮类型,减速形式和支承分类 2)双曲面齿轮优点:与弧齿锥齿轮比 A、尺寸相同时,双曲面齿轮传动比更大。 B、如传动比一定,从动齿轮尺寸相同,双曲主动齿轮直径大,齿轮强度高,齿轮轴和轴承的刚度大 i,iosolC、如,主动齿轮尺寸相同,双曲从动齿轮直径小??离地间隙。 strengthen the supervision of the muck transport, prevent sediment pollution. Dead, six renovation shop business, Jeeves, outdoor advertising. Especially outside the shop management, Jeeves serious problems, and some put down the street as the freight yard, some stores are shed, shed have stalls stall parking vehicles and pedestrians are unable to move. This must make great efforts to solve, and resolutely remediation Street order. The key positions, key areas, to strengthen routine inspections at the same time, it is necessary to implement the responsibility, to send someone to defend, to prevent the rebound of refusing to obey the management of shop management, Zhandao business operators to strict penalties; the problem is serious, according to the law to revoke or suspend business license; to refuse to obey, must be resolutely banned according to law. To lawfully punish households Outside advertising, focusing on remediation without approval, old damaged, seriously affect the appearance and safety of advertising facilities, to ban illegal landingLight boxes, billboards and mobile billboards landing; shops along the street to do "one family, one" of the plaque, do tidy. The illegal posting and freely distribute small ads to be punished in accordance with the law, the communications company of the relevant departments to provide illegal small advertising telephone number must be firmly sealed, on the dissemination of illegal small advertising to encourage the public to report, and strive to achieve the prevention and treatment. 汽车设计课后答案 Δ 其他优点: D、有沿齿长的纵向滑动,改善磨合,?运转平稳性 ,wE、啮合齿数多,重合度大,?传动平稳,?约30% ,jF、双曲主动齿轮直径及螺旋角大,相啮合齿的当量曲率半径大,? G、双曲主动齿轮β1大,不产生根切的最小可少 H、主动齿轮大,加工刀具寿命长 I、布置:主动轴在从动齿轮中心水平面下方:?万向节传动高度,?车身高度,?地板高。 主动轴在从动齿轮中心水平面上方:?离地高度(贯通式驱动桥) 3) 缺点 A、纵向滑动使损失?,η? B、抗胶合能力低,要特种润滑油 4)应用:广泛,i>4.5且尺寸限制时,双曲 i<2,弧齿锥齿轮 2 < i < 4.5,弧齿锥齿轮和双曲两均可 (三)主从动锥齿轮的支承方案 1、主动锥齿轮支承: 1)悬臂式(图5-14 a) A、结构特点: 、圆锥滚子轴承大端向外,(有时用圆柱滚子轴承) a b、为?支承刚度,两支承间的距离b应,2.5a(a为悬臂长度) c、轴颈d应?a d、左支承轴颈比右大 B、优缺:结构简单,刚度差 C、用:传递转矩小的 2)跨置式(图5-14 b) A、结构特点: a、两端均有支承(三个轴承)?刚度大,齿轮承载能力高 b、两圆锥滚子轴承距离小?主动齿轮轴长度?,可减少传动轴夹角,有利于总体布置 c、壳体需轴承座?壳体结构复杂,加工成本高 d、空间尺寸紧张? B、用:传递转矩大的 2、从动锥齿轮支承(图5-14 c) c,d1)圆锥滚子大端向内,?跨度 Dc,d22) ?70% 3) c?d ? 载荷平均分配 4) 大从动锥齿轮背设辅助支承销, 间隙0.25mm(图5-15) 5)齿轮受载变形或位移的许用偏移量(图5-16) 5-3 P162-P163 5-4 P170-P171 5-5 汽车为典型布置方案,驱动桥采用单级主减速器,且从动齿轮布置在左侧,如果将其移 strengthen the supervision of the muck transport, prevent sediment pollution. 3Dead, six renovation shop business, Jeeves, outdoor advertising. Especially outside the shop management, Jeeves serious problems, and some put down the street as the freight yard, some stores are shed, shed have stalls stall parking vehicles and pedestrians are unable to move. This must make great efforts to solve, and resolutely remediation Street order. The key positions, key areas, to strengthen routine inspections at the same time, it is necessary to implement the responsibility, to send someone to defend, to prevent the rebound of refusing to obey the management of shop management, Zhandao business operators to strict penalties; the problem is serious, according to the law to revoke or suspend business license; to refuse to obey, must be resolutely banned according to law. To lawfully punish households Outside advertising, focusing on remediation