首页 各种咖啡奶茶的做法



各种咖啡奶茶的做法各种咖啡奶茶的做法 各种咖啡的做法 1、维也纳咖啡 材料:咖啡,砂糖,奶油 做法:将3小匙咖啡砂糖或粗砂糖倒入杯中,然后注深煎炒的咖啡,再加入2大匙奶油浮在上面。在迷人的季节里享受舒服温和的咖啡:这种维也纳咖啡有着独特的喝法。不加搅拌,开始是凉奶油,感觉很舒服,然后喝到热咖啡,最后感觉出砂糖的甜味,有着三种不同的口感。 2、摩加咖啡 材料:巧克力糖浆,奶油,咖啡 做法:在杯中加入巧克力糖浆20毫升和很浓的深煎炒咖啡,搅拌均匀,加入1大匙奶油浮在上面,削一些巧克力末作装饰,最后再添加一些肉桂棒。 3、...

各种咖啡奶茶的做法 各种咖啡的做法 1、维也纳咖啡 材料:咖啡,砂糖,奶油 做法:将3小匙咖啡砂糖或粗砂糖倒入杯中,然后注深煎炒的咖啡,再加入2大匙奶油浮在上面。在迷人的季节里享受舒服温和的咖啡:这种维也纳咖啡有着独特的喝法。不加搅拌,开始是凉奶油,感觉很舒服,然后喝到热咖啡,最后感觉出砂糖的甜味,有着三种不同的口感。 2、摩加咖啡 材料:巧克力糖浆,奶油,咖啡 做法:在杯中加入巧克力糖浆20毫升和很浓的深煎炒咖啡,搅拌均匀,加入1大匙奶油浮在上面,削一些巧克力末作装饰,最后再添加一些肉桂棒。 3、加奶油块的咖啡 材料:咖啡,砂糖,奶油,柠檬汁(橙汁) 做法:把深煎炒的咖啡预先加热,倒入小咖啡杯里,加2小匙砂糖,再加1大匙奶油浮在上面,淋上柠檬汁或橙汁,用肉桂棒代替小匙插入杯中。 4、椰子汁?加奶油块咖啡 材料:椰子香精,咖啡,牛奶,奶油 做法:先在杯中滴上2滴椰子香精,注入深煎炒的咖啡和煮沸的牛奶60亳升,再加1匙奶油浮在上面,撒上一些熟椰子末作装饰即可。 5、摩加薄荷咖啡 材料:咖啡,薄荷,巧克力,奶油 做法:在杯中依次加入20克巧克力、深煎炒的咖啡、1小匙白薄荷,再加1大匙奶油浮在上面,削上一些巧克力末,最后装饰一片薄荷叶即成。 6、拿铁咖啡 材料:鲜奶适量 特浓咖啡适量 奶泡适量 做法:鲜奶倒入杯内四分满,打奶泡覆盖,最后由奶泡中间注入咖啡。 7、墨西哥冰咖啡 材料:甘露咖啡酒(KAHLUA)1/2OZ 糖浆1/2OZ 鲜奶1OZ咖啡适量 than ? 5mm; elevation deviation was less than ? 5mm work surface height difference is not more than 3mm on the one end to the other end; wrong tooth at the joint is less than 1mm. Side rail mounting: side rail installation take each side rail on two points. During the installation process, use tensioner to adjust the side rail. Side rail hole top center within the scope of the work is less than +2~-1mm, scope of work at a 4-to-2; wrong tooth less than 1mm at the joint work surface flatness 2mm lateral curvature RADIUS is less than ? 5mm sealing plate surface distortion is less than 1mm. Reinforcement process of adjustment is completed, in order to prevent tank deformation or displacement, welded tank side of the door, then welded reinforcing side, lap length is not less than 100mm. Door installation: the lintel the installation focuses on family Center sill plane distance h is less than ? 3mm; work surface flatness of less than 2mm; combination of surface dislocation is less than 0.5mm surface distortion is less than 1.5mm. Mode with the side rail. Grid slot bi-directional gate leaf on a car lift and lower grille blade adjustment is completed with pin connection, then try connecting rod. After you check the accessories complete the fastening, hanging out the bottom opening and closing test in still water as a whole. 8.2.3 tainter and hinge installation Setup: Pivot fixed bearing installation ? orbit stitching, alignment ? arm splicing, installation connected with the headstock ? ? ? welding door leaf side connecting plates welded, water seal installation ? clean, and wipe off. hinge installation and 做法:在杯中倒入浅煎炒的咖啡,再滴上2,3滴烧酒,最后将切成薄片的柠檬浮在上面。 8、马琪雅朵 Macciato 材料: 浓缩咖啡机制法:咖啡粉7公克 牛奶泡沫适量 一般咖啡制法:咖啡粉18公克 牛奶泡沫适量 做法:先将咖啡倒入杯中加上3,5大匙的奶泡(不加鲜奶),就是一杯Macciato 9、卡布其诺 Cappuccino 材料: 浓缩咖啡机制法:咖啡粉7公克 水量50cc 热牛奶50cc 牛奶泡沫适量 咖啡制法:咖啡粉18公克 水量120cc 等量热牛奶 牛奶泡沫适量 做法: 1. 准备打泡的热牛奶 2. 咖啡、热牛奶各半倒入杯内 3. 上面加满牛奶泡沫 10、土耳其咖啡 制作方法: 1. 将12g深烘焙的咖啡豆,与适量的肉桂或豆蔻等香料一起细磨。(视个人喜好而定,也可以不加) 2. 将上列细粉放入锅内,加水煮沸约二十秒。 3. 待咖啡渣沈淀在锅底,再轻轻地将上层澄清的咖啡倒出。 3. 其喝法可加柠檬或蜂蜜,也可以口中含著土耳其糖、奶油糖或巧克力等来喝咖啡,味道相当的特殊。 11、皇家咖啡: 制作方法: 1. 先冲泡出90cc热蓝山咖啡,倒入预热过的瓷杯中。 2. 