without approval, old damaged, seriously affect the appearance and safety of advertising facilities, to ban illegal landingLight boxes, billboards and mobile billboards landing; shops along the street to do "one family, one" of the plaque, do tidy. The illegal posting and freely distribute small ads to be punished in accordance with the law, the communications company of the relevant departments to provide illegal small advertising telephone number must be firmly sealed, on the dissemination of illegal small advertising to encourage the public to report, and strive to achieve the prevention and treatment. 到右侧,试问传动系的其他部分需要如何变动才能满足使用要求,为什么? 可将变速器由三轴改为二轴的,因为从动齿轮布置方向改变后,半轴的旋转方向将改变,若将变速器置于前进挡,车将倒行,三轴式变速器改变了发动机的输出转矩,所以改变变速器的形式即可,由三轴改为二轴的。 第六章 悬架设计 6-2、汽车悬架分非独立悬架和独立悬架两类,独立悬架又分为几种形式,它们各自有何优缺点, 答:(1)双横臂式 侧倾中心高度比较低,轮距变化小,轮胎磨损速度慢,占用较多的空间,结构稍复杂,前悬使用得较多。(1.5%) (2)单横臂式 侧倾中心高度比较高,轮距变化大,轮胎磨损速度快,占用较少的空间,结构简单,但目前使用较少。 (1.5%) (3)单纵臂式 侧倾中心高度比较低,轮距不变,几乎不占用高度空间,结构简单,成本低,但目前也使用较少。 (1.5%) (4)单斜臂式 侧倾中心高度居单横臂式和单纵臂式之间,轮距变化不大,几乎不占用高度空间,结构稍复杂,结构简单,成本低,但目前也使用较少。(1.5%) (5)麦弗逊式 侧倾中心高度比较高,轮距变化小,轮胎磨损速度慢,占用较小的空间,结构简单、紧凑、乘用车上用得较多。 (2%) 6-3 影响选取钢板长度,厚度,宽度及数量的因数有哪些,答:钢板弹簧长度指弹簧伸直后两卷耳中心之间的距离。在总布置可能的条件下,尽量将L取长些,乘用车L=(0。4-0。55)轴距;货车前悬架L=(0。26-0。35)轴距,后悬架L=(0。35-0。45)轴距。片厚h选取的影响因素有片数n,片宽b和总惯性矩J。影响因素总体来说包括满载静止时,汽车前后轴(桥)负荷G1,G2和簧下部分荷重Gu1,Gu2,悬架的静扰度fc和动扰度fd,轴距等。 6-4、以纵置钢板弹簧悬架为例说明轴转向效应。为什么后悬架采用钢板弹簧结构时,要求钢板弹簧的前铰接点比后铰接点要低些, 答: 轴转向效应是指前、后悬架均采用纵置钢板弹簧非独立悬架的汽车转向行驶时,内侧悬架处于减载而外侧悬架处于加载状态,于是内侧悬架缩短,外侧悬架因受压而伸长,结果与悬架固定连接的车轴的轴线相对汽车纵向中心线偏转一角度,对前轴,这种偏转使汽车不足转向趋势增加,对后桥,则增加了汽车过多转向趋势。(4%) 使后悬架钢板弹簧前铰接点(吊耳)比后铰接点(吊耳)低,是为了使后桥轴线的偏离不再使汽车具有过多转向的趋势。由于悬架钢板弹簧前铰接点(吊耳)比后铰接点(吊耳)低,所以悬架的瞬时运动中心位置降低,处于外侧悬架与车桥连接处的运动轨迹发生偏移。 6-5、解释为什么设计麦弗逊式悬架时,它的主销轴线、滑柱轴线和弹簧轴线三条线不在一条线上, 答:(1)、主销轴线与滑柱轴线不在一条线上的原因: Fab1 (c,b)(d,c)在对麦弗逊悬架受力分析中,作用在导向套上的横向力F3=,横向力越大,则作用在导向套上的摩擦力F3f越大,这对汽车平顺性有不良影响,为减小摩擦力,可通过strengthen the supervision of the muck transport, prevent sediment pollution. Dead, six renovation shop business, Jeeves, outdoor advertising. Especially outside the shop management, Jeeves serious problems, and some put down the street as the freight yard, some stores are shed, shed have stalls stall parking vehicles and pedestrians are unable to move. This must make great efforts to solve, and resolutely remediation Street order. The key positions, key areas, to strengthen routine inspections at the same time, it is necessary to implement the responsibility, to send someone to defend, to prevent the rebound of refusing to obey the management of shop management, Zhandao business operators to strict penalties; the problem is serious, according to the law to revoke or suspend business license; to refuse to obey, must be resolutely banned according to law. To lawfully punish households Outside advertising, focusing on remediation without approval, old damaged, seriously affect the appearance and safety of advertising facilities, to ban illegal landingLight boxes, billboards and mobile billboards landing; shops along the street to do "one family, one" of the plaque, do tidy. The illegal posting and freely distribute small ads to be punished in accordance with the law, the communications company of the relevant departments to provide illegal small advertising telephone number must be firmly sealed, on the dissemination of illegal small advertising to encourage the public to report, and strive to achieve the prevention and treatment. 