将皇家汤匙(汤匙两端皆有精美花样的边或以稍浅的汤匙替代)横放在杯上,汤 匙上倒入白兰地并点火。 3. 将点燃之蓝色火焰的白兰地倒入杯子中,即可品尝。 12、魔力冰淇淋咖啡 than ? 5mm; elevation deviation was less than ? 5mm work surface height difference is not more than 3mm on the one end to the other end; wrong tooth at the joint is less than 1mm. Side rail mounting: side rail installation take each side rail on two points. During the installation process, use tensioner to adjust the side rail. Side rail hole top center within the scope of the work is less than +2~-1mm, scope of work at a 4-to-2; wrong tooth less than 1mm at the joint work surface flatness 2mm lateral curvature RADIUS is less than ? 5mm sealing plate surface distortion is less than 1mm. Reinforcement process of adjustment is completed, in order to prevent tank deformation or displacement, welded tank side of the door, then welded reinforcing side, lap length is not less than 100mm. Door installation: the lintel the installation focuses on family Center sill plane distance h is less than ? 3mm; work surface flatness of less than 2mm; combination of surface dislocation is less than 0.5mm surface distortion is less than 1.5mm. Mode with the side rail. Grid slot bi-directional gate leaf on a car lift and lower grille blade adjustment is completed with pin connection, then try connecting rod. After you check the accessories complete the fastening, hanging out the bottom opening and closing test in still water as a whole. 8.2.3 tainter and hinge installation Setup: Pivot fixed bearing installation ? orbit stitching, alignment ? arm splicing, installation connected with the headstock ? ? ? welding door leaf side connecting plates welded, water seal installation ? clean, and wipe off. hinge installation and 这一道充满创意与富有变化的神奇口味只属于年轻的你~在冰凉的香草冰淇淋上倒入意大利浓缩咖啡,再用巧克力酱在鲜奶油和冰淇淋上自由构图,魔力般水乳交融的冰品咖啡,只留芳香与清爽在你口中。 13、摩卡冰沙 材料: 1.冰咖啡(一人份) 2.香草冰淇淋三大匙 3.巧克力糖浆适量 4.碎冰块适量 5.发泡鲜奶油适量 做法: 1. 将适量冰块放入果汁机,再将无糖的冰咖啡倒入 2. 倒入约2大匙的巧克力糖浆 3. 再将香草冰淇淋加入,可增加甘甜风味,可依个人喜好增减 4. 再加些碎冰块,搅拌20,30秒 5. 倒入玻璃杯后,加入适量发泡鲜奶油及巧克力糖浆 13、苦冰咖啡 材料: 浓缩咖啡机制法:咖啡粉7公克 水量30cc 牛奶 120cc 冰块适量 糖浆适量 一般咖啡制法:咖啡粉30公克 水量120cc 牛奶 120cc 冰块适量 糖浆适量 制作方法: 1. 在牛奶里加入糖浆,倒入杯中 2. 将冰块放入杯中 3. 慢慢将咖啡倒入,形成美丽的红白二层 14、鸳鸯冰咖啡 材料: 冰红茶半杯 冰咖啡半杯 炼乳适量 制作方法: 1. 将冰红茶与冰咖啡各半混合置於一杯 2. 饮用时以炼孔调节甜度 than ? 5mm; elevation deviation was less than ? 5mm work surface height difference is not more than 3mm on the one end to the other end; wrong tooth at the joint is less than 1mm. Side rail mounting: side rail installation take each side rail on two points. During the installation process, use tensioner to adjust the side rail. Side rail hole top center within the scope of the work is less than +2~-1mm, scope of work at a 4-to-2; wrong tooth less than 1mm at the joint work surface flatness 2mm lateral curvature RADIUS is less than ? 5mm sealing plate surface distortion is less than 1mm. Reinforcement process of adjustment is completed, in order to prevent tank deformation or displacement, welded tank side of the door, then welded reinforcing side, lap length is not less than 100mm. Door installation: the lintel the installation focuses on family Center sill plane distance h is less than ? 