汽车设计课后答案 减小F3,增大c+b时,将使悬架占用空间增加,在布置上有困难;若采用增加减振器轴线倾斜度的方法,可达到减小a的目的,但也存在布置困难的问题。因此,在保持减振器轴线不变的条件下,将图中(图6-49)的G点外伸至车轮内部,既可以达到缩短尺寸a的目的,又可获得较小的甚至是负的主销偏移距,提高制动稳定性,移动G点后的主销轴线不再与减振器轴线重合。(5%) (2)、弹簧轴线与减振器轴线在一条线上的原因:(3%) 为了发挥弹簧反力减小横向力F3的作用,有时还将弹簧下端布置得尽量靠近车轮,从而造成弹簧轴线成一角度。 6-6后悬架主、副簧刚度的分配 货车后悬架多采用有主、副簧结构的钢板弹簧。其悬架弹性特性曲线如图所示。载荷小时副簧不工作,载荷达到一定值时副簧与托架接触,开始与主簧共同工作。 如何确定副簧开始工作的载荷Fk和主、副簧之间的刚度分配,受悬架的弹性特性和主、副簧上载荷分配的影响。原则上,要求车身从空载到满载时的振动频率变化要小,以保证汽车有良好的平顺性,还要求副簧参加工作前、后的悬架振动频率变化不大。这两项要求不能同时满足。具体确定方法有两种:第一种方法是使副簧开始起作用时的悬架挠度fa等于汽车空载时悬架的挠度fo,而使副簧开始起作用前一瞬间的挠度fk等于满载时悬架的挠度fc。于是,可求得Fk= FoFw 。副簧、主簧的刚度比为ca/cm = λ ,1。λ=Fw/Fo 式中,ca为副簧刚度,cm为主簧刚度。优点:能保证在空、满载使用范围内悬架振动频率变化不大,但副簧接触托架前、后的振动频率变化比较大。 第二种方法是使副簧开始起作用时的载荷等于空载与满载时悬架载荷的平均值,即Fk=0.5(Fo+ Fw),并使和间的平均载荷对应的频率与和间平均载荷对应的频率相等,此时副簧与主簧的刚度比为 ca/cm =(2λ—2)/(λ+3) 优点:能保证副簧起作用前、后悬架振动频率变化不大。对于经常处于半载运输状态的车辆,采用此法较为合适。 由图6-49推导F3的等式: 由图a)对G点取矩得:F4(b+c)=F1a-----?;对O点取矩得,F4d=F3(d-c)-----?;有?? 得F3= 由图b)对G点取矩得:F4(b+c)=F1a-----?;F3(d-c)+F6s= F4d-------?;由??得 F3= 第七章 转向系设计 7-3什么是悬架转向器的正效率、逆效率及其分类。() 转向器的正效率:功率P从转向轴输入,经转向摇臂轴输出所求得的效率。 转向器的逆效率:功率p 从转向摇臂输入,经转向轴输出所求的效。 strengthen the supervision of the muck transport, prevent sediment pollution. 5Dead, six renovation shop business, Jeeves, outdoor advertising. Especially outside the shop management, Jeeves serious problems, and some put down the street as the freight yard, some stores are shed, shed have stalls stall parking vehicles and pedestrians are unable to move. This must make great efforts to solve, and resolutely remediation Street order. The key positions, key areas, to strengthen routine inspections at the same time, it is necessary to implement the responsibility, to send someone to defend, to prevent the rebound of refusing to obey the management of shop management, Zhandao business operators to strict penalties; the problem is serious, according to the law to revoke or suspend business license; to refuse to obey, must be resolutely banned according to law. To lawfully punish households Outside advertising, focusing on remediation without approval, old damaged, seriously affect the appearance and safety of advertising facilities, to ban illegal landingLight boxes, billboards and mobile billboards landing; shops along the street to do "one family, one" of the plaque, do tidy. The illegal posting and freely distribute small ads to be punished in accordance with the law, the communications company of the relevant departments to provide illegal small advertising telephone number must be firmly sealed, on the dissemination of illegal small advertising to encourage the public to report, and strive to achieve the prevention and treatment. 逆效率大小不同,转向器可分为可逆式、极限可逆式和不可逆式。 路面作用在车轮上的力,经过转向系可大部分传递到转向盘,这种效率较高的转向器属于可逆式。 车轮受到的冲击力不能传到转向盘的转向器称为不可逆式。 极限可逆式转向器介于上述两者之间,在车轮受到冲击力作用时,此力中有小部分传至转向盘。 2 转向系传动比 转向系的传动比包括转向系的角传动比wio和转向系的力传动比ip。 从轮胎接地面中心作用在两个轮上的合力2Fw与作用在转向盘上的手力Fh之比,称为力传动比。 转向盘角速度ωw与同侧转向节偏转角速度ωk之比,称为转向系角传动比iwo 转向系角传动比又由转向器角传动比iw和转向传动机构角传动比iw’组成。 转向盘角速度ωw与摇臂轴角速度之比ωp,称为转向器角传动比iw。 摇臂轴角速度ωp与同侧转向节偏转角速度ωk之比,称为转向传动机构的角传动比iw’。 3 转向器角传动比变化规律:增大角传动比可以增大力传动比,增大转向系的力传动比能减小作用在转向盘上的手力,使操纵轻便,但车轮的反映变得迟钝。 4 转向器角传动比的变化特性(了解) ?若转向轴负荷小,则在转向盘全转角范围内,驾驶员不存在转向沉重问题。装用动力转向的汽车,因转向阻力矩由动力装置克服,所以在上述两种情况下,均应取较小的转向器角传动比并能减少转向盘转动的总圈数,以提高汽车的机动能力。 ?转向轴荷大又没有装动力转向的汽车,因转向阻力矩大致与车轮偏转角度的大小成正比变化,汽车低速急转弯行驶时的操纵轻便性问题突出,故应选用大些的转向器角传动比。汽车的较高车速转向行驶时,转向轮转角较小,转向阻力矩也小,此时要求转向轮反应灵敏,转向器角传动比应当小些。因此,转向器角传动比变化曲线应选用大致呈中间小两端大些的下凹形曲线。如图。 ?3 转向系传动副传动间隔特性。 