3mm; work surface flatness of less than 2mm; combination of surface dislocation is less than 0.5mm surface distortion is less than 1.5mm. Mode with the side rail. Grid slot bi-directional gate leaf on a car lift and lower grille blade adjustment is completed with pin connection, then try connecting rod. After you check the accessories complete the fastening, hanging out the bottom opening and closing test in still water as a whole. 8.2.3 tainter and hinge installation Setup: Pivot fixed bearing installation ? orbit stitching, alignment ? arm splicing, installation connected with the headstock ? ? ? welding door leaf side connecting plates welded, water seal installation ? clean, and wipe off. hinge installation and P.S.喜好热饮的朋友,将红茶和咖啡改为热的即可 8种冰激凌圣代的制作方法 指南:1、什锦水果罐头:在一般的超市就有 2、冰激凌球:买盒装的冰激凌,用勺子掏一块就行 3、棉花糖:必须是小正方体的棉花糖 4、巧克力少司:液体的巧克力 5、奶油:就是西饼屋做蛋糕用的,MS比较难买, 6、华夫饼干:要?形状的饼干,底边嵌在冰激凌球上,所有的棉花糖都要撒在冰激凌上。 1、夏威夷圣代 材料:什锦水果罐头一个,菠萝一个,香草冰激凌1大勺,奶油少许,红、绿、黑樱桃数个,嫩生菜叶适量。 将3大勺什锦水果丁放在高脚杯里,取一大勺香草冰激凌放在水果丁上,菠萝去皮后切片,取4片放在冰激凌四周,用奶油挤花样,将各种樱桃摆在奶油上,用嫩生菜叶装饰——完成 2、草莓圣代 材料:什锦水果罐头一个,草莓冰激凌1大勺,新鲜草莓7个,棉花糖少许,奶油适量。 将3大勺什锦水果丁放在高脚杯里,取一大勺草莓冰激凌放在水果丁上,用奶油挤花样,将草莓摆放在奶油旁,加入少许棉花糖——完成 3、西红柿圣代 材料:什锦水果罐头一个,香草冰激凌1大勺,小西红柿8个,绿樱桃一个,巧克力少司少许 将3大勺什锦水果丁放在高脚杯里,取一大勺香草冰激凌放在水果丁上,用奶油挤花样,摆上小西红柿,顶上放个绿樱桃,淋上少许巧克力少司——完成 4、黑枣圣代 材料:什锦水果罐头一个,香草冰激凌1大勺,黑枣10个,奶油适量,巧克力少司少许,棉花糖少许,红樱桃1个,嫩生菜叶适量 than ? 5mm; elevation deviation was less than ? 5mm work surface height difference is not more than 3mm on the one end to the other end; wrong tooth at the joint is less than 1mm. Side rail mounting: side rail installation take each side rail on two points. During the installation process, use tensioner to adjust the side rail. Side rail hole top center within the scope of the work is less than +2~-1mm, scope of work at a 4-to-2; wrong tooth less than 1mm at the joint work surface flatness 2mm lateral curvature RADIUS is less than ? 5mm sealing plate surface distortion is less than 1mm. Reinforcement process of adjustment is completed, in order to prevent tank deformation or displacement, welded tank side of the door, then welded reinforcing side, lap length is not less than 100mm. Door installation: the lintel the installation focuses on family Center sill plane distance h is less than ? 3mm; work surface flatness of less than 2mm; combination of surface dislocation is less than 0.5mm surface distortion is less than 1.5mm. Mode with the side rail. Grid slot bi-directional gate leaf on a car lift and lower grille blade adjustment is completed with pin connection, then try connecting rod. After you check the accessories complete the fastening, hanging out the bottom opening and closing test in still water as a whole. 8.2.3 tainter and hinge installation Setup: Pivot fixed bearing installation ? orbit stitching, alignment ? arm splicing, installation connected with the headstock ? ? ? welding door leaf side connecting plates welded, water seal installation ? clean, and wipe off. hinge installation and 将3大勺什锦水果丁放在高脚杯里,取一大勺香草冰激凌放在水果丁上,用奶油挤花样,把黑枣摆在奶油周围,将红樱桃放在奶油顶端,淋上巧克力少司,加上棉花糖,摆一圈嫩生菜叶——完成 5、樱桃圣代 材料:什锦水果罐头一个,香草冰激凌1大勺,红樱桃9个,绿樱桃一个,棉花糖少许,奶油适量,巧克力少司少许 将3大勺什锦水果丁放在高脚杯里,取一大勺香草冰激凌放在水果丁上,用奶油挤花样,顶端1个红樱桃,绿樱桃围一圈,加入少许棉花糖,淋巧克力少司——完成 6、巧克力圣代 材料:什锦水果罐头一个,巧克力冰激凌1大勺,华夫饼干4块,红樱桃3个,棉花糖少许,巧克力少司适量 将3大勺什锦水果丁放在高脚杯里,加入1大勺巧克力冰激凌,把华夫饼干摆在四周,用奶油挤花样,在顶端摆上红樱桃,加入棉花糖少许,淋巧克力少司——完成 7、水蜜桃圣代 材料:水蜜桃罐头一个,香草冰激凌1大勺,红樱桃4个,绿樱桃1个,棉花糖少许,奶油和杏仁片适量 取2块水蜜桃切成丁放入高脚杯里,加入一大勺香草冰激凌,再取1块水蜜桃切成4小块,摆在冰激凌4周,用奶油挤花样,四周摆上红樱桃,顶端放上绿樱桃,撒上杏仁片,在加入棉花糖少许——完成 8、黑森林酋长 材料:巧克力冰激凌1大勺,西瓜丁适量(自己切),华夫饼干2块,黑樱桃2个,红樱桃1个,葡萄干适量,奶油少许 西瓜丁放入杯中,放入一大勺巧克力冰激凌,把华夫饼干摆在冰激凌两侧,用奶油挤花样,把红黑樱桃放在奶油上,撒上葡萄干,所有东西和一起即可 各种养颜奶茶的做法 既有牛奶的香浓,又有红茶的甘醇,还有桂花、玫瑰花的柔美清新。于是香气有了内涵,滋味有了厚度,这就是奶茶的魅力所在,想不爱都难~ than ? 5mm; elevation deviation was less than ? 5mm work surface height difference is not more than 3mm on the one end to the other end; wrong tooth at the joint is less than 1mm. Side rail mounting: side rail installation take each side rail on two points. During the installation process, use tensioner to adjust the side rail. Side rail hole top center within the scope of the work is less than +2~-1mm, scope of work at a 4-to-2; wrong tooth less than 1mm at the joint work surface flatness 2mm lateral curvature RADIUS is less than ? 5mm sealing plate surface distortion is less than 1mm. Reinforcement process of adjustment is completed, in order to prevent tank deformation or displacement, welded tank side of the door, then welded reinforcing side, lap length is not less than 100mm. Door installation: the lintel the installation focuses on family Center sill plane distance h is less than ? 3mm; work surface flatness of less than 2mm; combination of surface dislocation is less than 0.5mm surface distortion is less than 1.5mm. Mode with the side rail. Grid slot bi-directional gate leaf on a car lift and lower grille blade adjustment is completed with pin connection, then try connecting rod. After you check the accessories complete the fastening, hanging out the bottom opening and closing test in still water as a whole. 8.2.3 tainter and hinge installation Setup: Pivot fixed bearing installation ? orbit stitching, alignment ? arm splicing, installation connected with the headstock ? ? ? welding door leaf side connecting plates welded, water seal installation ? clean, and wipe off. hinge installation and ?西米奶茶 原料:红茶一包,西米1/2杯,牛奶适量。 做法: 1.先将西米浸透,放入滚水中边搅拌边煮直至透明,隔去水分待用。 2.将牛奶在壶中煮热后,加入红茶浸泡。 3.将泡好的奶茶放入茶杯,然后加入煮熟的西米,饮用时搅拌均匀即可。 GH小语:加了西米的奶茶颇有珍珠奶茶的效果,只是“珍珠”的颗粒小了些。 ?桂花奶茶 原料:红茶一包,桂花1茶匙,牛奶100毫升,冰糖、水适量。 做法: 1.先将桂花和红茶包放在壶中,用热水冲开。 2.加入冰糖和牛奶,搅拌均匀即可。 GH小语:这款奶茶香气四溢,还没饮用已经醉了。何况桂花还具有止咳化痰、养颜美容的功效呢。 ?姜汁奶茶 原料:牛奶150毫升,生姜、白糖适量。 做法: 1.把姜切成碎末,倒入杯中。 2.将牛奶煮至80?,倒入杯中,浸泡一段时间,待姜的味道散发出来,加适量白糖调匀即可。 GH小语:牛奶中透着淡淡的辛辣味道,品过之后,清新提神。自己根据口味调整姜末的多少。 ?玫瑰奶茶 原料:红茶一包、玫瑰花5克、蜂蜜适量、牛奶适量。 做法: 1.将红茶包与玫瑰花放入壶中,加适量热水冲开。 2.当红茶和玫瑰花泡开后,加入适量蜂蜜。 3.最后根据自己的口味加入适量牛奶调匀饮用。 GH小语:玫瑰奶茶有舒缓压力的作用,另外牛奶可以用奶粉代替,口味略有不同。 than ? 5mm; elevation deviation was less than ? 