曲线1 关于同志近三年现实表现材料材料类招标技术评分表图表与交易pdf视力表打印pdf用图表说话 pdf 明转向器在磨损前的间隔变化特性,直线行驶时,为防止汽车失去稳定性,要求传动副的传动间隔在转向盘处于中间及其附近位置时要极小,最好无间隙。两侧有间隙,允许strengthen the supervision of the muck transport, prevent sediment pollution. Dead, six renovation shop business, Jeeves, outdoor advertising. Especially outside the shop management, Jeeves serious problems, and some put down the street as the freight yard, some stores are shed, shed have stalls stall parking vehicles and pedestrians are unable to move. This must make great efforts to solve, and resolutely remediation Street order. The key positions, key areas, to strengthen routine inspections at the same time, it is necessary to implement the responsibility, to send someone to defend, to prevent the rebound of refusing to obey the management of shop management, Zhandao business operators to strict penalties; the problem is serious, according to the law to revoke or suspend business license; to refuse to obey, must be resolutely banned according to law. To lawfully punish households Outside advertising, focusing on remediation without approval, old damaged, seriously affect the appearance and safety of advertising facilities, to ban illegal landingLight boxes, billboards and mobile billboards landing; shops along the street to do "one family, one" of the plaque, do tidy. The illegal posting and freely distribute small ads to be punished in accordance with the law, the communications company of the relevant departments to provide illegal small advertising telephone number must be firmly sealed, on the dissemination of illegal small advertising to encourage the public to report, and strive to achieve the prevention and treatment. 汽车设计课后答案 有最小量间隙而不影响灵敏度,原因在于回正力矩相互啮合,零件总在一端贴紧,曲线2表明使用并磨损后的间隙变化特性,并且在中间位置处已出现较大间隙,原因在于中间位置使用频繁,磨损快间隙大,无法保证稳定性。曲线3表明调整后并消除中间位置处间隙的转向器传动间隙变化特性,调整后易出现卡死现象,设计时应预先使传动副中部间隙最小,两端间隙较大,调整后不卡死。 strengthen the supervision of the muck transport, prevent sediment pollution. 7Dead, six renovation shop business, Jeeves, outdoor advertising. Especially outside the shop management, Jeeves serious problems, and some put down the street as the freight yard, some stores are shed, shed have stalls stall parking vehicles and pedestrians are unable to move. This must make great efforts to solve, and resolutely remediation Street order. The key positions, key areas, to strengthen routine inspections at the same time, it is necessary to implement the responsibility, to send someone to defend, to prevent the rebound of refusing to obey the management of shop management, Zhandao business operators to strict penalties; the problem is serious, according to the law to revoke or suspend business license; to refuse to obey, must be resolutely banned according to law. To lawfully punish households Outside advertising, focusing on remediation without approval, old damaged, seriously affect the appearance and safety of advertising facilities, to ban illegal landingLight boxes, billboards and mobile billboards landing; shops along the street to do "one family, one" of the plaque, do tidy. The illegal posting and freely distribute small ads to be punished in accordance with the law, the communications company of the relevant departments to provide illegal small advertising telephone number must be firmly sealed, on the dissemination of illegal small advertising to encourage the public to report, and strive to achieve the prevention and treatment.
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