5mm work surface height difference is not more than 3mm on the one end to the other end; wrong tooth at the joint is less than 1mm. Side rail mounting: side rail installation take each side rail on two points. During the installation process, use tensioner to adjust the side rail. Side rail hole top center within the scope of the work is less than +2~-1mm, scope of work at a 4-to-2; wrong tooth less than 1mm at the joint work surface flatness 2mm lateral curvature RADIUS is less than ? 5mm sealing plate surface distortion is less than 1mm. Reinforcement process of adjustment is completed, in order to prevent tank deformation or displacement, welded tank side of the door, then welded reinforcing side, lap length is not less than 100mm. Door installation: the lintel the installation focuses on family Center sill plane distance h is less than ? 3mm; work surface flatness of less than 2mm; combination of surface dislocation is less than 0.5mm surface distortion is less than 1.5mm. Mode with the side rail. Grid slot bi-directional gate leaf on a car lift and lower grille blade adjustment is completed with pin connection, then try connecting rod. After you check the accessories complete the fastening, hanging out the bottom opening and closing test in still water as a whole. 8.2.3 tainter and hinge installation Setup: Pivot fixed bearing installation ? orbit stitching, alignment ? arm splicing, installation connected with the headstock ? ? ? welding door leaf side connecting plates welded, water seal installation ? clean, and wipe off. hinge installation and than ? 5mm; elevation deviation was less than ? 5mm work surface height difference is not more than 3mm on the one end to the other end; wrong tooth at the joint is less than 1mm. Side rail mounting: side rail installation take each side rail on two points. During the installation process, use tensioner to adjust the side rail. Side rail hole top center within the scope of the work is less than +2~-1mm, scope of work at a 4-to-2; wrong tooth less than 1mm at the joint work surface flatness 2mm lateral curvature RADIUS is less than ? 5mm sealing plate surface distortion is less than 1mm. Reinforcement process of adjustment is completed, in order to prevent tank deformation or displacement, welded tank side of the door, then welded reinforcing side, lap length is not less than 100mm. Door installation: the lintel the installation focuses on family Center sill plane distance h is less than ? 3mm; work surface flatness of less than 2mm; combination of surface dislocation is less than 0.5mm surface distortion is less than 1.5mm. Mode with the side rail. Grid slot bi-directional gate leaf on a car lift and lower grille blade adjustment is completed with pin connection, then try connecting rod. After you check the accessories complete the fastening, hanging out the bottom opening and closing test in still water as a whole. 8.2.3 tainter and hinge installation Setup: Pivot fixed bearing installation ? orbit stitching, alignment ? arm splicing, installation connected with the headstock ? ? ? welding door leaf side connecting plates welded, water seal installation ? clean, and wipe off. hinge installation and
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